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Preface and Overview of Lumigrate's and My History with Medical Models
Lumigrate's development began in early 2007, as a concept that had to develop and find it's roots. read more »
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Geoengineering is a very complex topic, but it came be simplified to be looked at as "Chems 'n' EMs". The chemicals involved are numerous and varied. The ways of getting the chems into the air are numerous and varied. And the electromagnetics involved to influence the chems are numerous and varied. AND they change all the time, so it gets even harder to know all the details. read more »
- 17717 reads
Lifestyle has so much to do with wellness. Activities you do. What you eat and drink. Everything you are doing is affecting YOU (being body, mind and spirit). read more »
Cleanse your body from toxins absorbed through diet and environment, and start feeling healthy and refreshed. read more »
- 2812 reads
The FallOut from Fireworks - What Do YOU Think and Choose to Do? Leadership changes with YOUR input!
I read in the paper today that Colorado National Monument, which is my 'back yard National Park Service playground', is celebrating being a National Park Service site for 100 years in 2011 by ushering in the new year with a fireworks display. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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This is Mariluz Fontanez, cosmetologist and your new beauty health advisor here on Lumigrate. I am delighted to have been invited to write in this forum. As a professional makeup & hair stylist, I've dedicated over 14 years of my life polishing and mastering makeup artistry and hair design. I like to describe my style as "avant garde", cutting edge, innovative and creative. Always trying to reinvent myself as an artist and offer my clients the latest techniques and products in the market. read more »
- 2310 reads
Hello forum members,
Mardy, thank you for asking me to post the link here to the full hour podcast on Naturopathic Medicine, CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome which I did with Cinda Crawford recently. In it, I refer to detoxification and cleansing (as well as strategies to reduce the burden on the body by eating healthFULLy). To listen, click here read more »
If You Are What You Eat -- Would You Be Healthy?
I asked the questions "If you are what you eat, what would you be?" and "what would you ideally be" in order to make people think about if they're eating the way they want to be. As information goes forward, there seems to be an impossible amount to keep up with about food. I feel proud that I finally remember which oils are the ones that are recommended for cooking. Part of having a compromised memory as I do is that I maybe see how to simplify things for people. However, to do that myself is cumbersome and in some regards 'over my head'. < read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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Sunlight Sauna featured on Oprah show
Sunlight Sauna is a product often mentioned by Dr. Christopher Lepisto as part of his Detoxification and Cleansing seminars. Sunlight's sauna products are going to be featured on an episode of the Oprah Winfrey show on Tuesday, March 24, 2009.
Here is an announcement from Sunlight Sauna about the event: read more »
- 5377 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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