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Marty Ross, MD is a Seattle, Washington (USA) physician focusing on treating Lyme disease and the related disorders. He is a very clear speaker, he anunciates well, and appears as mentally prepared for outlining what he is presenting, so it's 'seamless' to learn from his videos. read more »
- 11484 reads
Cleanse your body from toxins absorbed through diet and environment, and start feeling healthy and refreshed. read more »
- 2795 reads
How common is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / CFS? read more »
I am interested in this topic because of my son's personal health journey. We were drinking well water from before he was born through his third year. His pediatrician prescribed fluoride drops, and the ground water in our area was also naturally high in both fluoride and copper. At 18 months, he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. A few years later, he was diagnosed with Hashimotos' thyroiditis. His adrenals were also malfunctioning, resulting in a hyper-sensitive flight or fight reaction. read more »
- 2222 reads
The gastro-intestinal 'terrain' is critical for health as it is important for the body-wide detoxification process. We have found that using Immuno Dophilus and Immuno FOS to re-establish the gastro-intestinal “terrain” helps our patients by reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, and allowing for body-wide detoxification. read more »
- 3472 reads
9/11, Gulf War Syndrome, Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue/MCS/PTSD; Commonalities and Commiseration Respectfully
It struck me, when watching a show on CNN about the women of 9/11 over Labor Day weekend, as the 10th anniversary of "9/11" approaches, the similarities between the stories they were showing of people who had been responders at the site and "well / healthy" at the time, who now have chronic illness, and the people I 'serve' through Lumigrate -- our YOUsers. My work as an occupational therapist for over a decade of hands-on experience, my years of being involved in communities and circles of people I know personally, and most recently the inter read more »
- 29515 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
Commercial Warning I wrote this article for my own website... read more »
- 1418 reads
We are all exposed to toxins in our daily lives... those toxins contribute greatly to all chronic diseases- whether they are the main cause or not. It is so important to be aware, but not scared, and take simple steps to avoid these toxins.
A new book has been published that should find it’s place in every home across the world. read more »
- 3179 reads
The FallOut from Fireworks - What Do YOU Think and Choose to Do? Leadership changes with YOUR input!
I read in the paper today that Colorado National Monument, which is my 'back yard National Park Service playground', is celebrating being a National Park Service site for 100 years in 2011 by ushering in the new year with a fireworks display. read more »
- 3600 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
- 1 comment
I thought I'd share here the information that came out from Deirdre Rawlings' website related to the free teleseminar this week, so YOU can register and listen then or get the information about how to listen later. It loses it's nice formatting when I copy it, so what you'll get is really very appealing looking. read more »
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