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heavy metals
When it comes to Chems 'n' EMs, do you dare tell your provider or ask about geoengineering? Maybe. Maybe not. Here's a Tool to Help You .... and Them ... It's important to realize that people have different ways of taking in new information that is changing their paradigm about how the world works. read more »
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I have never heard/read so many people having troubles "dealing with" what is going around them; there are a lot of 'crazy' things going on and it seems to have seeped into every crack in the complex framework of America (and beyond). I've gotten good reaction so far in my half-joking suggestion that I create an area of my business that's for people who want to just throw in the towel and eat, drink, and be as merry as possible for as short a time as possible because it's so difficult to be on planet Earth right now. read more »
Lifestyle has so much to do with wellness. Activities you do. What you eat and drink. Everything you are doing is affecting YOU (being body, mind and spirit). read more »
Cleanse your body from toxins absorbed through diet and environment, and start feeling healthy and refreshed. read more »
- 2795 reads
I wanted to post a conversation I had back/forth on the Lumigrate:Fibromyalgia Facebook page today (removing identifying information such as name) which was the result of a link I posted of the NEW piece posted last night from a chiropractor in my 'home' town of Grand Junction, Colorado related to drinking water having flouride added to it or not -- quite a debate in the general sector and not at all debated in the alternative/conventional medicine world, which is naturally what 'is about' is functional medicine -- find the underlying CAUSE of illness and remove the reaso read more »
The FallOut from Fireworks - What Do YOU Think and Choose to Do? Leadership changes with YOUR input!
I read in the paper today that Colorado National Monument, which is my 'back yard National Park Service playground', is celebrating being a National Park Service site for 100 years in 2011 by ushering in the new year with a fireworks display. read more »
- 3600 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
- 1 comment
What YOU and I Can Do to Reduce Toxins - Stop Watching Fireworks!????
Susie Collins has a most interesting online community about multiple chemical sensitivity called 'The Canary Report'. I have always LOVED that title because I have always said that I've felt like I am virtually like a canary in a cage, or was when my symptoms were worse. (To use the Full Barrel Syndrome analogy, my barrel has gotten emptied in recent years so I'm not as sensitive as I used to be, but anything I used to be sensitive to, I still avoid as I know it's a toxin and my body is just able to compensate now, as hopefully all healthier people do... BUT..... read more »
- 1672 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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In the first year of being on the Internet, the Your Story 'topic' within the general Fibromyalgia Forum, where I initially placed it on the 2009 Fibromyalgia Awareness Day due to so many people wanting to share their stories, had over 800 reads! Considering I've intentionally kept the people who know about Lumigrate kind of 'to ourselves' in order to provide time for close friendships of other people with it and networks professionally to develop, that let me know that it's an area that is deserving of it's own Forum. For 2010's Awareness, we'll hope to 'open read more »
Food Allergies by Dr. Christopher Lepisto
Mardy's Thoughts: Many of the health problems people face today are actually caused by a food allergy or food sensitivity from foods they are often times unaware, because the reaction in their body is a delayed-onset IgG reaction (immunoglobulin G). IgG reaction can take up to a day or longer to manifest symptoms, so it is very difficult to see the cause/effect relationship. read more »
What do I get with my purchase?
Video Download
If you purchase a video download, you will receive a high-quality video of the seminar which can be played directly on your computer. The video is provided in three formats: MPEG-4 (.mp4 file), Apple QuickTime (.mov file), and Windows Media Player (.wmv file). If you do not have a program on your computer that automatically plays media files, you will need to download one of the following:
- VLC Media Player (will play media of all formats)
- Winamp
- Apple QuickTime
- Windows Media Player
You will also receive as part of your download a PDF file of the presentation slides, and various supporting documents such as checklists, recommendations, and guides. The supporting documents are typically about 25 pages of additional content. To view these documents you must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download it by clicking here.
If you order a DVD, you will receive a packet including the DVD disc, presentation slides, and related documents. The entire content is three-hole punched so you can place it in a binder and start your collection! It is our goal to have DVDs to you very rapidly, but they are a special order item so timelines vary.
- 4412 reads
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