Chems 'n' EMs: Do You Dare Tell Your Provider or Ask About Geoengineering? Do you Dare Say it Out Loud to Anyone?

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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When it comes to Chems 'n' EMs, do you dare tell your provider or ask about geoengineering? Maybe. Maybe not. Here's a Tool to Help You .... and Them ...  It's important to realize that people have different ways of taking in new information that is changing their paradigm about how the world works.

Editing this 22 months after creating it, in July of 2015, I have to remark about how much more I've learned, how much clearer this whole subject has become to me yet still is mind boggling. I've come to find out that this is an area that mainstream medicine was actually aware of, at the higher up levels at least. And in the two years since I was trying my best to absorb what I could and get something on Lumigrate for our YOUsers, and stay on the cutting edge, so many people have reported talking openly with their doctors about these things and had good outcomes. Others have had not good outcomes -- providers are just like anyone, they vary in terms of 1) if they're aware and 2) if they've put in time to study and 3) if their brains are such that they can take in information that's not provided by 'official sources' or not.  

Some are simply not going to believe anything unless someone official tells them. My father was one like that, and his health suffered for it. He was a deeply mind controlled person, and who knows what all contributed to that --- private school education, public school, the military ..... his genetics. He was somewhat autistic-like, and I've seen reactions from people who appear to me to have more than less autistic characteristics (I think 'everyone' has some degree or another of the 'stuff' that creates autism in more extreme cases). So I hope this topic will continue to help people who find it. We're clearly in disclosure, I call it jokingly a passive aggressive disclosure process. Read on, see the comments I'll be adding on here, below. 

Think about people you've known over the years and medical issues: Have you ever known someone who doesn't get routine screenings for cancer because they're afraid of finding out they have cancer? I have. Have you ever known people who have said 'wow, I have something suspicous here' and they immediately pick up the phone and make an appointment? That happens less often but it happens. And everyone is somewhere in between. 

If you are a person who has become aware of, and believes that geoengineering is part of our reality today around the world, and you are concerned for your and perhaps others' wellness (human or otherwise), and you are looking to providers to be your 'advisors' about this subject, do you talk with them about it? 

At Lumigrate, our foundational concept is that YOU, the consumer/patient, are the most important and central part of your medical team. You are basically hiring advisors to help you with your help. That might mean a doctor of dental surgery (DDS), a patient advocate, a naturopathic doctor, a chiropractic doctor as well as the more widely-known providers such as medical and osteopathic doctors, physical therapists (my degree is in occupational therapy and I had a dozen years experience before creating Lumigrate and providing a complement of educational materials while being the 'concierge' to help people find the information and providers they're seeking.
So I have a team around me as a patient, and I have now explained geoengineering to my OD (eye doctor), MD (medical doctor), DO (doctor of osteopathy), holistic dentist, compounding pharmacist, NP (nurse practitioner, she prescribes the bioidentical hormones and pharmalogic thyroid medication I take). YOU have a team too! In this article I want to provide one significant topic that might allow YOU to better understand the basics of geoengineering and have a resource to provide (or not) to the experts on your team. You'll see why their hands might be tied. Or you might meet resistance. OR you might be providing something they might not outwardly appreciate but they might end up looking through and getting benefit from, though you might never know the outcome.
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I'm hoping this article is one that people will find and utilize to help educate their providers. If you look at the model's "You-sers" have as their guidepost and is our foundational concept, you can see that the patient is in the middle and therefore has to connect the information from different providers. It also implies that the patient is equally the source of information to give to the provider, which is different from the old allopathic model that is dying on the vine right now, where the established medical sources educate the providers and then they provide the education to the patients.
It was very liberating when the laws preventing drug manufacturers from advertising where the public is the recipient audience. And any time a system changes, it's like a mobile hanging above a baby's crib or playpen having a change -- things bobble and get wonky for a while and then things eventually stabilize, but the mobile is always different after the change. 
So I will plant the seed of suggestion: Print (or email or share the link for) and those reading might not know anything about me. So I will provide that at the bottom for those who wish to read it as well. 
Whether you are a provider or a consumer and you're seeing this and thinking "I'm busy, I'm overwhelmed, I have so much to do, this had better be quick and easy", I suggest you RIGHT NOW take fifteen seconds to STOP and PAUSE and TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Maybe more than one........... This isn't going to be easy for some. But I'll try to make it so it'll go down easy. 
I am going to make this article as short as possible to give you an overview, and you'll see that it's not short! It's always wise to have an 'elevator speech' version of anything, which means you can explain it while in the elevator talking with someone you've just met. So this is my personal elevator speech about geoengineering, perhaps you'll be able to improve upon it for your own uses:
I hope I can explain this well in a short bit of time. I'll talk fast. Geoengineering used to be called chemtrails by the public, and that aspect is more formally called 'stratospheric aerosol engineering'. I like to call it 'Chems 'n' EMs', as it's an interplay of people who are operating in secret, not wanting us to know they're doing it, using incredibly advanced technologies we're also not aware of --  but there are patents people have found for various aspects of it. It uses very small particles such as heavy metals, and electromagnetic frequency technologies.
It's in a mainstream media blackout, so if people still believe that the news is really what's going on in the world, then they're not likely to believe someone who talks about it. So people who talk about it are kind of like 'coming out of the closet' risk-takers! 
The people involved are believed to be the military/industrial complex, which includes the medical industries, and they have incredible amounts of money and power and influence, obviously .... so they have set up a lot of strategies to keep people confused if they turn to the Internet to look it up using the commonly-known keywords. This is what happened to me in 2011 and 2012 when I was 'noticing' things that seemed unusual and not natural about the skies.
I was also having health effects that baffled my providers and me. I'm glad I woke up about it, but it's been really hard to come to terms with. It's not for sissies, learning about it. And you'll find it is today as divisive as politics and religion have been. Want to know more? I'd be happy to talk later if you want to contact me. Basically it's a big step up in having things in our environment that have negative impacts on people and
other beings, if we don't do some things to offset it.
I'd say 'eat your Wheaties' but I think wheat's part of the things that harm people so eat your beet-ies.  Keep your sunny side up and have a GRATE day!  And notice that I was not wearing a 'tin hat', but be aware that there are many out there who will make you think I am needing one. Because they want you to think they're right and the millions who are marching and active around the world about this are ---- 'crazy'. 
Ideally, an elevator speech should take 45 seconds at the most. So maybe you can get it down to that. The reality is, this is not 'sound bit stuff', and is something that people have been studying for a long time and they still studying -- becuase geoengineering is something that continues to change in it's methods and so it requires those studying it to continue as well. Just like 'modern medicine' keeps evolving and morphing, so does geoengineering. Science and the incredible things we can do with it these days is what it is. Powerful and big stuff! 
I literally 'unplugged' from what my plans for the summer of 2013 professionally and did an 'intensive' in this. I feel like I have done a PhD program in it and this is the first draft of my dissertation which I am going to have to defend not in a room of my advisors from this 'program', but in front of anyone who reads it. 
I will make one statement up front: I am not here to discuss any kind of discussion about whether or not geoengineering exists. There are places on the Internet for that. I'm 100% sure it is going on and I have already spent time on Facebook with a few of my long-time "FB friends" who are representative of the average population. Some are going to be influenced by propaganda and 'experts' or don't understand that there are websites and hired 'mobsters' or bullies out there to troll around the Internet finding people to discredit and harass. 
I have taken risks in adding my self and my website to the mix by choosing to put some topics in the mix of my other topics about what causes chronic illness, chronic pain or allows people to get recovered and perhaps return to 'chronic wellness' or maintain that if they were so lucky to be well in this increasingly toxic world of ours. So I ask you to respect that and honor me and my time and energy, which are precious resources to me, as they are to everyone. And so right up front I hope you're reading between the line if you are a medical provider, particularly one that's 'inside the box' of conventional, allopathic, insurance-based medicine. 
Geoengineering is a very difficult topic to bring up and to speak out about, whether you're trying to reach as many people as possible, which is my intention and place as an outside the box health information concierge/educator. So I give credit to those who have the interest and desire to approach their providers about this. I think it is the most important political and health topic in the world right now. Yet very few have any awareness of it, or they might have been made 'aware' but have not yet been educated. In the last three months I have spoken with at least 20 health professionals and hopefully have now gotten enough experience at this to provide something worthwhile in this article. 
If you have a medical consumer providing this to you as a provider, please honor and respect them for having the courage to do so. They are likely aware of the above-mentioned harassment that is spoken about on the Internet or in live conversations if they're so fortunate to know someone else who they can talk with about this very 'underground' subject. 
I'll use the abbreviation GE for geoengineering. You've not heard about GE in the mainstream media directly. You've seen images of the results of geoengineering which has crept into things gradually. Just as it appears the wizards wherever they are and whomever they are have gradually started out slowly and then increased the things they're doing to, presumably, manipulate the weather, they apparently have also had a lot of influence in what is seen in advertisements, Google Images, movies, and television shows. 
The first question people who are intelligent/thinker-types ask me is 'WHO has the MONEY to do this and WHY are they doing it?'  I'll let you look more into that if you're interested (follow the links I provide and I'll get you going to sources I think are the more valid and stable resources on the Internet.) Since everyone reading this understands the medical/political/military/industrial complex, presumably, suffice it to say that I have just reminded you of that reality. 
Since we also remember how much money can be spent on PR and marketing and lobbying and getting their way the old-fashioned ways that we are all now aware of, presumably, and we know that 'vested interests' and their funds can greatly influence what content is on websites, what research is done within nonprofit organizations, etc., just bring that to your mind at this time and meld it with what I said above about propaganda websites. I saw strange Xs in the skies that were 'contrails' maybe but I was also hearing about 'chemtrails', and I searched on the word 'chemtrail'. 
What I saw in the top links found in my Search made me say 'oh, that's crazy talk'. And I went back to my life. And I was having symptoms that were not making sense related to what I 'knew to be reality about the exposures I would have from the air, my foods, my water.' I was drinking special water, eating special foods, not rubbing topical toxins on my skin and scalp or using them in my washing/drying or house cleaning. So why was my health going backwards again? I was 'suckered' by them, and lost valuable time because, it turns out, I live in one of the areas of the United States that is a 'hot spot' for this stuff. And I have the heavy metals lab results to prove it, from 2012 (see elsewhere in this story related to my history if you're interested.) 
I know that you might not know my name or recognize me as much as you would someone in the mainstream media. I'll use Diane Sawyer as an example as my first patients kept saying 'honey, she reminds me of that gal on the evening news, what's her name?'.  But I hope you will consider what I provide as at least something to consider. 
It took me the first two months of the summer to wrap my head around that 
1) this is happening and 
2) I was remiss and asleep at the switch and late to come to reality, and had to admit my mistake to myself and others
It probably helped a LOT that I was in Lakewood, Colorado on July 13th when the flash flood occurred there -- similar in magnitude per minute to what occurred beginning on 9/11 in that area and to the north and the south, overwhelming multiple municipalities and counties, and affecting over half of our state's population. This is SERIOUS stuff and OH SO MUCH to thing about!  
Someone turned to me and said 'is this to do with that stuff you've been trying to make us aware of, in the skies, the chemicals and whatnot?' That was one of my most conservative and savvy classmates, who said that -- wide eyed. And to think 35-40 years before the biggest thing we had been shocked about was to find out that our principal and music teacher were having an affair. Or someone was smoking pot after lunch and got caught. Times have changed. 
At that point, mid summer, in my summer of quasi PhD in the effects of geoengineering on the world/Earth and animal health, including humans primarily, I'd learned that the 'food awareness' movement was the gateway to the geoengineering movement and this was about Monstanto and DuPonte and others in cahoots to control who has what seeds and what is able to grow in different locations.
But Lakewood, Colorado west of downtown Denver about ten miles, near the base of the mountains, is where the Federal Center is, not where any farms are. I could see the Federal Center from my hotel room. Which was thankfully not on the lower three floors which flooded that night, the atrium's downspouts overwhelmed as they'd never been since the hotel was built there many decades ago. 
I was away from the Grand Valley and on the Front Range for just over a week, and every day I felt better than I had where I live near the Utah border to the west a couple of hundred miles. 
It was quite impressive when I took a phone call on my cell when sitting in traffic but the caller wanted to continue talking (a busy medical researcher) and I had to remember my way around Colorado Springs to get to my friend's house where I'd not been in a couple of years. I didn't miss a beat and the important person on the line was completely unaware I was driving. (I revealed that when I said 'I was actually wanting to know if you're aware of geoengineering and what to tell people who have a desire to protect their brain function and neuro/endocrine systems.) 
So I've worked for another two months, realizing over Labor Day weekend when I saw a cumulous cloud formed over the Colorado National Monument at sunRISE (which takes heat, this is the mountain desert region and it gets very cool at night in early September) that in my own 'back yard' there is at least one  facility that appears to be making 'chlouds' as I jokingly call them. 
This is apparently where chemicals are put up into the air, mixed with vaporized water, presumably, creating what I refer to as 'chlouds'. Then electromagnetic technologies are used to manipulate the clouds -- their movements and their actions. I call this "chems 'n' EMs". There are airplanes that clearly spray chems, and others which less clearly but I suspect are doing some EMs. A lot of people only have heard of 'chemtrails'. And if you Search on that word you'll get websites of questionable ownership and funding who will say this is all 'contrails' and that people today just don't know what a contrail is. Well, I do know the difference. There are rarely true 'contrails', look into the information at the links I provide. I've already experienced someone who had never heard of this and was open minded, until they had time to ask the people at the local math and science center, or perhaps it was the University's meteorology professor, or both. Then I got condescending treatment at the next encounter.
So I took them outside and pointed to what they thought was a cumulous cloud in the sky which had a grey infusion to to -- and so I asked what that was from. They didn't have an answer and since they did not say 'you know, maybe you're onto something', I decided that I'd given them enough of my time and I'd save my breath', so to speak, and use it on others. And since then, I have had as many people eventually or immediately be appreciative of my being willing to inform and educate as I have naysayers. So if you're reading this, decide in advance how much effort you want to put into this endeavor and what your purposes are for doing it. Are you trying to be a messenger or are you really concerned about a health issue affecting you or a human or animal family member and wanting the expert's brain to get engaged and help you figure it out as it pertains to the services they provide. 
If my car has a problem with it's electrical system and my mechanic doesn't know much about that, is he or she going to be able to learn that just for me, or do you perhaps have to find another resource/mechanic/shop. It doesn't mean I don't go back to the mechanic for the thing they're knowledgeable and able to help me with. It just means you expand your car's 'YOU team'. (My car has 2 mechanics, one's the dealership, plus a tire shop that also has certified mechanics, plus the people who make it look pretty and clean it up. One place couldn't find the electrical relay problem, the other could and did.... and it was maybe which employee was working that day at both places...)
Be forewarned, people in the geoengineering-believing community call it 'the rabbit hole' because it goes very deep if you want to keep digging and get to the 'bottom of it'. And dark. One of my best friends, who is the mother of someone at risk for problems from 'chems 'n' EMs' said 'I just don't want to know about this I think.' when I'd explained about as much as I have here in this article at this point. She knows my whole history, below, she's a friend from 'the beginning' and I hope a 'friend to the end' and I care about her children and know it takes a village to raise a child, particularly a special needs child. 
And so I say to you all, same as I do anyone who knows me personally. We're in this together. We can support each other in this together. We're all learning about this together and we all have to figure out individually how we're going to address it and respond, and those who want to be active in solutions, do that as well. 
But it's really no different for medical providers than anything their patients come to them for that has come from chemical and electromagnetic 'environmental' exposures. I subscribe to integrative and functional medicine so I will say that my years of having chronic pain has helped me a great deal in navigating, so far, geoengineering. 
Your spirit is involved; reach for your spirituality and that area for support. We are not bodies with spirits we are spirits with bodies, is how I personally look at it but each person has their own spiritual belief system. However, some people go in a kind of "crisis mode" when they get into studying the 'who and why' if they start going down certain avenues of the rabbit hole I have referred to. I was never Christian, though my mother converted to Catholicism toward the end of her life, and I have appreciated more than ever that my father insisted on my being raised without any religion. "When you grow up you will go to college and take care of yourself and have a career. You might or might not have children. And you can figure out what you want to believe about God and religion then too."
The mind is involved. "Staying sunny side up" is the name of the game. Mind and brain are two different but interconnected things, the brain is part of the body. The brain and the mind and the intestines and gut are increasingly being understood even by conventional medicine to be similar and 'connected' in many ways previously only understood by more traditional and 'alternative in modern times' provider and consumer circles. Your attitude about this is going to be a key to how it impacts your body. 
The body is where most people initially are concerned when they learn of GE. Chems 'n' EMs have very real and documented effects on the body. Also, for medical providers, think about what all those chems are doing to the light that comes to Earth. There is much debate and information about the details of that. But it is known in even conventional circles today that vitamin D has been coming up low in increasing numbers of people for a while now, and this is perhaps to do with geoengineering. Vitamin D level is such a key to people's wellness and immunity.
So the basics, like VitD (and supplementing on top of diet and outdoors/sun time) or thyroid symptoms and effective testing if indicated by symptoms, meaning being done in a way that will tease out the kind of disorders that come with 'environmental illness'. Common illnesses such as chronic fatigue, which come from adrenals being taxed, can be identifed by testing thyroid in the manner that experts on that condition have been recommending for along time. This is something I would recommend for consumers and providers of services today. However, providers in the conventional 'inside the box' world are told to only do a TSH test (thyroid stimulating hormone) and I have heard them ask about the other testing that patients request and other providers outside the box perform.
And they're blatantly told "you're wasting money resources testing more than that". I'll just speak for myself; from my teens to my mid 40s my providers tested only TSH and I had symptoms all along that improved as soon as I was tested in a more extensive manner and started supplementing with a T3/T4 thyroid medication dessicated hormone. (Not the synthetic kind that most people are given.)
There's 'resistance' and manipulations going on inside the systems that providers rely upon for their continuing education, and is well known to be part of their initial education before graduation from medical schools. I know that's not news but it is good to remind people of.  To me, figuring out how to approach geoengineering is best done when thinking about childhood and the playground, the sandbox, the bullies, the teachers and supervisors and the kids who were trying to observe something and report it to others without getting themselves in trouble with the bullies. Today unfortunately the bullies are also often violent and extremely dangerous. 
Basics are, to me, where to look related to health --
Water. How much to drink and purity. Flouride in water and oral care products have been a very debated topic in the past and I would not have been prepared to understand geoengineering had I not been asked by water treatment insiders in 2012 to hop in and help as they would risk their jobs if they were to speak out about it.  (I will set up the link, below, for a resource to learn about 'all that' if you wish.)
Diet. Even at my rural Colorado regional medical center, by 2012 a local pulmonologist had learned from his wife that inflammation from foods was causing chronic illness, so he studied up on it and basically recreated a wheel that was already out there in alternative medicine but I loved that he went through the 9 months of having the medical librarians and research helpers start from scratch and he basically came up with the same answers as the 'outside the box' providers I'd been studying for a long time. 
Water and diet/fiber together gets to elimination of waste through the intestines and colon. Again, some of the most fundamental things are not to be overlooked and visited and adhered to with more conviction and compliance than before.
Exercise. It's critical to the elimination systems of the body to have movement. The lymph system, too, don't forget about it. But having more chemicals coming into my lungs and nose and mouth, when I was having definite difficulties with my cardio-respiratory system with the chemicals in the air, I figured/presumed, lead me to reduce my exposure outside. So rather than nixing exercise and activity, changing to something else. I had to look into so many things, like air cleaners and that type of thing so I took some 'time off' and put my time into learning and then came out with my personal 'game plan' for how to address this 'new reality' that I have been exposed to and finally became aware of, and then educated to my current level.  For me, exercise has ALWAYS been a key to my wellness/illness place, that's just the type of person/body type I am/have. So each person has to figure this out, with your team. 
Foods and Inflammation: It was so interesting to be in the room with all the allopathic community when they heard the news that foods they commonly tell people are good for them are maybe not so much  (and many spouses got out of bed for the 7 am training too, that had NEVER happened before that any spouses were there....). The top 10 consumed foods are the top 10 inflammation and disease contributors, mixed with the persons genes. If this is news to you and you want to learn more, the link and information how to find it on Lumigrate will be provided as well, below. I'll also set up our "Load Theory" topic from Lumigrate's 2010-current MD expert (environmental medicine specialty). 
So, while the source might be new and we're now aware through geoengineering awareness and education that we have TONS more chemicals and electromagnetic exposures than we knew of before we learned about geoengineering, ultimately the same thing we were doing before is what we would be recommending now. 
To me, it was more a matter of 'oh, you don't just chelate and detox and cleanse  via a special diet for a few weeks twice a year, ideally, as I learned in the past (and did a modified version of since I have chronic health concerns to work around), I get more stringent about diet overall all the time, and aggressive with the chelating and detoxing than I have been in the past, perhaps. I already had changed my diet when I learned about foods which help rid the body of toxic chemicals, so maybe I just need to do 'more of that'. 
The particles are so small, called 'nanoparticles', and our HEPA filters are perhaps not capable of pulling them out. BUT the GE chems are only SOME of what's floating around in the air in my house. So lowering the burdens on the body by doing what we do have the technology to do, and the tools in our homes, hopefully, is going to reduce our health impacts, theoretically at least. If you've not invested in these already, perhaps start finding what you want and hoping Santa brings it if you believe in Santa. Or otherwise work to find a way, if this is something that makes sense to YOU to do. 
When those particles are inside the body, you're increasingly metalic, as I see it (and others who have educated me from the environmental medical world of medicine/health care). I used to joke that I'd gotten so much mercury in my childhood, allegedly from amalgam fillings and vaccinations, that I was 'like a walking human thermometer'. Well, seeing my 2005 heavy metals challenge results helped me to put my resources into changing that and I'm happy to say that mercury did drop, as did cadmium; it was so far down in 2012 it's the least of my worries now. 
For those who are reading and interested, cadmium is from secondhand cigarette smoke (it also is in papers if you're around pot smokers using joints, which I wasn't but I did used to go to a lot of live music before cigarette/tobacco smoking was made illegal indoors in bars and restaurants in Colorado, plus my supervisor and coworker at one time, mother and grandmother and husband had smoked, but all of them were not a factor in my life for the last 20 years). Firsthand smokers also get cadmium but it ends up more affecting the secondhand smokers. There are some things like colitis which I've heard are associated with third hand smoke, which is what a secondhand smoker breathes out which sticks to the walls (plus it is in the air directly from the smoking item and from the firsthand smoker's exhalation). 
Point being: it's hard to tell where we get our exposures from and really not so important to figure that out if it's to 'blame' and 'attribute' as much as just to figure out what our exposures are TODAY and how to address what is in our bodies and affect as much as possible, tomorrow's today. Again, I suggest looking at Lumigrate's topic on "Load Theory". Work on the things that you have the most control over and which are the most critical. Perhaps pick something that's 'the easiest' to do to start with. For many, that has to do with beverages, such as apple cider vinegar tonics. But start somewhere, is my suggestion. And then keep going! Find what your spot is related to the efforts you wish to make. And if you have something blocking you from doing more and you want to change that, then work there. It's a life-long process, ultimately. 
EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) have gotten a lot of mass and social media attention lately. Cell phones. Wireless routers. Laptops and pregnant women, that was just going around recently. Aircraft electronics and interference. Hospital equipment. Most people I know realize about microwaves, refrigerators, electric blankets, laptops. We have all merrily had weather forecasts with radar. NEXRAD is something that is perhaps involved in geoengineering to influence and manipulate the 'chlouds' to move and rain or not. Raining chemicals as well as rainwater. 
HAARP is another technology which is believed to be used in this program. Study Nikola Testla and his life and what happened to him, and think back to where you've learned about him. Was he in our history books in school? Taught in our sciences classes in college and universities? Maybe. Maybe not. But it's universally accepted that HAARP is being used in geoengineering, I've not seen one person who disagreed with that. Fewer and newer are those who have suspected and now suggest that NEXRAD is also involved. And who knows what all. 
One person who works in the industries in a capacity with a security clearance allowing for little to be disclosed has apparently said that you just think about the wildest SciFi stuff you've seen along these lines --- and we're way beyond that in terms of what is being used in geoengineering. Perhaps that helps all reading to understand why this is in a mainstream media blackout and why people on the Internet and social media who report on it get harassed. There are whistelblowers who are writing about their being hired to troll around social media and find people and essentially be online 'hecklers'. 
Since we're not being told about this from our officials or our official modern-day 'town criers', called mainstream media personalities, we rely upon those people who have been dedicated some or a lot of their time to study and provide information to the best of their abilities about this phenomenon. And I will now turn it over with some links for those who want to learn more, these are resources that I think are 'better or best bets' to direct you to for the most efficient use of your time and energy. 
THIS IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I will add links or clues to finding by keywords: 
Load Theory, Lumigrate, Marc Spurlock 
THRIVE, documentary, Gamble, (guy whose family is the Gamble in Proctor and .......)
Russ Tanner, who is one, like me, who tastes, smells and gets outward effects cardio-respiratory system, from Bangor, Maine, and who was in the herbal supplement education business when geoengineering started up in his area, creating Geoengineering Skywatch and having the largest FB group currently about geoengineering: Chemtrails Global Skywatch. (It used to be thought it was all coming from chemtrails, then chembombs and land-based things were seen and increasingly reported). 
Dane Wiggington, Mt Shasta, California, solar energy entrepreneur who noticed the environmental effects of geoengineering and became an activist with website  
Fluoride on Lumigrate, found in the "supplementing what you eat and drink" forum, since it is a mass medication when added to water for people to consume from their tap. My topic I created with words Durango Dentist in the title is one I'd start with. So Search Lumigrate Durango Dentist or at Lumigrate just search the key words, same as with anything. If we have it you'll see it.  
Foods and inflammation on Lumigrate. In the Nutrition section which is very far down in the list of forums. Foods forum.  

My History and How I Came to Believe and/or Know what I Related Here Today: 
It's not been the most conventional journey. I am a Saturday's child, and it was a warm spring day in 1960 in Denver, Colorado, where my mother's obstetrician had planned to play golf at 3 pm. She went into labor that morning at my parents' mountain home, in a community now well known as South Park co-creator Trey Parker came along to live there a decade after me.  Maybe THAT helps paint the picture with some humor, something I've tried to keep with me every day of my now 54 year journey. My mother was an avid smoker for 20 years and had extensive mercury amalgam fillings going back to childhood with extensive dental problems, likely due to her extensive and unknown food sensitivities. It turns out both of my parents were allergic in one way or another to wheat. 
So at 1:30 that beautiful spring day, I was born via forceps delivery. I was 19 and then 37 when optometrists pointed out initially external nerve damage on the left and then the second, a top specialist, said 'your brain is seeing things the way a brain would if it had a brain injury." I have monthly cranial osteopathic sessions to work on keeping the effects as neutralized as possible. I have done much vision therapy, but had no special services or accommodations until I was 29 years of age.
My ACT scores were quite high for science and math, quite not for other things, leaving my advising adults not really knowing what to do with me. And so here I am, in middle age, doing my best to do my part to let people know what I think will help them. If the take the time, which might mean making the time and doing less of something else. 
I offer this short version of my history here those who do not know me or my history, or want to provide this to your provider in a printed copy, here is the overview of my history. My 'herstory' so to speak, as I promised at the top of this article. Thank you for your interest and I trust respect in terms of the information that I am presenting here, to the best of my abilities at this time, with the time I have to write it up today. I will be editing and modifying it as I have time so check back, I will update this line to show edit dates: (written initially on 9/25/13 as shown on the date stamp. Edits on: (none so far).  
I have lived my entire life in Colorado. The places you've seen in the news recently with the 'Biblical proportion flooding', per our National Weather Service's statement, are all places I have lived or driven through many times in my life. For the last decade I have resided near the Utah/Colorado border where the Colorado River valley and Interstate 70 are.
I have the good fortunate to have lived for 7 years at the base of the Colorado National Monument, which is one of the many U.S. Department of the Interior sites. I moved here at the request of an allopathic, conventional therapy contract company's request / need to work as an occupational therapist, which I had been since 1996/7. 
Here, my career evolved to lead me to start my own business and contract the OT services in a large physical therapy clinic that was not affiliated with any hospital system in the city, when a new building was built by the "Primary Care Partners" group, whose founder decades ago had also been a leader in the unique strategies the area devised related to insurance and health care provision.
Suffice it to say that I was born and bred and educated in the standard naivety of a good student and good occupational therapy student graduating from an esteemed state university program. (Colorado State University has always been considered to be one of the top OT programs in the country and world.)  So I had to learn the ropes and also learn 'reality' like every medical provider in the US (and beyond) has had to do. 
I also developed complex chronic illness/pain while in occupational therapy school; I had previously recovered fully (and then some, I was more vibrant and vital in wellness than in my teens and young adulthood) from a significant case of what today is called 'chronic fatigue syndrome', which rendered me unable to walk a block, carry items heavier than about 10 pounds, in 1989.
Thankfully, I had a good primary care doctor who knew who to refer me to and a specialist in my city who knew it wasn't psychosomatic or a mental health condition such as 'depression'.  I also was 'encouraged' by a coworker who had become a close friend, to get 'outside the box' advise from a chiropractor. Since he died last year I will say this: I didn't like the man but heard he was a good doctor. She basically told me to get over it and go. I'm glad I did. 
He helped me a great deal, and I 'maintained' semi-regular appointments to keep my health up. But within a couple of years, he mysteriously went off to 'lecture and publish' because he had gotten known for his outspokenness about vaccines. He'd been on some radio programs in our city of about 100,000 people.
I was naive back then, and I believed him at took him at his word, and was sad to see him no longer be available to me as a doctor/provider on my medical team. Had he not left being a service provider, when my health started to fail again a few years later, I could have gone to him. Instead, I went into a terribly painful and expensive (in more than the monetary way) phase which, like anything, I learned a lot from. (I am very sensitive to chemicals and took cadaver anatomy and again, believed the guy teaching the class who said there were no respirators to take out the chemicals, only carbon that made the smell be lessened.
Which wasn't true, I thankfully did my research starting by asking people at the hardward store and found out I could call 3M and they sent me to Denver to a place that sold the respirator I needed. But in that time it tripped my health plus meat grossed me out as it looked like cadaver muscle and at that time the government's food pyramid was telling us to eat more whole grains and wheat, and -- again, naive, I ate more pasta or sandwiches. 
Suspected of having MS, I had MRIs and lumbar punctures (spinal tap it is also known as). But no myelin was found. My gut told me that food allergies were part of my problem, even though conventional allergy 'scratch' testing had found nothing. I'd used a relatively new acupuncturist from an esteemed training program in the Pacific Northwest initially, and since nothing we did together helped, I'd struck out to use my insurance. I was in terrible pain sometimes, with weak muscles, unable to walk up stairs in a non-adaptive fashion. So I called her back up and asked, since she has suspected I needed to eat less wheat, if she knew of anyone I could seek out about food allergies. 
She knew of an MD who did outside the box things in the next town over. I'd imagine his clinic building was very flooded recently based on where it was located in Loveland, Colorado. In one vial of blood and for the low price of about $500, mystery solved -- not the kind of allergy testing insurance will pay for. But I'd had a $10,000 deductible so had just spent $10,000 to find out really nothing at all from a neurologist and realized how much money they made and then didn't offer to look into anything when they came up 'baffled'.
So my education, in other words, about the medical system, was partly from personal experience and partly from professional. Really, that's not that unique, all medical providers are also consumers. I think we learn as much from being patients in this mixed up system we have as we do providers. 
This began my affection for 'integrative and functional medicine'. I moved to Denver for internships when I graduated from the O.T. program, feeling much better than I had for a long time by simply giving up wheat and dairy from my diet. The man in my life wasn't so cool with the changes that happened with me since we met and our 'forever' relationship and plans were ended by him after I graduated. 
I was immediately hired working in Medicare/Medicaid based skilled nursing rehabilitation, and within a year the government rolled out PPS, the 'prospective payment system' and 50% of therapists were not employed as therapists by 1999. I made my way into a small, private company specializing in driving, and because their first full time rehabilitative driving specialist. Since we were free to do whatever we wanted with our 'clients' we did Educational Kinesiology with them. This opened my mind and professional 'doors' to what is NOT being provided to people which has been out there for YEARS, because there are layers of alliances and systems set up for many, many years that are making good profits, and the people in control have control of a lot of things, by keeping things 'status quo'. 
So when people ask me the seemingly simple question of 'I believe in geoengineering and I think it might be part of what I need to talk with my health care providers about, what do I need to know?", it's not a straightforward, simple answer. The patients need to understand what 'the system' is and be respectful of the position their provider is in. AND, ironically, the consumers sometimes are more aware of the overall 'system' and 'game' going on, than the providers! As I've said here, above, I learned this by having been beat up as a medical consumer financially and also morally. I have had one of my MDs or DOs who sees me at medical trainings forget what my name was and their assistant set them up before he entered the exam room to believe I was a drug-seeker. 
Without looking in my direction as he entered the room he started his 'act' of admonishment and harrassment to 'rattle the patient' before turning to see my reaction. "Oh, it's you", and then we could get down to his helping me think through what I thought I had going on (strep) and prescribing the medication for it and the few things I'd asked for refills on as long as I was there and it needed to be done by someone. "Might as well use my insurance for a change and keep him in the loop of what the outside the box MD/DO/prescribers who knew more what to do for fibromyalgia patients were prescribing for me at that time," I'd figured.  
I have not been back, though I have tried to simply get a different provider in the practice as I liked the PA who I normally saw. They had me see the physician when the assistant perhaps thought I was a drug seeker, or someone at the front desk. I value that happened to me because I remember thinking when it happened "... so THIS is what happens to patients with pain and fatigue who aren't medical providers...... I 'get it'".  (Nothing was a narcotic, by the way.)
As an OT, though, I've had patients with the same condition I have, who have been on narcotics and become 'problem patients' for everyone involved. So I see both sides of this issue. 
This summer, for me, starting with a dramatic event in the skies over my home and over the Colorado National Monument on June 1, about 6:30 in the evening. What I observed, noticed as unusual, and thankfully 'processed' to be something to grab the camera and document, were obvious to me to be part of  geoengineering (which simplistically involves getting chemicals in the air which people have worked hard to have analyzed and figure out what's included: aluminum and barium are the top two and the list goes on for quite a ways so I'll only mention those two as medical providers will perhaps be piqued that this potentially has heath consequences and they'll realize why the patient is asking them to be aware). 
Due to my being 'outside the box' for some of my medical advise for two decades now, one of my providers had, in 2012, looked at me and listened to my symptoms that had been new in the last couple of years or so, increasingly, and suggested re-testing heavy metals. I'd had a different provider in 2005 suggest that and they happened to use the same laboratory. (Doctor's Data). Since I had the 'baseline' from 2005 to compare to, the 2012 results were very interesting. Aluminum and barium were present and in significant quantities. And when you compared my complaints/symptoms to the laboratory results, once I was 'awake' about geoengineering, which was six months after the testing was done, it all 'made sense'. 
But what kind of position is the medical provider in, who ordered it? Think about what I've said about the 'system' that we all are operating under, and the layers and who is in charge. 
The repercussions for any provider who has state licensure and is wanting to earn a living and keep their business afloat or hopefully thriving are significant. Remember my chiropractor in the early 90s? The Internet came to be around that time and if someone had actually gotten hired by someone to go and publish and speak and promote about the hazards of vaccines, they'd be found in a Search. 
I learned from subsequent chiropractors I went to since, that their colleagues sometimes get 'muted' with facades being presented to the public as to why.  I know people personally now who have revealed in confidence to me, the scare tactics that were used on them when they were going to do something professionally which might expose how the chronic pain 'system' in charge in America works.
I knew of these risks when I made the decision in 2007/8 (right at the end/start of years) to get out of insurance-based allopathic care and be here with Lumigrate as the platform and place to be "outside the box" where the consumers or other outside the box providers pay me for speaking the truth rather than being essentially gagged by practice norms as an occupational therapist. (Hence I do not 'work' as an occupational therapist nor call myself that, I use the term 'health information concierge' and then include what my degree and professional background is. 
My focus is teaching the 'YOU! model I developed when working in the outpatient clinic with a great chronic pain/illness-savvy psychologist in the building after a rheumatologist laid out a request for how to help patients with fibromyalgia. He was the first doctor I marketed my new business to, and he didn't know I had fibromyalgia, that was just his biggest need for therapists as 'nobody in town can help these patient that get referred to me'. Yet, at that time, the clinic I had just contracted with did not want to have a program from that type of patient diagnosis.)  
Eventually, patients were referred to me, they all did well, and I believe the opinions of the overall clinic shifted, which coincided with when veterans with similar conditions were coming 'home' and needing therapy as well, so they actually have done outreach in recent years, showing ... it's a process. And systems have to change but they only do it with effort and time.
After I created, which took over a year of full time work with full time help and advisors and consultants, and artists, and.... I have primarily networked and marketed through using social media, primarily Facebook, to get the ball rolling.  As we would get hits up from visitors, which I now refer to as YOU-sers, our rank on the Internet search engines would go up, and then people started finding us Searching on keywords. We also have YouTube and iTunes channels.
My phone numbers are on the website and Facebook profile which is open for people to look at without being my 'friend', necessarily. The contact us comes to me at or it's an easy e-address. Mardy at Lumigrate dot com. I welcome your questions if they aren't things which can be answered by studying the links I have provided. If you ask a question which is answered by following links, then that's what my answer will be. Everyone has to put in their time on this, I have, and so will you. However, I might have overlooked or made a mistake in this article, so please contact me if that is the case.  
I have by providing this article it has opened the door or made it more obvious to you what is through the door that is opened wider than before. But out there there is a rabbit hole to go down if you want to get to the bottom of all that this entails. I stay out of 'all that stuff'. Balance your mind, body, spirit, do the steps that are entailed with 'functional medicine' and getting to the underlying causes of things whether that be wellness or illness. Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better. We are in this together. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
If You're Wanting to Study Geoengineering, GE:101 Suggestions

I wanted to make this topic have comments on it about the various providers of information out there for people to look into. It is just past two years time since I saw the daily chemtrailing start over Grand Junction, Colorado, on the evening of June 1, 2013; there had been a few chemtrails as far back as 2011 -- I happened to see it, take a photo with my cell phone and think "I need to look into that".  When finally looking into it in 2013, the first thing I found Searching on the Internet using my location as part of the search was a TV news story from that day/week in 2011. 

My theory about it is that those in the know who run the media and world have a very clever plan of how to get people becoming 'aware' and then 'educated' (which equates to what is called 'waking up' in geoengineering circles), and there are many players involved. Those who will outwardly make it seem they are fighting the establishment. Same thing with telling us about what's really causing our medical problems and how to go about counteracting and reversing symptoms; many of the doctors and pharmacists and business owners of such 'outside the box' entities alleging to be fighting the system are actually now part of the system's 'rollout' of disclosure and advancing how they're going to get the people where they want the people to be, essentially. 

So it's up to each of us to do that 'thinking' and 'feelilng' about who's who and what's what, and how we're going to take action. 

But the primary person who is cited and appears to be leading the way is Dane Wiggington who owns a massive amount of land around Mount and Lake Shasta in California. He'll talk about his history in this interview at OneRadioNetwork AND I'll provide what they have at their website too, about this second hour of a two part interview that they replugged in July of 2015 for whatever reason.  It was July 4 weekend, Patrick Timpone was away for the holiday, they were putting things on the forefront of the website to keep people occupied until his return and bringing new information and shows.


Patrick Timpone



What in the World are they Spraying and Why?

Geoengineering and Chemtrails


Dane Wigington

Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona.

His personal residence was feature in a cover article on the world’s largest renewable energy magazine, Home Power. He owns a 1,600-acre “wildlife preserve” next to Lake Shasta in northern California.

He has focused his efforts and energy on the geoengineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to what ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying as he also noted significant decline in forest health Dane began testing and research into the geoengineering issue about a decade ago.


Show Highlights:

-Global dimming: We now have 22% less energy coming in from the sun

-Geoengineering is the single greatest cause for the weather changes

-Particulate trails: The pharmaceutical cure for planet earth which is more destructive than the disease

-Freaky weather and what happened in Amarillo, TX just days ago

-Shredding the ozone: Is it really hairspray cans or something else?

-The skewed data on High and low temperatures

-Detailing the extremely rapid forest decline around Mt. Shasta, where Dane resides

-Why we should be getting more rain, not less

-Chemtrails are the most immediate threat to planet earth

-Methane mass expulsion from the arctic

-The increased UV is killing phytoplankton

-The importance of chelating mercury

-Who’s behind geoengineering and how can we stop it?

-IS there a solution? Dane thinks there is and explains

-Nanoparticles and our health

and so much more!

Did you miss Part 1 of this SPECIAL geoengineering show? Click here to listen



Visit Website


^ and that would be Dane's website link, where I know he has coverage of the Shasta County meeting, so obviously, use that as a resource to learn about his presentation about that. 

I would rather Google his name, the location, and get OTHER sources' opinions.  For instance, this link at YouTube was one of the higher up results in my search:

and when I went there, this is a comment that I saw and found interesting enough to bring here to embellish what I'm presenting, in order for people to 'get the hang of it' how to look into this stuff, these 'characters' and decide what YOU THINK. And what you're going to DO. 

Posted by this profile that uses a coffee cup as their image, vhsjvc had this to say (YouTube link: vhsjvc):

"i hope you realize Dane is a complete fraud! he is a greenhouse gas religion high priest! a religion based on the flat out lie that oxygen and nitrogen do not absorb or emit solar or infrared radiation! that's Dane for you, the former Bechtel employee, the same Bechtel mentioned by 'the economic hitman' that is used to bankrupt nations (funny how the economic hitman is also a greenhouse gas religionist he mentioned it in one of his videos) DANE HAS STOCK IN METHANE CAPTURE!!! and and and PLEASE GET CLUED UP! OR WE WILL NEVER STOP CHEMTRAILS! STOP BEING A FCKN SHEEP! FCK DANE, EXPOSE THE FCKER! YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE AFTER THOSE LINKS, ALL THE FACTS ARE THERE"

I actually missed part I, I missed this part II too, so I'll be going to the link, above and listening. 

ALSO, in 2014 there was a big step forward, apparently spearheaded by Dane, in Shasta County; there was an official meeting held, video cameras, a packed room of audience and around that time a 'fight ... fight' to get more attention between Dane and previous collaborator guy who was the man who made the bread and butter information documentaries 'everyone' is told to watch, What in the World are They ....... (Spraying, etc., it was a series).  I tried to listen objectively, read objectively, and determine what I thought was going on.  In light of the slapstick type 'fight... fight' that I'd witnessed in December 2013 on Comedy Central's use of the show The Colbert Report as part of the disclosure, by having innocent 'good cop' Dr. David Keith, author of a book alleging the theories of geoengineering (but not disclosing they're IN ACTION and have been for decades and generations), and Stephen Colbert's character being the snarky funny cop, I have to think that the 'dustup' between Wiggington and What InThe World guy was similarly designed --- to get more people pulled into using their time and energy resources with all the other 'news stories' out there taking up attention, to have people focus that June/July 2014 timeframe on GEOENGINEERING DISCLOSURE. 

I'd noticed that Dane's website, GeoengineeringWatch, was very focused on CHEMICALS and not ELECTROMAGNETICS and one cannot at all understand how any of this works if a person doesn't know about the EMs pushing the chems around.  I was finally connected to him for a short time in 2014 and he invited me to write something at his website; I politely declined. I have a website to write on, what I was suggesting was someone who alleges to be an EXPERT in this stuff take a peek at all that's going on in the western Colorado eastern Utah area and the FAA JSS tower that to me appears to be a major part of the cloud-making.  I realize he's busy, but he has a whole army of experienced people supporting him, ask one of them perhaps.  I did notice that not long after that, his website did have a topic about electromagnetics, and I've frankly not gone back to see what all has been covered there since.  

Not that I wasn't continuing to study things about geonengineering, I was just trying to draw from a variety of sources. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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