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Health Management by Dr. Chris Young

Mardy's Thoughts: We feel strongly that the subject matter of this seminar is extremely important for everyone to see, therefore we have decided to make it available for download at no cost.
Those who have chronic illness and have been typical consumers of the traditional health care model (or "system") in the United States in the past 100 years, have experienced great benefits from interventions such as pharmaceuticals and surgery, but have also experienced limitations. Many patients feel frustrated and dissatisfied; they visit multiple doctors, not really having any one doctor who can see the "big picture."
Patients add the cost of visits, procedures, and medications, and don't feel they are getting the overall benefit they should. They feel there should be a better way to get improved health with fewer resources (because resources are ultimately time, energy, and money).
Insurance and pharmaceutical companies have had a great impact on our health care system, and the history of this is discussed in this seminar. Also a new model is brought forth called the "collaborative care model," which has advantages of encouraging the patient -- you -- to become the focal point of your health care team. The model incorporates the concept of providers taking time to talk to each other about patients.
Sample Video
The collaborative care model used at the Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado, where Dr. Chris Young and Dr. Paula King collaborate/consult, has been proven in other organizations to lower health care costs and improve patient satisfaction. The concepts of this seminar are beneficial for all health care consumers and providers. Each of us can have better health if we can learn to gracefully "step up to the plate" with our health care providers, take more responsibility, and empower ourselves to be at the center of our health care team.
We realize most people who are tuned into learning from Lumigrate will unfortunately not have access to the Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado in beautiful Grand Junction, Colorado. However, you can start to incorporate these concepts in your own health care by doing the following:
- Get a notebook and take notes at doctor's visits.
- Obtain copies of your diagnostic tests and doctor's notes.
- Track your prescriptions and know the effects and side effects of your medications.
- Research your medical providers.
- Build a good team around you.
To read the biography of Dr. Chris Young, click here.
What do I get with my purchase?
Video Download
If you purchase a video download, you will receive a high-quality video of the seminar which can be played directly on your computer. The video is provided in three formats: MPEG-4 (.mp4 file), Apple QuickTime (.mov file), and Windows Media Player (.wmv file). If you do not have a program on your computer that automatically plays media files, you will need to download one of the following:
- VLC Media Player (will play media of all formats)
- Winamp
- Apple QuickTime
- Windows Media Player
You will also receive as part of your download a PDF file of the presentation slides, and various supporting documents such as checklists, recommendations, and guides. The supporting documents are typically about 25 pages of additional content. To view these documents you must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download it by clicking here.
If you order a DVD, you will receive a packet including the DVD disc, presentation slides, and related documents. The entire content is three-hole punched so you can place it in a binder and start your collection! It is our goal to have DVDs to you very rapidly, but they are a special order item so timelines vary.
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