chronic illness

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Being Crystal Clear About the Tripp We're Taking with Dis~Ease Solutions and Crystal Tripp (and Her Facebook Group)

Being Crystal Clear About the Tripp We're Taking with Dis-Ease Solutions and Crystal Tripp (and Her Facebook Group)


Editing 23 April 2019. A website was born on 4.20 and I encourage you to go and see!  read more »

O'Rio Grande 'n' Me - Come Play (and Learn) with Us!

Mardy Ross's picture

They say every person who loves dogs will have three really special ones in their lifetime.  I'm on my third, and I've not owned any of them, technically.  Meet O'Rio! And he's the first male for me, the previous two extra special ones (to me) were females.  And did I get an epitome of a big, male dog to learn from/help heal /BE with for part of life's journey or WHAT?    read more »

What I Want Every Mother (and Others) to Know Of, Then Go From There. THE Cause of All Problems Presented In Emerging Research

Mardy Ross's picture

First, as a preface -- let me acknowledge that I'm using the word "all" loosely in the title; most or many might be more accurate.  If you're not into prefaces, scan down to where the pickle photo is and start there.  I think the following context setting will help most people reading this, however.   read more »

Steve, His Images, His Protocol, and a Facebook Group Community and Other Resources for Chronic Illness Solutions

PREFACE is a link I suggest taking if you are wanting to get products for your symptoms related to what is presented at this topic. 

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Outside The Box of Conventional Medicine: History Shows Slow Progress for Functional, Integrative and Other Approaches

Do you ever see the information about 'outside the box' health and think 'that makes SO MUCH SENSE, why didn't I hear about that before now?' Or 'why isn't EVERYONE doing this already, if it's been known for a while?'.  I hope this topic will help provide some answers. This will likely be a topic I add onto and improve upon as time goes on.  read more »

Autism and Chronic Illnesses Focus of Various Organizations - Revealing Comments at This Topic Link

This is a link to a topic about the CDC, vaccines, Thimerosol (which contains mercury) and autism and was a new resources to me and I didn't want anyone else to miss this resource as it seems to have a lot to offer.  This and the interrelated organizations (in the box, which you'll see included in the topic at the link) appear to be great examples of activism, including here online.  read more »

Toni Bernhard, JD at Psychology Today. Author of "How to Be Sick" (AudioBook now too!). For Friends, Family, YOU!

Whether YOU are a person who has gone from a functional 'wellness' state to a functional 'illness' state and it's lasting long enought to be 'chronic', or you know of someone who has, today's "Reflections on "How to Be Sick" at Psychology Today (dot com) is something I highly recommend your reading. Toni Bernhard authored one of the best books out there about chronic illness and writes about her experience recently when the book was finally being made into an audio book.  read more »

Toxins from Mind, Body, Spirit and Taking an Inflammation Vacation

Lifestyle has so much to do with wellness. Activities you do. What you eat and drink. Everything you are doing is affecting YOU (being body, mind and spirit).   read more »

5 Tough Choices You Face When Chronically Ill or in Pain; Toni Bernhard, JD's One of Psychology Today's More Read Authors

I was pleased to see on Facebook today that Toni Berhard's "5 Tough Choices You Face When Chronically Ill or in Pain" has already become on of Psychology Today's top-read topics after being posted on Monday of this week. I am not surprised; Toni is an award-winning author, has a fascinating background in terms of having been an accomplished legal professional, and then ended up with a new 'occupation' of writing about having chronic illness, and as her book's title indicated "turning straw into gold".   read more »

Sleepiness Questionnaire: Do YOU Have Sleep Apnea (or Your Patients/Clients for Providers to Use)

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Do YOU Have Sleep Apnea?

How Sleepy Are You?

How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations?

You should rate your chances of dozing off, not just feeling tired.  read more »

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