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Being Crystal Clear About the Tripp We're Taking with Dis~Ease Solutions and Crystal Tripp (and Her Facebook Group)
Being Crystal Clear About the Tripp We're Taking with Dis-Ease Solutions and Crystal Tripp (and Her Facebook Group)
Editing 23 April 2019. A website was born on 4.20 and I encourage you to go and see!
I was thanked in the announcements from Crystal for my mentoring and I really am proud of her. I get a percent of sales if you purchase, too. I can continue providing FREE info at Lumigrate. And make a living. And give O'Rio a decent home and end of life.
diting in, from mid November 2017 in her Facebook Group... Two members and Crystal ~~~
I love Crystal. I love her soul. I have a real challenge with my health. I am so fortunate to try her products. I am scared of taking things due to my sensitivity. She really worked with me. My asyra results showed that I brought the parasite load down A LOT. She really goes out of the way to listen.
The other thing is, in her products, I feel love. I also tested her products with the asyra and almost every one turned me green (heal), and some were symptom control, but you have to understand how it works to "get that" -- but that's really big.
Her lotion makes me feel loved, and i hate most lotions and smells. I look forward to using this lotion.
I just really feel appreciation for this woman. she gives me inspiration. She is a true divine being, I can't thank her enough for what she does. xo
Crystal: That is very sweet
Thank you, (name removed); when I say these products helped me, they also helped many others. You are very knowledgeable and it would be nice to see you heal and carry on to help others! Thank you for your kind words.
Another member (who I've corresponded with a bit, someone really working on wellness and recovery): Amen (name removed), she is our hero for sure! Life is worth living since I began using her products. I can never thank her enough or tell her enough!
I began preparing the draft of this new topic on summer solstice 2017, June 21.
I happened to sleep through the previous night, without awakening longer than to get up and go to the bathroom, so I was pleased to be getting up for good prior to the sunrise on solstice. I made a note of where the sun rose. I took photos. I just really like the solstices, equinoxes, full and new moons.... And I bring this up here because this will be good preparation for where we might 'go' on the Tripp with Crystal. Crystal Tripp, that is.
It's very HOT where I live in the summer, and gets REALLY HOT just before Father's Day most years. This year was no exception. Neither was last year. I am like lettuce -- I wilt in the heat, and have to make a lot of extra adjustments to how I go about things in the summer. I save up projects to do inside the way I used to on the Front Range of Colorado, or where I grew up in the mountains. It did not get up to 80 degrees there from the time my parents bought the old Rose Bud Ranch in the mid 1950s until sometime after 2000.
I've 'noticed' when the heat wave would happen in Grand Junction, in the Grand Valley of western Colorado, where I moved in January 2004 (scraping the sidewalk for the movers with the broom and scraper from my car, we'd had an unusually difficult winter storm that weekend and only one move they've done before or since trumps my move as 'memorably difficult').
I made a "gal pal" while buying a cocktail at a concert in the downtown 'grungy old theater' where many very good concerts have taken place, who would come out of the woodwork in June when it was HOT and ask if I'd go with her to THE outdoor music event in the area for those who are country / western / pop / party in the desert fans. It was HOT and I'd be doing fine, so I'd say yes (she'd get free tickets for the first night then hope I'd buy a ticket for the other nights).
Then the week of the festival the temperatures would overnight hop up 5 to 10 degrees, and not cool off in the evening -- and I'd be wishing I'd not committed to going!
Last year I attended the Palisade Bluegrass Festival and am glad I did, but was over-do-ing it with the heat. I was not given the set list from the headliner's band, Nicki Bluhm (pronounced like what a flower does when it opens), but I did get to be the second person to talk with her afterwards, and the people who got the set list heard why I wanted to talk with her and wanted me to have my photo taken with 'their' set list.
I'd let Ms. Bluhm know that the gal on my right up dancing next to me with her husband, who was a handy man from my old neighborhood, had been treated at the same time I was for M.S. / CFS/ME / FMS / etcetera. She's been included in local mainstream newspaper articles about mercury toxicity and environmental illness. She'd get into the healing arts herself, which is how the couple met in Mexico.
The average age between us was 60, and we were both there, on our feet, in the HEAT, enjoying what life and the Valley have to offer. Not bed ridden at home, or living in a nursing home, mobilizing in a wheelchair or with a walker (or cane), or quite frankly, dead, as could have been the case. BECAUSE we had done things that insurance does not pay for. We'd looked into things 'outside the box'.
She had been an attorney and was in a less stressful job she also moved on from, and was heading one of the mainstream disease nonprofit organizations where you have races to fundraise for 'cures'. Cures which, we in the truth community, believe are already known and sequestered away in favor of what someone I know termed 'mangling medicine'. I was still practicing as an occupational therapist, with an hourly wage of $25/hour. Hence we could afford it.
As I'd put all of my funds and time into what I've created and provide as Lumigrate (and thereby not working for anyone else and using my personal funds for my living expenses), I'd become one of the people who could no longer afford those types of treatments. $200/hour for the advise, $55-75 per I.V. for nutrition or chelation -- I'd been one of the fortunate few to have that type of treatment from the late 1990s until I started Lumigrate (which launched in 2009, March).
I'd known this economics part of getting effective health care advise for complex chronic conditions was a problem from the 2007 live education group I co-created in the building I contracted OT services before leaving the allopathic model to create Lumigrate.
I'd wanted to provide the most truthful, basic, inexpensive and 'honest medicine' to people, for free or low cost, on It just took me ten years to get to finding a provider like Crystal Tripp in regards to natural products for inside and outside the body -- for people and pets -- to address what is ailing us. Or, hopefully, what will keep people well if they use the products and supportive information BEFORE they lose their well-being.
This year during the bluegrass festival, and 'Jam', which occurred over the same weekend as Father's Day, I aspired to hang around with O'Rio while these wonderful offerings in our area went on -- some of his family was in town to attend and he just does best if we limit the exposures he gets from people who are essentially living in mainstream, using mainstream products. The family is in it's early stages of learning what environmental illness is, it's causes and how to avoid antagonizing the reasons for the conditions.
(The previous visit when they returned, the third lid of his left, then right, eye swelled up, almost covering his pupils. It looked so awful, we were all so concerned, and I simply did a safely washed (mercury free) washcloth with safe, pure water on the eyes and face at bedtime, and we awoke 'all better'. I don't know how he could see to go up the stairs for bed. The next day I'd see that someone, somewhere, found their preferred, perfumed laundry soap and had done a load of laundry with it. This poor dog. But he provides so much for us to learn through his experiences, and I've been tutored 1:1 by Dr. Claus-Peter Kessler about his method of testing for elements of sensitivity, and testing products, and avoiding those which the person or pet is sensitive to.
O'Rio Grande is the 12 year old lab border collie I've been working with for two years now. He's made really inspiring progress no matter what his age, but considering he was a middle aged dog, I've been re-inspired in a way. HE was thrilled that we went out on the deck for the first time in a long time today when we got up -- he doesn't realize there were baby birds in the barbeque, so we'd been leaving them alone all spring. As I was taught by the exterminator who is wildlife savvy.
We went down the stairs to the lawn and I watched how much more at ease he was than the last time we'd done those stairs in the morning, which was over two months ago. What had changed? We'd progressed his diet again -- this time to the 'ideal'. It's been a blessing in disguise to have to do this the slow way over the course of two years, with gradual steps of improved food, then seeing the results leading to his owner and me to pursue doing our parts to make another leap or step in progressing towards 'ideal'. And delays in being able to work with the new providers I'm wanting to work with -- on my end or theirs -- allowed me to see better what causes what, compared to doing more than one thing in a month or a season.
I'd take him on several short walks during the day, just around the house on the lawn (which this year is NOT being treated for weeds and fed with artificial fertilizer which can be toxic) and then out to watch the sun set in the desert in the evening, taking a break from compiling the information in this topic. It appears he is taking an interest in plants!
~~~~Picture a 'thought bubble' above him saying 'Hey, Crystal -- is this a medicinal plant?' ~~~~
This has worked amazingly well for O'Rio! This is not CBD oil, it is CBD in alcohol with honey. He would not lick it off my hand the way he would CBD oil in the past (also provided by Dis~Ease Solutions' Crystal Tripp), so I put about five drops (he's 100 pounds) on something of a carbohydrate treat, it sunk in easily and he ate it readily. It's simply amazing the overall results and his acute leg exacerbation of pain from mis-stepping was -- as if it had not occurred! What a relief! (Editing in September 21, 2018).
As I waited for O'Rio to pee this morning -- raising his leg to do so -- I thought about how when we started on this path together in June 2015, he "peed like a girl", as I teasingly say. He was so stiff and sore, overweight, anxious and unhappy.
Today, I reflected on how I understood him because it was so similar to what I'd experienced in my life with my health issues, past and present. There really is nothing like experiencing things first hand to make you dedicated to your work if your work is in the realm of helping those suffering unwellness and the resultant symptoms.
That is why, a decade ago, I gave up hours of my own time every week to create a live education group when my building's neuro-type psychologist suggested it after our first patient we shared with a 'fibromyalgia' diagnosis had done so incredibly well with our unique way of doing things. We both wanted to get to the bottom of what was causing these complex chronic conditions, and we wanted to reach the public and help if what we could do would help. Which, clearly, it could and did.
We took one hour of our time every week and opted to not have it be 'billable' and instead meet about how we fore-saw creating a group that would start from a seed and grow into something that thrived with the members' leadership and our facilitation.
It would be a 'coincidence' of timing that we'd finally be ready, with a room reserved every week at the same time and the same place for the rest of the year, beginning on the summer solstice. Which was a Thurday, and happened to be the first (free ticket) night of Country Jam, too. I was doing well enough to do all that, and survive and thrive, but I recall being stressed from the heat. And wishing I'd not said 'yes' when it was only HOT when offered the ticket and asked to please go with.
So here we are, Summer Solstice 2017 -- a decade later -- kicking off a trip with Crystal Tripp and Dis-Ease Solutions. Photo, below, from her Facebook profile.
O'Rio has really re-inspired me, and helps me in how to present this information to people, because two years ago he changed so rapidly and dramatically, and we continue to get to new plateaus. He's now at a new plateau, and now we can go on to the next step. Further cleansing and detoxifying. We'd initially gone from tap to purified water, been diligent about going outside and away from the house WITH HIM since he feels he needs to watch over you and the house and won't on his own volition go 'poop' when he needs to. Those were free or very low cost changes which made a big difference. (Not re-absorbing what's in the colon... same applies to people, right?)
This time we're going to do Crystal Tripp's "Dis-Ease Solutions" program. I've not done a whole protocol for cleansing / detoxifying in over two years.
Crystal and I met in the Facebook group for that previoius protocol I tried, and I remember being very impressed with her story and background. She'd been a park ranger and she had a lot of observations about the environment and thoughts about how that fit together with the illness symptoms people were experiencing not only in her family but what was shared with many in the group.
However, we somehow became disconnected on Facebook as friends. She's not changed her profile and neither have I, but there's no history of the wonderful conversation we had back in 2015 once we were re-friended. I was on Facebook when I was disconnected from Alex Birchfield (who has a fabulous topic on Lumigrate about our civil rights), and found out summer of 2016 when in his home town and texting to connect with him that he had not done the unfriending and blocking that his profile had done. I remembered the specifics of it. Suffice it to say there are meddlers in Facebook. That's all I'll say. ("Just sayin'....")
Yes, I want people to use the tool of Facebook but also be savvy about what's going on behind the scenes with Facebook. Currently, here I am in The Forum on and taking pride in the 37,000+ reads of a topic about the group on Facebook where Crystal and I initially crossed paths. And I look forward to what might come from here, for people who find the topic or are provided it by me or someone else.
Today I can see how this was meant to be, continuing me along in the growth and change of how I go about helping people. I'm seeing that today there are lay people more than ever who have extensively studied and are getting to the truth of things, and they have lived the horrors of having these chronic conditions in themselves, their family members -- human and otherwise.
Crystal likes hearing about what I'm doing with O'Rio, and as such has agreed to have a topic on Lumigrate about her and her products / guidance. I only found out today that a dog was part of the story of how her son got so sick that he moved back in with him mom and family. Then she got sick -- and was incapacitated for months. Upon review of things a bit, I suspect the dog was what put things over the edge as is the way environmental illness usually works.
That was about three years ago. I'll let her tell more of her story herself, later, and for now give you the overview as I understand it. She figured out what she wanted to try on those in her household she was going to treat. I know she has also recognized that a poor diet was part of the reason they were susceptible to falling so far health-wise.
I'd inquired what she meant by that and they were eating what we refer to as "SAD" ... standard American diet; fast food; processed food; frankenfood (GMO). I did not inquire about water, I'll have to do that. Water was the very first thing I did with O'Rio. Same kibble for 10 months, but I'd enhance the diet with samples of other kibbles and buy mark down meats to give him. I'd also get produce donated from a local vegetable grower who 'digs' what I'm doing. No farming pun intended.
By later 2014, she'd see the improvements in her family and self from what she had figured out and her son had just said to her that she should start a business to offer the things up to others who had the same / similar. He was then killed riding his bicycle, by a driver in a situation I will refer to as tragic. I reserve that word for really selective occasions, too. So she 'made 2015 count' in honor of her son, and I presume poured her grief into developing all that has to be done in order to be where she is today with Dis-Ease Solutions.
So isn't it an interesting coincidence that today in her group on Facebook, she posted this: (link to go to her group:
I want to put this out there along with this post. It's no secret that I have claimed to have caught this from a dog. The dog was sick, my son got sick when he got the puppy; a year later, he moves in with us thinking he's dying. I get sick too. It is that simple.
He had pulled what he thought was a worm out of his nose, and sure enough, 6 months later, so do I. I have said many times, but don't speak about it a lot, that the intestinal mucus comes out of the stomach and into the esophagus and, sure enough, the nose too.
They say this is made of mostly eosinophils & fibrin, which is probably why the enzymes have helped others so much with blocked sinuses. This stuff grows into every orifice, every cavity, every organ it can get into. The branches are extra space, so to say, that it can stretch into.
This would also explain why my son had an Eosinophil count of 9, but sadly the doctors don't normally give out medications until you reach a 10. This is associated with so many diseases depending on where you have it! Cystic fibrosis, pulmonary heart disease, and it's associated with sickle cell anemia. I wonder if those of color are affected by this in a different way.
Here is what happens if you don't cleanse your intestinal tract and you allow it to go untreated, unknowingly of course.
How many diseases can be cured just by working on mucus!? I went through this 3 years ago and I am still looking for answers! This is it! This is what I pulled out of my nose! It had completely filled me up but you know, every x-ray, every scan showed normal??
Some, like my son, who was 6 months more advanced with this, claimed that something came up his throat and was wrapped around his neck and was chocking him! This stuff was growing into his cheeks!!!
What is going on!? Could THIS be the biggest cover up in history!? I have to recommend that everyone in the world cleanse their intestines, that is where this starts!
Seems this is a good point to insert the onion and elevator graphics I use so often on topics at Lumigrate. Load Theory, demonstrated with the elevator visual, shows how there are a lot of things that cause a health crash. Some are bigger or heavier than others. BUT ideally if you get to the core of the onion, which is from the root, and the things closest to that root, then THAT will ultimately be the most efficient and effective way of reversing symptoms.
Group members ask/say: What can we use to cleanse our colons
Crystal Tripp: My cleanse! along with enzymes, and supportive tinctures! You can use enemas to clean the colon, the colon is a small part, this is in the intestines, you need an intestinal cleanse :)
.... and after everything I have seen, if you feel the need to clean yours, clean your kids, and entire family, and pets too!Groupie: I've tried so many things and still cant get a good cleans.
Groupie: The cause of asthma as well, sounds like. All disease is caused by parasitic bacteria.
She said that because this was the first comment Crystal posted on the thread, this link:
Crystal comments that means it's killable and so there's hope.
Groupie comments absolutely and gives thumbs up and says good work buddie....Now it gets super interesting from my standpoint:
Groupie: My dog was LOADED with round worms when we got her. She was a Craigslist rescue puppy. When she had BMs, it would be all worms!! I mean twisted worms is all I saw. I did use over the counter Pinworm stuff for all of us in fear we got them. Not sure how good it works. She was wormed thru vet. I do plan on doing as family cleanse with your herbs soon. Our house hunt isn't going well. I was waiting to move first. Thanks for all you do and share!!
Crystal: The pinworm medicine does work. My guess is more on the little things inside that mucus kills it off. That is why 5 feet at once came out of me, but this is another piece to the puzzle! Whatever was ailing the dog, the pinworm medicine will settle it for a while, but it will come back.
I look forward to hearing from you. The cleanse, along with enzymes and a tincture or two is the best starting place for anyone with any disease.
The pinworm medicine at single doses spread out is also a good support. I would say bimonthly on pinworm meds. It could be key as to why I cured myself compared to others ... I took so much that I cannot stand the smell anymore, it makes me sick. Good luck!
(Another) Groupie says: we just got a puppy from a reputable breeder and I havent wormed her. she is 14 weeks old and im making her raw and cooked food from organic pastured sources. I sprinkle DE on every dinner. I check her poop and have not seen any worms. What else can I do to make sure she is protected from worms?
Me: Good job on the food. I presume organic water too. As in without toxic chemicals added.... Just checking as some are overlooking that and doing tap out of habit.
Groupie with new dog: Yes, we are on a well but I filter with an Aqua Rain filter. Add a bit of ACV now and then. She gets a spoon of homemade yogurt/kefir a day too and a homemade garlic biscuit to help repel fleas.
I am diligent because we have seven kids and I wouldn't want them having any issues. So far so good.New to the conversation: All puppies are born with worms. Best to get dewormer and give according to the worm's life cycle.
Groupie: What kind of pinworm medicine. I pull this sticky stuff out of my eyes constantly but once its out its hard as a rock.
Groupie diligent with 7 kids and new dog, above: Oxalates? I got pinworm meds over the counter. I used them for myself, my son, and husband. I got stuff for my dog at the vet since I'm careful with anything sweetened made for human consumption.
Groupie: What type of enzyme is good for this problem?
Crystal: Serapeptase enzyme, I have 250000 in strength, the purest type you can get but they also sell it in lower I recommend getting the higher spu you only take a small amount and mine has no filler, I have a 2 month supply at $40.
I asked for clarification about where she feels her illness stemmed, as in one place she'd said her son who was sick from the dog and another she'd said the dog directly. Answer: Mardy Ross we were all healthy, I got him a puppy after he moved out to keep him company, the puppy ended up sick, then about a month later my son saw parasites and didn't say anything for 8 months until he was so sick he had to move back home.
He let it go, so he moved back in with the dog, both sick and then 3 weeks later I got sick, and we all got sicker and sicker, until the dog couldn't even hold her head up anymore. So my guess is the parasites and/or bacteria originated from the dog, that cause the mucus to create and the bacteria either takes over or the mucus takes over, it could grow like slime mold.
It looks just like slime mold, the mold is everywhere, on food, in the forests its decomposition and it too is intelligent slime mold can go the shortest ways in mazes to get to food. So this is all theory its probably the perfect storm for all depts. to come together whatever it is, intestinal mucus is no laughing matter
Me: Thanks Crystal. I agree on slime mold being a major concern and component. I was trying to find information on slime mold a while back just to confirm that what I think is slime mold is actually slime mold, and the images out there of slime mold that looks like geographic areas is just uncanny.
Groupie: I have the same thing happening. The worm out of my nose was white and it feels like something crawls up my throat and yes it chokes me , like an asthma attack until I cough it all out it's really scary.
Another Groupie: Same
Groupie: Thank you Crystal!Groupie: I really think you are on to something, Crystal.
Groupie: Presented so well as always Crystal ....thx
Groupie: unfortunately parasitic infections usually go undetected in labs, false negative. This might explain why some people die of hyper-infections.
Groupie: the CDC requires 7 non consecutive stool sample or duodenal tissue biopsy and NOTHING else is accepted -- that was the point-- so this tells us all something and you can tell your labs or doctors you only accept CDC style
Crystal: omg 7 tests! that would take months! great tip. I and my son together had 9 stool tests negative while completely compacted with mucus and parasites; the things I have seen no one should ever have to see, thanks for that tidbit, and the reminder as to why it may not work.
Groupie: I've never known anyone who's had tests to that extent. If the CDC knows that's the only way to accurately test for parasitic bacteria then we are all getting robbed by our doctors and medical insurance.
Groupie: What enzymes are you talking about, the ones I just purchased?
Crystal: Yes ma'am. Something I don't say, I'm just now getting used to telling others to up the dose, Ive been scared of that but enzymes are fine, they are strong, start low and work up.
For chronic conditions, you can take a double dose and when symptoms pass, you come back down to the normal dose. That goes with tinctures, anything .... the cleanse too. You know your body and when it is at its limit push back down push back down.
Groupie: did you have SIBO? That's what I've been diagnosed with, along with parasites. The mucous and nausea in the morning is terrible, but then I feel ok. On a pretty strong tincture and a protocol right now from my naturopath.
Crystal: You know, I would say I did not, but, I was bedridden for months, it was really bad with me and my son. Try looking into the connection with candida and SIBO, you should find something interesting :)
Groupie: Thank you Crystal and so glad you are well!
Groupie: Can H. Pylori be passed through physical contact?
Groupie: I'd say yes on H Pylori. It's very contagious. One reason it's hard to get rid of, is because you can keep reinfecting yourself! Change toothbrushes....never use the same glass more than once, all kinds of precautions to rid of H Pylori. Mastic gum is good.
Crystal: I do have an HPylor-ease double set :) It is 2 parts a tincture with herbs to possibly kill it and an infused oil of probiotics for replenishment, with HPylori just saying.... But when you look into what to do about it you get two sided stories, some say killing it helps, others say replenishment helps, so I combined the 2. Great advice (above from Groupie)!
Groupie: I'm trying not to give up. I've been strong, alone, sick with this for too long. Crystal you are amazing. Gonna keep fighting somehow.
I think she is too.... hence my interest in creating this topic AND trying the products on O'Rio and personally. I'll let you know how it goes.
Crystal Tripp Becomes More Confident in Telling These Details to Group and "Putting it Out There" -- Editing this in on the Friday just past mid-September as we are cuspy going into fall. In the past, when I was 'in the System' and just wading my way out, not realizing I was being lead to be 'in the Truth movement', as I am now and have been since 2011-2013 being the cusp of that shift for my ideals, I'd have been in Telluride for the Blues and Brews Festival. Not understanding how these festivals and 'trendy things' like beer, wine and etc. are part of Mainstream's keeping us busy and spending our money on things they're making money on. There have been just over 410 reads of this topic at this point in time, I'm pleased to say. Thanks to Crystal Tripp for her support of my work in many ways, including compensating me for mentoring, editing and so on, as well as helping her reach more people. To help.
My Symptoms, My Observations and Theories, Plus Solutions Offered So Far
I have always been "healthy", and within three months I lost my speech, got Parkinsonsonian head shaking. Most all of us have that, but only the ones like me that had no information about all this don't know about parasites. I let it go, and it grew and grew, the "ropeworms" that are consistently seen in people treating "autism" can be a complete blockage; you don't use the bathroom for months. You become completey stagnant.
Bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections, plus the "fibers" completely take over your body. So, I would say at this point due to more information avialable people find, they catch it in time so they don't get to that point. It takes a long time to grow all throughout the body, but it messed me up pretty bad, to the point of feeling like I would have a heart attack if I spoke. Scary stuff!
When I finally began to release it, one stool resuted in a 6 foot piece, so it has to really take your body over to get symptoms enough to be "autism". My 2 yr old daughter stopped talking, she released about 5 feet at one time herself, and started to get better immediately.
I think that it is aggravation of the gut lining that forms a "mucus", at which point lowers immunity and allows "bugs" or "interlopers" in. They, or the bacteria in the fibers use that mucus as a vessel, and then begin to create biofilms that ultimatey form a monster.
The people who have had the worst of it have felt it move, including myself, so I believe that if fungus, like candida and slime mold are intelligent and act and move like a parasite, they meld together and create the rope. It does not move outside of the body, and oxygen kills it, so that says, it thrives in an oxygen depleted environment which it creates for itself.
With it came black tar-looking stool for two weeks, nothing but, completely rank, like death or a swamp, that is too, depleted of oxygen.
I saw on Facebook the other day that Erin Brachovich posted a thread that reported 78% of the world's water supply has plastic fibers; well I doubt she did the actual testing, and I doubt that she knows of all this that I'm writing about here, so, that would perhaps be the same fibers I speak of.
You can watch videos where the food supply also has it. Others are trying, they have been studied a bit, veterinary wise. You can find the fibers all over the environment -- lint, stuck to dark clothing, fibers are at a higher concentration in certain areas.
I spent all this time trying to piece the puzzle together until it consumed me, and one day I said "heck with it, let's figure out how to get it out and get better!" That is how my business was created.
I cannot say what kind of bacteria are in them who knows? Lyme? Mycoplasma? A soup of bacteria? All I know is I dug these fibers out of my stool, put them in alcohol to preserve them, three weeks later pulled them out and the bacteria from inside the fibers came rushing out like lava and they swam in circles together, like a flock of birds; if one moved, they all moved -- round and round the fiber and that alcohol did not kill them! Then, with the heat of the light of the microscope, they did.
I feel we are maybe dealing with something here that's "weaponized" / "man made" ....???? It's not my line of work, you would think that after all this time a biologist or someone would hear and be intrigued enough to study it!
Heavy metals are also a part of the puzzle. Put all the pieces together, you get ropeworms. To rid of it, I got that part!
Please consider following this link to "the rope whatever it is" topic at Lumigrate, as that is a very key component to understanding this subject matter. I remind you that finding health for you or those you help because you care about them or are paid to help them as an advocate is like TAKING A CERTIFICATION COURSE, or GETTING A MASTER'S DEGREE in You or Them, and perhaps you get to the level of mastery of having a DOCTORATE. STUDY as if your life depends on it (withough overly tiring yourself, of course, if you're unwell currently!).
September 17, 2017 Update as 125 people are in Lumigrate (and me)....
Crystal posted: "Been a bit sentimental today. Today I have literally put together the best cleanse that it can be. It truly cannot get any better. I have perfected all four mixes. I am now giving out 4.5 oz of all 4 mixes, totaling over one pound of herb. It will also be guaranteed to last two months for 250 lbs of weight of person, pet, etc. Still at a fraction of the price of the other herbal cleanses I know of, at least.
When the Dis-Ease Solutions website comes out, the price will go up to $75. In the beginning, I started with generic herbs, but I have, over time, extended my herbal inventory and attained the rare, harder-to-get herbs recommended for these diseases by top herbalists.
The Parasite~ease mix has mimosa pudica, andrographis, ajwain, cardamom, sida acuta, and wildcrafted premature green hulls, truly the best herbs, and I powder all but two myself. The Pro/Pre~ease now has triple supplements, triple probiotics and it has more nourishing herbs, some wildcrafted, like goldenrod, milkweed, and magnolia.
It has all the supplements to possibly help with our diseases, and many are recommended by Buhner for Lyme neuro, herx, cardisis, & other issues. It has digestive enzymes, Serapeptase, and even my own chitin. The Intest~ease is now with more nourishing, rarer herbs, like Pine Pollen and all bad tasting herbs have been removed.
Impurit~ease, I powder my own yucca, charcoal, and zeolite. I am so so proud of it. I dreamed of the day I could use all these herbs and such in it. I have hoarded my wildcrafted herbs with no idea what would last, and now I know I can use much more than I have been. So finally, I put them in, and am excited about that!
I now have spent the past few weeks stocking up all products, and I have more than tripled my supply of everything. I have been making shampoo by the buckets-full, and I have 100 cleanses ready for people to order.
I am now able to get packages out much faster and supply free empty capsules with your cleanse IF you let me know you want them sent too.
I have had some folks on hold to come in to the group for two weeks, there's a line. I just wanted to share the perfection and thank you guys, all of you! Lets get this going! Big plans for the website, amongst new products, I am going to offer basic supplies & herbs for you to make your own stuff, and once the website is up and going I will start "how to" videos and teach you all how to make your own things if you wish. Like salve.
You will be able to get all supplies, herbs, and my formulated products all in one place. Right now I have nebulizers, enema bags & bottles, over 100 tinctures.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank this last round of members that have made a purchase, done the cleanse, and especially the ones who have spread word about me and what we are doing here. I appreciate ALL of you! If you are waiting on a package, they are ALL on the way and out my door to yours! Thank You!
and later --
Things are truly so exciting around here!
Soaps - Impurit~ease binding soap with activated charcoal and black palm ash, the same main ingredient of the famous black soap that has been helping with morgs for others. Parasite~ease Soap-- 50 bars made! It has some of my Buhn~ease mix that has herbs recommended to kill Lyme spirochets inside the body. I grew my own Bidens pilosa & Sida Acuta, it also has the Parasite~ease herbal mix! That has herbs that studies show to kill 100% of soil~derived nematodes! I have added collagen to both~
The Parasite~ease Shampoo, made with the same herbs, is outstanding! It is now too thick to be a spray, it will come in an 8 oz bottle and you can add water or use as is, it literally takes a pea sized amount to wash a full head of hair! It has Japanese Knotweed Root oil for a natural resveratrol, and it has a bit of Alopecia, so those who cannot afford the Alopecia Hair Regrowth Complex can still get some of the benefits. Use Alopecia with Parasite-ease for even better results! I also have added collagen to it!
So shampoos and soaps now have over 90 minerals & nutrients, and the shampoo has collagen added plus hair regrowth solution! I am feeling pretty blessed right now! Soaps are between 7-8 oz bars, about 3x's larger than the natural soaps in the stores; you can cut them into 2-3 bars! Soap is $12, shampoo $15, Alopecia Hair Complex that is helping with my own hair regrowth $40. All at 8 oz portions, give or take an oz on the soap, I don't have a professional cutter, for now, so I'm cutting it all by hand. The best of the best! I've never even heard of hair/soap products that have this stuff! For now, a normal closed cap on the bottles of shampoo, Alopecia is a spray, and soon I will be sending them out with pour spouts.
I also have a sanitizing room spray, Sanctuary~ease, you can spray it in the air or on your cleaning rag, again 8 oz $10. Made with essential oils that many other expensive products have in them.
Thanks everyone! Let's get our external bodies & environments clean & sanitized!
AND FINALLY! November 12, 2017 she has professionally done photos of products. This one I think of as the 'cornerstone' ....... So I'm going to be adding the photos as she provides them AND she is also publishing online for the first time her ingredients. Next she'll get her labels printed and that will be much faster step for her production. It's so fun to watch the process unfold. I hope YOU will find it interesting if you wanted this whole 'story', and if not, and you're just interested in products and plugging in with her to get them and advise, I hope this helps you get there as well!
My name is Crystal, and I have managed this thriving business I created for more than two years, as I prepare this information for the website in 2018. It all began with my sharing with others, mostly online, what helped me and my family, including the dog, after we developed a mysterious illness. My passion was fueled by two sick children.
With no help from the medical professionals I sought to help us, I had to find unconventional ways to get better. The medical and herbal professionals I asked were puzzled, as none of them had ever heard of the intestinal mucus I was expelling. With the feeling of massive movements inside our bodies, and the rapid onset of sickness coinciding with many members of the family at once, we knew what was happening was something unknown to us at that time.
I researched night and day to find ways to help my children. I pieced together puzzle pieces to view a bigger picture. Upon eliminating many feet of mucus, our symptoms began to dissipate. Some of the symptoms we suffered, among others, were
- massive hair loss,
- unexplainable muscle movements,
- uncontrollable head shaking,
- auditory hallucinations,
- insomnia,
- numbness/pains of limbs,
- migrating chest pains,
- extreme weight gain & loss,
- stool issues,
- candida growing out of the throat,
- respiratory distress,
- ringing in the ears,
- skin issues.
With herbal remedies, enzymes, raw eggs, fruit, and over the counter parasite medicines, we all eventually regained our health. Our lives seemed to slowly return back to our normal.
Tragically, my son was killed by a drunk driver. Before his death, he urged me to offer what had helped us to the people we had met online in social networking groups where the unwell seek solutions. He felt a sense of urgency and a need for them, as he knew first-hand how many others were suffering with no direction, education, and answers, just as we had. I decided to begin my journey in his honor.
When a child is lost, the fear lingers; fears they will be forgotten. I didn’t want him to be forgotten. I live to make his life make a difference. My logo, a crying feather, represents the tears of a mother lost in worry of losing her children, a recognition of my heartbreaking journey......
My Products....
There is passion and an appeal to my products, and they may work as well as they appeal initially! I utilize plant synergy and its assistance to our well-being. I pay close attention to details, and I choose wildcrafted over organic because, for me, it was the best quality. I collaborate compounds; as a single herb may help, nothing can compare to the teamwork of multiple plants. They may assist one another, which may be crucial to getting the true, maximum benefits.
A single plant alone has limited capabilities. I incorporate a mixture of base ingredients that I found to be the most effective and highest of quality in my travels back to health. Some of my “base” ingredients are; CoQ10, arginine, ornithine, living collagen, CBD without psychoactive compounds, zinc, colloidal silver, NAC, magnesium, 76 ionic vitamins & minerals, and more! I use them in every possible product.
My ingredients are mostly found in products considered “high end”. I price affordably, though, as I want people who are needing solutions for health issues to be able to obtain them. Too often, income has been affected before finding the solutions I provide. I help those who are in need, as well, as I was once in the same desperate situation.
There is no other company I am aware of today offering you, the consumer, a way to customize your own protocol to meet your individual needs! I accommodate sensitivity concerns the best I can. You simply let me know what your concerns are, and I will customize for you to the best of my ability!
Cleanse/Product Synergy...
The meaning of synergy is like referring to my products. Using them together is more effective than each used separately. Herbs have an amazing ability to work together, synergistically, and when you saturate yourself with them, you may find them to be more effective! It is a collaborative formula of potent adaptability and synergy! They initiate ionic interactions on a cellular level.
The cleanse and other collaborative products embrace a range of advanced benefits to cover multiple stealthy microbes. It is an orchestrated spectrum of synergy between multiple plant compounds! In his book Healing Lyme, written by one of my inspirations, Dr. Stephen Harrod Buhner, plants are said to also battle disease. Ironically, he presents that the ones resistant to diseases may be the ones thriving invasively in disease- epidemic areas.
Herbs can be selective, meaning, they may get the harmful organisms and pass by the beneficial ones. They may have capabilities of dismantling harmful biofilms and encysted pathogens. When biofilms, fungi, and mucus are involved, immunity may be compromised. As we impair or kill, sweep up toxins, nourish and support our bodies, what may take place is balance and stability, resulting in homeostasis.
As we have our diseases and conditions in common, each of us are different. You can customize your own tailored protocol by choosing products that meet your isolated needs. It is a detoxification cycle of binding, deeply pulling in, and delivering compounds on a proverbial "silver platter", then grabbing harmful compounds and carrying them out through excretions like sweat, urine, and stool. Sweeping the intestinal tract may reduce harmful pathogenic biofilms, hardened fecal matter, and other types of debris. The internal terrain needs to be revamped, including the gut biome.
In a tincture, compounds are readily extracted and available for absorption, just like how plants uptake them in nature. Keep in mind, it is difficult for powdered herbs to cross the blood brain barrier via the digestive tract and bloodstream. Tinctures are taken under the tongue, and the compounds enter the bloodstream through sublingual tissues, then transported to organ and other areas by circulation in the bloodstream.
Best results have been seen with taking them in concert with other products. The cleanse may help to regulate the stool, allowing your body to have a constant exit path for the toxins and matter to exit, without toxic reabsorption taking place. You can choose topical products as well, for a full, custom protocol!
A common question asked by my consumers is for suggestions as to what to eat while detoxing. I found out about raw eggs, thankfully, when reversing my family's symptoms. They gave our body the sustenance they needed. As I cleansed, they provided excessive vitamins & nutrients, a complete amino acid profile, and massive collagen content, which is key to rebuilding. If you combine them in a blender with a tart berry, it may mask the bitter taste of herbs.
Getting proper sleep, a clean, sugar-free diet, clean water for drinking and bathing, appropriate exercise in type and quantity, and occupying our thoughts and minds are imperative steps to climbing a steep but steady slope back towards well-being. A glycemic diet that diabetics use to keep track of sugar intake may be a great tool for regaining health.
Try to saturate high absorption spots of the body with essential oils topically. For example, the armpits, under breasts, the belly button, base of the spine, wrists, bottoms of the feet, and the vagus nerve on the back of the neck. This may allow deeper access to the body.
I try to think outside the box and share tips I find to pass on to you!
Happy Cleansing !!!
I offer the cleanse in two approaches, liquids or powders. The only blend that cannot be used in liquid form is the intestinal mix. These mixes were formulated to work synergistically, and best results are seen if they are all taken together! You may buy them as a "2 mix cleanse", or all "4 mixes", for a complete cleanse with binders and pro/prebiotics. Or choose single mixes.
A liquid cleanse will consist of: Powdered Intest~Ease and Parasite~Ease, Impurit~Ease tinctures, and a Pro/Pre~Ease infused in grapeseed oil. The recommended way to use is to rotate one day of intestinal with two days parasitic in the mornings. You may take a day off if you choose.
The toxin binders are taken daily with mid-day meal, and probiotics are for bedtime. This leaves a wide open window to take other medications and supplements from lunch to before bedtime.
If you decide to add more to your protocol, like tinctures and/or enzymes, you can incorporate them with cleanse doses. This will keep you at three simple doses daily. Each cleanse is enough for 250 pounds of collective weight. Add the weights of those who are going to be taking it to determine how much to purchase. If the weight total is over 250 pounds, I recommend getting an extra cleanse.
Both powder or liquid versions will last four to eight weeks, depending on many factors. I do not encapsulate, although I offer purchase of capsules as well, and price them inexpensively, for you to put products into capsules yourself without paying a big upcharge.
It will take approximately 120 capsules per mix. For a full cleanse, approximately 500 capsules will be needed. It is safe enough to be used on a daily, long-term basis. It is for those weighing over 75 pounds. For smaller children and/or animals such as pets, the Babe~Ease cleanse may be purchased. For those most sensitive, start at lower doses and take with food.
My cleanses are vegan safe, non-GMO, and I choose wildcrafted over organic when possible. There are special wildcrafted herbs in each mix. I recommend taking an intense first round. Before running out of products from me, order the most helpful mixes to take less frequently, making them last twice as long.
Some organisms hitch-hiking within us "encyst", others lay eggs that may take weeks or more to hatch. Random sweeps and killing or impairing, long-term, may ensure remediating more of these later-appearing pathogens. To feel as though you have thoroughly and adequately cleared out mucus, parasites, toxins, and debris, six months is a promising amount of time, especially for first-time cleansers.
Otherwise, it may be best to take a regimen like this once a year! The cleanse comes with full directions, ingredients, and a calendar intended to be used as a guideline or example of how to go about creating your own, customized way of maintaining your body. (Then do similarly for any others you are assisting, again, we're different and need different approaches, typically.)
The powder shelf life is two years, and the tincture shelf life is five years. My recommendations are simply the way I used it, I have always encouraged others to...
“Night Before Tea”
I wanted everyone to have a nice, warm cup of tea with mucilage benefits the night before starting the cleanse. Ironically, I found that mucilage herbs seemed to “loosen” my own mucus.
Essiac tea is an amazing blend of herbs that was inspired by the world-famous tea wildcrafted long ago by nurse Rene Caisse. The history of essiac, Caisse spelled backwards, is fascinating, and I recommend people become familiar with the story.
My tea contains four of the eight herbs of the original, classic, recipe, but most importantly, I incorporate sheep sorrel roots, as some claim that is the key ingredient. It has natural sweetener, stevia. The special herbs wildcrafted for this mix are; red clover, Japanese knotweed, burdock, prunella vulgaris, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel with root, mullein, musk thistle, Queen Anne’s lace, and forsythia. You may also purchase this and other tea blends in the Signature Tea section of the website.
INGREDIENTS - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF: Prunella vulgaris {Heal all}, Trifolium pratense {Red clover}, Arctium lappa {Burdock root}, Ulmus rubra {Slippery elm bark}, Rheum palmatum {Turkish rhubarb root}, Fallopia japonica {Japanese knotweed, aerial parts and root}, Rumex acetosa {Sheep sorrel, aerial parts and root}, Vereabascum {Aged mullein, aerial parts & root}, Zingiber officinale {Ginger root}, Althaea officinalis {Marshmallow root}, Glycyrrhiza glabra {Licorice root}, Cascara sagrada {Buckthorn bark}, Chamaemelum nobile {Chamomile, aerial parts}, Carduus nutans L. {Musk thistle, aerial parts}, Astragalus membranaceus {Astragalus root}, Withania somnifera {Ashwagandha root}, Cordyceps sinensis {Cordyceps mushroom}, Forsythia suspensa {Forsythia, aerial parts and flower}, Stevia rebaudiana {Stevia leaf}, Artemisia annua {Wormwood, aerial parts}, Daucus carota {Queen Anne’s lace, aerial parts and root}, Piper nigrum {Black pepper}, Pink halite {pink Himalayan salt}, Protease, Berberine, 76 ionic vitamins and minerals.
Intestinal Sweep
A "clear path" is needed for toxic matter to properly exit, especially when detoxing. This product is the intestinal cleanse I used myself long-term to manage my own intestinal mucus. The matter may be harboring harmful parasites, infectious bacteria, and thriving fungus.
You may be able to tell if these factors exist inside your own body by examining the stool. Had we not visibly seen the mucus that exited, we may not have been aware of its existence, investigated and found solutions, and recovered. It may all build up and create a barrier, press up against the intestinal wall, and provide protection for harmful pathogens to evade our attempts to get to it with solutions we take internally. If allowed to expand, the matter may leave only a pencil-sized path, slowly closing off exit passageways.
This product works synergistically with the other mixes by sweeping out matter, thus exposing new areas for the other things to reach into, furthering progress. Intestinal cleansing may progressively go deeper and deeper in this way, as it’s job is to swell up, grab matter and pull it out of the body.
I have included some of the herbs recommended in Stephen Buhner’s Lyme Protocol to possibly get some of the newly exposed bacteria. The special herbs wild crafted for this mix are: Japanese knotweed, Musk thistle, Aloe vera leaf, Pine pollen, Bee pollen, & Bidens pilosa.
INGREDIENTS - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF: Plantago ovata {Psyllium husk}, Phyllanthus niruri {Chanca piedra}, Terminalia chebula {Haritaki}, Althea officinalis {Marshmallow}, Bidens pilosa {Aerial parts and root}, Fallopia japonica {Japanese knotweed, aerial parts & root}, Withania somnifera {Ashwagandha root}, Astragalus membranaceus {Astragalus root}, Cryptolepis sanguinolenta {Cryptolepis root}, Sophora flavescens {Sophora root}, Rhodiola rosea {Rhodiola root}, Isatis tinctoria {Isatis root}, Coptis chinensis {Coptis root}, Phellodendron amurense {Phellodendron bark}, Pueraria tuberosa {Kudzu, aerial parts & root}, Pseudowintera colorata {Horopito leaf}, Boswellia serrata {Frankincense resin}, Pinus sylvestris {Pine pollen}, Polen granulado {Bee pollen}, L-Lysine, Aloe vera leaf, Cassia acutifolia {Senna leaf}, Sparganium eurycarpum {Bur reed extract}, Piper nigrum {Black pepper}, Pink halite {Pink Himalayan salt}, & 76 ionic vitamins and minerals.
You can ONLY get this mix as a powder ! NO Substitutions !
Parasitic Purifier
The statement “We all may have parasites” may be a huge understatement! So much has come to light relating many illnesses to parasites or bacterial infections. My motto is: "If it's alive, it may be killable!" We may get them in so many ways, including contact with insects, food, water, sex, air we breathe, household pets, animals in general, and through the skin.
This mix of compounds may work synergistically by the action of interchangeable sweeping, subdueing or killing, binding, and replenishing. Staying consistent may be more beneficial than aggressively attempting to kill or subdue. It may take a bit longer than most think to tackle a parasitic infestation, as they may encyst, lay eggs, and the reinfection factor may be huge!.
Since the eggs possibly have such a long incubation period, most may mistakenly consider themselves done when they really are not. Sticking with the process may be best. Again, organisms may be hidden in mucus and unreachable until more time and remedies are taken. You may want to taper off later than sooner.
You may also be interested in getting a Parasite~Ease tincture to rotate in, for double the benefits of the bloodstream compounds. The combination cannot be surpassed. The special wildcrafted herbs in this mix are Sida acuta, Queen Anne’s lace, and premature Green hulls of the black walnut!
INGREDIENTS - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF: Mimosa pudica {Aerial parts}, Sida acuta {Aerial parts and root}, Elettaria cardamomum {Green cardamom pods}, Trachyspermum ammi {Ajwain seed}, Artemisia annua {Wormwood, aerial parts}, Artemisia vulgaris {Mugwort leaf}, Juglans nigra {Premature green hulls of the black walnut}, Leonurus cardiaca L. {Motherwort, aerial parts}, Illicium verum {Star anise seed and pods}, Syzygium aromaticum {Clove bulbs}, Andrographis paniculata {Aerial parts and root}, Hippophae rhamnoides {Sea buckthorn bark}, Astragalus membranaceus {Astragalus root}, Withania somnifera {Ashwagandha root}, Uncaria rhynchophylla {Cat’s claw, aerial vine and hooks}, Tanacetum vulgare L. {Tansy, aerial parts}, Camellia sinensis L. {EGCG extract}, Piper nigrum {Black pepper}, Pink halite {Pink Himalayan salt}, & 76 ionic vitamins and minerals.
This mix comes as a powder OR as a 4 oz. tincture!
Toxin and Heavy Metal Binding Complex
This is a complex of multiple binders intended to help you feel better from a "herx reaction". Its synergy comes by attempting to remove toxins emitted by organisms that may be killed by the parasite mix. Once they feel they are in danger, they may also emit toxins that may make us sick. Therefore, it only makes sense to take multiple binders to go after as many toxins as possible. No single binder gets all toxins. Toxin overload may cause neurological symptoms.
The complex contains binders that are used by others for ammonia, mercury, aflatoxins, mycotoxins, and many more. Taking a binding complex may complete the cleansing delivery cycle by possibly pulling out toxins stored in tissues, and allowing them to be carried out! The special wildcrafted herbs in this mix are Red clover and Forsythia.
INGREDIENT - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF: Activated carbon {Activated charcoal}, Montmorillonite clay {Bentonite clay}, Yucca schidigera {Yucca root}, Modified citrus pectin, Arctostaphylos uva ursi {Uva ursi leaf}, Scutellaria baicalensis {Chinese skullcap root}, Clinoptilolite zeolite {Zeolite crystals}, Withania somnifera {Ashwagandha root}, Astragalus membranaceus {Astragalus root}, Desmodium gangeticum L. {Desmodium leaf}, Trifolium pratense {Red clover, aerial parts and root}, Chlorella pyrenoidosa {Chlorella kelp}, Arthrospira platensis {Spirulina kelp}, Theobroma cacao {Raw cacao beans}, Coriandrum sativum {Cilantro, aerial parts}, Forsythia suspensa {Forsythia, aerial parts}, Desmodium phellodendron, Apium graveolens {Celery root}, Chitosan {chitin}, Pistacia lentiscus {Mastic gum}, Piper nigrum {Black pepper}, Pink halite {Pink Himalayan salt}, 76 ionic vitamins and minerals.
This mix comes as a powder OR as a 4 oz. tincture!
Pro and Prebiotics, Proteolytic and Digestive Enzymes with Vitamins and Minerals
Immunity and digestion may increase with a diverse biome made up of beneficial gut bacteria. It may not be based on having billions of only a few species, but having billions of species, like that of an untouched, flourishing area of soil. There are soil-derived probiotics in this mix that contain billions of species.
Additionally, there are prebiotics, which are food, to feed them throughout the entire length of the intestinal tract and the entire colon. It has nourishing herbs that are "selective", which is an ability to recognize the difference between beneficial and harmful organisms in the gut. It has herbs to possibly boost and regulate glutathione production naturally, and as your body needs it.
There may be protection from lecithins that damage proteins that stick to our cells with the abundance and diversity of kelp species contained within! It has proteolytic enzymes that may help with full-body biofilm dissolving and "busting". It has many supplements that others spend a lot of money on to take separately. This may save you a lot of money with that aspect alone! The special wildcrafted herbs in this mix are: Milkweed, Cedar, Aged slippery elm bark, and Juniper berries.
INGREDIENTS - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF: Solanum tuberosum starch {Potato based resistant starch}, Fucus vesiculosus {Bladderwrack kelp}, Macrocystis pyrifera {Giant kelp}, Asclepias tuberosa {Milkweed}, Withania somnifera {Ashwagandha root}, Astragalus membranaceus {Astragalus root}, Echinacea purpurea {Echinacea root}, Eleutherococcus senticosus {Eleutherococcus root}, Modified citrus pectin, Thuja occidentalis {Cedar, aerial parts and berry}, Juniperus communis {Juniper berry}, Hypericaum perforatum {St. John's wort, aerial parts}, Medicago sativa {Alfalfa, aerial parts}, Camellia sinensis {EGCG extract}, L-Lysine, Malpighia punicifolia {Whole food vitamin C - Acerola cherry}, Helianthus annuus lecithol {Sunflower lecithin} Curcuma longa {Turmeric}, Verbascum {Mullein, aerial parts and root}, Ulmus rubra {Slippery elm bark}, Pantothenic acid, D-Ribose, MSM, Calcium, Chitin, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus salivarius, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Amylase enzyme, Lipase enzyme, Cellulase enzyme, Lactase enzyme, Papain enzyme {from Papaya}, Bromelain enzyme {Pineapple}, Mineral complex of: {Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, Thiamin, Niacin, B6, B12, Iron, Phosphorus, Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Potassium}, Lemon bioflavonoids, Choline, Inositol, Hesperidin, PABA, Rutin, L-Alanine, L-Aspartic acid, L-Cysteine, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Glycine, L-Histidine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Proline, L-Serine, L-Threonine, L-Tryptophan, L-Tyrosine, L-Valine}, Protease, SF722, CoQ10, Myrrh, L-Carnitine, L-Ornithine, L-Arginine, N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), Zinc, Biotin, Soil-Based Probiotics, 76 ionic vitamins and minerals.
This mix comes as a powder OR a 4 oz. grapeseed and avocado-infused oil!
2~Part Child/Animal Cleanse
When it comes to the babes, we all want the best, yet the gentlest, most effective, and natural cleanse available. With such close contact between our children and pets, cleansing every member of the household may be the most successful way to go. There may be a link to the exhibiting of common, modern behavioral problems with parasites and intestinal mucus. I, myself, manifested autistic symptoms while compacted with intestinal matter. I lost my ability to speak normally!
Animals that have used this cleanse have expelled mucus casings. The first time I gave my own daughter a cleanse, at 2 yrs old, she also expelled strands of mucus from her tiny body, all at once, from diaper to floor! Why did we ever entertain the thought that our animals can get parasites, yet we cannot? Because we were never taught any better!
I am here to save you the parental guilt. Reinfection may be an issue in the home. One that many are now taking into their own hands. The tables have turned, and we are now seeing a similar affliction of humans and our animals. To avoid possible reinfection, a cleanse like this may be best. There are so many ways to possibly pick up parasites and their eggs, including, but not limited to: playgrounds, pools, swimming in a body of water, gardens, bugs, being in spaces where animals live such as barns, kennels, stalls, and contaminated food and water. I would recommend intestinal and parasitic cleansing for anyone and everyone, especially for those who never have done so! The "M.O." of a parasite is to feed off of us while remaining unsuspected by the host.
This is a two-part cleanse consisting of both intestinal and parasitic mixes. Both with the same intentions as the adult cleanse, just more compassionate. Again, I encourage you to make this cleanse your own by doing it in a way that fits your child's or animal's needs & schedule. You can take it in constant rotation, with, or without, a day off in between.
I believe staying consistent is more effective than aggression. It may be best to take at some pace for up to six months with tapering off the longer you go, just like the adult cleanse. After which, the best thing you may do is to cleanse like this once a year. It is recommended to take a look at what is expelled for the first week, if possible, to get a sample for your doctor to test. Please consult with your physician before attempting home remedies.
This cleanse is portioned to be enough for a collective weight up to 225 pounds. You simply total the weights of all who will be taking it, including the animals, to know how much to purchase. It is estimated to be enough for up to three children. Keep in mind, animals only get a sprinkle if they're smaller, so more than likely they can be squeezed in with what you obtain for the child/"babe".
The herbs are very bitter tasting, and young children may not be as cooperative as the pets! Therefore, I recommend getting a tincture for the parasite portion. The "parasite mix" is available in liquid form, and it is the most bitter. The "intestinal mix" can only come as a powder, and it does not have a bad taste. You can mix it into foods like pudding, applesauce, and yogurt. You may also purchase capsules to encapsulate yourself, and it will take approximately 120 capsules per mix. The calendar also comes with this cleanse for you to use as a guide.
You may get a Babe~EaseTM tincture in place of the powder!
Intest~Ease for Babe~EaseTM {Intestinal Mix} INGREDIENTS - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF: Psyllium, Marshmallow, Ginger, Astragalus, Ashwagandha, Fenugreek.
Babe~EaseTM {Parasite Mix} INGREDIENTS - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF: Mimosa pudica, Burdock, Black walnut, Ajwain, Myrrh, Rosemary, Neem, Calendula, Clove, Sage, Olive leaf, Barberry, Cardamom, Knotweed seed, Fenugreek.
$40 for two mix cleanse OR $25 for individual mix/substitute tincture!
This is a potential game changer according to breakthrough studies that show how collagen and connective tissue damage may eventually lead to deteriorating health! Collagen may promote the health and elasticity of joints, cartilage, skin, cardiovascular components, and spinal column health. Every part of us contains collagen, including internal structures, like blood cells and tissues involved in conditions commonly called "leaky gut" and "leaky brain"!
My collagen complex is made with untouched, living, bioavailable fibrils! Powdered collagen supplements may become damaged by drying during processing. Once fibrils begin to dry, the construction may be changed. The natural structure of a single fibril actually has a 3-D composition. Once moisture is removed, the life may be sucked out and only a shell remains! Collagen makes its way through the digestive tract and supports the gut’s Peyer's patches, which supports the core of immunity. Collagen supplementation may sustain damaged cells!
I have incorporated a complete essential amino acid profile, Chitosan and Hyaluronic acid in this product. These are necessary to create and strengthen peptides, which are the chain-like protein structures of which collagen is composed. A collagen supplement wouldn’t seem complete without incorporating the essential compounds our body uses to make its own. For added support, it has whole food vitamins and minerals that provide many of the essentials required to produce collagen. I use Acerola cherry, one of the highest sources of natural Vitamin C!
Amino acids may utilize vitamin C to produce tight chains. I use catnip to provide vitamin E, also used in the production process. Astragalus is an adaptogen that may readily bind and carry other compounds further, to where they are needed the most. There are multiple herbs in the complex that may stimulate and increase immunity. Phellodendron may be an amazing synergizer for multiple herbs, used to possibly protect against collagen depletion.
I noticed that many companies split up a lot of the indispensable constituents and sell them as single products. I offer them to you in a single supplement. This allows maximum benefits at the best value. The herbs may strengthen elements and possibly make them even stronger than in their natural state! I have included turmeric and pepper, which have been used since long ago for their teamwork to penetrate even deeper.
Queen Anne’s lace is used to offer beta carotene. I have included calcium carbonate for its 27 micronutrients, calcium, and potassium content, as the body may use them together. Collagen support may be essential to maintaining good health and skin.
Above all the listed benefits and ingredients, I steep this collagen complex with a 325 Mhz. quartz crystal to add the energy and power of crystal!
Dr. Harrod Buhner, in his book Healing Lyme states that we must address the collagen damage done by pathogens. He also suggests many supplements in his books for Lyme. I have incorporated some of his suggestions, as they just so happen to also be amazing for skin! The truly amazing complete list of benefits are too many to list here. If so many are praising the benefits to powdered collagen, just imagine what a living collagen supplement can do for you!!!
I would like to inform you of the uses of this collagen, as it has much more to offer! You can use this complex on your skin, or you can collagen-enhance products you use for many reasons! Add one dropper of it to each ounce of liquid. You may enhance anything you wish! You can add it to a bath, shampoo, conditioner, body spray, lotions, toothpaste, and anything that has liquid! This is the base of all my collagen-enhanced products, and they are all effective and amazing as well!
Imagine how much money can be saved by utilizing one product. You decide which option is best for your intentions of its use. I offer this in organic alcohol, infused sunflower oil, or organic apple cider vinegar. Maximum absorption comes from an alcohol base, where vinegar, and then oil, will follow. I offer an alcohol, apple cider vinegar, or infused oil base. A 4 oz. bottle contains approximately 110 droppers in quantity. That makes 110 ounces of enhanced fluid, which is 12 ounces short of a gallon!
INGREDIENTS - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF: Organic alcohol, Polygonum cuspidatum root {Japanese knotweed}, Astragalus membranaceus {Astragalus root}, Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Biotin, Calcium carbonate, Carnitine, Choline, Chromium, Copper, CoQ10, Cysteine, Folate, Glutamic acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Hesperidin, Histidine, Hyaluronic acid, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Lysozyme, Lyzozyme, Magnesium, Manganese, Methionine, Molybdenum, N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), Niacin, Ornithine, PABA, Pantothenic acid, Protein, Phenylalanine, Phosphorus, Potassium, Proline, Protease, Riboflavin, Rutin, Selenium, Serine, Natural sulfur, Thiamin, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, Zeaxanthin, Vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Phellodendron amurense {Phellodendron bark}, Nepeta cataria {Catnip}, Curcuma longa {Turmeric root}, Malpighia punicifolia {Acerola cherry}, Daucus carota {Queen Anne’s lace}, Chitosan, Arbor vitae, Piper nigrum {Black pepper}, 76 ionic vitamins and minerals, Zinc. Infused with Energy and Pure Essence of Crystal.
1 oz. $15 / 2 oz. $25 / 4 oz. $45
Belly Button Soak
I created my belly button soak by attempting to reach areas that beforehand were thought to be unreachable!
While researching ways to reach the small intestine, I found that a portion of it lies beneath the belly button and there may be more connectivity than we previously thought! It is no secret that harmful organisms may hide here, in our core, which makes them incredibly hard to reach. I have witnessed the release of debris and possible parasites by using not only myself but feedback from customers which proved to be the same!
I released tons of fiber-like structures while soaking this solution in my belly button as I slept. It is safe to do on children, and you can control the dilution as well. As a matter of fact, it may be the most gentle way to treat your child. You simply fill the belly button while laying down, preferably while sleeping, and allow it to soak! The longer it soaks, it possibly reaches deeper. I have incorporated some of the most popular elements others use to attempt to address whatever may be living inside. You can even warm it to possibly make absorption even higher! It includes THC-free CBD and pure essential oils! As far as I could tell at the time, and still today as I prepare the website information to be online and reach more people wanting dis~ease solutions, there are NO other products like this on the market!
INGREDIENTS - PROPRIETARY BLEND OF THE FOLLOWING: Grape seed oil, Hemp seed oil, Avocado oil, Sesame seed oil, Jojoba oil, Wormwood, Grape seed extract, Polygonum cuspidatum {Japanese knotweed root and aerial parts}, Thuja occidentalis {Thuja berry, leaf, and stem}, Astragalus membranaceus {Astragalus root}, Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Biotin, Calcium carbonate, Carnitine, Choline, Chromium, Copper, CoQ10, Cysteine, Folate, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Hesperidin, Histidine, Hyaluronic acid, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Lysozyme, Lyzozyme, Magnesium, Manganese, Methionine, Molybdenum, N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), Niacin, Ornithine, PABA, Pantothenic acid, Protein, Phenylalanine, Phosphorus, Potassium, Proline, Protease, Riboflavin, Rutin, Selenium, Serine, Natural sulfur, Thiamin, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, Zeaxanthin, Vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Magnesium, Phellodendron amurense {Phellodendron bark}, Nepeta cataria {Catnip}, Curcuma longa {Turmeric root}, Malpighia punicifolia {Acerola cherry}, Daucus carota {Queen Anne’s lace}, Chitosan, Piper nigrum {Black pepper}, Colloidal silver, Neem, 86% Carvacrol oregano, Black pepper, Camphor, Clove black seed, Geranium, Star anise, Rosemary, Yarrow, Cardamom, Fennel, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Palmarosa, Spruce, Colloidal silver, Brazilian green bee propolis, 5% iodine, Poke root, Zinc, 76 ionic vitamins and minerals, CBD, Fragrance.
● 2 oz. Bottle ~ $25
- ● 4 oz. Bottle ~ $45
I feel obligated to include two children who have guided, inspired, and helped me to launch and persist through difficulties to bring this business to fruition and help those we are serving. They both played a hand in different ways. I did not get here alone, as I have acknowledged and followed signs along the way, which, I believe, came from one or the other. Maybe both or more.
After becoming deathly ill, my son Lynn and I researched night and day to help one another. I lay in a room deathly ill, while he lay in another, both feeling as though we were having heart attacks, experiencing massive movement internally, and thinking we would not make it through this ordeal. We shared products, theories, and experimented on ourselves.
He knew that this was something worthy of sharing with others. He was a part of many Facebook groups where he found others that were desperate, without help. I became part of some. He encouraged me every day to start a business with the basics of what helped us. Once he regained his health using the remedies we found helpful, he was hit by a drunk driver. I do this all to keep his name, and his memory, alive ....
There was a little boy who looked up to and admired Lynn, his name was Dennis, named after my brother and my father, my nephew. Upon Lynn’s passing, Dennis and his sister, my niece, came home with me the night of Lynn's funeral. They needed me as much as I needed them! Having them around was a blessing for me, as they got me through the hardest week of my life. They didn’t leave my side.
Once I decided to get the business off the ground, they visited on weekends, and we would gather plants. Dennis would sit in the back of the truck with his feet dangling as we went up and down my favorite dirt road. Many a time we didn’t make it back until it was dark.
Dennis had been born with a heart defect, and throughout his life had to have heart surgeries. A year and a half after Lynn passed, the day came when he needed that next surgery. He went in, but he didn’t make it back to us.
They were both very special children, and my spirits were lifted in their presence. I feel compelled to include them here. One inspired me to start, as the next inspired me to keep pushing... keep going. And here we are! I miss them terribly, and I know they are watching over me today, still, helping me along the way, so I can help you and others.
Disclaimer: TAKE ALL PRODUCTS AT YOUR OWN RISK! I AM NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR; This website and descriptions of products are NOT intended to provide ANY professional medical advice OR medical claims! It is FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. I am NOT a provider! Neither the owner nor the publisher of this site are liable for any misconception or misuse of the information and products provided which lead to bad results. This information is NOT intended to diagnose, cure, OR prevent any disease! Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a healthcare worker or physician. Keep all products out of reach of children and pets! Do not use if taking medications or if you have a severe medical conditions! Keep away from eyes and mucus membranes! Do not use if breastfeeding or pregnant, or even if it is a possibility of being pregnant! This website and the information contained herein has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. I will not take responsibility for any consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, modification, or application method which results from reading or following the information contained with my products! The names of my products are “NOT MEDICINAL CLAIMS NOR ADVICE”. Always DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Know your products & oils before use! Always use oils wisely and with common sense! © Copyright Dis~Ease Solutions® 2016.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
I was expecting the package from Crystal Tripp around the end of June or into July and had actually checked the mail boxes on the 3rd of July -- one's in town, the other's at the road. Went in the house (via the garage) and then went outside via the front door to mess around with the irrigation out front (it's always something, ha!) and there it was!
I love the duct tape, or duck tape, whichever you believe is the correct way. As an OTR I used a ton of duct tape in varioius colors, and this is a color I did not have -- it's the color of Crystal's product and marketing. It's these details that I really find interesting about the Dis-Ease Solutions products (and the efforts Crystal Tripp has put into it ALL.....).
I've learned from the experienced people where I get my mail and packages that duct tape can peel and so is not allowed but they had a roll or bright red on their counter because they use it so their packages going to other places sitting on shelves are easy to pick out by the workers taking them along the way to where they're going, and they simply tape shipping tape (clear) over it..... I'll pass that trick onto Tripp as a little treat this Halloween season perhaps. Double the work, double the cost for tape more or less but will allow her packages to be their unique color which is becoming part of the charm and tradition already, in my opinion!
I chose this photo of O'Rio because of his lip tucked inside his gums -- he's doing that more and more now, as he's getting older and saggier. It's a look that cracks me up, and one of his human sisters and I had a good laugh about it when she was here dropping off her cat for the summer, as she's off doing what young people do at her age. (Travel, learn about the world....)
So I'm more concerned than usual about parasites since we've now had another new 'being' with parasites and all that comes with that join us. I have permission from O'Rio's owner to be using him for educational purposes but reserve that to referring to the other animals as they come and go as the family has gained some respect for what I'm doing with rehabilitating them.
I'm going to focus on the products which are safe and useful with dogs (and cats), for starters. I'm going to simply walk through what I'm picking out to use first, and why, and getting input from Crystal's Facebook information and then from her directly, to share here with YOU. This is a work in progress, so keep checking back as we go......... Thank you!
Live and Learn. Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy
FIRST OFF, from her UPDATED information in the group, posted around Halloween:
Starting on the Outside -- Topical Products Here, See Comments, Below for Going Deeper / Inward
Para-Ease Soap -- My Recommendation as a "Gateway" for Starters
Mite-Ease Shampoo from Dis-Ease Solutions -- "For Animals Too!"
This is just the way I go about things -- I prefer to try something on myself first, before I suggest it to someone else and certainly before I am the one responsible, as a guardian, for some being dependent upon me for doing the right thing in my efforts to help them.
The largest item in the package was the Mite-Ease Shampoo from Dis-Ease Solutions. It was the only thing in a bottle the size of the sprayer, so I though 'hmm, shampoo you spray on?' Interesting.
I mentioned it is early July, and I've not given O'Rio a bath for a while, and he actually gets showers now, I got a hand held showerhead for the standard sized shower. We barely fit in there but it works fine. Next to duct tape, I think hand held showers are one of the main tools occupational therapists recommend to people. I don't see how people can function without a hand held showerhead, it's like having a kitchen sink without the hand sprayer.
I've had an area where my hairline meets my forehead, which O'Rio loves to sniff. He's rarely inappropriate acting in public (for a dog with autism-like behaviors and symptoms), but he enjoys a long whif at the crotch when he meets people. I suspect he's a fungus-sniffing dog -- yeast perhaps being one of them. Once I knew some of Crystal Tripp's Dis-Ease Solutions products were going to be on the way, I was careful to keep doing what I'd been doing for cleaning my scalp and hair -- baking soda, a bit of borax, a drop of essential oil, and a few drops of a soap called 'home soap' that's all-round and is also what I use on the dog(s) when I wash them in my new setup in the shower. "Getting the baseline" before trying the Mite-Ease Shampoo from Dis-Ease Solutions.
Yesterday I really outdid myself, for some reason I've been tolerating heat a bit better than I had recently, and I just kept going and going doing projects that needed to be done. I was getting way more exposures than I'd prefer to 'stuff in the environment' and was figuring it would be a good initial test for the Mite-Ease from Dis-Ease Solutions from Crystal Tripp. I stripped off the clothes and put them in the washer, and grabbed the Mite-Ease, and wanted to just put a little on the crown area where 'that spot is' but I didn't put the sprayer in because I wasn't sure if it was too full and would make some spill out by immersing that much tube (it wouldn't have, I realized). So I got a good sized amount and headed to the shower.
I know she says in the paperwork that you can let it sit for up to half an hour, which I would normally do it I weren't so toxified with whatever I'd gotten on me and not wanting that to get into the house more than absolutely necessary. I sometimes wish there were an outdoor shower like at the beach!
Because of kind of dumping it on my head as I did, some trickled down my face and got in my left eye and I was glad for that because I know I really want to be careful with getting this in O'Rio's eyes, and I wonder how he's going to like it for ears. I was thinking of applying a dilute mixture of it on a rag into his ears, using purified water, and then rinsing with ozonated water. I might start very dilute. She's really putting some potent potions out! Which is great, it's a lot of bang for your buck!
So I'm thinking that considering getting him wet, spraying on the shampoo concentrate, lathering and waiting a while versus NOT, I'm going to start with NOT and just do as fast a shower as I can with him. But he's been on a 'clean', organic diet from the first of April basically, until last week. Funny story about THAT -- we had the little cow dog with us for a few days over the fourth so he wouldn't be hot and around town with the firework sounds, and he's now on the food O'Rio was on a year ago -- which is good kibble, an all around good, entry-level good food.
Well, O'Rio hasn't had kibble, after 12 years of that being his mainstay, he went totally wet, home made, hand made organic / non GMO in April. And he just really wanted some of that kibble. And the little cow dog really wanted some chicken and green bean smoothie so each one mostly got their usual food and then a side dish of the other's food. And it was right after that O'Rio started scratching around his neck and ears.
So it might not be mites, but we'll see what the effects are of Mite-Ease Shampoo from Dis-Ease Solutions. I'll let you know!
Things I'm wondering about for O'Rio and asking to be adapted for him (in the mean time, I'm going to try it, as I said, I want to experience things first. I don't think a dog is going to do well with the wonderful essential oil in this and would likely do well without it and I could maybe mix in some beef broth concentrate for flavor. I just started a new batch of bone broth this morning, as a matter of fact. However, it would be nice if he'd like it. I actually don't mind doggie breath, but I know some of his family have thought it was not one of his better traits.
Disease may begin and may reside in the mouth. A healthy mouth needs to be cleaned with something all natural and free of toxic chemicals. This is an all-natural essential oil toothpaste that leaves your mouth minty & fresh. May also help to remove stains & whiten teeth. It also contains healthy enzymes that may help with bacteria and fungus.
4 oz Jar $10 6 oz Jar $15
I cannot get O'Rio in the tub, I've wanted to soak him in an iodine-based product but he's just not up for it and despite that I weigh more than he does, by almost 2x, he is so stubborn and smart about how he resists that he is the first dog I literally cannot get to budge if he says 'no'. Which only happens to do with baths. He's such a good boy but he does not want to get in a tub. I did buy him a little kiddie wading pool and can coax him into that with tap water that's either cold or I let it warm in the sun ..... but it's a lot of bending over and easier to 'shower him' ....
SO I used it and can say it's AMAZING. I did not find the paper insert's details until later and used the full bag instead of just a part --- so truly this is something that does a long way. (I like the part about neutalizing toxins in water in the bath.)
You may also bathe your animals in these salts to help their skin conditions too! Formulated specifically for detoxing. Will draw toxins out of the skin as well as neutralize the toxins in the bath water that you would otherwise absorb. Sit in the tub for twenty minutes with the salts for maximum effects. Safe for children and
for animals. They may help soothe mind, body, & soul.
10 oz. = $8 / $15 per Lb.
Another product I don't see using except on the inside of O'Rio's ears perhaps is this skin oil salve. And of course I want to try it on me first, and that gives me a better understanding of where it may or may not be suited for on him. He likes the taste of it and wants to lick it off of me, so I will see if it drives him crazy it have it in his ears. I can say this -- I've liked what it has done on the new scratch I had from a branch and on bug bites which were seeming to get inflamed.
I also used it on the fingers where skin tends to peel if I get in water with my hands without gloves too often, and think it's doing a great job. I can't see any difference in results from when I apply coconut oil, but when it comes to the bug bites -- I'm inclined to want to be putting something on there that might do more with keeping those 'bugs' that might be inserted into my body at that site as challenged as possible, and I think the ingredients Crystal has put into this salve are likely very helpful with that.
MADE WITH BLACK WALNUT & KWANZAN CHERRY BLOSSOM INFUSED OIL!! This salve may help with killing pathogens and pulling toxins out of the skin. This salve may help with modern skin diseases, lesions, rashes, and wounds. The Black Walnut may help with fungal issues of the skin. I personally have removed liver spots and skin blemishes related to liver damage with it. It may be best to allow it to sit overnight on the skin. You may use daily.
4 oz. = $20
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Copied, edited (with her permission and thanks) from Dis-Ease Solutions group page, Crystal Tripp's latest post:
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This great thread representing how things roll in Crystal's group was worthy of adding a comment here for Lumigrate YOUsers. It was started by a post form a group member wanting input about a family member with memory loss more and more the last years, but who otherwise is healthy.
The person recently started to see worms everywhere and shows them to the family members, but they don't see them. They are described as white worms with horns in/on the head. The person believes their home is full of them and blames weight loss on worms in the food also. They ended with "I need some help."
Comrade in arms to Crystal, "Dan the Egg Man", she calls him, hit the thread with these suggestions:
Get IG series tested ASAP
PCR from for mycoplasma. Dan stated that everyone in his group with these neurological diseases is infected with mycoplasma
And then he said ... "get on the raw shell eggs /"
Which brought up questions about what raw shell eggs are, and by then Crystal had time to appear and say this:
You know, I firmly believe Alzheimers/Parkinsons are caused by parasites, fungi, Lyme, (and possibly more), and it's just an advanced stage in a progression of what we all have with our current symptoms seeking solutions in this group.
I developed Parkinsons symptoms at my worst; it was the scariest thing in the world! I would honestly suggest the same basic things I suggest to anyone else. It all works differently for everyone, start there, a month or two later, see what helps and stick with it.
I would suggest the high doses of enzymes, a monthly dose of dewormer, a round of the cleanse, while checking for mucus to know if you need to continue, eating the raw eggs, and some double doses of toxin binders! I cured my Parkinsons symptoms very quickly with cleansing, but, I wasn't advanced / far along with them, so I'm not sure if it would help. It could be damage to the brain or simply a toxic brain.
The eggs ---
You wash & rinse them, I do anyway.
Crack them open, as you always do .... I separated the yolk from the whites. (I actually use the whites now to feed my plants, they love it.) Pinch the inside area of the shell, and you will see a paper thin membrane that holds the shell together.
You can also eat the shell, I did, I ate whole shells for about two months. If you use frozen berries, you won't even know they are there because it'll be like a frozen smoothie. The thicker the smoothie is, the less you will feel the shell particles. The warmer and more watery it is, the shell will be very gritty. Throw the yolks, membranes, 2 cups of frozen berries, and some shell if you prefer, and blend. It is delicious actually.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Kiss-Ease (Detoxing Lip Salve)
Apply as needed.
Naturally, not one O'Rio Grande gets to try out..... grins...
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Soothe-Ease (Detox Skin Salts)
Ingredients: (Contact Crystal Tripp for ingredients.)
Directions: Use the warmest water that you can safely tolerate. For a bath -- 6 teaspoons in standard bath tub. Foot / hand / extremity soak in standard soaking container for feet: 1 tsp.
Soak for 20-40 minutes. Dip in and out of the water to allow the oil (floating on the surface) to contact the skin surfaces periodically and thoroughly.
Caution: Oils may cause a slippery surface.
Caution: Do not allow eye contact.
I admit, I did not get out the paperwork and look at the directions for this product because I presumed, mistakenly, the bag was to be used in a tub of water. Boy did I have a healing, soothing, detoxifying soak! What fireworks? Come on dogs, don't worry about noise, just chill... (LOVE THE STUFF, and now use the proper amount!)
REMED-EASE Skin Care and Repair Salve
Directions: Apply as needed to the desired area. Best to use while sleeping. May help with most skin conditions.
Ingredients: Contact Crystal Tripp for ingredients.
I've used it and really like it. I also obtained some of her older type which has black walnut in it and actually prefer it. Yes, it smells a bit not 'foofy' but to me it smells like something that is going to do some good, too!
...........................................................^.... Do you see an area on my left cheek in this photo? This was taken viewing aspen around the Aspen, Colorado area in fall of 2012. I'd not been particularly concerned about it, probably did not really even 'notice' it. I do recall in the fall of 2014 noticing it, and feeling I was looking like an unhealthy person.
At that time I had not yet 'gotten into' understanding what was being studied about parasites and 'interlopers' as I call them, within the group I initially met Crystal Tripp through, I was just seeing photos posted and people discussing things that were over my head. Busy selling the majority of my things and preparing to become Mardy PopIns, which began at Christmas 2014, I was focused on mold at that time as it related to what I would keep and take, and how I'd store it and so on.
I wasn't sure I even had toxic mold in my rented home at that point in time, and no time (or money) to do the testing, so I just did what I though was best at the time.
THEN had an amazing synchronicity in early January 2015 which lead me to undergoing the protocol that was taught in that group at that time, and low and behold, that area of my face had changes that lead me to believe things 'exited' because they were ...'interlopers' reacting to the antibiotic / antifungal / antiparasitic / antitumoral product involved in that regimen.
But the area ended up remaining kind of reddened, like the tissue in that area was not recovering. So I've been starting with Crystal's products from the outside in, in order to help determine what works on what better. And I believe the Soothe-Ease Detox Skin Salts put on my face while bathing / soaking made for changes, and the Remed-Ease Skin Care and Repair Salve is helping to do what it does. It's slow changes, and things often look or seem worse before they get better in this type of detoxification and cleansing process. I'll let you know as I go.
I chose this photo from almost five years ago though to demonstrate a 'budding problem'. Getting on things sooner than later is going to be to one's advantage, in my opinion.
Ease-Siac Tea (High Mucilage Tea)
Directions: Drink the night before starting cleanse. Boil 1 cup of water, allow it to cool slightly, steep the bag for 15 minutes. Do not boil, or the mucilage will be lost! Brew each bag 3 times to get all compounds; one bag will make 3 servings, in other words. Drinking hot is best, and get the residue left in the bottom of the cup.
Ingredients: Contact Crystal Tripp for ingredients.
Remember, Safe Water Is Great --- and a key / foundation to wellness is using SAFE WATER.
You can find information on water at Lumigrate as well, naturally.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Crystal Tripp this week, thankfully, reposted a resource she had shared in the Dis-Ease Solutions Facebook group previously which I had not found. It is from a website that's about very interesting things to do with energy and is called gestalt reality dot com. I found it fascinating and a massive resource of importance, because the gut is so key in wellness or illness.
However, it was difficult for me to read due to a lot of errors an editor would correct if someone other than the author would edit. I very much want people to go to the website and look at the graphics, video and around overall to get a sense of what a great resource Gestalt Reality is, and then if you wish to read the edited version as I re-worked it, it's below. Meaning the details and all the verbage you can read here and also utilize the amazing source website for the best of both worlds.
I found it interesting because O'Rio Grande and I have a little bedtime snack, and in his case he loves very baked sweet potato. Since I'd read this article in my work time in the evening I thought I'd take our photo on the stairs and lure him into a selfie with the potato. I sent the picture to Crystal and a friend (of 50+ years) who'd done a selfie with her black lab, and I'm sharing the fun with YOU here too, today.
Crystal commented that I glow around O'Rio. My old pal who embellished with halo, crown and angel wings commented that my hair is so long and I look so good. It's so nice to be feeling and looking better. I'm noticing that my teeth after using Crystal's Dis Ease Solutions oral care product has my teeth appearing whiter. I'm not a fan of anything mainstream dentistry because I simply do not trust that there is not a downside in the long term that will make them more money. Sad to say, but that's how I feel.
Here's the link, and I provide it at the bottom of the edited article provided as well.
Resistant Starch – a concise guide to the biohack of the decade
February 27, 2014
Keywords: Resistant Starch Amylose Molecular Structure, Amylose
Resistant Starch (RS for short) is being called the biohack of the decade and with good reason. The majority of people experimenting with it are reporting dramatic improvements in well-being across a number of measures.
Briefly, the primary benefits seen are:
So what is resistant starch? Resistant starch is named so because it is a starch that resists digestion. RS is a carbohydrate with a complex molecular structure that the body cannot break down and absorb as glucose. It is a long amylose chain wrapped in a helical-like structure. Because of this, it bypasses digestion in the small intestine and is used as food for bacteria primarily inhabiting the large intestine/colon. Thus the purpose of taking resistant starch is to symbiotically feed your microbes which then, in turn, do all kinds of wonderful things for you.
There are four different types of resistant starch:
We are primarily interested in RS2, and also a bit in RS3, as they are the natural accessible forms of RS.
Medical science for the last century has largely ignored the human microbiome, much to it’s own peril. When it comes to numbers, we are in fact more mircobes than human, as microbe cells outnumber human cells 10 to 1 in and on the body. It is estimated that there are more than 1,000 species of gut microbes and more than 7,000 strains that collectively contain 150 times more genes than the human genome. These bacteria through their processes also help modulate the human genome, epigenetically altering our very own genetic expression.
Microbiome genome genes 10 times cells bacteria
In fact, the very reason resistant starch works so well is that it reverses some of the damage western medicine has done. Ever since the discovery of penicillin and antibiotics, western medicine has been on a crusade to kill bacteria, many of which have been wrongly demonized.
Our germ-a-phobic society has installed hand sanitizers in almost every conceivable location, and many cleaning products are marketed for their germ-killing properties. Antibiotics have found their way into our food, and are used extensively on animals.
In the words of one man -- what we have effectively done is conducted “mass extinction” which has a plethora of unintended consequences and inadvertently caused a whole host of chronic illnesses.
When people take antibiotics, they tend to be broad spectrum and, while they kill many “bad” guys, they also kill “good” guys. Taking antibiotics is akin to taking a nuclear bomb to your gut. It kills all bacteria without discrimination.
However it won’t kill fungi, and with the bacterial competition eliminated, fungi can grow out of control and cause conditions such as Candidiasis. In addition to this, many harmful bacteria are now also becoming resistant to antibiotics, so when taking antibiotics it may often kill more good guys than bad guys, allowing the bad guys to gain even more of a foothold. Repeated rounds of antibiotics over life can then create dysbiosis, which is at the root of many modern chronic diseases.
Antibiotics Microbiome Wired Resistant Starch
The goal of using Resistant Starch is to help restore the balance of microbes in the gut. This is done by providing a prebiotic food (RS) that feeds the good guys and crowds out the bad guys.
n=1 Case Study – Tim Steele
Over at "Free The Animal" blog, commentator Tim Steele (aka tatertot) had been experimenting with the potato diet some time ago, and became interested in resistant starch. After doing further research through older published journal articles, he found a mountain of evidence showing the benefits of using resistant starch.
So, in line with those previous studies, he began experimenting on himself with high dose RS, and, feeling the benefits, convinced other to follow suit. Soon a whole movement had started, as person after person tried it out and had enormous success. Diabetics were reducing their insulin, and many people were reporting lifelong health ailments being drastically improved or cured.
After 6 months of daily 4 TBS of raw potato starch in addition to 20g of RS from foods and some dietary changes, Tim had his gut micrbiome tested via The American Gut Project. The following are his results:
Tim Steele Resistant Starch tatertot American Gut Project
Click picture to read Tim’s self analysis on Free the Animal
What is profound about these results is the reduced frequency of Proteobacteria. Proteobacteria are considered pathogenic and consist of species such as E. Coli, Salmonella, Vibrio and Helicabacter. Everyone has small amounts of these bacteria in their gut, however the quantity and degree of proliferation is an important indicator of health.
Tim had the lowest amount of all comparable samples! In addition to this, his most enriched microbes were all of the beneficial kind. The highest being Bifidobacteria, notable for their health-promoting properties.
Tim never did a test before taking the RS, so we don’t know what his gut profile looked before the RS, however, the improvements in health and well-being speak for themselves. After many people have taken on the RS challenge, they have seen similar improvement in well-being as well.
Short video showing how Resistant Starch works internally
Watch more videos about Resistant Starch here:
Instructions on how to take Resistant Starch
All the published studies show that a person needs about 20 grams of resistant starch minimum before meaningful benefits are seen, and that at about 50 grams diminishing returns are in full effect providing no additional benefit. Thus, ideally, you want to get about 20-50 grams of RS per day. It is highly unlikely that you will get there by food alone because most cooking/heating and food processing destroy the RS found in food. So therefore, supplementing is almost always done to reach the minimum necessary amount to see beneficial effects.
Ideal Supplement Options
Raw, unmodified Potato Starch, such as Bob’s Red Mill unmodified potato starch
Plantain or “green banana” flour/starch, such as Barry Farm Plantain Flour
Currently, the easiest way to get to the minimum 20 grams necessary of RS a day is to use several Tbsp of raw unmodified potato starch in a glass of water. It is about 75% RS by weight. It is very important you do not get regular potato flour. This will not work, as the heating process almost entirely destroys the resistant starch.
When starting RS, it is best to start slow. The gut will be undergoing some drastic ecological shifts as RS is added. Some people start at sub-tsp doses. Everyone is different in terms of their own microbiome, so only you can decide how much to take and how long it takes to reach full dose.
Raw, unmodified potato starch resistant starch quantity grams
You want to eventually reach at least 2 Tbsp a day, and most people opt for settling around 4Tbsp a day. Some heroic people take up to 8Tbsp a day.
It would appear taking more at once may be better than spreading doses throughout the day. The reason being is that taking RS in a larger bolus dose increases the chances more will make it to the large intestine, where it is thought it is needed most. That said, a maximum of 4 Tbsp is recommended at one time.
The biggest side effect of taking RS is increased gas. This is very normal, and almost everyone doing this protocol experiences this. If the the gas becomes too much, stop taking supplemental RS for 1-2 days. This will give the gut a break and a chance to do some of it’s own re-balancing. Most people have found that the additional gas goes away after using RS for at least one month, so therefore expect it to take that long for your gut biome to do most of it’s re-balancing.
Ideal Foods high in RS
Green bananas or unripe plantains
Cooked and cooled potatoes
Cooked & cooled rice, as in sushi rice & also parboiled rice
Specifically mung beans and also various other legumes
The average western person on a SAD (standard American diet) consumes about 3-5 grams of resistant starch per day. Whereas the average Asian person consumes about 6-8 grams of RS per day. Most people therefore do not consume enough resistant starch from food alone, and thus need to add a supplement. That said, if you start making your primary carb sources cold rice, potatoes & properly prepared beans, it can help create a good foundation.
Resistant Starch food
Tim Steele has done a lot of research and compiled a master list of resistant starch content from major foods. Click here to download the PDF to get a good idea of how much is in various food --- (Mardy's note -- go to the source site and see all the images, the video that's embedded and get the PDF, I'm only providing an EDITED, easier to-read version of the text here to help those who will find the way it is written at the source site more cumbersome than need be).
Potato Retrogradation Resistant Starch grams
Your mileage may vary
If you have lived your life and never, or perhaps rarely, taken antibiotics and you typically eat fermented food on a routine basis, chances are RS may not benefit you as much as someone else. If, however, you have been exposed to repeated rounds of antibiotics and don’t eat much fermented food, chances are RS can offer you great improvements in terms of health.
The people it helps most notably are people who are struggling with intestinal issues, such as IBS, Chron’s, diabetes, metabolism issues and people struggling with immune system-related issues. It also offers considerable benefit to those struggling with hormonal and neurotransmitter issues, as well as things like anxiety, depression and OCD.
It’s ironic that those most compulsively concerned about “germs” are likely people who have suffered from immune system-related problems in early childhood, causing health ailments where dysbiosis has been at the root, often unbeknownst to them. It has been said the best offense is a great defense. And this couldn’t be anymore true here.
It’s not that all “germs” are bad and should be eradicated, the fact is, RS works precisely because it feeds and supports “germs”, namely the “good” ones, rather than the “bad” ones. The old wives' tale of living in too clean of an environment leads to immunity issues such as allergies down the road such as in the hygiene hypothesis therefore is only partially true. It’s not lack of exposure that is the issue, rather it is that many people carpet bombed their immune system/bacterial support system to the point where it was so compromised it has never fully recovered.
Serotonin & the Gut-Brain connection
95% of the body's serotonin is produced in the gut by bacteria. One of the main bacteria implicated in the serotonin production pathway is Bifidobacerium Infantis. If you remember Tim Steele’s most enriched bacteria was the bifidobacterium at an eleven-fold increase above normal levels. This means that taking appropriate prebiotics and ensuring that you are also taking the right bacterial strains could lead to dramatic shifts in neurotransmitter and hormone production capability.
There has been a lot of research lately showing how various bacteria can reduce anxiety and depression, and alter mood and behavior. One of the root causes of depression and anxiety is a gut imbalance which then leads to a neurotransmitter imbalance.
What else is interesting is the reverse is also true. Negative thoughts, feelings and stress also influence bacteria and can raise levels of “bad” bacteria and lower levels of beneficial bacteria through stress hormonal activation.
It seems resistant starch may have powerful effects on serotonin, and therefore melatonin as well. I have personally found that that taking RS 4-5 hours before bedtime to be important. If I take it right before bed I wake up feeling exhausted. I believe the reason is that transit time from mouth to colon is roughly about 4-5 hours and it is ideal to have the RS arriving in your colon as you sleep. It seems to promote more rejuvenating sleep and perhaps assist with critical liver detox that occurs in the early morning hours.
Diversity is key
A brief map showing species variation depending on location as well as average number of organisms. The lactobacilli tend to occupy the upper intestines while the bifido dominate the lower intestine.
Intestinal Microflora Resistant Starch
It is possible to get you gut biome tested via a stool sample. In fact, if this is you first time reading about resistant starch and you are interested in trying it out, consider getting yourself tested first so you can do a before and after comparison and then post your results online somewhere. It would be of an immense benefit to helping us collectively understand better what is going on in peoples' guts. Good tests to do are as follows:
Both the above tests are genetics-based in that they are sequencing the DNA of the micrboes in your stool. This is quite different than the standard practice of using a microscope and eyeball-estimating or culturing.
Bifido bacteria are your friends
One of the primary organisms that RS appears to increase is bifidobacteria. It is these bacteria that confer many benefits to you their host. Bifido constitute 90% of the gut microflora in infants that are breast fed.
Bifido do things like:
Improve digestion
Resistant Starch Bifido on Colon
Production of Vitamins
Bioconversion of many compounds such as folate
Inhibit Candida and E.coli by lowering pH in the gut
Reduce gas
Enhance the immune system
In many cases supplemental bifido can also completely eliminate IBS and diarrhea.
But perhaps one of it’s most beneficial aspect is that bifido cross-feed other beneficial bacteria species. Specifically Clostrida being one which then produce SCFAs.
SCFA are an energy source for your intestinal cells. They also help tighten the junctures in the intestinal cell lining preventing conditions such as leaky gut.
While there is still a lot that is unknown about how Resistant Starch works and what it feeds specifically it appears that:
“Leitch et al. [24] found relatives Eubacterium rectale, Ruminococcus bromii and Bifidobacterium adolescentis to be the main colonisers of resistant starch particles, and these same species were detected using stable isotope probing with labelled starch by Kovatcheva-Datchary et al. [25]” (source)
The online community that is currently experimenting with RS is trying different bacteria and combinations of bacteria to see what works best. There is likely to be a lot of individual variance. So far the following stand out:
Other beneficial bacteria
While there are many bacteria that have benefits for one reason or another, these ones specifically are singled out for their remarkable properties in conjunction with RS. B.Infantis which is likely the primary bacteria responsible for Serotonin production is not found in 90% of probiotics on the market. This is why doing your research is important before buying probiotics.
Recommended Probiotics for purchase:
But won’t RS feed the bad guys too?
According to the evidence collected so far, it will not. In fact, the opposite seems to be the case, in that it feeds primarily the beneficial bacteria and crowds out/inhibits the more dangerous Proteobacteria, such as E.coli, Salmonella, Vibrio and Helicobactera. If you look above at Tim Steels n=1 report, you will see he has less pathogenic Proteobacteria than anyone else! This has seemingly been one of the most profound discoveries when it comes to RS.
In fact, resistant starch has been used as an effective treatment to treat cholera. It has been shown in a lab that 98% of cholera bacteria will detach from an agar substrate and bind to the resistant starch for elimination. (refrence) Dr. B G uses resistant starch as part of her Small Intestinal Bacteria Over-growth (SIBO) protocol to flush out excess microbes from the small intestine.
The increase in beneficial bifido populations which is one of the primary functions of RS helps create a more acidic environment through enhanced SCFA production in the colon, which is considered a good thing. This environment inhibits the virulent hyphal form of the fungus Candida reverting it to its non-pathogenic unicellular form. (references) Anecdotally, for me personally, RS was the key that helped me get over a pervasive candida infection.
Other prebiotics:
All prebiotics are in the form of molecules called glycans. There are over 2,000,000,000 glycans that constitute the “human glycome”. Cutting edge research is exploring these glycans and how they relate to various microbiota.
Your body produces mucin (as in mucous a type of glycan) in the gut, and this is also there for the purposes to help nourish your microbiome.
So how do all these other prebiotics/glycans compare to resistant starch? Not all glycans are equal. No one really knows, and studies are mixed in terms of results. In vitro vs in vivo can make a difference, and cross-feeding among bacteria and individual biome uniqueness can create hundreds of confounding variables, further complicating the matter. Ultimately a mix of the various prebiotics is probably best to cover most of your bases. However, using RS as a foundation is probably wise, because anecdotally we know it works for many people.
GOS is another well-known prebiotic that has been empirically shown to have good bifidogenic properties. GOS is a substrate similar to those secreted in breast milk that fuels the 90% bifido as a ratio of gut population in infants.
Prebiotics is something that needs to be researched further and experimented with. It could be a serious contender to RS, but for the time being RS is much more accessible found in most local grocery stores. Plus it’s cheap.
Super Booster recipe – Mix it up:
Diversity is a good thing, especially when it comes to prebiotics and probiotics. What I do personally is mix a bunch of things together into a super booster style drink and rotate various probiotics. I drink this once a day on an empty stomach, 4-5 hours before bedtime. Mixing the probiotics with RS in water is ideal because it will enhance survivability and should increase transit length through the GI tract as well.
3/4 glass of water
Prebiotic 1 of:
4 tbsp of Bob’s Red Mill Potato Starch Unmodified
4tbsp of plantain flour
1 sachet of Bimuno
Probiotic 1 of:
2 grams of CP-11
2 grams of Natren Bifido Factor & 2 grams of Life Start 2
1 sachet of CocoaVia for flavonols
Then I drink that and swallow the following:
4 capsules of Greens
1 tablet FOS and 1 capsule of apple pectin
1 capsule of Prescript-Assist or 1 capsule of AOR ProBiotic 3
Benefits of Resistant Starch: (long list)
— decreased glycemic response (in both healthy subjects and diabetics)
— increased insulin sensitivity
— improved fasting blood sugar (10 or 15 point drops in many individuals, sometimes even greater)
— increased satiety
— improved metabolism
— improved fat burning
— improvement of adipose tissue patterning (body fat)
— improved sleep (deep and “movie-like” vivid dreams)
— improved digestion
— improved regularity
— improved blood/lipid profiles
— improved chelation/elimination of heavy metals
— improved colon pH (acidic is better)
— improved uptake/absorption of vitamins and minerals
— improved neurotransmitters (like serotonin)
— improved butyrate and Short-Chain Fatty Acid production (by feeding butyrate producing bacteria)
— improved colon health (by the production of Short-Chain Fatty Acids)
— improved previous damage to colonocytes
— improved mucosal integrity (gut barrier)
— protection against (experimental) colorectal cancer
— increased nitrogen disposal and reduced blood urea concentrations
— improved eye health
— improved body temperature
— reduced stress and improved well being (anecdotal)
— potential treatment for ulcerative colitis
— does not affect one’s ability to maintain ketosis (if that’s desired)
Additional Resources:
Free the Animal Blog – ground zero of the recent RS movement
Animal Pharm Blog – a scientific look at RS and SIBO
Cooling Inflammation – a deeper scientific look
Human Food Project – contribute to the mapping of the microbiome
Mr.Heisenbug Blog – interesting blog on microbiota, constantly asking questions
The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We’ve Been Looking For? – CFS/ME forum thread where I actively contribute
The Wired Atlas of the Human Ecosystem – Infographic
The Definitive Guide to Resistant Starch by Mark Sisson
A good overview on “Fiber” – Not all Fiber is equal. Cellulose as in salads is the least fermentable of many kinds of fiber
Invisible Life – Short Essays on various microbes
Latest in Paleo 97: Perfect Resistance – a good summary of the latest in RS with Tim Steele and Richard
Larry Smarr: Can we quantify our own illness?
Probiotics Prevent Gluten Sensitivity and Intestinal Damage from Gliadin also Antibiotics linked to Celiac
Colicky Babies May Have Wrong Bacteria
Mind-altering microorganisms: the impact of the gut microbiota on brain and behaviour
Resistant Starch: Now We’re Getting Somewhere Part 1 & Part 2 (35 links to research)
^ (Mardy's Note -- those, above, will be hyperlinks if you go to the site, as I am repeatedly suggesting, and see all the bells and whistles. This has had extensive editing to make it more readable and easily understandable. I see on the About tab that this incredibly sharp guy who thankfully has this amazing and super interesting website is multi-lingual and English is not his primary/first language.)
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Crystal Tripp is an administrator in Dan Webb's group that is at this link: (or was at time of my posting). ... It is titled:
I found this comment that Crystal provided there in a thread on 24September2017 to be the perfect introduction to this facet of what she provides as ..... dis-ease solutions........
You might consider going to that group for information and support, in addition to Crystal's group titled Dis-Ease Solutions (and so on), which I've linked to in the main topic on this thread.
Naturally, there is a LOT of information on Lumigrate in forums; I try to present a variety of things that seem to me to be substantially valid and also in some cases may be off the beaten track and not otherwise found by information seekers. The key is to decide what is right for YOU. And that can be something different in various phases of our lives. This is clearly one that Crystal feels very strongly about and I thought it deserved recognition with a dedicated comment on this thread.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better!! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Someone asked a question of how to use the products for intestinal cleansing and support. The gal said that she could have asked her privately but felt others would benefit if she asked in the group. Someone else from the group said she'd had the same questions, before.
So I thought I'd put it here -- it's time, I've laid the ground work of more topical products, a bit about the simple diet information that is discussed in the group so you have a feel for that... personally I feel that before I start going in to do anything with the intestines I need to be right with diet.
And that includes coffee and alcohol. From the summer 2017 products I received to assess the products at that time, the insert information:
Intest-Ease/ Parasite-Ease: 1 day Intest-Ease, next Parasite-Ease, then 3rd day neither. After six weeks, lower to once a week until you decide to stop. Take mix on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning with 8 oz water or herbal tea. 32 oz a day is best. Chronic sufferers should repeat this cleanse twice a year. Everyone should do this once a year at least. It may take up to 72 hours to see results. Be sure to check what is expelled for a proper figuring of what you have and are dealing with intestinal interloper-wise.
If a reaction occurs, it is likely from toxins omitted by parasites. Reactions may be -- headaches, nausea, fatigue, rashes, itching, cramps, diarrhea. If symptoms persist, lower dose and work your way back up. Ingredients expand and may swell in the throad if not take with enough water. Choking hazard, therefore.
If constipation occurs, lower the dose, ingest more ater, start back up when you feel comfortable. Do not take within 2 hours of medications or antibiotics. Use herbs wisely and with common sense. Results may vary.
This is a felxible cleanse so take your time. Keep the mixes in a cool, dry place. Weight dosage less than 35 pounds is for animals. Do not give to children under 2 years of age. Drink it immediately before it has a chance to swell. Drink more water to wash it town. Do not add to food. You have to drink it. You maybe have to tea to take it with. Do not make tea out of it.
Contains organic psyllium husk, fenugreek, stevia, triphala, Japanese knotweed root, forsythia, senna leaf, Queen Anne's Lace, harritaki, astragalus, ashwaganda, quassia bark, chaga mushroom, olive leaf, chanca piedra, black pepper, pink Himalayan salt.
This is what Crystal said:
I tell everyone to make it their own cleanse, you do it however you want. The wormwood content is low, so you don't have to worry about daily use causing toxicity. Do it however you want, you can take toxin binders every other day, however, there's no one way to do it.
I tell everyone to start the cleanse and just start low the first couple of doses, work up as fast as you can, and you can double/triple doses on all but intestinal mix, that is already high.
When you understand the routine, start tinctures, take them at any time, but, I would keep it 2 hours away from probiotics, as long as you remember 2 things 1. things can kill probiotics 2. things can be banded and lost from the binders, with that in mind, take whatever, whenever.
The calendar is how I started the cleanse. After that first initial round, continuing on, I stuck with the binders, intestinal once a week, until the mucus was gone, and the probiotics about twice a week. I stuck with it the best I could. After almost a year of doing this and doing that, and doing a round of the cleanse, I did weekly intestinal cleanse for about 6 months before the mucus disappeared. And many won't like this, but my bowels didn't start moving on their own until I had missed a few days of enemas, and when I beat my mucus, I wasn't doing enemas at all. So, while they are helpful, at some point I think they also aggravate the intestinal lining and cause mucus to be created.
In the beginning, they saved my life; in the end of my journey, I believe decreasing them once I felt good was very helpful. I realized that doing 3 a day long~term was keeping my bowels from moving, so, when you feel you're ready, skip a day here and there on daily enemas and see if your bowels move by themselves. For me, it was like they, long term, almost caused lazy bowels, but, couldnt have gotten to where I am without them.
Late October Update (2017).... I know Crystal was working hard and what seemed like forever on the documents she needed to provide to people for information about the products at this point in time .... her products evolve, the packaging evolves.....
This is what is said in that updated information about the Adult Cleanse (for over 75 pounds)
Impurit-Ease (Toxin Binders & Systemic Enzymes)
Take mixture daily, 2 hours after morning herbs but 1 hour before eating. Mix with 8 oz. of room temperature water. It is best to allow it to sit for 1/2 hour before drinking. Take 2 hours away from medications and food. If constipation occurs, stop use, increase water intake until the bowels are moving again. Mixture will stain clothing, mix over/within the sink. If a reaction occurs, skip a dose, lower dose and try to slowly work back in again. If reaction still persists, disconinue use. You may try again later after cleansing a bit. Reactions may be headache, nausea, fatigue, rash, itching, cramping, diarrhea. Start low, go slow, work your way up to recommended dose. Dosage 5-25 pounds 1/32 tsp., 25-50 lbs 1/10 tsp, 75-100 pounds 1/2 tsp, 124-250 pounds 1 teaspoon, 250+ add 1/2 tsp for every 100 pounds.
Babe-Ease (for children and pets)
Directions: Take on an empty stomach, in teh mornings, if possible. Add herb to 8 oz of room temperature water or herbal tea and stir well. Drink it immediately before it has a chance to swell. It is best, but not required, to divide your dosage in three and take it at 3 increments across the day. (I/Mardy edited that wording a bit).
If you miss a dose, try to get it in as soon as you can.
Hints. Some ideas for getting a child to take herbs are: yogurt, applesauce, rolling frozen fruit around in the herb, add it to ice cream, chocolate syrup, or any fruit juice. Drinking juice just after dose may help. Drinking through a straw (Mardy's note -- I'm editing that out, my OT experience about straws and swallow and inhalation into lungs has me thinking I'll not plant that seed of thought here for the Lumigrate YOUsers).
Take for six weeks only. Wait one month between rounds. Always start at 1/4 to 1/2 dose (at the most, again I/Mardy editing in.... you might start with a tiny pinch and see how YOU or your pet or child responds, is what makes sense to me. I started on a man-made intestinal 'interloper' ridding product at 1/4 the dose and wished I'd started with 1/10th. ... grins.)
Full Dosage per day after you've titrated up gradually -- remember "start low and go slow":
5 to 20 pounds - 1/32 teaspoon
20 to 35 pounds - 1/10 teaspoon
35 to 55 pounds - 1/4 teaspoon
55 to 65 pounds - 1/2 teaspoon
65 to 75 pounds - 1 teaspoon
Ingredients: Contact Crystal Tripp via her information provided here ....... or contact me (and be sure I get the message, the call, text or whatever it is you do ... email, letter .... so on).
May Help With: Core Balancing of the Kidney / Spleen / Liver Qi
Ingredients: Proprietary Blend Of: Organic Alcohol, Distilled Water, Honokiol, Prunella vulgaris, Thuja, Goldenseal, Red Root, Dead Nette, Cryptolepis, Pau D’ Arco, Rhubarb, Ashwagandha, Licorice root, Pine, Japanese Knotweed, Queen Anne’s Lace, Forsythia, Red Clover, Bayberry, Echinacea, Calendula, Astragalus, Sida Acuta, Elderberry, Black Walnut, Pokeberries, Kudzu, Mimosa Pudica. Infused with the Energy & Pure Power of Crystal.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This weekend, one of the group memebers I'd connected with via her group messaged me on Facebook. THRILLED about the soap. I asked her which one -- she wasn't home, wasn't sure, but thought it was the same one I've been using.... which has just blown my mind.
We joked about how I'm trying to find things to do in the shower to prolong my time, with the water off, to let things have more time to do whatever it is they're doing.
I 'noticed' how the skin on my arms and trunk near my arms felt after starting to use the most recent bar I'd been sent. It was reminscent of years ago (winter/spring of 2015) when I was doing a protocol as 'far out' as I've ever done -- which was using the duo of medicinal mushrooms (red reishi specifically) and a patented veterinary medicine marketed as a wormer / anti parasitic (fenbendazole works on many things just not on mammalian cells so it goes after the overgrowth of fungus amongus, bacteria, virus and even tumor / cancer cells, I'd learn in the group where I originally met Crystal).
I'd similarly 'noticed' the skin on those parts of my body then, too.... and it was like that song 'things that make you go hmmmmm'...... Immediately upon starting the fenbendazole, and then stopping to back up and start with the reishi and do that for a month so I would be in a better position to handle what the fenbendazole did (even in a small dose for my weight, as I believe in "start low and go slow" I had GI / elmination results to show that I was 'onto something I needed to do'. I'd then seen other things I knew as part of 'environmental illness' improve -- muscle strength, balance, coordination, thinking, mood, vision -- an early and very vivid experience was vision getting 'sharp' and a feeling of 'my brain is taking in things and processing them congruently' occurring.
But my skin changing BLEW MY MIND, because I'd not previously thought of 'normal aging skin for my amount of time on Earth' being symptomatic of environmental illness, and clearly things were coming off or out of my skin that were making it feel --- healthier and like it did in the past all the time (when I was 'younger').
So HATS OFF to Crystal Tripp on her soap, from my experience, for what it's worth. Here's what she says about it at her NEW documents area which she worked on so hard, I know, and finally got posted just before the end of October.
● 8 oz Dis~Ease Solutions TM Daily Parasite~Ease TM Soap {My family uses it daily for possible prevention} ~ $12
● 8 oz Beaut~Ease TM Daily Soap {Herbs used by others for anti~aging benefits} ~ $12
8 oz Impurit~Ease TM Daily Soap {Ing. used by others on skin to bind environmental toxins} ~ $12
10 oz Custom Blend of Your Choice Bar {Herbs from any of the ltop tincture list!} ~ $15
From:Crystal's Disease Solutions Facebook Files. Best to get into her group, get the assistance from her there AND her groupies!
Crystal is a one man band / one woman company and she is having to cover all the bases, including managing her group solo, so she holds up letting in new requested profiles until it's in a good point for her 'cycle' which tends to be about a 3 week thing from what I've seen. You can contact me to help facilitate your entry and navigation there. Be certain you get a response from me, I don't accept random friend requests at Facebook typically. Send a message. Email me, phone me (go to the About (NOT THE CONTACT US, it's not updated) at to find that information. But it's worth the effort to get 'into' this stuff, in my opinion.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!