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Pinned Post: Overview for YOUsers Landing At My Blog Area

Mardy Ross's picture

I've changed the contents of this pinned blog a dozen times in the dozen years since it was pinnedhere to the top of the blogs. I'm editing this that you're reading now, on 22 October 2022. 

I remember the "emerging media" professional pinning a blog I'd created along the way because it featured one of the providers I had included in the forums.  Then they couldn't figure out how to un-pin it that day, and we never got back to it.   read more »

Old Friends, New Books and Timeless Music

Mardy Ross's picture

 I love a good book!  Always have, always will!  To me, the best books are those my friends write!  I love to put on some good music and do my housework, always have, always will.  And I look forward to more new books from people I know.  

It's nearing mid-October as I write this blog.  I admittedly had difficulty getting around to writing.    read more »

The Present -- With Love

Mardy Ross's picture

The present is always upon us, yet it's easy to be somewhere else.  

I let a lot of time pass since my last blog entry, and I was not certain how it would be received.  I wanted to let things "rest" and look at read numbers.  I was relieved when it was announced in the summer there would be hearings in the United States Congress on the UFO / UAP subject.  They came, made news, and went.  read more »

To "The Ones"

Come See Mardypop on eBay - Link Provided

Mardy Ross's picture

 2010, and used for

eBay Thumbnail of "MardyPop"  read more »

Gifts for the Wrists

Love, Remembering and Being Remembered

Mardy Ross's picture

Love  is an amazing thing, and I'm saddened we have commercialized it to the extent we have, but I hope this blog topic will bring a perspective to you, if you're reading. Maybe my "vibe" will attract YOU as part of the "tribe", and we can revitalize a tradition, similarly to how jewelry I provide has been revitalized, if appropriate and necessary.     read more »

"Rings" In the Holiday Season

Mardy Ross's picture

Since it's time for me to be getting underway helping people find enjoyable jewelry purchases for the holidays, I thought I'd start with a blog topic to tie a 10k gold ladies Harley Davidson ring in with one of my favorite holiday season photographs.  

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More Morphing

Mardy Ross's picture

It's been six month since I added a new blog topic.  Change was in the air when I last wrote here.  I've made a big decision about this little website of mine, 15 years after making the BIG decision to create it.  I'll call it a metamorphosis.  Or, is it a metal morphosis?  Punny, huh?

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