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occupational therapy
Pinned Post: Overview for YOUsers Landing At My Blog Area
I've changed the contents of this pinned blog a dozen times in the dozen years since it was pinnedhere to the top of the blogs. I'm editing this that you're reading now, on 22 October 2022.
I remember the "emerging media" professional pinning a blog I'd created along the way because it featured one of the providers I had included in the forums. Then they couldn't figure out how to un-pin it that day, and we never got back to it. read more »
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More Morphing
It's been six month since I added a new blog topic. Change was in the air when I last wrote here. I've made a big decision about this little website of mine, 15 years after making the BIG decision to create it. I'll call it a metamorphosis. Or, is it a metal morphosis? Punny, huh?
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18 Year Cycles. 25 Years as OT. Ending 2021 and On to 2022
I am composing this, initially, on Christmas Eve (2021).
I'm reflective at this time of year, always, but moreso this than ever before. The winter solstice has long been a time when I want to have solitude in the evenings at the very least. New Years Eve as well, increasingly, since I was underway in my 30s, working to become an OT. read more »
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The First Day of Fall
It is the first day of the autum season, 2021, as I write this. It is my favorite season, since moving to the Grand Valley of western Colorado in 2004. I'd lived the first four decades (plus a few years) on the Front Range, as it is referred to -- the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. There, the winters can be brutal; here the summers are.
(Photo, above, taken in Aspen, Colorado, where I went to celebrate the start of fall in 2012) read more »
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For those of you who are new to all of this, you might be wondering... what IS Occupational Therapy? And, why do I keep telling you to seek out an occupational therapist?
Mardy's note: This is an outstanding page/website I found to provide these definitions of the overall definition of occupation and occupational therapy, and I provide the link below; it's about sensory processing disorder, specifically. LOTS of GRATE info and a 'finder' too! read more »
Ten years ago, in the winter/spring of 2002, I had one of the most FUN at work as an Occupational Therapist, when my then-boyfriend's dog, Scooter, completed the therapy dog program my supervisor was certified to teach and credential dogs as being 'therapy-worthy'. Scooter had been rescued years before when he was looking for a dog for his family and wife at the time. She was on 'death row' and of all the dogs in the area he had to pick from, she was the standout just in the way she came over and looked at him. read more »
After January 1, 2012, student athletes in Colorado sustaining a "head injury" (as they are commonly called, but ultimately is a 'brain injury' and we should be using THAT word to show the importance every time it's uttered) will finally have a fighting chance of a "concussion" (which is a physics word that the health industry adopoted, again, it undermines the importance of the BRAIN is INJURED) occurring during school activities not impacting the rest of their lives. read more »
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Veteran's Day - 11/11/11. My Thoughts, Over Coffee.
I made a special cup of coffee today and drank it looking at the sun coming onto the beautiful Colorado National Monument that is the backdrop to one side of Grand Junction. Last night on PBS there was a wonderful program about Vietnam, where they interviewed Veterans of the war, including some women. read more »
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Blessings on the Boards! Getting Those 'Initials' After Your Name. Don, Bud - This Blog's for YOU!
Right now is 'back to school' for millions in the United States, from "K through ...?" One of the contributors to Lumigrate, who has been as more behind the scenes in the past but coming into the pages of Lumigrate in the future is a wonderful man who connected with me and Lumigrate through facebook but who was in Colorado and did a practicum / fieldwork in Grand Junction, so we met and had dinner one night. read more »
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Fibromyalgia AWARENESS Contest ends today -- the process from the OT in me.
Today is May 19th, the last day of our 2011 Fibromyalgia Awareness Day contest. There are many contributions and they are ALL REALLY GOOD. 'GRATE' as we say around here! Since we do fibromyalgia awareness EVERY DAY, all day at, and have been, 365 days a year, for over two years now, this year I wanted to bring it back 'home' -- that's been my theme for 2011 is to spend equal time in my own community which has AMAZING providers and people who have FMS, and 'inteGRATE' them with the equally amazing nation-wide providers. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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