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18 Year Cycles. 25 Years as OT. Ending 2021 and On to 2022
I am composing this, initially, on Christmas Eve (2021).
I'm reflective at this time of year, always, but moreso this than ever before. The winter solstice has long been a time when I want to have solitude in the evenings at the very least. New Years Eve as well, increasingly, since I was underway in my 30s, working to become an OT. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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For those of you who are new to all of this, you might be wondering... what IS Occupational Therapy? And, why do I keep telling you to seek out an occupational therapist?
Mardy's note: This is an outstanding page/website I found to provide these definitions of the overall definition of occupation and occupational therapy, and I provide the link below; it's about sensory processing disorder, specifically. LOTS of GRATE info and a 'finder' too! read more »
Fibromyalgia AWARENESS Contest ends today -- the process from the OT in me.
Today is May 19th, the last day of our 2011 Fibromyalgia Awareness Day contest. There are many contributions and they are ALL REALLY GOOD. 'GRATE' as we say around here! Since we do fibromyalgia awareness EVERY DAY, all day at, and have been, 365 days a year, for over two years now, this year I wanted to bring it back 'home' -- that's been my theme for 2011 is to spend equal time in my own community which has AMAZING providers and people who have FMS, and 'inteGRATE' them with the equally amazing nation-wide providers. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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Transitions from Fibromyalgia to ... FUNction
I'm glad we had so many people at least become aware of the resources available on related to fibromyalgia with Awareness Day last Wednesday. This past week I've been 'switching it up' to find some new FUNctional information for people to have access to at Lumigrate. I like to say that fibromyalgia is a bad case of what a lot of other people have going on, so any information appropriate for fibro is likely of interest to MANY others. When you look at 'what ails us', 20% of the US population is 'on the continuum for fibromyalgia' (per Dr. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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Hi -- I'm introducing myself today to what Mardy tells me is "The Grate Group". I met Mardy when she was working in driving rehabilitation in Colorado Springs. My adult son has developmental disabilities and learned how to drive, which had some interesting stories I will hopefully share in the future with you. (My experiences of a Developmentally Disabled Mom.)
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