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To "The Ones"
It's Sunday as I write this, inspired to bring visitors to the blog (YOU, in other words) something BRAND NEW. I happened to stumble upon the video at Youtube I'm suggesting everyone watch just after it was posted on Youtube. How it is that I got to the newly posted video at John DeSouza's channel (as shown in the photo, above) just as it was posted on John DeSouza's channel is a bit of a story, actually.
And I take "coincidences of timing" seriously, so, on this Sunday morning I'm reveling in the deliciousness of having had this "coincidence of significance", as I call them.
There are very, very few things that everyone has in common, and one is that we operate with time, energy and money (or things to use as currency) as the core resources in our lives. Of the three, only time is consistent among all.
I'm ever-so-strongly urging YOU, the YOUser at Lumigrate reading this now, to take the time and spend the mental energy to watch, listen and process what's at the Youtube video I link to. It's $0, so you don't have to spend money, just time and energy. I'll provide the link three times in this blog post; here's the first:
Below, I'm providing a summary of what you'll find there, for those who prefer to read more, as opposed to those who like to take action immediately (hence I provided the link, above, sooner than later in this thread). John DeSouza's channel at the time I found it and joined had 16.1k subscribers. The video is titled "Interview with David Paulides and John DeSouza at movie premiere of Missing 411 - The UFO Connection". The video was posted February 24, two days ago, and at the time of my accessing it, had 1,795 views.
I've watched David Paulides' Missing 411 movies and interrelated YouTube videos for years now, and fortunately have a friend who bought a Blu-Ray DVD of the recently released "The UFO Connection". The problem was, I have a regular DVD player, and anymore, fewer and fewer people have DVD players.
But, as Mark Groubert teaches on his collaborative Youtube channel "America's Untold Stories", you want to have a library of the DVDs because they often have extra information in the director's cuts and additional things to fill the space on the DVD. He recently said he had to buy VHS to get the movie made long ago about Karen Silkwood because the DVDs are nonexistent anymore, except in Australia.
There are authors who publish information attempting to get real truth about events out to consumers / their fellow citizens, who will share how the books get messed with along the way in publishing and distribution. Mark also shares about his local public library and their involvement in censorship, recently. He lives in the Hollywood, California area.
The "powers that be" (my term) perhaps someday could confiscate your DVD copies if that should become a thing in the future, but they more easily, and presently / currently can simply not allow things to air on platforms they have power with on the Internet, or have influences within the programming provided on platforms you pay for to have the media available to you.
Or they can edit the movies or programs to be different than what they were when put out.
Therefore, I encourage people to get DVD players that are being given away or sold at thrift stores and garage sales, and give them as gifts and be "The One" that teaches someone you care about how to better navigate the times we are in. And then obtain DVDs. I cannot more highly recommend this for David Paulides' Missing 411 series. Especially the latest one where he connects in The UFO Connection!
I thought it wouldn't be that hard to find a Blu-Ray player to watch the DVD on. In my spare time I'd ask around and long story short, ended up borrowing the player of the friend that loaned me the disk. So it was my big treat to myself on Friday evening, once I finished the work I had to get done with jewelry for the week, to watch the DVD. It was SO GOOD, I just had to watch it again, and mostly what I was interested in was the interview that's provided as a bonus after the credits on the DVD, some of which is edited into the actual movie. With John DeSouza.
I wanted to prepare something on Lumigrate, and fortunately then turned to YouTube to see if I could find something easy access and $0 to link to that had John DeSouza and David Paulides and -- voila -- found John's channel and the newly posted video, which, again, is at this link: (#2 of 3 links, as promised)
A Bit About Youtube Etiquette, and "The One"
It's a badge of honor in Youtube viewer circles to subscribe early on to those who "catch on" and reach the milestone that Youtube acknowledges with the silver subscribe button being sent to the channel creator -- 100,000. One of the law channels I subscribed to last summer when they really took off just recently surpassed 700,000, and I happened to tune in for the moment they clicked over to that fantastic number.
So if you go and you like the video, click like, it helps it get found by more people. if you want to see new things posted by John DeSouza, click Subscribe (it's $0 to subscribe). Again, it helps the creator of the channel when Youtube's consumers say they like something, or are going to subscribe.
This is how YOU, as a member of the tribe of people on Earth trying to figure out what's going on and how to navigate, how to live your life and understand these trying times we are in can BE one of "The Ones". A contributor. It actually is very important on YouTube for the content providers who are putting in a lot of time, energy and various money amounts to provide the content you're watching. I say this as someone who created a YouTube channel in 2009 when Lumigrate was created. And certainly, BUT their DVDs and books, you'll not only be providing funds to them, but you'll have a physical copy of information where you are, to loan others, refer back to, and contribute to others learning, potentially.
I suggest you either start at the beginning of the video, with the intention of devoting attention for the length of the video, knowing that I suggest you really tune in at 32 minutes, when David asks John "Were you ever threatened when you worked for the FBI?"...... and this is why: This occurs in all areas of The System. The dentists might find out things they're taught and told to promote are not right, but they'll fear the repercussions of not "towing the party line". It's simply the M.O. of the mainstream, successful, organizations. As a consumer, you'll benefit from knowing or keeping it in mind ALWAYS.
I also suggest you tune, or rewatch where John explains how laboratories are certified yearly and, including the FBI laboratory, they pass things off as "unidentifiable" rather than saying they have analyzed something that doesn't exist in the database. How can you stand up and be "The One" that goes against the mandates when you have all the overhead, loans, employees and then your own income and home expenses, people and maybe pets depending upon your income?
Below, the photo taken on my last day as an OTR in mainstream, though I'd hold my credentials another nine years.
Before that, three times, I'd hired employment attorney Keith Cross to defend me, as I stood up against mistreatment in the vile industry in the years 2002-2005. The second case was such he contacted the State Attorney General, Ken Salazar, and I agreed to offer what I knew as "whistleblower" evidence. That was in 2003, 20 years ago.
You will hear in this interview, John DeSouza explains how it works in his industry, and it's EXTREMELY informative. To find someone who has experienced being held within the flaws of the System, who is free from it and SPEAKING OUT freely, is extremely helpful to people who are trying to figure out these confusing times.
And, most telling, is the question he answers about if you'd suggest a young person go into the FBI now, and it's REALLY interesting how his first "blink" impression is overridden by his thought process. I interpret it as his first thought was how his career was (a generation ago), and the second though that he ended up verbalizing was taking into consideration the upheaval we are in now, and a hope that things will be resolved for the future.
I'm asked this, too. In 2019, on a day I was driving someone to/from a colonoscopy and had time while they were in the procedure, one of my beloved friends of over 50 years contacted me and asked if I could give some guidance to someone very close to them who had been advised by a therapist to consider going into occupational therapy.
The medical industry right now is so dissheveled and difficult, and I of course wanted the woman, a college graduate, married and with a good job in the field chosen in her early 20s to simply be in reality about information about The System such as John provides here, and make a decision with that in mind.
I'm pleased to say the information was of value (presumably worth the $ the woman paid for me to give the energy and time to help guide the younger woman at a crossroads,) and the result lead to buying a business that she can help people directly, in person, individually and in groups (similar to occupational therapy) and didn't take any extra student loans to get an advanced, mainstream degree! I wished I could say "yes, it's a great thing to go into", but unfortunately, right now, it's not going to be a good fit for increasing numbers of people.
John DeSouza has a book that he clearly presents in this video as a resource he suggests people get their hands on and read. And I really, really appreciate that he answers the question about Christians' response, generally, and his working into his response that he has found mainstream religion to also be corrupted anymore.
The most important part of many, many things he shares in this relatively short and very easy to listen to and understand video is that the number of fatalities that fateful day in 2001 was that every group of people who got out had THE ONE who was in the crowd trying to leave who did not do as instructed, who pushed back because they had enough intact in their mental functioning and programming, or lack thereof, to do what ultimately saved their life, and those with them, if they were lucky enough to have enough time and egress.
Be that person. Safely and smartly, like John and David have, and others. Be "The One" now, if even just for yourself at this point, and just by taking the time and energy to watch a video that's the length of a typical class -- 50 minutes. Be The One who buys a DVD. A book. Loans them with encouragement to watch and discuss. That is how we can get through this critical turningpoint in history with our sanity and other health aspects as well as can be.
Each one, reach one (nod to Alice Franklin, who wrote on Lumigrate before she had cancer, then wanted me to cover what her life was like when she had fibromyalgia and cancer, which I did in a blog about her, adding on until the end. Her last Facebook post was emploring people to Each one, reach one.
Gratefully ~ Mardy (aka MardyPop at ebay)
P.S. Here's #3 of the promised 3 times I'd provide the link to the Youtube video with David Paulides and John DeSouza I so highly recommend:
and, in closing, the screenshot at 32 minutes in, where I suggest people, at the very least, start, if they only have 20 minutes. 50 minutes to do the whole thing. And then maybe go back and hit the highlights after you've though about it a bit. Talked about it a bit. And do over until you're through the process. It's a hard step, sometimes taking days, weeks, or months, and for some, impossible. Be The One, the next one, to become awake, aware, and "in reality".
This is still in process, I'll remove this sentence when this blog thread is finalized. Thank you. I have to make some notes on time stamps and that's all now.
11,236 9/19/2023
over 8k early Sept 2023
Notes from the interview bonus on David Paulides' Missing 411: The UFO Connection, with John DeSouza
P: Inquires about FOI he filed using 23 different names for bigfoot and they were said there was nothing.
Redacted for purposes of national security; because if the government is somehow implicated in it's creation or has some knowledge of how it travels (through portals or technologies) and the government is trying to get ahold of the technology to use it.
P: If you wrote the 302 on a bigfoot that turned into an orb and fly away; could you talk about it?
Not factually, but hypothetically.
Violation of secrecy requirements we sign when we leave, held to it for our whole lives.
There's nothing like X files in FBI but there are Subject matter experts, which John was and fulfilled that role for quite a while in the FBI. He's not sure now if they have someone in that position.
They're genuine occurrences and are connected to extradimensional beings. not from other planets, they're using portals and the govt is trying to get access to that technology.
The business of the globalists shops (CIA, NSA, or former etc.) that are in charge of disinformation campaigns, throwing mud -- if you put up a genuine video of something happening, they'll put up 9 videos that look like it but make it look fake, stupid or idiotic.
DP talks about a book that's a trashy book that has his name as coauthor and titled Missing 411. And Amazon won't take it down when he approached them saying it's fraud and asking him to take it down.
JD says that the globalist actors have total control.
Are cattle mutiliations real: Absolutely real, with machine like precision but if you look at the surveilance cameras, there's a flash and that's it. So they stopped time in the flash of light that occurred. (From a case in Montana).
DP -- in the stories he covers, so many disappear when a kid was right there,
.... so this answers how they can disappear so quickly.
In a purely physical world and occurrence that wouldn't occur, something outside of the physical world had to happen.
What's one thing to leave with people DP asks JD. Our world is changing very quicklyWe're coming up on changes that people would not have believed not long ago. and we need to get up to speed on these supernatural and extradimensional realities because things are going to be happening very soon.
People need to be armed with discernment, some knowledge, because things are going to appear in the sky very soon that are going to astound them. The globalist actors, the cabal, have been building up this narrative for many years, about alien visitors that are hostile to the planet coming; they want to control people's thoughts about this because -- ultimately they are bringing us to a place where we are going to see fake alien invasion. It will be done by the cabal actors. The destruction will be real, like in 9/11.
This is from Warner vonBraun who said the world will go through fake conflicts that are organized by the cabal and the final one will be fake alien invasion. It's coming. We need to distinguish, discern, what's real and when we're being manipulated.
DP asks about major weather events that occur with many of the disappearances. JD says whatever actors are making these people disappear also probably have some ability with weather control.
UFO's and alien visitors can achieve physical manifestation for a short time, but they are mostly non dimensional so they can't permanently be physical. They come here to make a connection to something that is physical, hence they seek us. they went a connection to something that has a physicality -- and has something that they are missing.
They take tissues, cellular structure, are building a bank for the future with that for something they're building.
DP: Fetuses are taken -- JD says it's believable to him, you can tell when people are telling you truth and so many stories for so many years have fetuses that occur under bizarre circumstances then they're gone. He found them very credible.
DP asks how he got into this. JD said because he was aware the truth was being kept from him. It goes back to his first experience in NYC as a kid .... he by himself in the middle of the night and he was looking up between 2 projects buildings and a giant black cloud was covering the stars, then out of it came a squid like ink cloud that came down towards him and he was frozen looking at it.
A spotlight hit him and it went through him. Two teeneage girls appeared and one yelled Little boy, get home, the world might be ending, and the thing reversed course, he stepped out of the spotlight and the girls were not there anymore and he could run home. He told parents what happened and they dismissed it. That woke up in him a sense that people don't want to talk about this, and he had to know, so he started studying.
Why did you join the FBI, the producer asks. I knew it was the top investigative agency in the world, so that's the place you had to be. We have lots of jokes about that. What's the difference between an FBI and DIA agent? The FBI agent was able to get into the FBI.
DP Your background to me is interesting as you've worked high profile criminal cases . How did you transition into paranormal cases? He started with "control files" or control files, that are extremely important that need to be monitored over a long period of time.
What could influence the FBI or air force was globaililst actors, they're not part of any government, they're unseen for the most part until they make themselves felt by telling us what to do and our leaders would say we have to do what they say.
DP, they're not part of our govt or your leadership, but you have to follow their lead.
JD -- or leaders will say there's no discussion, no argument, we have to do as they say.
JD thought there were forces at work that he couldn't see but their forces are at work. They can be seen very clearly at times with the actions the FBI would take.
FBI doesn't directly investigate missing people. But they have to investigate other things that occur. David brings up a NY hunter that disappeared and nobody knew who let the FBI know, but the FBI was there. A mayor or a governor of a state might be aware of something and a police cooperation request might have been initiated by someone. More likely, there was another federal violation that was being investigated that implicated the hunter in the case. FBI says they're monitoring. The agents would write that up and it would go to a case file for that investigation. Agents could be giving information to profilers or in behavioral science units, and making 302s in addition to the case file.
DP Great Smoky Mountains disappearances, 3 cases, in early times, there was 1 agent who used to show up and say they were not involved, monitoring the case. DP then realized there were other cases around the area of disappearances and the same agent showed up, who, DP looked into him and the agent had suicided.
At one of the searches military showed up in military helicopters and searched for days for a little boy. JD says that's very strange. JP says .... an FBI unit may be monitoring .
JD says they're building a profile at times on an actor involved.
DP brings up another case in the national parks, Crater Lakes, He filed FOI with FBI about it, it was denied for privacy concerns for the victim. The family and victim are all dead. They sent him pages, 99 percent redacted. Or JD says maybe the actor involved, or some agent involved, could belong to the government.
They have to find out what the causation is on these actors. If there were alien visitors involved, the govt is involved and implicated since they're not doing enough to stop it, or it could be it comes from the govt that resembles alien visitors but is really the government.
Our government will never acknowledge what they can't control. Or if they think they can't control it. JD brings up the tic tac incidents and the information warfare section of the navy decided to report it as if it had been possibly UFOs and was picked up by CNN, FOX as possible UFOs. The Nimitz pretended they happened upon it and they sent pilots to check it out. The Nimitz never sounded the alarm as if something hostile was going on so that means it was something they knew about.
DP -- years ago I filed FOIA report against the FBI.
Sources, methods and techniques, JD responds, that lead to redacting.
Re bigfoot -- if they have some knowledge of the technology and maybe the govt is trying to get ahold of it, share it, use it -- there's a lot of aspects of the bigfoot saga that they'd
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
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