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Thank you for visiting this topic. Please enjoy the show as you get to see drafty work being pulled together. Once completed, the credit will be in a box like this to acknowledge who supported the time involved to provide the information at Lumigrate. Thanks to YOUsers who come read, as it's due to read numbers that allow me to pitch ideas to sponsors -- which are consumers as well as providers of products and services. ~ Mardy
ProudMama (a consumer and personal friend of mine for a long, long time) read more »
Celebrities help more than almost anything I know in helping people to "connect" with a condition. "My father died of Lewy bodies disease, that's what Robin Williams was found to have on autopsy but was, like so many, mis-diagnosed with Parkinsons, which perhaps had a lot to do with how his life ended as it did" I will say to people and see them 'connect' when I mention someone they "know" who they heard about having something, in this case Lewy bodies. Or, "My mother, I believe, was missed diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the vascular read more »
Being Crystal Clear About the Tripp We're Taking with Dis-Ease Solutions and Crystal Tripp (and Her Facebook Group)
Editing 23 April 2019. A website was born on 4.20 and I encourage you to go and see! read more »
- 5183 reads
This topic thread is provided 2x, initially in this bold font, for low vision
I am beginning this topic with what Dr. read more »
- 7865 reads
Mitochondria is the 'overlap', or one of the overlaps, between cancer and other disorders which mainstream, "organized medicine" has separated and segregated in their classifications. Most medical information / product / services consumers have come through mainstream medicine at some point, typically for their formative years and a large portion of their consumer experience. read more »
Please open your minds about what 'autism' is if you've found this topic. While this topic overall is about a brand new book focusing on children and the various symptoms and behaviors that end up being classified as "autism", creating this topic at this point in time in my process of unfolding information I relate at Lumigrate has to ultimately focus also about "the stuff" that is rampant in all of us. read more »
- 10975 reads
This is our primary topic at Lumigrate on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome / EDS, which will also then lead into covering POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (in other words POTS is "when you change position your blood pressure and heart rate go wiggy and cause a lot of symptoms, including a feeling of doom / anxiety syndrome") AND a bunch of other things, as EDS / Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is yet another one of 'overlapping conditions'. read more »
- 15720 reads
I keep finding books as time goes on that are out NEW and I think are fabulous. I hear about them because of the publicity stunts they do to get people hearing about the book and people buying them. The Mood Cure is far from new, but I was surprised after looking through it to see how long ago it was written; 2002! How I found this book might be of interest and I think is a rather fun little 'story'. I don't think of myself as having a mood problem, similarly I didn't think of myself as having a sugar addiction .... read more »
- 5323 reads
Blurry vision and chronic Lyme disease, with a focus on traditional Oriental / Chinese medicine was an interesting topic from GoodbyeLyme, a website I've linked to before, from Greg Lee. I thought I'd create a topic here for YOUsers to find as I'd noticed we were getting a good number of reads in this forum, at least on the topic from Dr Lynn Hellerstein. There's increased awareness now about many chronic conditions and symptoms having Lyme as a cofactor within the person having the symptoms. read more »