Claus-Peter Kessler, MD on Facebook; "Learn to Test -- The Order of the System is Disrupted" is His Mantra

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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This topic thread is provided 2x, initially in this bold font, for low vision

I am beginning this topic with what Dr. Kessler shared on Facebook as a comment (below), when sharing this link:  

At the link you'll find this brief information leading you to dive deeper if you're interested: 

Meditation: Evidence Based Psychiatric Treatment, on
By Kelly Brogan, MD

Do you want to powerfully influence your gene expression for the best? Do you want to train your nervous system to maintain a default state of relaxation? Do you want an evidence-based treatment for insomnia, depression, anxiety, and even fibromyalgia? Look no further than meditation.

The featured article on today, February 20th, 2014, entitled Taming the Monkey Mind—How Meditation Affects Your Health and Wellbeing was written by yours truly. A video is included, so please read and watch my exploration of this powerful personal health tool.

Doctor Kessler's comment when sharing it was this (a very good overview): 

To be strong/well, and not be anxious or depressed, you have to avoid the negative, disturbing vibration of any disturbing focus, like a mercury molecule, if you are mercury-sensitive (or aluminum if that's your sensitivity, and so on....), or a dental focus or a scar irritating "the order of your system" .  

If you have a 'bad day', you have to find out where this weakening of your system comes from, and how to take it away or to clean yourself and to be undisturbed again.

Everyone around here (Facebook) thinks: "What information (medications, pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, food supplements) can or do I have to add to help?" The problem is that your order is sometimes so disturbed that your body doesn’t know what to do with the information, and you add so much different information that your body doesn’t know how and where to start organizing it.

Your innermost "material energy" layer, arising from the electrons being passed in metabolism, is disturbed and so weak and the chakras are not connected, and even spin the wrong way! It is not giving you a protective shield nor supplying you with the energy needed for your psychological status.

In other words, "your glass is always half empty instead half full" .... 'your skin is thin' ...... you have to power through to get something accomplished, and this burns you out even more, and then you get anxious maybe, or depressed, or perhaps overly aggressive or afraid, for example."

To which I'd commented about it being a good overview, and the next comment was: 

Super Aufklärung!! danke dir!


Now, onto other things he's provided, on Facebook and which I've selected to weave together here in a way I hope is good for most learners wishing to understand this 'tool' for figuring out 'what the heck is going on'!


EDITING IN 31July2018 (with 1615 reads so far) with acknowledgement for support for my endeavors at the level that earns people "credit where credit is due", to improve this thread for her.  

I let people come up with the pseudonym they want, for now I'll call her LuckyInFriend, because her friend, who is an esthetician our of state from her, got online when mainstream medical specialists and generalists were misdiagnosing and miss diagnosing, and found Morgellon's disease information, told her, and through Internet searching she found her way to this forum, but another topic, which suggests CONTACTING ME.  And she did.  

LuckyInFriend we are, too! She'll be spending less time, energy, and money and get on her way to righting what is wrong now, I'm confident.  

This was shared by Dr Kessler yesterday, and so it's appropriate to be additing it in here, as it's a great summary.  The link shared was a resource about Australian fibromyalgia information.  

"Fibromyalgia is a NAME, given to a bunch of muscular symptoms with trigger points . It means only the inflammation of muscle tissue, and nothing else ! 

The cause is the reaction of your body, the disturbing focus, is most often scar tissue of the left tonsil, either from tonsillectomy or chronic infections. Chemical element-sensitivity plus exposure and dental foci (look up dental meridian chart) can also elicit the same kind of symptoms mentioned above. 

These patients have a weakness of keeping the facet joint fluids so viscous that the intervertebral joints don't glue together. These patients always feel much worse after they rested for a while, they glue together and this causes irritation of the nerve root. 

It is not a disease and does not have other symptoms. If one has a disturbing focus like a sensitivity to a chemical element or a scar or a dental focus, one can have a leg length difference up to 1 inch. This is the cause one should eliminate first. 

But most people, even professional athletes, never consider training their feet. They just have them, that they don’t tilt over so easily. The feet are actually our springs and shock absorbers. Most people don’t know how to walk correctly and have therefore no dynamic movement in their ISG joints and intervertebral joints. They ‘ rost ‘, and the inflammation will irritate the nerve root."


MCS is NOT Multiple Chemical Sensitivities - In My Model it is Multiple Chemical ElementS!!  By Claus Peter Kessler (on the left, with his family -- per his Facebook photo description)

On September 22, 2017 I'm editing this in as he posted another great resource stating:  This (in the video which is under 14 minutes) is my daily work! Finding disturbing foci and influencing the order of the system is the key to having your body to help you to fight a disease.  Link:

Simon Yu, MD Part 1 of 2, TV Interview #1
Simon Yu, MD ( is one of the premier Alternative Medicine (Holistic Medicine, Biological…
Channel: preventionandhealing
Published on Feb 23, 2012
SUBSCRIBE (65 currently subscribed to this channel)

Simon Yu, MD ( is one of the premier Alternative Medicine (Holistic Medicine, Biological Medicine, Integrative Medicine) medical doctors in the U.S. He is often consulted by patients with chronic illness after they have been to numerous doctors, including specialists, over many years without success. Of course, it is always better to come to him prior to this happening and one's immune system being worn down over an extended period of time. He has been successful where other doctors have failed because he evaluates the whole body. He is often considered the "Sherlock Holmes" of medicine.

Dr. Yu has written a book "Accidental Cure" (available from

Dr. Yu's mission: Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer.

Dr. Yu's Prevention and Healing clinic integrates traditional internal medicine with Alternative and Complementary medicine for the management of chronic illness when conventional approaches alone have failed.

His patients often ask him, "My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so bad?" His response is that new environments bring new health problems. Conventional medical treatments never deal with the reasons why illnesses exist. They frequently create new health problems as side effects in their attempts to treat symptoms.

Modern medicine has been very successful in dealing with many serious infectious diseases and acute medical problems, but now we are facing greater challenges. We are dealing with chronic illnesses based on their symptoms such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Allergies, Hypoglycemia, Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Attention Deficit and Memory Loss, and later diagnosed with Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Lupus, Crohn's, MS, and many others.

These chronic illnesses are strongly influenced by our life style, diet, toxins, and environmental factors that are often dismissed as problems beyond our control. But we don't have to accept and live with these labels.

Think differently! We must correct the underlying problems that cause our illnesses. Only by doing so, will our bodies correct themselves and return to optimal health. (END Foray into Accidental Cure's author and this video giving insights on what Dr. Kessler also is ALL about).

Heilpraktiker at Claus-Peter Kessler MD -- June 1985 to present
Studied Medicine at Ross University School of Medicine
Past: Albright College and Blair Academy
Lives in Kaiserslautern, Germany
From Kaiserslautern, Germany

Below you'll find my 'more polished' and hopefully 'easy to read' version of a new note prepared the last week of June, 2017 by Dr Claus Peter Kessler and posted on his Facebook page (under 'notes' which is on the 'other' tab).   This is the same week that he had tried to video call me, three days apart.  It turns out, was trying to let me know that he could tell that I'd had an exposure. 

                                                                                                                                              He gave me 1:1 lesson #2 about his methods -- lesson #1 ended with his having me take my pulse with my left hand on my right radius wrist area and he instantly started saying 'boom boom' in synche with my pulse!  I wasn't needing 'convincing' about this method of his, I understand the fundamentals and believe in them -- for many years -- have even utilized similar in the past with clients in one environment in which I worked (where all new employees are given a string and pendulum in their orientation course manual and learn how to use it).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             He's been very active on Facebook this week, and I might presume he just figured it was time to do another 'note' and have yet another resource to direct people to.  He's given me permission to take those things and put them on Lumigrate, and I do my form of editing and modification to make them easier for me to understand, and I hope that it will do the same for YOUsers of Lumigrate, who often have similar brain issues.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Of course, when you're ill it is difficult to put the time and energy into something to learn, even if it is not going to take financial resources.  For now, all I can provide is written / readable, but the least I can do for her and others like her is make this as easily readable and understandable as possible.                              

And I can perhaps give back to Dr. Kessler in this regard as well, as he clearly is wanting to have people learn about the sensitivities to various elements, and how to test.  He maybe knows of some videos or podcasts to 'round out' the learning experience for those who have limited stamina for reading.  I asked on the thread, so if he has something to suggest I will add it here. 


It is not Multipe Chemical Sensitivities, it is Multiple Chemical element S !!!

You have to understand the difference between "sensitivity" and "toxicity". If you are "sensitive" to mercury, your body

  • reacts to the exposure of each single molecule of mercury from inhalation, ingestion or transdermal / transmucosal absorption and

  • disturbs the order of your system, especially to the predisposed weak spots of your system (skin, immune system, joint fluid, etc.). 

If you are not disturbed by this vibration or frequency of mercury, your body is able to take care of all other toxins you are getting exposed to (such as arsenic, aluminum, patented, man-made medications, alcohol, pesticides, etc. -- as long as it is under a toxicological dose).  In this case, your body is able to use compensatory pathways to make up weaknesses (genetic).

If you are disturbed by this vibration or frequency of mercury (in this example), your body is not able to do this, and will react -- uncontrolled, irrational, dysautonomic.

Other people (and animals besides human) can be sensitive to aluminum, fluoride, palladium, iridium, indium, gold, titan, silicium, formaldehyde.  They will react to the vibration of this particular element and not to mercury. (Unless they are a rare one with two sensitivities and are also sensitive to mercury.)

The word 'chemical sensitivity' should be individually narrowed down to the one, or seldom two, chemical element(s). The person/animal ("patient") is sensitive to a product (fragrance, food, drink, cosmetic, body care product, etc.), because it contains in trace amounts the chemical element(s), and this can vary from charge to charge.


Next, I'll suggest we take a look at the information on dysautonomias that he has provided, and I'll do the same thing with it as I did the above note about MCS. If you take the initiative and connect with Dr. Kessler on Facebook and find his 'note' about dysautonomias, you will see that he has a following of above-average seekers of health information making comments, so it's really very valuable to go there and also look if you're interested. 

Many of the commenters are working to solve the very problems he addresses in his 'cutting edge' medical beliefs he has learned and now teaches .. and, I might add, in his consistent and effective use of Facebook.  The patience he must have for getting people who have steeped in the other information to seeing things his way -- this new way --  has always impressed me. 

When I created Lumigrate, essentially a decade before starting to learn 1:1 with Dr Kessler and include his information on Lumigrate, I had an MD, and ND, a DAOM, and two PhDs in the 'core group' that were venturing to start an innovative clinic together in Grand Junction, Colorado. 

The MD bought the space and offered to rent to us.  And then offered to rent to others, and it became a different 'thing' than what we had originally envisioned, literally before the paint was on the walls, dried and outgassed.  Which is fine, his needs and desires were just different than ours.  But it left me with a website constructed for facilitating and building off of that information (they'd supply the items they taught people about to their patients and to me and I would, in turn, offer them to my clients who found Lumigrate).

I'd gotten much of the information I had on Lumigrate from these providers, and continued on with that type of information -- IgG food allergies, detoxification and cleansing, diet and nutrition, and supplementation.  Dr. Kessler made a comment early on in our Facebook friendship that his philosophy was more 'to the root' cause of wellness or illness.  

I have persisted, with my resources (resources = time, energy, currency of exchange typically money), and kept looking for the underlying truths.  The 'root' cause, or 'core' of the onion.  I believe that is what Dr. Kessler teaches and uses as part of his tools as a medical provider -- the more underlying near the root.                                                            


I had my first video conversation with Dr. Kessler this past Memorial Day, which for him was a working day in Germany -- he squeezed me in before his 4:30 patient.  Completely unbooked, totally spontaneous, it was 8:30 a.m my time.  So as I learn this, I will teach others, and then edit this as I continue learning to make it more refined. 

I think the best place to start is with his Facebook 'Notes' information about dysautonomia, because when he started talking to me verbally that is where he started referring.  I'm going to put dysautonomia here, within the main topic, and then go from there and add in other 'notes' topics he has on his page as comments, below.

I will add on and edit here, below, so you know what's in the comments when you get to this point:

Comment 1 - Mercury and Mercury Sensitivity (and ApoE4)

2 - Dr. Kessler on Lyme (and Fibromyalgia)(and .... )

3 - Testing - Specifically What Does He Mean?

4 - A FB Friend, Expert in Another Realm, Differs in Opinion & Says

5 - EMF and Mercury Release from Amalgam Fillings in Teeth

6 - Focal Disturbances as Main Factor in Chronic Disease

7 - Analogies -- To Help Us See This Paradigm Shift

8 - My Topic About Dysautonomia in People and Pets at Lumigrate



Posted in "Notes" at Claus-Peter Kessler, MD's Facebook page on
October 15, 2011 at 7:26am (and with his permission, transferred here, with editing for easier readability for Lumigrate's brain-affected seekers).(Thank you, Dr. Kessler). 

Experts in the field of auriculomedizin (Mardy's edit: "auricular medicine" to those in the US, etc.), applied kinesiology and a few others are fully aware of the dysfunction and dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, known as "dysautonomia".

We know that dysautonomia is always caused by strong disturbing fields (scars, heavy metal sensitivity, dental foci), which have certain interconnections with the body (meridian system) resulting in a switching of the autonomic nervous system.

For those thinking energy- and vibrational- wise, it is the blockade of the Ajna Chakra, the 'Third Eye', having connections with the pituitary gland, the regulatory system of all our hormones and influences the hypothalamic-pituitary-hormonal cascade.

It also influences the pineal gland, resulting in melatonin irregularities and leading to sleep disorder with wild dreams.  You are not able to shut off and relax, your thoughts are going constantly, you're "wired" feeling ... you can not rest and recuperate.

If one doesn't know how to diagnose this phenomenon, one gets wrong results with pendulum, biotensor and all energy-detecting machines (Prognos, Vega, Bicom, Oberon etc.).  Everything is turned around, out of order. (Bolding and underlining added by me/Mardy in editing).

Dysautonomia: A family of misunderstood disorders
By Richard N. Fogoros, M.D., Guide

Updated May 06, 2010 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board
See More About:women and heart disease, dysautonomia, inappropriate sinus tachycardia, vasovagal syncope

What Is Dysautonomia?

In the 19th century there used to be a condition called neurasthenia. People would find themselves suddenly unable to function due to a host of inexplicable symptoms, often including fatigue, weakness, strange pains, dizziness and passing out.

Doctors would not find anything to explain these symptoms, so they were attributed to a "weak nervous system," or neurasthenia. Women with neurasthenia (men were not given this diagnosis, by and large) were often confined to their beds, where they would either recover or eventually die. And while nobody knew what caused this condition, everyone -- doctors and laymen alike -- took it seriously.

Most modern doctors who hear about this mysterious condition merely shake their heads in wonder. Few seem to consider the possibility that neurasthenia is still with us. Consequently, they are less capable of recognizing the manifestations of this condition than were their old-time counterparts, and tend to be far less sympathetic to its victims.

Yesterday's Neurasthenia, Today's Dysautonomia

People who, a century ago, would have been called neurasthenics today are given a host of diagnoses. These include chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), vasovagal or neurocardiogenic syncope, panic attacks, anxiety, inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), or fibromyalgia.

Sufferers of all these conditions tend to experience an imbalance, and most often a peculiar volatility, in the autonomic nervous system. We now call this "dysautonomia".

The Autonomic Nervous System And Dysautonomia

The autonomic nervous system controls the “unconscious” bodily functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and breathing patterns.

It consists of two parts: the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system. The sympathetic system can best be thought of as controlling the “fight or flight” reactions of the body, producing the rapid heart rates, increased breathing, and increased blood flow to the muscles that are to escape danger or cope with stress.

The parasympathetic system controls the “quiet” body functions, such as the digestive system.

So: the sympathetic system gets us ready for action, while the parasympathetic system gets us ready for rest. Normally, the parasympathetic and sympathetic components of the autonomic nervous systems are in perfect balance, from moment to moment, depending on the body’s instantaneous needs.

In people suffering from dysautonomia, the autonomic nervous system loses that balance, and at various times the parasympathetic or sympathetic systems inappropriately predominate. Symptoms can include frequent vague but disturbing aches and pains, faintness (or even actual fainting spells), fatigue and inertia, severe anxiety attacks, tachycardia, hypotension, poor exercise tolerance, gastrointestinal symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, sweating, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness and tingling, and -- quite understandably -- anxiety and depression.

Sufferers of dysautonomia can experience all these symptoms or just a few of them. They can experience one cluster of symptoms at one time, and another set of symptoms at other times. The symptoms are often fleeting and unpredictable, but on the other hand they can be triggered by specific situations or actions. (Some people have symptoms with exertion, for instance, or when standing up, or after ingesting certain foods.) And since people with dysautonomia are usually normal in every other way, when the doctor does a physical exam he or she often finds no abnormalities.

What Causes Dysautonomia?

Dysautonomia can be caused by many different things; there is not one single, universal cause. It seems clear that some patients inherit the propensity to develop the dysautonomia syndromes, since variations of dysautonomia often run in families.

Viral illnesses can trigger a dysautonomia syndrome. So can exposure to chemicals. (Gulf War Syndrome is, in effect, dysautonomia: low blood pressure, tachycardia, fatigue and other symptoms that, government denials aside, appear to have been triggered by exposure to toxins.)

Dysautonomia can result from various types of trauma, especially trauma to the head and chest. (It has been reported to occur after breast implant surgery.)

Dysautonomias caused by viral infections, toxic exposures, or trauma often have a rather sudden onset. Chronic fatigue syndrome, for instance, most classically begins following a typical viral-like illness (sore throat, fever, muscle aches, etc.) but any of the dysautonomia syndromes can have a similar onset.

What Becomes Of People With Dysautonomia?

Fortunately, the prognosis appears far better than it was in the days when the disorder was called neurasthenia. This is likely because bed rest is no longer considered the treatment of choice. Most victims of dysautonomia eventually find that their symptoms either go away or abate to the point that they are able to lead nearly normal lives. Sometimes, in fact, the probability that things will ultimately improve on their own may be the only thing that keeps some of these individuals going.

But even though the symptoms eventually improve in most cases, many people with dysautonomia experience symptoms that completely disrupt their lives, and the search for competent medical assistance in rendering their symptoms "tolerable" is, too often, a difficult one.

So, if you think you may have dysautonomia, you should learn as much as you can about the various forms of this condition, especially how the dysautonomias are evaluated and treated.

The dysautonomia syndromes can be tough to diagnose, tough to treat, and tough to live with.


This link is to the resource in Dr. Kessler's notes that he referred me to once I understood (generally) the above information, and he'd looked over what I'd prepared here up to that point.  He kept referring to 'the movie' with 'the guy with the beard'. 

So I'm going to provide you with the link to what he links to at YouTube:

and also provide some history about it I found elsewhere on the Internet: 

The Bone Marrow is one of the episodes in the Once Upon a Time ..... Life series, which is a French - Japanese - Swiss - Italian animated television series which tells the story of the human body for children.  Originally produced in 1987 and directed by Albert Barille, the series consists of 26 episodes. 

The manager of the brain is represented by Maestro, the bearded old man who Dr. Kessler was referring to.  I've had a BLAST learning about this, and how to draw Maestro -- there's even a YouTube video about that!  The series describes a "society inside the body" with a major pyramid type structure of working.  


Herx / Herxheimer Reaction

It is postulated that a "Herx" reaction is caused by toxic bacterial endotoxins released after the introduction of antibiotics, and by the body’s own immune system cells responding and producing many cytokines [small chemicals], leading to the development of inflammation and symptoms, that may include pain, swelling, fever, nausea, diarrhea, and any number of other possible symptoms.

If we administer antibiotics , the generalization 'antibiotics' is not okay, we don't know which ones, which adjuvants , which coloring agents etc., and we don't know in which state the patient is in, dysautonomic or not, to which chemical element he/she is sensitive to.

If we give antibiotics, it is an extra stress to the vulnerable, disturbed order of the system, and it can react irrationally. I just oppose that it is a reaction to bacterial endotoxins, it is a postulate.



Finding supportive, education-oriented people, such as are on Facebook, is a strategy I recommend, and hope that providing this topic from Dr. Kessler's Facebook page's 'Notes' section (found currently under the 'More' tab the way Facebook has things laid out now).  Here's a link to his Facebook page:




Live and Learn.  Learn and Live Better! 



I'm wanting to start of this topic with what Dr. Kessler share on Facebook as a comment (below), when sharing this link:

At the link you'll find this brief information leading you to dive deeper if you're interested: 

Meditation: Evidence Based Psychiatric Treatment, on
By Kelly Brogan, MD

Do you want to powerfully influence your gene expression for the best? Do you want to train your nervous system to maintain a default state of relaxation? Do you want an evidence-based treatment for insomnia, depression, anxiety, and even fibromyalgia? Look no further than meditation.

The featured article on today, February 20th, 2014, entitled Taming the Monkey Mind—How Meditation Affects Your Health and Wellbeing was written by yours truly. A video is included, so please read and watch my exploration of this powerful personal health tool.

Doctor Kessler's comment when sharing it was this (a very good overview): 

To be strong/well, and not be anxious or depressed, you have to avoid the negative, disturbing vibration of any disturbing focus, like a mercury molecule, if you are mercury-sensitive (or aluminum if that's your sensitivity, and so on....), or a dental focus or a scar irritating "the order of your system" .  

If you have a 'bad day', you have to find out where this weakening of your system comes from, and how to take it away or to clean yourself and to be undisturbed again.

Everyone around here (Facebook) thinks: "What information (medications, pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, food supplements) can or do I have to add to help?" The problem is that your order is sometimes so disturbed that your body doesn’t know what to do with the information, and you add so much different information that your body doesn’t know how and where to start organizing it.

Your innermost "material energy" layer, arising from the electrons being passed in metabolism, is disturbed and so weak and the chakras are not connected, and even spin the wrong way! It is not giving you a protective shield nor supplying you with the energy needed for your psychological status.

In other words, "your glass is always half empty instead half full" .... 'your skin is thin' ...... you have to power through to get something accomplished, and this burns you out even more, and then you get anxious maybe, or depressed, or perhaps overly aggressive or afraid, for example."

To which I'd commented about it being a good overview, and the next comment was: 

Super Aufklärung!! danke dir!


Now, onto other things he's provided, on Facebook and which I've selected to weave together here in a way I hope is good for most learners wishing to understand this 'tool' for figuring out 'what the heck is going on'!

MCS: Not Multiple Chemical Sensitivies - In My Model it is Multiple Chemical elementS !!

By Claus Peter Kessler (on the left, with his family -- per his Facebook photo description)
On September 22, 2017 I'm editing this in as he posted another great resource stating:  This (in the video which is under 14 minutes) is my daily work! Finding disturbing foci and influencing the order of the system is the key to having your body to help you to fight a disease.  Link:

Simon Yu, MD Part 1 of 2, TV Interview #1
Simon Yu, MD ( is one of the premier Alternative Medicine (Holistic Medicine, Biological…
Channel: preventionandhealing
Published on Feb 23, 2012
SUBSCRIBE (65 currently subscribed to this channel)
Simon Yu, MD ( is one of the premier Alternative Medicine (Holistic Medicine, Biological Medicine, Integrative Medicine) medical doctors in the U.S. He is often consulted by patients with chronic illness after they have been to numerous doctors, including specialists, over many years without success. Of course, it is always better to come to him prior to this happening and one's immune system being worn down over an extended period of time. He has been successful where other doctors have failed because he evaluates the whole body. He is often considered the "Sherlock Holmes" of medicine.

Dr. Yu has written a book "Accidental Cure" (available from

Dr. Yu's mission: Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer.

Dr. Yu's Prevention and Healing clinic integrates traditional internal medicine with Alternative and Complementary medicine for the management of chronic illness when conventional approaches alone have failed.

His patients often ask him, "My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so bad?" His response is that new environments bring new health problems. Conventional medical treatments never deal with the reasons why illnesses exist. They frequently create new health problems as side effects in their attempts to treat symptoms.

Modern medicine has been very successful in dealing with many serious infectious diseases and acute medical problems, but now we are facing greater challenges. We are dealing with chronic illnesses based on their symptoms such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Allergies, Hypoglycemia, Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Attention Deficit and Memory Loss, and later diagnosed with Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Lupus, Crohn's, MS, and many others.

These chronic illnesses are strongly influenced by our life style, diet, toxins, and environmental factors that are often dismissed as problems beyond our control. But we don't have to accept and live with these labels.

Think differently! We must correct the underlying problems that cause our illnesses. Only by doing so, will our bodies correct themselves and return to optimal health. (END Foray into Accidental Cure's author and this video giving insights on what Dr. Kessler also is ALL about).

Heilpraktiker at Claus-Peter Kessler MD -- June 1985 to present
Studied Medicine at Ross University School of Medicine
Past: Albright College and Blair Academy
Lives in Kaiserslautern, Germany
From Kaiserslautern, Germany

Below you'll find my 'more polished' and hopefully 'easy to read' version of a new note prepared the last week of June, 2017 by Dr Claus Peter Kessler and posted on his Facebook page (under 'notes' which is on the 'other' tab).   This is the same week that he had tried to video call me, three days apart.  It turns out, was trying to let me know that he could tell that I'd had an exposure.                                                                                                                                               He gave me 1:1 lesson #2 about his methods -- lesson #1 ended with his having me take my pulse with my left hand on my right radius wrist area and he instantly started saying 'boom boom' in synche with my pulse!  I wasn't needing 'convincing' about this method of his, I understand the fundamentals and believe in them -- for many years -- have even utilized similar in the past with clients in one environment in which I worked (where all new employees are given a string and pendulum in their orientation course manual and learn how to use it).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             He's been very active on Facebook this week, and I might presume he just figured it was time to do another 'note' and have yet another resource to direct people to.  He's given me permission to take those things and put them on Lumigrate, and I do my form of editing and modification to make them easier for me to understand, and I hope that it will do the same for YOUsers of Lumigrate, who often have similar brain issues.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Of course, when you're ill it is difficult to put the time and energy into something to learn, even if it is not going to take financial resources.  For now, all I can provide is written / readable, but the least I can do for her and others like her is make this as easily readable and understandable as possible.                               And I can perhaps give back to Dr. Kessler in this regard as well, as he clearly is wanting to have people learn about the sensitivities to various elements, and how to test.  He maybe knows of some videos or podcasts to 'round out' the learning experience for those who have limited stamina for reading.  I asked on the thread, so if he has something to suggest I will add it here. 

It is not Multipe Chemical Sensitivities, it is Multiple Chemical element S !!!

You have to understand the difference between "sensitivity" and "toxicity". If you are "sensitive" to mercury, your body

  • reacts to the exposure of each single molecule of mercury from inhalation, ingestion or transdermal / transmucosal absorption and
  • disturbs the order of your system, especially to the predisposed weak spots of your system (skin, immune system, joint fluid, etc.). 

If you are not disturbed by this vibration or frequency of mercury, your body is able to take care of all other toxins you are getting exposed to (such as arsenic, aluminum, patented, man-made medications, alcohol, pesticides, etc. -- as long as it is under a toxicological dose).  In this case, your body is able to use compensatory pathways to make up weaknesses (genetic).

If you are disturbed by this vibration or frequency of mercury (in this example), your body is not able to do this, and will react -- uncontrolled, irrational, dysautonomic.

Other people (and animals besides human) can be sensitive to aluminum, fluoride, palladium, iridium, indium, gold, titan, silicium, formaldehyde.  They will react to the vibration of this particular element and not to mercury. (Unless they are a rare one with two sensitivities and are also sensitive to mercury.)

The word 'chemical sensitivity' should be individually narrowed down to the one, or seldom two, chemical element(s). The person/animal ("patient") is sensitive to a product (fragrance, food, drink, cosmetic, body care product, etc.), because it contains in trace amounts the chemical element(s), and this can vary from charge to charge.


EDITING IN 31July2018 (with 1615 reads so far) with acknowledgement for support for my endeavors at the level that earns people "credit where credit is due", to improve this thread for her.  

I let people come up with the pseudonym they want, for now I'll call her LuckyInFriend, because her friend, who is an esthetician our of state from her, got online when mainstream medical specialists and generalists were misdiagnosing and miss diagnosing, and found Morgellon's disease information, told her, and through Internet searching she found her way to this forum, but another topic, which suggests CONTACTING ME.  And she did.  

LuckyInFriend we are, too! She'll be spending less time, energy, and money and get on her way to righting what is wrong now, I'm confident.  


This was shared by Dr Kessler yesterday, and so it's appropriate to be additing it in here, as it's a great summary.  The link shared was a resource about Australian fibromyalgia information.  "Fibromyalgia is a NAME, given to a bunch of muscular symptoms with trigger points . It means only the inflammation of muscle tissue, and nothing else ! 

The cause is the reaction of your body, the disturbing focus, is most often scar tissue of the left tonsil, either from tonsillectomy or chronic infections. Chemical element-sensitivity plus exposure and dental foci (look up dental meridian chart) can also elicit the same kind of symptoms mentioned above. 

These patients have a weakness of keeping the facet joint fluids so viscous that the intervertebral joints don't glue together. These patients always feel much worse after they rested for a while, they glue together and this causes irritation of the nerve root. 

It is not a disease and does not have other symptoms. If one has a disturbing focus like a sensitivity to a chemical element or a scar or a dental focus, one can have a leg length difference up to 1 inch. This is the cause one should eliminate first. 

But most people, even professional athletes, never consider training their feet. They just have them, that they don’t tilt over so easily. The feet are actually our springs and shock absorbers. Most people don’t know how to walk correctly and have therefore no dynamic movement in their ISG joints and intervertebral joints. They ‘ rost ‘, and the inflammation will irritate the nerve root."

Next, I'll suggest we take a look at the information on dysautonomias that he has provided, and I'll do the same thing with it as I did the above note about MCS. If you take the initiative and connect with Dr. Kessler on Facebook and find his 'note' about dysautonomias, you will see that he has a following of above-average seekers of health information making comments, so it's really very valuable to go there and also look if you're interested. 

Many of the commenters are working to solve the very problems he addresses in his 'cutting edge' medical beliefs he has learned and now teaches .. and, I might add, in his consistent and effective use of Facebook.  The patience he must have for getting people who have steeped in the other information to seeing things his way -- this new way --  has always impressed me. 

When I created Lumigrate, essentially a decade before starting to learn 1:1 with Dr Kessler and include his information on Lumigrate, I had an MD, and ND, a DAOM, and two PhDs in the 'core group' that were venturing to start an innovative clinic together in Grand Junction, Colorado.  The MD bought the space and offered to rent to us.  And then offered to rent to others, and it became a different 'thing' than what we had originally envisioned, literally before the paint was on the walls, dried and outgassed.  Which is fine, his needs and desires were just different than ours.  But it left me with a website constructed for facilitating and building off of that information (they'd supply the items they taught people about to their patients and to me and I would, in turn, offer them to my clients who found Lumigrate).

I'd gotten much of the information I had on Lumigrate from these providers, and continued on with that type of information -- IgG food allergies, detoxification and cleansing, diet and nutrition, and supplementation.  Dr. Kessler made a comment early on in our Facebook friendship that his philosophy was more 'to the root' cause of wellness or illness.  

I have persisted, with my resources (resources = time, energy, currency of exchange typically money), and kept looking for the underlying truths.  The 'root' cause, or 'core' of the onion.  I believe that is what Dr. Kessler teaches and uses as part of his tools as a medical provider -- the more underlying near the root.                                                            


I had my first video conversation with Dr. Kessler this past Memorial Day, which for him was a working day in Germany -- he squeezed me in before his 4:30 patient.  Completely unbooked, totally spontaneous, it was 8:30 a.m my time.  So as I learn this, I will teach others, and then edit this as I continue learning to make it more refined. 

I think the best place to start is with his Facebook 'Notes' information about dysautonomia, because when he started talking to me verbally that is where he started referring.  I'm going to put dysautonomia here, within the main topic, and then go from there and add in other 'notes' topics he has on his page as comments, below.

I will add on and edit here, below, so you know what's in the comments when you get to this point:

Comment 1 - Mercury and Mercury Sensitivity (and ApoE4)

2 - Dr. Kessler on Lyme (and Fibromyalgia)(and .... )

3 - Testing - Specifically What Does He Mean?

4 -  A FB Friend, Expert in Another Realm, Differs in Opinion & Says
5 -  EMF and Mercury Release from Amalgam Fillings in Teeth
6 - Focal Disturbances as Main Factor in Chronic Disease
7 -  Analogies -- To Help Us See This Paradigm Shift
8 - My Topic About Dysautonomia in People and Pets at Lumigrate



Posted in "Notes" at Claus-Peter Kessler, MD's Facebook page on
October 15, 2011 at 7:26am (and with his permission, transferred here, with editing for easier readability for Lumigrate's brain-affected seekers).(Thank you, Dr. Kessler). 

Experts in the field of auriculomedizin (Mardy's edit: "auricular medicine" to those in the US, etc.), applied kinesiology and a few others are fully aware of the dysfunction and dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, known as "dysautonomia".

We know that dysautonomia is always caused by strong disturbing fields (scars, heavy metal sensitivity, dental foci), which have certain interconnections with the body (meridian system) resulting in a switching of the autonomic nervous system.

For those thinking energy- and vibrational- wise, it is the blockade of the Ajna Chakra, the 'Third Eye', having connections with the pituitary gland, the regulatory system of all our hormones and influences the hypothalamic-pituitary-hormonal cascade.

It also influences the pineal gland, resulting in melatonin irregularities and leading to sleep disorder with wild dreams.  You are not able to shut off and relax, your thoughts are going constantly, you're "wired" feeling ... you can not rest and recuperate.

If one doesn't know how to diagnose this phenomenon, one gets wrong results with pendulum, biotensor and all energy-detecting machines (Prognos, Vega, Bicom, Oberon etc.).  Everything is turned around, out of order. (Bolding and underlining added by me/Mardy in editing).

Dysautonomia: A family of misunderstood disorders
By Richard N. Fogoros, M.D., Guide

Updated May 06, 2010 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board
See More About:women and heart disease, dysautonomia, inappropriate sinus tachycardia, vasovagal syncope

What Is Dysautonomia?

In the 19th century there used to be a condition called neurasthenia. People would find themselves suddenly unable to function due to a host of inexplicable symptoms, often including fatigue, weakness, strange pains, dizziness and passing out.

Doctors would not find anything to explain these symptoms, so they were attributed to a "weak nervous system," or neurasthenia. Women with neurasthenia (men were not given this diagnosis, by and large) were often confined to their beds, where they would either recover or eventually die. And while nobody knew what caused this condition, everyone -- doctors and laymen alike -- took it seriously.

Most modern doctors who hear about this mysterious condition merely shake their heads in wonder. Few seem to consider the possibility that neurasthenia is still with us. Consequently, they are less capable of recognizing the manifestations of this condition than were their old-time counterparts, and tend to be far less sympathetic to its victims.

Yesterday's Neurasthenia, Today's Dysautonomia

People who, a century ago, would have been called neurasthenics today are given a host of diagnoses. These include chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), vasovagal or neurocardiogenic syncope, panic attacks, anxiety, inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), or fibromyalgia.

Sufferers of all these conditions tend to experience an imbalance, and most often a peculiar volatility, in the autonomic nervous system. We now call this "dysautonomia".

The Autonomic Nervous System And Dysautonomia

The autonomic nervous system controls the “unconscious” bodily functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and breathing patterns.

It consists of two parts: the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system. The sympathetic system can best be thought of as controlling the “fight or flight” reactions of the body, producing the rapid heart rates, increased breathing, and increased blood flow to the muscles that are to escape danger or cope with stress.

The parasympathetic system controls the “quiet” body functions, such as the digestive system.

So: the sympathetic system gets us ready for action, while the parasympathetic system gets us ready for rest. Normally, the parasympathetic and sympathetic components of the autonomic nervous systems are in perfect balance, from moment to moment, depending on the body’s instantaneous needs.

In people suffering from dysautonomia, the autonomic nervous system loses that balance, and at various times the parasympathetic or sympathetic systems inappropriately predominate. Symptoms can include frequent vague but disturbing aches and pains, faintness (or even actual fainting spells), fatigue and inertia, severe anxiety attacks, tachycardia, hypotension, poor exercise tolerance, gastrointestinal symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, sweating, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness and tingling, and -- quite understandably -- anxiety and depression.

Sufferers of dysautonomia can experience all these symptoms or just a few of them. They can experience one cluster of symptoms at one time, and another set of symptoms at other times. The symptoms are often fleeting and unpredictable, but on the other hand they can be triggered by specific situations or actions. (Some people have symptoms with exertion, for instance, or when standing up, or after ingesting certain foods.) And since people with dysautonomia are usually normal in every other way, when the doctor does a physical exam he or she often finds no abnormalities.

What Causes Dysautonomia?

Dysautonomia can be caused by many different things; there is not one single, universal cause. It seems clear that some patients inherit the propensity to develop the dysautonomia syndromes, since variations of dysautonomia often run in families.

Viral illnesses can trigger a dysautonomia syndrome. So can exposure to chemicals. (Gulf War Syndrome is, in effect, dysautonomia: low blood pressure, tachycardia, fatigue and other symptoms that, government denials aside, appear to have been triggered by exposure to toxins.)

Dysautonomia can result from various types of trauma, especially trauma to the head and chest. (It has been reported to occur after breast implant surgery.)

Dysautonomias caused by viral infections, toxic exposures, or trauma often have a rather sudden onset. Chronic fatigue syndrome, for instance, most classically begins following a typical viral-like illness (sore throat, fever, muscle aches, etc.) but any of the dysautonomia syndromes can have a similar onset.

What Becomes Of People With Dysautonomia?

Fortunately, the prognosis appears far better than it was in the days when the disorder was called neurasthenia. This is likely because bed rest is no longer considered the treatment of choice. Most victims of dysautonomia eventually find that their symptoms either go away or abate to the point that they are able to lead nearly normal lives. Sometimes, in fact, the probability that things will ultimately improve on their own may be the only thing that keeps some of these individuals going.

But even though the symptoms eventually improve in most cases, many people with dysautonomia experience symptoms that completely disrupt their lives, and the search for competent medical assistance in rendering their symptoms "tolerable" is, too often, a difficult one.

So, if you think you may have dysautonomia, you should learn as much as you can about the various forms of this condition, especially how the dysautonomias are evaluated and treated.

The dysautonomia syndromes can be tough to diagnose, tough to treat, and tough to live with.


This link is to the resource in Dr. Kessler's notes that he referred me to once I understood (generally) the above information, and he'd looked over what I'd prepared here up to that point.  He kept referring to 'the movie' with 'the guy with the beard'. 

So I'm going to provide you with the link to what he links to at YouTube:

and also provide some history about it I found elsewhere on the Internet: 

The Bone Marrow is one of the episodes in the Once Upon a Time ..... Life series, which is a French - Japanese - Swiss - Italian animated television series which tells the story of the human body for children.  Originally produced in 1987 and directed by Albert Barille, the series consists of 26 episodes. 

The manager of the brain is represented by Maestro, the bearded old man who Dr. Kessler was referring to.  I've had a BLAST learning about this, and how to draw Maestro -- there's even a YouTube video about that!  The series describes a "society inside the body" with a major pyramid type structure of working.  

Herx / Herxheimer Reaction

It is postulated that a "Herx" reaction is caused by toxic bacterial endotoxins released after the introduction of antibiotics, and by the body’s own immune system cells responding and producing many cytokines [small chemicals], leading to the development of inflammation and symptoms, that may include pain, swelling, fever, nausea, diarrhea, and any number of other possible symptoms. 

If we administer antibiotics , the generalization 'antibiotics' is not okay, we don't know which ones, which adjuvants , which coloring agents etc., and we don't know in which state the patient is in, dysautonomic or not, to which chemical element he/she is sensitive to. 

If we give antibiotics, it is an extra stress to the vulnerable, disturbed order of the system, and it can react irrationally. I just oppose that it is a reaction to bacterial endotoxins, it is a postulate.


Finding supportive, education-oriented people, such as are on Facebook, is a strategy I recommend, and hope that providing this topic from Dr. Kessler's Facebook page's 'Notes' section (found currently under the 'More' tab the way Facebook has things laid out now).  Here's a link to his Facebook page:




Live and Learn.  Learn and Live Better! 




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Mercury and Mercury Sensitivity (and ApoE4)

Again, from Dr. Kessler's Notes at Facebook, I bring the following information to you (see the block quote, below (grey box).  Mercury has been what he's found me getting exposures to, though he found I'm also one of the rare ones who has a second element of sensitivity (aluminum in my case).  It's quite impressive!  Using the polarizing filter overlaying my photograph, or one of the mercury-sensitive animals who are in my life as little teaching assistants currently, he can determine (in a complex way) when someone is affected by an exposure.  Then he rapidly and skillfully takes you through figuring out what the source was, and correcting it. 

The first time it was a new mascara I'd used.  45 degree angle was what showed as where the energy of my body was being lead, awry, away from the ideal 0 degrees.  Heart rate high, anxious -- I felt like I just needed to escape to somewhere by driving forever, but of course that made no sense.  I thought it may be blood sugar -- food did not change how I felt. Of course you'll realize that sounds like an anxiety attack, but as with so many people, when you're in anxiety attack mode, you're not able to figure out THAT's what you're having as symptoms.  

The second time it was one of two pillow cases -- from not having washed off the mascara before I knew it was a problem, and not washing the pillow cases when I had.  I was not sleeping well, was all I'd noticed.  Was 45 degrees.

The third time it was the shoes I'd worn the day before into town -- to the park, running errands.... They needed to come off and then 'you'll feel better'.  I washed them and retested and they were clean again. 45 degrees.  I had not noticed anything with how I was feeling, Dr Kessler caught it by popping in with his tool of his trade remotely and notifying me.

The next time was a product I'd recently started adding to my usual hair cleaning mix, and it currently has me baffled because we'd "tested" that product before.  "The devil is in the details" perhaps, as the first time (when no mercury showed), I'd gotten a small drop from the bottom of the tube that goes with the pump. I'd not noticed anything in particular with how I felt -- I believe I'd been chronically in a state of exposure so much of my life it's easy for me to not pick up on an exposure until I've had more time operating in non exposed / 0 degrees mode.

The second time I pulled the pump out and poured a little drop. So, was it something in the product that separates and floats to the top?  We replicated it later, and that was what it was.  And I'd have one conditioner from a brand that was otherwise testing as "good for me", have some mercury in it -- and rinse out enough when I initially used it, but then not when I changed locations and there was different water hardness/ softness or properties I guess I'd more safely say.  And then the molds or dusts or danders or WHATEVER that I was around, which had presented no problems when NOT exposed, made me very sick.  Until I got the mercury off of me and got 'straightened out', so to speak.  Hence, I say: 

It ends up, ultimately, being left up to YOU! the consumer, to learn to test .... everything you're going to purchase or do purchase and then don't use or return if it tests to have the element of sensitivity.  

Editing this on 7Sept, Dr. Kessler found O'Rio's energy angle off (meaning he was exposed at that moment) yesterday mid morning and messaged me.  I was outside with O'Rio or inside doing some thing and was back to see that at the computer within 20 minutes.  Didn't figure it out.  Today about the same time, it was me! I thought about what felt 'icky' on me and it was my lower body .... I was wearing a pair of loungewear pants that had been only washed with my fragrance-free (and tested mercury free) soap 2x and in the past had been washed in whatEVER.  I quickly took them off, asked him to retest me, and I was back to 0 degrees! So if O'Rio was touching me wearing those loungewear pants yesterday at the time Dr. Kessler looked through the "tool of his trade" and saw his energy angle off, then that would account for it.  Hence think about anyone who he might be hanging out against -- their laundry products will affect him/ his energy / order of the system. 

It's not easy, I started on the official kick off to summer, Memorial Day.  We're nearing the end of summer and I can teach new people the basics but have still not learned how to test myself at the time of creating this comment (which I'm editing after with more examples for people to read as they occur). 

MASSIVE EXPOSURE (my first which showed 90 degrees with the shirt when testing later, as you'll read) in early fall, to a commonly used household cleaning product's fumes --which is called a 'dry exposure' I learned from the dentist who learned from Dr. Kessler in person in addition to remotely as I have been doing. O'Rio's and my world were to go into a big shift in the fall when his now former owner decided to re-vamp what they were doing with their house, and ultimately this mercury sensitivity he and I share made it sensible for me to offer, and them to accept, that I take O'Rio with me into the future and be his primary human. So after two plus years of cleaning the house with things that were agreeable to me (and O'Rio) we arrived to the new 'assistant' / helper person using Orange Glo on massive areas of bookshelf, when I had to be getting my things organized to move on to where they were going next. 

I was aware I felt like I was on planet Zorba, as I call it.  I was aware I felt unusually negative about helping people learn.  I was exhausted and deflated and also started having something parallel, I believe, to suicidal ideation.  But I was having ideation about ending Lumigrate in my life.  I knew I should shower and change clothes to get whatever fumes were involved out of the picture.  I noticed that O'Rio didn't seem affected, though.  Turns out my hair and his fur did not absorb the fumes, but my t-shirt did.  My pants did not, they were an artifical fiber/ fabric. 

But the t-shirt had a lot of cotton in it.  I'd felt so unwell I just slept initially in my clothes and then woke up and somehow just sensed the shirt was the culprit.  I took it off and put on another shirt, and felt it was a lot better, got some more sleep and in the morning felt like showering and so on.  Dr Kessler then helped me test the shirt -- I'd tested it and found it to be affecting my energy system.  He confirmed.  It went in the trash.  I lost 24 hours of wellness to THAT, but am grateful for the learned experience.  And reminded how some people, even when they have the same condition diagnosed as you have, just don't care, or can't learn, and the work that I do is going to continue to only resonate with those who are ready and willing.  And I need to focus on that.  And keep going. 

See how my attitude improves when I'm with my energy system going the way it should, compared to when I had the exposure? These 'symptoms' are important to note, and they vary from person to person who has mercury sensitivity, I learned.  Some examples: 

Examples of symptoms  when sensitive to mercury, and exposed to various amounts --

Person #1 45 degrees or greater is always poor sleep, big headache, and short-fuse irritability.

Person #2 noticed brain fog, poor sleep, visual disturbances If 45+ for tonsil scar focus, then she felt like she was getting sick (sore throat, age)

Person #3 -- can't sleep, becomes the energised bunny, uncooperative, and generally obnoxious.

Person #4 This person needs a big exposure, and at 90 the end result is "just mean and ornery".


I was commended in mid November for not having been found by Dr Kessler to be exposed to mercury or aluminum when he was testing remotely those who he is working with.  I explained that it seemed to correspond with when I moved from O'Rio's former house and life got simpler for me.  And then one evening I smelled the dog's face at the new house, who was hanging out with us due to the owner having just left -- perfume/cologne ....  I wanted to see how he acted so did not remove it immediately.  Big mistake. He got on the bed and some transferred to the bedding. 

I washed his face and he was fine except if he was in the bed, or I was in the bed, or O'Rio was touching the bed even perhaps, as his bed is next to the regular bed and he ends up against it a lot, then we're all being affected by the charge of the mercury that transferred off the dog's face from the smelly product presumably put on hands and face of the human then unwittingly shared when petting the dog's face. 


I'll leave off and let Dr. Kessler's words from his 'Notes' fill your brain now. 

The point I want to bring across about mercury is:

We know that ADHD, autism, MS ,Tourette syndrome, psoriasis, etc. is genetically predetermined, but not dominant, recessive.

It starts when the order of the system is disturbed by mercury exposure, because all these patients are mercury sensitive (blood-subtype Apolipoprotein E4, aka ApoE4); mercury exposure thru inhalation (fragrances, perfume, candles...), ingestion (HFCS, water, food, meds, tooth paste....), skin penetration (vaccination, shampoo, body lotion, cremes, toilet paper, laundry detergents, enema, douche, bathtub / swimming pool, hot tub .....). (see my notes for more details on each).

If the order of your body's system is not disturbed, your body is able to to deal with all these toxins depending on the toxicological dosage. 

But if your body's order is disturbed, the detoxification pathway might be deranged.  If you are sensitive, the vibration of each single atom of the chemical element that you are sensitive to (Hg, Al, Pd, F, Ir, Pb, Ti, etc.) being found in trace amounts in various chemicals has influence on your body.

All, namely specialists Klinghardt, Geier, Cutler and a lot of others, only talk about chelation of mercury, because it has a positive influence on these patients, but none of them talk about restriction and avoidance of mercury molecules in daily life, which is -- in my eyes and experience -- much more important.  It doesn't make sense to try to mobilize it on one side and add it on the other.

Even alternative medicine has  the tendency to add energy (homeopathy, Bach flowers, Resonance therapy...), no one thinks about taking the irritating frequency away --- to undisturb the order of the system. If your body is weakened, the exposure to a few molecules of mercury can be so strong that it can lead to dysautonomia. (See the above information on the top of this thread which was taken from Dr. Kessler's notes, and see his notes at Facebook if you wish, as well).

I teach my patients how to test to avoid mercury before they buy the product or introduce it to their system.

On August 15, 2017, Dr Kessler posted this link to the following article about mercury and said the above, AND went on to say this (which I also edited for simple things to make it more readable):

To be emotionally strong and not be anxious or depressed, you have to avoid the negative, disturbing vibration of any disturbing focus -- like a mercury molecule if you are mercury-sensitive --  or a dental focus ---or a scar irritating the order of your system.  If you have a 'bad day', you have to find out where this weakening of your system comes from, and how to take it away or to clean yourself in order to be undisturbed again.

Everyone around here thinks: What information (medications, pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, food supplements) can help me, or do I have to add to help me. The problem is that your order is sometimes so disturbed that your body doesn’t know what to do with the information, and you add so much different information that your body doesn’t know how and where to start organizing it.

Your innermost, material energy layer, arising from the electrons being passed in metabolism, is disturbed and is so weak and the chakras are not connected --- and even spin the wrong way. It is not giving you a protective shield, nor supplying you with the energy needed for your psychological status.

Your glass is always half empty instead half full. 'Your skin is thin', you have to power to get something accomplished and this burns you out even more --- and you get anxious, depressed, or in others overly aggressive or afraid, for example.


Evidence supporting a link between dental amalgams and chronic illness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and suicide.
Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2014 Dec;35(7):537-52.

The purpose of this review is to examine the evidence for a relationship between mercury (Hg) exposure from dental amalgams and certain idiopathic chronic illnesses – chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), depression, anxiety, and suicide. Dental amalgam is a commonly used dental restorative material that contains approximately 50% elemental mercury (Hg0) by weight and releases Hg0 vapor. Studies have shown that chronic Hg exposure from various sources including dental amalgams is associated with numerous health complaints, including fatigue, anxiety, and depression – and these are among the main symptoms that are associated with CFS and FM.

In addition, several studies have shown that the removal of amalgams is associated with improvement in these symptoms. Although the issue of amalgam safety is still under debate, the preponderance of evidence suggests that Hg exposure from dental amalgams may cause or contribute to many chronic conditions.

Thus, consideration of Hg toxicity may be central to the effective clinical investigation of many chronic illnesses, particularly those involving fatigue and depression.

US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

PUBMED: 25617876


list-of-common-amalgam-associated-ill-health-complaints link between dental amalgams and chronic illness Evidence supporting a link between dental MERCURY amalgam fillings and chronic illness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and suicide list of common amalgam associated ill health complaints

mercury-mechanisms-for-underlying-symptoms link between dental amalgams and chronic illness Evidence supporting a link between dental MERCURY amalgam fillings and chronic illness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and suicide mercury mechanisms for underlying symptoms

PLEASE GO SEE THE GRAPHICS (at the link just above) AND THE SOURCE AS IT IS A WONDERFUL RESOURCE, at the page that this link takes you to, a video started playing which was VERY informative. 

There is more ---

I had a session with Dr Kessler the day after the eclipse because I just was dying to find out if there was mercury in the laundry soap that had been used by someone in the house -- who would have pet O'Rio's head, etc. -- when his third eye lids swelled and pupils dilated -- a sign of dysautonomia in dogs.  And indeed, it did have mercury. 

I learned that you can't just look through the filter at an object without a person or other living things which is sensitive to an element being there to test for that element. 

It's a long process when you take this a little at a time when you mutually have time to learn with an 8 hour time difference.  But I'm so appreciative.  And want to keep adding here as I go, and bring YOUsers of Lumigrate along with me! 


One of Dr. Kessler's 'students' and FB friend posted this as the Saturday of Labor Day weekend for us in the US waned, and Sunday of a regular weekend in Germany dawned.  A dentist living in California who has spent a week in person with Dr. Kessler to learn; when I learned that over a year ago when connecting as FB friends, I realized I needed to be 'clearing my schedule' in order to learn via video in the time when he's available in small increments to teach me -- due to the time difference being 8 hours.

Dr. Kessler commented: The headline is wrong.
It should be :
The diseases Connected to Mercury-Sensitivity plus Exposure. The Reason Mercury Fillings are Dangerous.

To which she replied: The world may catch on, someday. I get to give an hour lecture this week on a couple of cases where, using Nogier's Reflex, I was able to quickly diagnose.
I call it a tip of the iceberg lecture.

The article:

Title: The Diseases Connected to Mercury Fillings

If you or someone you love has mercury fillings – in the mouth – I urge you to take the time and watch this video – now. Jonathan Landsman and Dr. David Kennedy, an outspoken and intelligent critic of conventional dentistry, reveals the scientific proof about how mercury-based “silver” fillings cause many of the most serious health conditions of our time.

In fact, Dr. Kennedy makes one of the boldest comments I’ve ever heard about the dangers of mercury toward the end of the video. I’m sure you’ll agree — Dr. Kennedy is a blessing to humanity for his tireless efforts.

Here are a few facts about mercury amalgam fillings:

1. Causes Damage to Brain in Children

In February, 1998, a group of the world’s top mercury researchers announced that mercury from amalgam fillings can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and immune system of children.

Sponsored Videos -- Mardy's Note:  So PLEASE GO ON THE LINK TO THE HEALTHY HOLISTIC LIVING WEBSITE (and look around, too!)

It's a 3 minute video from YouTube of David Kennedy, DDS (who, at YouTube is DavidKennedyDDS

and Jonathan Landsman, Natural News Inner Circle.  Highlights: 

There is no safe level of exposure to mercury.  They go through how much mercury is in each filling, and calculate it out if you have 10 fillings.  The host of mercury-related illnesses are:

One of 10 adults will be diagnosed with "Alzheimers", "Parkinsons", "ALS", "MS", "autism", "acrodynia".

Acrodynia used to kill 5% of the infants --  in 1939 in England (the rate was 5%).  England stopped the sale of all skin rash oitments, tooth products, etc. with mercury chloride in them; in 1940 none died of acrodynia.

Then in Australia in the 1950s a similar situation occurred with it being introduced and acrodynia increased. They stopped the product sales and new acrodynia cases dropped.  So the cause/ effect relationship between mercury and acrodynia is very clear. 

Autism is acrodynia in the non lethal form, Dr. Kennedy states.  They studied the Australian survivers of acrodynia and their descendents are 6x more likely to have autism.

There are people sensitive to mercury.  Some people aren't sensitive to mercury.  "We know that if you were to take mercury out of our society, you would have a whole host of neurological diseases disappear." And he cites the above disorders and reminds it is costing immense amounts of money for people to have these conditions.  

So when the dentist says "We want to use the cheap fillling", factor in the cost of taking care of your parent for a decade." (Who will be at increased risk of having the above illnesses).

Then at 3 minutes it says the rest of this video is available at the Natural News Inner Circle and invites the viewer to join them today. 

2. Amalgam Fillings Linked to Neurological Problems, Gastrointestinal Problems
The first large-scale epidemiological study of mercury and adverse reactions was recently completed and showed that, of the symptoms looked at, there was a link seen to gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, concentration problems, memory disturbances, lack of initiative, restlessness, bleeding gums and other mouth disorders.

3. Mercury / Alzheimer’s Disease Connection Found
A study related to mercury and Alzheimer’s Disease was recently completed by a team of scientists led by well-respected researcher Dr. Boyd Haley. They exposed rats to levels of mercury vapor diluted to account for size differences between humans and rats. The rats developed tissue damage “indistinguishable” from that of Alzheimer’s Disease. Repeating the experiment showed the same results. Dr. Haley is quoted as saying “I’m getting the rest of my fillings taken out right now, and I’ve asked my wife to have hers replaced too.” Also see:

4. Amalgam Fillings Since 1970s Unstable
The type of mercury fillings that began to be used during the last couple of decades, non-gamma-2 (high copper), releases many times more mercury than the older style of amalgam fillings. Also, please see the article on the instability of dental amalgam fillings by Ulf Bengsston.

5. Amalgam Fillings Release Highly Toxic Elemental Mercury
Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known. The mercury release from fillings is absorbed primarily as highly toxic elemental mercury vapor.

6. Amalgam Fillings Largest Source of Mercury By Far
Based on a number of studies in Sweden, the World Health Organization review of inorganic mercury in 1991 determined that mercury absorption is estimated to be approximately four times higher from amalgam fillings than from fish consumption. Recent studies have confirmed this estimate. The amount absorbed can vary considerably from person to person (source).

Enough about mercury.  Iridium is coming up in 2018 "tests".

I'm editing this on 2July2018.  There have been 1,440 reads of this topic so far. 

Editing again on 14December2018 there have been 2,016 reads of this topic to date....

At the start of 2018, I'd be in my old 'stomping grounds' on the Front Range, and was looking forward to seeing my old friends.  I'd get a few links from my gal pals from elementary school, who were in my class (we were ability grouped, it's important to say so you're not thinking it was random people my age I got closest to in school.  These were the high achievers, so to speak.  

Three of three had iridium as their sensitivity.  What are the chances: I'd known mercury was most common, aluminum second most common, and iridium, per Dr Kessler, occurred in 5% per his experiences.  So, it just seemed coming in threes it was some sort of sign, perhaps! Or maybe just a random coincidence and not a "coincidence of significance".  You can form your own opinion about that.  

I knew of these gals' symptoms of wellness (or lack thereof) from that time to present, or some of them -- the overall at least.  I could compare to mine over the years.   I let them each know of this information about them, available, and my willingness to teach them if they wished.  They had various interest level, which is to do with time and busy-ness, and first "awareness" of something new often being just the 'scratching of the soil' you'll come back to and plant a seed in later.  

By spring, I'd see on Facebook that a classmate, who was never a part of my gang of girls, but we always knew and got along with, and who I've gotten closer to thanks to Facebook and that fostering some reunions in person we both attended, had fallen and broken.  

ALWAYS with symptoms worse than mine, I wanted to offer her the information that is taught at this thread.  I figured being laid up with a broken body part might be a good time.  But they were on the move.  Literally. As in house to house, state to state. Compromised with an injured dominant hand.  

But I got enough time on the phone to get 'interest piqued', and permission to inquire with Dr Kessler.  Since I used a reunion photograph, he took liberties with everyone in the photograph.  Without exception, the exceptional children from the school that in part inspires content on the show South Park had elements of sensitivity! 

But I was having to hold tight on further delving into learning about iridium, as those who had that as sensitivity weren't "getting on the hook" to take the bait and get caught up in what, I think, leads you to be caught up, ultimately -- in a good way -- in the real and root cause, forever ending the chasing around of symptoms without getting to the root.  

Two days ago, on the last day of June, my phone rang in the evening, as I was going out to walk O'Rio for the second time -- keeping moving is key to detoxification, so I try to get us walking three times a day and it's very difficult in the HEAT of the summer.  The caller was not one of those gals, but one I'd gotten to know last summer, who had been studying and taking proactive measures based on what they'd learned in the rabbit hole of "mold avoidance".  

I could tell last summer, they were as devoted to discovering what they'd find as results from mold avoidance as I was finding what was occurring with avoiding traces of my element(s) of sensitivity, and seeing what occurred with O'Rio avoiding our mutual element, mercury.  I'd have just posted as my cover photo on Facebook a "no Hg" button, obtained from a gal who has studied longer and in person, twice now, with Dr Kessler.  

Having come literally full circle, or 360 degrees, the woman, about fifteen years older than I, so getting into the years you start feeling you might be coming to life's end, had given up their use of computer -- it just had felt like it was contributing to symptoms.  And as we talked and got underway with the Intro and discussion of Our Story So Far, the talk about mercury with O'Rio and me brought up a lot of talk about dental amalgam work that seemed to correlate with onset of the crash from doing okay to being a wreck circa age 70.  

Within hours I knew this woman was, like my pals from childhood, iridium sensitive, and I took advantage of some time to study up a bit before talking with her again, so I'd have some better information on what iridium is used in.  So I thought I'd add it in here, and credit The Iridium Elder, as I'll call her, with the additional benefit of this information being at Lumigrate for YOU to be utilizing now, because of her support of funds in exchange for my time giving her information.  I also acknowledge Proud Mama, whose birthday card which arrived a week early contained funds that sustained me through a few days when it was a gift that felt like gold.  (I cannot emphasize enough how there is no amount that is too small to be helping, this is grass roots I've been doing for over three years now, and it is entirely do-able that Lumigrate and I get completely sus-tained long term from people who wish to give in very comfortable-to-them ways.  And then Lumigrate is there for everyone's benefit.  Pro Bono -- for the good of the community is the origination of the term, after all.  


So here we go, Iridium 101

"Iridium is one of the rarest elements on Earth. It is found uncombined in nature in sediments that were deposited by rivers. It is commercially recovered as a by-product of nickel refining.

A very thin layer of iridium exists in the Earth’s crust. It
 is thought that this was caused by a large meteor or asteroid hitting the Earth. Meteors and asteroids contain higher levels of iridium than the Earth’s crust. The impact would have caused a huge dust cloud depositing the iridium all over the world. Some scientists think that this could be the same meteor or asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs."  

So in other words, you don't have the same perdicament with iridium as you'd have with aluminum, where you might get enough exposure from what's in the soil in an area, or in the air from chemtrails (as aluminum, barium and strontium are three of the key nanoparticles used in geoengineering, which is of course not just the white lines in the sky but also put up into the atmosphere with other delivery systems as well).  

(Source: )

Uses of Iridium

The main use of iridium is as a hardening agent for platinum alloys.

With osmium, it forms an alloy that is used for tipping pens, and compass bearings.

Iridium is used in making crucibles and other equipment that is used at high temperatures.

It is also used to make heavy-duty electrical contacts.

Iridium was used in making the international standard kilogram, which is an alloy of 90% platinum and 10% iridium.

Radioactive isotopes of iridium are used in radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer.

(Source: )


"Iridium crucibles are used to grow high quality single crystals. These are used in electronics such as computer memory devices and solid state lasers.

Iridium alloys are used in processes that require resistance to wear such as the multi-poured spinnerets used to create polymer fibres such as rayon.

An alloy of iridium and osmium is used to produce the tips of fountain pens. "

Source: )


 "Global production of iridium is limited to roughly 3-4 tons per year. Most of this originates from primary ore production, although some iridium is recycled from spent catalysts and crucibles.

South Africa is the main source of iridium, but the metal is also extracted from nickel ores in Russia and Canada." (That makes me wonder if there might be traces of it in nickel products.)

(Source: )


In Dentistry 

"Subjective systemic symptoms have been linked to vari-ous metals in dental restoration materials (1, 2). Indiumand iridium are in 2 currently used dental amalgams (Table 1), as well as in white gold (Table 2) onto which porcelain is fused for dental crowns and/or bridges.:"

(Source: )


In Medical

Bone cement.  Though the first message from Dr Kessler (source on this one, conversation) was "bone crafting" and I was picturing indigenous people making things out of bone.... and knew that didn't make sense in the context and then thought 'bone graft'... grafting, cementing.  So he responded ... bone cement.  


In Electronics

"Though automotive air-pollution-reduction technology in automobiles provides the hottest demand for the six platinum-group metals (iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and ruthenium), these minerals can also be found up and down the electronics aisle, in hard disks, integrated circuits, and LCD panels."

(Source: )

AND thankfully one of his Facebook friends stated they'd working with him for a while and was iridium sensitive, so I asked for some ideas of things tested and found to be with enough iridium to be "not good". The response included: 

coffee, very often

hair conditioner

anything that is an "anti-oxidant"


eggs -- in a commercial carton of eggs about half will have and half won't


the list is huge -- but of course as with everything -- it's not consistently all of the time in things.  As Dr Kessler simply states: No generalizations!  You must learn to test and avoid things with traces of the element of sensitivity.  

It is a good point to re-iterate this from Dr. Kessler: 

"It is not Multiple Sensitivity to Pollution, it is not Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, it is Multiple Chemical Element Sensitivity !!!

You have to understand the difference between sensitivity and toxicity. 

For example: If you are sensitive to mercury (most common), your body reacts to the exposure of each single molecule of mercury from inhalation, ingestion or transdermally and disturbs the order of your system, especially to the predisposed weak spots of your system (skin, immune system, joint fluid, etc.). 

If you are not disturbed by this vibration (or frequency) of mercury by exposure, your body is able to take care of all other toxins (Arsenic, Aluminum, Meds, Alcohol, Pesticides, etc., not in a toxicological doses), you are getting exposed to and is able to use compensatory pathways to make up weaknesses (genetic) of your body. 

If the order of the system is disturbed, your body is not able to do this and will even react uncontrolled , irrational, dysautonomic (see my Note: Dysautonomia

Other patients are sensitive to Aluminum, Fluoride, Palladium, Iridium, Indium, Gold, Titan, Silicium, Formaldehyde and react to the vibration of this particular element and not to mercury. The word 'chemical sensitivity' should be individually narrowed down to the one or seldom two chemical elements. 

The patient is sensitive to a product (fragrance, food, cosmetics, etc.), because it contains, in trace amounts, the chemical element he or she is sensitive to, and this can vary from charge to charge of each product."



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Dr. Kessler on Lyme (and Fibromyalgia)(and .... )

Patients with Lyme disease: Most therapies just focus on the symptoms and fight the spirochetes without involving the order of the system of your body.

None of you had been screened for disturbing foci, mercury-sensitivity, aluminum-sensitivity, a dental focus or maybe a disturbing scar (tonsil), which influences the order of your system and the capability of the body to respond to therapy. This means, that you will have a different outcome because the information (energy, medications)  they are giving you might not get where it is needed.

The order of the system of a mercury-sensitive person (ApoE4), what most chronic Lyme patients are, is disturbed by chronic, daily exposure with traces of mercury by ingestion, inhalation and skin penetration.

The infection with Borrelia can not be correctly counteracted and fought by the disturbed immune system, and the burden of the Borrelia infection and the unknowing new daily exposure of mercury weakens the body even further.

Medicine wants to add information -- antibiotics, supplements etc., and find pathological, biochemical changes of the disorder, but the information is not carried to the place where it is needed because the body is in a dysautonomic state -- it is out of order -- and even more highly weakened by those invaders (they even have electron microscopic pictures of).

It is like: You want to put tiles on a wall (treat Lyme) and someone is using a sledgehammer (mercury exposure) next door. It makes no sense in adding more and stronger glue (antibiotics, supplements); you have to stop the vibration of the sledgehammer first to be able to work in a field, which then is not disturbed.

The flair ups of the disease can only be explained by the incidence and level of new mercury exposure, because the level of borrelia is not changed from one hour to the next, like the symptoms change. All patients feel better with chelation, as long as the chelator doesn't contain traces of mercury, and if the exposure is stopped or drastically reduced. For possible sources of mercury read what's at comment #1, above (at this link if you wish to take a link:

Herxheimer reaction is a dysautonomic reaction to acute mercury exposure (inhalation, ingestion or transdermal), it has nothing to do with release of toxins from killed spirochetes. It is a postulate by Dr Herxheimer, not a proven fact, yet everyone takes it for granted as he postulated.

If a factory is not organized and controlled, it doesn't work.

Bring your system back in order, so that it helps to fight the disease.

That is why I teach my patients how to test for the ingredients they are sensitive to, in each item they like to ingest, inhale or put on their skin.


Erin at Health Nut News had posted about chiropractic (for frozen shoulder). Dr Kessler commented:

You have to understand that a chiropractor is able to open the blocked intervertebral joints, but your body must be able to keep the joint fluid so viscous that they don’t glue together again as soon as you stay in a resting position. The order of the system is disturbed, it is not an anatomical problem being the cause.


Dr. Mercola's website had an article about fascia, and Dr. Kessler shared the link on Facebook (link ), setting it up by saying:

"Caused by disturbing fields influencing the viscosity of the intervertebral joint fluid, irritating the nerve roots, leading to contractions of muscle tissue, vasoconstriction, decreasing lymph flow, and influencing the fascia."

Dr. Helen Alderson, a California dentist and naturopathic provider, who has studied with Dr. Kessler for several years at the point of my adding this comment on Labor Day 2018 (3September this year), and has given me permission to use her teachings on Facebook and credit her or not, whichever I wish, had this comment: 

"We spent the bulk of our naturopathic training studying Pischinger's The Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation, which was interesting. Adding the frequencies, sensitivities, etc, really brings it together."



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Testing - Specifically What Does He Mean?

On August 21, 2017 many people were 'tuned in' about the eclipse -- 600,000 people from my state (Colorado) drove up into Wyoming to be where it was going to be a total eclipse.  Where I'm at, I was working at the computer and it was as if the windows on the house which are normally like the windshield and front windows of my car became like the dark tinted ones in the back. 

I'd tune into Nova on PBS that night at just the moment to see them talking about a "spectrascope", which was used to determine what elements our big energy ball in the sky is made of by filtering and viewing to see what is emitting the associated frequencies of various elements.

I'm glad I caught that, becasue I think it helps people learning how this 'less tangible stuff' works if we compare it to mainstream science and astronomy we'd learned along the way.  

From Dr. Kessler's notes tab (on Facebok on the More tab), this is what he provides specifically on this aspect of that which he teaches.

Nogier Reflex

What is auricular acupuncture?
Throughout his life, Dr Paul Nogier has been interested in medical research. His appreciation of the techniques of acupuncture, psychotherapy, homeopathy and manual medicine, led him, in 1951, to draw up the basis of auriculotherapy, then, about ten years later, to develop auriculomedicine.

The results of Paul Nogier's work are now well known, and are taught and used in Europe, the United States and even in China, the birth place of acupuncture.

These two techniques were recently combined under the term "ear acupuncture".

DR. Paul Nogier's Discoveries

The discovery of auriculotherapy: In the beginning, Dr Paul Nogier sometimes saw patients presenting with cauterization points on the ear, who claimed to have been relieved of their sciatica as a result of this treatment.

Intrigued, Dr Paul Nogier decided to investigate this phenomenon and found that points on the external ear corresponded to certain organs or systems. After more than fifteen years of experimentation, he established a map of the ear. The shape of all of these points fairly closely resembles the image of an inverted foetus.

The principle of auriculotherapy is based on the fact that a point or a zone on the ear corresponds to an organ or a system. The mechanism of action is a reflex mechanism. In auriculotherapy, a pathological point is detected by the pain reaction to local pressure or by using an electrical detector.

Treatment can be performed by massage of the point, by application of a needle or by electrical or laser stimulation. The precision of this representation of reflex points on the external ear offers many possibilities for both diagnosis and treatment.

Auriculomedicine is a reflex method based on modifications of the Nogier pulse in response to stimulation.  The Nogier pulse, called RAC in French for Réflexe Auriculo-Cardiaque or Autonomic Circulatory Reaction), corresponds to the English term VAS (Vascular Autonomic Signal).

In practice, the physician tests the sensitivity of the sensors of the skin of the patient's body or external ear. With one hand, he holds an appropriate detector, and the other, it takes the patient's pulse.
The patient's radial pulse is taken very carefully and requires a great deal of practice in order to be performed rigorously. The pulse is conventionally taken with the thumb placed perpendicularly to the radial artery against the styloid process.

The VAS phenomenon is usually felt by the practitioner as a qualitative variation of perception of the pulse. It starts 1 to 3 cycles after application of a stimulus. This signal occurs without any alteration of heart rate and can last for 8 to 15 cardiac cycles.

Mechanical recording of the vascular signal perceived clinically by taking the pulse manually has not yet been objectively demonstrated. This demonstration is difficult, as it consists of trying to reproduce a fine sensory perception instrumentally.

However, it is clear that the Nogier pulse involves the autonomic system (sympathetic and parasympathetic). Modification of the VAS is mediated by the unconscious autonomic nervous system and corresponds to a neurological reflex.

Until a device has been developed that is able to measure the VAS signal, physicians continue to learn the manual pulse taking technique. Several schools now teach this technique. In particular, in Lyon, the cradle of auriculotherapy, there is an association, the Groupement Lyonnais d'Etude Médicale (GLEM), which provides such courses. (GLEM website:

And then, additionally from a note in the 40+ notes he provides at Facebook (which is difficult to organize layout so I hope it helps the way I'm presenting them here in one spot and the order I'm selecting them to add here.)

Nogier Reflex, RAC, VAS

Nogier vascular autonomic signal, an alteration in the strength and volume of the wrist pulse responding to excitation (through massage, laser pulses, or colored light) of the outer part of the ear. Also called auricular cardiac reflex.

Refer to:

Testing with a linear polarization filter and Nogier reflex prevents you from adding the chemical element you are sensitive to into your system, being in trace amounts in all different materials being inhaled, ingested or penetrating the unbroken skin; this can differ from charge to charge. It measures the influence of any material on the orientation and strength of your electromagnetic energy field.

Note, minor editing done to make it more easily readable, from Dr. Kessler's Notes tab on Facebook

He has stated you can use a polarizing filter from a camera, but what I understand he and others use looks like a clear sheet of plastic and can even be cut (with scissors) off into pieces if someone is learning and doesn't have the tool in full purchased. (I bought a polarizing filter at a used camera store last summer hoping to learn this then, but things did not come together until this April.)

This is what the most knowledgeable US student of his has been using as a source.... but the trick is you have to get the pieces small enough that they're not bending, or just buy the smaller ones. 


And of course, thanks to Dr. Kessler.  Last night my night ended later than I'd planned because he was getting up and at 'em and saw something in this photograph I'd sent to him for FUN yesterday.  I was thinking 'we're good, O'Rio and I aren't getting any mercury exposures anymore (since learning this summer) and I'll show him we're going out to have fun'. 


Dr. Kessler could see a "scar" on one side of his body, and told me what single mineral and single vitamin he needed.  When I said I had B complex, he said something to the extent of "Did I say B complex? No, I said one single B."   Targeted.  Simple. Money saving. Specific. Controlled. Fluid/changing. INDIVIDUALIZED 

When I went to bed I scoured my massive store of supplements I no longer take and had neither of those two things, so in order to continue learning in the morning about supplements, I put out the four things I've been taking recently but intermittently, then took and sent a photograph. 

I was figuring he would next want to do as others 'testing' have done, where they just see if a supplement is good for me and some testers have been able to identify what's in it that made it a 'no' for my system. (By looking at the list of ingredients.  That was a provider who'd not particularly subscribed when learning testing in his program to become the type of provider he is, but then realized it worked and he could do it without touching, he could do it by photographs.  With no filter, just him.  And he'd always add the caveat "For what it's worth...", in other words "take it as you will."

Soon he was messaging me, then calling, and in a minute excusing himself to go to the elevator and welcome a patient that had arrived and then off I went .... Ciao, he says!  

So I turned to O'Rio and said "Ciao", and he thought I said "chow".... breakfast!  So off we went to get eggs from the farm, and he's a favorite there.  I told the farm family about our latest developments, and this testing stuff and how it's very selective, "in the moment", and fluid.... a different mindset, really, with this approach. 

I told them what Dr. Kessler had said was going on and was needed with O'Rio and sense that the mother / guardian of the children and animals on the farm is going to benefit from this information.  Someday.  I like feeling as though we are contributing to the efforts to help seekers find what will most effectively, efficiently and permanently help them lead or influence others to have the best life possible.

So again, thanks to Dr. Kessler!  Ciao! ~ Mardy

BONUS REEL --- O'Rio before and during a really good, first of the morning yawn

 © 2017 Mardy Ross -- O'Rio Grande and a big ol' yawn (and this is what his mouth looks like when he is barking when someone unknown pulls to the house, which was my first impression of him -- back hair up.  The FedEx guy -- who delivered his Cornucopia Pet Food in the spring and took photos with O'Rio -- it was a big day to go to that level of food (I worked out a short term deal with the maker and O'Rio's owner) was here this morning and was concerned the way O'Rio looks when he is 'charging out barking'.  It's like his body's systems are confused -- back hair and scruff of neck goes up and out, tail is wagging, mouth indicates not a really friendly barking -- it's as if he gets mixed signals to protect and to be friendly.  


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
A FB Friend, Expert in Another Realm, Differs in Opinion & Says

"Mardy, all produce is sprayed w copper sulfate, whether it be organic or not.

Just as all inorganic grains are iron enriched.

Here lies the problem, off high unbound inorganic copper, and unbound ferrous iron.

What most fail to realize is that both C & Fe need to be bound to ceruloplasmin to make it bioavailable.

One often presents as low in iron because of its lack of being bioavailable, yet they are drenched in the unbound metals.

Many come to a conclusion of "pylouria", which is not correct, since the need for bioavailable bound copper is needed in this pathway.

Taking zinc at this point furthers the assault on ceruloplasmin production. One does not need HF genes to accumulate these two forms of oxidative metals.

This is where I differ from Kessler's understanding of copper:iron metabolism.

Also, he only thinks iron is a problem if you have Hemochromatosis genes, which is not true. Our food supply is iron-enriched, birth control has iron, infant formulas, vitamin supplements -- it's very hard to avoid.

Almost no one can avoid enriched foods, or the toxic copper sulfate that binds ceruloplasmin.
Especially if you're eating organic produce from most producers, it's drenched in it. Or you drink, or shower water coming from cooper pipes somewhere along the way.  Any time there is unbound copper, there is unbound iron, period.

Really, you do know iron is the most abundant mineral on Earth, it's everywhere in the water supply. Why do you think oxalates are such a huge health issue? Yes, humans, like plants, make oxalates to remove excess unbound iron."

Somewhere in the conversation, which I've edited a bit, above, to reflect how eventually I was understood -- some of us grow our food.  Some of us don't do that to organic product or those who we purchase from don't.  We have to learn to talk to our sources and find these things out.  So they started back with addressing my statement about that....

.....that's great that you have assess to your own grown produce, but most do not, due to limitations in year round weather or the luxury of time.

Even going to local farms & discussing their practices has gained me valuable knowledge. I have had conversations with local grassfeed suppliers that have admitted that the livestock are not given antibiotics, and when I push and ask specific questions, they do  treat with copper ( which they think is bioavailable ) if they suspect parasites, or if there is an outbreak within the stock .

As a result, not only is the meat a problem but so is any other product grown on that land, since the feces deposit the inorganic copper in the soil.  Its extremely hard to  get away from products that not only supply inorganic copper but also hinder ceruloplasmin.  So many women take birth control, anyone who has taken antibiotics, citric acid, or zinc supplements, not to mention copper pipes leaching, again.

About testing this same person doing 'preaching and teaching on Facebook' in a group about Lyme I believe it was said: "I had both SPECT, it yielded me a Lyme diagnosis which I already knew.  My State CDC positive & Igenex.  It did not help with insurance, nor did it get me better treatment options. It did open my eyes to what caused the severe hypo perfusion & lesions.... it's iron buildup! Yes it's not the infection, the bugs are attracted to the iron. The body responds by forming amyloid plaques & hypo coagulation of blood because it is trying to contain the threat.

This is why so many get CCVSI surgery, it removes iron deposits. Join "magnesium advocacy" group on Facebook -- over 100k members, many with chronic tick-borne infections regaining their health.

Lyme ninja radio will have a podcast w Morley Robbins discussing it, too.

A top genetic researcher for Lyme has found the same to be true,  we who harbor pathogens have a large iron load sequestered in our bodies, yet we appear anemic .... and we are not anemic.  Search on Internet for "iron behaving badly", you will amazed how many diseases and symptoms that overlap with Lyme that are caused by high iron in this way.

From adrenal issues

thyroid issues





to fill out more, the movement disorders such as MS, ALS & Parkinson's.

A few links this savvy, passionate, "missionary" about this aspect of information sent me over the months since we became Facebook friends which I wish to share with YOUsers of Lumigrate as well as these insightful conversation from Facebook groups or private messages integrated into this comment thread.

Gratefully ~ Mardy

 I've asked for some 'review' on this from people I know who are paddling around in these realms professionally and personally to get their opinions to offer here since I was still feeling that there was a 'disconnect' that could be explained by someone else who understood this type of information better than I.  

One response: 

"In reading the post, I believe she misunderstands the doctor's baseline.  She talks about his filter being that of metabolism of iron.  I would just say that his foundation is the energetics.  If the energy from iron or from copper is not the cause of the disturbing focus, and the person is energetically sound, then their body is better able to tolerate some of these oxidative elements. 

When there is a disturbing focus, either scar tissue, improper spinal alignment, tooth/jaw, or element AND it has elemental iron or copper sulfate, THEN the body cannot cope, and the toxins come on line as a problem.  They are sleeping dogs in our body."

Another response: (from reading this before Response #1, above was put in).

"Very interesting. I give homeopathic copper for iron "deficiency."


Live and learn.  Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
EMF and Mercury Release from Amalgam Fillings in Teeth

....and what to do if going to the dentist, below (in grey box).

Again, bringing an edited version from Dr. Kessler's "Notes" on his personal FB page: 

EMF and mercury release from amalgam


New Studies Find High Mercury and Adverse Effects from Dental Amalgam:
1.  Mercury is the most toxic substance that people commonly are exposed  to. The U.S. EPA drinking water standard is 2 parts per billion.  Mercury is in the top 3 of toxic exposures affecting large numbers of people. (1,4)

2. Dental amalgam is an unstable mixture of 50% liquid mercury with other toxic metals including copper, silver, tin.  Since mercury is a gas at room temperature, it vaporizes continuously from the amalgam mixture resulting in high levels of mercury in the oral air and saliva, as can be easily measured. Since amalgam is also a mixture of metals in an electrolyte (saliva), this results in galvanic currents that pump mercury and other toxic metals into the gums and oral mucosa, from which it is carried throughout the body by the blood and nerves.  (24,27,32)
3. Dental Amalgam Fillings are the Largest Source of Mercury in Most.   People who have amalgam fillings (2-22,32)   and  Daily Mercury Exposure from Amalgam Commonly Exceeds Government Health Standards for Inorganic Mercury(vapor). (4-10,19-21,32)                                                                                      

4. Medical tests show that those with several amalgam fillings have on average 10 times more mercury in feces and saliva than those without amalgam,  and after amalgam replacement, levels of mercury in feces and saliva decline approx. 90%, while mercury level in urine declines 75% on average.   (19,13-15)
5.  Elemental and inorganic mercury are methylated in the body to methyl mercury by bacteria, yeasts, etc., so that amalgam fillings are the largest source of methyl mercury in many people who have amalgams. (17,18,13-15)
6.  Mercury from amalgam is passed on to fetuses and infants through mother’s blood and milk, and mother’s dental amalgam fillings are the largest source of mercury in most fetuses and infants prior to mercury containing vaccinations (12,26,21,32).  One flu vaccination (or other vaccination that contains 25 micrograms of mercury thimerosal) exceeds the Canadian health standard for daily mercury exposure to an infant by a factor of 250 and for a child by a factor of 100(20).
7.  Dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most children who have amalgam fillings other than from vaccines, and mercury level is directly proportional to the number of mercury fillings. (11,21,32).  Developmental effects on infants occur at low levels of mercury exposure and  many thousands are known to be affected. (25,26,12)       
8. Mercury vapor  from amalgam is the most dangerous form of mercury, most  rapidly crossing blood-brain barrier and mother’s placenta, and causing  adverse developmental effects at lower levels than other forms.     (28,26,21,29)
9.  In addition to the high mercury volatility and galvanic currents between mixed metals  in the mouth, electromagnetic fields (EMF) from appliances such as computer monitors cause currents in the metals which carry mercury into the body. (24,21)
10. Mercury in those with amalgam fillings or dental workers accumulates to much higher levels in the major body organs like the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys that receive a lot of blood than in those without amalgam.  Mercury blocks or damages metabolic or hormonal processes in all organs at very low levels of exposure.        (16,21,22,32)
11. Chronic adverse health effects from amalgam are common in adults. Mercury is extremely cytotoxic, neurotoxic, immunotoxic, endocrine disrupting, inflammatory, and a reproductive toxin.   Mercury commonly causes chronic neurological, immune and autoimmune, cardiovascular, hormonal, oral, and reproductive conditions. (1,27,23,22,21,32)
12. Those who replace amalgam fillings and reduce body mercury levels commonly recover or see significant improvement, as documented by peer-reviewed studies and thousands of clinical cases histories.   (23,31,21,32)        
13. Dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in sewers and sewer sludge, and thus a major source in water bodies, fish, crops, and the atmosphere, due to sludge outgasing and high emissions from crematoria  (30).

 Dr. Alderson's button. She has worn, and adorned her family members, with similar / same at dental group functions.  Activism speak!

Practical Advise for Someone Hg Sensitive Going to a Mainstream Dental Office

This information can apply to someone not yet knowing what their sensitivity is, but suspects they may be. It is based on a person driving themselves to the dentist, but you can adapt for your circumstances.  

This portion of the topic was inspired by my someone I've only begun helping, who found out just last week they are mercury sensitive, happened to have a dental appointment for routine cleaning and exam.  Via Facebook and Dr. Kessler's wall, I long ago met Helen Alderson, DDS .  

She is being taught by Dr. Kessler for several years, in person on two occasions she has made the journey to Germany. She perhaps connected with him after I did, I don't know, but she was motivated to learn it as she's a mercury-sensitive dentist, with mercury sensitive offspring, and a lot of damage was being done if she didn't learn. With my first exposures after I was clear of mercury last summer for a time and 'got better', when I saw how it affected my thinking and feeling, mood and behaviors, she helped me with examples of how she knows if she or her kids are exposed because of behavior changes.  Ability to tolerate stress being one. (A.k.a. "patience"). Dr. Kessler makes behavior very simple and refers to "irrational thoughts".  Think of how this is affecting our society with people getting exposures through products and of course, dental industry practices if unconcerned about mercury released into the environment (or not concerned enough to be really safe).   

I thank Dr. Alderson for her caring about others learning and allowing me to use her suggestions on Lumigrate for YOU to benefit. This is based on what she answered when I asked about what to do if going to the general dentist:

Do you have any metal fillings which contain mercury (or iridium)(or gold) ? These are three elements of sensitivity for people, commonly used in the dental industry.   If so, request that those fillings not get polished, as it releases more of the metal to which you are sensitive (mercury in most cases).

To be safe, not sorry, assume the practice does not use proper safest removal practices. Surfaces in the office area and clinic may be contaminated (albeit disinfected). This means the waiting room furniture, counters, floors, ...everything.

Gather and take with you: shoes to wear getting back into the car and driving home, a plastic bag for the shoes that likely get contaminated (use a mercury-safe bag, of course, so watch out for bags treated to cover up odor of contents), and a towel to sit on in the car on the way home). A box or other container can substitute for the bag, but will need to be washed or thrown away when done, ideally. 

Plan to go directly home to limite time with mercury disrupting your energy.

Plan to wear shoes there which can be laundered.

Put a towel over the entire seat (headrest too) in the car for on the way home after the appointment. Don't have people accompany you in unless necessary but if they do, they will need to do similarly to your precautions. 

When at the car to return home, remove shoes when you sit and before getting feet into the car, and place them in the plastic bag. Being thought-full about how molecules could come off of the items in the bag and get in your car, close the bag / box and place it safely in the vehicle. 

(Perhaps leave the bag and shoes on your seat when you exit the vehicle to go to the dental office as a reminder to not 'just get in as usual'.  Hope for good enough weather, and if it's not figure a way to safely change shoes after leaving the dental office and before leaving the building. This is my embellishment, Dr. Alderson is in temperate San Francisco, I'm in very hot to very ice stormy western Colorado, where we thankfully have holistic (and mercury conscious, Jim Kennedy, DDS, who I learned a great deal from in the past and was helped my immeasurably, opening my mind further -- literally and figuratively -- for this type of provider and information to 'take me to the next step', and here we are!  I'm adding this on Friday the 13th of July, 2018.)

When you arrive home, being "thought-full" with the clothing that has likely gotten Hg on it, change clothes at minimum, and preferably have the ability (time, energy and facilities) to shower, including washing hair (in mercury-free products, of course!)

Launder the items which have, or likely could have, mercury / Hg (clothes, shoes, towel).


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Focal Disturbances as Main Factor in Chronic Disease
Into the veterinary resources Dr. Kessler went with this post on Facebook, which I, as the others I've transferred here, edit only to make more understandable for YOUsers of Lumigrate and visually less taxing, etc. (Some gifted practitioners' writings are made more difficult to understand due to their not using professional editors and proofreaders. I'm no expert either, but I do make the changes I think are going to make it easier for people to understand the content which I think is so 'grate' that I want it on Lumi(grate).
And there have been 550+ reads of this topic by this point in time. 

Posted by Claus-Peter Kessler in his Notes on his Facebook page on Wednesday, October 25, 2017.
The term “focal disturbance” or “perturbative field” is going back to the German doctor Ferdinand Huneke, who developed in 1925 a treatment concept called “Neural therapy”. He figured out that every chronic disease can be caused by such focal disturbances and can be treated by focal injections of anesthetics.
Nowadays, Pulse Controlled Laser Acupuncture Concept (PCLAC) is known for easy diagnosis to detect these focal disturbances, and local laser treatment (LLLT) with a special kind of laser is known as a valid treatment method of them. This opens the way to treat nearly all chronic disease which is caused by this focal disturbance. Scientific acknowledgement about structure and function of focal disturbances as well as chronic disease developing from these disturbances is described.
Within several case-studies the connection between focal disturbances and chronic disease and the possibility of their acupuncture treatment in horses and dogs is shown. These cases are reaching from wound healing disturbances, over chronic degenerative joint disease and chronic allergic disease to Cushing disease and auto immune disease. Various valid acupuncture point combinations for different kind of disease to use in combination with the focal disturbance treatment are demonstrated.
In the following study, I have put together the perceptions and experiences of many authors, including myself, in regard to the exploration of the origin of chronic disease. In the present medical system it is mostly attempted to treat a single symptom without taking into consideration the original connectional factors which have caused their source. In most cases this leads to a reduction of regulation within the entire organism by the treatment per use of steroids.
I personally consider this to be an extremely unsatisfying, ineffective and often damaging form of treatment when used in a long term therapy. The use of a therapy applying the disturbing focus approach is described here as being a highly effective possibility in the chain effect treatment of many chronic, degenerative and chronic allergic diseases. [294 2014 IVAS/ItVAS Joint Conference on Veterinary Acupuncture]
What is meant by the term “focal disturbances”? Within internal medicine, the search for the origin of an illness is a well-known problem. The so-called illness origins mentioned here are in regard to inflammatory processes occurring in different organs such as the lung, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, gynecological and andrological areas, etc.
These illness origins are only interesting when the particular organs themselves develop acute diseases and need to be treated. However, when we speak about the disturbing focus, we are not just referring to the actual diseased organ but even more the subsequent effects of this disease to the actual organ itself and the entire organic system, even when the acute phase is completed, meaning the patient does not suffer any obvious disease were caused by the original source of the illness.
This is not only true for such chronic organ diseases, (for instance chronic sinusitis) but for all types of scars, especially scar tissue that had a delayed healing procedure. It should be understood that the disturbance effect is not primarily caused by the scattering of bacteria, but that these disturbances occur on the one hand from the cell milieu (18), on the other hand from the autonomous nervous system and disturbances in the functions of the myocinetical chain of skeletal muscles (4).
Morphologically we are referring to chronic granulomatous inflammations surrounded by so- called “demarcation-tissue” (10). The so-called origin “disturbances” indicate various other anatomical, histological, bio-chemical and physical particularities such as lymphocytic-plasma cellular infiltration, foreign bodies (8), central necrotic areas (24), and different enzyme examples, abnormal values of the electric resistance and electric potentials (20) as well as characteristic changes in infrared radiation (21).
Very severe disturbing focus origins can be found within teeth, even in hidden inflammations where there are no obvious symptoms, directly related pain, or cannot even be detected by x-ray. Particularly when referring to periodontitis (27). Because these disturbing factors are part of the general chain reaction effect, one must take into consideration chronic contaminations, especially with regard to heavy metals (refer to 1, 19).
This is most common in humans because of the level of mercury which is absorbed from the amalgam within teeth fillings. Beside the amalgam, and even true for animals, we find a load of mercury absorption through the food chain, which is caused by numerous herbicides, fungicides and pesticides which contain mercury.
Which types of illnesses arise from a disturbing focus? Of course it is interesting to know which types of illnesses are caused by a disturbing focus and where the treatment of the focus is essential. I would like to describe to you my personal experiences: Out of approx. 1000 cases of chronic back problems in horses, 50% had a disturbing focus.
In cases of chronic degenerative joint disease like hip dysplasia, osteochondrosis dissecans, spondylosis and arthrosis etc. the percentage was a lot higher. In cases of chronic obstructive bronchitis (COPD/RAO), which might be compared with asthma or COPD in human medicine, the percentage was 100%.
I personally am convinced that every allergy originates from a disturbing focus. This fact was confirmed by Kellner (7). Lastly, there are illnesses that develop into disturbing focus themselves, for instance teeth cysts and sinusitis. In cases such as these it is essential to discard the disturbing focus. In the following, I will demonstrate the disturbing focus within some examples that I personally have treated: 295 2014 IVAS/ItVAS Joint Conference on Veterinary Acupuncture Treatment of the Disturbing Focus with Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
The use of LLLT has proven itself to be an effective form of therapy in healing wounds and as a local anti-inflammatory therapy ,especially because of its capability in activating the demarcation of the disturbing focus (13, 6, 12, and 15). Here the impulse laser with impulse peak power of 50-90 watt with an impulse width of 200nsec (17). The most optimal anti-inflammatory impulse frequency has the frequency A’ with 292Hz according to Nogier (6) or even better (because 128 times more energy per time) fr. A’’ with 37376Hz.
By activating the demarcation in the disturbing focus it is so possible for the organism to heal these processes and eliminate the disturbance. Four to eight laser sessions with the above-mentioned impulse lasers are necessary. The length of the treatment or session varies according to the depth of the process within the soft tissue ranging from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
In cases where horses have involved, difficult teeth, disturbances may require sessions lasting for even as long as 10 minutes. With the high frequency A’’, the treatment time decreases even in this case to 30-50 sec. In these cases, impulse lasers with 50 or, even better,,90 watt impulse peak power are necessary to reach the source and activate the demarcation.
Within the teeth, we must differentiate between treating a disturbing focus with the frequency A, according to Nogier, and treating a hidden disturbing focus with the frequency 7 according to Bahr (26, 27). In this type of treatment of the disturbing focus, I have personal experience in thousands of patients and it is still always amazing to see while using this treatment the illness very often disappears in an incredible way.
Beside acupuncture treatment of the general disease in a way whatever the acupuncturist has in mind to be helpful, we need some acupuncture points to assist the disturbing focus treatment by the laser. This is TH5, which is the Thymus point in ear acupuncture for tissue demarcation and its partner opening point GB41 in chronic degenerative joint disease, and for allergic disease we need BL40 which is the histaminic point in ear acupuncture. In the following, I will explain the concept by demonstrating some case studies.
Case study 1
A femur fracture in a 5 years old mixed dog was fixed by a metal plate. After healing of the fracture, the limb of this dog was completely paralyzed. There were no reflexes and no sensitivity in the whole leg. Hoping to help the dog, the plate was removed by a second surgery, but the limb didn’t improve within the next year. Now the dog came for acupuncture treatment. There were still no reflexes and no sensitivity. The musculature was completely atrophied in the leg. It was only skin and bone. The operation wound looked nasty but was closed completely.
Beneath and beside the scar one could only feel the femur bone. In the scar I found a severe disturbing focus (by RAC reaction to the laser fr. A’). After two treatments with 2 days interim as described above, the wound that had been closed for one year opened and stated demarcation (picture 1). 296 2014 IVAS/ItVAS Joint Conference on Veterinary Acupuncture
During the next two days the scar became more and more swollen and showed fluctuation. A big abscess developed and after a further two days 150 ml of pus came out when the abscess opened.
Now I started to treat the neurological problem, treating the Shu points from Kidney to Large Intestine, that all showed strong RAC reaction with frequency C and the Governor Vessel between the spines with frequency E, according to the spinal cord in the same area. Also a strong reaction was shown on frequency E medial along the femur bone. I believe it was a part of the sciatic nerve. Additionally the point KI 4, the influential point of nerve tissue, was treated with Fr. E.
This treatment was carried out for one further month daily by the owner with a rented impulse laser 90 Watt. When the patient came for the next visit after this time, the dog was able to stand on the leg and to move a little bit. All reflexes could be generated and the skin sensitivity was back again. The treatment was stopped.
At the next visit in my practice 2 months later, the dog walked and ran perfectly and the muscles had developed again. The dog was completely recovered. This example shows us that disturbing foci can provoke severe problems like complete paralysis and treatment of the disturbing focus opens the door to healing.
Case Study 2
8 year old Lousitano mare with long standing poor performance resistant to therapy. A veterinary acupuncture colleague came to me with his horse because of long standing therapy-resistant very poor performance. The horse could not trot more than 20 m and was not able to gallop because it was too weak. The horse had been examined and treated in several veterinary clinics. They found several different western diagnoses and several different treatments had been applied to this horse.
Also, a former acupuncture treatment done by her owner had been not successful. She had a very strong holosystolic heart noise with point of intensity over the aortic cardiac valve. There were many extrasystolic heart beats which did not disappear after a short period of work. So this horse was suffering from an autonomous heart function disease.
With the help of RAC controlled ear acupuncture I found that there must be a disturbing focus in the left front hoof region. Picture 1: Fistulation starts after first Laser acupuncture treatment. See the tip of the big arrow, the small arrows show the size of the nasty scar. 297 2014 IVAS/ItVAS Joint Conference on Veterinary Acupuncture
Then looking at the left front hoof directly, I found a scar that the owner had not told me about before, exactly on the point HT 9 (picture 2). The scar with the disturbing focus at HT 9 was topically treated with laser frequency A’ from Nogier for 2 minutes. The following further points where treated: PC 6 and ST 40 where treated with the concerning meridian frequencies according to Reininger.
These 2 points are partner points with the midnight noon rule. Interestingly these 2 points are even indicated by western thinking because PC 6 is the ear point of the stellate ganglion and ST 40 is the ß- blocker point in ear acupuncture.
The next point was TH 5. It is the point of the Thymus at the ear. This point is known as a valid point against any kind of inflammation and is used obligatory in treating every disturbing focus. This point is very effective in setting demarcation of tissue in motion again, which had not finished during wound healing and so lead to develop a granuloma and becoming a disturbing focus.
Lastly, I treated Shu- Muo points BL 15 and CV 14 to balance the Yin and Yang of the heart. After this treatment, immediately, there were no more abnormal heart sounds and no more extra systolic heart beats. Four treatments, once per week in the same way, were carried out by my colleague who was the owner of the horse. She has been in a very good condition again for 3 years.
Case study 3
A current case of a 12-year-old Hanoverian mare with severe back problems and recurrent tendonitis in both front legs.
This horse came for a current problem of extreme back pain. This had already been treated for more than half a year without success. Beside this problem it also has been applied a longstanding conventional treatment of tendonitis in both front legs. While examinating, the horse reacted very painful on pressure at the Pericardium-, Liver and most extreme on the Spleen- Backshupoint. The tendons of the front legs showed several hard swellings but not an acute problem, even no lameness on the front legs.
Acupuncture diagnosis showed a severe disturbing focus on the right ovary point at the ear. When I asked the owners, they told me that they did not recognize any season in that horse over the last years, but because she was a tournament horse, this had not been meaningful to them.
After treatment of the painful back shu points and the ovary point at the ear, the back pain was much better. TH 5 and GB 41 as the concerning pair of Opening or Cardinal points had been added, because 3H 5 is always indicated in disturbing focus treatment Picture 2: Scar in HT 9 as a cause of autonomous deregulation of the heart 298 2014 IVAS/ItVAS Joint Conference on Veterinary Acupuncture for tissue demarcation and GB 41 because of chronic degenerative joint – or back disease.
The reason why this horse reacted extremely painful on the Spleen Shu- point was that the ovary point at the ear is identic with the body point SP 5, will say the ovary is belonging to the Spleen meridian and therefore the Spleen Shu- point was that irritated. However, because of the pain had not gone completely I started LLLT directly on the right ovary. I took four 90 watt lasers at once with fr. A’’ in alteration with the meridian-frequency of the Spleen for about 1 minute.
Immediately after, I switched on the lasers at that area; the mare started extreme yawning and bending its back up and down. After about 40 sec it started chewing. Chewing always says to me: it is done. And indeed it was done for that moment. After that treatment the back pain had immediately and completely gone.
It is important to say that the diagnostic system of disturbing foci is very clear and strictly split from diagnosis of internal diseases even ovary diseases. Therefore, I could be sure the ovary problem in this horse was a real disturbing focus problem and not just an ovary disease.
When the mare came back for the second treatment one week later, she was obviously in season, the first time the owners could state. The same treatment was applied again. When treating the ovary with topical LLLT the mare again showed yawning and bending the back but much less than the first time.
While the 3rd treatment, again one week later, the horse was in a very good condition concerning to the owner. The season was over and the horse showed no more signs when treating the ovary locally. The tendons had been treated while each session with topical LLLT with fr. A’’ and B, according to Nogier, as well as the sinew channel of the Lung and Heart.
The hard swellings already had been obviously reduced. But that treatment will be continued until the tendon tissue has completely reorganized and the hard swellings have completely recovered.
These are examples from 1000s I have seen in my life, and for me personally is not any doubt concerning the existence and the dramatic influence on chronic disease which goes out from the disturbances. It is absolute worthwhile to take care their treatment. Laser acupuncture with a 904nm impulse laser is a proven way to heal these disturbing foci and so to open the way for the patient to come back to a normal function. 299 2014 IVAS/ItVAS Joint Conference on Veterinary Acupuncture


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Analogies -- To Help Us See This Paradigm Shift

Hot off the Facebook press from Dr Kessler was an analogy, which spurred another analogy from one of his former learners, Dr. Helen Alderson, who now is teaching this to patients and other professionals via the professional organization circles she's able to present with for conferences.  Here they are, to embellish this thread at this point in time: 

The missing link ! Posted by
Excuse me, you are all talking in medical-taught terms, and of medical studies, when trying to solve a patient's problem, for example chronic Lyme disease.
You know you have an enemy, a spirochete, and you give the disease a name, "Lyme". Now, you talk about ammunitions and support and a protocol against the enemy.
No one considers the individual patient, and "the order of the system". Is the body able , for example through the logistics or the immune system, to convert the information, energy, medications, and so on, to help to fight the battle?
The order of the system is not allowed to be disturbed by disturbing foci like dental foci, disturbing scars and/or the exposure, disturbing frequency, or the chemical element you are sensitive to. If this disturbance is dissolved, your body’s self healing capacity, plus the help it gets from a provider, gives you a much higher chance to fight and heal.
I want to put some tiles on the wall and the chief of staff comes in and likes to use some glue, but the tiles don't stick. So the professor comes in and says that the chief of staff did the right thing, but in this case we have to add some special, expensive glue with the other glue. The tiles still don't stay on, because both of them did not know that a jackhammer was vibrating on the other side of the wall. One has to turn the jackhammer off first !!!

Analogy from Dr. Alderson, again, who is one of Dr. Kessler's mentee's or students, referred to, above: 

Imagine a sound so loud and piercing that you are forced to cover your ears. Your only thought is to hit the off button across the room. While the sound is on, you cannot defuse a bomb that is going to go off, because you need your hands (that are on your ears). The bomb is very important to defuse, but kicking it and pushing it with your elbows doesn't help.
You must first push the off button, so your hands are free to do the real work.
(The sound=disturbing foci.  The bomb=whatever health crises there is presenting as symptoms)

Later, she shared this analogy with me (July 12, 2018 and I'm editing this in on July 13). 

  • Energy should flow in us like a long straight river. If someone dumps some garbage in, it should continue to flow almost as well as if nothing had been dumped in.
  • If we end up with boulders in that river (sensitivities, scars), then the flow is turbulent and not efficient with flushing away toxins. Things go awry and significantly different than if the flow was unimpaired.
  • Finally, if we have boulders or debris that blocks us, then everything backs up and we become significantly unwell / ill (including deathly ill, literally). 

 Photo, Glenwood Canyon and the Colorado River, by Mardy Ross, December 2011.  Traffic was stopped for cranes to bring rocks down for safety on the highway, Interstate 70.  


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
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My Topic About Dysautonomia in People and Pets at Lumigrate

Please follow to this link to see how I presented the basics of dysautonomia within the environmental illness / environmental wellness forum at 

Similarly, I link from it to this thread, which is in the forum about Facebook and other Internet resources for learning.

Please and Thank You~ Mardy   .... one of the photos you will find there, included here. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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