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What I Want Every Mother (and Others) to Know Of, Then Go From There. THE Cause of All Problems Presented In Emerging Research
First, as a preface -- let me acknowledge that I'm using the word "all" loosely in the title; most or many might be more accurate. If you're not into prefaces, scan down to where the pickle photo is and start there. I think the following context setting will help most people reading this, however.
I want to acknowledge my Facebook friends, comrades and followers. Years of networking and studying diligent activists who are authentically pursuing their outreach activities to help others recover their health or that of children lead me to more innovative experts about health than I'd ever imagined when I started Lumigrate.
Recently my shares have been very different, mostly about Earth changes. Quakes. Volcanoes. Forecasts for future ones, via Facebook friends Delphina Nova and "Dutchsince". I routinely encourage people to connect with their FB offerings or websites, etc. directly because the Earth is basically very active right now. I normally share a lot of things about diet. Or geoengineering, which includes weather modification. This blog will hopefully tie a lot of it all together.
Editing this end of August (2015), there continued to be what many call "dots" -- stories in even the mainstream media (and then reflected on social media) now, telling us that there are problems and unusual things going on but totally leaving out the 'connecting' material, or obliquely referring to something and 'paving the way'. The information here will help 'connect the dots'. It's raining and snowing nitrogen in a Colorado park, per NPR shortly after I created this blog topic. The researcher uses the word weird, even ... Think about what NON scientists have MISSED as cues, or those 'brain dead' for whatever reasons --- Here's the link:
This is my best attempt to bring what I currently understand to YOUsers of Lumigrate, and I'm increasingly confident we're on the right path, and giving more light to the matter than, apparently, any other website in the world. A lucky break, I had, a year ago, encountering another truth-telling, teaching, researching activist recovering from significant symptoms of chronic illness. Read on, you'll learn the whole story.
Just a few of the stories: wild spider webs in Texas, wild caterpillar webs in Denver, algae at the top of mountains in Colorado with nothing upstream. How's it getting there? Then sometimes the information provided goes in a different direction than what I'll lead you to on this topic's links.... Back to what I prepared in May....
Coinciding with this activity with the Earth comes news such as something put out by Reuters last week where they're letting us know about the 'bugs' that are coming from very hot flows and seeps under the ground, and very cold waters in the deep seas.
"Breaking it to us slowly" it seems to me, and not connecting the dots for us to the increasing lack of wellness in humans, perhaps indicating more about plants, sea life, tree life, soils, water, and whatnot. I thankfully was to connect in 2014 with someone and something that I think is connecting the dots, and I want to be sure YOU know about it too. He alleges that some of what geoengineering is about has to do with addressing thesa ancient cosmic-traveled bacteria that are increasingly getting into our environment and selves.
There, barely a few paragraphs in and I already tied geoengineering in here; world famous autism / Lyme / chronic conditions MD Dietrick Klinghardt had revealed in a 2014 interview I have in the forums at Lumigrate that geoengineering is occurring. He went on to say doctors know a lot of things they are not allowed to tell people. But he attributed the heavy metals in the geoengineering chems to increase in molds and algae because they are 'trying to do us a favor' and absorb those things. This makes them flourish.
The mainstream and local media, as well as social media and indy sources have been putting out stories about algae blooms in recent years. Whole cities were without water due to blooms in 2014. Dogs have been dying in Florida and California in new stories I have seen. Now that my eyes are tuned in for algae or lichen and etc., I noticed after a recent rain that a tire track in the desert had algae in it, and this was after less than a week from when the rains started.
I live in the desert of western Colorado/ eastern Utah, in an agricultural valley. Therefore, it has irrigation canals all over, people pay for ditch water that's very cheap and they have big 'shares' and don't have to be frugal with water application. So water ends up sprayed or dribbled down rows of slanted land which the sun hits and warms and makes it very humid. I'm very concerned and now understand why 11 years ago when I moved here I noticed more ill people here than anywhere I'd ever lived aside from my community of origin in the Colorado mountains outside of Denver. A chiropractor told me he thought it was from the molds.
My own city for now 11-1/2 years, Grand Junction, had a story in April about the new solar powered floating robot pump that is now circulating water to prevent or reduce algae blooms so they don't have to add chemicals for that anymore. I couldn't find anything online that they'd told people they were adding chemicals at the reservoir. I think our water is of primary importance. And water is very much part of this story and information I want everyone to be knowing about and thus writing this blog post.
But has anyone been alerting us to be doing something more to make the tap water pure and safe? No. Can everyone do that? Are there enough r/o machines in grocery stores to go around, would that mess up what goes into the wastewater treatment plants after the r/o machine has provided what the consumer bottles and purchases? I suspect so.
And while the wastewater and water treatment industries are intimately connected, they are separate entities typically. I have a friend (a mother, by the way) who works in that industry and eventually said 'we have just one water, ultimately'. So my theory is that this has to be a word of mouth, independent, 'ripple effect' that we, the people, tell each other about. Hence I wanted to be sure YOU saw this information when coming to Lumigrate.
Fat also absorbs heavy metals in our bodies Dr Klinghardt said elsewhere, also an interview I've transcribed portions of in the forums. I think he provides good foundational information for people wanting to learn about what's making us all sick, though he doesn't reveal about the things I'm sharing in 2015 at Lumigrate (and in person, verbally, etc.)
Four times in my life I've had massive and sudden weight gain for a short time then it stopped and eventually dropped off about the same fast way it went on, I was interested in that. I'd had that occur in late 2010/early 2011 and I am pleased to say I have gradually had my weight going in a good direction and in a slow way (important for the body to be dealing with the released metals). When you know better / differently, you can do better/ differently. I've continued learning and doing differently.
This is now 40 years since I changed my diet the first time for blood sugar problems. I had blood pressure problems too, nobody every put me into a tilt table test and found what they'd today hopefully diagnose as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I've had to find out about that one on my own and found Facebook extremely helpful. Yes, use doctors and other providers perhaps, but don't count on that they'll come up with things better than you can.
That's actually something that Patrick Timpone says outright in an interview with author and diet expert / addiction expert Pam Killeen, and I'm sharing the link for that below with the other links because the protocol that this blog is ultimately about has nothing to do with diet. People have been consuming a variety of things and reporting good results. Some eat clean, some are enjoying things they could previously not eat at all without severe neurologic responses.
Pam advises about eating 'square meals' and explains why sourdough is better than straight dough and I think is the most simplified way of eating that I've heard from any of the experts. She suggests quality protein at all meals, good fats are important and things that fit with all the information I have set up at Lumigrate in recent years. You need that time not fooling with special diets to do what we need to do relative to the bacteria, ultimately.
So please at least 'follow me' on Facebook if you're into that kind of thing. Ultimately, anything of importance ends up in the forums at Lumigrate. And every now and then I add a blog post about what I really want people looking at if they find their way to Lumigrate's blog tab or box that updates what's new in blog posts.
You'll see that I rarely add to the blogs, this is the first for 2015. The reason is this: anyone finding Lumigrate will see the links on the side box (titled Blog Posts), or perhaps go to the blog link to see what I blog about, and they will have a very focused, limited view of what I currently see as the most important things for them to see. The forums have many 'containers' (sections) and within each sometimes many forums, and the most topics most recently added onto have been 'bumped' to the top of the list in each forum.
So that's another way for people to find the things I've recently been adding onto because I have continually created content since our beginning in 2009 to bring 'the underlying causes' of wellness, or lack thereof, to YOUsers at Lumigrate. I am so glad YOU are here. I hope you find the information at Lumigrate valuable, and do whatever you need to remember to come back and see more. I link to a variety of media for people who like to use podcasts and videos, and often I transcribe some or all of those things so people can have that to refer to.
Lumigrate's YOU! Model. "Lumigrate", "Mardy" can be on YOUR model, among others. Such as Steve Beddingfield, and the mothers and others that become admins and teachers under him in his group on Facebook. The highlights of which I am bringing to topics on Lumigrate, which I want this blog to help direct YOU to. Here's an image that might help get your attention.
This is not one of Steve's photos, this is one posted in his group recently, by a mother whose teen aged kiddo horrifically saw after her first bite of a pickle, commercially produced (and a known name brand). This stuff is everywhere now, any brand could have it. Best to grow your own food, have control over what's getting out of control or not in your soils. This is likely the biggest story on Earth right now and Mainstream Media is now gently letting us know about it. I include those things in what I provide in links on the Lumigrate topics I provide for YOU to more readily find them. And then see the big picture, the forest, so to speak. And perhaps take action and save your life or health as well as others'.
(See link, below, to the topic that I provide that has this pickle picture and explanation of what YOU are seeing here, per Steve Beddingfield and others from the comments this photo created with his increasingly knowledgeable admins and others learning, future educators and admins and those who will help create a ripple effect in addition to what I'm able to do with Lumigrate.
A summary of what this about was stated by Steve this way: "Imagine this scenario: we are sickened by one of the largest bacteria known, it replicates at least 100 times faster than other bacteria, carries many endo and ectopic things along with it. It is capable of storing more memory than a Google server. Our butts are in deep trouble.").
Be forewarned if you're new, my intention with topics is to help YOU (consumers) become thoroughly educated about the topic that you've accessed, enough to know WHY, at the very least. That work cannot be done for you. Take time away from something else that's not as important as your wellness, is my suggestion, and basically do this:
- Step 1: Get enough "educated" about something ("awareness" is just the first step in that direction), surround yourself with a variety of providers (virtually at Lumigrate or perhaps you'll be fortunate enough to have advisers directly).
- Step 2: Use what YOU use to make decisions about things -- your brain, your intuition, talking with people you know, professional or amateurs.
- Step 3. Take action (or not). It's that simple. Your choice!
As I've developed more practice with not just the information but then applying it to my self and what I see around me in my environments inland in central western Colorado, I'm working to make the information more manageable.
In August I created a topic that I'm going to set the link up for here, high up in this blog topic, as it's the "THE Stuff: 101 - Applications and Examples" version. You might pop to it now on the link, or come back to it. I'd definitely go there. THIS BLOG TOPIC you are on is the virtual 'clipboard' that has all the links to all the various topics on Lumigrate which have something to do with THE Stuff. I can easily, then, say to people "Just go to the BLOG tab, you'll see the top things I want people seeing in blogs, the one about emerging research I'm wanting everyone to learn about and consider's right there where you and everyone can find it without dependence on a link...... "
Note from Mardy May 23, 2016 -- you will see at the topic about THE Stuff, and at the massively detailed but not polished thread about Steve's Images, Protocol, Research, etc., that I have asked people to NOT GO JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP WITHOUT FIRST CONTACTING ME. I give the reasons for that when you go, and I'll not add to the words here. I'll just say I'm easy to find as Mardy Ross at Facebook, and the About tab here at Lumigrate has updated information (Contact us does NOT, I did it in the past now can't figure out how to do it again with more changes). Also, here at the blog tab the blog that's pinned to the top about me being Mardy Poppins has my updated information as well. (As those operate similar to updating forum information and so I can do that, thankfully.).
I'm working at providing a group learning setting for anyone who comes through me and I don't discourage going to Steve's group AS LONG AS YOU GET IT FIRST HAND, 1:1 from me, why I'm concerned about those who go there as newcomers to learn. I've had everyone I mentor and facilitate who went into the group and many others seek me out to inquire about basically the same things everyone gets baffled by. It'll just help you not get 'injured' as so many end up having happen when in the group. Either overlooked, not feeling they're being addressed, or worse.
It's like the 'spot' you designate to meet up if there's a separation of a group or an emergency -- this is where people are going to most easily be able to find the most important information, which is how I've used the blog area for several years now.
This is the sixth year that I've come to Mother's Day since Lumigrate launched in March of 2009. Initially, I'd envisioned a simple website just about 'fibromyalgia', but then it was obvious to me from 'the universe' that I was to not niche into 'the F word'.
So we created the logo and 'motto' plus the foundational information to represent 'integrative medicine'; you'll see the two green and purple ribbons weaving together with the light burst coming out from the center, and "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being".
I say 'we' because I'd had the good fortune of having a fabulous assistant, who was a mother and soon-to-be-grandmother at the ripe age of 37, working full time for over a year which allowed Lumigrate to have much that she had input with, that YOU see today. I hope and trust she and others she knows continue to utilize the progressive, truthful, cutting-edge information I've continued on with, solo, since 2009 when there were no longer funds for hiring people, renting space, etc.
I've been credited with my abilities for 'resilience'. I simply will say that I consider what I had to offer and do a gift of good fortune and from God/Source/WhateverYouWishToCall"It", and know that Lumigrate has always increasingly been helping people find their path to health and well-being. In a way, I guess Mother's Day for me applies, I have compared having a website to having a baby, toddler, youngster, adolescent, young adult and someday something that 'takes care of Mama'.
I've made adjustments to my life and gotten my costs down so that I can life off of what people offer to me as gifts for the assistance that I give them, based on the value of what they feel it has in concert with what they have to offer. Just as when an insurance-based occupational therapy service contract provider in Grand Junction from 2005 to 2008, I wanted to provide information to all no matter what their ability to pay was. That desire lead to live education groups, which lead to my creating Lumigrate and leaving insurance-based medicine, where I was censored and restricted on what I could say to those who came and trusted me to tell them what they were seeking to learn about getting better.
As the Earth went around our Sun trip after trip, I kept bringing new information that was continually 'cutting edge', from mind, body spirit ('integrative medicine'), and was generally getting to the underlying reasons ('functional medicine').
I am writing this blog on Mother's Day 2015, and have worked consistently since Christmastime and New Years on information that is sprinkled around a few areas of the forums. I have worked to get the information I'm wanting people to link to from here literally almost every day this year (and I'd been studying and 'aware' since encountering it in August 2014).
There's a group of women, not all are mothers but most are, who also found their way to this cutting edge information which has been the work of an intriguing man in North Carolina named Steve Beddingfield, who I have now spoken with by telephone on more than one occasion, as well as many conversations via Facebook privately in addition to the almost-daily conversations in his group of now 1,700+ learners. "Students", we have been, expected to also become "teachers" and help with a ripple effect to make people aware and in my case provide the education here at Lumigrate.
He'd been asked by someone in his group if it was okay to tell others in Facebook groups about his discoveries and theories about what's causing all the unwellness of body, mind, and spirit (my integrative spin on it), and he answered that he wanted people to get the word out. Thankfully a hand full of women who had gotten into the group before I, and one after my being invited and included by Steve, rolled up their sleeves and added to the research to be shared. The gal who'd been included after I had been was 'an autism mom' who herself had the adult variety of 'this stuff that we all have now'.
Hers took the form of M.S. and was diagnosed as such. In 1995 I'd had another onset of chronic illness which, that time, presented with symptoms consistent with M.S. but thankfully I'd 'gotten onto the trail' of integrative medicine and diet changes reversed my symptoms immediately and dramatically. For a while. My symptoms went up and down, steps forwards and then, inevitably, backwards. But I persisted and I had more I did that helped than things that were 'loading' and pulling me down.
Let me bring in our onion graphic to show the way I guide people through going from their surface symptoms to finding the underlying conditions and eventually the core, the root. This information I'm wanting everyone to know is, apparently, 'the root'. And in the years before this, I'd taking Lumigrate YOUsers on the forum topics through the underlying conditions and we have surface symptoms, naturally. (Use the Search bar at Lumigrate to help you find information that pertains to you, do your own 'peeling of the onion' and get in contact with me if you wish to have my personal health information concierge services in addition to what is free and available always on Lumigrate.)
PosterGal, a mother who I consider on the young side of middle age, had symptoms that were leading her to need a wheelchair at times, and she had lost functional vision in one eye due to optic neuritis. Married to her business partner husband who was very supportive, she had been unable to work and that had affected their income. She has been foreseeing herself, now, returning to 'work' in an income-generating way, by summer but I saw she'd had less time to devote to helping admin/teach in the group at one point due to some 'work', so the occupational therapist in me always loves seeing people getting back to being occupied in ways that are meaningful and if they wish to earn income, returning to vocation is wonderful to see.
She, like the other women, had learned enough and opted to 'do' the protocol that Steve Beddingfield had come up with over the past seven-or-so-years. Like the others, there were impressive results, and it was a relatively simple and inexpensive protocol compared to what other autism / Lyme / chronic illness protocols typically entail. The protocol 'fits' with our presentation from day one at Lumigrate in 2009 of 'full barrel syndrome' and year two with 'load theory' and 'the elevator model' which I had an artist create for a visual graphic in 2012.
© Lumigrate, 2009 and 2012, respectively. Full Barrel Syndrome and Load Theory Models.
Steve has a particular concern for children and their mothers, that is clear from being in the group or from speaking with him on the telephone. In my work, I have noticed more mothers than fathers being the advocate, the proactive leader getting the resources underway and attending strategy sessions and appointments when in my outpatient clinic doing occupational therapy in insurance-based medicine, which I left in February of 2008 to help start an integrative center and create Lumigrate for providing health information I thought was needed to tell people the truth about things causing and solving health problems.
But I have known many men who have verbalized their motivation for making changed in their lifestyles was to be around to help foster the younger generations. So, while this is Mother's Day, I wanted to be clear that I recognize the enlightened men contributing to the process of improvement. After a seminar at Natural Grocers yesterday, I asked a man who had attended if he'd been to seminars before; this one was on gluten and gluten-free. He was a self-proclaimed miracle story of returning to work in the last year at 30 hours and a job standing on hard surfaces.
He had been at that 'needing a wheelchair' place after his onset of symptoms in the mid 1990s, he said. And his motivation to learn what caused it and change the chemicals and foods he was getting inside of him had to do with his children and grands. (He also gave me a recipe for essential oil mixed with olive oil as a carrier that was very helpful with chronic pain, similarly as with Steve Beddingfield saying 'I was told to give this to people', so you can look for that on Lumigrate as well if you're interested.) So many people today 'in the mix' with their contributions to making this world a place that is turning over, going to have new ways that are better, but recognizing how many challenges and how much hard work is entailed. Kudos to all.
In 2015 I have been teaching and preaching people who I 'know' through various means to take a look at this information. Most have taken it into their 'awareness level', and some went on to take some form of action. One mother who is sole support due to a deadbeat dad who does not pay the required child support, purchased one or more of the components for the protocol but is waiting until they're off for the summer from their job within the education system in case it causes any symptoms that would affect their working abilities.
Another mother thankfully got ahold of me when they were in a relapse and with symptoms similar to PosterGal's before she'd done the protocol and they were both willing to connect. Immediate action based on her having told me earlier this year I was about the only medical-related person on the Internet she trusted anymore, combined with the effective personal stories of those having successes with the protocol lead to that mother's being out and walking with her children for two miles, no less, without her cane, no less! Despite optic nerve problems affecting vision when she got ahold of me, she found the time and energy to study and get online and order what she could afford.
She'd already redone her budget after meeting me online last year in what started out as a bit of a combative conversation, but my gut told me that I should persist in letting this disabled mother living on what the system provides know that there usually are areas people can shift a little money and find things that help their symptoms.
Less than one year from that day to today, I have to say that these stories are so very rewarding. And I'm equally as touched by a very 'ostriching' mother who in the past year made a lot of improvements in learning how the world works and now is making better decisions about food quality and taking action on things that have been on Lumigrate and known / available to her since 2009. They had trusted the medical system that insurance paid for but it eventually becomes apparent how impotent that is, how harmful in the long run, and that there are other ways that take more effort on the part of the consumer (mother in this case).
While I never had a baby and children 'of my own', I was a stepmother in my mid 20s and I was also a very involved babysitter/nanny to neighbor children when I was 13 to 18; I understand how important mothers are. I like to see them getting well and helping their children to have their symptoms reverse as well no matter what the age of the mother (grandmother), or child (who might now be an adult). Does your responsibility as a parent end when they're no long of minor age? I think not. But this is up to everyone to decide, for YOU to decide. Consider gifting the things to people who will learn the protocol and want to participate, if it's something YOU think is valid.
Much is required with what comes from the information I'm presenting here; it affects our soils, our water, our air, not just our intestines and from there the brain and rest of the body. I've had many nice young men see me with the heavy, large water container I use to get reverse osmosis water at the local markets which sell "r/o water". I've helped a mother get mulch onto the garden she was putting in this spring, it was hard physical labor and we were average age 50 and were both with antagonized symptoms from the inflammation that comes from messed up neck areas being worked so hard. That was temporary, the symptoms, overall we each grew stronger and better for it.
I watched as her able-bodied son who is an adult chronologically but not developmentally, clearly, sunned himself and was glued to the electronics he appeared to be addicted to. Lifted not one finger in hours of hard work with shovels, a wheel barrow, rakes, etc. I hoped for them, wished for them, that the organic, nutritious and hopefully 'safe vegetables', due to her learning about 'this stuff I'm telling you here is of primary importance to learn" and integrating it with 'how to prepare soil for growing vegetables' would contribute to their both reversing the symptoms of body, mind, emotion / spirit dysfunction they clearly struggle with.
She, as the older and wiser one in this case, was underway following the protocol, but he had resisted every attempt I had provided for education verbally in our in-person encounters. As with anyone, I had provided them the keywords to search with my name, or Lumigrate, on the Internet to follow the information I provided that thankfully hundreds of people every week were finding. One month 1,000 reads occurred of the topic about Steve, his group, images, protocol (link, below for your convenience though it's not the easiest or best starting point for most people, you'll see me specify what's at the various links and YOU can chose which one's best for YOU.)
With her symptoms reversing and having additional energy, and her brain's symptoms reversing which enabled her to learn in different ways that when more affected with symptoms, this 'autism mom', who I call "PosterGal" on Lumigrate's topics, had her time and efforts lead to a major development around Christmastime 2014, which convinced me this was something to really tune in and focus upon. Her having said she was going to her Catholic church service for the holy time one day and then clearly being angry the next, because of the implications of 'the patent trail' and who had to have known about 'this stuff that has affected us all', got my attention. It was meant to be, I think. Thousands of people have become aware of this via my topics at Lumigrate.
I have to also credit the chance encounter I had when going to a merchant that sells the non-natural medication involved, because she was also a mother, of two young children, and wife of a man who had chronic pain and inflammation symptoms. After working full time, commuting, taking care of her family at home and putting kids to bed, she was using her science education and skills to research what could be the cause of her husband's ongoing problems which all the conventional things they'd tried using their insurance-based providers and products had not helped, so he'd recently gone off of all the patented medications.
She was 'this close' to having figured out what Steve Beddingfield's protocol and research is about, I simply 'connected the dots' in a short conversation we had at the store. She'd been brought in from over an hour away to work but that day there was a surplus of employees who were chatting and not asking me if I needed help; I recognized that this was simply meant to be that they were ignoring me and then she happened along. I created the first topic that night so that she might find it if she had time on the Internet that night and make her time more efficient. Again, a mother involved in 'this story'.
I thank the 'known' autism moms, who have been so proactive and not given up on "getting to the bottom" of what is causing this drastic rise in autism in us. Please know that many children have symptoms 'on the spectrum' and their mothers don't realize the child has what could be identified as autism spectrum. This stuff is something we all have, that's a key concept in Steve Beddingfield's work and group teaching. I have come to see the same thing, on my own, over the last seven years. And I now bring my mother into the mix.
Many adults do not see themselves as having disrupted neurological processing, but my mother, Fran Moeller, tested every student who went through our local public elementary school in approximately the 1970's decade, near the end of their third grade school year. How she got onto something so progressive at that point in time, I've never figured out. But somehow she did. And I am grateful for that. Thankfully I have a good memory and we talked a lot at home, every day, so I am able to relate this little bit of history to YOUsers. I hope it will help people process what's been going on and what's affecting us (and then what we can do about it is what I'm suggesting might come from the links I'm providing to information I set up on Lumigrate this year.)
Only ONE STUDENT, a girl in my class, showed no evidence of disruption. Our local elementary school was southwest of Denver, Colorado, in the mountains where a wide variety of people whose parents were aerospace engineers, scientists for government or business brains, pilots, etc., owned homes as well as people who "drove truck", ranched, had the tow trucks, etc. One of the first students to not get screened due to my mother's early retirement due to a new regime of administrators in the public schools who didn't like her identifying and working with the most affected students in her fourth grade class was the co-creator of the comedy cartoon show/movie business "South Park". If that helps you picture where I grew up and where some of my knowledge and opinions today 'comes from', I share that with you.
My mother was highly regarded in the community for her methods of teaching those disabled students; she believed in the basics, structure, routine, quiet and focus. Discipline. Privately I would learn that it was noted that she was overlooking things that many mothers would have been more proactive with as a mother. It seems I was born in the time of the women who were somehow mislead about their priorities when having both a family and a career.
However, overall, I have come to see how much I have been 'an apple not falling far from the tree.' And I think it was partly because of this mis-mothering on her part of me that I value the mothers (and fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends of the family, etc.) who show the dedicated and disciplined researching to figure out how to help their children who have known autism, or whatever symptoms which might not be identified as such. PosterGal being one.
PosterGal found a patent trail for many chemicals similar to the non-natural medicine in the protocol (as medicinal mushroom is the other medicine and natural) which had been studied and found to be effective for literally everything from A to Z.
To give an example of just a few of the things that start with A: autism, alcohol addiction, Alzheimer's, ALS. So I encourage mothers (and fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends of the family, etc.) no matter what age a child is -- many were missed as children and are now adults -- to put in the time, do the work, become dedicated to studying what is causing the symptoms 'of this disorder we all have in us' (with a wide variety of symptoms). And consider learning enough about Steve Beddingfield's protocol, and the information from 'the et al. gals' as I call them, who helped develop the information I've been able to select from and put on Lumigrate for YOUsers. Form your opinion. Take action. (Or not.).
Here are some links to get you started:
The topic about the pickle, which I added onto a 2009 topic from a lay writer with fibromyalgia who told us about her gardening differently due to chronic pain, fatigue, and physical impairment (Amazing Alice, a wonderful mother who I will always thank for her contributions by writing on the forums when she did.)
An easier topic for some to start with, is this one that's about how Steve's group and his research has come up with different ways for 'cleaning' and 'laundry'. While it's not as 'gross' as what's in our food, though I think that pickle picture hits a home run for us in terms of how this stuff gets inside our guts and wreaks havoc from there, it steps us through 'this is in the environment, that's part of how it gets into us on our skin or breathing and things going down our sinus drainage to the gut, etc. Yes, I find a variety of routes to present this information to our YOUsers. (I notice this topic I created about 10 days ago has already had 100 reads, which is a significant number.) I think it is one of the better places to start on 'this information' for most / average people learning.
The topic about algae toxins, cyanobacteria, and the gamut from A to Z of disorders: Photos included of some of Steve Beddingfield's microscopic research:
I'm putting WATER in the middle of this section of link resources because most people think of water first, and so I wanted to put other things first and make it like a burrito or sandwich. AND the water topics are cross linked -- this link is NOT the main water topic with the key information, but it takes you through seeing our history at Lumigrate of our experts who have given their time for nothing in return aside from the exposure of being seen here, and in theory to learn from each other as they worked to create the topics that I was asking them to collaborate about.
But be sure to go, if you want my suggestion, to the other topic I link to on the topic you'll go to on this link, and read over or listen to (or both) what Joseph Bender has to say about water when being interviewed at OneRadioNetwork in recent years. I really looked for a source that would help clarify why some people say distilled and some say reverse osmosis and it turns out he seems to have the best overall and uses both, recommends both and gets into the 'vitality' of water and things that can be very elaborate but he understands from his experience what is realistic for most people and states his recommendations and caveats well.
The initial topic I created about Steve and his group, in the Internet, activist, Facebook forum, rather off the beaten track which underscores that this is a very evolving theory and group and you're basically seeing it through my eyes as one of the first hundred or so people who was privy to the group's information. Decide for yourself if you find the research from these ill but improving laymen /people valid.
I recommend you cruise down to the comments, way down, where I created a comment in May of 2015 and kept adding to it, of key photographs, explanations, and conversation highlights.
You willl find TONS of Steve's images there, which help explain what you see in the pickle picture ... like this:
GSB (white gloppy strands) with symbionts with horizontal gene transfer, Steve Beddingfiled believes, occurring. ©2015 Steve Beddingfield
NOTE: Horizontal gene transfer is shown in one of The History Channel episodes (focusing on insects) on the show Ancient Aliens. AA appears to me to be a major 'pace car' of the disclosure program and what the people running THE show, so to speak, want people to know -- initially those wanting H2, now it's the major audience of History.... dots, connect them!
Since Steve had the Morgellon's disease form of this stuff we all have, here's the link to the Morgellon's topic I've added onto recently so people finding their way based on that A to Z disorder starting with M will find their way to this emerging and important information (in my opinion). It turns out he helped me to see that I had symptoms onset in 1980 of Morgellon's (cystic acne, he has found and teaches, is cyanobacteria, and I had been in a swimming hole just north of downtown Fort Collins early in the summer of 1980 if memory serves.
I am positive of the date of the 13 lesions/ cysts that appeared (which became lesions due to my trying to pop them, I had a wedding to attend with 'everyone' from growing up on the second weekend in July and the breakout occurred during the week prior. My dear friend has looked to see if there were any photos of me but I recall being horrified about my skin which never had acne and was hiding from cameras.) I had created a topic about Morgellon's in 2013 when I learned of it, and so added onto it to help get people directed to the information, if they wished and found it valid, that Steve Beddingfield has gotten out there on Facebook which I was/ am the first to put on the overall Internet via this website.
The topic about Pam Killeen's diet information, and addictions, and moods. There are two place on Lumigrate at this time where Pam Killeen's work is either cited or spotlighted by me. I created a new Comment on the addiction / biochemical and restoration of functional wellness thread which is at this link:
and Pam Killeen's work was included (and linked to) in a very good overview that I provide from a website with a lot of supportive links, which is on this link in the Lumigrate forum on mind/brain information, on a thread about mood disorder, blood sugar, etc.: It's an excellent overview and worth the time to go and read for background information. Essentially the information that Steve Beddingfield's theory brings into the mix helps to explain why people have had all these things going awry within the body which lead to symptoms that vary from physical to mental and emotional / behavioral symptoms, even spiritual -- directly and indirectly.
Thank you for reading this blog, and being a YOUser at Lumigrate. I hope you find this of value, and if you wish to contact me, find information about that at the home page, about me is the last of the three 'about' topics there and I update that when my contact information changes as I know how to do that, cannot figure out how to change things on the 'contact us' tab sometimes. The website's email was filled up and I've not had the time to properly address that. 99% was spamming from computers operated by people and organizations which are essentially the vandals of the Internet. So I find ways to work around.
Maybe my symptoms will reverse and I'll become a whiz kid with website workings and other things hi-tech. Don't hold your breath, but I do know that I've always marveled at how much our bodies are designed to not fail, to thrive and survive. And I thank my mother and her mother for the tenacity that I inherited from them, or also learned from them being the two I bonded with (in the case of my grandmother until she left when I was four).
And to all who, like me, have family members with symptoms of body, mind, emotion / behavior, and spirit, even if they're older than you, I encourage proactivity on trying to make them aware of this information and perhaps we can heal systems by having everyone in the system, or enough of them, learning and doing differently.
Finally, I want to thank all who have been supporting my 2015 new direction for outreach, education, and showing people the way -- lighting the path to health and well-being in person -- as "Mardy PopIns' / Mardy Poppins. I pop in, stay a while, more ... less. Due to this hitting the radar screen just as I started my first moments in this new 'role' as Mardy Poppins / Mardy PopIns, I have had to 'do double time' and that means sometimes the schedule wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be. And the budget/ funds.
So I have, like everyone, continued to grow and deepen, learn and teach, and I simply look forward to the future and what I will reflect on as an even older woman, with more wisdom than today, and see what came from whatever information I presented as your personal concierge whether I was under your roof, in your office, or working via the phone, computer, or otherwise in person.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy
I chose this photo because Ronda did an admirable job as a career mother, from what I could tell. She's about my age, and she caught this photo of me sitting on her dock back when my hair was just starting to turn grey. She had others that she thought were also worth forwarding to me where she said they showed my wisdom as a teacher, essentially. I appreciated that. It's not so easy sometimes going from one phase to the next in life. Maiden to maid. Maid to crone. Thankfully my hair's health has returned once off of the patented medications that overall helped me short-term in my reversing of symptoms of a complex case of chronic illness, and it's now the longest it has been since my young adulthood. My theory is that we somewhat return to our roots as we get to that last phase of life, if we're one that is still on Earth by that point in life, not dying earlier due to accident or chronic illness, this 'stuff we all have'. Cheers. Onward and upward!
April 4, 2017 - On one of my savvier FB friend's wall, there was a great conversation with just a few people, one of which was doing a lot of research on behalf of someone -- something I have been encouraging, suggesting, and advocating about since those who are not yet getting reversed have so much cognitive disorder it's too difficult, often times.
The conversation was about the blood brain barrier of the brain and they were looking at autism rates in Japan, highest in the world, and why that would be.
Below are my thoughts. Facebook would not let me post, it would say try again. When I'd post a short comment it would be allowed to post but then disappeared within a minute. SO, I decided to not lose the work I'd done writing this, and post it on a thread at Lumigrate and this is where I felt it fit well. (Facebook is a wonderful tool, the learning groups and education level of many seekers and teachers there is outstanding BUT people have to be realistic about who is involved with Facebook and the Internet. We must keep the Internet a tool where the truth can be told. Facebook is owned by those who created it for the reasons they created it so it's just part of the territory that these things happen there. And we can be deterred, but for now, I'm not going to be stopped.
"Since someone here's doing so much work on behalf of someone (right on!), I'm going to contribute, but it's lengthy.
If one's thinking along those lines, what about the years they were doing the nuclear blasting in the West, and which direction did things blow -- and is that reflected in autism or other disorders?
My mother recalled she was lying out in the sun in those days and she'd get a headache some times after and then it would be on the radio a cloud of radiation had gone over from the blasts further west -- they'd bought a place where the co-creator of the show South Park would grow up 10 years behind me in school. She never got headaches, and appears to me 30 years now after her death that she likely had the vascular form of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (it fits my symptoms that never fit with a 'fibromyalgia' diagnosis, though I had all those too -- and my father (now deceased 7 years) clearly had that in his mid life and it transitioned into Lewy bodies disorder.
I CLEARLY had symptoms of autism at one. My first birthday was Easter Sunday and we'd gone to my mom's cousins in town (Denver) and he was big on taking home movies, so there was a home movie, though it was perhaps via my dad's movie camera I'm not sure. And my mother had taken me to the pediatrician for a behavior she felt was odd -- every morning I'd ritualistically take out the pots and pans and everything in the kitchen cabinets and put them on the floor --- in the exact same order every day. He told her to ignore it. My birth had been on a spring day in Denver which was very warm and the OB had made a tee time to play golf. So after less than 8 hours of labor, he used forceps an hour and a half before the tee time so he could make that most highest priority appointment. 57 years ago last weekend.
My dad would drop me when I pulled the tree the first Christmas, from standing height in his arms so I had presumed that was possibly the culprit, until I attended a presentation on how to tease out shaken baby and abuse from what people present as information as to what had gone on. Often they'll say a child fell from something and a child has to fall a long ways further than from standing height to have brain damage, per that expert (and I talked to her after).
So I'd grow up and nobody was concerned -- I learned to read at 3 (when Kennedy was shot, I knew my mother was not reading me all the words on the newspaper page she so eagerly awaited the delivery of, it must have been much later coming that day), I had as high marks in kindergarten as you can get (and a note that I was a pleasure in class), and was ability grouped with all the top IQ and performers for the rest of elementary. I remember in 4th grade thinking something was wrong, because I could comprehend reading better if I walked around. The 2nd grade teacher would actually pick up on something and with 2 boys from my class, taken by the principal to the headquarters of our school district where they had very sophisticated eyeball tracking equipment. BUT nobody was on contract at the time to interpret the tests, they just had the technician on staff. So -- through the cracks I slipped for the schools to identify me.
My mother would start teaching at my school when I was in 3rd grade, and by the end of the year she knew she was going to be teaching 4th. She'd had training at her college in 1966/67 in sensory integration -- how they were onto that so early, I do not know, but Loretto Heights College in SW Denver was. I just happened to talk yesterday with a woman who graduated there in 1963 and she'd not had the training.
Anyway, my mother screened everyone in my class and every class thereafter and we ALL had evidence of SID, or SPD whatever old or new term you want to call it. Except for Shellie, a girl in my class and keep in mind it was my mothers first year doing it .... but there was something unique about Shellie's family.... they were in Grange, which is the study of homesteading, traditional stuff. Baking, sewing, growing your food .... so their food quality was way above anyone else's, even the ranchers in the area's kids weren't with the overall food quality. And I've asked her about vaccines and we basically had the same vaccines -- just the ones that were the usual for the time, and not through the school, through a clinic somewhere.
Mom screened 3rd graders for the rest of her teaching career, finding SIDisorder to less or more extent in every single one of us, sans Shellie. Who gave me permission to tell this tale and name her by the way -- she's a major rabel rouser in Texas, has been in Huff Post and last year on some A&E show or something. Teaching unplugging from the matrix / System. Naturally they were raided at some point and had mistaken tomato plants apparently from the air for cannabis.
And somewhere in the mid 1970s the district brought in a new principal (who I have heard was the inspiration for the major character on S.P.) -- woman, glasses, described as Nazi-like who was not keen on what my mother was doing. After screening the students she'd take the ones with the most impairments into her home room for 4th grade and 2-3x a week not do something in the curriculum and instead do mass sensory integration therapy with them. Things she had to buy with her own funds, such as the balance beam, rolling pin and ball that would dangle from a light fixture.... things for skin brushing I'd presume, I never saw that going on I just helped with building the balance beam out of 2x4s at home one day when she was getting this underway. She was so pressured to stop doing what she was doing and do a bunch of things she felt was not right for hyperactive kids with ADHD and learning problems (like distracting pets in the classroom and new bulletin board every week, etc.) that she was at risk for being fired she felt, and she retired early.
So then all those parents after that never had the opportunity to hear someone say 'there's something a little bit not right with your kiddo's neurological system'. The ones that were really struggling with school work, she would advise to take to the behavioral optometrist in Denver. A woman named Lynn Hellerstein would be a few years older than I and became a patient of his, having the same symptoms I had and she'd go on to become a leading expert in that specialty. I'd learn of her my first year as an OTR, 20 years ago, when I was struggling to perform for my slave masters in the contract therapy / mainstream medicine world with enough accuracy on small grid boxes for billing what we performed with patients. One thing in a wrong box that didn't match our detailed explanations could kick out the WHOLE PT, OT, ST bill from Medicare. Thankfully the area manager had a husband with L.D. and knew of Lynn, and she didn't put me on a performance plan since I was open to going to Lynn. I'd had VT in Ft Collins but it was a guy who was dabbling in it and wasn't certified and the vision therapist was his wife who was learning it and they just weren't the same level as what Lynn's setup was.
She started examining me and turned back to my chart and looked and then said 'I don't see where it says you've had a brain injury, was it a car accident?'. Brain injury? I said. Not that I'm aware of. Though I was in a bad rollover when I was 11 but it was my back and ribs, my head was fine -- I did the thinking and talking for us because my sibling who was driving was goofy (which was the norm under any kind of pressure it wasn't to do with the crash, though side of head had cracked the driver's window. 'Well, your visual system thinks you have had one'.
So for many years after that I was thinking all this brain stuff -- L.D.s from way back to in my 30s and by then I'd had CFS and MS-like symptoms, later dismissed as FMS and nothing more specific (like EDS) was from traumatic brain injury and not the type of brain injury being discussed on this thread. But of all the things I could have been diagnosed with -- which would show up in the statistics -- how few I have. I was vaccine injured in the big deal rubella vaccine in the 1980s and don't get captured in those statistics either.
My dad would collapse, literally and figuratively, 3 days before Christmas in 2008, being found 2 days before in the evening and transported to the big hospital in Denver that took the ambulances from that side of things. They'd be able to run amok without me there to nip at them until the 27th due to a massive storm that closed the highway over the Rockies -- I'm the only medical knowledgeable one in the family. The surgeon would be called as soon as I arrived, they didn't realize it was me not the primary adult child of his, and he ran in the room, sat down and said 'you need to sign for your father's surgery (for feeding tube), and I asked why. 'Because of his dementia'. I looked at my dad and said 'this is the first I've heard of you having dementia' and he just shrugged ..... and then I said 'he seems to me to have more like Parkinsons and then something with cognition, but it's not like regular dementia'.....
and so it began the saying goes.
It took me a couple of years and few other similar cases with people my age with parents older and with similar conditions in the Denver area -- one case was same hospital (and ambulance even) and other was the CU system hospital -- and in that case I was texting or talking by phone and guiding them and really put her to a challenge to push them for a neurology consult and if they said no, ask why. (bribe was more the right word ... "I'll do Mardyrita's sometime for you if you just do this for me, I can't figure out why they're refusing to diagnose people'.
Another case was a friend's dad who lived up the road. His wife was a former business woman and very competent with meetings and difficult conversations and so I coached her on why I thought he was being totally missed diagnosed with what my dad ended up being diagnosed with (due to a home health RN saying the same thing I did and pushing the family member in charge to take him to the PC doctor, and thankfully then a really good neurologist was known of by the in charge person, so Lewy bodies was suspected, tested for, diagnosed and treated. And then once the meds had done their magic for a while and were not doing as much without more meds and more side effects, my persistence for the past 15 months about a hospice consult was heard by the spouse of the in charge person and pushed for and dad got to go out about as ideally as can be.
By then, I'd have gotten a young kitty that was clearly with sensory integration issues and then went into the crazy combative and seizure-like episodes sometimes described by parents of older children with autism -- fully dilated pupils was the hallmark symptom per the holistic DVM who thankfully I was to find out about by persisting in trying to find experts to help. She got to go out about as ideally as can be (euthanized), similarly to my dad -- who she'd been there and was an amazing little teacher in what function domesticated cats are, or can be. My 10# teacher I call her.
Then after that I started getting a vision in my minds eye of what would eventually be the RV that belongs to the owner of O'Rio Grande, my current teacher -- canine this time, also with autism symptoms, FMS, and some sort of movement disorder that improved rapidly when I started intervening. NOBODY (almost) is writing about cats and dogs and autism, they're not getting diagnosed, and a vast majority of people with the symptoms aren't as well.
In Japan, are they simply better at diagnosing, or less inhibited by The System from diagnosing ... because that is my conclusion after the THREE cases in Denver that I was to be part of --- they're actively resisting diagnosing the specific kinds of things and keeping it in general codes that go into the statistics. Plus of course my own case.
I'll bring in Rocky Flats here -- the nuclear facility east of the mountains and north of Denver. I created a topic about it on my website and it has the fewest reads of anything, it's like is nobody searching on radiation .... Anyway, a woman who went on to write a book and be a professor or similar grew up in the area surrounding and she noticed the same thing I did .... everyone she grew up with is messed up. But does it show in a meaningful way in the statistics? Probably not if the Denver and Colorado providers are being dummied down or confused on what to diagnose, or somehow being deterred.
Then there was the 'antenna farm' for our radio and TV stations that was located between Rocky Flats and where I grew up. I found a fabulous website mirroring something from a website that was 'gone', so I mirrored the topic to increase the odds that the information won't go away and be lost forever. Our then ABC affiliate didn't even have permission to put their antenna up! And the total radiation coming from the farm was WAY over the amount the USSR and US had agreed upon was the limit to be used when spying in embassies. And a chilling - for - me detail that I'd never heard anywhere was the elevations that got most of the blasting .... the exact elevation of my elementary school's homes and school. Though we were a ways away and other schools outside Evergreen were more directly in the path -- we'd end up in those days having to go to their high school as we didn't have one until the late 90s.
My HS graduating class doesn't even have reunions anymore, because of all the behavioral shenanigans that went on at the 20th and they don't want people getting together and talking about it, I've heard. So I instigated little reunions for those that went to elementary and jr high where I did, so I've gotten the update in person on a lot of people plus what you glean from FB in addition to those I was close to. So much wonky was going on the week of the last reunion I decided to take a back seat and observe and think when we were together, and continue processing. That was 2013.
And I decided I'm not going to do another one unless I just want to spend an expensive weekend being entertained by crazy behaviors in people. I just have LOVED the HBO series Big Little Lies (or something like that), and so can get my fix of entertainment by crazy that way --- grins.
I came to the conclusion that currently it seems the rest of the country caught up to the unwellness overall that I first saw happening 30 years ago with my family's neighbors -- I called our valley 'the valley o' death and disease'. I've talked to someone from W.V who said literally every person in a town / area had their gall bladders removed and he totally got what I was saying about the lack of specific diagnosing going on to further understand what people have ... and the statistics being hazed by this wishy washy stuff.
As for Japan, who's that researcher doctor who is on Facebook, he might be a resource if someone's really interested in trying to compare Japan to US statistics. If I see him in my feed I'll come back here and bring the name. Sorry I'm so not good with names, that was something I was never strong with and was one of the first things I noticed as 'going'. Johns Hopkins did research on sea mammals with spatial or attentional problems, they presumed, that washed on shore ..... brains had cyanobacteria in them. So then they got human cadaver tissues of those known to have dyslexia, ADD, etc. and they all had cyanobacteria. I've heard similar was done with Alzheimers and all had mold in the brain tissues. Lots of dots in the mix.... to connect."
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
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I was moved by this blog topic at Bad Lyme Attitude dot com, which is at this link: This is the 'about' who wrote this: Alias name: Beaux Reliosis "I am a 19-year survivor of Lyme disease, or, more accurately, relapsing fever borreliosis. For 18 years I accepted it and lived with it, until my daughter was diagnosed with congenital Lyme. In the past year I have transformed from complacent, timid and uninformed, to activist research junkie with a mission. My mission is to get the Lyme criminals prosecuted so the millions suffering can be properly diagnosed and treated. I will not stop until that happens." And here's the link for the topic that I'm going to put below so you can see the reason I included it here AND I ENCOURAGE YOU to go on the link and find the website and look at all else there. It's really a great job she's doing, focused on what this pod of activists believe is the reason for complex, chronic symptoms. Naturally, that's similar and dovetailing with what you'll find from what Steve Beddingfield and that pod of people believe. Lumigrate, naturally, teaches that "I'm leaving it all up to YOU" to 1) become aware, then educated, 2) decide what your opinion is and if and how you're going to take action, then 3) be active ... or not.
Mothers’ Day in Lymeland
Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of my mom’s death at the ripe old age of 70. That’s not old, but it’s not young, either. It certainly doesn’t come close to the average life expectancy.
My mom had a massive stroke five years ago, just a few days before Mothers’ Day. It left her unable to care for herself and unable to communicate. She spent her last four years in a series of nursing homes, dying a slow death.
There was major travel involved to visit my parents, so we could only manage one or two trips per year. Every visit felt like ripping open a gaping wound that had only just been stitched up. I cried a lot. I could see her, in her eyes. I knew she was in there, and it was heartbreaking. I tried not to cry in front of her.
The first time I saw her at the first nursing home, I greeted her with a smile and a gentle hug. She gripped my hair close to my ears with both hands, and shaking violently, yelled, “AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA” right in my face. Mom was pissed, and she was strong. But what was she trying to tell me? Why was I the one getting this abuse?
There was so much for her to be pissed off about. My parents never had a lot of money. They struggled and borrowed and somehow got by, raising three kids. My dad was chronically employment-challenged, and even as a little kid I knew not to ask for anything “extra.” He had a heart attack at 58 and couldn’t work full time after that. Mom was the one who went to work every day, making sure they had more than just Dad’s disability–which took the usual process of multiple appeals over several years. By the time she was able to retire, they had little more than their house, which they had the foresight to buy in a good school district 40 years prior. By the time they decided to move to the South, they were able to buy a new house and have a little cash cushion left after selling our family’s home. Finally, they could rest easy and enjoy life a little. The stroke happened nine months later.
This situation was Mom’s worst nightmare–sitting there with all the drooling, babbling, diapered old ladies. For a while she resisted the notion that she was one of them. That was the period when she had regained a few words, most notably, “asshole.” There was one nurse she couldn’t stand, and it was pretty hilarious, in a pathetic sort of way, to hear the word burst out of her when that nurse walked by, as if from a ventriloquist’s dummy. I imagine it required a bit of effort, both intellectually and physically (what with a mouth that didn’t want to open). So, yeah, Mom was pissed.
Rewind to the last time I saw her before the stroke. My parents had come to visit for my daughter’s third birthday. I showed them the movie, “Under Our Skin.” I said, “Dad, if anything serious ever happens to Mom, PLEASE get her tested for Lyme.”
You see, she had felt sickly as long as I could remember. She always had some weird infection or another. She was diagnosed with arthritis when she was younger. She’d had episodes of severe pain and weakness in her legs. She’d had MRSA, and once, a blocked renal artery that required emergency surgery to place a stent. But she ALWAYS felt better when she was on antibiotics. The kicker? Mom had had Bell’s palsy around the time I was struggling to figure out what was wrong with me. She had been with me that beautiful, Indian summer day we decided to go for a peaceful stroll in the woods, happily and obliviously shuffling our feet through the fallen leaves.
My mom was angry at me most of the time when we would visit. I interpreted her disdain as anger for my failure to carry out the instructions I’d given my dad. He did have her tested, and they told him it was negative…but we know that means nothing. The genius doctors proclaimed that the Bell’s palsy from years ago must not have been Bell’s palsy at all, but a previous stroke! Aha! So they can’t bother to understandwhat OspA is/does, but they can retroactively diagnose a condition based only on current information, which didn’t even include a CT scan. So I knew they wouldn’t have done anything differently if the Lyme test had come up positive, and it was pointless pressing the issue. The last time I saw my mom alive, she was obviously depressed, had gained a substantial amount of weight, had trouble breathing, and was barely mobile. It was no way to live.
A year ago today, I wrote a letter that was requested by a friend from the Lyme community. The letter was addressed to the governor of her state, urging him to compel the state’s legislature to review a Lyme bill, rather than ignore it and let the session expire. It was a pretty big deal for me, considering I had only immersed myself in the online Lyme community a few months before. And I still didn’t feel totally confident that I could write authoritatively enough. But I devoted my Mothers’ Day last year to the only thing that seemed to matter, and it turned out to be the tipping point for me to become activist for this disease. My mom died the next day.
Isn’t it sad that sometimes it takes someone dying for us to understand them?
Thank you, Mom, for telling me loud and clear that I am on the right path. I know that today, in your otherworldly life, you’re enjoying a cup of coffee in your flower garden and planning your next goofy prank. I love you, and in this life, my life, I won’t let you down.
Here are a few studies that link Lyme to stroke…and there’s plenty more where those came from.
Having been an occupational therapist working with people like this woman, since literally patient number one at my internships at the Denver, VA, who was drugged and still 'disinhibited' (on Haldol), which was after my mother died at the age of 62 of a stroke (a major blood vessel in her brain ruptured, she was spared what this activist's mother went through, but it was traumatic to the family in it's own way --- home alone for a week due to my father traveling to see his mother in Florida, calling when my mother was not at the airport. She'd called me Wednesday night, it turns out she died on Thursday afternoon, and how sad was it that she didn't have anyone call her to realize she was dead?
Particularly my father. They were not close, and they were also very cautious about spending money unnecessarily, and in those days (1987) it was long distance. My father was tormented by his mother, she was not well ever, mentally, and by that point was in her 90s, with dementia, low vision/blind, and her 'behaviors', and he had life-long health problems. So did I.
Do you see the similarities? How many families suffer? Most, and most are not aware it's not 'right'. I hope this is making people more aware, more education, helping them formulate their action plans and take action in various ways. Thank you to all activists, this one top of the list today. Again, the website is DEFINITELY worth the price of admission (meaning your time and energy to go, it's free, money-wise).
I'm not giving up either. You?
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Living to almost 20, I was to learn, Scooter the Wonder Dog, above (and also below), taught me a lot about dogs. Every dog I've known has added to that "fund of knowledge", and I was basically raised with puppies and dogs as my parents started a commercial kennel before I was born. Today I am enjoying taking the concepts presented in this thread and applying them to dog care. And so the fund grows more. And it seemed fitting to present information on Father's Day for those guys out there who might tune in because this is about DOGS. And naturally, others, as well. I simply want people to get this information and start operating on it if it feels right to them to do so.
Below: A picture provided November 15, 2015 by Steve Beddingfield, which I'm editing in --- found in a sample of 'puppy puke'. 60X magnification.
This summer, the mainstream has made us aware of 'mold'; this blog topic, started on Mother's Day, includes that information, linked to above, and builds upon it, but in a different way. By fall, editing this in mid November, there was much more coming out that were 'dots' to connect with this information, and the topic I created about a month ago about SIBO I utilized the dog --- it's footprints in 'The Stuff' in the ruts in the desert after the water had disappeared, and then showing the ruts when they have the water and Stuff in them, which it also had gotten into when hot and thirsty one day.
Reducing the exposures is important, but then being able to see where all those exposures come from, and putting what we have gassing up our bodies being similar to what's gassing up the air we breathe and putting those pieces together was my aim with the SIBO topic. The link to the SIBO / Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth topic which 'ties that all together' and should help with learning about THE Stuff is
People often will take more care of their dog than self, intially. Sometimes when you make a change or do something treatment-wise with a dog (or other animal) and take out the psychological factor, you can see that 'this is really working'.
I remember how much a dog convinced me about acupuncture in decades past. The dog's human guardian / "owner" cared enough about her dog to take it to a Chinese veterinarian, and the dog responded incredibly to treatment. I'd understood the concepts, believed in it but had not seen benefit from the acupuncture I had gone to. I knew it was valid, I'd just not seen the evidence. Until I saw the dog not able to walk one week and the next go flying into the back of my truck, clearly thinking it would go on an adventure. That was twenty years ago, before Scooter came along. Her owner / guardian couldn't be convinced to try such things with her, but we did get a topical potion that was outside the box of conventional medicine which reversed her hearing problem.
Scoots, as we called her, was an adorable dog that had been kept at home, mostly inside and in the yard, groomed regularly and never taken anywhere else. Was she happier when I came along and got her out and about? Did she live longer because of it, or not as long? Once, I thought she was having anxiety and chewing on her feet, but it turned out we'd moved to western Colorado where 'cheat grass' would get in her paws and was causing infection. That's when I figured it was best to endure the learning curve and the change of habits to put booties on the dog, and pay for boots at the recreation store, find the right size, return the ones that didn't work. "It's always somethin'" has gotten to be a more commonly uttered expression with me.
The veterinarian had just had a dog die of an abscess a dog had gotten around it's rectum before the owner brought it in, too late for intervention. So what I was doing -- taking her to the desert and running her, was actually the problem. Now we have more information about the desert and what's in it that is contributing to 'our problems'. Here's the link.
and a link to an article demonstrating what caused elk to die in New Mexico, having to do with bacteria as well:
There was recently a similar story in another part of the world, with a majority of a herd of preciously regarded animals that suddenly died. This was at the same time as stories in the mainstream were focusing on the massive cyanobacteria / algae issue on the west coast of the United States (and Canada, and Mexico). Google 'dogs dying, cyanobacteria' and add in locations to make it more specific to where you live, or people you'd want to alert. This is a current event, and massively important, in my opinion.
Here are some basic ideas, for starters:
Keep pets indoors for a longer life -- other than a couple of 30 minute walks outdoors every day. Keep the animals out of irrigated areas, lakes, ponds, streams and the like. Keep them out of areas where decorative ponds have been bailed out and the pond replaced with clean water, as now the toxins are on the ground. Learn what's in the algae, learn what's in the water, learn about giant sulphur bacteria, horizontal gene transfer, symbiots, and cloning. That will help people reason through how to hand their dogs, cats, kids, selves, foods, drinks, cleaning, laundry, yard work, etc.
Give them safe, pure water. A simple water filter or similar takes out the larger particles and minerals, and greatly improves the water BUT does NOT take out the things that we're most concerned about today WHEN EDUCATED about what's in the water. Same as for humans. And you don't want to ozonate water that has minerals in it, that'll oxidize minerals. So ozonating water after minerals are removed by whatever means will yield a safer water for the dog to drink. Or be bathed in. Or to have used with it's food. Minerals in the foods consumed is considered to be sufficient for most except the very most frail beings, per the experts I have covered in information at Lumigrate about water.
Most will agree: use reverse osmosis / RO water (or distilled), and ozonate that so it's safe, pure water. There are people who are fans of distilled; I did the work on Lumigrate to sort through that, here and there, over three years time.
The additional oxygen will only stay in ozonated, high oxygen water a short time, so let it sit and the dog will be getting pure water within half an hour. (Humans can rinse their mouths and gargle with the high ozone water and it kills bacteria, etc. A dog could drink a small amount of high oxygen water and potentially clean up their mouth's 'biosphere'; people gargle with it, swish it around, and drink quantities they have experimented with starting with a very small amount and which is increasingly with more ozone.
Learn about these things, talk to others, decide what you think is right for your animal(s) (and children, etc.). Ideally, have a whole house RO system. Bathe your selves and your pets in it. And then revitalize the water. (See much about water at our topics on Lumigrate). Here's the link to the topic about ozone: ... and good news for those who like toys, which boys like toys, as the saying goes. Ozonators are interesting toys for the home / office, etc.
Purchase food from a reputable, knowledgeable source. Consider going organic all the way. Perhaps go to raw food (which often is frozen), and then from there DIY, make your own. Do your homework on how long dogs can live when given proper nutrition (into their 20s!). My Healthy Animals dot com is the website of the homeopathic / holistic veterinary expert and educator Christina Chambreau, who I've used personally in 2013 with my baffling cat (which I came to figure had something that would equate to autism in humans, but later, after she was euthanized because I couldn't figure it out even with the resources I was turning to, back at that time). This is the link to her website's home page:
I called to tell Dr Chambreau what I'd been told by the 'local' holistic veterinarian who did have experience with the condition, thankfully. She was very accessible, interested, and I will presume will continue to help advance the knowledge of those who focus on animal wellness from a holistic standpoint going forward.
The increase in special needs pets today goes hand in hand with the childrens' trends, so use your 'stone' to get the birds in your home -- treat the whole system. And much tracks to the foods and diet; I want to provide the link to her website's coverage of information on this aspect, specifically. This is a 2014 nutrition panel which is on a drop down on the tabs at her website:, and you'll see the video of her presentation at the top with this verbage:
Remember, Dr C and other 'experts' might not yet have learned about the cyanobacteria / giant sulphur bacteria information that I'm weaving into Lumigrate in 2015. I really like that her presentation credits that others know more than she does about many things, and that she's continuing to 'up the ante' and progress with being more careful about things as she has to incorporate doing all this into her life, same as everyone. At some point, everyone's going to be learning about this information is my projection, and then we can look for how these experts change their education. Until then, do as she is saying here, which is so a duet with my foundational concept of YOU have to take charge of these things and figure things out. I'm just trying to make it easier for YOUsers by providing examples and information.
It is a lot, maybe too much, to think about all the water and food changes. What about the medication aspect? Safeguard's website is set up to take people to the various products they are marketing specifically for the various animals. Here's their link: and this is the link for the button/tab about canines:
I know from being in the circles I am on Facebook that many have ordered their fenbendazole from Jeffers, and by the way, they have never talked about using this short-term treatment for 'worms' for the longer, chronic 'stuff inside our guts'. It was my asking "Poster Gal" in late July what she'd been doing lately with it with her dogs, since I knew she originally had treated her dogs, larger dogs, one 'lame' that was now getting out to the neighbors' again and 'wandering', a new problem created by solving the physiological problems in the dog underlying the lameness. Due to cost, she switched from the Safeguard suspension with the canines to the pellets and continues to routinely use it since they will continue to get the 'stuff in them' that is causing 'our problems'.
Keep in mind, this is what the 'on label' not 'off label' uses are that they put on their products and website marketing. By now, most medical consumers (people) are aware of how that works of using chemicals for things that they're not officially on the market for.
When it comes to the more progressive concepts that I think are cutting edge right now, dogs don't drink coffee, but learn and apply the concepts from the Bulletproof 'guy', who just produced the movie Moldy. Apply that to the dog (or cat, etc). I think it was 'meant to be' that Dave Asprey was on with Patrick Timpone this past Thursday at OneRadioNetwork (I transcribed it, so it's now readable at Lumigrate, too). Here's the link to the comment topic about that:
Basically, if you see someone having behavioral changes, weight gain, and other symptoms, suspect mold. In people, he was referring to but wouldn't this extend to our pets and other animals as well? Have we heard about the animals in the wild behaving differently or observed it personally? I sure have, increasingly and recently in particular. Could it be they're getting 'whammed' by the fungus amongus, the bacterial Trojan horse, etc. ?
Dave Asprey, a father, said on his marketing video about Moldy that he really didn't like being away from his family when he had to travel to interview people for the movie. Think about how fortunate his children are that he took the 20 years to figure out what caused his health problems, and now the two to make Moldy, after having the foresight to create a low micotoxin coffee product with the concept of putting FAT in your coffee and then body. Becoming a sensation, having enough money to now go into movie production such as Moldy.
Something about the conversations I've heard make me think there's more to the story than we've been told --- and the timing of Moldy coming out just after Dr Oz did a topic and Suzane Somers' book came out about mold being the ultimate cause of her problems she popularized and sold books about in the past. Clearly 'someone' wants us to learn about mold NOW. But remember, to add on 'et al.' after mold. Mold et al. is what we teach at Lumigrate, now as you see at the above topic and the subsequent links.
BRUSH / Groom the coat of the dog often, looking for any insect problems, and to be reducing the surfaces that the bacteria intermingling with other microbes can be on. Only use quality essential oils and some diatomaceous earth for flea and tick control, I've heard from a wise woman whose brain I picked a little about pets in the home, with the family, in terms of keeping the home/family system as safe and healthy as possible in today's difficult times with all the exposures. Look into Borax for use in the home for flea control, not on the dog. (And for use in laundry, etc.)
CLEAN the area where the dog spends time. Use blankets and towels, etc. that can be washed. Use appropriate cleaning methods. Use carpet remnants that can be taken outside and put in the sun for the UV light. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Consult our laundry cleaning information at Lumigrate, it's prepared specific with the expertise of Steve et al. about bacteria, fungi, et al. Here's the link:
TRAIN the dog to be disciplined on the leash so that you are more apt to keep them on the leash and out of UNSAFE WATER. Learn what is making standing water unsafe versus safe. Decide what your plan will be for your dog if they are exposed; learn the symptoms a dog will usually have if they're in need of medical attention.
Is it a 'dog's good life' to never get to go jump in a lake, or is it a compromise to let them go into safer waters? What about bathing them afterward to get (some of) the toxins off their coat. What about treating the coat with fenbendazole? There are some who will say to put liquid on a damp cloth and wipe the pets off, others will say to obtain fenbendazole powder.
Have you talked with your veterinarian about what you've learned at Lumigrate, and how does that integrate with what YOU think, and what YOU are going to do as the responsible pet guardian. What then, do you think after talking with your 'team', and contemplating.
Consider getting booties for your dog so they don't get as much exposure through their feet. And then you can take those off at the door as a person would their shoes and you get less toxin in your home. By putting one bootie on a back paw initially, then the other, and letting them get used tot that, then adding the two front, it is a way to ease them into accepting the newfangled things.
Wash their booties and feet (and the rest of the dog) in ways that will reduce the toxins getting into the dog AND into the home and other family members. Clean the bedding frequently. Many who follow Steve Beddingfield's work and protocol are treating the entire family, fur babies and humans. And recognize this is emerging information and thinking and you'll maybe not find exact information out there of what to do, you'll have to reason through things.
There are increasing numbers of people using fenbendazole, or following the specific protocol Steve is adamant about being 'the right way'. Find what fits for YOU. But please do give it the thought of how important this is and if you're going to be committed to doing the steps to help you and your family be safer and healthier. A very experienced group member had recently told someone their dog only needed a few days of fenbendazole before their symptoms were gone; they put the appropriate amount on a piece of bread -- something the dog enjoyed eating. In a dog case I've been working in on this summer, even without the fenbendazole being added, as the owner had to ease into all this information, it was remarkable how many things changed within just the first month of our working together. I think it's really encouraging for the people, who simply take longer typically, to see this in the dogs.
Consider whether you're going to do more exercising where you'll get less exposure to the toxins; read about cyanobacteria (and giant sulphur bacteria, though that's emerging information) in your area and think about where it's at.
Example: If the irrigation water flows and gets pumped into a pond where it stagnates and algae (and etc.) grow, then that gets shot through sprinklers onto the grass VERSUS walking where there was no stagnant irrigation water being sprayed. Walking on the street or sidewalks versus walking out in the desert or the woods and the wilds. Compromise. This is why it is SO IMPORTANT a person studies enough to really understand the information. This takes work, you'll have to give up something you'd rather do with your time and energy and money. Priorities. Mature priorities.
"Notice" what you see growing on the north and west and east sides of rocks, trees, buildings, etc., or other objects. Look closely. Think in light of the information that is presented by the sources I've suggested YOU study potentially. Are we to the day when a healthier dog and human will come from exercising indoors? I've seen obese dogs walking on treadmills in water, via veterinary clinics. Have their endocrine systems been blown out by these little toxins and it's not about calories in and calories out? Etc.
Consider treating the dog inside and out (orally and topically) with fenbendazole; consider powered fenbendazole. Consider also giving them reishi, and fenbendazole per 'the protocol' Steve Beddingfield came up with (after doing research about what's in it and the patent trail that I've presented on the topics about Steve's research, protocol, etc. Naturally, get the opinions of professionals as needed.
I believe there's much truth in what he's coming up with, though it is obviously a work in progress and I present it as such very intentionally so YOU realize you can be on the cutting edge and what that means.
Consider treating the SOILS the way we've presented if you look at the soil topic at Lumigrate. Really, won't the dog prefer to roll in the dirt? Make it safer dirt. That's just what makes sense to me. Dave Asprey has much to say about soils, at this thread at Lumigrate, and be sure to take a peek at the pickle photo to see the giant sulphur bacteria / cyanobacteria 'mess' someone found inside a commercially purchased pickle.
This means smaller areas we'll need to have so we can be more diligent with our efforts. This is a major rethinking of 'everything', which can START with thinking about 'man's best friend'.
I got the ball rolling, what else can YOU think of?
Scooter became a certified therapy dog at the age of 14, as I was working with a rehab manager who did that certification and used dogs in the facility I was hired initially to work at. There's more about her on the vaccine plan thread at Lumigrate, because she'd just gotten her hearing back at this time due to a veterinarian who went out of his way to research after we presented with her having gone totally deaf immediately after getting her vaccinations in the city he was moving from (to follow me with my work).
I'd gotten a flu vaccine earlier that month and had gotten 'the clear visible reaction' I needed to 'get it' that vaccines were contributing to my ongoing health problems. Hence I suggest everyone study about vaccines, make a plan, act upon that plan based on what YOU believe is right for YOU (or those you are an advocate / guardian for).
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
I'm pleased to see there were just over 900 reads of this blog post before I created this new comment to identify a little more in detail what some might want to have available as starter information about fenbendazole. Types of delivery systems, pellets, liquid, paste. Brands, Safeguard, Pancur. I just will give some information, there'll be more you'll find just going to the links and looking at ads that pop up or are there for similar information. Searching and doing your own work is important, but just as animals show us the way, maybe I can as well. is a resource to get started at. Use your Search bar and let your fingers do the walkin' from here. I'll give you some of the ways I've taken my fingers based on what comes to my mind.
At a very specialized website such as for elephants, it didn't suprise me to see that they bring in the other more common animals 'to the picture' that can be treated with fenbendazole. Here's the link
and here's what is at the link:
The Elephant Formulary
© 2003-06 Susan K. Mikota DVM and Donald C. Plumb, Pharm.D.
Published by Elephant Care International -
Elephant specific information, if available, is in blue.
Chemistry - A benzimidazole anthelmintic, fenbendazole occurs as a white, crystalline powder. It is only slightly soluble in water.
Storage/Stability/Compatibility - Fenbendazole products should be stored at room temperature.
Uses/Indications - Fenbendazole is indicated (labeled) for the removal of the following parasites in dogs: ascarids (Toxocara canis, T. leonina), Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala), whipworms (Trichuris vulpis), and tapeworms (Taenia pisiformis). It is not effective against Dipylidium caninum. Fenbendazole has also been used clinically to treat Capillaria aerophilia:, Filaroides hirthi and Paragonimus kellicoti infections in dogs.
Fenbendazole is indicated (labeled) for the removal of the following parasites in cattle: Adult forms of: Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei, Bunostomum phlebotomum, Nematodirus helvetianus, Cooperia spp., Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Oesophagostomum radiatum and Dictyocaulus vivaparus. It is also effective against most immature stages of the above listed parasites. Although not approved, it also has good activity against Moniezia spp., and arrested 4th stage forms of Ostertagia ostertagi.
Fenbendazole is indicated (labeled) for the removal of the following parasites in horses: large strongyles (S. edentatus, S. equinus, S. vulgaris), small strongyles (Cyathostomum spp., Cylicocylus spp., Cylicostephanus spp.,Triodontaphorus spp.) and pinworms (Oxyuris equi).
Fenbendazole is indicated (labeled) for the removal of the following parasites in swine: large roundworms (Ascaris suum), lungworms (Metastrongylus apri), nodular worms (Oesphagostomum dentatum, O. quadrispinulatum), small stomach worms (Hyostrongylus rubidus), whipworms (Trichuris suis) and kidney worms (Stephanuris dentatus; both mature and immature).
Although not approved, fenbendazole has been used in cats, sheep, goats, pet birds and llamas. See Dosage section for more information.
Fenbendazole is considered to be safe to use in pregnant bitches and is generally considered to be safe to use in pregnancy for all species.
Pharmacokinetics - Fenbendazole is only marginally absorbed after oral administration. After oral dosing in calves and horses, peak blood levels of 0.11 micrograms/ml and 0.07 micrograms/ml respectively, were measured. Absorbed fenbendazole is metabolized (and vice-versa) to the active compound, oxfendazole (sulfoxide) and the sulfone. In sheep, cattle, and pigs, 44-50% of a dose of fenbendazole is excreted unchanged in the feces, and <1% in the urine.
Contraindications/Precautions - Fenbendazole is not approved for use in lactating dairy cattle or for horses intended for food purposes.
Adverse Effects/Warnings - At usual doses, fenbendazole generally does not cause any adverse effects. Hypersensitivity reactions secondary to antigen release by dying parasites may occur; particularly at high dosages. Vomiting may infrequently occur in dogs or cats receiving fenbendazole.
Single doses (even at exaggerated doses) are not effective in dogs and cats; must treat for 3 days.
Overdosage/Toxicity - Fenbendazole is apparently well tolerated at doses up to 100X recommended. The LD50 in laboratory animals exceeds 10 grams/kg when administered PO. It is unlikely an acute overdosage would lead to clinical symptoms.
Drug Interactions - Oxfendazole or fenbendazole should not be given concurrently with the bromsalan flukicides (Dibromsalan, Tribromsalan). Abortions in cattle and death in sheep have been reported after using these compounds together.
Doses -
For susceptible parasites:
a) 5 mg/kg PO; 10 mg/kg once daily for 5 days to treat S. vulgaris in foals. (Robinson 1987)
b) 5 mg/kg PO; 10 mg/kg for ascarids. (Roberson 1988b)
c) For treatment of migrating large strongyles: 50 mg/kg PO for 3 consecutive days, or 10 mg/kg for 5 consecutive days. (Herd 1987)
For strongylosis:
a) 5 mg/kg po (Raman,, 2000).
b) 2.5 mg/kg orally as a single dose (Chandrasekharan,2002);(Chandrasekharan,1995).
c) 2.0 –2.5 mg/kg orally as a single dose mixed with jaggery or rice (Chandrasekharan, 1992).
d) 5 mg/kg po in feed as a single dose (Strao, 1992).
e) Chronic murshidiasis in an Asian elephant was resolved with 50 g fenbendazole repeated at 30 days (Tripathy 1991).
f) 5 mg/kg po as a single dose (Roy and Mazumdar, 1988).
g) 12 g of Panacur dissolved in 2000 ml water in 2 divided doses at a 3 -day interval (Lahkar and Das,1988).
Elephant References:
a) Raman,M., Jayathagaraj,M.G., Rajavelu,G., and John,M.C. 2000. Strongylosis in captive elephants - a report. Indian Journal of Animal Health 39:(2):85-86 Summary: Strongylosis was observed in a group of elephants (n=4) maintained in a private circus in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India [date not given]. Examination of faecal samples showed larvae which were identified as Murshidia sp., Quilonia sp., and Decrusia sp. larvae. All elephants were treated with fenbendazole at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight. A decline of egg count was observed after 1-2 days of treatment. Identification at the earlier stages of infection, good nutrition and hygiene, and less exertion might be the cause of absence of significant clinical signs like anaemia, dehydration and others. It is concluded that use of fenbendazole at the rate of 5 mg/kg body weight in the mega herbivores with repetition after 3 weeks, and regular deworming every 3-6 months, yield satisfactory results.
b) Chandrasekharan,K. 2002. Specific diseases of Asian elephants. Journal of Indian Veterinary Association Kerala 7:(3):31-34
b) Chandrasekharan,K., Radhakrishnan,K., Cheeran,J.V., Nair,K.N.M., and Prabhakaran,T., 1995. Review of the Incidence, Etiology and Control of Common Diseases of Asian Elephants with Special Reference to Kerala. In: Daniel,J.C. (Editor), A Week with Elephants; Proceedings of the International Seminar on Asian Elephants.Bombay Natural History Society; Oxford University Press, Bombay, India pp. 439-449
c) Chandrasekharan,K., 1992. Prevalence of infectious diseases in elephants in Kerala and their treatment. In: Silas,E.G., Nair,M.K., and Nirmalan,G. (Editors), The Asian Elephant: Ecology, Biology, Diseases, Conservation and Management (Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Asian Elephant held at the Kerala Agricultural University, Trichur, India, January 1989). Kerala Agricultural University, Trichur, India pp. 148-155
d) Rao, D.S.T., Yathiraj, S., Choudhuri, P.C., and Reddy, P.K. 1992. Treatment of helminthiosis in elephants.Indian Journal of Animal Science 62(12):1155-1156.
Ref ID: 2648 Abstract (Summary): Strongyle and paramphistome eggs were found in the faeces of 3 elephants belonging to S V Dairy Farm, Tirupati. The body weights of these elephants were calculated using the formula: weight (kg) = 12.8 (n+ng) - 4281, where g is chest girth (cm) and ng is neck girth (cm). A drug containing 25% fenbendazole was given orally at a dosage of 5 mg/kg. One elephant had diarrhoea and was also given astringent. No eggs were detected after 7 days in 2 cases and after 14 days in all 3 cases.
e) Tripathy,S.B., Acharjyo,L.N.M., and Padhi,N.K. 1991. Use of fenbendazole against murshidiasis in zoo elephant. International Seminar on Veterinary Medicine in Wild and Captive Animals, Nov. 8-10, Bangalore, India. Pages: 29 Abstract: Treatment of a chronic case of murshidiasis in a captive elephant with fenbendazole has been reported. Large numbers (epg 4200) of Murshidia eggs were detected in the faeces. Differential count of the blood revealed lymphocytosis (63%) and neutropenia (27%). Reduction in feed intake, oedematous swelling on dependent parts of the body, debility and reduction in body weight were recorded. Oral administration of 50 g of Panacur (25% fenbendazole) repeated after 30 days, 50 g of Minamil (mineral mixture) once daily for 30 days and 100 g of Livol (liver tonic) daily for 15 days along with 30 ml of Neurobiocin IM every third day for 5 injections brought clinical recovery and gain in body weight 2 months and 4 months after initiation of treatment respectively. The number of Murshidia eggs reduced by 70% and 100% in per gram of faeces when examined 5 and 10 days post treatment with anthelmintic, respectively.
f)Roy,S. and Mazumdar,B.K. 1988. Anthelmintic activity of fenbendazole (Panacur) against Murshidia murshida in zoo elephants. Indian Veterinary Journal 65:(6):531-532
Summary: Three Indian elephants, Elephas maximus, infected with M. murshida were treated with a single dose of fenbendazole at 5 mg/kg mixed into feed (cooked rice). Faecal samples were negative in one elephant 3 days after treatment, and in all animals 7 days after treatment. No side effects were recorded.
g) Lahkar,B.C. and Das,M.R. 1988. A note on the successful treatment of trichostrongyle infection of elephants (Elephas maximus) with Panacur (fenbendazole). Indian Veterinary Journal 65:(6):538 Summary: Six Indian elephants, E. maximus infected with gastrointestinal nematodes (700-1400 epg faeces) were given 12 g Panacur (fenbendazole) in the form of a bolus with flour, in 2 doses 3 days part. Faecal samples from all animals were negative 3 days after the second dose. No side effects were recorded.
Dosage Forms/Preparations/FDA Approval Status -
Veterinary-Approved Products:
Fenbendazole Granules 222 mg/gram (22.2%) in 0.18 oz & 1 g, 2 g, 4 g packets and 1 lb jars; Panacur® Granules 22.2% (Hoechst). (Rx) Approved for use in dogs.
Fenbendazole Granules 222 mg/gram (22.2%); Panacur® Granules 22.2% (Hoechst). (OTC) Approved for use in horses not intended for food.
Fenbendazole Suspension 100 mg/ml (10%); available in both equine and bovine labeled products;Panacur® Suspension (Hoechst). (Rx) Approved for use in horses (not intended for food) and cattle Slaughter withdrawal=8 days (cattle). Safe-Guard® Suspension (Hoechst) (OTC) Approved for use in beef and dairy cattle. Slaughter withdrawal = 8 days
Fenbendazole Paste 100 mg/gram (10%); available in both equine and bovine labeled products and sizes.Panacur® Paste (Hoechst). (OTC) Approved for use in horses (not intended for food) and cattle. Slaughter withdrawal=8 days (cattle). Safe Guard Paste® (Hoechst) (OTC) Approved for use in horses not intended for food and cattle. Slaughter withdrawal = 8 days; no milk withdrawal time.
Fenbendazole Medicated Block 750 mg/lb.; 25 lb. block; Safe-Guard Sweetlix® (Hoechst); (OTC) Approved for use in beef cattle. Slaughter withdrawal= 16 days.
Fenbendazole Type B Medicated Feed
Safe-Guard EZ Scoop Swine Dewormer® (Hoechst) (OTC). 1.8% Fenbendazole No slaughter withdrawal time required
Safe-Guard 0.96% Scoop Dewormer® (Hoechst) (OTC) Approved for use in cattle. No milk withdrawal time; slaughter withdrawal time=13 days
Fenbendazole Type C Medicated Feed
Safe-Guard Free-choice Cattle Dewormer® (Hoechst) (OTC). 0.50% Fenbendazole (2.27 g/lb) Approved for use in beef and dairy cattle. No milk withdrawal time.
Safe-Guard 35% Salt Free-choice Cattle Dewormer® (Hoechst) (OTC) 1.9 g/lb Fenbendazole. Approved for use in dairy and beef cattle. Slaughter withdrawal time=13 days; no milk withdrawal time.
Fenbendazole Pellets
Safe-Guard 0.5% Cattle Top Dress® (Hoechst) (OTC) Slaughter withdrawal time=13 days; no milk withdrawal period
Safe-Guard 1.96% Scoop Dewormer Mini Pellets® (Hoechst) (OTC) Approved for use in beef and dairy cattle. No milk withdrawal time; slaughter withdrawal time=13 days
Fenbendazole Premix 20% Type A (200 mg/gram)
Safe-Guard Premix® (Hoechst). (OTC) Approved for use in swine. dairy and beef cattle, zoo & wildlife animals. Slaughter withdrawal for cattle = 13 days; no milk withdrawal time. Slaughter withdrawal for swine=none. Wildlife animal slaughter (hunting) withdrawal = 14 days.
Human-Approved Products: None
I hope this is of value to anyone finding this link and at least gets you something to get underway with being an advocate for your self, your pets, your livestock, your family or friends and other loved ones and quite possibly your 'patients' if you are a professional provider of services to people or animals. Or a purveyor of goods; I've recently spoken with the hydroponics vendor, inquiring if they're onto ozone, fenbendazole of the fish form (as some grow tilapia in their hydroponics, was my thinking). "Please come in soon and talk to me more about this". SO GLAD to see the OPENNESS I am receiving to this information when I present it to a variety of people!
Please take, ideally, the source links I suggest and see what else is at the websites .... in particular take the one about the elephants, and I say this because the way I was reading between the lines they clearly were setting up an umbrella of information about FENBENDAZOLE in a lot of applications. Including the ending of "None" for human-approved products. Just making that very clear, I am. WHY would we suggest it for everything else and not for us? Be your own person, decide what YOU are going to put into your body and not, on your body and not. Diet. Medications. Supplements. Herbs. Oils. Energies. Aromatherapies. Information sources. What's on television and in the radio programming. What you pick up from being around others. The list is long for what we can control about our destiny with our wellness/illness level. This is no exception. It just might be very new, a paradigm change, and require extra attention. Time. Energy. Devotion. Thought.
YOUsers of Lumigrate know that I suggest YOU put in the study time, decide what YOU think, and then take action based on what you feel, think, etc. Empowered to connect dots. Look at the patent trail for all the patents obtained for chemicals similar to fenbendazole and then, so far, not marketed. Where are they in development? No way for non-insiders to know. But that is on the thread about Steve's Facebook group, images, research, protocol, and PosterGal gets the credit for having found it and made it apparent to me this was something TO PUT ATTENTION ON. Thanks again, Poster Gal, for that and for being a resource to respond when I inquired this week to update this topic thread.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
You can find this information at the following link ... it is one comment among the many as I was adding on components and grouping up the information being presented in the group lead by Steve Beddingfield so I could then later utilize it in various ways to the benefit of Lumigrate YOUsers. It makes this more complete -- some of the information will be repetitive with what is above, but there will also be additional pictures and reinforcement.
Keep in mind the timeline, this comment information, below, was originally produced in March of 2015 and not only do I understand it more, so does Steve and others who are on this cutting edge --- being increasingly substantiated as mainstream disclosure is made about The Stuff and it's connection to human health without so far (as of mid November) being that direct about it. (Seek out information at our Search bar using the word disclosure to a topic I have about how things are being disclosed, if that is of interest and benefit to you in your learning.) PET INSTRUCTIONS
From 21 Year Old Bernie The Cat. Strands of "The Stuff", as seen in what comes out from the intestinal tract. From Steve's lab, sample of dog poop, without magnification:
It was in the group's conversation in late March that people need to check about the type of BIRD they might want to be dosing with fenbendazole, as it's contraindicated in some breeds. So reminding here, as always, to do your homework about all things and contraindictions.
By April I have encountered a woman I was educating about what's in the water, who 'related' to the information because someone she knows personally and well lives in an area of Florida where there have been cyanobacteria / algae problems for a while now ... and the person's dog had gotten ill, they thought from it just getting on it's feet and fur and then into them the various ways. I love examples where something that has occurred with a pet or livestock animal then helps a person see the application of the information to their situation -- in this case it was an avid gardener with irrigation water they're 'always in during the summer' and so they were somewhat 'tuned in' about the information I was introducing them to.
A standard for me as an OT student and ever after at my desk at work whether more recently at home / home office as a consultant on education routes OR as an occupational therapist in the various places I worked over the years is the Merck Manual. I am such a fan I have a topic in the Lumigrate Bookshelf forum about the Merck manual that's geared for people that's not as professional, which I found at my local Kroger grocery store's book section.
So it was naturally something I liked seeing PosterGal present in Steve's Images today (April 19, 2015, as I edit this in) the Merck online veterinary resource on algae poisoning. Here's the link:
Not only does this topic, naturally, describe symptoms and treatments for algal poisoning in veterinary medicine applications, it has good information about cyanobacteria and treatment of water. Here's an excerpt, which is how the topic wraps up/ends:
Fenbendazole dosage is 2 mils daily of liquid or 2 grams of paste, generally. (if your dog is unusually large or small you can use the same formula used for humans 1ml per 50 lbs)
Reishi dosage is 1/2 capsule of Aloha Medicinals Gano Ultra daily, 2caps for big dogs.
Fenbendazole dosage is 1/2 ml daily of liquid only.
Reishi dosage is 1/2 cap daily (same brand mentioned above).
Treat animals 4-7 days per week keeping a close eye on changes in behavior or signs of recovery/healing. Take any breaks you think necessary.
Maintenance doses are the same amount formulated for your pet only less often, most do once or twice weekly to keep pets healthy. Some even go to once a month. Use your discretion.
Spray with fenbendazole liquid diluted down to a 50 to one ratio (using safe water, naturally), is what Steve also recommends; I/Mardy feel that it's going to work better to spray on a cloth or disposable cloth-like paper-type towel and wipe the animal that wouldn't appreciate a spraying.
Treating pets as we treat ourselves ensures we are eliminating sources of reinfection for both parties. wink emoticon
*Only use fenbendazole on pets, other types can be harmful.
We will be making a permanent file once I fill in more details. I wanted to get this out since we are getting an unusually high amount of questions on pets. There are other members using reishi products that they love. I can't guarantee that they have been tested for purity but if any of you feel confident to share what you are using, post below and we will add some to the file. smile emoticon
Any experiences treating animals with this protocol are encouraged here as well.
In the spring there was an exodus of admins from Steve's group, some stayed as members, others did not. The new admin who is now Steve's 'right hand woman' had this to say on August 6, 2016:
Keep their bowels moving. Some pet owners give their dogs/cats some organic pumpkin from a can. It helps move things along."
In May, someone in the group added this: "Both dogs treated with fenben at 1 ml per 5#'s of a 10% paste mixed in a bit of goat yogurt. They gobbled up the mixture with no hesitation. It really is not bad tasting stuff. This is from a veterinarian's website, for dosing."
From mid March, Steve had said this: Vet treatments are now centered around fenben. My friend's vet talked to me about my procedures being utilized for the tmt of algae infestation, he agreed with my beliefs about HABs killing and torturing animals, mostly pets. Wild animals are wandering about acting weird, going to the highways too often.
Parvovirus is to be Vxd for, rabies too. (vaccinated abbreviation); you can't play with these two killers.
Heart worms can be prevented by fenben if started early on in a pet's life. If pet has heartworms at adult stage of worms, go with vet procedures.
Some collies and a couple of other breeds cannot tolerate Ivermectin -- instant death, check breed interactions first. Parvo is my worst fear for my (dogs). I'll re-treat mine today, as he got into a fight with a huge ground hog, looked bad afterwards, the GH got his licks in.
In order to provide YOUsers with more supportive information, here's a link I found in Searching 'cyanobacteria, dogs'. I knew there were cases in California recently where a lake was posted forewarning people about not getting in the water but the owners didn't keep their pets from getting in. In this topic at the following link, Annabelle was a dog that jumped from a boat near the shoreline, wanting to swim in and thankfully had a veterinarian who pieced together what to do to turn the symptoms around when in liver failure shortly thereafter.
The closing of the article: "“We are increasingly aware that many dogs and other pets are exposed to these toxins every year, and that the blooms are likely increasing,” says Kudela. And new findings on the chronic impacts of cyanotoxin poisoning have him worried. “We know that even low-level exposure results in decreased reproduction in fish, and probably promotes cancer in mammals, such as dogs and humans.”"
Interjecting this on May 27, 2015 and hot off the press from what's being conversed about in Steve's group today. A woman who experiences a lot of stinging sensations, all over her body, and Steve had a conversation volley that I thought was very insightful AND he posted a picture.
Steve: GSB spores do the biting and stinging, they're the tiny dark particles we see everywhere.Kitty.Kitty!
Woman: Reports she lives in a tiny house, and the cats don't stay in her room, one roams the house where it sleeps and the other sleeps in one spot. She asks if what she's seeing and experiencing is 'coming from' the cats. She had the cats before she had 'drug damage' (many in the group talk about 'floxing' but I'm not certain what this particular woman's patented medication history is), and had no issues such as this very annoying symptom. She says they are both getting fenben and reishi. She said "I still dont know anyone in any Morgellon's site that their entire body, every pore, stings like it is the entire skin all at once.. it is insane. ..... I feel like blowin out my brains. at this point. I am worn out.
She reports that she just had gone and cleaned under the bed she sleeps in, which has hardwood floors. She'd done the same thing yesterday and already there were tons of red and blue fibers again, and sparkles. "everything that is coming out of my skin..... cleaning, washing (seems) useless. She relates that she went to another part of the house where she doesn't live and took a sample under the bed and only found a few red and blue fibers "but NOTHING like under my bed, which I clean daily."
Steve: Treat them, never allow on your bed or anything clothwise which contacts your body. You and cats didn't make each other sick, you're just keeping each other sick. Wipe down cat fur with a damp cloth which contains some fenben on the cloth. Do this for your cats twice each day. I know many sufferers who are experiencing this biting sting.
I also have many pics of the sulphur bacteria spores which cause this."
Parasitipedia dot net has nice information and naturally their requisite caution placed prominently to dissuade humans from using veterinary products. This is one of the better overviews I've seen about this type of medication, however. I'll bring you and excerpt, below, and naturally here's the LINK TO TAKE and go to the source as they're a good resource for studying what YOU think about this 'stuff'. AND what you'll find just for 'starters' if you take the link:
BENZIMIDAZOLES for veterinary use as ANTIHELMINTICS on CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, PIG, POULTRY, DOGS and CATS against parasitic worms
What are benzimidazoles?
The first veterinary benzimidazoles introduced in the 1960's (e.g. thiabendazole, parbendazole, oxibendazole) were highly effective against adults and larvae of most gastrointestinal roundworms (nematodes) of livestock. In the 1970's newer benzimidazoles such as albendazole, fenbendazole, mebendazole and oxfendazole were introduced that are also effective against non-gastrointestinal roundworms (in the lungs, kidneys, skin, etc., depending on compound and dose) as well as against tapeworms (cestodes). Albendazole is also effective against adult liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica).
triclabendazole is a special case: it is not effective against roundworms or tapeworms, but controls all larval and adult stages of various parasitic liver flukes (trematodes).
Closely related with the benzimidazoles are the so-called pro-benzimidazoles febantel, netobimin andthiophanate. These compounds are pro-drugs because once in the organism of the host they are transformed into the active benzimidazole, mainly in the liver. Febantel is transformed into fenbendazole, and netobimin into albendazole. Pro-benzimidazoles have the advantage of being more soluble in water. This makes it easier to formulate them and they are also better absorbed in the host's body.
Benzimidazoles and pro-benzimidazoles are veteran anthelmintics, i.e., they have lost patent protection long ago and are available as generics manufactured by numerous chemical companies (typically in China, India, Israel, Brazil, etc.). (same link as above, to encourage taking it).
So if you're interested, take the links I've set up. I've come in and edited in NEW information because of the closure of Steve's Images in midApril 2015 due to the explosive growth they had and needing to get a group of people effective in their knowledge and application of the information and create other groups they can facilitate in order to create 'the ripple effect'.
Editing AGAIN mid July, the group's leadership 'split' or were no longer admins and mostly do not comment now but remain to stay up on what new might be presented there. He then started letting people back into the group and it is at this time approaching 2,000 members. A few experienced ones post things I transfer to this overall thread. One recently was from a woman with Morgellons and a dog, who said her dog took only a few servings of the fenbendazole to heal up, they'd gotten the outward skin symptoms after the owner/human guardian did. She said she put it on bread that was considered a desirable treat by the dog. I believe she was using the goat / sheep version not the dog version; there is a dog/ canine version.
Naturally, seek out advisors who are qualified to help you. Remember that the run of the mill medical professionals in human and veterinary medicine today are very brainwashed, brain dead, or otherwise simply BEHIND where YOU might be with what YOU know and can figure out. Use your senses, think like a dog and about how dogs and cats and horses and others we can learn from show us the way with their intutiveness sometimes. But do get advise from those YOU feel are the right fit for YOU at this point in time. Unfortunately, Steve's group does not have the dimensionality of advisors it used to have, it's 'Steve's classroom' and he's the teacher and not a lot of people feel like commenting like in the past. Fortunately I grabbed those highlights and transferred them HERE for YOU on this very long thread.
Thanks again to all in the group who have contributed to creating and facilitating the information there, and their desire to have people finding it and being 'grate' with my having these topics at Lumigrate.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!