Outside The Box of Conventional Medicine: History Shows Slow Progress for Functional, Integrative and Other Approaches

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.

Do you ever see the information about 'outside the box' health and think 'that makes SO MUCH SENSE, why didn't I hear about that before now?' Or 'why isn't EVERYONE doing this already, if it's been known for a while?'.  I hope this topic will help provide some answers. This will likely be a topic I add onto and improve upon as time goes on. Just yesterday I spoke with an educated, thinking person who had heard about chemtrails and geoengineering -- saying 'you know, when you can't sleep and it's on the radio at 2 am', and they'd not bought into it because it seemed all the 'conspiracy theory stuff' was a factor.

Having been told in subtle and direct ways by the system that is in power acts like filters, and not just about 'conspiracy theory', in medical there's a term that's been made up called 'pseudo-science' which gets used in a way to make the types of medicine which cannot be funded to do 'real science' seem inferior. It's similar to rose colored glasses but the opposite effect. Think about any 'system' that has power, even in a household, such as two parents who are effective as a partnership governing the family. Do they 'conspire'? You bet they do! Is it always for 'good' reasons? Not always, but they usually think they're doing a good thing. And they're in power, so that's what the family system's reality becomes. 

Basically, it's just the way of the world that those in power have a lot of ability, particularly if they have money to hire a lot of "troops". On the Internet today, there are many people working who are not the people their profiles portray, and are known as 'trolls', or 'paid disinformation trolls'. Facebook had been such a marvelous place for people with medical concerns to go and learn and commune together that it was just a matter of time before it was invaded by them.

I intentionally accepted a request for 'friendship' from someone who was clearly suspicious in order to learn how they worked things, and I'm glad I did, it was very interesting and helped me to see just how pervasive it is on Facebook. And they weren't shut down by my efforts, which were substantial in terms of contacting individually every person that we had as mutuals in hopes they'd also 'report' and the profile would be taken down by Facebook. I saw that they were still running amok months later, and were being tagged into a conversation by someone who I really had not suspected was part of the operation, I thought they were a confused, cognitively imparied, middle aged woman who was legitimately fighting their medical condition. 

It's growing increasingly difficult for people to get information in a way they feel they can 'trust' the source(s), and know what to believe and not. So I hope to do my part for our YOUsers at Lumigrate and provide information on this thread about why progress has been so slow for these less expensive and sometimes immediately helpful techniques to flourish.  

I will suggest people go to the Marianne Williamson speech (which is transcribed) at the following link to see her interpretation within the context of the March Against Monstanto rally in Venice, California in May or 2013, but this is the way she says it about the systems involved:

"Now I’d like to take for a moment a little bit of historical context why women particularly, our issue related to GMOs. Before the advent of early Christendom in Europe, Pagan culture prevailed. And Pagan culture was one in which there was recognized a divine partnership between humanity and nature. And women particularly what would later be called the witches, the wise women, except there was nothing funny about what was done to those women. They held aloft the rituals in their communities that kept people in a sense of divine sacred partnership with the Earth and with the sky and with the rocks and with the trees and with the rivers and the lakes and the oceans. Those rituals were significant. They aligned all of us, meaning all of who we are with that sense of sacred partnership.

With the advent of early Ecclesiastic Christendom at that time, there was, among other things, inaugurated this huge dispensation which held that humanity was given nature as a gift by God to do with whatever it wanted. And so this twist of divine perception, this maladaptive perspective that we can manipulate nature, we can use nature, it’s okay to dominate nature. Now the best that that perspective can come up with is that we are to be like stewards of nature.

That’s important because once again what this conversation is about is our being effective. If we do argue the Biblical injunction that humanity should be proper stewards of nature, that will get you your right-wing Christians and Biblical crowd. If you really want to get something done, make sure that that’s an opening in your mind and in your heart. Not just to talk to people who agree with you, that’s not how you build a movement. Martin Luther King said, “You have very little morally persuasive power with people who can feel your underlying contempt.” And Gandhi said, “The end is inherent in the means.” Only if we are doing are own work, will we be able to rise collectively to a place where this can occur."  (See the entire speech or go view through the topic about the speech at Lumigrate in the forum on activism, proactivism, at www.lumigrate.com/forum/marianne-williamsons-passionate-speech-about-activism-peaceful-and-productive-manner


Lumigrate, from it's concept, has morphed before it even was created. Initially it seemed like there would be plenty of interest if we simply had outside the box information about 'fibromyalgia', but the providers giving presentations for our cameras for video got into other things after I was underway with deadlines, so we had peripheral seminars which applied: detoxification and cleansing for instance, and supplements and disease prevention, so I realized that Lumigrate really was more able to serve if it was about 'bringing a lot of things together and tying them together', such as 'integrate' means. Lighting the way, we were doing, hence the Lumi in Lumigrate. 

Orthomolecular Medicine's "Founder" Abram Hoffer, Including How Linus Pauling Became Involved

I want to provide this section of the topic at Lumigrate for our YOUsers and have taken the 'liberty' of doing as I often do when I find a gem within a great website, and giving MANY PROMPTS to 'see the sites' and follow the link to the source and see what else they have, or see it in it's original state on the source website so everyone knows I'm not doing more than making things more readable for brains that are medically impaired, fatigued, etc. Much of the 'midnight oil' goes on around the Internet because of people who aren't sleeping and they're up trying to figure out health information. So their brains aren't inclined to sleep, they're also not so inclined to get through long paragraphs. I also bold information that I think will appeal and apply to YOUsers. 

I was seeking to learn more about who was the founder of orthomolecular medicine when I found the website for FAME, which has the audio file as well as the transcribed version of the interview as a PDF to download. Knowing how THAT GOES for some people, I was hoping it was going to be placed in a way that is copyable, which is was. Seeings as it was a little difficult to read with long paragraphs, and has MUCH in it I would REALLY like YOUsers to see, I'm placing it here with some bolding, and I chopped things up more for easier reading. Again, please follow the link and see the FAIM website.

What's so neat for me personally about this; my first provider that figured out my food allergies was in Loveland, Colorado where they're based, but it was a few years before their founder created FAIM, which was originally about 'alternative' medicine and added/rebranded to include 'integrative' about the same time as I created Lumigrate way across the state of Colorado where I'd moved in 2004. AND I learned about 'pyroluria' when grabbing a link to a Loveland alcohol/drug treatment facility that uses functional medicine. They had it as one sentence in their 30 minute video, and in providing a transcribed writeup for those wishing to read when I created a topic about it for Lumigrate's YOUsers to know of this type of 'outside the box' drug treatment programs, I had to look it up and, seeing the definition and information at the first site, I said 'this is the missing link I think'! So it's come full circle again back to Loveland, Colorado. 

I was confused because one guy is credited with coining the term (Pauling) but another guy is credited with being the founder (Hoffer). Were they collaborators or competitors? Is this like Drs Alzheimer and Lewy, who were both finding similar information at the same time relative to dementia and brain tissues, with one becoming a household name, and the other virtually unheard of, despite that Lewy bodies are second under the #1 Alzheimer's plaques for causing dementia. I never had a patient with a LBD diagnosis, nor did I learn of it until my father's diagnosis in 2009, though I'd many times told medical teammates for the patients that I thought there was something yet 'undiscovered' because 'Parkinsons' wasn't seeming quite like the right diagnosis for MOST of the 'Parkinsons patients' we had.  

Related to orthomolecular medicine's history, in some places Abram Hoffer's name is brought into the conversation, such as when I was first creating information about 'pyroluria' and the MD whose video on YouTube I utilized as part of the content to provide at Lumigrate referred to him (and even specified it's pronounced 'Abraham' but spelled 'Abram', this was German/American Dietrich Klinghardt). Then you find out with further study that Nobel Peace Prize winner Linus Pauling was involved, and today there is a growing foundation with his name related to the underlying causes for chronic illnesses that's branching from the youthful end of the lifespan to the other end and dementia. With the underlying causes of issues similarly treated due to the same underlying reasons, it only makes sense!  So here's the interview, below, hopefully very readable to YOUsers, and the link where you can go and hear the interview, see photos, and naturally, see what ELSE is provided by the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine. www.faim.org/orthomolecularmedicine/abramhoffer.html


Transcript of Video Interview with Dr. Hoffer


The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM)

Date: December 10, 2008

Location: Victoria, British Columbia

Interviewer: Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Founder, IFM

Interviewee: Dr. Abram Hoffer


JEFF BLAND: So this is a really special opportunity, Dr. Hoffer, for me. As you

probably know I have valued—as have literally tens of thousands of practitioners—from

your work and your insight. And to sit down here in your office in Victoria, British

Columbia and know that you are still practicing psychiatry at this level of wisdom that

you can bring to this discipline is absolutely amazing and something that we all aspire to

do in our own professional lives.


And not many of us will be as successful in creating a

whole new concept as you have been, but certainly your model of stick-to-it-ness and

discipline and dedication to your patients is a model for all of us. So I’d like to just start.

We can go all the way back, obviously, to before 1957, but 1957for me is where I started

my understanding of you by reading your first paper published on niacin and





JB: So when I look back and I listen to your story I am reminded of so many interesting

things. We could call it fortuitous, or serendipitous, or directed. So here is a person, in

your case a gifted PhD in a chemical field, [who] understands about pellagra and niacin

as it relates to an entirely different field and discipline from that of psychiatry, then goes

to medicine and focuses on psychiatry, and then because of a creative mind makes the

connection. And as I recall from your paper, you were maybe the first group to talk about

the similarity between pellagra’s dementia being schizophreniform with schizophrenia.


AH: That’s correct.



JB: So that connection is a brilliant leap of abstraction to most people, but for you was

clearly obvious.


AH: It was so terribly obvious I didn’t ever think people would object. I thought I would

be looked upon as a hero. I thought, oh my God, they’re going to love me now. But at

that time I was very popular anyway because I was doing a lot of nonsense research that

didn’t mean anything. So as long as I published papers that had no meaning—you know

what I’m talking about—I was popular.


But after we published that first paper that you

read, guess what. They said, “Oh my God, that guy’s a heretic.” And at that time of

course, as you know, the tranquilizers came in, in ‘55, ‘56, ‘57, and they were financially

so rewarding to the big drug companies that they overwhelmed the whole field. And

today psychiatry is owned by the Big Pharm. That’s what’s happening in psychiatry




JB: So as you made this discovery, I find it extraordinarily interesting from an

intellectual development perspective that you took the pre-pellagra’s dementia

connection to schizophrenia and then you asked questions about what other genetic

metabolism disorders that associate with nutrition can we think about that could have

central nervous system effects, like hyperhomocysteinemia. And then you talked about B6

and B12 and folate and so your model got extended, and it seemed to be able to be

mapped against many of these conditions.


AH: We had these informal meetings and this was a fantastic amount of information.

And that’s where we brought Linus Pauling in. I remember we had our meeting in

Vancouver at the home of Dr. Ross MacLean and there I am chairman of the meeting,

and as the chairman you’re not really supposed to do anything, you know, you’re

supposed to just sit there and be quiet and make sure things are running properly. So I’m

listening to all my colleagues, and there are ten of us reading their fantastic papers.

They’re talking about folic acid. They’re talking about B6. They’re talking about zinc.

Carl Pfeiffer, everyone. They’re presenting this amazing information.


So I said to myself,

isn’t this fantastic. Here is this meeting with very important information no one hears

about. We have to publish it. So David Hawkins is sitting on my right, and he’s a good

friend of mine. So “David,” I said to the group, “we have to publish a book.” So they

stopped, and since I’m the chairman they have to listen to me. That’s the power of the

chair. And I said “David, you are going to be the editor.” And he gulped. He said,

“What?” I said, “Don’t worry, we’ll help you. Each one of us will submit a chapter.” So

eventually David said okay, he thought he would do it.


So after a while, we started

organizing this book. Then it occurred to one of us (I don’t know who it was, it might

have been David) that maybe we could ask Linus Pauling to become an editor. I’m

talking about the book on orthomolecular psychiatry. David wrote to Pauling, and

Pauling said, yes he would on one condition, and the condition was that he would have to

approve of every paper that would appear in it. So of course said, “fantastic.” And that’s

how that book came out.



JB: So now you’ve talked about an epic chapter that I think propelled this whole model

that you birthed forward, and that was the 1968 publication in Science Magazine

authored by Pauling, the article “Orthomolecular Psychiatry.”


AH: Right.


JB: It seemed to put the discipline up on the big board. Did that change the visibility for

you of what you’d been doing?


AH: Yes it did. It gave it prestige. It also gave us a lot of work. But I remember what

happened, because I had not met Linus Pauling before then, but apparently he had been

getting letters from a large number of Americans who had heard about the vitamin

approach and were putting themselves on it and were getting some response. So he was

getting more interested, and it fitted in with his own basic concept of molecular medicine.

I think this had been gestating in his mind for some time. So one day I get a letter from

Linus Pauling: “Dear Dr. Hoffer,” and he said, “I am enclosing a manuscript that I

propose to send to Science. Would you please go over it to make sure you are properly

quoted.” Now isn’t that amazing?


So then he came along with the word. Now at that time we had been playing with the

word “megavitamin” therapy, which I didn’t really like so much because there’s no such

thing as a megavitamin, it just doesn’t exist. And when he published the paper I said there

is the answer. This term of Linus Pauling’s covers almost everything that we are going to

do. And since then I haven’t thought of anything better than the term orthomolecular. But

even amongst my colleagues they became very upset, because they were getting used to

the term megavitamin therapy. We had our own conservatives, as well as liberals in our

own group.


So I took on a major role. I said I am going to defend the word

orthomolecular until it kills me. It’s going to become the word. And since again since I

was chairman I had some prestige, and I was able to gradually force the word in. And

even with the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine for many years people wanted me to

change the word because orthomolecular was very unpopular. I said so what? Of course

it’s unpopular, but we’re going to change that. And thank God, Jeff.



JB: Well let me just kind of bring this to a close saying that this concept of functional

medicine that we’ve been working on for about 20 years now, which tries to look at the

presaging direction towards disease before the person gets to disease—in other words

the dysfunction that precedes the pathology—is really rooted conceptually around the

principles of what we call our founding figures.


You are one of those founding figures.

This work, this construct, not only does it pertain obviously to psychiatric and

neurological health but it pertains to the health of the whole body.  This is a paradigm that

you’ve advanced, along with Williams and along with Dr. Pauling. These are

conceptual frames that change the way we view the patient in the exam room and how we

will manage them.


And on behalf of the whole Institute for Functional Medicine I want to

just personally thank you for the so many years of tireless, self-sacrificing work that

you’ve put into this, and I can say that your legacy as it pertains to this contribution will

remain rich, bright and warm and we will continue to hold the banner very high. We’re

going to fight these battles and we’re going to get rationality and truth to prevail. So

thank you very, very, much. It’s been a deep pleasure to share this time with you.


AH: Thank you, Jeff. Actually, all in all, it’s been kind of fun.



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
Covering things up, using MS and Lyme as example. Human behavior

Sarah Vaughter of Vaughter Wellness, a European Internet-based education and products business, has some of the most interesting 'outside the box' information I've ever seen. They have a huge cache of information at the website, and some of it fits perfectly here to bring into the conversation. I'm going to provide two links and overviews of topics here and encourage YOUsers go to the website if it's seeming interesting and see ALL they say on the subject. The first is titled "Multiple sclerosis is Lyme disease: Anatomy of a cover-up" and is at this link: owndoc.com/lyme/multiple-sclerosis-is-lyme-disease-anatomy-of-a-cover-up/


One of the biggest, perhaps 'the biggest' medical scandals of the last century, as Sarah Vaughter relates in this article, is that since 1911, it's been known that multiple sclerosis is caused by a bacterium, and the BigPharma controlled medical-industrial complex covered it up to make more money by selling symptom control to patients with MS. 
She writes: "At the lower levels there is no cover-up at all, but simply human nature at work, as we wrote about here to dispel the  notion that we are "conspiracy theorists." 
This is a very thorough article which covers: 
1. how the MS societies of the modern world 'work', 
2. Big Pharma
3. Patient advocacy groups
4. MS "experts"
Evidence for a conspiracy of silence, where she says
"You don't have to believe me when I say there is a conspiracy. Believe Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease expert Dr Alan B MacDonald M.D., Staff Pathologist at the St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center. He wrote: (published online 10 July 2006 in Volume 67, Issue 4, page 819-832 in Medical Hypotheses). 

“Conventional thinking about spirochetal cyst forms is divided between two polar spheres of influence; one a majority community that completely denies the existence of spirochetal cyst forms, and a second group of academically persecuted individuals who accepts the precepts of such antebellum scientists as Schaudinn, Hoffman, Dutton, Levaditi, Balfour, Fantham, Noguchi, McDonough, Hindle, Steiner, Ingraham, Coutts, Hampp, Warthin, Ovcinnikov, and Delamater. Microscopic images of cystic spirochetes are difficult to ignore, but as has been the case in this century, academic “endowments” have nearly expunged all cystic spirochetal image data from the current textbook versions of what is the truth about the spirochetaceae. If the image database from the last century is obliterated; many opportunities to diagnose will be lost. Variously sized cystic spirochetal profiles within diseased nerve cells explain the following structures: Lewy body of Parkinson’s disease, Pick body, ALS spherical body, Alzheimer plaque. Borrelia infection is therefore a unifying concept to explain diverse neurodegenerative diseases, based not entirely on a corkscrew shaped profile in diseased tissue, but based on small, medium and large caliber rounded cystic profiles derived from pathogenic spirochetes which are hiding in plain sight.”

Sarah concludes this portion of the article with

 "Note how he claims that the majority of researchers deny the existence of spirochetal cystic forms. Denial is defined as knowing that something exists, but deliberately refusing to acknowledge it for ulterior motives.  By putting “endowments” between question marks, he implies that Big Pharmabribes universities and publishers into censoring the very existence of spirochetal cysts from medical textbooks."  

Then Sarah goes on to say

"And if you think Dr MacDonald is a lone loon, read the fascinating and terrible personal story and Lyme-vs-MS lecture by microbiologist and Borrelia expert Tom Grier. ...."   the 'lone loon' words, that was funny! 

Again, I encourage YOUsers to take the link out and 'see the sites' as I say. The website might be one that will be a significant resource for YOU. I do really work to find the best progressive and valid sites to weave and integrate with the other information at Lumigrate.com for our YOUsers to have a faster and better Internet experience. Which translates into better health and hopefully faster, easier and with less wasted time, energy and money!  

Sarah elaborates in more detail, and then concludes with a list from 1911 of 15 researchers and where they published, in some cases, who said they found living Lyme bacteria (spirochetes) in the brains of a 'great majority' of MS patients. 

I highly encourage taking the trip to 'see the sites' at this website. It's laden with tons of mental health information, there are tabs for everything from Aspergers to Borderline to Cults to Empathy, personality disorders, PTSD, schizophrenia and many related schizo tabs, stalking, suicide, radiation, cancer, ALS, and more. They say they're "Health and beauty advise for smart people." We've used the words 'sophisticated consumers' around Lumigrate, so she just says it --- more directly. They have unique products based on medical studies and experience, and they have a foundation under them about 'dermarolling' and candida treatment products among other things. 

I really enjoyed reading the About information -- she basically tells people what her Myers-Briggs Personality Profiling/testing reveals, and that she's on the autism spectrum and isn't going to be the touchie-feelie provider that many businesses are. I just really love the approach and the information they have (it's her husband as well, though he's more behind the scenes it seems). 

As you see, above, she revers to the topic she wrote about conspiracy versus other behaviors and human  nature. I'm encouraging you to go read that as well, where she outlines the layers of greed, slothfulness, hubris/arrogant pride, wrath (revenge/anger), and envy that play their part in what has created the medical mileau.  This is truly one of the best pieces I have encountered about why the modern medical system has not been meeting the needs of the patients with these types of disorders.  Many players involved and she allows people to see better how it fits together. 

This is what is said about the ENVY factor, of those inside the box, as I call it, of those operating with success outside the box of convention or orthodoxy. I hope it encourages you to go read the entire piece, titled "Lyme controversy: Cardinal sins instead of conspiracy" at owndoc.com/lyme/lyme-controversy-cardinal-sins-instead-of-conspiracy/
" Most doctors and microbiologists who subscribe to idea of infections being at the basis of many neurological syndromes (MS, Fibromyalgia, ALS, Alzheimer, CFS etc.) didn’t arrive at their opinion because they like to be “different”. They usually have studied the relevant medical literature and verified its findings in their own medical practice or research work. And through that understanding, they often manage to treat diseases such as Lyme better than the mainstream doctors, making those envious of their hard work, understanding and professional success. Mainstream doctors can get away with ignoring microbiologists who are spreading awareness on these issues, because microbiologists have no customer-facing role and are hardly ever quoted in the media. But fellow practitioners do and are, and can attract those customers that are not adequately served by the mainstream doctors. And that would hurt their pride as well as their pocketbooks and pride, so they report them to medical oversight bodies in the hope to put an end to the annoyance."
For anyone wanting to plug in at Lumigrate to some information about Dr MacDonald, here's a link to a topic that is perhaps a bit controversial related to transmission -- now, from what I can gather, outside the box of conventional medicine, the Lyme literate community might be torn about transmission. It seems nobody is questioning if it can come from sources other than tick bites, such as a pregnant mother who passes it along to the baby, but whether it's being sexually transmitted or not is the question. Remember, outside the box doesn't get the same kind of funding as inside the box, so the expectations for what is studied and how and timeframe must be adjusted. eHealthChannel's Complement of Lyme (& Autism Literate) Experts



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
Trials and Tribulations of Getting Published on Biofilm w/Lyme

Outstanding article I happened upon from LymeDisease dot org, from Dr MacDonald about what took SIX YEARS to get out to where people could see that a RECOGNIZED "reputable" professional journal had accepted something after NON-negotiable modifications were made only! (They had to remove anything indicating the experiments were showing this in humans but then 2 weeks after publicataion the researchers made an 'announcement')(and they had to take out anything about specific treatment approaches for Lyme). 


My thoughts: Realize there are journals that these providers have started so they at least get published by a peer review process, but they're not going to have the 'cache' for a while that something 'recognized' as reputable.  Look at information  at those sites with the knowledge of how this stuff works ... there's likely better information at them than some of the things that in the past were reputable before all the corruption and sliding that has happened. And remember to use your common sense when deciding what to believe and not -- what to apply to your life and not. But this is a really interesting and short, easy read, I suggest you go see! (And look around at what else is at LymeDisease dot org perhaps. Remember how to find us again! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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