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Food Allergies by Dr. Christopher Lepisto

Mardy's Thoughts: Many of the health problems people face today are actually caused by a food allergy or food sensitivity from foods they are often times unaware, because the reaction in their body is a delayed-onset IgG reaction (immunoglobulin G). IgG reaction can take up to a day or longer to manifest symptoms, so it is very difficult to see the cause/effect relationship.
Gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn, bloating, "leaky gut syndrome," irritable bowel syndrome, and diarrhea are typical symptoms which can indicate a food allergy or food sensitivity. Even diseases thought of as "autoimmune disease" (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia) can frequently be alleviated by these food allergies and food sensitivities which cause inflammation within the body.
Diabetes, migraine headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome frequently have food sensitivities as an underlying contributor, as well as skin or dermatology problems such as acne. Ear ache, ear infections, and "Allergic shiners" (darkened areas under the eyes) are classic and frequent symptoms of food sensitivities which many people attribute to other causes, never realizing their headaches or fatigue may be caused by particular foods they could eliminate or reduce. There is a connection with yeast infections (candida albicans) and treatment options are discussed as well, including the use of the herb horopito and probiotics such as lactobacillus acidophilus and others.
Sample Video
This seminar will help educate about the difference between IgE food reactions (allergies) and IgG food reactions (sensitivities) and includes information about heavy metals in the body and their effects on health.
The "Caveman Diet" or "Paleolithic Diet" is described as a foundation for eating in a way to restore health and well-being. The video also provides detailed information about serum testing or an elimination diet to help determine which foods are good for you, which foods should be reduced, and how to rotate their place in your diet.
To read the biography of Dr. Christopher Lepisto, click here.
What do I get with my purchase?
Video Download
If you purchase a video download, you will receive a high-quality video of the seminar which can be played directly on your computer. The video is provided in three formats: MPEG-4 (.mp4 file), Apple QuickTime (.mov file), and Windows Media Player (.wmv file). If you do not have a program on your computer that automatically plays media files, you will need to download one of the following:
- VLC Media Player (will play media of all formats)
- Winamp
- Apple QuickTime
- Windows Media Player
You will also receive as part of your download a PDF file of the presentation slides, and various supporting documents such as checklists, recommendations, and guides. The supporting documents are typically about 25 pages of additional content. To view these documents you must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download it by clicking here.
If you order a DVD, you will receive a packet including the DVD disc, presentation slides, and related documents. The entire content is three-hole punched so you can place it in a binder and start your collection! It is our goal to have DVDs to you very rapidly, but they are a special order item so timelines vary.
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