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Body Detoxification to Maintain Wellness or Reduce Illness
Cleanse your body from toxins absorbed through diet and environment, and start feeling healthy and refreshed.
The Problem:
We are all exposed daily to toxins. As children, our systems work extremely well filtering out and disposing of toxins, but as we age those systems get overcrowded with toxins and can’t remove them as well, leading to higher and higher levels in our bodies. Eventually, the system shuts down completely and we die. When we are exposed to heavy metals, they blockade many of our enzyme processes and shut down the production of life sustaining chemicals. Extreme exposure can overwhelm our systems and cause a quick death, while smaller exposure gradually shuts down our systems and leads to premature death. Toxins can come from a variety of sources, as we are all made aware of in the air, water, etc. Our food and beverages are a significan source, as they contain chemicals, heavy metals and carcinogens.
Arsenic is put in chicken feed to kill parasites. Years ago, Americans ate around 33 pounds of chicken, per person, per year. That number has rocketed to 88 pounds per person per year, almost tripling the amount of chicken and therefore the arsenic that our bodies have to deal with, unless people have shifted to eating chicken which has been raised without this type chemical added to the feed.
Lead is found in tap water in the kitchen and in the bathroom. In older homes, paint may contain lead and lead dust.
Aluminum gets into the body through aluminum foil use in cooking, aluminum cans that soft drinks and beer come in, many underarm deodorants and in some newer vaccines.
Titanium may be in hair dyes, toothpaste and in the coating of some prescription medications and supplements.
Chemotherapy may actually poison you with platinum and other heavy metals. Cigarette paper may have arsenic, cyanide, cadmium or other heavy metals laced into it. People exposed to secondhand smoke may also pick up these heavy metal toxins.
Some people are involved in mass exposure to heavy metals. One patient in Louisiana was complaining of “green sweat”! A high level of copper was found in her blood. It had come from her contaminated water supply. Her daughter was tested and found toxic with copper as well.
Mercury is common in seafood and the bigger the fish, the greater the amount of mercury. People who eat salmon every day believing it is good for them may actually be loading themselves down with mercury.
Certain jobs can put people at risk. Dentists and dental assistants are commonly exposed to heavy metals. People who have played with mercury from thermometers or other sources often find themselves contaminated.
Those with "silver" fillings in their teeth sometimes find that 55% of those fillings' composite is mercury, giving it the silver color. The mercury evaporates and leaches out over time into the body. Mercury was a preservative in older vaccines, and though the public has always been told that it is harmless, the vaccine industry has quietly removed the preservative mercury from most of their products.
Our bodies have 3 lines of defense against toxins: Liver, kidneys and skin sweating.
- The liver processes and excretes toxins through the bile, which then is secreted in the intestinal tract. Bile is what gives our stool its characteristic brown color. If a patient is severely constipated, they may actually reabsorb toxins in the stool while it is sitting in the intestines instead of being evacuated.
- The kidneys remove a fair amount of toxins through the urine.
- Sweating is one of the best ways to detoxify the body, actually pushing toxins out through the skin. Unfortunately, with modern air-conditioning, we don’t have to sweat much anymore which leads to toxin overload. Exercise that creates sweat is an excellent way to detox your body. You should wash the sweat off immediately after your sweating therapy.
Unfortunately, these essential organs tend to become overloaded or damaged by abuse, malnutrition or aging and hormone loss, and loose their ability to cleanse the body over time.
The Solution:
Blood screenings can uncover elevated levels of arsenic, lead or mercury. If these levels are elevated, secondary comprehensive urine testing can determine fairly exact levels of various heavy metal toxins in the body. Once the particular toxin is identified, detoxification treatments can begin.
Treatments may be done orally or intravenously, depending on the toxicity amounts and the degree of sickness the patient is experiencing. The most common therapies used are DMSA and EDTA. There are certain enemas that may also be helpful. After a period of treatment, retesting is done to see if the patient is finished with therapy or if a second round of treatments is needed.
Finding the source of toxic exposure is important to preventing a recurrence.
An important method of internal detoxification which is rarely utilized by the medical community is the use of thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is the detoxification hormone. Its job is to pull toxins out of our tissues and dump them into our blood stream where the liver, kidneys and skin may eliminate them from the body.Without adequate thyroid levels, the body is unable to remove these toxic chemicals from our tissues.
Avoiding exposure to heavy metals and making sure our organs and thyroid are working at their maximum best to detoxify our bodies are the best ways to keep our heavy metal levels in the lowest range possible.
A good detoxification plan for everyone to follow includes the following steps:
- Be aware of what you eat or drink.
- Eat a diet that is as clean as possible including organic, free range meats, and pesticide free fruits and vegetables.
- Drink pure, clean water.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat and starches. Meat and starches increase the acidity of the body, which damages its ability to stay healthy. If you do eat meat, eat a variety and not just one type. It can help keep you from developing toxic overloads.
- Eat specific beneficial foods or supplements.
Certain foods and supplements can specifically aid in detoxification.
- The cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts and kale) aid the liver in detoxification.
- Lemon juice helps in three ways: it increases bile secretion, helps push bowel movements through the body faster and increases kidney excretion.
- Milk thistle and Schizandra help the liver function better.
- Iodine helps the thyroid gland be more productive.
Prevent more exposure
- Avoid unnecessary exposure to heavy metals
- Avoid cigarette smoke, wearing colognes or perfumes. Be careful about choices of underarm deodorants. Choose to live away from highways and factory pollutants.
- Have a good exercise program that causes sweating.
- Appropriate dry sauna treatments.
- Avoid plastic bottles, aluminum cans and cooking with aluminum foil as much as possible.
- Make sure that the thyroid hormone is at a healthy level.
- Get enough to drink.
- Adequate hydration not only dilutes toxins, but also helps the body function properly and aids in detoxification.
- Avoid jobs or hobbies that obviously put you at risk.
Painters of any kind may have two-fold risks from both skin absorption and inhaled fumes. Always make sure if you are working around any chemicals that you use adequate skin protection because the skin absorbs chemicals like a sponge. Always make sure there is adequate ventilation to prevent overexposure to skin and lungs.
People who work with asbestos are at risk for toxicity as well.
By taking precautions and being aware of the dangers of heavy metal toxins, you can reduce your risk of exposure and maintain better health.
"There is no one to blame. There is simply taking action!"........Wm. Marcus Spurlock, MD Dr. Spurlock presently works in Dallas, TX treating people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Bio-Identical Hormone Deficiences and Environmental Illnesses. He has been doing this work exclusively for the last 9 years. In the fall of 2011 he opened a new health center; please visit his website, which is where he posts education beyond what is sprinkled at Lumigrate. Through a total body approach, the treatments he and his team provide are 85-90% successful in returning patients to their previous health potential. You can see his complete vitae in Lumigrate's forum "About Our Writers" (link:, and the majority of his contributions on Lumigrate are in the FMS/CFS/CPain section, where you'll see a forum which includes his name:
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
Aah, the difference between experts on a similar subject is always a great place to start. Not a lot different though, with Dr Seneff on the topic of detoxing but she is big on epsom salt baths (magnesium sulfate), so that will be something NEW for this topic thread we didn't have before. I'd not thought about women and men and baths related to detoxification until just now.
I realized Dr Christopher Lepisto, an ND that was on the first layer of experts invited to have content at Lumigrate and who overlapped barely time-wise with Dr Spurlock's 'era' had talked about contrast showers as a form of hydrotherapy on a dynamite interview he gave with Cinda Crawford on the Health Matter Show (that I basically got them connected for them to do that interview). I later transcribed what was said (generally) and added in graphics and supportive links for people to go and learn more about the things that Dr Lepisto was mentioning. I'll provide the link that that topic on Lumigrate for your ease as well:
I am just so pleased to have found this gem of an interview to add onto this topic as it very much supports what Dr Spurlock had posted for the Lumigrate YOUsers, above. I have become such a fan of Dr Stephanie Seneff, PhD (Senior Researcher at MIT, where she's said on other podcasts at this same source (OneRadioNetwork) that MIT's hands are not tied relative to the research area she's in because they don't have any funding from Monsanto, however, many other places are tied because they get funding from Monsanto so this is groundbreaking research she is doing).
I enjoy listening to her speak, she's pleasant and speaks clearly and seems really humble and non ego-driven .. 'healthy' I might say, in a holistic / whole person way.
I think if I had to pick ONE podcast or video interview to get people started on right now for a variety of topics, I'd suggest this one. And CERTAINLY at this topic thread. So I'm going to sprinkle this link around the forums of Lumigrate where it applies.
In the interview she verbalizes her concern over the overall rise in illnesses in the United States and where that is going to lead if things are not changed dramatically and soon. She points out our health care costs are the highest in the world and we spend less on food that other similar countries, and why these relationships are not having any action at the government / industrial complex level because of the collusions between government and industry today.
She mentions, as you'll hear, Morgellons disease, which made me take notice, as very rarely do you hear that mentioned. And it was BEFORE she mentioned the more common chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia! But within the same part of the interview. Again, the overlapping disorders with common causes or similar, and then same or similar things to be doing to address the issues to reverse symptoms back towards wellness. So if you're interested in Morgellons (and the others and the overall) I cannot more HIGHLY recommend LISTENING to this. I did while I was making dinner and it didn't even take as long as my dinner took to prepare and get underway cooking.
A particular highlight was her mentioning anxiety disorders due to the gut/ intestines not being healthy and WHY that is. She's a WHY thinker and talker! I like that a LOT! Yup, those nerves we learned about in college that run long distances like the frenic nerve or the olfactory nerve keep coming up when I listen to information from these outside the box educators / researchers / providers. (Such as Dr Klinghardt on the way biotoxins get to upsetting the brain tissues. I think Dr Seneff sheds more light on it as well, in this particular podcast. )
I loved that I was making something with onions and garlic (as has become my new normal over the years) when she mentioned onions and garlic (as sulfur is something she focuses on a great deal and you'll know WHY when you listen). I'll also post the information that they set up at the website this is from so you can see what they 'billed' as highlights.
They have a sulfur supplement that Patrick the host has said elsewhere is the only thing they've had not ONE single complaint of problems from taking so he was particularly interested in the sulfur information it sounded. He's just always interested and I really like the way he conducts interviews, and it sounds as though he has scrutinized the vendors he has on his website.
I have noticed he does a lot of interviews (over 5 a week) and typically they're people who from what I can see are very legitimate, very credible, and worth the time to consider making this a resource for a good deal of learning about many things. Organics and foods, glyphosate and GMOs, from Dr Seneff is just one piece of the pie but they have Dr Seneff back regularly and so I suggest listening to the other things they suggest in links from this topic (at the link, below).
Patrick Timpone
Stephanie Seneff, Ph. D
Chemicals, Glyphosates & GMOs: The Path to Health Is Found Through An Organic Diet
In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology. She is concentrating mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has written 10 papers (7 as first author) in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
Click here to read Dr. Seneff’s research
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This is an excellent overview from what I have come to know from listening and reading a lot of Dr Seneff's work. I wanted to include the link here. They set up further activism steps if someone wishes to become involved 'in the movement' against GMOs and glyphosate beyond simply purchasing and consuming things that reduce the ingestion of them.
This is titled about celiac disease but I wanted to put it here because Dr Spurlock had specifically mentioned arsenic, above, and this talks of the arsenic involved in kidney disease similarly to how aluminum is aided by the glyphosate in getting into the brain. Dr Humphries is a nephrologist who began seeing that there was a correlation and connection between vaccines and kidney disease -- her work is worth a little study as well (and you can Search on her name here at Lumigrate as I've covered at least one piece of her work out there). Naturally, I want to distill down the information choices and screen into the mix some of the better ones I know of here for YOUsers, which actually still yields a massive number of resources that are in the forums at this point in time.
The link to the Mercola topic re: Dr. Seneff (from September 14, 2014):
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!