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Preface and Overview of Lumigrate's and My History with Medical Models
Lumigrate's development began in early 2007, as a concept that had to develop and find it's roots. read more »
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Cleanse your body from toxins absorbed through diet and environment, and start feeling healthy and refreshed. read more »
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“It’s time for Congress to overhaul the 1938 cosmetic regulations that are utterly failing to protect public health. read more »
I love ahi tuna. I love seafood, and believe it's a very natural thing for humans to eat, as it's been part of our diets since, well, "forever". I was raised in the mountains of Colorado in the 1960s and 70s, before it was common to have good fish in this 'land locked state'. read more »
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The FallOut from Fireworks - What Do YOU Think and Choose to Do? Leadership changes with YOUR input!
I read in the paper today that Colorado National Monument, which is my 'back yard National Park Service playground', is celebrating being a National Park Service site for 100 years in 2011 by ushering in the new year with a fireworks display. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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What YOU and I Can Do to Reduce Toxins - Stop Watching Fireworks!????
Susie Collins has a most interesting online community about multiple chemical sensitivity called 'The Canary Report'. I have always LOVED that title because I have always said that I've felt like I am virtually like a canary in a cage, or was when my symptoms were worse. (To use the Full Barrel Syndrome analogy, my barrel has gotten emptied in recent years so I'm not as sensitive as I used to be, but anything I used to be sensitive to, I still avoid as I know it's a toxin and my body is just able to compensate now, as hopefully all healthier people do... BUT..... read more »
- 1687 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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