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Mardy's Note: I am selecting this out and herding the providers' contributions for the 2011/12 influenza season/cold season to this Topic, so if you're looking for ONE stream that has the most about it, this is it, but there are other things from past years in this Forum if you click up on the link above on the right you'll then see the whole list of items/topics in this forum. To steamline YOUR info-seeking! ~~ Mardy read more »
- 3038 reads
What YOU and I Can Do to Reduce Toxins - Stop Watching Fireworks!????
Susie Collins has a most interesting online community about multiple chemical sensitivity called 'The Canary Report'. I have always LOVED that title because I have always said that I've felt like I am virtually like a canary in a cage, or was when my symptoms were worse. (To use the Full Barrel Syndrome analogy, my barrel has gotten emptied in recent years so I'm not as sensitive as I used to be, but anything I used to be sensitive to, I still avoid as I know it's a toxin and my body is just able to compensate now, as hopefully all healthier people do... BUT..... read more »
- 1687 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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