Integrating With Environmental Illness - Heavy Metals, Biotoxins, Psychology and Energy Medicine

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
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Preface and Overview of Lumigrate's and My History with Medical Models

Lumigrate's development began in early 2007, as a concept that had to develop and find it's roots. Beginning with the inspiration of my relative success from 2004-2007 in reversing symptoms through using a combination of providers who were doing what is known as 'functional medicine', looking at underlying causes and treating there -- whether that be of body, which includes the brain, mind (different than brain), and spirit; really it went back long before 2004, it truly is a life-long process of learning and doing and learning more.

I was a child of the allopathic medical model, both as a person and as a professional; I received my B.S. in Occupational Therapy in 1996 at the age of 36 delayed due to both brain-based learning issues that had me excelling in the relatively easy lower education public school system but filing once in public higher education, as well as life-long complex chronic medical symptoms that caught up to me in my early 20s and took a while to get sorted out enough to continue my education as it was very challenging for even the well-minded and bodied students. I always had insurance but as time went on I saw that was not getting me real solutions and often creating new problems, though sometimes it helped.

"Integrating" the appropriate things from allopathic medicine in with more traditional, natural-based techniques and using an approach that looks at the WHOLE person -- holistic -- of mind, body and spirit was what I essentially found my path to quite on my own or with the encouragement of personal friends who were thoughtful enough to take the time to persist when my mind was resisting something they were suggesting proved successful. I was not alone and it turned out quite unknown to me there was a whole movement going on about this, which took me until midlife to become aware of.

Already, bigBucks were invested in integrative centers such as the one I became a patient of in 1997 in Denver, Colorado. I had just gotten my first job as an OT and immediately within the first week became ill with the usual sinus/lung infection and inability to go to work due to being totally incapacitated. The MD and clinic were in an article in the mainstream newspaper (that later went under leaving Denver with only the Denver Post), and I was to later realize how relatively new the MD was to being outside the box and how I got to see much of his professional development as his patient over the years.

That clinic would go out of being available/close, and I didn't suspect anything but that it's expensive to have such offices. So for the second time of what would become an all-too-common occurrence, the KEY provider on my medical team that was doing me a LOT of GOOD was no longer available to me. The provider would ramble around and eventually end up in administration at a Catholic medical consortium in Denver, writing books about Integrative Approaches to Fibromyalgia, PCOS, Diabetes (which we can today see on 'that palate' with much overlap and similar / same underlying causes).  

He would be a small, behind the scenes part of what I could provide at Lumigrate as an expert I could ask questions of and on one occasion he provided excellent input for an article in The Denver Post that I was the seed planter on. All the time, I'm gleaning experience/learning. And yet nobody is explaining to me, truly, how 'the system' works.  It took my investigating in 2012 the geoengineering, weather modification (and whatever else it's about as reasons) situation to 'go down the rabbit hole' as it is called.  

And when you're in that process it becomes difficult for you to see who is authentic and telling the truth, and who is part of the 'monkeybusiness'.  Emerging from that process and dusting myself off and deciding that I do want to go on .. carry on.. just more aware than ever, I naturally am looking at the sources I bring to Lumigrate with this 'new light'.  

Similar to the MD in Denver who I would not have had a career in OT had I not learned of him in the Rocky Mountain News which I read daily for years and years, , who I saw learn things and try them on me soonafter, or later Dr Lepisto the ND with a handful of years experience when we were collaborating on getting an 'integrative' center off the ground in 2008 in Grand Junction, Colorado -- when I listen to Dr Klinghardt, below, in interviews or teachings he's given and agreed to being recorded, he talks every time about how much they've learned and their techniques change.

He made a point in one to state how it's often big jumps after long plateaus, and they'd had a massive breakthrough in times recently. I get the sense that Dr K is extremely aware of the secrets of how the world really works and that he's strategically placed because of this knowledge. And that he shares what he wants peole to know or what will help them without telling more than he needs to.  He makes a lot of inferences that imply 'read between the lines'.   

In 2007, as a contractor of OT services within a PT practice that was totally allopathic, organized medicine, which was within a large medical building that was totally organized medicine aside from an acupuncurist who sublet space within the DME provider's space, and despite being denied by higher ups to fulfill a request from a specialist to have a program for patients with complex chronic fatigue and pain (in those days called 'fibromyalgia by the diagnosing physicians), a stream of people with complex chronic conditions and needs for what I was providing to patients made their way to my doorstep. This was exactly two years after I hung out my shingle, so to speak. In a town of 100,000 it maybe takes a little while for the patients that I was allowed or ordered to see had their time with me and then took the information to their providers and talked about me, or to their friends or whatever.  

Like little bees, PATIENTS have a VERY important part to play in the system of medicine and the way providers learn or patients learn of providers in the community.  Small towns it doesn't take two years.  Big cities it wouldn't happen maybe. So that is how we got around the blockade on my creating a program for these 'difficult' patients and advertising to get them to find their way to me. Totally inadvertent on my part, so the clinic management couldn't hold me accountable for it. And so it began ....

The building's psychologist, who had in 1999 written a chronic pain management manual and developed a very allopathic style pain program, was thrilled by the collaboration we had with the first patient of 2007, and asked to collaborate further and create an education group. In bringing in the area providers who those with complex conditions were being helped by -- naturopath, chiropractor, massage therapist, anti-aging certified MD, acupuncture and traditional Oriental medicine provider, psychiatric NP, psychologist, occupational therapist (that would be me), physical therapist, the vision for Lumigrate started to take shape. Just in time for a few of these providers to agree to come together and help launch a new clinic that the MD wanted to call an integrative medicine center.

Easier said than done to get old dogs truly thinking 'integration' and 'functional' medicine. They were perhaps doing 'biological medicine' and functional but the integrative medicine concept takes a LOT oftime and time = money. But it was a good attempt and provided a good foundation for me for a year or so and then I've gone on from there, as have the others. All have contributed in years back in the forums, to a lesser or greater extent, and some were able to put in the time to come before our cameras when we were set up to record, edit and create educational videos.  

These were ALL providers who had 'grown up in' conventional, organized medicine and headed towards medical programs in college thinking of being conventional providers, as I had done and then along the lines figured out that they were not wanting to be inside the lines of the conventional medicine 'box'. So we varied where we were on the continuum from allopathic thinking to the more  progressive (as in meaning progress outside the box).  The psychologist was not far outside the lines of convention but he had seen the benefits of collaborative care model in military medicine, and last I knew, which was 2011, he had begun the process personally and professionally of going futher outside that box.

He VERY MUCH understood the mind body connection in many regards and was an effective teacher to other providers and the patients. But he was not what would overall be considered 'progressive', and I could see that in a wonderful topic thread where he and a patient with chronic illness who was a social worker by training were in agreement about how t hey viewed getting over traumatic events.  I felt there was more, and found it through what is called 'forgiveness' expertise.  

So Lumigrate has content that comes in at a variety of points on the various 'palates' or however you want to envision these things. We talk about spectrum a lot but it's ultimately more 360 and I think an artist's palate is a better analogy as we can envision blending things from a couple or more blobs of thought. Our being steeped as we typically have been in how to think, how to learn has to be looked at and changed in order to embrace these complex concepts and navigate through the material. 

The model that used to work for me, the one where the psychologist and social worker were in belief and agreement about, no longer felt complete or correct to me. SAME AS I would imagine what Dr Klinghardt says might not feel correct to them or others, but it is where 'my head is at' currently. And it's a process to get to seeing how the 'symbiots' work, how the 'overlaps' occur, and even that someone might have difficulty learning material because of what's going on in their body that has impacted how their brain is functioning.  It's both a peeling of the onion to the core as well as a catch-22 in some cases. So I hope this preface has helped to set up what this topic is focused upon.

The Complex Palate of Information that is The NEW Modern Medicine

Integrating Body, Mind, Spirit

(keeping in mind 'brain' is within the body and influences 'mind') 


Internationally Known, German-American Deitrich Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D

From the Klinghardt Academy (dot com) website, I suggest people take the time to listen to the downloadable digital audio files that are on the "Listen to Klinghardt" tab.   I don't understand what's up with the dates listed for them, they run from recently to next spring when I saw them on one of my devices but then I didn't see that again.  Anyway, there are 10 of them.  Here's the link: .

This was recorded in 2006, and in another more recent podcast, I heard that he'd hired someone to 'inherit' this old website and make a new one. So if this link does not work at some point, I would imagine they'll have things at another location you can search on (and hopefully they will re-route people from the old so this link will work).

I also HIGHLY recommend listening to the audio file that has a focus about molds, which was an interview by the a Lyme disease coalition's leader. In that he says, basically -- people learned to look at Lyme as a contributor, now you're all aware about molds and wanting more information about that but I think few are aware of parasites and really we need to address that as well and perhaps first.  He explained the reasons for getting rid of the larger organisms living in a person (or other animal), because those larger organisms will also have the smaller organisms as part of them, so if you address, say Lyme but the parasites have Lyme on them and are hosting them, you'll alway have the Lyme still lurking on those hosts. Get rid of the hosts harboring the Lyme and THEN get to focusing on the Lyme.   

(I also found this PDF of notes from a conference in 2006, so he's talking about much the same thing but perhaps had more time, so there are more details... . In another of the podcasts at his website, Dr Klinghardt talked about an innovative PT named Ed Snap, in Mississippi, who was doing therapies that were along the lines of what we'd discussed after an Adverse Childhood Trauma (ACE) seminar in 2009 -- regressing to simulate what the nervous system would be experiencing before birth, etc. So his work is part of the .pdf, above, presented by another PT as apparently he had an accident and was in a wheelchair at the time of the conference.)

As I've found that it's helpful for YOUsers to have overviews and partial transcriptions along with the benchmark times, I wanted to provide the heavy metal toxicity interview for YOUsers in this topic. It is 1:37:19, and is Dr K's participating on the "Clinical Rounds" show.  The interviewer does a very good job and seems very experienced with the information they are discussing. 

A highlight for me was when Dr K says that he's irritated by providers who say they're doing integrative medicine, when they're not -- they're looking at biochemistry (and I'd add doing functional medicine, which is different than integrative medicine).  When I started Lumigrate, it was when I'd wanted to create a website about the seminars we were doing in the allopathic medical building where I contracted and provided the OT services to providers that had about 50,000 or more patients coming to them. It was a restrictive environment for me, and there was a plan for an integrative medicine center, so I grabbed the psychology services provider in my building and we met and were included (separately). I believed in integrative medicine -- some of the most helpful people to those with complex chronic illness were those who would not be allowed to have office space in such a building. And in our brining in guests from the outside to present to the public who came for educational seminars, it could have been something those in the building supported. Never once did anyone come unless they were presenting that week. So I felt it was time to move on. 

The name Lumigrate is a melding of the word 'integrate' with the Latin word for light. And that was the intention of the team, to truly do integrative care.  And that clinic is not doing that, and has never truly done it but was attempting the first year when the original group was there -- but one by one people left. So I agree with Dr Klinghardt, and enjoyed hearing him say this bothers him too. 

To give a little more history, they met to do the collaborative care conferences, which I was not included in as they'd late-in-the-game added a NP to do the patient navigation, bumping me from the patient care team. To navigate and market are very interrelated, so I was going to do both AND create Lumigrate where I'd put the educational information for the patients or anyone else to find and benefit from.  So what actually came to be was my doing the marketing to get the clinic off the ground so we could have video seminars from the center to at least get Lumigrate started, and the website being created with a handfull of the seminars that most related to complex chronic illness.

So aside from the name of that clinic being named when here were intentions of it being integrative and today it's misleading in using 'integrative' in the title, it's all a win/win --- everyone has gone on and have helped many people -- DIFFERENTLY than was our plan, but different kinds of people have been helped than what we'd planned.  The complex chronically ill, however, didn't get to have an integrative clinic the way that we'd hoped. So far, and maybe some day for the Western Colorado medical hub. Again, it was interesting to hear Dr Klinghard get kind of animated about the misuse of the integrative word. 

One of my favorite days at the clinic, though, was when the director of the regional medical center's "clinical rounds", where providers get CME credits (continuing medical education) called to say he finally had time to come to a seminar. I, however, was going to a meeting of outside the box providers who were learning about setting up a nonprofit. That, I helped with for a couple of years, and that organization also rapidly took a turn once different people got involved.

Such is the nature of life and organizations, apparently. At about 9 pm my phone rang and it was the doctor / administrator --- so excited about what he'd learned at the seminar and thanking me for persisting in reminding him about the seminars, for putting his name into the database so he'd get an email about them .....  And I did see their clinical rounds shift after that 'mind expanding' experience when he went outside of the box to attend a seminar that was the level that educated, intelligent consumers or providers would enjoy, but was mostly the public attending.  

Naturally, these are part of marketing and outreach, and that was my main involvement with the clinic was supporting that program, and then picking the most important ones to put onto my future website (which you now see as Lumigrate, since 2009).  

Dr Klinghard is introduced as nationally and internationally known regarding  

heavy metals, chronic infections, including candida 

psychological intervention and 

psycho-neuro immunology and applied psycho biology

pathogenic microbes and how they establish their territory in the terrain of the body

some of the most common infections and 

the more common toxins, including metals, and how to test and rid the body of them

Dr Klinghard's background includes graduating from medical school in Germany, then doing  three years research in autoimmune disorders and 

He is the developer of ART -- autonomic response testing -- (not to be confused with the ART that is Active Release Technique and learned by therapists and chiropractors to work on the tissues of the body).  

Today he practices is Bellview, Washington and spends a great deal of time in Europe. Teaches internationally at workshops about his methods. 

A specialty area is the influence on the family system on one's health. He says he integrates many experts' work that were before him, such as Burt Hellinger.  

Neuro therapy

Energy psychology

He is also a renowned teacher, and is asked to speak every year at the esteemed medical conference in Germany. 

First question: How did you discover the connection between heavy metal toxicity and pathogenic microbes?

He credits other teachers who published before him. Late 1950s, a connection between the more toxins in a body the more microbes grow was found (by someone he credits).  Please LISTEN to the interview, this overview and a few key points are here to get people seeing what's at the interview and to listen to it AND in some cases people cannot do that due to hearing problems or technology issues, so this way YOUsers with that kind of thing can get an overview.  

Autonomic Response Testing grew out of his work with the autonomic nervous system and responses, which was what he researched after completing medical school, re: autoimmune diseases. 

Gradually he was one of few voices about heavy metals and detoxification, and now is one among many. 

He had a successful chronic pain clinic in Santa Fe in the 1980s, and he used different nerve blocks with aggressive heavy metal detox, and he was putting DMPS right onto the nerves -- and it was a breakthrough, but it didn't help everyone. Then his attention went to chronic Lyme, viruses, and more breakthroughs he elaborates on.  

In 1989 there was a batch of people who got CRPS/RSD, and they had high titers of herpes viruses and sometimes 

In 1991 a dentist and osteopath, Chris Hoffer, introduced him to Lyme disease and he had a breakthrough in putting people on antibiotics if they had pain syndromes. 

Then he investigated the load of mercury and chronic candidiatis.   That was the en vogue trendy new diagnosis at that time.  There is a direct relationship. Mobilizing the mercury ... the same group 

He published a theory on this, the bioabsorptive capabiity of different microbes, and candida is very high with this. There must be a reason why people grow candida, he figured. So the multiple effects of mercury on the enzymatic 

When you bring mold into the environment, the       exchanges because of the mercury. 

That stirred up a lot of people in Europe when he published it. A major Swiss mold researcher ended up agreeing. Molds are a last biological attempt to save the organism. It created a lot of solutions. 

Look for mercury if you know someone has mold; If you know they have mercury, look for mold. 

The die-off effect is actually a storm of released mercury that is overwhelming the system, not the metabolic toxins from the yeast as most people think and say.  If someone is having this reaction and you give them, as he does, DMPS  with high doses of vitamin C and other things he mentions, the symptoms stop and these are things that are not going to have an impact on the biotoxins from candida die-off.  

Pathogenic microbes  

The interviewer then makes a statement 

It is relatively easy today to make a microbial diagnosis, but it's hard to make it about heavy metal toxicity. The intracellular toxicity is difficult to identify with labwork. is where he suggests people go to look at autoimmune diseases being from the heavy metal toxicity.  

Here's the link:

and it is secondary that 

Primary is ethyl mercury in the vaccines

that leads to the measles virus growing in the gut quite happily. 

This has become a clinic cornerstone in his practice --   You start with the infection, then look under for the toxins. And the body only holds onto toxins if there is a genetic defect, that is about 15% of the population, but when you have unresolved pscyhological issues, that will block a lot of the system and affect the detoxification of toxins.  Toxic metals get trapped in the system, and the pH changes, the collagen changes, permability changes, micronutrient environment changes 

Scratch the surface and you'll find toxins. Scratch deeper and you'll find psychology. 

AHA moment for him was 1984. His secretary had amalgam fillings removed, all done the wrong way. Her brain was dysfunctional.  Room to room memory was terrible. So he was desperate in trying to get her well. Monitored her urine, hair, feces ... nothing was coming out being provoked with the usual things.  Then she had some psychological things come to the forefront, so he used muscle testing as a feedback device when he

She then had a big release. The next day she couldn't think at all. It was as if someone had poisoned her. DMPS shot was given and then they found 3,000 micrograms of mercury was in the urine after they collected that.  He realized unresolved psychological issues trap things and keep them from being mobilitized. (Such as heavy metals / mercury.) 

So he then combined American techniques, such as EFT, and Scott Walker's technique, and conventional and simple counseling techniques such as TAT, EMDR, Jungian techniques, and he built his own program for how they could do this quickly in the office, in 10-15 minutes to resolve big issues. And it's an integral part of how he works witih patients. 

Basics of how it / ART works: Establish a dialogue with the subconscious and ask questions to get the timeframe, the circumstances, and then the patient has things bubble up, then he uses eye movement, tapping and use of he acupuncture points on the body.  The results are incredible, he says.  (I had something similar done by a D.C. certified in something, I'm not certain what exact form she'd studied and gotten certified in, but it was astounding what occurred in my experiences with it. UNFORTUNATELY, she moved to another community, as she was here working for a D.C. who owned the clinic, which has seemed to be a revolving door -- something to look for when you're finding your medical team if you're hoping to put together a long-term team to 'peel the onion that is YOU!') 

He refers to patients that come to him with chronic migraines, or chronic fatigue, or certain kinds of cancer -- who have tried the other providers for detoxification and they're just not making headway. He'll then "crack" the psychology, treat infections, then the metal toxins come out in huge ways. It sounds as though they can then return to their previous providers who simply have not yet learned and utilize this aspect of treatment. 

The Limbic System and Hypothalamic Axis

How it all comes together

The interviewer has looked into PTSD and classic fibromyalgia and changes in the way we perceive our sensory input and pain ... 

The main piece that is needed to understand is the autonomic nervous system -- Most people know that the ANS  makes the blood vessels expand or contract is what most people know.  But what most do not know is that there is a fiber near every cell in the body that regulates the voltage 

Secondly, the fibroblasts that regulates the space between                        is called the matrix.  It's a molecular sieve and it's where most of the mercury is stored.  It's the most important barrier in the body. There's a thick layer                            and the fibroblasts have the job of cleaning this up.                          All the cells of the immune system have synaptic openings from the cell wall                           So the autonomic nervous system controls the immune system. 

When you have an unresolved psychological issue, that is in the limbic system              

these travel over the limbic hypothalamic axis  

your heart beat, enzymes 

He remarks how we all talk about phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification process, but nobody ever mentions that 

The enzymes    

So you have an unresolved conflict. You have un

you get abnormal impulses moving down the spinal cord

all of this changes your biochemistry, your pH of the tissues 

And this is then the beginning of chronic illlness. The adrenals are most affected due to the high autonomic innervation.  

Everyone looks at the biochemistry but nobody looks at the nerves that go there. 

It is very organ specific and can be verified in Western articles. Say you had trauma as a child like people did in Germany and it's fear based, that will affect adrenals and kidneys. Anger conflict will affect the liver.  Each conflict or emotion will be specific to an organ or place in the body and sometimes in specific areas of an organ.

Another Exampel: Nurturing conflict with a mom, say she was not nurturing, didn't breast feed -- that affects the small inteste, and the person will have absorption problems later in life.  Worms and parasites and ......   It's from being not breast fed and isn't from lack of nutrients. 

The wonderful thing is you can go back in time and shift the issue and it will open up this connection and after the flow will be 

So, much chronic illness comes to these unresolved conflicts, and it's much like PTSD, and everyone's obsessed with the biochemical standpoint and using adaptogenic herbs, but practitioners never really help the patient get the resolution to these underlying psychological stressors. 

Dr K says that since conventional psychotherapy was not very helpful, then people are dismissing this whole area.  80 years of conventional therapies that did very little, and now the last few years of energy psychology have really changed this. But  people have not distinguished the new from the old, relatively ineffective so it's slow to be embraced. 

Energy medicine and resonance is something that the ultimate scientists would say is right on, the quantum physics type, but many will say it's crazy because it's not able to be tested and identified, etc. 

America is land of biochemistry. Germany and Russia are the countries of physics. Eastern are religious. So integrating these is great. This is where he says people doing biochemistry medicine and calling it integrative medicine irritates him, as I have written, above. 

There's a field of very solid people that have developed a lot of research they've reported to support this.

infra red devices with lasers, frequency specific microcurrent, are used and it is very effective. 

People are falsely presumed they are done with treating toxins when they have completed a biochemistry based detoxification program, and if for a short time they do the energy psychology, then they can go back to the other for further improvements and maintenance. 

Reductionist biochemical paradigm is brought up by the interviewer. 

Americans are over-educated in biochemistry and under-educated in physics. Germans are over-educated in physics and under in biochemistry. He suggests: Read a variety of papers.  

U of Penn researcher paper cited about homeopathy and energetics of water molecules and how it is plausible for how homeopathy works. So we're seeing some of these things coming out of major academic institutions. 

People have 30,000 genes. Each gene controls the manufacturing of an enzyme. Each enzyme has many things that can change -- the speed, the quality -- the shapes are changed by the physics, the microcurrents in the system, the physics is what regulates them, not the biochemistry. 

Neural therapy that he teaches, they do injections of procaine into the  hypothalamic  ganglion 

So branch out and learn some about psychology, homeopathy, and hopefully some of his techniques.  (Naturally, I liked this because that is exactly what I present in the forums at Lumigrate for our YOUsers). 

An axiom is something that cannot be proven or not proven. For each unresolved trauma that you have, there is an equal amount of toxins stored in a body area. For the toxins stored in a body, there is a              that the body cannot 

So there is a relationship 

This is dramatically helpful because you look at infections, toxins, and psychology. 

With muscle testing and labwork you can find most of the first two. With psychology you cannot interview and find that out and the family system therapy he uses      

You do tests for the 


Screening tests for toxic metals and maybe environmental toxins

The higher the numbers you get, you know to look for the psychological load. 

No more metals will come out 

Tend to the psychological burdens and bring that down, then the metal will come down again (after being eliminated). 

You cannot work on just two of the glasses and not the third -- it will not work. 

Some of the most famous providers doing detox are in his city of Seattle so people come to him when they are not progressing, they are referred to him and he cracks the case and then they can go back and do more detoxing

He has people write a trauma thesis.  "I understand what trauma is and this is what happened" -- from conception to now. He quickly can see how dense or little that is.  (He uses examples like parents divorce, getting beat up at school as trauma -- I want to point that out because often people think trauma is just things like a horrific rape, war scenario, accidental injury, etc.)

He went full circle on toxins, he used to do more urine and stool challenge tests when he started back in 1982 doing this work.  Mobilizing the mercury and metals using vitamin C, DMSA, DMPS.  After that they moved to using blood tests, looking inside the the blood cells. He's come back to hair analysis.  

Once you enter an effective program using psychology and biological toxins then things will show in the hair analysis as you collect the date over time. 

Except in autistic children and people who block detox enzymes, you have to treat the methylation enzyme and so it's more difficult with them. 

Hair analysis will give you the body burden if you look at how the good minerals get straightened out as one detoxes the mercury or other toxic metals. 

He uses ART for body burden, and it's found to be accurate to find the body burden and in the brain. There is not another test in the world, there are some functional MRIsin development, and the provoked urine test is only what's in the vessels and the proximal adjacent tissues, but it doesn't get into the brain so you don't find what's there. 

New tests in Europe are being used. 

DMSA should be used, that's really the only one that is safe to be used he says. 500 mg one time dose on an adult is what he uses. (the interviewer was relating something about 20 / amount of body weight ... ) He uses DMPS but injects it into the autonomic ganglia and gets things from more deep to find where the mercury stores have. He mentions other gangia that he injects, and he says how he cannot teach that remotely, but wanted people to know there are ways to get deeper. 

Do the DMSA and the urine challenge and a hair test over time and you can get a lot of information from that. 

Balance the biochemistry, treat the microbes first. 

New, more expensive tests are discussed.  (50 minutes in, give and take one minute).

Last thing to address: Cornerstones of metal detox program. 

Nutritional and biomedical intervention. 

Metals bind in the body in places that are meant for other minerals. Mercury will go where zinc, magnesium or copper should go, so they need high mineral nutrition. A large overdose of minerals of absorbable minerals need to be offered #1.  

#2, when metals are shuttled, you've saturate the tissue with the metals and they compete with the mercury for the same place so now you have mercury floating around. So binding it to amino acids, found in protein, is needed. So people need high protein for this phase of time when they're actively detoxing.  

Sulfur-containing amino acids are needed for the detoxification pathways the interviewer states. 

Whey products -- Designs for Health have the best whey products Dr K knows of (which is the interviewer's products). 

Offering good oils Omega 6s, 3s, coconut oil, ghee, olive oil.  So these three things very important as a base with nutrition. 

Binding things in the gut to get things out of the body when the mercury is needing to get out of the body.  Animal studies were clear, in rats, it was true that NAC worked to detox. Some clinical theoreticians have thought NAC is not to be used. Dr K said clinically it's to be used carefully with other agents in his clinical experience. 

Glutathione and Dr Perlmutter had seen improvement in Parkinsons that Dr K did not see clinically. It's a large molecule and does not cross the blood-brain barrier, and it doesn't get through the gut. And the argument is that it's in the gut and good in the gut but it has not done much. People feel it's safe, very few people see iprovements with it, unless injected up the nose.  It does detox, it's valuable but it takes a lot of injections to make progress with it. DMPS is more effective if you use it responsibly. 

When someone has chronic Lyme disease, it's imperative to look at heavy metals. If you see someone with heavy metals, you have to look for Lyme disease.  

Using ART versus using laboratory testing. Dr K suggests the accuracy goes up if you treat for a short time and then test you'll get  ... the antibodies you are looking for are blocked by the Lyme disease. So he uses antimicrobial herbs, which work just as well as patented medicines. He discusses the 'slew of herbs' that have been effective for spirochetes, and how you give those for six weeks and then you test and have higher accuracy finding Lyme in the labwork. 

Finding the underlying viruses. All of the symptomatic Lyme patients they've tested for have borna viruses -- it's HUGE in Europe now, they're finding everyone's positive for it and it's causing a lot of the neurologic symptoms that are seen. The viral part you can never get well without treating the metals.  So it is a while before we get it all right. 

Worshops to get more training. is his website for the workshops. 

(When I went to that address it shifted me to Klinghardt Academy website's portion about workshops, so since you have the link for that above, I thought I'd bring this link about neural therapy at Practical Pain dot com here for YOUsers:

Questions and answer: Starts at 1:03:00ish

First caller had an axe to grind and mistook what Dr Klinghard had said about NAC and glutathione as chelating agents re: getting rid of mercury. She cites research done on methyl mercury testing on mice. He gently responds, righting her inaccuracy in what he'd earlier said on the call, and says that his long career has shown him that there can be problems with NAC dragging metals from one body part to another, and especially in children. The blood brain barrier does not form until 18 months of age, which most people don't know.  He said NAC is not effective, it's disappointing copared to other things available, but overall the decrease in body burden of the metal is very slow. And the redistribution problem is seen in research. It can be problematic in a lot of people.

She then asks -- What about piggypacking it with the other nutrients because you need to prevent reabsorption, excrete it, not just chelate it, was her second question.  Cover the bases, the enzymes, fatty acids, amino acids, mineral content as he said before, was his answer, then spiking that agent is a totally different ballpark. Be on the cautious side with NAC, is all he was saying. "You weren't around 20 years ago when there was a slew of children with seizure disorder" he goes on to say, and related about their developing Parkinsons-like symptoms, and so 'we're at a new level now', creating a biochemical foundation.

Taurine is discussed as she asks. There is a diminishing of the seizure occurrence, but when you bring in the true detoxing agents, it solves the problems. The most important thing is the proper nutritional basis to the system, then treatment goes very smoothly.

Studies looking only at one thing and not the whole picture, that is why looking to clinicians with a lot of experience is important. He doesn't talk to people unless they've done 15 years in this work. ACAM doctors might be doing one year of experience and making a lot of money with what they're doing. ..

They remind people to only ask one question at this point.

Jamie Garglieri asks about Lyme disease. She was diagnosed by Igenix and her western blot came up positive too. Iron deficient also. She read Lyme doesn't need iron, so it shouldn't be a problem to supplement the iron. .. BUT someone she knows heard Dr K say otherwise, so she wants clarification. 

Lyme eats magnesium.   And

"So we have to suspect you also have babesia" ... unless you've been treated aggressively.

Take 1,500 mg of  (something) -- take for 3-4 days, wait 2 weeks, then do it again. (Please listen to the recording for details).

You need to cover for the heavy metals that will be released from the cell wall, he reminds. DMPS shot, or all the things to bind heavy metals. He uses chlorella, cilantro (but he later says that you need to put it in hot water first, above 80 degrees).

Next Question:  Designs for Health is thanked for this interview, and it is two chiropractors asking this question and thanking. What about heavy metals detox without doing the injections, as chiros cannot do injections. Answer: So use the energy psychology techniques and you can mobilize most metals with frequency specific microcurrent, which will release the mercury, cadmium, lead at those frequencies.  So that's better than using the DMPS.  DMSA by Thorne is quite effective, he said.  It's more work for you, and you have to be better with your diagnosing and testing. 

Anisa called from Petaluma and asked about imprinting of trauma in trans generational ways. He related the things that his dad, his dad, and his dad saw in Germany (in other words, father, GFather and Great Grand Father).   

The "family constellation work" he uses to track trauma and make it very visible to see how this ancestral trauma is affecting the genetics. After addressing things with therapy even the genetics change upon retesting.  

hellingerusa has the workshops in the country -- he states he is not at that website, though. His Neuraltherapy dot com has his articles about it. 

Woman from Connecticut asking about copper poisoning.  Answer: Many people believe when they see copper mobilized in the urine that they're copper toxic. Or in their hair analysis.  All the hydro-affinitive things will mobilize the copper and it's often misdiagnosed as copper toxicity.  Also, the WBCs use copper-containing properties to kill the microbes. 4 out of 5 times, a diagnosis of copper toxicity is false.  It is the byproduct of Lyme disease or       In one in 5 cases it is true copper toxicity.  

Bipolar disorder - is a chronic borno virus unless proven otherwise, and the borno virus 

To treat: High dose of fish oil and amantadine for six months or so in conjunction with EPA from the fish oil. The test is not in the US so far, that is valid at least (this was in 2006, though, remember). There is 100% correlation of the borno virus with psychiatric illness in Europe. 

Marv Anderson asks about when you're not able to open the detoxification pathways so Dr K goes over the 

7 reasons why you'd have detoxification issues.

EMFs -- electrosmog becoming a huge issue. (Recently someone pointed out EMFs from car engines, and I'd never heard of that one but it makes sense and explained something that occurred with me in 1999-2000 perhaps). 

microbes -- mold, Lyme most commonly

Food allergies -

neurogenic foci -- infections (tooth or other places in the body)

Psychological issues and the limbic system / authonomic nervous system as he has described, above

occlusion of other things, such as the cranial sacral system. 

.. and he forgot what the other one was... (methylation pathways, MTHFR gene mutation perhaps?

Aggressive heavy metals detox program and it usually will solve it


Annapolis, Maryland call       - biochemistry of hydration was her question and wanted to hear more of and he didn't realize she wanted him to elaborate. 


Cilantro was asked about and NDF which is micronized chlorella. Two good studies on cilantro on mice, out of U of Tokyo. Aluminum, lead, mercury in long bones and brain ....   Lots of good evidence that cilantro is safe and works. Toxic compound in it that gets neutralized at 80 degrees celcius, so put it in hot water, same with parsley.  A tincture he sells is from it, once at night is when you are to take it as most of your detox systems switch on then.  No complications in 18 years using it.  NDF is something he knows how it's produced, and it's cilantro and chlorella together. And mining workers were studied, it was fast at worked, 10 drops twice a day was discussed and he said that it was expensive though.  He wouldn't give cilantro or NDF on it's own but do that nutrition base and then spike it with these things. 

John Killey from Chicago called in asking about DMPS and DMSA as opposed to EDTA.  EDTA was once marketed to get calcium plugs chelated, and then ....    it rips off calcium off of the vein wall, so it can have a bolus effect, it's good for lead and some other things .. He says a lot in this spot -- please tune in and listen if it's of interest to you. 

DMPS is safe if you use it once a week, there was one child that died from it so he does not suggest it for children. Rectal suppositories work quite well. The oral form, less than 5% of EDTA are absorbed, but oral powder is out now with one brand mixed with phospholipids that is a good combination.  There's good clinical improvements in those that use a lot of EDTA.  He wonders if it's other effects that help see the effects.  Naturopaths and others that use it, it's more gentle compared to the more bulldozer types (the others are DMPS and DMSA). 

Next call asks a general question he then answers with this --  Metals attach in the body in the way it loses it's electrons, so mercury can lose one or two. It is bound because it misses it's electron. So by popping electricity to the area, they thought in the past that would make the electrons get back to the metal and the enzyme systems or macrophages could remove it from the area. This has been experimented on for 100 years. Remember in medical journals you only get things published that have to do with biochemistry which has to do with the pharmaceutical industry not wanting to have electronic devices marketed, and they're who is in control of the medical industry publications. 

Hypothalamus, liver, kidneys, you get 

amino detox or something has to be on board to shuttle things out of the body. 

Next caller is Amy Dean from Ann Arbor Michigan. She asks about psychological trauma, for fear and anger he talked about in the interview.

The borna virus, if a person gets severe anger or depression, we see this in Lyme. They are the most feared patients in my office because they can be so difficult, but give them six weeks of an herbal antimicrobial and they turn into angels, he said.

The psychological conflicts are more expressed in how they run their lives and businesses. So he tries to differentiate these things. Most of the emotions that come to us in interactions is from the biochemistry. There is the shading of how to behave that comes from conditioning and trauma. 

I found this resource about the borna virus in a powerpoint at this link: (it's a PDF)

And that concluded the Q&A and he is thanked and the majority of people were showing being on the whole time, they went over time and he is thanked for that.  And they tell people about the upcoming guest for the show, which sounded like a most interesting lineup.  




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 11 weeks ago.
Mercola on The Gut, Damage, Why. Vaccine Safety. Interplay

Whenever I see a blog or web site that has a topic that really grabs me, I look at the references cited and often find thing that are good additions to topics I've created for YOUsers at Lumigrate.  Today the Internet has an overwhelming amount of sites providing information to those seeking -- often by using what is affectionately called "Dr. Google".  

But it's difficult for most people who are new to doing health research online to determine the QUALITY of the  information. What gets high up in the results a person gets is different for different computers due to the high tech ways of search engines today, but generally they're the sites that pay the most in one way or another to get recognized by the search engine and placed in what order the search engine places it.  And then it has to do with how many visits sites have on certain keywords and a whole bunch of complex stuff.  

And then, unfortunately and almost unbelievably to some when early on in the process of going from following organized medicine's advise to learning to put in the 'seat time' and learn from whatever resources they have and are able to use, such as the Internet, there are a lot of 'factions' involved, and for whatever reasons and motivations, they're not with your best interests in mind. Often, they have the biggest pockets of money to spend on getting their message into your head, and increasingly in recent times they are desperately working to keep their unwellness-creating products in front of the masses of consumers who they hope will continue to spend their money on their products, services, experts and not on the brands and providers and things that will actually benefit health.

I used to think it was capitalism and marketing tactics and oversight problems that lead to the massive health issues I and billions of others have life-long or beginning whenever and leading to today.  People all around the world/Earth have so many of the same problems, particularly in the Western world -- it mattered not if it was me in the US, or someone in Canada, England, Australia with the same basic issues and appealing to our conventional medicine, organized medicine systems, we had the SAME problems with our health systems.  This, I realized finally is not about if we're insurance-based or nationalized, it's about who is behind / above both and all systems around the world.

But this is not something they teach us in school. Nor in internships. Nor in the mainstream media. There are even tricky things built in since way back to the early part of my life almost 50 years ago when the Kennedy assissination had a lot of people with raised eyebrows that planted seeds to have the word 'conspiracy' become something to hurl at people with raised eyebrows who were pointout out that conspiring is going on and very much a factor in business even at a small, local level and on all the way up to the secretive, 'hidden hand' that I just call the monkeys and their monkey business.  Please look at our search bar for information on Agenda 21 and there you will find a very simple thread that takes you to two places to get started learnign about what is ultimately at the core of the health problems of the world's people, ecosystem, and finances. 

I had to conclude after further study and years living and gaining experience what made my health and the world overall dysfunctional was not oversight and a bad combination of factors that were inadvertent.  Does it matter how deliberate or inadvertent when it comes down to what I need to do about it every single day?  Not really.  But for those of us who are motivated by stubbornness might get a little boost from saying "I'm not going to let them get away with this".  So the most popular movie, television show, book, magazine, Internet website, or social media site we use to share information with others today might be something funded by monkeys so that it is "popular".  Some people enjoy the time consuming work of following the money and in general people really need to just understand the general concept of what that means and always always look for 'who is funding this' and follow the money.  

'The Monkeys' and their 'monkeybusiness' are clever and it's sometimes very difficult to figure out but at least make an attempt and listen to your gut.  I've done that in recent years and actually held off for a long time putting information about Lyme onto Lumigrate becasue I knew there was some level of monkeybusiness going on.  Another example was the HBO film I have reported on in the forums about brain injury and Olympic snowboarded Kevin Pearse's dramatic injury and recovery caught on camera.  I kept thinking 'why were they following him around with cameras before and during, I can see why after...'.  I then thought something was a bit premeditated looking in the part just before his injury when he and his buddies divert from skiing on a bad pipe in Colorado to go to Utah.  "Sorry, Colorado" one said.  Get to the end of the film and look for the 'follow the money'.. guess who paid for the film to be created? Industries that have to do with Utah. 

Even ordinary older medical consumers who only use conventional, organized medicine are increasingly aware of the hidden referral networks in my home town the last decade, Grand Junction, Colorado; as laws changed to make it so doctors didn't profit from where they referred patients the businesses just got more clever. Hence I call it 'organized medicine' as do many others today. Keep these things in the forefront of your mind when you learn. 

Point being, the links (or books, articles, etc.) any unsuspecting Searcher might get in front of them when searching on particular words is going to be a mix of gems and duds, and everything in between. Turning to your television gadget to look for documentaries about foods might not be the best place to have what is the best information available that's 'independent'; 'the system' is invested in many places in order to get to the consumers and as I've said before here, are very clever and difficult to discern what's monkeybusiness information and what is truly good, sound, unbiased information from sources that 'don't have motivation to be booby trapping you'.  

I'm working to collect the gems and present them here for YOUsers, so you can just come and take the links after Searching Lumigrate's search bar and increase the efficiency of your time for doing QUALITY, thorough research with the time and energy you have.  

Since damaged brains, with 'learning disabilities', 'fog', medical impairment that people might not even realize has affected their comprehension are the RESULT of these myriad of factors that Lumigrate focuse upon teaching about and how to reverse, I have increasingly presented with short paragraphs and easier wording, which takes a lot of words sometimes but they are easy topics to read.

I often also put in case information, often from my own case and long history, to give a "story" about how the information in the topic might relate to you or someone you'll think of and help you to 'get into it'.  This hopefully encourages people to be able to see how to look at their own case or cases they/YOU are studying for in mind.  Bolding is another thing I do to help with the mental fatigue factor, or people who are skimming and picking out information in a hurry. 

A gem I found today is this article from Mercola which covers a lot of information about vaccines (so it's been added into that topic thread at Lumigrate too) and about the gut health of children related to vaccines and how that is appearing to be a very key factor in who can tolerate a vaccine without outward signs of injury and not.

The GAPS condition is a key in the article (whose experts essentially created a 'syndrome' about the gut and psychology / brain connection with a "nutritional program" (aka "diet", except consumers are so twisted up about what the word 'diet' means we often have to make up other words, same as 'exercise' -- diet is what you consume by mouth (or feeding tube, NG tube) and exercise is moving the body, don't villify these words....) .

Then cookbooks came from others,  which Dr Mercola refers people to as well in the article. My suggestion is to put this topic at Lumigrate on your plate and work on it as much as you have time/ energy for, not in one sitting. Think of this kind of work as you're taking a class about YOU and your health, it's something VERY important and carving out time because you make it a high priority to help you self or your loved one.  Get out of the 'sound bite' and 'things are going to be something I can read in 2 minutes.  You'll never figure it out that way! That was part of the System's 'game' they got over on us.  

Do what you need to do to get through all the links I suggest -- if you go to a link and it grabs you, go in and learn, if it doesn't grab you then don't, but at least look into all of the corners, so to speak.

And then when it comes to the key components, such as GAPS, go to the creator's website. Go to the website of the authors of the other cookbook mentioned -- these websites all give many free, online resources in hopes of showing you what you'll get if you purchase the book so they can make money from their work (beyond speakers fee, consulting fee, products they sell related to their work, etc.). Again, only staying and putting time in if what's there 'grabs you'.  But look in all the corners. 

Dr Mercola underscores the INDIVIDUALIZATION of each person based on their gut health and how this interplays with safety with dealing with the components of vaccines if and when administered. This fits hand in hand with Lumigrate's foundation, and naturally our cornerstone is the YOU! Model where YOU pick who your advisors are, who your providers are.  Virtually and in the live world, some of which increasingly work remotely with clients via email, phone, Skype and etc. 

YOU have chosen Lumigrate as one, and I want to have a lot of threads that make people aware of Dr Mercola's website because he really has the bar set high and is so highly regarded for helping take many conventionals through the line / barrier to being 'outside the box'. And for those of us who've been on the outside for a while he continues to provide some of the best content on the Internet. 

Here's the link:

Here's a short excerpt from what's at the link to encourage YOUsers to take the trip on the link and go see the sites, as I say. He's just set up the foundation about gut bacteria and goes on with:

Indeed, this is precisely what Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride surmised when she created the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Nutritional Program, which is designed to restore the integrity of your gut lining.

According to Dr. Campbell-McBride, most problems in the brain are usually connected to what's going on in your digestive system. She may also have been among the first to discover that there's a very important connection between damaged gut flora in pregnant women and developmental problems in their children, especially autism.

I believe the GAPS Nutritional program is vitally important for most, as the majority of people have such poor gut health due to poor diet and toxic exposures, but it's particularly crucial for pregnant women and young children.

According to Dr. Campbell-McBride, in children with GAPS the toxicity flowing from their gut throughout their bodies and into their brains continually challenges their nervous system, preventing it from performing its normal functions and process sensory information.

GAPS may manifest in a wide range of symptoms, fitting the diagnosis of either autism, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD) without hyperactivity, dyslexia, dyspraxia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, just to name a few possibilities.

Autistic Children Have Fewer Healthy Bacteria, and Higher Levels of Toxins

In one recent experiment conducted by researchers at Arizona State University, feces from autistic and healthy children were compared to assess the composition of their microflora. Not surprisingly, the levels of bacterial colonies differed significantly between the two groups.

Another study, published last year in the journal PLOS One, also found that autistic children have distinctly different microbiome compared to healthy children. Notably, they had fewer healthy bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium.Autistic children also had markedly higher levels of toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

The authors suggest that implementing a regimen of pre- and probiotics could be a useful treatment tool to restore microbial balance. They also noted that certain microbial indices may be signatures for autism.


Again, take the link to go see what comes before and after with this excellent and not too lengthy article. There's a graphic near t he end that has four squares within a blue box.  If any mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, friends of people with children who are having behavioral or learning or growing or any kind of issues -- neighbors, coworkers, etc -- know of someone who is aware that there's much to study and do differently to help their loved on (and this does not JUST apply to children, this extends through the generations to our elderly), I think this is an excellent place to start, with what is shown in that one graphic at this article.  

I'm going to do my part to help community.  I hope YOU will as well (and naturally, take a good look at YOU too!)  Talk to the teachers, to neighbors, to those you encounter. Not everyone has the ambition nor do we need every person starting a website, a blog, or a Facebook group, but we do need everyone to make it a priority to keep the ripple effect going as it is becoming a significant wave, soon to reach 'tidal' or 'tsunami' proportions! 

I close by giving you the outstanding topic written by a mother at her website which summarized all she'd learned in 2014 -- or all THEY, the family and system she's in had learned together. At the About at her website she says she's the mother of a child diagnosed with a neuro-behavioral 'learning disability' (does it really matter which one?  the underlying CAUSES are the same, it's the individual's combination of those causes (and the quantities of exposures, so lots of factors combining) overlayed with genes ... just as our Load Theory topic has long-professed at Lumigrate, similar to the Full Barrel Syndrome model Lumigrate launched with in 2009. See below for the models I am referring to in this piece.)  

I took the time to come back for several sittings and look through the resources she provides and when I thought they were 'GRATE' and would add to what YOUsers find at Lumigrate, I'm taking the time to add them onto the topics here. YES, time consuming for me, time consuming for YOU to do this type of 'due diligence' and research.

But when you see a parent write that after only 23 days on a protocol that's intended to address the cyanobacteria that is included in what Elle presents (as you'll see when you take the link) say "Parenting is suddenly so easy!", maybe that will remind us how this is an investment that pays off with the work we put into it.

Joining research-oriented groups on Facebook as opposed to 'support groups has lead many people to see from examples of peers what is entailed and then they get inspired.

Some are great researchers and add to the fund of knowledge in key ways, others add more that's supportive and before you know it, that 'wave' is getting to be a TIDE. They titled this Red Tides Inside (cyanobacteria reference) . THANK YOU anonymous writing mom, presumably to help protect the privacy of your minor child, thank you FB friend who had placed the link to this topic on a conversation thread, thanks to ALL in this process. We are in this together and it takes all of us who are aware, then awake then educated to help wake up the others, and help them more readily become educated so it can be easier in our footsteps. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy

BELOW, The Lumigrate YOU! Model, The Lumigrate "Full Barrel Syndrome" Model and The Lumigrate Elevator "Load Theory" Model. 


                                               Link to the Load Theory topic at Lumigrate:

I sometimes am particularly inspired by people I encounter and dedicate pieces on Lumigrate and the 'day of work' to them. I wish to dedicate this to the brave one(s) of 2012 and 2013 who I chose to call on a regular basis as I was processing the information I found 'down the rabbit hole' about 'the system' and what's really going on in the world, and has been going on in the world and beyond which I was relatively late to the table and aware, awake and ready to actually LEARN about.  In being able to verbalize it to those resistant to breaking free of the security -- false security, mind you -- of what has been presented to us and taught to us in a myriad of ways as what reality is, I was able to get through it and be here WITH Lumigrate still as a growing and effective platform to help others learn.  

"You don't know what you don't know." "You cannot know what you have not yet learned" is another way it is said. I hope that my having made it back out of the hole, intact enough, and back moving forwards now in 2015, ever onwards and upwards, is something others will look at and find comforting if they're still in the hole.  Having now shored up the foundation that was not previously strong enough under me in all areas, because I had not dug deep enough into that 'rabbit hole area'. Someone had tried to take me down it in the late 1990s but they had also gotten conned by people in their circle on financial schemes over and over again.  So I went on, thinking I was skimming the surface about what was going on in the medical and health arena enough to know what the truth was.  But you can't do that, you have to go down the hole.  

So if you are reading this being one who I am referring to with the phone calls from me or one who is reading this dedication in order to better understand what Lumigrate and I are all about, I hope it is of value. For those I'm referring to, I've seen you all take your bites and digest and the movement, you and all of us, is going in the right direction. Very  good to have the company on the path.

~~ Gratefully ~ Mardy of Lumigrate: Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being has been our motto since day 1, and it's never meant more to me than it does now!


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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