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chronic fatigue
Since Morgellon's Disease is known for the skin lesions, and is different from the other overlapping conditions that are more 'invisible' (Lyme, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, lupus, etc.), the topic thread I initially created in 2013 and added onto it today in 2014 is in the aesthetics forum, but I wanted to create a topic here in this forum to route people to it if they 'put in here'. To clarify, the overlapping conditions have many of the same underlying reasons and have many of the same symptoms as well as some differences. read more »
The Why of Your Pain - A Presentation by Certified Trigger Point Therapist Frank Gresham
- 8954 reads
Whether YOU are a person who has gone from a functional 'wellness' state to a functional 'illness' state and it's lasting long enought to be 'chronic', or you know of someone who has, today's "Reflections on "How to Be Sick" at Psychology Today (dot com) is something I highly recommend your reading. Toni Bernhard authored one of the best books out there about chronic illness and writes about her experience recently when the book was finally being made into an audio book. read more »
Do you remember the great day and the great words "take down this wall"? Do you remember the images of that wall coming down? It appears to me that 'the wall' about dental amalgam fillings made of mercury and other metals is being taken down, hopefully with the same positive outcomes as when communism's symbolic and physical wall in Europe came down! Remember, things get worse for a while before they get better, even when most people are happy about the change. read more »
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I was pleased to see on Facebook today that Toni Berhard's "5 Tough Choices You Face When Chronically Ill or in Pain" has already become on of Psychology Today's top-read topics after being posted on Monday of this week. I am not surprised; Toni is an award-winning author, has a fascinating background in terms of having been an accomplished legal professional, and then ended up with a new 'occupation' of writing about having chronic illness, and as her book's title indicated "turning straw into gold". read more »
This is an excellent article that I want to encourage people to go to and read in it's entirely, particularly if you're looking for information about pain or any of the senses being hypersensitive -- touch, sound, smell/olfaction, light. This is very well written, reporting on the current thinking from allopathic medicine on the subject. read more »
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Hello my dawlinks! It's your Yenta. My apologies for taking so long to write; three khevre (friends) have been struck with cancer and it's wounded me to the neshome (soul). One very young lady is now in remission, I'm glad to report but weakened from her treatment of poisons. read more »
- 5513 reads
Emily passed/died in March of 2012 and this was circulating with the request on FB to Share. So I posted it here. I hope MANY read it and do more than weep, as she has requested. ~~ Mardy
Emily mother’s Jane has asked for these last words from Emily to be reposted. They were written over many weeks – while her daughter still had the strength in her body to do so. read more »