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Gulf War Syndrome
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I am beginning this topic with what Dr. read more »
- 7933 reads
"Researchers say they have found physical proof that Gulf War illness is caused by damage to the brain — and that proof may ultimately help civilians who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia" the byline says, as you will see below, to this most interesting new finding out in the mainstream media recently. read more »
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9/11, Gulf War Syndrome, Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue/MCS/PTSD; Commonalities and Commiseration Respectfully
It struck me, when watching a show on CNN about the women of 9/11 over Labor Day weekend, as the 10th anniversary of "9/11" approaches, the similarities between the stories they were showing of people who had been responders at the site and "well / healthy" at the time, who now have chronic illness, and the people I 'serve' through Lumigrate -- our YOUsers. My work as an occupational therapist for over a decade of hands-on experience, my years of being involved in communities and circles of people I know personally, and most recently the inter read more »
- 29532 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
"Veterans" of All Kinds
Today is Veterans' Day in the United States, and I am proud to say I have an appreciation of our military's veterans, perhaps from day one. My father served in World War II back when the Air Force was called the "Army Air Corps". I grew up always feeling cold, as my father did, and shuddered at the story of how cold north Africa was and likely felt more so to him because he was not given the thyroid medication he had needed from the time he was a teen. read more »
- 1558 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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