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The F word, as I jokingly have called it since the 'dawn of time at Lumigrate', because of the suspicious lack of daytime television shows who cater to female audiences not covering it at all like there was some kind of rule against saying the word on television, was the topic for half of an hour-long episode of the well-known television show, The Dr. Oz Show, airing yesterday, Tuesday, July 23, 2013. The title of the program was/is “The Disease Doctors Miss Most: Fibromyalgia”. read more »
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I was pleased to see on Facebook today that Toni Berhard's "5 Tough Choices You Face When Chronically Ill or in Pain" has already become on of Psychology Today's top-read topics after being posted on Monday of this week. I am not surprised; Toni is an award-winning author, has a fascinating background in terms of having been an accomplished legal professional, and then ended up with a new 'occupation' of writing about having chronic illness, and as her book's title indicated "turning straw into gold". read more »
"Feed me now or I'll kill you!" got a round of laughter from the crowd listening to Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, or 'Dr. T'. It certainly hit home for me. He broke things down in a very entertaining way, to the "SHINE Protocol" -- sleep, hormones, infections, nutrition, exercise.
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Tired All the Time: Ever Heard of Adrenal Fatigue? read more »
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Hello my dawlinks! It's your Yenta. So who were you expecting? My wonderful Mardy is schlepping around Colorado with the Peace Fleece as though it's some sort of new shmate (clothing) that she had gotten such a deal on. It's all right, she makes me smile; it's gut (good).
I like being appreciated, who wouldn't? read more »
- 1921 reads
Embrace The Rainbow…Live with Intention. By my colleague Ms. Webster
(Mardy's note -- This piece embraces the aspects of integrative medicine so it appears in all the forums related to body, mind, spirit approach to FMS/CFS it discusses.)
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YouTube videos which I feel are from valid sources, providing a progressive way of looking at things, I'm trying to 'streamline' things for you put putting them all here in one place on Lumigrate where MANY can see them and refer others to ... read more »
Mardy's note: I copied this in the summer of 2010 from it's original place in the Fibro Awareness forum here at Lumigrate so that it is ALSO located here to be caught here as well. In two months it had gotten almost 2,000 reads, and by year's end it had just over 3,000 in that original location, as well as the hundreds it had here. That's really VERY rewarding and inspiring, and tells us what you like to have on! And from there, we develop in the present and that turns into the future, which you are then a part of forming. read more »
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