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Iodine Depletion per Dr. Andrew Jones. Information, Education, Products and Prevention
About Us
Andrew Jones, M.D. is medical researcher for Natural Living - a forward looking company exploring the role and application of nutritional supplements for today’s woefully malnourished man and woman.
His life’s mission has been to increase the understanding of debilitating diseases based on the principles of natural healing, nutrition and holistic medical practices.
Among the practices Dr. Jones reviews is bio-identical hormone therapy for effectively treating the root causes of many female chronic complaints.
Dr. Jones continues to thoroughly consider new, natural and even controversial non-mainstream alternate methods for addressing health and wellness issues concerning all of us in the 21st century.
Dr. Jones is Board Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Since becoming Board Certified in 1989, he’s had seventeen years of experience as a practicing clinician. Dr. Jones has authored 8 books on medical topics, and since 2005 has devoted his full time efforts to on-going scientific research.
It's amazing how it worked out, really; I'd been required to work at another long term care / rehabilitation facility to "help out" for a maternity leave in the summer. I was supposed to be the second OTR called if needed if they had a bulge of patients beyond what the other gal helping could do, but she suddenly quit with little notice (due to personal life reasons not to do with work or the industry), leaving me "holding the bag" as the only OTR they had to do evaluations and supervise the OT assistants. I'd work my regular OT job weekdays from 8 to 5 or so and then go over to the other facility and work there until I was done, usually 9 or 10 p.m. So 20 hours of extra pay (in those days at about $30/ hour is what OTs were making, which had risen to $45/hour the last job I was offered, after starting Lumigrate (and declining due to their unwillingness to meet with me about what qualifications I had and did not have for the wide variety of patients they had in their hospital system).
Iodine Depletion Factors
What does Iodine depletion look like? To find out, just click off the boxes below to find out. The score will be tallied up below.
Weight gain
Difficulty losing weight
Low energy
Cold natured (always feeling chilled)
Ice-cold hands or feet
Dry skin
Hair loss
Slowed thinking, poor concentration
Brain fog
Memory problems
Poor sleep, unable to sleep
Waking up exhausted
Tingling in hands and feet
Muscle aches
Swelling in ankles
Slow heart rate
Thickened tongue
Iron-poor blood
Thinned eyebrows
Muscle cramps at night
Slow reflexes
Skin itches in the winter
Recurrent headaches
Decreased sweating
Trouble getting pregnant
Pale, puffy, pasty skin
Decreased body hair
Hoarse voice
Total Score
- 0 – 9 Very slight or insignificant depletion
- 10 – 19 Slight depletion
- 20 – 29 Moderate
- 30 – 49 Profound
- 50 – 69 Severe
- 70+ Almost Total Depletion
“Maybe You Need A
Super Iodine Boost!"
Your Metabolism, Giving You a Whole New Lease On Life...”
(And More Vibrant Energy Than You've Felt In Years!)
July 6, 2013
It’s a quiet scourge affecting millions of women. No matter how much you sleep, you’realways waking up exhausted. You’ve been watching your diet, cutting out the junk food, exercising... and not only haven’t you lost anything – you’ve gained even more pounds!
Thinking you may have to go out and buy a new scale, you look in the mirror – running your hand through your hair. Does it just seem thinner – less robust lately – or is it really falling out?
When cleaning out the shower drain, it hits home. The stark truth is staring you right in the face… clumps and wads of hair… and all of it yours.
You’re tired – all the time. You just about drag yourself through the day on sheer willpower. When even that starts to dwindle, it’s coffee, coffee and more coffee. Anything that will give you the caffeine buzz you need to function...
You go through the day in a brain fog. It doesn’t matter how much coffee you drink, or how many overpriced caffeine saturated concoctions you gulp down, nothing seems to clear your head or give you the healthy energy you’re desperately seeking.
Then there’s that secret fear – the one you keep hidden away deep inside. You see yourself in the mirror, you see that ugly fat and that tired face staring back at you. Your husband sees it too. How long before he stops noticing you and starts looking at other women?
Maybe yes, maybe no. But that figure in the mirror sure doesn’t look very sexy or alluring to you, so how can it be doing anything for your man?
You ask yourself… is all this normal? What we should be expecting from Mother Nature? Slowly, inevitably, unavoidably winding down as the years go by?
Well….there’s good news and bad news.
It usually starts when you pass your middle 20s, slowly but surely making it harder and harder to keep fit and trim, many times getting progressively worse as you age. Many really don't notice these symptoms until after childbirth… when it just hits, seemingly out of nowhere.
That “baby weight gain” isn’t lost. Melancholy and exhaustion are constant companions, and you just don’t feel “right” in your own body anymore.
If you try talking to your doctor about it, you’ll often be humored and told to “eat less and exercise more.” Insist on having your thyroid levels checked, your physician will reluctantly order a thyroid blood test.
Almost predictably, when it comes back it’ll say the thyroid is normal. You’ll then be told it’s “all in your head” and all to often be given a prescription for a mild anti-depressant.
But the fact of the matter is this…
Your “Head” is Fine…
Your Thyroid Probably Isn’t!
Well, it’s not fine. And you have the problems to prove it.
Keep complaining, and you’ll probably be told to go on yet another diet and hit the gym more often. The same things you’ve been trying over and over again – with the same yo-yo, short-term “success” at best. Since the tests were "normal" the thing that could help you most won't be given : The actual thyroid hormone.
You Can Now Safely Burn More Calories
Natural Living’s mission is to increase the understanding of how a woman’s body can best ward off and overcome disease and other conditions - based on the principles of natural healing, nutrition and holistic medical practices. Among the practices Natural Living investigates is the use of bio-identical hormone therapy for effectively treating the root causes of many women’s chronic complaints.
The Natural Living thoughtfully considers new, natural and even controversial non-mainstream alternate methods for addressing health and wellness issues concerning women in the 21st century.
Perhaps you’ve heard me on the radio or seen me on television – addressing my millions of listeners regarding the serious health issues facing us today.
I constantly stress the need for proper nutrition and healthy, holistic living. This is especially important in the “modern” environment we now live in – an environment filled with toxins, chemical residues, and rogue hormones – a virtual cornucopia of health damaging substances. -->
Whenever I get the chance, I try and spread the word about the poisons finding their way into our daily lives, our foodstuffs and our bodies, and what we can do to lessen or even reverse their ill effects.
But as I said, there was good news and bad.
Here’s the good news…
& Lose Weight Naturally…
Without Going On Dangerous Fad Diets!
Just how important is iodine? Consider this… about 25¢ worth is all that stands between an infant developing normally and one that’ll be severely mentally handicapped the rest of its life.
Iodine is absolutely essential, especially for creating the thyroid hormone. But as we grow older, our thyroid starts slowing down. It just can’t metabolize the iodine it needs as efficiently, and that means the hormone produced (also known as thyroid) decreases as well.
There are 2 other reasons why most of us are iodine deficient:
- Inadequate dietary intake, and
- Exposure to toxic substances that displace iodine.
Iodine is also fairly easily displaced from the body by toxins called toxic halides…fluoride, bromine and chloride.
Fluoride is by far the worst culprit. Found in toothpaste and in the water supply, every time you take a shower, brush your teeth or drink from the tap, the body gets a little exposure to fluoride, leeching out good iodine. And contrary to popular belief, fluoridated water is actually rather poor at preventing tooth decay.
Why is it in our water supply then? Poor science combined with corporate greed and political ignorance paved the way. Basically a toxic by-product of aluminum production, fluoridation was sold as a way to prevent cavities because some areas with natural fluoride in the water also had lower instances of tooth decay. Based upon that spurious observation, fluoridation began.
It is indeed curious, when scrapped off aluminum refinery smokestacks, the fluoride is considered a hazardous waste. But put it in bags and dump it into the water supply, it somehow magically transforms itself into something beneficial.
How prevalent is bromine? Consider this, every time you bite into a piece of store bought bread, you’re probably ingesting some bromine. It’s used to make bread dough more elastic and thus easier to handle, but not by very much.
Where else is bromine found? How about…
- Bakery goods
- Citrus flavored soft drinks
- Fabric fire retardants
- Hair dyes
- Medicines
- Pesticides used on strawberries, especially in California
- Plastics
- Spaghetti & pasta
- Toothpaste and mouthwashes, and
- Your automobile!
If You’re Human, There's Up To a 96%
Chance of Being Iodine Deficient!
The World Health Organization also concurs, estimating that 72% of the world’s population is being affected by iodine deficiency.
This trend is worsening. Over the last 30 years, the NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I) shows iodine levels have dropped 50% in the U.S.A. alone.
Pregnancy, “Baby Weight Gain” & Your Thyroid
The fact is this: It probably isn’t what you’re eating, or the type of exercise you’re doing. It could well be your iodine reserves have been almost totally drained.
During pregnancy, your unborn baby gets first dibs in almost everything. Vitamins, minerals, hormones – you name it. It’s nature’s way of making sure the human race survives.
After the first child, you probably still have some iodine reserves left. They may be lower, but they are still there for your thyroid to use. But after the second child, and then a third, those remaining iodine reserves can be depleted dry.
By diverting all available iodine to the child, your body literally sacrifices its own well being in the process. (Motherhood can be tough!)
Breast Tissue & Iodine
A Double Whammy For Women
For women, iodine has to do double, or during pregnancy, even triple duty.
Since men can't get pregnant, and they (usually) don’t have breasts, women are unfortunately the ones who are typically more prone to being iodine deficient.
A Host Of Indications &
Devastating Manifestations –
Including Weight Gain!
You tire more easily, but you sleep less deeply.
You gain weight… sometimes you just look at a French Fry and it goes straight to your hips!
Do These Sound Familiar?
- Weight gain
- Inability to maintain a healthy weight
- Low energy - fatigue
- Ice-cold hands or feet
- Dry skin
- Hair loss
- Brain fog
- Poor sleep or no sleep
- Tingling in hands and feet
- Muscle aches
- Swelling in ankles
- Feeling blue, sad and blah
Being iodine depleted sure isn't good!
What Are The Deficiency Indicators?
Take a look at our quick online breakdown. Please be aware this breakdown is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to take the place of a medical diagnoses by a competent physician.
Iodine, The Thyroid Gland & Weight Loss
The bottom line is that if there is not enough iodine in the thyroid gland, then it is impossible to have sufficient thyroid hormone of any type. The result is an under active thyroid.
As recently as 2007, a handful of progressive doctors (such as me) wrote prescriptions for thyroid hormones in patients who had clinical hypothyroid symptoms (regardless of blood tests). And this was relatively successful.
However, iodine supplementation alone may be sufficient. Of course, monitoring by a physician is always recommended before any medication is altered or withdrawn.
This is a win-win situation - especially for women (and men!) who are experiencingstubborn, on-going weight gain, or finding it almost impossible to lose weight at all.
This Doctor’s Choice
- Salivary glands
- Cerebrospinal fluid and the brain
- Gastric mucosa
- Choroid plexus (part of the brain)
- Breasts
- Ovaries
- Eye
Each tablet contains a full 5 mg of Iodine combined with a balanced amount of 7.5 mg of Iodide – the optimal formulation for peak bio-availability.
Plus... each IodinePlus2 tablet contains two other essential ingredients:
- -- Selenium for enhancing conversion of the inactive thyroid hormone T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3, and
- -- Vitamins B2 (Riboflavin) for enhanced utilization
- Giving that extra boost for finally realizing true weight loss goals.
Feel Better, Live Better, Be Better…
Plus… here’s something that’s bound to make you smile: Not only will you be getting the amazing benefits iodine has to offer, and not only will you be getting it in a convenient, easy to swallow pill… it’s no where near the cost of most any other high priced formulation you’ll see advertised on the web or on TV.
Our best offer works for IodinePlus2 out to all of… $10 a month!
There’s absolutely no more excuses for not getting all the benefits now available to you – so take advantage of this special offer and order today… right now in fact.
The rewards will be nothing less than phenomenal.
Imagine the Life Awaiting You…
Your hair is full and lustrous, and your face practically shines with robust health.
Your iodine/iodide supplement will be sent directly to your doorstep. And remember, no prescriptions or doctor’s visits are necessary.
Andrew Jones, MD
Medical Director, Natural Living
P.S. - If you are suffering from certain auto-immune diseases of the thyroid, such asHashimoto's Disease, thyroid auto-antibodies or Grave's Disease - please consult with your health care physician before starting on any iodine supplementation.
Mandatory FDA Legal Disclaimer. We are required by law to add the following: * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
... and here's the link....
Iodine and your thyroid
Interest in iodine supplementation has grown in leaps and bounds over the years among thyroid patients, especially considering that thyroid hormones are primarily composed of iodine!
Why does my body need iodine? Besides the fact that thyroid hormones need iodine to exist, it also plays a huge role in breast health, removes fibrocystic breast disease, rids you of toxins like bromide and more, helps with healthy levels of stomach acid, is anti-fungal, and is anti-cancer…and so much more.
Can’t I get my iodine needs met with iodized salt? What about the small amount of iodine in natural desiccated thyroid? Apparently not, say many experts. It’s far less than is needed. Plus with salt, the iodine evaporates.
Should I test my iodine levels before supplementing with it? Yes. It’s often advised to order an Iodine Loading Test, here or here, which is easy enough to do in your own home. You then send back your specimen, and wait for the results. These results can be important in revealing whether you might need to supplement or not. Some have chosen to do an iodine patch test on the skin, but results vary so widely that the loading test is the preferred and the most accurate determination.
What are the iodine supplements? The most popular are either Lugol’s liquid iodine, or Iodoral pill form. Lugols comes in 2% and 5%. One drop of the 5% equals 6.25 mg iodine. Iodoral is measured into 12.5 and 50 mg tablets. These can be ordered off the net by searching for either. Janie uses Lugols in her morning drink.
Are there nutrients I should take before going on iodine? Do I need selenium? Experts on the use of iodine state there are key nutrients one should take to counter the detox of bromides, chlorine, fluoride that iodine will promote, as well as block negative reactions to iodine. Many start these one month before introducing iodine:
See thyroid patient Jane’s Guest Blog post about companion nutrients here:
What about problems patients have reported with iodine use? Some patients have reported an aggravation of their Hashimotos symptoms after using iodine. In fact, some European and Asian countries have an explosion of Hashimoto’s cases due to immense iodine supplementation in food.
On the other side the coin, certain studies and intelligent analysis report that autoimmune problems associated with iodine use actually are the result of low selenium levels, as well as low copper or low zinc. This underscores the need for supporting nutrients. Patients also repeatedly report that their antibodies went down thanks to their iodine use! To read interesting details about the association between the aggravation of Hashimotos and the rise of antibodies, go here. Part II is here.-
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
From the website , which you might recognize by having to do with the "Hallelujah Diet", there is information which was brought to my attention from one of the astute people in one of the astute-filled Facebook groups (credit where credit is due!). It was very consistent overall with what I had provided in 2013 and started this topic with, which had gotten about 2, 200 reads in the time it's been on Lumigrate at the time of this comment addition.
I looked around this website for other things and the overall and found it a worthy site to be linking to from Lumigrate. I included, similarly, their topic about water, because they presented it very much in synche with how I have at Lumigrate --- it comes down to if RO or distilled is best and how to get a pure water -- and then does it matter about the minerals. Naturally, they are selling products based on the demands created from their education, which most sites do. That was the intention for Lumigrate initially but so far, it seemed that it was best to be not going that route and forging a new pathway based on solely education and supportive services for proactivity.
I've liked the way that Dr Donaldson has written the documents I've seen at this website, and this is how this one begins (I've taken the liberty to add some more breaks to make it easier for tired brains to read, which is often the case with those seeking the information Lumigrate provides):
Recent Advances in Iodine Nutrition
Michael Donaldson, PhD
Though iodine is known for its importance for the thyroid, little has been publicized about its other roles. Iodine is needed in microgram amounts for the health of the thyroid. For the rest of the body iodine is needed in larger amounts, hundreds of micrograms or even milligram amounts; perhaps as much as 100 times as much as the RDA.
Iodine supports the health of many organs in the body. It is taken up by most every gland and, when taken in milligram quantities, is found in nearly every tissue of the body. The thyroid cannot function properly without an adequate supply of iodine, and much of the subclinical hypothyroidism in the USA is likely just a shortage of iodine.
The immune system uses iodine to fight infections, so many chronic illnesses tax the body’s iodine supply. The reproductive glands and tissues have high levels of iodine in them, if iodine is provided.
This iodine is necessary for optimal function of the breasts, ovaries, endometrium, and prostate. Research has shown that milligram amounts of iodine can reverse fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine suppresses chemically-induced breast cancer in rats. Iodine balances estrogen levels, thus supporting ovary health.
Sufficient iodine is needed for a stable rhythmic heart beat. Iodine, directly or indirectly, can normalize serum cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure.
Iodine attaches to insulin receptors and improves glucose metabolism, which is good news for people with diabetes. Iodine is essential for the development of the central nervous system; women need a good supply before becoming pregnant.
Iodine may also play a role in bone health and lung function. Even the skin needs iodine. Iodine has been shown to help remove heavy metals from the body along with bromide.
Hypothyroidism can be caused by a multitude of factors, including a lack of iodine. The Hallelujah Diet takes care of most of the other factors, except for iodine. Hypothyroidism slows down your entire metabolism and causes many symptoms which vary in different people. Not everyone has all of the symptoms. Some of the common symptoms are given in Table 1, taken from Dr. Brownstein’s book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It (8). Two of the most common symptoms are fatigue and being cold when everyone else is warm.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be a manifestation of a hypothyroid condition. It is no coincidence that hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome are all much more common in women. There is a common link—women need more iodine than men. This is true not only during pregnancy and lactation, but for every women. Breast tissue requires iodine for maintenance of structure (9) and to keep cells exposed to hormone surges from multiplying out of bounds.
Since iodine is an integral part of the thyroid hormones, it is obvious that a lack of iodine is going to have a direct effect on the ability of the thyroid to produce these hormones. Even if a doctor prescribes replacement thyroid hormone, iodine is always still needed to fully support the function of the thyroid. The prescription hormone takes care of the symptom, but sufficient iodine will meet the underlying cause of many cases of subclinical hypothyroidism all.
Autoimmune disorders of the thyroid are also more common when people lack sufficient iodine. Both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid conditions can result from a lack of iodine, in combination with other factors. Dr. Brownstein mentioned that 92% of his patients with Hashimoto’s or Grave’s disease also were deficient in iodine (8). Further, symptoms improved dramatically when they took high amounts of iodine to build up their body’s supply of iodine.
The thyroid utilizes iodine to make thyroxine, or T4 as it is commonly called, and triiodothyronine, or T3. Thyroxine contains 4 iodine atoms and triiodothyronine contains 3 iodine atoms. The thyroid secretes about 10% T3 and 90% T4 into the bloodstream. The organs of the body can convert the T4 into the more active T3 form via enzymes called deiodenases.
Release of the thyroid hormones is controlled by thyroid releasing hormone, from the hypothalamus, which is sent to the pituitary, which secretes thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH, which causes the activity of the thyroid to increase and secrete more T3 and T4.
Elevated levels of T3 in the blood downregulate the hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary. High levels of iodine temporarily (26-40 hours) inhibit release of T3 and T4 from the thyroid (acute Wolff-Chaikoff effect), but then normal function of the thyroid continues as previously (escape from the Wolff-Chaikoff effect) after the thyroid down-regulates the number of sodium-iodide symporters in the cell membranes of the thyroid.
The thyroid hormones regulate your metabolic rate, and thus energy production, of the entire body. The effects are felt in every system and cell of the body. A glance at the symptoms of hypothyroidism (see Table 1) gives an idea of the wide range of effects.
Table 1. Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism.
Brittle Nails
Cold hands and feet
Inability to concentrate
Cold intolerance
Menstrual irregularities
Difficulty swallowing
Muscle cramps
Dry skin
Muscle weakness
Elevated cholesterol
Essential hypertension
Poor memory
Eyelid swelling
Puffy eyes
Slower heartbeat
Hair loss
Throat pain
Weight gain
Organs with Heavy Metal Accumulations
Heavy metals accumulate in various organs of the body. Now it appears that there is another weapon in our gallery. When Dr. Abraham was checking the bioavailability of Iodoral, a tableted iodine supplement, he found that some individuals had several-fold increased levels of mercury, lead, and cadmium after taking Iodoral (12.5 mg iodide/iodine) for one day (49).
Arsenic and aluminum were also reported to be detoxified with Iodoral (50), along with the halides bromide and fluoride. Iodine can replace the other halides and cause them to be removed from the body. In fact, many of the symptoms that are reported when high doses of iodine are taken are actually from the detoxification of bromide. The use of a natural sea salt (1/4 teaspoon of salt taken 3 times, about 6 hours apart) will increase the renal clearance of bromide and reduce detoxification symptoms due to bromide.
Bromide is used as a pesticide, and now fluoride is also being used as a pesticide on crops. Bromide also makes into our diets as brominated vegetable oil in citrus flavored sodas like Mountain Dew. Bromide resides in the fatty tissue of the body, making it difficult to lose weight as well. Iodine has a very noticeable effect at removing bromide from the body. Iodine will replace bromide and allow the fat to be burned away normally.
In a pilot study of 8 patients Dr. Brownstein found that bromide excretion increased by an average of more than 50% when the patients took 50 mg/day of iodine as Iodoral (8). Dr. William Shevin, a medical and homeopathic doctor, has also seen benefits of iodine in getting rid of the bromide burden of the body, assisted with the natural sea salt to enhance the removal of bromide by the kidneys (51).
Most Effective Forms of Iodine
There are basically three forms of iodine used for supplements—elemental or molecular iodine (I2), ionic iodine, usually potassium iodide or ammonium iodide, and protein-bound iodide, such as Standard Process’s Prolamine. These forms are all utilized by the body, although there is evidence that they are not exactly equivalent. Research by Drs. Eskin and Ghent found that the I2 was the most beneficial form of iodine for fibrocystic breast disease (29, 30), and that it had less affinity for the thyroid. They did research with protein-bound iodine as well and found that it did not work as well for fibrocystic breast disease as the molecular iodine.
It is generally taught that molecular iodine is reduced to ionic iodide before it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. However, a series of studies with rats compared the uptake and distribution in the body of iodide (as NaI) and elemental iodine (I2).
The researchers found that the thyroid much preferred the iodide form compared to I2 (52), that the iodine was distributed differently in the body, depending on the form used (53), and that I2 could alter T4 levels (54), presumably by reacting with metabolites of T4 in the GI tract, thus reforming T4 (55). Eskin and coworkers (56) found that this was true in laboratory rats as well. Thyroid gland hyperplasia was reduced with I2, but eliminated with I-, while mammary gland hyperplasia was decreased with I2 but increased with I-, and fibrosis of the breast was reduced with I2 but remained the same with I-. Rats with chemically-induced breast cancer had 30 percent incidence of breast cancer when they were fed I2, compared to a 72% incidence of breast cancer in the control group, along with fewer tumors and longer time until cancer developed. The rats fed T4 or I- did not differ in incidence of breast cancer from the control group (57). So, different tissues of the body take up the I2 and I- differently and they are not exactly equivalent.
Elemental iodine is quite reactive and can disassociate in the GI tract and iodinate various proteins and lipids, unlike iodide that is taken up as a free ion into the bloodstream. For about 2 hours elemental iodine is detected in the serum, but only iodide is detected thereafter (49).
So, for supplementing iodine, it appears that a mix of elemental iodine and iodide (as in Iodoral or Iosol) is called for to supply the thyroid and the rest of the body.
Optimal Amounts of Iodine
The RDA for iodine is 150 μg/day for non-pregnant adults, 220 μg/day during pregnancy, and 290 μg/day during lactation. The RDA for adults is based on the amount of iodine that the thyroid normally accumulates from day to day, and on the prevention of goiter in children. The tolerable upper intake level (an upper limit of intake that is very unlikely to harm anyone) is 1,100 μg/day. The tolerable upper intake level in Japan is provisionally set at 3,000 μg/day, since they do not have sufficient data to determine the optimal iodine intake for the Japanese population (58).
There have never been any studies done on the optimal amounts of iodine needed for the whole body.
Drs. Ghent and Eskin, and others treated fibrocystic breast disease with 6 to 10 mg/day of iodine in order to reverse this condition. Other female disorders disappeared along with the breast disease, too. From the research presented here it is clear that the role of iodine in the body goes far and beyond simply making thyroid hormones.
Iodine Loading Test
The iodine loading test was designed to measure the body’s saturation with iodine. Initially the loading test was used to measure the bioavailability of Iodoral, a tableted form of Lugol’s solution. However, when people showed such high retention of iodine (unlike what is seen at microgram intakes) the usefulness of the test quickly became apparent. In the iodine loading test a person takes 50 mg of iodine as Iodoral. A 24-hour urinary sample is taken to see how much is retained by the body. If less than 90% is excreted (more than 10% retained) Dr. Abraham says this is indicative of an iodine deficient state. The 90% level was chosen because it correlated with feelings of well-being in volunteers who reached that level of saturation. If a very low amount (<15%) is excreted then Dr. Flechas says that the presence of cancer is suspect. After a period of about 3 months using 12 – 50 mg of iodine/iodide a repeat iodine load usually shows a much improved state of iodine balance with much more excreted rather than retained (49).
Thyroid TSH Test
When going to get thyroid tests, beware that the thyroid stimulating hormone, or TSH, test is not really the “gold-standard” that doctors have declared it to be. Just because TSH is normal doesn’t mean that your body has optimal amounts of thyroid hormone in all organs and tissues.
Dr. David Derry states that the TSH test has little clinical value for determining whether a person has a abnormal thyroid hormone condition or not. He says, in an interview with Mary Shomon (17), “the pituitary cells, which have TSH in them, are the most sensitive cells in the body circulating thyroid hormone.
Therefore when one treats hypothyroidism by following the TSH and trying to make it normal the pituitary cells are happy but the rest of the body is short-changed by a considerable amount.” In other words, when the TSH is normal, this only means that the pituitary gland has the right amount of hormone for its needs. The rest of the body may not have enough, and clinical experience indicates that this is so.
A recent review pointed out that during iodine deficiency, there can be normal, elevated, or low levels of T3, the active form of thyroid hormone, in different tissues of the body (73). So, a hypothyroid condition can exist in some organs while having normal TSH measurement.
Sources of Iodine
We have examined most available forms of iodine supplements since the fall of 2005. There are two main sources that we can recommend to you. Both of these are a mix of iodine and iodide to supply all parts of the body with the form of iodine best suited for each part.
Lugol’s Solution has been clinically used since Dr. Lugol made it in 1829. It is a solution of potassium iodide (KI) and molecular iodine (I2).
Lugol’s solution is also useful as a stain for microscopy work, and is sold for this purpose, but not as dietary supplement.
Iodoral is a tableted version of Lugol’s solution. Lugol’s solution is absorbed onto a colloidal silica excipient and tableted, then coated with a thin layer of pharmaceutical glaze. Each tablet contains 12.5 mg of total iodine, 5 mg of I2 and 7.5 mg iodide as KI. Each tablet is scored so that it can be easily broken in half if desired. A 50-mg tablet is now available as well for those doing high levels of iodine supplementation. Some people will find the tablet form of iodine more convenient than a liquid supplement.
Iosol is a 4% solution of ammonium iodide and iodine in glycerin. Each drop contains 1.83 mg of iodine, about 0.8 mg as iodide in ammonium iodide and 1.0 mg as iodine (I2). The drops can be diluted in water, of which a portion can be taken for even lower doses.
The doctors who developed Iosol in the 1940s were looking for a form of iodine that had fewer allergic reactions compared to potassium iodide. Their claim is that ammonium iodide is more “available” as free iodide ion compared to potassium iodide, in which they claim the potassium and iodide ion bind more tightly together. Some people have been able to tolerate Iosol more easily than Lugol’s solution or Iodoral. However, it has been difficult to determine which of these supplements really works better.
Sea vegetation concentrates iodine from the ocean water. As mentioned above, some species contain relatively high levels (kelp, Kombu) while others have very little (Nori, Wakame). The iodine in sea vegetation is all iodide, so it may not work as well as molecular iodine for some organs in the body. Nevertheless, it is a natural, whole-foods source of iodide, so it comes with many other minerals and nutrients present in whole foods.
Contamination with heavy metals can be a serious problem with sea vegetation. Recently, 8 of 9 herbal kelp supplements from a health food store were found to have excessive levels of arsenic in them (74). For this reason, and because only iodide is present, this is not a preferred source of this mineral.
These are the three main sources of iodine available, though there are others. Personal preference and convenience may be the determining factor for which one you want to use for yourself. The bottom line is that we need more iodine than the microgram amounts occurring in our foods now and we need to find safe ways to incorporate more iodine into our diets.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
Impressed, I was, to see this at the top of the landing page at IodineSource dot com:
So without further ado, I suggest you go and look all around at Iodine-Resource dot com. I'm going to be providing some highlights, below, to show you why I really liked this resource.
If YOUsers of Lumigrate have paddled around enough in the Forums with the content I've added in 2015 and recently prior, you'll no doubt see that I had gotten 'into' OneRadioNetwork as a resource. I've liked their content so much I have been known to transcribe or do a good overview with as much as my fingers can collect in a couple of passes listening (which takes about half a day), and naturally link out to the topics and hope that I am encouraging people appropriately with what I provide to GO TO THE LINKS and as I say, take a trip and go see the sites.
It was at OneRadioNetwork where I started hearing the person behind this website, and you'll see that at this link the OneRadioNetwork interviews are provided, as well as other places he's been to get his word out. (Which I'm going to go to and listen to as well, maybe I'll discover another place I like as much as OneRadioNetwork now that I've scoured their old interviews pretty thoroughly AND keep up on the new).
From the link to the home page at IodineSource (above), I really enjoyed what is provided with the History of Iodine, at this link, and was thrilled to see that they are good with passing on their resource if credit and links are given and work. I am going to do a tiny bit of adding more breaks to longer paragraphs because I know that the majority of YOUsers of Lumigrate have significant brain fatigue, damage, injury, and whatnot. And this makes it more readable (and hopefully they'll like what they read and GO TO THE SOURCE on the link!)
A Look Back
Sir Humphry Davy in his laboratory.
Bernard Courtois
Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac
Sir Humphry Davy
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
I like all the websites I've referred to, above, and definitely appreciate seeing the massive 'overlap' of information that various quality sources provide. But when I got into looking around at Iodine ReSource dot com, I was stunned and also felt a comaradarie. I'd just been telling people in a Facebook group that I was not inclined to be doing anything IT-ish, I simply knew that the website I'd create (which you see as Lumigrate) was a needed tool to get message out to people and so I was going to have to learn and use the tool. Same with taking photographs of things that you see on Lumigrate, or video. Some people enjoy that kind of thing, I do not.
The About information for the creator of Iodine Resource struck a chord with me because so many of her symptoms were identical to mine, including the 96.8 temperature. I used to joke that since I was found to be dyslexic, that was funny the way my temperature was not the normal 98.6. She talks about how her mother passed it along to her -- and I have noted so many symptoms similar to my mother's only worse for me as I'm simply later along on Earth and things were worse. My mother was from the midwest, as the creator of this website is and discusses. I'm going to provide the About information so you see what I'm talking about AND I believe it will encourage YOU to go on the link to see the site, if you do. Here's the link:
My Iodine Journey
My name is Jill Van Eps and I live in sunny Florida.
My iodine journey started in Iowa where I was treated for a low iodine condition as a child because I was always sick.
I remember drinking a glass of orange juice with iodine in it every morning before going to school. At that time, I didn't ask questions, I just drank it.
College ended abruptly when I came down with mononucleosis. My parents had to come pick me up from school. I was too weak to take a bus home.
I lost a year of my life sleeping continuously. I was not allowed to go out in the sun. Why - I have no clue. Later, I found out the doctor believed I had leukemia.
I remember trying to climb the steps to the doctor's office. I couldn't walk up the steps. I had to sit down on the step and push myself up with my arms step by step. Now that's weak!
After the mono experience, I was left with a low body temperature of 96.8degrees. Living in Florida is not bad - when its hot outside, I'm quite comfortable.
As a young woman when I was about 24, I woke up one morning and felt a lump in my throat. I was terror stricken. I ran to the family doctor to cure the problem. After all, they know everything - right?
He prescribed a drug to supposedly alleviate the problem. When I asked what it was used for, he informed me it was used to sedate lions. I went home and promptly flushed the pills down the toilet.
My cure was to stop wearing turtle neck tops - my favorite of course - to keep from feeling the lump.
Then, my mother became mentally ill. She was sniffing spoons and believed all the food in the home was tainted. I poured her into the back seat of the car and took her to the hospital.
After admittance, I gently helped her into the bed where she curled up into a fetal position. My heart broke.
The kind, overweight doctor told her she needed to lose weight (not). It didn't matter that he was an overstuffed pig. His solution was to drug her up on heart shaped pills and send her home.
Now I Know
I now know all of these situations were due to low iodine or iodine deficiency. My mother's mental condition was really low iodine.
She lived in the Midwest all her life. She passed on her hypothyroid condition to me at my birth.
My extremely painful monthly periods where I would pass out; the mononucleosis; the hypoglycemia and its symptoms and the goiter are all markers of iodine deficiency. The Midwest area of the United States has one of the lowest levels of iodine in the soil in the entire country.
This area is known as the "goiter belt". I lived right in the heart of it.
My Physical Signs of Iodine Deficiency
You read on this site that one of the symptoms of iodine deficiency is thinning eyebrows known as "sign of Hertoghe".
Here is a picture of my eyebrow. As you can see, the outside third portion of the eyebrow has virtually disappeared!
Another symptom of iodine deficiency is the high color in the cheeks.
This is not the color of health. I will be quite pleased when it finally disappears - which I know it will.
Also, I have NO hair on my body. None - zip - nadda. I used to think that was cool - no armpits to shave - no legs hairs to shave. Little did I know - you got it - low iodine.
My Goal
My search for facts about iodine and iodine deficiency has led me to create this web site containing helpful information I have gathered along the way.
Its information I need to know so that I can become healthy again.
My goal is to develop a community of kindred souls who can share and help each other return to vibrant health.
I know that by providing this information to you. you can reclaim your health.
From the About Me page at
If you wish to go to the home page of Iodine Resource dot com:Leave About Me and Return to Iodine Resource Home Page
This was a link provided by someone in the Facebook group studying the research of Steve Beddingfield, who I've focused upon in 2015 heavily because he's just the only one out there on what I think is THE cutting edge, telling us about THE Stuff that's ultimately the underlying root cause of the mayhem going on with escalating unwellness of everything in the ecosystem, including humans and our pets, which has been my focus (though I do get into information about soils as it get to food.
The group mate had provided the link you'll see on the left that's about 'cherry angiomas'. Since those are so visible, and so common, it's become one of the main things I've used when talking in person to people, to get them realizing there are symptoms outwardly of what's going on inwardly.
In a group such as Steve Beddingfield's, I've repeatedly stated that these common 'red dots' on the skin are symptomatic of deficiencies; he's tended to try to connect them to interlopers (I affectionately call them) which he sees under his microscope. That's the fun of featuring his evolving work and group information, it's a layperson researcher with a bunch of other sick and motivated people trying to learn together, and we're constantly having to remind ourselves that the teachers often are learning too, and it's a very organic process. So I was thrilled to see that someone in his group had brought the standpoint of Jill Van Eps' topic about cherry angiomas to the group because 1) it supported what path I was suggesting be remembered about cause and 2) I learned of this amazing resource. It's going to be one of my favorites, I susped.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
In April 2016, per the date on this today as I add on to this comment thread with this new resource I found recently, Maggie's Holistics NY (dot com), the following excerpt is worth noting.
In further pursuing information via Maggie's website, I found more elaboration about her family's health, which I think is of value to add -- her son is no longer 'on the spectrum' -- so there's an autism aspect to this story. In the thinking of many who I've studied in the past few years, and in drawing my own conclusions from connecting the dots, I agree: what is increasingly seen as autism behaviors or symptoms correlates with what is seen as chronic fatigue and pain and other chronic, environmental illness conditions such as MS, lupus, etc., in adulthood.
As a person goes further around the sun in trips ("ages"), you'll see symptoms that get diagnosed in mainstream as "Parkinsons", "Lewy bodies protein disorder", Alzheimers (or other dementias, sometimes they just call it dementia and don't go into elaborating what variety). Amyloid is a common denominator in children with autism diagnosed and aged with Alzheimer's diagnosed, and many in between.
We've seen prolific information coming out of MIT via Dr. Stephanie Seneff for the last handfull of years focusing on the key role of glyphosate in "autism", and then the other disorders as I've mentioned here. In more recent times, I've seen her getting into the details of the interrelationship of these symptoms AND, more importantly, the cascade of things within the body that leads to whichever dis-ease states. Why one person will go the path of dementia primarily with another going the path of a movement disorder primarily has reasons which are explained.
Glyphosate is the main active chemical in "Roundup", which is associated with Monsanto and GMO, but which was utilized increasingly by agriculture on non GMO crops as a defoliant for harvest purposes. Dr Seneff's correlations of statistics relative to disease statistics and amount of glyphosate sold/used is compelling at the least, convincing at the most. Glyphosate is not the only factor in the massive unwellness on Earth in things human and otherwise, but it's a major component, certainly, in my opinion, and increasingly with others.
That's "another story for another day" that I'm going to provide at Lumigrate, but I wanted to refer to it here because iodine (and salt, another massive topic that seems it should be simple but it ends up with a lot of aspects to learn about if one wishes) having to do with the overall balance of things in the body, detoxification of things in the body, etc., is key. And, with salt, as with iodine, what brand you chose to utilize, if you chose to, is critical! How salt is mined, for example -- blowing it up out of the Earth, which leaves traces of what's in the blasting compounds, which can be heavy metals.
I like that Maggie had related a bit about how the source is mined for the iodine that is manufactured, which she sells. Further checking on how it's extracted and what testing is done on whatever is in the end product might be of benefit. It's challenging for smaller companies, I'm sure, to provide all the things the larger companies provide, but as a resource, I want to provide as an example the website of the salt that I choose to purchase and utilize for a lot of my use. Real Salt is out of Utah.
I live about 25 miles, since 2004, from the Colorado/Utah border and have been at an overlook near a salt mine around Moab, Utah on a trip to hike and sight-see around Moab. I have an appreciation for these old sea beds which have salt from the seas before the seas were polluted, as they have become in recent times.
As you'll see at the video about the Real company, if you watch it (it's only about four minutes), they relate how they started out and have grown, and the values they have about doing business. Maggie's website tells the user a lot about what she believes, what she's studied, and I REALLY resonated with it. You might too. And you might not. But I wanted to offer it here as a suggestion.
Here's the Real Salt website link to the topic about analysis, as I sign off from this comment!
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!