6 Practical Diet Recommendations from Marty Ross, MD - Whether You Have a Bug-Borne Disease (or Know It) or NOT

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.

Marty Ross, MD is a Seattle, Washington (USA) physician focusing on treating Lyme disease and the related disorders. He is a very clear speaker, he anunciates well, and appears as mentally prepared for outlining what he is presenting, so it's 'seamless' to learn from his videos.

As YOUsers know, perhaps, Lumigrate launched with a complement of carefully selected providers from my local area in The Grand Valley of western Colorado who provided seminars on topics that applied to virtually ALL people, and in particular, those who had the chronic disorders that are increasingly being recognized as involving Lyme and coinfections -- "Lyme and Company" many have called it. (Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, dementia from Alzheimers and Lewy Body Diseases, Parkinsons, MS, ALS, etc.)  


I'm editing this topic on January 20, 2017 because I saw on Facebook a wonderful new article by Dr. Ross, and went to the website it linked to and found what appears to be a whole new website he's created.  So I came to this topic and took the link I'd provided originally and there's a different topic now at the link, requiring me to re-do / update this thread for Lumigrate YOUsers.  The website I am referring to which has changed what's at the link, where he used to 'load things up' it appeared, is eHealthChannel dot org (just for the record). 

The link provided originally, which now has a totally different batch of information at it, is (just for the record)



SO, in 2017, this is what I am providing about diet from Dr. Ross' new presence on the Internet, and I will say, it looks 'bigger and better' than what he had on the eHealthChannel site (and perhaps there is still something at that website, but just at another location .... ).  Here's the link:


PLEASE TAKE THE LINK (and remember to come back here IF YOU feel it's to your benefit to come back now or later).  There's nothing like exploring the whole website of the sources I find and suggest from Lumigrate for our YOUsers.  However, due to the difficulties for some in terms of the technology or energy or whatever is involved in going to those steps, in order to give an overview for people to sample, I provide a bit of information here.  Below, you'll find excerpts that readily transferred here --- wonderful graphics are not included, and the nice visual layout of their website also does not transfer here.  This is from the tab of free things to read -- there are only three free items, and it appears links in them lead to other articles which then lead to the 'subscribe' button. 

The subscription fee is currently about $3 a month, or $30 for ever.  I'd say that is a very reasonable way to go about things and support that Dr. Ross opted to go that route -- it was what I had originally opted for Lumigrate, but had backlash in those years for 'trying to make money off of sick people'.  After I'd used my savings to provide a website to provide low cost, honest, information to people seeking it via the Internet, similar to what we did in live life in western Colorado.  Nobody accused us of that when charging $10/seat for live seminars locally.  I was stunned at the attacks on my intentions by people who didn't know me.  Anyway, I bring this up in order to encourage YOU to consider paying the nominal fee -- websites are expensive to create and maintain.  

Paleo diet in Lyme disease treatment

The Best Brain, Inflammation, Pain, Energy, and Detox Diet Ever.

Marty Ross MD  December 20, 2015 Brain & Nerves, Can't Get Better? Do This., Detoxification, Energy & Fatigue, Free Reads, Herxheimer Die-off Reaction & Cytokines, Nutrition, Pain, Yeast

Try this diet. I think it is the best option for someone with chronic Lyme disease. It is designed to:

improve brain function and grow nerve connections,
prevent Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease which Lyme can trigger,
decrease inflammation and inflammation cytokines from infection,
prevent and treats yeast overgrowth in the intestines that could cause more inflammation,
provide key vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber for detoxification,
and repair and grow cell energy factories called mitochondria found in every cell.

The diet is named the Mito Food Plan. It was developed by physicians and nutritionist from The Institute for Functional Medicine and is based on the latest science. This article includes numerous papers and articles that are printed here for you to download with permission of the authors.

Marty Ross MD Discusses Healthy Food in Lyme Disease Treatment
The Mito Food Plan --

  • provides 60% of calories from healthy fats, 20% from protein, and 20% from complex carbohydrate sugars.
  • is similar to a Paleo diet as it avoids grains, but compared to the Paleo diet it relies more heavily on healthy fats and anti-inflammatory therapeutic foods,
  • is a gluten-free diet,
  • requires a rainbow of vegetable colors in a day to provide key vitamins and antioxidants,
  • includes three different periodic fasting options to increase the production of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) that promotes nerve growth and connections to improve brain function.

How To Use This Article
This article has a number of resources attached to it and steps you should take. To help you find your way, I am breaking it down in to a number of steps.

Step One
Calculate a target for your daily calorie intake.

Print or view the Target Calorie Recommendations page which I use in the video below.
Watch the video where I show you how to calculate your target calorie intake.
(Note: In the calculation 1 KG = 2.2 pounds. If a person weighs 150 pounds then they weigh 68.1 KG (150/2.2). Also 1 inch equals 2.54 cm. So a 5 ft 6 inch tall person is 66 inches tall. This person is 167.64 cm tall ( 66 X 2.54).)

Marty Ross MD Explains How To Calculate Your Recommended Calories -- Video
Mito Food Plan Calorie Determination

Step Two

Create your food plan which provides a goal for the servings you should eat each day of protein, nuts and seeds, fruit, vegetables, legumes, and healthy fats.

Determine the different amount of servings for each food categories using the Options for Therapeutic Macronutrients Distributions table (print or view) and your target daily calories you determined in Step One.
Write the servings on the your Mito Food Plan (print or view).
Watch the video to see how I developed my own food plan.

Marty Ross MD Explains How to Create Your Mito Food Plan -- Video

Step Three
Make sure you get enough essential vitamins and micronutrients in a day by having a rainbow of color each day from your vegetables and limited fruit intake. Make sure you try to eat foods of at least one of these colors identified in the Phytonutrients Spectrum Foods document (print or view).

Step Four
Develop your first menu and go shopping (or have someone help you do this). Sometimes figuring out how to get started is the hardest part. Try the Mito Food Plan Weekly Planner and Recipes (print).

Step Five
Knowledge is power. Understand why you should eat this way. Read Mito Food Plan Comprehensive Guide (print). This document explains the food plan in some detail. It provides a good explanation of why you should have so many health fats in a day and why some recommendations are called therapeutic foods.

Step Six

As I have worked with this food plan for my own diet I have had to adjust. The initial calorie target that I calculated was too much, and I was gaining weight. So I had to cut back on all of the food categories equally.

I tried to eat “the best’ protein choices like grass feed bison, beef, and wild salmon. But this is very expensive. So you may need to emphasize the other protein choices.

My Favorite Food
By far my favorite therapeutic food is coconut oil. I now start out each day by putting 1 tablespoon in my morning coffee or tea. Coconut oil is direct brain fuel. It is rich in medium chain triglycerides and the brain superfuel known as beta-hydroxybutyrate. It is shown to improve brain function and improve mitochondrial energy function too.

A Note on Fasting
Periodic fasting is shown to improve brain function, decrease inflammation and improve the function of the mitochondria energy factories. It can help prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. There are three types of fasting you can try. These options are outlined in the Mito Food Plan Comprehensive Guide on pages 7, and 29-30. Consider discussing fasting with your physician before trying the 24 hour option.

The options include

24 hour water only fast 1-2 times a month
600 calorie daily fast 1 time a week, or
12 hour fast 4 times a week with no food from dinner until breakfast.

A Detox Diet
The Mito Food Plan is a detox diet. It is full of antioxidants that work to increase the master detox chemical used by the liver called glutathione. For more information about this key chemical read Glutathione: The Great Fixer. In addition to the food choices outlined in the diet be sure to drink 1/2 of your body weight (in pounds) as ounces of water a day. For example a 150 pound person should drink 75 ounces of water a day. Read more about detoxification in Lyme Detoxification 101: The Basics.

An Anti-Yeast Diet
The Mito Food Plan is great for treating and preventing yeast overgrowth in the intestines. It is a low carbohydrate (sugar) diet. In this way it starves yeast of its food source sugar. Read more about preventing and treating yeast in the Yeast Chapter.

Go Organic
As much as possible buy organic foods. Do not add more poisons and toxins to your body. In Lyme disease, the various germs release toxins. In addition some of the medications are toxins too. So limit your exposure to other toxins when you eat organic foods.

Does The Food Plan Work?
Yes, but it but in most cases it takes time.

In my own case though, I saw some dramatic improvements after working with this diet for 1.5 months. I was having daily severe headaches, very low energy, and poor sleep over a course of 3 months. As an integrative medicine physician I tried various approaches, but only after using this diet plan did I really turn the corner. Now I am back functioning fully.

Mardy's note: I added the bolding, above, and made it as readable and appropriate for Lumigrate YOUsers as I could --- to show what essentially is at the link I am suggesting you take to see the real deal at his website.  Here's that link again: 



Below the line is how this topic thread appeared when it was originally created, based off of something that he's 'moved on from', but which I wanted to leave in place here.  To show that we're ALL LEARNING MORE AS WE GO, and changing -- improving -- bringing better and better with more and more experience.            

7,333 reads is the number showing as I saved this once updating, who saw the previous version.  I love that! On the 9th, at the hour of my creating, two years before, the most read single topic at Lumigrate (about a way to treat The Stuff in us with medicinal mushroom and OTC veterinary worming medicine that's not just anti worm, it's anti many things that 'load' a body down), the reads were 33,309...  I've gotten into looking at numbers as 'signs'.  Signs from what I call TWIG -- that which is guiding.  Thanks to ALL who help us grow at Lumigrate, in reputation, read numbers (which become marketable eventually) -- providers and consumers. 

Dr. Marty Ross offers a great, short video titled "A Practical Lyme Diet" at this link I'm providing (below), which ultimately outlines a diet I think is very practical and a good starting point for anyone wanting to head in the direction of improved diet and resultant health. It's actually very similar to what I came to settle on for myself after learning from a lot of experts on a lot of fronts from a variety of integrative medicine fronts, in terms of types of providers focusing on diet and nutrition. REALISTICALLY, what can we do when immersed in our 'realities'? Many of the diets for most people are to difficult; compromise is a good solution.

(I also like to point out the work of Pam Killeen and the diet she recommends currently which isn't aimed at "Lyme" and "autism" but at another interrelated difficulty with wellness which is her niche, addiction. She perhaps has more years of experience than Dr Ross, and openly admits her starting out with things more extreme -- juicing, veganism -- and learning from her own personal and then professional experiences the pitfalls of those strategies and finding her way to join the group aligned with Westin A. Price (and the Foundation). Three squares and if need be meals, properly structured to be 'square' and she says people need help learning what that means. Fats, proteins/ meats, carbs, vegetables and fruits and she says you get better even if you can't obtain organic and nonGMO, though that is ideal, she clarifies.) Always good to be comparing similarities, taking from experts that make sense and making what YOU can and will DO.  The comment thread on the addictions topic at Lumigrate about Pam Killeen is: 


I've watched several other videos by Dr Ross and wanted to also say that he appears to me to be literally giving the recipe of how to do what he does away, so that people can work with whatever their local providers know how to do and get the expertise involved of someone like Dr. Ross. This is what I looked for with the providers we started Lumigrate with --- not being 'proprietary' and witholding the 'pearls' that you only get if you use/hire or somehow pay for a in information that is put out by that person the person. I'm all for providing everything for free and letting others benefit from that. However, what I've experienced is when there's perceived competition with a lack of esteem and self-efficacy for how you'll be perceived as the expert and STILL be desired as a consultant, even more so by those others who are trying to learn to provide similarly as you and help more people, providers start 'bogarting' the information. So I respect that about what I perceive to be the case from Dr. Ross, who I have not spoken with or communicated with in person, nor his office in any way, by the way.

Coming from a place of abundance and not a place of 'lack thereof', is sincerely and universally 'good', and should be commended. If you're putting it all out there -- your 'pearls of wisdom', you're going to be an expert people want to hire even moreso. Not with simple things like a recipe about something to remove the smell of cat urine, but when it's complex like how to restore health via nutrition and supplementation, that is the case. Those who can afford the time, energy and money to get the assistance will seek it out; those who have to DIY or DIWith Whomever can help, at least can get underway.  

Many people are learning they don't have the time or ability to find the best information. I'm trying to pare things down for people and that doesn't cost them anything to read at Lumigrate. If people want or need hand-holding, then my time has a value to it, same as any professional's time, which people understand. YOUR time is valueable too. Many wish for less words on my topics, but ultimately they're needing to make more time to delve into what's provided, the energy it takes the way it's simplified and more story-like is enjoyed and benefits many YOUsers of the information. And people can skim over, go on and find the key information if they don't do well with that 'style'. 

In my belief system, that's not truly ethical to withold the 'goods' for only those who give you money directly, and people are going to want help from YOU, the expert even if they tell you the whole recipe, it's difficult for people to figure this out without the expertise of ... the expert! But it's easily seen why some providers would think that other experts might then start replicating them and become "competition". You can still be seen at the top, floating like 'cream', and I subscribe to a "collaboration" model. It's a shift for providers in America, that was not how we were taught. 

So I wanted to acknowledge that about Dr Ross, from what I've viewed so far. Maybe he keeps some cards up his sleeve that you only see when you see him in person as a patient. Another thing he elaborates on in other videos more about Lyme specifically, is the quirks in the tests in the US and how limiting they are, so he bypasses all of that and goes by symptoms. Which makes sense, it's just not the norm and leaves doctors more exposed legally in a way, or it seems to me that way. So Dr. Ross seems like he's saying 'why put the patient through that, I'll take the responsibility.'

I hope that people who are not feeling well -- really well, in body, mind, spirit -- keep looking for the UNDERLYING reasons, which is what functional medicine is all about, and look in the Lyme/etcetera information. We have much the forums about it (much of it with the word 'fibromyalgia' and 'fatigue').  Ultimately the majority of people today, if tested reliably (which isn't possible currently), would test positive for a whole lot of 'bugs' in them they didn't realize their bodies were having to deal with. However, some are more symptomatic than others, but ultimately everyone has had for a long time, symptoms of these things 'loading' our neurological systems down. So don't get hung up on Lyme, is my advise, editing this in August 2015. Keep looking for the root cause, and I believe many feel they found it with the research I present about Steve Beddingfield's Facebook group, protocol, etc., you'll see a link to the topic, below related to SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), in Comment #7, below, titled about Tea for the Tummy. Now back to the great info about diet provided by Dr Ross....

I'm providing the link to the video at eHealthChannel dot org and hoping you go because you might find other videos and providers there to follow as well. There, I found a complement of familiar faces when I visited an area that was about neurological disorders and Lyme. Dr Ross seems to have been adding videos there very recently, so I hope they continue to strain in good providers and keep out those which would be less ideal for people to use their time and energy resources (and then money possibly) following via eHealthChannel.  However, when I looked at other tabs, I wasn't sure if they had the same high standards and consistency I saw related to Lyme and neurological disorders. Some of the other tabs had people that I wouldn't be setting YOUsers up to go study, in other words. And when you're new to all this or even moderately familiar, you don't know who's really good and who's not. So I hope what I offer in guidance and direction can be used if people want to do the time and use the energy, and it helps them.

You'll note that his discussion of chemicalized products and organic versus the standard foods points to the numbers of toxins that come from the Lyme 'bugs', hence it is advantageous to lower the 'load', as we'd say to our YOUsers at Lumigrate, in what you put in your mouth. Please refer to the Load Theory topic written by Dr Marc Spurlock (MD) in the chronic illness/pain/fibromyaliga section, there's a forum that includes his name in the title. Here's the link and the paragraph that contains the information I am referring to: 

"INFECTIONS - Examples are Lyme, Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis), cytomegalovirus, mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydiophila pneumoniae, and candida infections to name a few. There are many chronic indwelling infections that "suck you dry" without killing you. These can be present and take a toll on your health without you suspecting it. They require treatment. If you suffer from chronic infections, you either have these problems or your immune system is compromised, or both. Seek treatment. If you have cyclical periods of exhaustion, consider these infections."

     -- again, Marc Spurlock, MD's "Are YOU Loaded? What I See Causing Illnesses Soar in Children Through the Elderly" topic in the chronic fatigue/pain section -- link: www.lumigrate.com/forum/are-you-loaded-what-i-see-causing-illnesses-soar-children-through-elderly
And here is the graphic of Load Theory... just to give you the one shot visual: 




Overview of what is said by Dr. Ross at the video I am suggesting, for YOUsers who are more visual learners or want to read over this material quickly:

It gets to be too hard to do restrictive diets, with all the supplements and prescriptions you have to take when treating illnesses, such as Lyme, so you have to think about what's practical and do-able. Keep the inflammation down and get the toxins out is the premise. Here are the steps he outlines (please go watch the video as he's a very good presenter and you'll get more of a sense about him and perhaps will want to follow his other information at his websites or other Internet places).  

  1. As much as you can, eat organic foods in order to not put more toxins in the body. There are many toxins coming from the bugs so you can unburden or further burden body via diet.
  2. Do not have gluten from wheat, gluten-like grains such as oats, rye and barley are okay. Gluten is pro-inflammatory -- quinoa is a good substitute, brown rice, all kinds of alternatives.
  3. Limit simple sugars --   Why? Yeast -- you're going to be on antimicrobials when you're doing treatments (herbal and/or pharmaceutical), which also kills good bacteria, so you don't want to feed the yeast that can take over. (Think about beverages and foods.) 
  4. Have at least three or more servings/day of fiberous grains, legumes, beans. A clenched fist is the size of two servings.
  5. Drink plenty of water a day -- that helps with getting the bowel movements regulated and clears the kidneys. Rule of thumb for amount: Ideal body weight/2. Ex: 150# ideal weight, drink 75oz.
  6. Fats in red meats tend to be inflammatory, so avoid red meat for that reason. 
Note: White rice is not a whole grain, but brown is, oatmeal is -- they have their fiber attached. 
Why fiber? Fiber binds up the toxins in the digestive tract. You want to keep things 'moving along' through the digestive tract. The bacteria can act on them in a way, if it's not moving along and you don't poop them out, so the toxins get re-absorbed. Also, fiber also makes you poop (when hydrated -- another reason for the hydration importance).

Can't get much more simplified than this! I hope this is of value for YOUsers .... for those who want a little more information: I'd add one more, thing. 
      7. No artificial colorings, flavorings, sweeteners, and processed fats and foods. (Hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, etc.) The stuff that is pervasive in the SAD (standard American diet.) Hence it's easy to overlook for those who quit eating that stuff eons ago, but many people are beginners so I thought I'd add.
AND SUPER important is SAFE water, do your research about what's in the kind of water you're consuming and consider if you're thinking that's a good thing to consumer OR you're going to put effort and resources into increasing the QUALITY of your water.  There are topics at Lumigrate about it, use the Search bar. There is one simple thread about 46 reasons to drink more water, and then another one with a lot of extra goodies on it that's titled about the expert at Lumigrate and what they/we think about water and quality.  
Here's a cherished example story from my pile which has to do with hydration and additives versus a healthy way of doing it that is not as well known: 
Someone I knew had that terrible stomach virus and had been sick for so long they were likely dehydrated, so I recommended calling their primary health provider, whomever that would be (some use chiropractors, naturopaths, MDs, DOs, NPs, PA, etc.) In this case it was an MD whose assistant recommended the brand Gatorade.
I have my opinions about how good that product is so I looked up the ingredients and said 'do you really think this is the best way of getting electrolytes? To also have this, that and the other?" Besides, do you have that in the house? By providing a recipe link for a DIY electrolyte replacer to this person who wasn't thinking straight (illness can do that, acute or chronic), and naturally suggesting they ask their provider if they thought it would suffice instead, they were able to have something right away, except -- sick, weak, can't make something --- nobody was home to help.
But then they said 'well, I had bought coconut water to try it and have it on hand'. Okay then, wasn't THAT handy? But they'd not thought of it because nobody had modeled that for them, nobody had told them it was a good electrolyte, they'd not even consumed the product yet it was just sitting there to try sometime! Perfect! Loved it! 
Here's a link to the most popular single item related to diet that we've had on Lumigrate, although this one is seeming to follow in it's footsteps, so it'll be good to cross-link them. Remember to go to the Search bar at Lumigrate when on topics to look up what we have on various subjects, in addition to taking the links and going away from Lumigrate to the sources I suggest.  When you do, we hope you'll make it a point to come back to Lumigrate. ~ Mardy 

Here's a link to the Lyme topic in the Environmental Illness / Wellness forum at Lumigrate for YOUsers who are interested in zipping over there to see what that's about (or I've told you where it's located if you happen to want to write it down or make a mental note for navigation in the future at our Forums tab.)  
and, so it's visible and in YOUsers minds, our YOU! model:                                                                                                      
It might be a  bit of a shocking title in that it's about it being a sexually transmitted disease per cutting edge educators; I did this so that people would get outside the box of thinking about being bitten by a tick in a certain area of the country. Perhaps someone would have gotten it from their mother prior to birth. If it's sexually transmitted, then we now have the fathers getting in the mix, perhaps giving it to the mother.  
One of the big 'hold ups' for people seeing the enormity of possibilities relative to chronic Lyme disease is they're not seeing accurately how they might have gotten it, and they're not suspecting their symptoms, or those of the person they're searching for solutions on behalf of, have ANYTHING to do with a bug-borne-bug or bugs. At that link there are several videos I've linked to and provided readable overviews of, and one is by a woman named Brittany, who gives a history of why there is such a 'divide' in the United States about Lyme disease. It would account for why many people have been delayed in learning about Lyme disease.
There is quite a bit of information that suggests it's much like the fluoride debate, the mercury amalgam debate (which was passed off in my childhood as 'silver' fillings, today I hear people are presented as it's 'amalgam' and they don't ask/don't tell what's in the amalgam, from what I hear -- it's half mercury). We've covered these at Lumigrate as well, here in the Forums.
For the Lyme debate, it goes back to at least World War 2 and the Project Paperclip when the US incorporated a lot of Nazi scientists and methods, and then the infamous Plum Island, which is near to Lyme, Connecticut where there were children with symptoms that a couple of mothers got proactive about figuring out what was going on in their area. Hence the name Lyme, then it was later found which bacteria and named borrelia and the last name of the man who made the discovery.
(By the way, many also went to South America, there's much to the history of how those people were distributed around, and now we're seeing some interesting connections with South America and the US -- the frankenfood fish that is a genetically modified fish was actually developed by a US company but they were concerned about security in the US so they did some of the research growing them in South America, I'd noticed when learning about that shocker story of more messing up our foods. Think about the repercussions of that. I'm no fish expert but it seems it could really mess up species that would be able to breed. Maybe they'll be like mules and be unable to reproduce. Grins. Ugh.  So this way I could work in the GMO debate here, too.)
The system that was creating these problems is the same system which provides our education and our mass media in many cases, so the Internet has created a huge swell in numbers of people who are learning 'independently' from other sources and getting information that is 'outside the box' of the system regarding all these things, and I would be remiss if  I didn't point it out for our YOUsers. Do with it what you will, you've been made 'aware'.  
If you prefer to stick with inside the box/system, there's a well known Internet Web site that gives the MD 'system' that is the stronghold's way of things (which would be the AMA 'party line'). And occasionally I have linked to WebMD. Or Dr Oz. Their system is going to see the demands and shift to meet the demands of the consumers. We have the power, we just have to take control of it. You do that by your actions, and your actions include how you spend money. So every bit counts and you might not feel like what YOU can change with purchases within your budget is going to send a signal but you get mixed in with a lot of others who are doing the same.  Every bit you do for yourself helps your wellness, or harms it. It's ALL up to YOU, ultimately. 
The great thing about today is we have the choices and the abilities to learn beyond what comes to us most readily. But at the very least, remember to always 'follow the money' and think about who has what to gain from that which is said. And resist the temptations to become distracted from making this be an important aspect to how you spend your time. We've been given so many great distractions it's very easy to lost sight of the most important thing: Health!  IF it is your #1 priority then you will spend your time, energy, money / 'resources'  accordingly. 
Brittany's was just one video out there, there are scads, but I liked hers because she's a young, blond haired, blue eyed woman that was sick and she is one who has made a good recovery. And she was on a Discovery Channel show and has a little 'star power' for those who might like to see that. There's a whole video about well-known people who had Lyme disease, she mentions President Bush (the 2nd one). 
Ever wonder how it was USSR was beating us for a while in the space race? Sabbotage, apparently, was going on in our space program. I ENCOURAGE people to do their own studying on history and learn how the world is operating, it has everything to do with what has trickled down and affects YOU and your wellness/illness, and everyone and everything surrounding YOU.
Think of it as an investment -- what's more important than the resource of YOU?

Live and learn, learn and live better! ~ Mardy

August 2015: I'm wanting to be sure that people see that there's NEW information at Lumigrate about SIBO, small intestinal bacteria overgrowth. Currently, the best place to get underway with what we have is at this link: www.lumigrate.com/forum/steve-his-images-his-protocol-and-facebook-group-community-and-other-resources-chronic-illness#comment-2876

This thread is the primary thread I'd prepared for diet for overall purposes ..... and I want everyone who has any kinds of concerns about their well-being to be aware you can be asymptomatic in terms of bloating with SIBO, it can be that a person is just without ideal elimination habits. There is information which I lead the way to the experts providing, which helps sort candida overgrowth symptoms from SIBO, and there's a simple and apparently effective recipe provided to get people underway with turning the gas issue that's awry in the intestines around, using zinc, milk of magnesia, baking soda. Note, people, not animals which can't have the zinc. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
Glyphosate (the Chemical in Roundup). Dr Stephanie Seneff, MIT

Here is a fascinating resource that is really rich in information for any of our YOUsers looking for resources about autism and causes (and solutions). An MIT researcher whose page at the MIT people's website literally says the word 'straightjacket' when referring to the conventional research/publication/education sharing field.

Editing in 2/5/2015 and just short of 2,500 reads of this topic today (2,473) -- I remembered this comment on this thread in the forums when I heard this interview (podcast, very easy to listen to or download and listen to) from December 2014, where Dr Seneff early on explains that agricultural schools' hands are tied about glyphosate research because Monsanto funds them, and MIT is not getting any funding from Monsanto so their hands are not tied and so she is able to do this research.  Answered my question I had in mind when I learned of her and created this comment

... oneradionetwork.com/health/dr-stephanie-seneff-glyphosates-real-reason-sick-fat-december-11-2014/

She goes on to say why is wheat so toxic now? It's puzzled her that people are not asking it and it's obvious to her it has to be glyphosate.  Wheat is GMO-free (it's hybridized, not genetically modified and BIG difference people HAVE to remember and understand).  They kill the wheat plant with the glyphosate to harvest the plant and it's clear it gets into the wheat (seed/grain) part of the plant and then into the product that is consumed.  

A large part of the increase of the increased use of glyphosate is the "roundup ready" concept on the GMO crops, so then you have the toxic chemicals with the GMO food product combined. Also, 24D is a derivative of Agent Orange that is coming up into more use, and she talks about that too.  The weed is smart and evolves to be resistant, so they have to then add more chemicals, so 24D and glyphosate is now mixed.  "I cannot imagine what it's going to be like in 10 or 15 years" she said.  

She gives the list of products 'Roundup ready' that are affected currently and it included corn, soy and all those products, sugar beets, canola, tobacco, cotton, alfalfa.   Also, the patent for Roundup was up long ago, she thought about 1990, so it's being produced as a chemical by others, mostly China she said, and it made it cheaper and so more used.  Do you see the Catch 22 going on?

I have recently really liked using the OneRadioNetwork website for podcasts.  I used to watch a lot of YouTube videos and then went to a different way of accessing the Internet that has not a ton of data and so videos are 'rare treats' to watch and I'm finding it kind of 'retro' like listening to the radio in the old days and Patrick's website's advertising is even done in a way it's educational and I don't mind the interruptions with the interviewers.  

And he was interviewing Gambel from Thrive this same day. 

1974 glyphosate was introduced into the food chain.  It was the late 1990s when the roundup ready GMOs came in. The model Monsanto sold to the farmers was that Roundup/ glyphosate kills all plants and some microbes and harms no "human cells" as well.  They talk about the pathway that gets disrupts (the shikimate pathway) and it's not present in the human cells BUT it is in cells of things in our gut, which gets the gut biome dysfunctional.  So the GMO roundup ready concept was welcomed by the farmers (who weren't made aware that the gut bacteria animals, including humans, rely upon WAS harmed as they have the shikimate pathway (enzyme).  

Before, the farmers would have to spray the glyphosate on the ground and kill all the plants and wait for the soils to be okay for planting the crop and then they'd plant.  So with GMO seeds you can just plant and then spray and it won't kill the crop (from the GMO seeds produced in concert by Monsanto) but kills everything else.  And again, wheat is not GMO, it's hybridized so they use glyphosate to ease the harvest of wheat and harvest it and the glyphosate is in the grain.  

Hospital discharge data put out by the CDC has interested Dr Seneff lately.  She looks at what diseases are going up or down. Recent history is skyrocking in some things, D deficiency since 2006 skyrocketed and everyone is told to take huge whopper vitamin D pills (encouraging / prescribing supplements because everyone has the deficiency but why is nobody asking why?  D is activiated in the liver by enzymes and what she is seeing is building a profile of a condition that is becasue of the enzyme deficiency in the liver that doesn't activate the vitamin D.  

The vitamin D pill goes into the gut. Receptors in the gut say 'everything's fine' but vitamin D is a signal, so the gut bacteria is mislead thinking the liver is acting fine.  The microbes get in there and turn things off so the pills don't do anything.  They go on to talk about the sun and the energy resource and why animals have been more healthy.  Sulfur is a very early life source of energy and is related to the sun and was here before oxygen, so she's big on sulfur. 

Stories about Russia and China resisting GMO, labeling in Europe about GMO, and she thinks it's unfortunate that the GMO community activists have not emphasized the glyphosate or other chemicals used with the GMOs in their argument.  She won't touch corn unless she's sure it's organic.  The poisons are easy to prove, the GMO is not as easy to prove so the promotion of the use of the pesticides with GMO would be good for people to focus on.  

She hopes China and Russia will 'bring down the house of cards' and we need sustainable agriculture with organic methods.  When she buys food, 100%, spices, beer is 'certified organic'.  It's not easy for the people who are poor and so that she recognized is you have to have the money.  "I have faith in the consumer to turn this around.  The organic industry is booming."

They go on to sugars and how all the sugars are bad. Has to do with sugar beets being Roundup ready, and high fructose corn syrup and corn with harvest. So with sweetener you need to find organic certified also for it to be safer to eat.  Bees and colony collapse and glyphosate and other chemicals being sprayed were brought up.  Synergistic toxins with glyphosate she discusses with specifics.  

They go to a caller. Who asks about detoxifying for things she's aware of affecting us, or super foods, to clear things out and help the body to heal.  Humus, charcoal, bentonite (I believe they said, but listen and be sure I heard right) and eating a great deal of sulfur-containing foods and soaking in baths of sulfer-containing epsom salts.  You end up with low sulfate due to glyphosate into the mix.  And it's a key underlying factor in modern diseases, the low sulfate, and then by doing more in the diet you can get many things out of the body. 

What about if you are traveling and aren't able to get 'organic' for sure and taking sulfur supplement that is sold on this radio network and then the epsom salt baths.  In China you cannot get organic which is a problem. 

Another emailing in about DDT is the next question taken.  She does not recommend bringing DDT back and it's still causing problems because it breaks down so slowly -- very toxic.  Maybe not as bad as glyphosate, she doesn't know. (Again, remember what she said earlier about consumers and pushing back and purchasing organic certified.)

There are ways to protect yourself from spraying in huge ways and there are few people working in the fields anymore so we need to bring people back to working in the fields.  The farmers can make more money if they spray for weeds than having people pulling (or otherwise spading to get rid of I add since I am an experienced gardener of the organic kind way back in the 1970's!). 

China started rejecting corn from the US and huge amounts of corn was shipped and then turned around and lots of lawsuits of who's at fault and who's to pay.  The corn that wasn't bought as being engineered with this gene got 'drift' from GMO corn and that was what started the resistance in China.  

Organic wheat didn't have much less glyphosate in an article that was asked about by Patrick.  The roundup is drifting and it's in the air, water, manure.  The organic regulation for manure is something she admits needing to look into.  And alfalfa is one of the big GMO crops as roundup ready so those get consumed by the cows.  

They discuss tobacco specifically at this point and the high (good) sulfur in tobacco and then how the research on tobacco smoking is needing to have the toxic chemicals of the commercial products included and what native people had and we can have is likely not harmful as people think and likely has beneficial properties (such as the sulfur she mentioned).  

Another commercial break and then the details about Canadian woman and family and Living Libations, and essential oil kits, and aroma therapy and the book they have and gift-giving ideas for health.  Organic and kits, from mostly Europe. A real 'art' to essential oils.  Beauty care is the icon to click on at the website. Things for all the body parts.  And even chocolate! 

So back to interviewing Dr Seneff and she laughs about her husband forcing her to get off of the glyphosate focus she says she is eating and breathing.  China is confused and other countries, about foods and they're getting soy from the West and people are getting sick. She went to a conference with a Chinese audience and there is a movement there and industries there trying to give misinformation just as we have here.  And the dichotomy then is in every country.  

They had all these small farmers and they're being disenfranchised and displace by cheap imports from the West, such as the soil from the West.  Huge increases in autism, obesity and large numbers so they might be able to see it more quickly and over less time (than occurred in the West/US). We were like the frog in the slowly boiling water and they'll hopefully be able to see and jump out.  The coinciding of the time and changes in their health is more obvious.  China is a very important manufacturer of glyphosate, since it's no longer under patent of Monsanto.  1.5 billion people getting sick in China like has happened in the US' population, it's going to be a big problem.  

They should face up to it's really an endocrine problem from these toxic chemicals because we can store toxins in the fat cells. You get rid of the fat and the toxins come out.  Benzenes and many others, but glyphosates are so obviously matching with correlation of time of glyphosate and autism rates.  

Inhibiting the ability to digest nutrients due to messing up the gut bacteria.  The liver and kidney get stressed, and the pancreas; all these things are key to getting nutrients into your body. So that's how it works.  

Converting sulfur to sulfate is discussed -- impaired sulfur metabolism is a question asked.  She got emails from people telling her they couldn't eat sulfur, it's that the glyphosate is a trainwreck for the metabolism and the whole sulfur system is messed up.  So an overgrowth of a microbe in autism is what she brings in to talk about next.  Hibernating animals end up with hydrogen sulfate gas, and that is what can happen in people with the autism stuff.  But Patrick said not one person has had a problem with the sulfur they sell as supplement on his website. 

The methylation pathway is brought up.  It pulls you away from methylation, and undermethylation in the brain creates a total shift and likely is involved in dementia as well as autism as she knows about.  

Another question about Australia and rice and GMO question, so this person is not understanding what Dr Seneff had said and she didn't pick up on that at first but then she did.  Arsenic is the problem in rice and particularly in what's grown in the American south.  She's not aware of rice and glyphosate use but she is aware Australia uses huge amounts of glyphosate.  

People with celiac can eat wheat-based products in Europe but not America as he asked about the Eikorn wheat. Hugely reduced symptoms of inflammatory bowel using organic Eikorn /ancient grain.  The wheat in the US hybrid and it is conceiveable it's as much the organic factor or toxic chemical / glyphosate in non organic .. she thinks the organic part of the study was more a factor than it was Eikorn/ anciety wheat in the study.  

She says how long we'll have GMO as a problem and how long the soil will take to get healthy again if we were and when we will stop manipulating it. She suspects agriculture is a major cause of global warming and not just the fossil fuels which are the focus. 

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  You can't avoid some things but you can with your food.  Harder with air (or she says water too but that is something I suggest people START with as it's relatively easy and only ONE thing to focus on initially).  

They end with something anecdotal someone emailed in with and he says how they bring her back every few months.  And she pleasantly hops off.  She's just so pleasant to listen to and I hope this has helped readers here look over what is at the link AND you'll GO LISTEN. 

Many who study outside the box and treat patients outside the box will know there is a belief that children with autism and adults with neuro Lyme/neuro borreliosis basically have the same underlying things causing the symptoms, and the same treatments are effective in both populations of patients. So when a research study is about one, it might also stand to reason that the other population group would want to take notice too. And when it's about these common conditions that are growing so rapidly in numbers of cases, I would hope people who want to think preventively will take note of the information as well.  

Dr Seneff's research is finding that autism has to do with an interplay of aluminum and the chemical that is in Monstant's product Roundup (glyphosate). Recently an article had swept around Facebook that had to do with wheat sensitivities being proven to be from the glyphosate chemical being used on the crops. (Now keep in mind this is maybe in addition to the changes that have occurred with the hybridization of wheat which is what other researchers and experts have proclaimed ... they might all be right, or it's a combination of some or these theories and not just one OR another thing.

This means that Dr Ross' advise, above is good advise and right as well, etc., though for different reasons in some cases, than what he gives.

We're all growing in what we learn and then tell others, with fabulous and innovative researchers like Dr. Seneff now in the mix and able to get the word out increasingly -- the more well known she becomes, the more people will listen!

It's an organically changing process and hopefully we can link efficiently together to learn faster than we would otherwise, as so much new information is out there now it's actually problematic. Hence we try to sort out the gems that might otherwise be unfound, and present them and do our in depth work at Lumigrate but not necessarily adding something new every day to keep it 'fresh' because it might take a week for a person to learn what is at just this one link I'm providing here. Years to study what is already on Lumigrate in our cache of topics. People who have been trained to want sound bites and short sentence answers are just not going to be able to solve the complex problems of what's making people unwell today. It's that simple! 

I encourage anyone reading to take the journey on this link and go see the presentations Dr. Seneff has made, the papers she has published and what is said at this page about her relative to the straightjacket of medical information research.

There is ALSO a topic there on a line that is about a Monsanto and a journal which is influenced in what it publishes. (see below)

This is really important for people to understand how it has come about over the years and decades that so many smart, well meaning people were basically unaware for so long about these things. If you're one of them who today is just waking up to this, or it's still sinking in, congratulations on getting to this point. It's a hurdle to get over, particularly for those who were taking in what they believed to be sincerely the best information available and advising others in accordance, i.e. doctors and other providers and experts.

It can be like a death or other loss of innocence, coming to realize how much our selves and loved ones have been harmed by corporate greed in BigAgri and BigMedi/Pharma.  It's similar to when someone realizes they were abused by a loved one as a child and harmed by it, but as they were growing up they had nothing else to compare it to and it gradually crept in and molested their well-being and brought them down in wellness level. People can correct their traumas from emotional and physical abuse, and people can correct the damage done to their bodies, including the gut/ intestines -- the all-important gut! And learn to eat differently, do other lifestyle changes and etc... supplements, exercise for detoxing, on and on. 

But from the truth, with the motivation to do the WORK, people can walk the path to health and well-being and people can create the new ways and new realities and wellness levels.  Here's the link for Dr. Seneff's area at the MIT website: 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better ! Mardy  

Here's an excerpt from what you'll find at the link to encourage you more than my maybe piquing your interest! For each item I've copied and pasted here, at the site (link above) about Dr Seneff, there are links to the powerpoints, slides, videos, papers, etc. at each item. I have removed them here in order to encourage YOU to GO to the link, above and see them ALL. Delve into these resource gems that I am uncovering along the way and bringing here as the BEST stuff that I think people might not easily find on their own!  

Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation – developing a computational model for the human auditory system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions. She has published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects, and has been invited to give keynote speeches at several international conferences. She has also supervised numerous Master's and PhD theses at MIT. In 2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA). 

In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology. She is concentrating mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has written 10 papers (7 as first author) in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health. 

Contact Information

Stephanie Seneff
Rm G-438 MIT Stata Center
32 Vassar Street 
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

New! Presentation on glyphosate on May 24, at AutismOne in Chicago 

New! Presentation on glyphosate on April 28, 2014 hosted by the MIT and Wellesley Alumni Associations

New! Presentation on April 12, 2014 at Unite For Sight's 11th annual Global Health & Innovation Conference. 

New! Presentation on March 26, 2014 at International Symposium on Vaccines in Nice, France: A Role for the Pineal Gland in Neurological Damage Following Aluminum-adjuvanted Vaccination

New! Presentation on March 16, 2014 at Physicians' Roundtable Conference in Tampa, FL. 

Presentation on Oct 16, 2013 hosted by the Wellesley chapter of the League of Women Voters. (Video and slides)

Compilation (by Rosemary Mason MB ChB FRCA) of data worldwide on effects of glyphosate on human health.

Former Monsanto employee put in charge of GMO papers at journal
Scientific journal withdraws Seralini paper on Roundup toxicity

Autism Rates and Glyphosate Application Rates to Corn and Soy in the U.S. as A Function of Time.

Slides Presented to MIT Faculty at CSAIL Offsite Meeting on May 17, 2013, on autism and glyphosate. 

Papers on Nutrition and Disease 

Note: Entropy is an Open Access journal that is willing to publish novel hypotheses regarding biochemical and biophysical phenomena, which can help the community break out of its current straitjacketed research paradigm. The papers below, many of which were published in Entropy's Special Issue on Biosemiotic Entropy: Disorder, Disease, and Mortality, cover several topics relating environmental toxins to disease, as well as the revolutionary concept that endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) synthesizes sulfate as well as nitric oxide. The papers were subjected to rigorous review by experts who were not beholden to industry influence. These papers collectively explain how widespread cholesterol sulfate deficiency throughout the body is behind most modern diseases and conditions.

  1. Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff, "Glyphosate's Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases" Entropy 2013, 15(4), 1416-1463; doi:10.3390/e15041416 (LINK PROVIDED)



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Other Resources At Lumigrate to Progress The Diet Information

There are a couple of topics at Lumigrate which I've developed because I really think what the authors have to some of the best information I've seen in books about nutrition, genetics, etc. -- things that support and complement Load Theory, above --- They'll have different list of 6 things than Dr Ross would, such as grains and legumes. Here's a link to the topic about The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. Quite a thread here with the last name Ross, eh? 


That ^ is in the forum that is titled the Lumigrate bookshelf, and if you then look at the forum if you go, you'll see I have another topic about The UltraMind Solution. On that thread I weave in Wheat Belly, another best seller of recent years. And I also very much like what Grain Brain's author, Dr. Perlmutter, has to say.  However, in order to really encourage a look at what Julia Ross has at her website and in her book, I'm only giving the link here to it for starters. You can go on from there, I've given you keywords to Search here at Lumigrate if you want to see what other topics I have created about other experts' opinion has to say.

Starting simple as Dr Ross has it is a great starting point and might be all that a family or person can muster. Honestly, many people don't even get it that much 'together', unfortunately. There's a catch 22 with people who aren't functioning well not being able to get it together to get themselves turned around.  Most people will have very good results with what Dr Ross has suggested. And then from there, I suggest people keep going. The sky is the limit, and you will reap what you sow/plant. 

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
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Research on Autism Substantiating "Load Theory" / Environmental

It's good to see what people post on Facebook and then pick some of the highlights to bring here for YOUsers of Lumigrate to be able to easily see.  Dr. Stephanie Seneff had shared something saying 'more good news' and it was something I'd seen this week about record numbers of US farmers going to NON-GMO seeds! One of her FB friends had shared this link in the comments / conversation that followed.

Here's the link: www.oapublishinglondon.com/article/1368 and the citation (you'll see it was published mid-2014, so is relatively recent): Shaw CA, Sheth S, Li D, Tomljenovic L. Etiology of autism spectrum disorders: Genes, environment, or both? OA Autism 2014 Jun 10;2(2):11.

The conclusion of the paper which I suggest YOUsers take the link to and read in it's entirity (and it makes reference/mentions Stephanie Seneff's research, by the way), is a good snippet to bring here for YOU to read. 

Further, given that a strong adjuvant effect can overcome even genetic resistance to autoimmunity, it is likely that an increasing number of individuals, regardless of their genetic background, will react adversely if exposures to compounds with immune adjuvant properties exceed a certain threshold. Prior genetic susceptibilities may in such cases only determine the degree of severity of manifestations of the disease spectrum, rather than being the principal driving factor in their increase.

The fact that as many as 2% of 6 to17 year olds in the U.S. currently show some form of autism (representing over a 70% increase since 2007), argues in favour of this hypothesis. No genetic susceptibility can account for such a dramatic increase in such a short time span as genes in a population are highly unlikely to change that rapidly. Notably, studies on twins have now shown that common environmental factors account for 55% of their risk for developing autism while genetic susceptibility explains only 37% of cases.

Because the prenatal environment and early postnatal environment are shared between twins and because overt symptoms of autism emerge around the end of the first year of life, it is reasonable that at least some of the environmental factors contributing to the risk of autism exert their deleterious neurodevelopmental effect during this early period of life. Indeed, important aspects of human brain development take place during the first two postnatal years, when the immature brain is extremely vulnerable to neurotoxic and immunotoxic insults.

This is also a period during which children worldwide are routinely exposed to the majority of Al-adjuvanted vaccines. Al is both a neurotoxin and an immunotoxin and there is now sufficient evidence from both human and animal studies that cumulative exposure to this adjuvant is not as benign as previously assumed. Because infants represent the most vulnerable population that is universally and routinely exposed to Al adjuvants, a more rigorous evaluation of its potentially adverse neurodevelopmental impacts is needed.


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
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Link to My Topic about Erasing Autism by Shauna Young, PhD, CTN

The LONG awaited book by Durango, Colorado provider Shauna Young, who has successfully reversed symptoms in hundreds of cases of 'this stuff' that I call it -- autism, Lyme, fibromyalgia, this, that, the other thing, on and on, etcetera was sent to me within a day of it arriving at Dr Young's office.  Available at Amazon for $24.95, and with much information long-ago put online for NO CHARGE by her organization, I highly suggest taking this link to the topic at The Lumigrate Bookshelf Forum.  IF you have a mouth and you eat and drink, whether you identify yourself as having one or more of the disorders or not.  You'll see why I call it 'the stuff we all have' when you go. 



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
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Histamine Intolerance, Mast Cell Activation; Neurology/The Mind

THE HISTAMINE (MAST CELL) DEPRESSION LINK,  posted May 17, 2014 at The Low Histamine Chef dot com, is an excellent topic to get the information about mast cells / histamine woven into this topic, which has had a good number of reads, and which I continue to recommend to people as a resource, increasingly so. Link, below as well as the article to encourage people to go to Yasmina's website and see what all is there, by seeing the entirity of this one topic.

There were also some good comments that I'll encourage people go to the source to read ALL of them, I'm transferring a couple of them that 'dovetail' with the above information. Therefore,  I'm going to 'set the stage' on this comment with them.  

A reader posted a comment which included: "A year and a half ago I was so sick (showing signs of schizophrenia), my husband and mother considered having me committed.

I told my doctor that I believed I had a medical reason for everything that was happening to me. She pretty much laughed at me and said, "Reassure the patient. Reassure the patient!" They did a urinalysis and found I had a UTI.

I quit my job and reduced some other stressors in my life. I am much better now but still suffer from inflammation, brain fog, inability to concentrate, bouts of depression, and general malaise. There are so many diets, not to mention terms I don't understand. Where do I begin? Are there medical tests that will tell me what is wrong with me? Please advise!"

Another reader's response included: I would recommend looking into Lyme disease. I have all the symptoms you listed, and some others too (including histamine intolerance). Keep in mind there is a strong correlation between Lyme and food sensitivities, especially gluten and casein... check out Dr. Joseph Mercola's articles on Lyme, and his interviews with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.


THEN, another reader, Christine, asked: "Have you also looked into pyrrole disorder? It goes hand in hand with histamine issues and mast cell issues, and everything inbetween those thigns."  Yasmina replied "No, not yet!"  I find it interesting that she'd not yet learned of pyroluria / pyrrole disorder if this is her area of expertise and focus for preparing all the materials she has.  I liked the way she said she was so sure of something she didn't even put time into studying it. And then was motivated to study and thus had something to contribute from it.  I've found the same to be true with me, relative to histamine. I'd learned of it in a backwards way from what Yasmina's process of discovery and learning was. 

I'd found out about pyrrole disorder / pyroluria in March of 2013 by looking into alcohol treatment on the Front Range of Colorado for someone who asked me for assistance in that area as they had been involved in a case I'd had in 2010 and 2011 where I'd basically seen that the man diagnosed with Lewy bodies dementia appeared to be misdiagnosed and therefore mistreated with powerful psycho-pharmaceuticals. His brain imaging showed the improvements when the doctors collaborated, tested, and decided -- upon my initial recommendation -- to consider he'd been misdiagnosed.  

I thought 'that's the missing link' when I looked up what pyroluria was; I was only to look it up because I was transcribing a marketing video of the treatment facility's clinical director, who didn't speak the word clearly. I had to Search the Internet to figure out what word he was even saying.  AHA! I found it and WOW, look at that symptom list, that is the missing link to explain why I see mental health / behavioral health symptoms and issues in the families of people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, etcetera.  

The patients with other disorders typically had supportive families who believed they had the medical condition they were diagnosed with; in these families, myself included, there was a lack of compassion, a lack of looking into what the condition was and being supportive and helpful to the patient, and often of outright sabbotage. I've shown people the way, above, to follow the work of Julia Ross via her books, website, etc.

She wrote The Mood Cure in the early part of this century / millenia, and had just found out about pyroluria. I've put a LOT of information about pyroluria / pyrrole disorder on Lumigrate because I found it so important in understanding the progression of how things get from healthy to chronically unwell, and the nutritional deficiencies that come from it.  It was while studying pyroluria that I learned of methylation issues, and it was while talking to a nutrition advisor in the Boulder, Colorado area about if she'd take people I'd send her way to work remotely by phone if she felt comfortable with the individual's case, that I was to become more aware of histamine issues.  That was in 2014.  So we're all having to work at learning 'all this stuff'.  

Ultimately, there's more which I'll present in a follow up comment, which perhaps takes us one more layer down the onion to find the underlying causes, ultimately naturally you want to know all of them and 'the root' or 'the core'.  I stumbled upon that, potentially, in August of 2014 and didn't really put my butt in the chair specific to it until Christmas, when someone in the group studying the information and protocol found a patent trail that, to me, confirmed that this group of laypeople who'd studied the work of a man in his 2014-started Facebook group, was really onto something.  I felt like I might be seeing medical history in the making by being in the group and seeing what was unfolding. And with his permission, I've developed a lot of content about it on Lumigrate this year.  

But I like this source, and I thought this was a very interesting and easy to 'relate to' article, and allows people to consider what else they might wish to be doing with diet to do what the body is needing. And do less of what the body is having adversity from. 

The comments, you'll see when you go to the website and the following link, then talks about the GAPS diet, and leaky gut, food sensitivity testing is mentioned, etc. And then this, from Yasmina: "Leaky gut is basically a mast cell issue according to the latest research. I saw something interesting the other day about quercetin being effective for leaky gut because of the mast cell link. I had SIBO, cleared it up through diet alone, and didn't have any major relief in symptoms."

So I think there's a really good resource here, please take the following link to 'see the sites', as I say:



While you could say it’s pretty normal to be down in the dumps over having been sick for most of your life, I’ve often found it interesting that an impressive number of us with histamine intolerance, mast cell activation disorders and mastocytosis appear to suffer from crushing depression.

So convinced was I of the link, that I never really bothered to look it up for myself, until it dropped into my lap, as it did a few months ago when I shared the news that researchers in Finland had successfully treated schizophrenia with antihistamines, rather than anti-psychotics (read my post here). This wasn’t news to me, given that I had previously experienced almost ALL the schizophrenia symptoms during high histamine episodes/attacks. Yes, even hallucinations.

I know, what more could a gal ask for?

An increase in the number of emails I get about a possible depression link finally lit a fire under my butt and I instinctively knew that NIH-funded mast cell/histamine researcher Dr Theoharides [1] was the man to approach on this. His groundbreaking research has linked mast cells/histamine to: multiple sclerosis, autism, cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, depression, schizophrenia and more [2].

(Disclosure – I am a huge fan of his work and he recently attended my first wellness retreat in Colorado, where he treated attendees to one hour consults. Please do donate to his research so that we may all continue to benefit from his hard work – visit the website listed below, clicking on the box “I have additional comments about my gift” and “adding for Dr. Theoharides’ research” in the dialogue box: https://tuftsgiving.org/giving-form.html?id=1&appeal_code=U0105/).

He’s a busy guy, but sent over a bucket load of research (most of it too complicated for the layperson – myself included) and this line: Mast cells are definitely associated with depression due to release of cytokines that affect brain function.”

His research clearly shows why those of us with mast cell activation/histamine intolerance disorders are more likely to suffer from depression and other psych conditions – the kind that are likely to get us a psych (mis)diagnosis, rather than a mast cell histamine one. As I did, starting with simple anxiety diagnosis for the shaking I was experiencing, progressing to depression after I was prescribed downers (Xanax), then into bipolar as the SSRI drove me into complete manic episodes and then down, down, down the rabbit hole for 8 years before I finally re-claimed my sanity through diet.

According to a growing body of research, by Dr Theoharides and others, pro-inflammatory brain cytokines are implicated in depression  [3]. In English: mast cells cause inflammation in the brain, which causes depression. For all of you histamine intolerance folks: there’s histamine in the body already, stored in mast cells, until we need it for healing and other important body functions, and there’s the histamine we get from foods. More on that later…

Dr Theoharides notes that the role of inflammation in neuropsychiatric diseases was long suspected, but new findings report decreased mitochondrial function in as many as 60% of autism patients, “a neuropsychiatric developmental disorder showing many similarities with schizophrenia…[4]”

In short, neuroinflammation, involving mast cells, can manifest in many different ways. In some people it can cause disorders involving a loss of speech (autism) or psych disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar, major depression), or demyelination disorders like multiple sclerosis. Please understand, I’m not saying that autism is a psychiatric disorder.


Dr Theoharides chart

Dr T concludes, in an editorial for the Journal for Clinical Psychopharmacology, that: “there is no doubt that available evidence indicates brain mitochondrial dysfunction and heightened immune response in neuropsychiatric diseases. However, it is still hard to understand how in certain cases these changes affect mostly behaviour, whereas in others they lead to loss of speech (autism) or demyelination and mostly neurological problems (MS).[5]”

In my interview with her, pioneering mast cell doctor Marianna Castells shared her discovery (along with her teacher) of mixed organic brain syndrome:

“The cognitive changes consisted of diminished attention and memory, and the affective changes of anger, irritability, and, to a lesser extent, depression. These manifestations fluctuated with the level of disease activity, and appeared in some cases to respond to histamine antagonists and disodium cromoglycate, medications used to control the excessive mast cell activity. It is important for psychiatrists to be aware that mental status changes can represent psychiatric manifestations of mastocytosis, a readily treatable medical disorder. [6]”

The psychological manifestations of mast cell/histamine disorder can be so extreme, as to be heartbreaking. In our interview, Dr Castells relayed the story of a woman committed to an institution by her family. She exhibited bipolar type tendencies and clouded thinking. By chance the woman fell over (not from a great height) and broke her collarbone. Someone was smart enough to wonder why such a young woman would break bones so easily (the majority of mast cell peeps have bone density issues due to disrupted calcium absorption), and so Castells was called in to consult.

A quick round of testing revealed that her tryptase was elevated, in addition to her prostaglandins, which, according to Castells, are one of the reasons for brain fog, or “mixed brain syndrome” as she and her predecessor dubbed the condition 20 years ago. After a short treatment with mast cell meds and antihistamines, the woman was “cured” of her psych issues and released to her family.

All I can say is that I can’t stop thanking my lucky stars that I found my depression cure through diet. Not a low histamine diet, but rather a high nutrient diet rich in anti-inflammatory and antihistamine foods. The kind of diet that helps prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s and certainly in my case, lifted the life-long depression that inspired doctors to prescribe meds that flushed the best years of my life down the toilet, the depression that caused me, in my darkest days, to harm my body in an effort to feel anything through the numbness, the impenetrable haze of ambivalence towards my precarious non-existence.

Please don’t wait almost a decade, as I did, to examine your mast cells, histamine levels, and really, truly lift a microscope to your diet.

I’ll be interviewing Dr Janice Joneja this coming week – don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter to make sure you don’t miss it! We’ll be discussing plant derived sources of the histamine-lowering enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO). You’ll also receive information about upcoming histamine wellness retreats and workshops in Europe and the United States, to get great freebies like antihistamine and anti-inflammatory recipes and lifestyle tips

The Anti-cookbook, while it doesn’t treat any conditions, due to its high nutrient, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredients, has been instrumental in helping me feed myself on a limited diet. It features a six page list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods. It comes in regular and Paleo. 

The Low Oxalate Cookbook features antihistamine and anti-inflammatory rich recipes. 

Don’t miss the Low Histamine Beauty Survival Guide for non-toxic beauty tips, the skinny on histamine releasing (mast cell degranulating) beauty ingredients, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory beauty alternatives and the top brands natural brands I’ve found.

Take a peek at my other low histamine and antihistamine cookbooks for more high nutrient recipes.

If you’ve found this information useful, I’d appreciate your support (at no extra cost to you!) – please check out my online store for your health foods, supplements, kitchen items and beauty product purchases. Affiliate sales through my online store go towards maintaining the website, funding travel to interviews and purchasing all the lovely foods for my free online recipes. You’ll find these items in the “Shop with us” drop down menu on my homepage.  

Please don’t forget antihistamine, pain killing foods can still hurt us, so please always check with your doctor before adding new foods to your diet. 


[1] www.mastcellmaster.com

[2] www.mastcellmaster.com

[3 + 4] http://www.mastcellmaster.com/documents/brain-health/J-Clin-Psychopharm-2011-Brain-Inflammation.pdf

[5]  http://www.mastcellmaster.com/documents/brain-health/J-Clin-Psychopharm-2011-Brain-Inflammation.pdf

[6] http://www.psychosomaticmedicine.org/content/48/6/437.short




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Emerging Research I Suggest People Learn About via My Blog

This has been a process, for all of us trying to figure out our health issues and trying the various things. I've long used the 'onion model' as an analogy, as you're peeling away the layers of the onion and looking for yet another layer that you can do something to and then not have the symptoms that you see in the layers going out from there.  Ultimately the 'root cause' has to be somewhere, the core where the root is attached at the bottom of the onion.  

There is a group headed by a man named Steve Beddingfield, a hillbilly researcher he calls himself, outside of Ashville, North Carolina, which I think is really onto something.  I want everyone to know about it and to consider taking the time to go look into it.  This blog topic is a good place to start.  

While Steve does not promote eating any kind of particular diet while you are reversing symptoms and healing the underlying causes, because he believes this is the root cause and the other things don't need to be done, I and others believe that it's cumulative what the body has to be addressing and if  you do the best you can with the food and drink you present to support and not hinder it, you'll have the results show in symptoms, or lack thereof.  So it's perfect to tie this information in here at this point. I'm pleased to see so many people are reading the topic thread this is on, and there have been as many reads just this year of the information about Steve Beddingfield's work as the entire time this thread has been on Lumigrate kicking off the Dr Marty Ross diet tips (about 3,000).  It's as cutting edge as it gets, and I wanted to be certain YOUsers could find it by making my way around our subjects that apply and guiding YOUsers with a link and a cue to 'there's MORE, look here'.  So here YOU are.  


Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago.
Tea for the Tummy (and Body) Problems; SIBO Should Be Considered

What is SIBO? 

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth - SIBO

Everybody's trying to make a buck off of this, it seems, so I'm going to pick an off-the-beaten path source for starting things out for explanation / definition (From Patrick Strudwick, The Daily Mail, in 2012). I recall many years where I looked pregnant too, but only at night after dinner and my husband would rub my back when we'd go to bed and I'd feel better from that, fall asleep, exhausted, and wake up the next morning my skinny, size 6-8 self! Where did the gas go? I didn't pass any ....

And then another 'day at the races' would go on where I didn't realize I was about to have a health collapse where one day I'd wake up and just not be able to get out of bed.

I'd spend the summer being unable to walk more than a hundred feet or so, have to rest if climbing a flight of stairs, have to rely upon my husband for cooking meals as I'd pass out in the kitchen if I stood for longer than just long enough to stir something a little bit. I would be referred to an ENT by my GP, who gave me good advise to keep moving despite the exhaustion, to take a mild antidepressant to keep the brain from going further off-track, and thankfully a close friend insisted I go to a chiropractor she knew of, and that was the start of my recovery which allowed well-being enough to get into and through the OT program and end up being able to provide what I do with Lumigrate today. (As well as a LOT of other things that came together, too.)

Now, people can have the answers at their fingertips on the Internet, so lucky they are, as am I. I'm continuing to put pieces together, find dots to connect, and hope others find it helpful and of value:

For ten years I looked pregnant. Between 1997 and 2007 my bloated belly peered over my waistband as I tried to hold it in. I wasn’t overweight or malnourished. Instead, doctor after doctor gave me the same diagnosis: irritable bowel syndrome.

About one in ten people have – or think they have – this horrible condition. Its chief symptoms, apart from bloating, are constipation and diarrhoea, with pain, fatigue and sometimes depression joining in.




‘SIBO is a condition whereby the small intestine, which normally has very few bacteria in it, becomes colonised with too many bacteria. In healthy people, stomach acid and the waves of muscular contraction in the small intestine flush most bacteria into the bowel. But with SIBO that doesn’t happen.’

Why? Mostly, Dr Penman says, it is because of four different types of underlying conditions. The first is when stomach acid is not produced because of gastric surgery, such as a bypass, or old age.

Another vulnerable group is people who’ve had multiple operations on their intestines with parts cut out or joined together, such as those with Crohn’s disease. Thirdly there are people who have other gut disorders. And, finally, people who have had multiple courses of antibiotics.

A huge proportion of those who think they have IBS actually suffer from SIBO 

‘People with recurrent chest or urinary infections may have had lots of antibiotics,’ says Dr Penman. ‘This can upset the delicate ecosystem in the bowel – the balance of different types of bacteria – which then allows certain bacteria groups to proliferate.’

In my early 20s I had a succession of antibiotics for tonsillitis – eventually they were removed – which may explain my diagnosis. But, says Dr Penman, there are also those who do not fall into any of these categories who think they have IBS but test positive for SIBO, with none of the underlying factors.

‘We get into the area of could SIBO be the cause of IBS?’ he says. ‘The answer is that it is unclear. It’s difficult to tease out – the causes of IBS are multi-factorial: stress, food intolerances, and in some cases, bacterial overgrowth.’

A 2005 study published in the journal of Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics found a staggering link between the condition: 98 IBS sufferers were given the hydrogen breath test for SIBO and 64 tested positive. This suggests a huge proportion of those who think they have IBS actually suffer from SIBO. 

However, Dr Penman points out: ‘A more recent study found that some people with IBS give false positive results for the SIBO breath test. The reason is that what they really have wrong with them is the time it takes for stuff to go from the stomach to the bowel is too fast. So when we give them lactulose for the breath test, it reaches the bowel too quickly, which causes them to excrete hydrogen in their breath, so we get a positive result. My estimate would be that in fact no more than 10 per cent of IBS sufferers actually have SIBO.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2089942/Think-youre-bloated-IBS-It-just-Small-Intestinal-Bacterial-Overgrowth-easier-manage.html#ixzz3lNPanCq2 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Known since the 1960's......

In the setting of SIBO, there is expansion of the site of bacterial fermentation into the small intestine. H2S along with other gases are generated in this region, a region not well equipped to detoxify this toxic gas. Hydrogen is produced by gut bacteria during fermentation of food. Hydrogen is converted to either methane by methanogens or reduced to hydrogen sulfide by sulfate reducing bacteria.

H2S is normally rapidly absorbed by colon and detoxified by conversion to nonvolatile thiosulfate (Levitt MD, Furne J, Springfield J, Suarez F, DeMaster E. Detoxification of hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol in the cecal mucosa. J Clin Invest. 1999; 104(8): 1107-17). Although colonic detoxification system for H2S is uniquely effective, the small intestine is not similarly equipped (detoxification capacity of the colon > 2Ox that of ileum) (Furne J, Springfield J, Koenig T, DeMaster E, Levitt MD). Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol to thiosulfate by rat tissues: a specialized function of the colonic mucosa. Biochem Pharm 2001; 62(2):255-9).

In the setting of SIBO, there would be 2 sources OfH2S: endogenous and exogenous or bacteria-derived H2S. The physiologic effects of H2S in the cardiovascular system include 1. reduction in blood pressure in rats by opening ATP-dependent potassium channels, 2. Relaxation of vasculature by H2S is directed at smooth muscle cells and 3. Vasoactive effects OfH2S is not reduced by inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase (suggesting that the relaxatory effect is not dependent on NO) ( Zhao W, Zhang J, Lu Y, Wang R. The vasorelaxant effect ofϋ(i)S as a novel endogenous gaseous K(ATp) channel opener. EMBO J 2001; 20:6008-6016).

Since the luminal concentration OfH2S reaches 3000 microM within the large intestine, the small intestine would be exposed to this high concentration of H2S in the setting of SIBO where the bacterial fermentation would take place in both the small and large intestine. Such high amounts of bacteria-derived H2S could then be exerting supra-physiologic effects leading to vasodilatation in both systemic and pulmonary circulatory systems and the findings of hepatopulmonary syndrome.





Here is a recipe combining turmeric, ginger, black pepper and lemon for SIBO.

As an FtsZ inhibitor turmeric is a safe herb for treating infections including SIBO.

Ftsz is bacterial cell division protein found in bacteria, plants and algae. It is not found in humans.

In this context, filamentous temperature sensitive protein Z (FtsZ), an essential bacterial cytokinesis protein, is a highly promising therapeutic target since the disruption of cell division would lead to the inhibition/arrest of bacterial infection.

read more

Pepper helps sweep bacteria out of the small intestine and helps increase the bioavailability of turmeric.

Try a cup nightly for two weeks to help relieve SIBO symptoms and reduce gas and bloating. If after two weeks you notice improvement a SIBO test from a SIBO specialist may be in order to help effectively treat and manage SIBO.

Recipe and instructions for 1 cup.

1/4 tsp. fresh ground turmeric

1/2 tsp. fresh grated ginger

1 grind fresh black pepper

5 drops peppermint oil or 1/2 tsp. fresh chopped peppermint

8.5 oz. cup water

Extra to taste

Juice from one half lemon


  1. In a medium pot, combine the ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and water. Bring to a simmer. Just before it reaches a boil, reduce the heat and gently simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and enjoy or let it cool for an iced tea.
  2. Add peppermint.

Lemon and honey to taste if desired.



Neutralizing toxins in the small intestine is extremely important in treating SIBO / small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Hydrogen sulfide gas is produced directly from bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes decomposing. The small intestine is not one of the more proficient parts of the body for detoxification, especially when it's not working correctly and over'loaded' such as in people with SIBO. Even if safely disabling bacteria, this is important.  

I found that Mercola got on this 'bandwagon' this summer of 2015 with this June 22 article at the following link: articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/06/22/berberine-benefits.aspx

Berberine is an important aspect to be bringing into the discussion here, in my opinion, and it's covered by Mercola -- the topic is titled about the benefits of berberine, as you'll see when you go read the entire article, which I encourage you do! Here's the introduction:

Berberine is a yellow-colored alkaloid compound found in several different plants, including European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, Oregon grape, phellodendron, and tree turmeric.

Berberine has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immune-enhancing properties. It’s effective against a wide range of bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. It can be used topically on cuts and other wounds, and it’s perhaps most commonly used to treat gastrointestinal issues, including traveller’s diarrhea and that from food poisoning.

However, what newer research is uncovering (and what traditional medicine has likely known for centuries) is that the benefits of berberine extend far beyond its antimicrobial properties. As reported in the Natural Medicine Journal:1

In recent years, the botanical extract berberine has been pushed from relative obscurity to front and center on our supplement shelves due to newly published research. Over a third of the approximately 2,800 studies on berberine listed on PubMed were published in the last 5 years. These studies reveal that berberine may have clinical applications in a range of conditions.” 


ANOTHER recipe, known in SIBO-knowing circles as "The SIBO Recipe" at this time (which I find likely to be confusing and will change) can be found at the link below. It entails baking soda, milk of magnesia, and zinc.  Here's the info 'nutshell' provided here in order to encourage taking the link, below the line and where I sign off, to go learn more how it fits together with the other information .... The info about THE Stuff that's at the root of the problems of most people with most conditions. 


It works by neutralizing hydrogen sulfide gas, a byproduct of sulfate reducing bacteria which is released in the intestines of those suffering from SIBO, colitis, IBS and other chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

Recipe: 1/16 teaspoon of zinc oxide plus 1/2 teaspoon of milk of magnesia plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water taken twice a day.

Some immediate relief of ulcerative colitis should be experienced. The dose is not a perfect one, but it seems twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime is helpful.

If the remedy causes somewhat of a diarrhea or laxative effect, then one might reduce the milk of magnesium and baking soda by 1/2. 

Someone who had been utilizing this and doing research believes the remedy should be taken only 4 days out of a week, which should be generally be sufficient.  This 'pulsing' of things that people take is something I'm seeing more about recently -- letting the body normalize as much of anything that's not being taken or interacting in an ideally positive way. 

In people with autism and other chronic diseases, it is more widely recognized now that the intestines / guts are the 'scene of the crime'. One person reporting about the SIBO Recipe said "it has helped me tremendously in every way, pain, fatigue, bloat, brain fog etc. Tremendously. One of the best finds ever. And the dose is so low on all it should not affect anyone in a negative way"  It was suggested that for kids, reduce doses to half. Any nausea that occurs it is likely the zinc, cut back on that. 

Then another version of the SIBO Recipe started floating around which didn't include the zinc. 

This is the new way of things emerging to help with chronic illness -- the Internet has information, people try, change, post, and around it goes again. I'm jus


Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy

PS -- FtsZ inhibitor is ALL explained at the topic at the following link, with many supportive links and information. 

Also, as you'll see at the bottom of the topic at the start of this thread: 

August 2015: I'm wanting to be sure that people see that there's NEW information at Lumigrate about SIBO, small intestinal bacteria overgrowth. Currently, the best place to get underway with what we have is at this link: www.lumigrate.com/forum/steve-his-images-his-protocol-and-facebook-group-community-and-other-resources-chronic-illness#comment-2876

This thread is the primary thread I'd prepared for diet for overall purposes ..... and I want everyone who has any kinds of concerns about their well-being to be aware you can be asymptomatic in terms of bloating with SIBO, it can be that a person is just without ideal elimination habits.

There is information which I lead the way to the experts providing, which helps sort candida overgrowth symptoms from SIBO, and there's a simple and apparently effective recipe provided to get people underway with turning the gas issue that's awry in the intestines around, using zinc, milk of magnesia, baking soda. Note, people, not other types of animals which can't have the zinc like we can. The motility of the intestines is also addressed with products or natural things such as pepperming (done in a specific manner), and so it's worth the study, this SIBO stuff. 



At this link, you'll find a great resource, in my opinion.  I encourage you to go see ALL that they offer, and want to provide a full example of what you'll find at this website. Bolding added by me for the ease of our YOUsers at Lumigrate.com to see the various bases or components discussed. 



Natural Therapy for SIBO

Here are seven things you can do to overcome SIBO. Many of these things are also done for leaky gut.

Step One: Remove food and chemical irritants

Dietary adjustments are essential to overcoming both SIBO and leaky gut. It is absolutely essential to eliminate all refined sugars from the diet and most starchy foods. At the least one should eliminate all grains containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley), but eliminating all grains may be required.

Dairy may also be problematic because the bacteria love to feast on the sugar in dairy, lactose. . Goat milk products and cultured dairy foods can be beneficial for some people, yet other people may have to eliminate all dairy foods.

Fermented foods are generally helpful for SIBO. These are discussed under Step Six: Restore beneficial bacteria.

There are three dietary programs that may be helpful, depending on the severity of the problem. These are the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet and the Paleo diet. Resources on all three of these diets can be found at the end of this article. These diets are also discussed in a webinar we did on this topic, which will be available for purchase on this website.

Step Two: Stimulate production of and/or supplement stomach acid and enzymes

There are two ways to increase stomach acid and enzymes. One is to take supplements and the other is to take herbs and nutrients that stimulate their production. With SIBO it is normally necessary to do both.

To determine how much Betaine HCl one needs you can do a hydrochloric acid challenge test. Note: do not perform this test if you have an active ulcer or a history of ulcers.

To do the test, take a 400-500 mg. capsule of Bentaine HCl with pepsin prior to a meal. If you notice no burning, you increase to two capsules the next meal. Proceed until you notice a mild burning sensation, then immediately reduce your dose to the number of capsules that preceded the burning or heat sensation. Most people find a comfortable dose between 400 and 1500 mg per meal (2-3 capsules).

If one or two capsules causes burning, you either don’t have low stomach acid or your reflux is so severe that you won’t be able to take HCL until you get it under control. Also, remember that the more protein you eat at a meal, the greater the need for HCl, so you can vary the dose with the size and content of your meals. Also, if you have severe digestive problems, you may also wish to take a complete food enzyme that has HCl and pancreatic enzymes.

Within 3-6 months most people feel a warmth in their stomach with the same dose they have been taking. When this happens it is time to decrease your dose and start weaning off of Betaine HCl.

You can also use digestive bitters to stimulate digestive secretions. Bitters not only stimulate HCl secretion, they also stimulate pancreatic enzymes and bile from the gallbladder and tend to be mildly antibacterial as well. Bitters should be taken 15-20 minutes prior to meals with one to two large glasses of water. A small pinch of a natural salt can also be taken at the same time, as this also helps stimulate HCl production by providing chloride.

Digestive bitters formulas to consider include:

  • Angostura bitters
  • Swedish Bitters (Gaia)
  • Organic Bitters (Urban Moonshine)
  • Digestive Bitters (Herb Pharm)
  • Bitters Compound (Herbalist & Alchemist,)
  • Digestive Grape Bitters (Planetary Formulas)

Bitters are contraindicated if you have digestive atrophy. So, if you have dry mucus membranes, as evidenced by a dry and withered (or shriveled) looking tongue, don’t take bitters as they dry the mucus membranes.

A lack of HCl may also be due to a lack of the following nutrients: chloride (low serum levels), zinc and thiamine. These are primary nutritional factors required for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid.

Step Three: Improve intestinal motility (if necessary)

With SIBO it is also important to make certain that there is good intestinal motility between meals to flush the intestines and clear out bacteria. One way to do this is to allow adequate time between meals. Depending on the efficiency of your digestion, you need three and five hour between meals. Ideally, you should wait until you get stomach rumblings indicating your digestive tract is clear before eating the next meal.

If motility is slow there are some supplements that may be helpful. All carminatives increase digestive motility, and many people find that a cup of ginger tea is most helpful. You can also try taking 100 mg of 5-HTP twice daily or MotilPro from Pure Encapsulations (two capsules twice daily). If improvement isn’t noted after two weeks, add 6 mg. of melatonin before bed and three capsules of Methyl Guard (Thorne) twice daily.

Step Four: Close the ileocecal valve (if necessary)

ileocecal valve locationIf there is severe gas and bloating, you probably need to work on the ileocecal valve. This is done by massaging the valve to reduce swelling and inflammation and get it to close properly. The ileocecal valve is located on the lower right side of the abdomen, midway between the belly button and the right hip bones as illustrated. Check the circled area shown in the picture to see if there is any swelling or tenderness in that area. If there is, massage the area a couple of times a day until the swelling and tenderness go away.

This is demonstrated in Steven’s video on techniques for self-correction of a hiatal hernia.

Step Five: Reduce bacterial overgrowth

If a person has signs of SIBO, they will need to take some supplements to reduce bacterial overgrowth in the small intestines. This can be done with pharmaceutical antibiotics or herbal antibacterial agents.

For starters, one can take a digestive bitters blend with antibacterial herbs in it, instead of just plain digestive bitters. Here are a few examples:

  • AF Compound (Herbalist & Alchemist)
  • Fungus Fighter Compound (Herb Pharm)
  • Wormwood, Black Walnut Supreme (Gaia)

Another great remedy is enteric coated peppermint oil. Take one capsule with three meals each day for about 20 days. In clinical trials this was shown to cause a 25-50% reduction in small intestinal bacteria.

Garlic is another possible antimicrobial agent, but if friendly lacto bacteria are overpopulating the small intestines, it won’t work. It does kill gram negative bacteria. The best way to take it is to chop up or crush fresh garlic, then mix it with a teaspoon of honey to make it easier to take. Encapsulated garlic products are generally ineffective.

Cinnamon kills both lactic acid bacteria and yeast. It is much more active than peppermint. Use it when you are sensitive to taking probiotics. Take two capsules three times daily with meals.

Goldenseal may also be helpful. It not only reduces intestinal bacteria, it also tones up digestive membranes and reduces irritation. It does lower blood sugar levels, however. Take two capsules three times daily with meals.

Note: It is not necessary to take ALL of the above remedies. That would be overkill.Pick one or two only, depending on your circumstances and what’s available to you.

Step Six: Restore beneficial bacteria

All traditional cultures used some kind of cultured foods. Vegetables were commonly cultured, but so were fruits and dairy foods. Studies have shown that it takes 10 billion encapsulated bacteria to obtain the same value to the intestines that just 100 million bacteria from food will do. Furthermore, people with SIBO often do not do well on probiotic supplements, especially if they contain prebiotics which feed the small intestinal bacteria as well as friendly flora. The most well tolerated probiotic supplements are: Klaire labs Ther-biotic Complete, BioKult and Align.

Cultured vegetables are very valuable in treating SIBO and leaky gut. You can make your own cultured vegetables or you can purchase them from a health food store or some supermarkets. Here are some brands of naturally fermented vegetables:

  • Bubbies
  • It’s Alive
  • King Asian Gourmet
  • Dear Garden
  • Pleasant Valley Farms
  • Wild Brine

Making your own cultured vegetables is quite easy. Recipes for making cultured vegetables can be found in the materials from our Leaky Gut and SIBO webinar, online or from the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.

After eliminating dairy for six weeks, you can try slowly reintroducing cultured dairy products like yogurt and kefier and see if you tolerate them. Beyond Organic makes a cultured dairy beverage with over 30 probiotics in it called Amasi. It is made from milk free of A1 Beta-Casein.

Step Seven: Repair gut integrity

Since SIBO always causes leaky gut, it is important to rebuild the integrity of the intestinal membranes. One of the best ways to do this is by using bone broth. Bone broth is high in glutamine and glycine, both of which are essential in healing the gut. They are emphasized in both the SCD and GAPS diet. Drink 1-4 cups of bone broth daily. You can also use it to make soups. Recipes for bone broth can be found online or in Nourishing Traditions.

If you can’t take the bone broth, you can use l-glutamine, which can also be used along with bone broth. The best way to take it is to get l-glutamine powder and take 1 teaspoon three times daily mixed with food. Other remedies that help heal the gut include chamomile tea(one cup three times daily), deglycyrrhizinated licorice (2 capsules three times daily) andcolostrum powder (Total Body Research Labs), one teaspoon twice daily. Kudzu/St. John’s wort and Spleen Activator from Nature’s Sunshine Products can also be helpful.


Hydrogen is a powerful reductant that will do more than glutathione ever did; it is the fountain of life. Hydrogen does not knock out all of the free radicals; it is selective. Hydrogen can activate Nrf2 pathways. (Using) Cyberscan (http://www.cyberscanusa.com) and (imprinting) into Restore (http://www.restore4life.com)(is discussed here).

There are (ideally) 30,000 different bugs in the intestinal flora. The sicker you are, the closer you may be to only 3,000. Restore stops gluten sensitivity, food sensitivity, restores tight junctions, and resolves inflammation. It promotes normal ecodiversity, increases bacterial breakdown of toxins, and helps to improve bio-availability of nutrients.

(Doing) 4 ounces of ASEA water and then 8 ounces of hydrogen water from a tablet (Active H2) after it has sat for 5 minutes (is something being done). - See more at:http://www.betterhealthguy.com/incurables...



At the time of this additional comment in late August 2015 there had been just short of 4,000 reads of this topic.  165 beyond that on 9/12/2015 when further updating. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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