Introduction to Navigating Towards Wellness Despite Geoengineering's Chems 'n EMs: An Overview for Providers and Consumers

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 13 hours ago.

Geoengineering is a very complex topic, but it came be simplified to be looked at as "Chems 'n' EMs".  The chemicals involved are numerous and varied. The ways of getting the chems into the air are numerous and varied. And the electromagnetics involved to influence the chems are numerous and varied. AND they change all the time, so it gets even harder to know all the details. Plus this is all information not disclosed to the public so those in the public who want to know and feel we have a need to know in order to have our best shot at helping our health and the health of all things on Earth have to figure out ways to figure it out, and find and connect with others to share information and ideas with, etc.

So what I provide here is doing my part for our YOUsers at Lumigrate to learn the basics and increase YOUsers' odds of heading out to the learn more on the Internet in better places than they might find on a Google or other browser brand search. 

People tend to only get interested in LEARNING after they're made AWARE and see how it affects them. Case in point, a recent conversation went like this: 

"Mardy, it's great that you make people aware and educate them (on Facebook) (about the covert geoengineering program*), and it's all the talk of cocktail parties now and all, but then ..... what are we supposed to 'do' about it?"

My business acquaintance/friend, who had initially met with me over the summer, having chicken mole enchiladas both times, went on to say "My eyes started burning this weekend, what's up with that? What do I do about that?" Made aware at the summertime meeting, didn't want to get active about it until it was affecting them directly. So it's a process, if you're going to try to wake people up and educate them. This was two weeks ago.

Since that time, and sometimes before, most every person I have mentioned 'the g word' to in person has known what I'm talking about, though they usually don't know the g word, they just heard someone talking about the strange stuff coming from planes in the skies that's making them have symptoms.

What most people have seen or heard a bit about is 'chemtrails', which is kind of a layman's terms for geoengineering sometimes which is actually incorrect. A portion of the chemical 'half' of geoengineering, but only the most common or visible to most people, are 'chemtrails'. Now, even with people who have immersed themselves in studying this for a while aren't all that clear how the chemicals are coming from the aircraft -- it's not at all disputable that there are contractors hired who sometimes dump chemicals on fires, everyone's in agreement on that in the geoengineering (g-e) community.

There are hundreds of flights going over areas some days that shouldn't have that many aircraft going over per the commercial flights that report to websites such as FlightRadar24. Sometimes it might be a thousand some have estimated. But sometimes people think that they see chemtrails forming behind what appear to be commercial airliners. "Why do you think they got us carrying less luggage" is the thought process I've seen. Others believe that it's only being done in dedicated airplanes. And perhaps drones and other things I just call high tech delivery systems.

Editing in, September 16, 2014 --- In the Summer of 2014, there was a ground-breaking public hearing in California on the subject of geoengineering. Here's a link to a topic at a website that I like that includes it in the lower portion via YouTube video. I suggest cueing to around 15 minutes or less if you don't want to spend a lot of time, you'll get to Dane Wiggington speaking of the public health issues and concerns. UV, and chemicals. (Nothing about electromagnetics, he keeps it to the simplifed aspect of the chemical aspect.) The topic at this link is about forest fires, naturally THAT is also a public health concern:

I HIGHLY recommend watching it. 

And another thread in this same forum at Lumigrate (which I encourage YOU to look around in for other topics about environmental health) that I would want YOUsers to be sure to see if they wanted to read what's at it, is at this link -- it's specifically about the neurologic effects per a Dr. Blaylock, who his a neurosurgeon and educator (and developer and distributor or supplements for addressing the effects too, which he is very clever about seeming to totally separate that from his education / marketing efforts).

July 15th, 2014 was a 'ceiling breaking' meeting at Shasta County, California, which has been covered in many places if you Google the location and geoengineering, and perhaps add on doctors, or professionals, as there is a very good and relatively short video of those speaking who were on the more professional side of the MANY concerned who took hours of time to all speak. 

Here's a topic that is a good one about it that I selected. It's from Dane Wiggington's website, GeoengineeringWatch, which is pretty much a staple for anyone who is informed about the core issues with this topic (he does not go out into all the more 'advanced' information that is 'down the rabbit hole' but people can kind of figure their own way to that from here IF YOU wish:

AND .. here's the link to the video at YouTube that I saw in a Facebook group I've been in to learn and then be better able to provide information to our YOUsers, the one hour version edited by Dane (or his people helping him) which as of today (November 2014) was the re-edited one and I presume is the one that they want people watching from his website too -- But if you want to see what is said in comments (there are good ones!)  and how many people have watched it via YouTube (currently about 23-24,000), here's the link to it at YouTube.

And this is what is posted at the YouTube topic when you click on 'show more'.... 


Published on Jul 19, 2014
On July 15th, 2014, citizens from Northern California rallied to create the largest attendance ever at the Shasta County Supervisors chambers (400+, chairman Les Baugh confirmed this attendance record at the start of the meeting). The primary purpose of this meeting was to present information that proves there is a very dire heavy metal contamination and UV radiation issue across the Shasta County region (and the world). A list of 10 experts presented data to the board to confirm the legitimacy of the concerns being addressed. At the end of the presentation, the board voted unanimously to investigate the heavy metal contamination and passed resolutions accordingly. The video below documents the events of this landmark day in the fight to expose the crime of global geoengineering, all experts are identified with labels in the video (the new edited, condensed version).
Dane Wigington


There are many sightings of orbs flying around in and out of chemtrails or chemclouds that form after the chems are distributed and then bunched up into what appear to many to be 'clouds', natural clouds. But they're not clouds really, what is in them is being influenced by electromagnetics. And where are those stationed? On the ground, in the air (such as satellites) perhaps, and maybe even in things that are within these thick, dark 'chlouds'.

Yes, it gets very difficult to sort out and I'm just giving YOUsers and overview so you have the 'memo' on what all might be entailed if you chose to 'go down the rabbit hole' as skywatchers call it. One thing leads to another and there's a lot of valid information out there but there is also a lot of trickery too and misinformation. Who puts the misinformation out there? Sometimes it's well meaning people who just don't do a good enough job. Sometimes it's people who are twisted with what they find fun to do and it's basically hoaxing.

And then there are apparently over a half MILLION people employed around the world to be what is referred to as 'paid disinformation trolls', either working on contracts from the government or for the government directly. They naturally want to get put into the better assignments and get pay raises so they work very hard at doing things that will get them rewarded by those who employ them. Many are profiles on Facebook and other social media sites who people can innocently mistake for 'real people', but they are paid disinformation trolls.  Their job assignments vary, but overall they're hired to keep people from 'cohesing' on issues as when people are fragmented then they're overall less powerful. They use a lot of tactics that are taught to politicians and speakers about debating and getting your way on an issue by mind-twisting the opponent, so to speak. Knowing that and how to deal with it is very helpful if you're going to engage in the conversation. As a reader you'll want to be aware of it and then be able to know some of the comments are intended to disrupt the information and cast shadows of dispersion and doubt. 

So this is very important for people to know. Or these trolls have registered to be users at websites for commenting. You'll notice we went to not having the public commenting in the Forums at Lumigrate a while back, only the invited experts were commenting. That was because of spam that hit us when our website was found by vandals of the Internet. But what I found was that I really liked not having to worry about policing conversations and having the content of what is found here kept at an 'expert' level of people I have invited to write. 

Millions of people are 'skywatching' and become 'chemtrail photographers' and 'activists', and then that's all the further they go with it. The majority of people, and their parents, and their parents, have lived their whole lives in polluted air, we've seen tons of this stuff in the skies after it started creeping into view that we are literally 'conditioned' to not be concerned. Though all should be, most are not. Let's enjoy some of my photographs I've taken so we can get on the same 'page' here. 


Photos: All taken by me personally, no manipulations aside from cropping. My June 1 (2013) wake up 'chemtrail convergence' (UL), over the Colorado National Monument. A very typical sky in June to the northwest of Grand Junction and directly north from the Colorado National Monument, where the Grand Valley's residents and animals, crops, etc., were ... about to wake up and look up, as you see me doing here (LR). Chemset over the Colorado/Utah border area, and Colorado National Monument again - summer 2013, this became 'typical'. The lower clouds you can see how dark and 'thick with chems' they are. Some would 'notice' and be interested in the very dark triangular area that I didn't 'notice' at first because I was still learning about other facets of g-e, such as which chems make what colors when the sun shines at what angles. 

There is much more 'awareness' about general electromagnetics (EMs) in and out of the home from our modern technologies than ever before.  EMs (usually called EMFs when the 'frequencies' is added but I find it easier to just simplify to EM, and it rhymes with 'chem' and can be remembered) are also clearly at play in geoengineering, as evidenced by the photographs, above (see how quickly the chems in the chemtrails are getting moved around in the 'convergence' photo?).

The use of electromagnetics in this covert program, naturally, is not 'officially' being presented about so we don't have anything like that to share here for our educational/outreach purposes, but there ARE a lot of medical studies which have been undertaken with various forms of funding. I'm actually editing on 12/20/13 this information in here in order to improve this topic in order to improve upon it: this had almost 1,000 reads in the first month it was on Lumigrate, so that tells me it's a place to invest attention to make it a better document for those using it. 

Whether or not you want to track down a lot of information about geoengineering right now so you thoroughly understand it is up to you and your 'process', we're all different. You might want to, for now, say 'okay, I see, it's about chems 'n' EMs, and so what do I need to learn more about related to chems .. and EMS. So this document is intended to give a person to get underway, provider or consumer, with the most important information so you can be as effective and efficient as possible protecting or re-covering your wellness or those you serve and are responsible for, such as parents, pet owners, or adult children of aging parents depending upon you to help them with their health and wellness. 

EMs -- Electromagnetics -- A Key Area of Importance for Well-Being, from a name I hope you learn: Camilla Rees, MBA

Insomnia. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Headache (including migraine). Cognitive impairment: attention and focusing difficulties (ADD is one 'diagnostic psychiatric/psychological term many 'relate to'), balance 'problems', coordination 'problems', irregularities with the heart beating. And last but not least -- fatigue / exhaustion. 

Does anyone recognize any of the most common symptoms reported and studied related to EMs? AND ... Remember that we use 'divergent thinking' not 'convergent' thinking the way we've been trained typically (allopathic and modern science methods ingrained that in us) when doing functional medicine approaches -- many things co-occurring and many different outcomes, which as to do with each person's unique DNA and the genetics we have. Remember our key topic from Dr Spurlock here at Lumigrate about "Load Theory" (Titled cleverly" Are You Loaded?.....). (So real simply: It's this and that and the other oftentimes, causing all these symptoms that people try to cram into a short appointment with their medical provider that's set up typically from the old days of things being more simple in terms of what all was causing or could treat the person.)

Symptoms most frequently associated with EMs (pun NOT intended but I'll leave it in...lighten the load.. ): and this is an excerpt of what is found below in Comment related to Dr Mercola (and the link to find the entire article at his website:) 

It is estimated that 3-8 percent of populations in developed countries experience serious electrohypersensitivity symptoms, while 35 percent experience mild symptoms, according to Dr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the world-renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland.

Dr. Rau also believes that 'electromagnetic loads' lead to cancer, concentration problems, ADD, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, arrhythmia, Parkinson's and even back pain. You can listen to an audio interview with Dr. Rau on

For people with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS), just walking into a coffee shop that is WI-FI equipped can be debilitating, triggering a wide array of symptoms including headache, fatigue, nausea, burning and itchy skin, and muscle aches.

I was looking for the 'right' resource to put in here about EMs, and Camilla Rees, I feel is the right resource, AND I'm going to include the route that it came to me through, which was the wonderful keynote address she gave in late 2012 in Washington DC to an organization you might not think of as having to do with health and well-being: Those 'outside the box' from the building-making profession. You see, things 'overlap' and dovetail and we need to keep realizing how ultimately we are all connected, and it all does have to do with the health of the Earth and everything on it. 


International Institute for Building-Biology and Ecology -- Creating Safe Havens in a Toxic, Electromagnetic World. Link:

Camilla Rees, MBA

Keynote Address: The Biological and Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields -- the Science and the Solutions
"Is public health in jeopardy from non-stop proliferation of electromagnetic fields? What scientific evidence is there for association between electromagnetic fields and electrosensitivity, cancers, heart irregularity, fertility impairment, brain effects, cognitive function, behavioral and emotional problems, immune system effects, neurological effects, fetal effects and more? How are governments responding to the human and environmental toll, and what steps can you and your clients take to mitigate? Who is likely to be more sensitive to electromagnetic fields? What are the treatment approaches that leading physicians are using to lessen EHS? Learn how to decipher industry spin from independent science, when you see it, and how to become engaged as an advocate for radiation free homes, schools and workplaces in your communities." Camilla Rees, MBA
Camilla Rees, MBA, is the founder of, a leading U.S. education and advocacy organization focused on the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic fields, as well as of Campaign for Radiation Free Schools on Facebook. She co-authored “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution” with Magda Havas, Ph.D. and the landmark report, “Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern”, which had global impact. Camilla co-founded the International EMF Alliance in Oslo, Norway and organized the 2010 conference on EMF & Health at the Commonwealth Club of California, sponsored by Citizens for Health and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.
Ms. Rees works closely, as a communications strategist, with international scientists, and advises numerous grass roots groups at the state and local levels on cell tower, cell phone, Wi-Fi and smart meter issues.
She was co-investigator on a research study showing impacts of microwave radiation on the heart, published in the European Journal of Oncology in 2010. She has spoken widely on health and environmental topics, addressing members of Congress and their staffs, the Commonwealth Club of California, Columbia University Law School, Bioneers, the Young President’s Organization, state governments and several medical conferences offering continuing education credits for physicians. 
Camilla is EMF Advisor to Citizens for Health and, leading U.S. health education and advocacy organizations, and blogger for  She also leads the EMF Education and Advocacy efforts of the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy in Washington, D.C., which will publish a paper in Spring 2012 on smart meters and the U.S. energy economy.
Ms. Rees hosts a radio show at KGNU in Boulder/Denver, covering health, environmental and sustainability topics, and does environmental consulting for physicians as well as for patients with chronic illnesses. She is a trained Cancer Guide and facilitator of Hellinger Constellations. She has studied widely in the areas of health and healing over two decades and is presently writing a book on health care reform.
For many years Ms. Rees has been a curriculum developer for and invited guest at a private invitational forum of leading international CEOs focused on productivity, performance and sustainability. Previous to her work in health and environmental advocacy, she worked in investment banking and in the venture capital industry. Ms. Rees holds a BA from Barnard College/Columbia University and an MBA from Georgetown University.


Camilla Rees' keynote address is available at the above link, on a link that's clearly marked. You'll see that people can attend the conferences virtually, it's a very well-done website and might be of interest to people who are related or interested to 'all things building'. 

What I am providing below is what was circulated for 'getting the word out' on social media/Facebook, which translated well to placing within this topic at Lumigrate. The first 10 minutes of Camilla's talk is an excellent overview of this issue and interestingly, how she stumbled into it. You'll see from her biography that her background had here life on an entirely different track and then she's now ... well, here, presently. I know that her story sounds familiar and I hope that your hearing her story will familiarize or reinforce to you what you've heard before.  

Please don't turn back from going to the link to watch because it's 2 hours -- please DO go and watch the first part and then see if you want to hang in or come back for MORE later. I made a note of where I stopped, which was at about an hour, and then went back. This is a full, professional seminar AS A KEYNOTE, and in my opinion is the best use of two hours there is related to education about electromagnetics for the average medical consumer or provider.

(To be clear, no mention of geoengineering is made in this presentation, which is currently a very covert geoengineering program. However, in mid December Steven Colbert of The Colbert Report and guest David Keith, PhD played an entertaining and highly watched game of 'this cop, that cop' related to telling the viewers and users of social media who spread news around that the media's silence about the issue is now beginning to shift, and started CLEVERLY by the humorous and popular avenue of Steven Colbert. Search on those keywords and geoengineering or chemtrails and you'll find it, it's at the show's website.)

Presentation:  The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Human Health 
Published on Feb 15, 2013
Camilla Rees, MBA, founder of, delivers her keynote address at the Healthy Bodies Healthy Buildings Conference 2012, explaining in clear concise layman's terms, with compelling PowerPoint slides, the science and solutions for creating safe havens in a toxic, electromagnetic world.

Sponsored by the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology, a nonprofit environmental education organization.


If you would like to see a very fast 50-point list of things you can do about EMs -- YOU can do .. now.. things you have control over with little or more effort, please go to this link at the website for the organization Ms. Rees started, as stated above : (which I have found at other websites, she is making this information very available for people to reproduce and 'get out there' to YOU (through me, for instance). Here are a few of the starter points to give the 'very basics here' that would explain the list of symptoms, above... (and encourage YOU-sers of Lumigrate to follow out to the link at her website and read the rest of the 50 -- she uses great images and it's going to be one of the best INVESTMENTS of time for your well-being, in my estimation.)

Overview of Cell Phone & Wireless  Technology Hazards

by Camilla Rees, MBA, Founder and Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook); Co-author with Magda Havas, PhD of “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution”

“50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights” is an overview of cell phone and wireless technology hazards prepared for the convenience of media, physicians, health practitioners, parents, schools, and patients with chronic or unexplained illnesses by leading health and environmental activist, Camilla Rees, MBA. Read this foundational education and share!

1. We Are Electromagnetic. First, recognize that your body is fundamentally electromagnetic, and thus vulnerable to outside sources of artificial electromagnetic fields.  The brain, heart and nervous system are the most obviously electromagnetic, but every single cell has an electrical charge, and the functioning of the components of each cell is based on electricity and electron transfers. Read one of the best early classics on this subject, “The Body Electric”, by Robert Becker.

2. Natural Rhythms. Appreciate the body’s need to keep all systems working harmoniously for optimal functioning, including by synchronizing with natural cycles and rhythms.

3. Minimize Disruptive Frequencies. Consciously choose to minimize exposures to disruptive man-made electromagnetic fields of all kinds: electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty power, radiofrequency fields, microwaves and ‘ionizing’ radiation, such as X-rays and nuclear power. There is a rapidly accumulating body of scientific evidence of harm to health and well-being from both short-term and prolonged exposures to very low-intensity, non-ionizing (i.e. non-heating) electromagnetic fields (EMF), when they are at biologically active frequencies or frequency combinations.

4. There Are Greater Risks—As Well As Unknown EMF Risks—to Children. Recognize children, toddlers, and fetuses are more vulnerable to disregulation caused by electromagnetic fields and will incur further risks from a longer lifetime of exposures.

5. DNA Is a Fractal Antenna and Responds to EMF Fields of Many Kinds. Recognize that DNA, with its ‘coil of coils’ structure, is exquisitely sensitive to electromagnetic fields, including ELF, RF and ionizing radiation.  It possesses the two structural characteristics of fractal antennas, electronic conduction and self-symmetry. These properties contribute to greater reactivity of DNA to electromagnetic fields.  (See International Journal of Radiation Biology, April 2011). As a result, risks with potentially grave consequences for future generations are now being taken in continually exposing our bodies to electromagnetic fields. 

Again, the link to follow out for the rest of this list and the whole 'enchilada' of information at the website is: 

Another resource that really substantiates/reinforces this initial information, above about EMFs is this, which takes and hour to view on YouTube, but is very easy to understand as he is a very experienced and articulate speaker:

Will Thomas -- CELL PHONES OUT OF THE BOX: Radical Reflections On The Wireless Revolution
Ictv Victoria·120 videos
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Uploaded on Jan 10, 2012
Thomas is an award-winning investigative reporter with more than 35 years experience. Named by Time magazine as Art Bell's most popular talk-show guest, Thomas offers cogent, documented facts and insights into some of the biggest "under-reported" stories of our times. The author of ABCs of Cell Phones And Other Hazards Of The Wireless Age will reveal the hidden costs of wireless convenience. Thomas's writing and photography have appeared in more than 50 publications in 8 countries. Winner of four Canadian feature-writing awards, he is the author of All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion, Scorched Earth, Bringing The War Home, Alt Health, Days Of Deception: Ground Zero and Beyond and Chemtrails Confirmed.

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My Recent "Case Example", that the public might unfortunately think of as a "basket case example":

The most touching response I had was the weekend after this business lunch, when I thought I'd test out the news that "this is all the talk of the town", and brought it up to the woman waiting at a business to check out after me. Someone overheard us and later said privately to me "my friend told me about why she's gone crazy --- and she really is crazy (pregnant pause, looking in my eyes like 'I think I can trust you to say this') -- and this is so weird because she told me all this just last night (at a big social event). I didn't know if it was real because --- well, she's crazy as I said. ... well, ... I'm so glad you brought it up, I really didn't know what to believe."  

This conversation was a blessing to me, and I hope you see it as 'impactful' in bringing it to the table here, so to speak. It helped me to validate my hunch and concern of how many people right now are struggling with lack of information in my own community, or lack of complete overview information in order to have some degree of confidence in knowing what they need to know regarding what is going on in their lives related to those they are responsible for -- which is at minimum themselves, and in some cases thousands of people, animals, or other living things.

How'd This Get Past Us for So Long? Remember History, it Repeats Itself

It's important to mention that when you're one of those who is aware and educated but it's a program like this which is not acknowledged by the general community yet, you're really at risk when sharing with others about it. Whether that be someone at a social gathering major or minor, your best friend, or your medical team provider(s). When you think about how they could get away with a program like this, and you get to studying how, it traces back through a lot of information that goes back several generations now, in the military and private sector related to advertising, subliminal messages and other things that are in the category of 'mind control' to break it down as simplistically as possible. 

My greatest concern is related to the medical community -- those teams of YOU (and the provider consultants the consumer goes to one way or another). I was frankly shocked this summer when I started connecting the dots of symptoms in the skies and symptoms in myself -- even my 'outside the box' medical providers I turn to first were unaware of geoengineering. Imagine the conventional, allopathic medical community? Ironically, my first phone call to a medical provider was to someone who is outside the box personally but who works inside the box in a hospital, as I was at that time seeing only the most obvious layer: "Did you have any uptick in patients that were to do with respiratory?" ... well, it's so much the electromagnetics combined with he chemicals, and those chemicals include barium, strontium, aluminum, I would learn. And it just gets wilder and more concerning the more you learn. 

Again, since my intention with this topic is to provide you with an overview of what you might want to know about geoengineering and YOU! as a medical consumer. For you who are providers as well, more about that below. Some might be new to Lumigrate -- it's all about YOU! at Lumigrate, here's our cornerstone model:


  • Geoengineering is a reality. It has been increasing in outward symptoms in the skies in every region of the United States in 2013, and it seems to be almost exponential. This is 'cause for concern' and perhaps even 'alarm', but ultimately, this program tracks back years, decades, and generations. 
  • Go with the flow. Remember what your spiritual self has found to help you through difficult situations. Trust that things are happening in accordance with your spiritual belief system (which can be atheism). My experience was that I felt the sky was literally and figuratively falling. This seems to be the norm for people who are in their personal process with geoengineering awareness, education and then activism, as everyone who is talking about it verbally or on social media is 'active' at some level. Particularly if they're aware that their health issues have to do with chemicals and electromagnetics and they've been working to have a diet free of pesticides and have limited their exposures to laptops, wifi, cellphones, etc. But, like my lunch meeting conversation indicates, some people want to take FURTHER action in order to make a change in the reality of situation. This is, in my opinion and many who have studied it far longer than I, the biggest event to occur in human history. This might sound dramatic to someone who has not gotten very far into the 'education' phase of this, but if you're reading this, I hope you will be hold this in mind as a possibility.
  • Everyone will have their 'initial response' and then go forward from there. Be respectful that this is extremely difficult information and overwhelms virtually everyone at some point in time. Some want to 'stay in the bubble' they will say, or "I'm a PollyAnna". It's called 'ostriching' by some, cognitive dissonance by others. But, like anything difficult to accept and understand fully, if a person persists, they get through the stages. Keep in mind the work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross related to grief. Denial to acceptance, many stages in between, which we now realize we can "flash back" or regress back to from being in "acceptance" -- anger, bargaining, depression.   
  • Give yourself leeway for the process. My initial response was to limit my breathing (such as with exercise) and going outside, and to close my windows and doors and limit my exposure as much as possible. I then turned to the Internet to learn and figured I'd figure it out and come up for air and out for sunshine before I died from lack of exercise and sunshine. Some took me literally when I said limit my breathing, but what I would clarify was that if I was getting cardiopulmonary symptoms, and I saw chemicals coming from planes and had labs showing increasing amounts of aluminum and now barium present, going outside on a hike and greatly increasing my exposure didn't make sense to me, until I found out how to work around it -- do mask filter it? Are there products to help keep it from getting into your tissues? Are there products that encourage it to exit through your built-in detoxification systems? What about the electromagnetics component? (The answer to this is YES.. and I will set that up for you, below, and this will clearly be an area of future attention and growth at Lumigrate.)
  • Monitor the 'fallout' from your lifestyle changes, and adapt your routines, don't just "abandon" something entirely. Most of us have the insight to figure this out on our own, or with the help of our support systems. I'll give you this tip: In my OT training I remember the example being given related to a tennis player who could no longer play tennis due to a physician condition limiting mobility, our task was to come up with a treatment to address that. Chess was one of the correct answers -- both games you play against one opponent and there's a lot of strategy involved.
  • Anyone who knows me well will see the irony in my initial reaction to 'dial back and assess the situation': I teach the importance of breathing to people, there is information on Lumigrate about it, naturally, and this actually tracks back to what I found was beneficial working with patients when my vocation was working in the occupational therapy arena of conventional, allopathic, insurance-based, "BigMedical". I was raised in the mountains of Colorado and literally hiked or snowshoed or played in the snow, the creek, the dirt, the sand pile (for traction and projects around the property like concrete for my parents' commercial kennel operation they built before I was born.) Allow yourself and others room to 'be' with this and to realize this is, as any and all difficult circumstances, a 'teacher' and you might do better the next time you are faced with a situation because of your stumbling a little on this one. Allow yourself to be honest about it and brave the feelings of vulnerability that come. I have, here, just now. ... oh look, the world still is spinning for me and you're continuing to read, you don't think less of me for having admitted that. (Or, that's the theory at least, I have no control over your reaction, that's up to you, the receiver.) 
  • Integrative medicine addresses this important information beautifully, as does functional medicine, which is what Lumigrate has always been about. Mind. Body. Spirit. = Integrative medicine. Functional medicine = look for the underlying causes and address at that level, not the symptoms.  .. and .. remember that it's not just the physical the way that conventional medicine and science has set us up in America to 'think', the mental aspect and the spiritual aspect are all part of the whole person's experience. 
  • It's sometimes the littlest things that make the biggest difference. This has been shown by many to have 'fallout', leaving potentially very dangerous "things" on our ground, our patio furniture, our cars, our shrubs and flowers and grasses. Think about that as you go about your activities of daily living.  Some people will take the word and photos of others and it's as good as if they experienced it themselves, others, like me, have to see it to believe it. I saw the first chemtrails when washing the exterior of my home and windows in the early summer. I saw the first chem-webbing hitting my area when I did the final cleaning for the fall before taking hoses off so they won't cause pipes to break; a tool I'd just set down had three webs on it and in the roof line blocking the sun in my eyes when I looked up, I saw and 'noticed' a long strand floating through the air. After that when I saw a long strand just outside a window, I recognized the color and knew that was not from a spider. Do I want that on my skin? No. I believe that is what caused a strange skin rash that looked like shingles after I'd been out in the grass, barefoot with long jeans on that likely picked up some and then the hem rubbed it into my skin. Someone else who is a native here said last summer was the first time in his life he had skin problems after he was out in the desert riding trail bikes. 
  • It's sometimes the littlest things that make the biggest difference, and it's often things we already knew to do and perhaps haven't incorporated into our habits. Example: Footwear in the house and when outside. Wear footwear when outside and then take it off at the door. Clean your house, and with products that don't further tax your body's systems. Go green on clean! (We've had that on Lumigrate for 'ever'.) This part might be new and expanding on the footwear concept -- If you go outside wear something over your head and your body that you can take off at the doorway, even if it's warm and sunny outside -- it was warm and sunny the day I saw the chem-web material hit my tools and I would presume it hit me too. I came inside when done, clothes went into a basket, into the washer being conscious of the dust that comes if you make hasty movements, and I went into the shower. (I would say 'act like you're a medical worker' but ironically, it's only certain areas of hospitals and medical clinics that seems to get that kind of respect about bringing pathogens to patients or taking what is on the patients out to the community with them. Maybe think of "G-stuff" as "cooties". This has been hard for me, I've always been one who is outside barefoot and without as much gear on as some people would have. I have been a medical worker and been exposed to just about everything at some point in time and only twice was made sick from it, that I am aware of at least. And as a child, despite being the fastest sprinter in my class I'd somehow let myself get the cooties the kids were passing from the girl who had burn scars, and I'd then somehow not be able to catch anyone to give them to .. thereby the game was over and the girl didn't have to be bullied/teased anymore. In other words, I wasn't ever afraid of cooties nor germs. This stuff is serious though. So seriously --- take it serious! 
  • It's sometimes the most obvious or fundamental things we overlook. Water/hydration -- and more importantly the QUALITY and components of the water, such as alkalinity/pH, or the minerals that are naturally in really good water, which most of us today have to really work at to obtain. Did I see this going on that fateful day I'll never forget, June 1, 2013, a Saturday evening, seeing -- chems 'n' EMs -- and say "I'm going to have another glass of water and maybe skip the wine tonight?" No, I said 'I'm freaked out and don't want to breathe and a glass of wine sounds REALLY good right now, holy #$%, this ... is.... WOWsers!" 
  • Remember the wisdom of the elders who said not to talk about religion and politics? I say this: don't NOT talk about it, it's 2013, talk about it with the mindset that you'll be respectful of others opinions and not get your ego involved.  For me, personally, this "G-stuff" has been a blessing in disguise. Like any of the difficult situations I've been through in the past, since getting a spiritual belief system within me that is part of my wholeness and foundation, it pushes you to new levels. However, it has been the only time in my life I've felt I've lost 'life-long friends', or could, because of our different places in life. Most of my friends are 'on the inside', they even sometimes have roof and food from pay that comes from, 'the complex' that is responsible. That's fine with me, but they are fed a lot of 'KrewlAid' as I'll call it, in the propaganda they've had and not even realized it's part of a big plan to essentially have this whole plan work out as it has.  This is one reason there are a myriad of groups on social media/the Internet or website businesses and blogs about it. Not only do you get into the spiritual interpretations, but the political. And those two meet when you look into the world-wide history of this 'complex'.
  • Find a source of support for sharing and learning and growing about this. Find an outlet for whatever activism you wish to have. And the mostly ........
  • Remember who you are and keep being who you are. Just be more of who you are. My recommendation is to be inspired to be more compliant with things you have not been as proactive with related to what you do with your body and your home, your car, your community spaces. And we are all in this together, even if many will process this information by fracturing, isolating, being combative, etc. Create your reality with it. There is hope -- we even have it in the grass in this 'funnified' version of our landing page graphic. Thank you for reading and I look forward to going forward together on the path we light for health and well-being. 


Re: MEDICAL PROVIDERS, whether conventional, traditional, hands on, product providers .... 

This WILL impact each and every one of you/us providers! It already has -- we might not have realized it at the time or before reading what I've prepared to share with you here. I do wonder just how much the medical providers in the US (and beyond) are connecting the dots and seeing upticks in certain things, maybe looking at the skies and making the connection -- and maybe not.  I hope the few photos I shared above in the 'for everyone' section lays a good foundation for what the geoengineered skies can look like. "Pretty" -- I'd been taking and sharing photos like that golden chemset for years, not realizing what was going on. All the while seeing changes in myself that I will offer here as a 'case example' for providers to perhaps connect the overall with at least one person's symptoms.

To figure this out in order to offer this information to you here, I went back not once, but TWICE in the months as I learned more about geoengineering to look for clues. The first time I didn't make the connection, but the second time I was better at seeing 'chlouds' and found that the last 'natural' clouds, or so I think, were in 2010, and not in photos from around my home turf of the western "Grand Valley" of Colorado.

I now affectionately call it the "Grand Geoengineering Valley", I did eventually figure out, I believe, why we were so targeted -- there's an FAA JSS "Tesla technology" tower on Douglas Pass about 20 miles from a low spot in the valley where it appears to me the chems from the chemtrails can collect and be manipulated by the EMs. I will provide my photograph taken this fall, when I had the 'holy trinity' of time to make the drive, on a day the chemtrails were occurring in this area, without other things on my plate to prevent me from detectiving for a day.

Basic History: (AND ADDED NOTE FROM END OF MARCH - PLEASE SEE THE EMF information added, below, from Dr Klinghardt as he speaks specifically about massive, sudden weight gain due to EMFs basically stirring up toxins the system and the body putting that into fat stores to keep it away from where it will injure the neurological and endocrine system tissues, to name two. So this all weaves together and I'm opting to have one LONG topic that has many facets to it and hopefully leaves our YOUsers with something educational that has real 'substance' to help YOUsers.)

I was 'admirably thin' as a young woman, and in my 20s and 30s, I'd had three 'bouts' of suddenly gaining a lot of weight. I'd tracked down heavy metals excesses, mercury, lead and cadmium in particular (Doctor's Data Spring 2005, my 45th birthday present from a family member), and taken steps to replace fillings and detoxify. I was doing other conventional and unconventional things as well, and made an admirable 'recovery' and was very pleased with my state of health going into my 50th year of life. However, by the fall of that year, 2010, I just backslid. I initially thought about one diet change, or perhaps the stress of family matters at the time, and wasn't even considering a heavy metals exposure because I'd worked so hard at eliminating my new exposures and the effects of the old! 

I recalled:  1) having months in 2009 and 2010 of rapid gain/loss, which I'd experienced in the 20/30s bouts of this weight symptom. 2) I'd complained to everyone from my hairdresser to my wine adviser, to --- anyone, about a sensation or taste in my mouth that came and went for no apparent reason. (I now know this was from at least one type of chemical in the geoengineering, I believe.) Having thought a kidney infection issue was returning because of my heart beating 'hard', at night -- seeming as though my body was trying to flush more blood through for cleansing purposes and bringing renewed blood throughout. 4) I was thinking I was not through with menopause perhaps and needed more estrogen mixed into what I was applying topically. That didn't seem to change the symptom of waking up hot. 5) My teeth were having symptoms of clenching; the appliances provided by a skilled holistic dentist were showing signs of abuse. My gums started bleeding as they did back in my 20s when I had the first occurrence of weight gain, fatigue, and ultimately chronic illness/fatigue set in. 

This baffled everyone, and most importantly me. I thought I'd gotten proficient with my health issues, their causes, and treatments to address the symptoms. So it was a team effort and celebration between me and the others when I would get to telling them that I was maybe 'figuring it out', and then naturally looking for their input -- they are accomplished medical providers, after all.    

In my opinion, the allopathic/conventional medical community is at a bigger disadvantage than the progressive/alternative/CAM community, who have had to market themselves in more aggressive ways, because conventional providers aren't typically on social media, though some are. Most of my personal providers, and friends for that matter, are either minimally on Facebook or they're not at all/averse to it. But I had about 2,700 Facebook friends plus others in groups and places pages, so I wanted to utilize social media as a way to raise awareness and see what came of that. (As my story shows at the top, it worked in my community, it's the talk of cocktail parties and I happened to run into a doctor in a store, not knowing at all who the person was, who was aware not necessarily from cocktail parties -- everyone is talking about it around here, the skies are no longer as subtle as in the photos I've put above, and awareness was raised by, I believe, Facebook. "You're the sky lady" someone said when I introduced myself. (Did I mention I've had some physical changes from this? So I don't look like the photos people see over and over on their electronics on social media. )

With the limitation we all have in common -- 24 hours/day --  many professionals, medical or otherwise, social media has to be a priority for some reason. For those who use it for PR/marketing, we make time for it, despite whether we 'like it or not'. It has always been a primary tool for reaching the market of people that Lumigrate and I cater to.

But I can attest -- I've been there -- the "overwhelmed" feeling medical providers have that zaps another resource -- energy. The modern medical system has providers mired in paperwork on top of computer work on top of the "people work", and when finally 'out the door', it's time to regenerate. Typically providers who have children on social media might have a Facebook page, but they're not looking to have exposure with the public and information about current events.  

My observations of the conventional medical provider group is we've been educated about the benefits of exercise and diet and sleep, and generally is a very 'balanced' group of people in terms of lifestyle. So I'm hoping that those who read this topic and other information I provide about geoengineering will also read this, and somehow, through indirect means, we'll connect with the providers who can benefit from knowing the overall about geoengineering so they can better help their patients/clients/consumers. 

The conversation I refer to at the opening of this piece speaks volumes about the process people typically go through to get to the point of 'proactivity' or 'being active'. In this case, it was not a medical provider, but will-be consumer looking to find solutions (pun not intended necessarily), for the eye burning symptom that was new, that lead to the person wanting to know what do do about it, not for themselves, they were appealing to me for collaboration or input and ideas about political activity. "A petition, with a million signatures on it, that should get attention".  But .. who do you turn a petition from around the world into... (Ultimately we realized that asking for a disclosure is the goal, and I believe it's boils down to local, likely congressional districts plus appealing to our city/town resources that are within those congressional districts. And there are groups getting going in this direction, you'll have information at Lumigrate as that unfolds.) 

I happened to know a bit about this affecting the eyes, because the first of my medical team I educated was an optometrist, and her staff -- July 2013. The symptom I'd had was one red eye that started sometime before the June 1 'aha' moment with the converging planes flying over. Ironically, the receptionist was the most familiar with geoengineering, she'd 'noticed' the clouds this summer had come from airplanes that left strange trails behind them. ("Noticed" is an important word in occupational therapy related to assessing motor and process/cognitive skills for functional tasks/safety assessments, I thankfully opted to get certified in the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills which was a creation of one of Colorado State University's OT professors so we received a 50% discount for the 40 hour course and related certification process.) 

The optometrist was done looking at my printed copy I brought with me to the appointment (of the June 1 photo, above) and was getting her next patient and I got the feeling her 'wheels were turning' in terms of what she'd thought of my eye in light of my information which was rapidly corroborated by her staff's statement of observation. I mean, that's really overwhelming to think that something's been going on and -- you didn't know it and -- has it affected other people that I'd treated?  

I really have empathy for medical providers on this one! And consumers! We've all been deceived, and that's a whole process to work through, but ultimately, here we are. Onwards and upwards. (But where does the deception end... it's really very destabilizing for a while, or at least it was for me. I think most medical provider by now have realized that things weren't exactly what we thought in the medical industry and we've at least worked through that process already. This will be similar or the same.)

The next provider I educated in person was my DO, osteopathic doctor , a cranial vault specialist who taught for the first seven years with Andrew Weil's program in Arizona. She's now had input over the summer and fall with the eye, a new skin condition, sinus problems, lymph drainage changes, and shoulder and neck pain: "It's like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, is how certain forms of Oriental medicine would view this". "Are you doing those shoulder/neck exercises I gave you?" (they're very simple and very effective, it's a matter of not having needed to be in the habit for a long time of DOING them...)

This became a top of the list symptom for me, one very important to mention to medical providers and their staff working with patients. The old health routines that I had 'down pat', like my breakfast routine, pills (supplements mostly, but thyroid Rx), etc.... I was as bad as the patients I'd worked with when I developed my "Ideal Daily Flowsheet/Game plan" in years past! I now realize the electromagnets involved in this 'stuff' is quite profound, not just the chems. I've had to be honest with myself and others about it, and "cut myself some slack and get back on track". I've never been 'forgetful', I'll have difficulties learning new things but not forgetting appointments or to put out the trash or the water bottles for new to be replaced.... I for the first time wasn't annoyed by the 3x reminders from the dental office, for instance, I felt like 'wow, I need a lot of cues now, like so many others'. AND -- I'd noticed providers getting 'flakey', ones who had been really solid before. So, this is a two way street, we're all on it!

Awareness of this aspect is key to as ideal functioning and eliminating as many of the frustrations and 'problems' from the effects as we can.  And what are some of the primary things our brains need? Oxygen, glucose and .......... water.  As I'd said, above, it's sometimes the simple things we bypass.    (This is a resource I wrote about previously ...)  

Over the summer and fall I have made the rounds to my whole medical team -- my holistic dentist, general dentist and hygienist, medical doctor / environmental medicine specialist -- all have gotten to hear about geoengineering from me. We've more or less commiserated sometimes about how this "police state", for lack of a better term,  that increasingly has affected the medical system in the US. This has lead to our being late to know this was going on.  

I was shocked to see people created really good websites about chemtrails and HAARP and the electromagnetics, even the baffling 'dark lines' that sometimes appear with the delivery systems and symptoms in the sky, up to a full decade before I was looking for information to learn! I saw a video from 1996 from France that was the kind of mess of sky we had here over my head in the summer of 2013, and I just said 'where WAS I? How did this information not get to me". (I also see the # or X chemtrails I'd caught on camera and 'was going to look more into' when I had time.. and nothing else I perceived as more important taking my energy and resources.) So what matters is that you're here now, but I hope to streamline the process for other providers so we can meet the demands of the consumers we serve.  

For once, I was the groundbreaker with not only my personal medical team, but with the expert team on Lumigrate, on this one -- geoengineering. Not only have I been sure to let people I know in my "live life" know so they might be aware and take actions as they wish, but I've made the rounds to all the providers who are currently part of the team available to work on information at Lumigrate, to let them know. If they're willing and able, without backlash that will damage their careers and livelihoods, they can directly (or indirectly) participate in co-creating information to reach those who can benefit.

Nothing hones your chops more than teaching something to another person or persons. I suggest to patients to practice explaining geoengineering to a friend before they attempt a provider, and I set them up with a short overview to leave with the provider. (This more extensive one could serve that purpose as well.) In theory, one patient can tell one provider who then is aware for ALL their other patients/consumers. "The ripple effect YOUser style" -- the patients ultimately tell providers a lot of useful information, so I hope this is one they are instrumental on.  

(Photo/graphic image chosen because a patient/client who came to an education group I co-lead in 2007 brought this book one week and said "I want your opinion on this book". I didn't look at the author's name, as you can see, it's in fine print at the bottom. Took it to my office where it was in the pile with everything else I hoped to get to that week, and I turned to a page when on hold with a doctor's office the next day. WOW, this is a great book! Who wrote this! ... WHOA, this guy was my MD in Denver in 1996/7! I didn't know he wrote a book about fibromyalgia (and it turns out diabetes and PCOS, it's a series. A 'classic example' which I teach consumers all the time -- get a book on the subject you want your provider to work with you on, it's a small price to pay for better medical collaboration with them. (And a little chocolate might be nice too! )

Last week one of the consultants I have used recently was familiar with geoengineering, as someone he lives near does a radio show about it. He'd just not had a client bring it up. The next day, a call on behalf of someone I was helping with a minerals for reverse osmosis water lead me to speaking with the owner of the company and there was awareness there, for a long time -- as was the case in July on the first occasion I called another California-based, innovative medical company. I was relieved when the professional who engaged in a lengthy conversation about 'toxins' and brain injury, was familiar when I finally revealed I was specifically inquiring about geoengineering and the effects on the brain (and other body systems but the effects of the chems 'n' EMs are very much 'rooted' in the brain and neurological tissues.)

However, since the public had not yet been indicating an awareness or concern about geoengineering, there hadn't been a 'demand', per se, for products or education to address it. Then there is the tricky part of that this is a program that's covert and you might refer to history to tell you what happens to whistle-blowers. Think about the blacklists of the old days in the entertainment industry for an example, think about Ann Frank as well. Believe me, if you study geoengineering much you'll find threads that you'll follow back through all that and much more; this ultimately was a program that got it's stronghold in -- no kidding -- at least World War II, if not before. I'm truly not trying to be dramatic or 'fear monger', it's just the reality of things. Best we get that threshold crossed, then we can get to work!

Again, I will help to usher you, as the concierge of Lumigrate, to some more quality information where you can take it from there if you wish to study all that. For my purposes here, I keep it to the medical aspects -- with the mind, body, spirit integration and functional medicine approach of going to the underlying layer and finding solutions there for any effects. 

In my conversations with the providers who were aware of the program, and the basic effects as it's simply part of our environmental medicine picture for a long time now, it's just drastically increasing recently, we all agree that essentially we've been dealing with these things from other sources, or this was creeping in without our explicit awareness. The techniques we have been providing (products, education, guidance/treatment) are effective, so we just need to keep on keepin' on. It just means a rising demand not only from the consumers, but from the providers who will increasingly see that functional medicine has real solutions, and the conventional approaches are literally dictated from those who are believed to be creating the geoengineering program. Yes, it's very diabolical, complicated, and confusing. The conventional and alternative community have really had to struggle to wrap their brains around it, from my experience.

I am happy to confidentially help any providers who wish for education. (If you're more comfortable with a phone call, my number is 970/773-7921 -- there is also a land line number on Lumigrate which transfers to my cellular. My background is in allopathic teams and I operate with that baseline, but currently operate in a capacity as a health educator, concierge, 'connector' of people to providers, services, information -- both professionals and the public who would seek such a consultant.  <Tonic of ACV served with fun!

There are far reaching health effects from this complex stuff. "Starting somewhere" is where we all will start the process of discovery, and I believe that with more diligence on the part of each person who is concerned about themselves or their loved ones, including pets, shifting a bit of attention and effort for more compliance to strategies that can reduce effects one way or another will have cumulative beneficial effects. (Apple cider vinegar (organic, with the mother), above, in a simple tonic served as a cocktail in a fun glass, is a simple and visual example. It's not ALL that easy but, maybe this doesn't have to be that complicated and burdensome, either.)

There is much that can be done to change the outcome by those who wish to combat the effects, and have the ability to do so. It's not an easy task, but and it might be we can each make a dent of various sizes, but -- it's a dent, nonetheless and that's better than no dent. (And as always, there will be those who throw their hands up and don't want to take the wheel, or the reins, however you envision steering your life's path. Again, spirit and mind are much to do with how we view this, and everyone is 'be-ing in their reality', ultimately. We do our part, they do theirs, collectively there's the overall situation.)  

Humans generally become most involved when it somehow affects them personally. And "affects" not at a conscious level, but at a deeper level where there's an emotion that comes with it.  When a program is being kept from the public's awareness and no education about it is allowed in the mainstream media and the usual routes for medical information to reach the medical community, a person can be having physical symptoms for a long time and not know that it was related to what the program is doing globally -- and geoengineering is a global program and creates a global situation. Providers will want solutions when they realize they're having patients with effects and they've not yet been educated about geoengineering's existence and it's components and effects. Ethical providers will seek out information and wise providers will do so in ways that it won't jeopardize their practices. It's quite perplexing and cumbersome from my standpoint, and I suggest we just talk about the symptoms and the various causes of symptoms -- it might be similar to cellular phones, for instance, the EMs. The chems might be similar to discussing lead and mercury exposure, for instance. "... and oh, by the way, this could be from something called geoengineering as well, though we don't outwardly recognize that...." can be tossed in to connect the dots.  (It's like when the first MD said 'you have the symptoms of fibromyalgia but that's going to mess you up with insurance so we're just going to address it in the paperwork as the symptoms -- fatigue, pain, words like that. )

I had to get to a certain point with learning and interpreting this complex subject, then going to medical industry experts, and learning more, and then internalizing / processing / digesting the information again and again in order to work through my PERSONAL feelings and beliefs about it all, before I could effectively now take this step of writing and educating about WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.

This is not my first piece about geoengineering on Lumigrate, I started within a month with my  awareness and best links/resources I'd found to date, and most recently provided a topic on what to tell your doctor geoengineering is, and whether or not to tell them -- will they think you're crazy? They should not, but many with chronic conditions have long experienced the allopathic, conventional community's bias towards their conditions. Remember, all these years after realizing the history of the word 'hysterectomy', it's not been 're-branded' to 'uterusectomy' or 'spaying'. Many other things have been renamed, RSD is now CRPS to name just one.

I've been in many conversations or presentations aimed at physicians where fibromyalgia was brought up and often there is shocking 'fun' made of it, without anyone in the room knowing that I've been diagnosed and treated for it for many years. It's what has been created and re-inforced in the conventional medical community, unfortunately. I also have been invited to speak to groups of physicians and later found out that the most stuck person in the room at that time had impressed a patient later by respectfully addressing her concerns and saying 'I think you might have fibromyalgia but let's just focus on the symptoms you have....  

Yes, progress DOES happen when good people are involved! And the majority of health/medical professionals are, essentially, good people. Sometimes it's the process and the system that's in the way. The consumers are typically doing their best as well, and Lumigrate was born out of my being both a provider and a consumer and seeing the overlap and similarities. Relevant education and experience. Time to understand each other. Who has the power. Those are the key items that collided in patient/provider interactions. Oh, and frustrations with the paperwork, costs and overall 'system of business'.  

As human beings, initially, we're generally 'unaware' of things, think about all that children are learning once we know them as a new baby, perhaps even being there at delivery, or along the way as they grow and interact with the world around them. It's one thing to learn of something, and perhaps believe that it's affecting someone you know, or the plants or insect, but it's another thing when it hits in your home with you or a loved one. And its a whole OTHER thing when you're a medical professional and it is incumbent upon you to have solutions. This is made more difficult if there's 'monkey business' keeping you for knowing what you'd like to know to do your best with your responsibilities to the patients, in whatever capacity you serve.  <Rock Cesario, "minister of music" I called him, for Lumigrate, making a podcast with us in 2010/11 about music and health.

Every person reading this, professional or not, is 'where you're at' on the continuum of never having heard of geoengineering or being highly educated about it (who, what, where, when, why -- it's a complex subject made very interesting to study because it's totally covert, a 'black budget' program, and open to much speculation that has some of the greatest minds not working inside the government and businesses involved trying to figure it out! Theories abound and I do try to provide resources, as with anything, to sources I found most helpful and credible. Not an easy task in the geoengineering world, it's a lot of smoke and mirrors and propaganda.) 

But we all have one thing in common -- at one point in time each of us had never seen anything in the skies to 'notice' that was from geoengineering. Most of us have had, presented to us in our skies, a gradual infusion of things that we didn't 'notice' because it was a well thought out and carried out 'campaign', truly brilliantly and cleverly rolled out by the program's designers, and we are now all awakening and simply needing education and solution ideas. 

How far down the rabbit hole does this go? Well, I'd be lyin' if I didn't tell you it can be a long hole to go down. I'm adding a photo and comment under here to let you know a little of what's 'out there'. But on the other hand, I'm also sharing something from Labor Day weekend 2013 that the whole Valley could have seen, there's no 'secrets' about that!  

I pushed myself through 'geoengineering information immersion' in what was one of the hardest summers of my life, this summer, only to rival 1986 by comparison when my fiance almost died from MRSA in his brain which had come from a surgery in 1985, because everything I was seeing personally and experiencing personally with my bodily symptoms, along with what I was learning from the conversations in the various Facebook groups for geoengineering 'skywatchers', told me that this was massively ramping up in activity and was going to be a high demand subject and the kind of topic Lumigrate's YOU-sers come to us for information on. 

The saying "You don't know what you don't know" has become a staple in my vocabulary in recent years due to the realities of conventional, allopathic medicine and things we've covered in the past years at Lumigrate -- fluoride, vaccines, 'silver' amalgam fillings which were not silver at all, they were half mercury. This summer, I figured out the easiest way to explain geoengineering, a word too difficult for some to process when verbalized/heard, is 'chems 'n' EMs'; chemicals that include heavy metals and electromagnetic gadgetry is used to influence them as the geoengineering 'wizards behind the curtains, wherever they are' dictate.                                                                                                                                                    

Photo, above, taken by a guy named Joe who thankfully had a camera when he saw this, as I didn't have a camera with me! Can you say "Chems 'n' EMs'? The Grand Mesa has tons of particulate (chems), that's not 'smog' from a city or anything along those line. Those aren't clouds, those are 'chlouds' I call them. In the past they'd come out of some delivery system in the geoengineering program and then manipulated to do what has been done. 

As for the EMs... WOW! Talk about 'wizardry' -- this 'phenomenon' is baffling; these photos are both taken at sunset (which is behind the photographers, the one below is taken by me when this phenomenon occurred in July 2014), looking EAST, that's not merealy a 'shadow' of a cloud to the west. It's appeared to me as if there's typically a hole in the chlouds to the west that the sun is beaming through and that is a factor, I'm certainly not saying any of this is without using what is provided in the cosmos and on and around Earth 'naturally'.

It turns out this gets into a lot of wild stuff, related to electronics, and Tesla's name comes up a lot. Nikola Tesla is becoming a big name in the public finally. It took me looking at the top photo probably hundreds of times and into Spring of 2015 before I saw a face in the middle of the cloudy area in the middle of the beam.  I let the photographer know and asked if he could blow it up and he didn't respond, but I figured a way to do so within what I have at Lumigrate's image size settings which I unfortunately cannot crop in but anyone who wishes can take the photo and crop and thus enlarge that area and perhaps see what I'm referring to.  

This gets into the Project Blue Beam information to do with holograms, and then that takes a learner / researcher into information about MK-Ultra mind control programs which were collaboratively done with militaries in the world. I don't want to get into 'all that' on Lumigrate beyond making people aware that I did spend a year learning these things for myself so that I could know better what I could bring to the YOUsers of Lumigrate relative to health, safety and well-being in these challenging times we are in. And having edited this portion of this topic in April 2015, I suggest a journey to the environmental wellness / illness forum at Lumigrate and looking at information and the side threads I take people to in those topics.  Look at information to do with the home and cleaning, algae and cyanobacteria.  I even include information about a robot that was installed on the reservoir that provides a lot of the water for Grand Valley residents, in early April 2015, to pump the water year round due to the 2x/year algae blooming that was occuring with the natural warming and cooling cycles; they'd been treating the water with chemical at the reservoir to deter the algae blooms the local media news story said.  

That would be "the Mesa" (aka 'the Grand Mesa') in these photographs, where that reservoir (and now solar powered floating pump) reside. Think of how many chems 'n' EMs are influencing what is in the water, the soil, and obvious primarily here, the air. It all fits together, I'm so glad I stayed in the area and took the TIME and put in the ENERGY (and money to support myself without making income as I was needing to basically do a self-study PhD in this stuff, LOL, or maybe just Mardy Master's Degree) to understand it in the community I'd moved to a decade earlier, so then I can better see the applications and situations in other communities where people reside and help them by saying 'this was my process to see what is in my environment, I suggest you do the same in yours'.  Example: Search on the Internet for your area's keywords and then words like cyanobacteria, heavy metals, aluminum in water, algae blooms, etc. and see what you might find.  I recently had someone who had an onset of symptoms that were MS-like ask me for information and I quickly googled her city and state and cyanobacteria, algae bloom -- and found a mainstream news story about a lake in her area. Not a source for the water for her city but it got her mind switched over to thinking about studying the NEW information I'd put on Lumigrate this year focusing on this key, emerging science and health information. 

(Sidenote: The holistic DVM who has provided information to me and I link to from Lumigrate is so concerned about reminding about 'smart meters' and their EM effects, it's on her outgoing voice mail message.)



Social Media and how it is your patients are going to find out more about this sooner than you might, typically.

My lunch companion, referred to at the top, interestingly enough, was a person who lives locally; I'd actually spoken to them for quite a while my first summer in the Grand Valley when shopping around and learning my 'new back yard', and whom I'd seen out at restaurants or music on a couple of occasions. The way that Facebook works, per my training when I learned it as part of marketing Lumigrate when it was on the Internet, you get a lot of "friends" where you live, if you want them. Naturally, I wanted that as much as I wanted international friends, and those from other states in America. 

My Background with Complex Medical Is an Advantage with Geoengineering

My personal process related to realizing that geoengineering is not only going on but is one of the biggest contributors to illness currently, in my estimation, is a bit different than most other people who are out there beating the drums about the program. I'd had symptoms beginning in the fall of 2010 which baffled me and everyone on my medical team -- and I have an 'outside the box' medical team. My MD, who is an environmental medicine specialist, had seen me in 2012 at a business thing and suggested I get an appointment with him -- I know he can do remote work with patients but relies heavily on what you glean from being as close to in-person as you can be.

So in December of 2012 I got around to doing the heavy metals challenge test from Doctor's Data, which is the same laboratory a previous MD had used in 2005 when I had my first round of heavy metals testing done, and treatment followed per what was found. I also consulted with an ND who specialized, obviously, in environmental medicine, that's a given with traditional naturopaths. And my health returned to a very 'normal' level for a woman of almost 50, and I wanted to share the truth about functional medicine from an integrative medicine perspective with the world, not just my local community and that's when I made the move out of allopathic therapy provision to being a health concierge/navigator/educator with a website to house the information most provided to educate consumers. 

This was the question a local businessperson/friend said to me in early November. I'd called upon this local businessperson when he'd commented on my Facebook (FB) page when I shared a photograph, as I was doing a lot of in the summer of '13, trying to capture the attention of people on FB when they'd be able to also What he said next was music to my ears: "It's the talk of cocktail parties now, but that's all people are doing is talking about it, we need to take action."

Considering the myriad of thoughts and feelings I'd experienced this past "half a trip around the sun" since trying to figure out the baffling laboratory results for heavy metals, it was a relief to hear that it's the talk of cocktail parties and a businessperson is seeing that we need to take action, and they turned to me to put heads together about it.

I'd made the decision in June to not only raise awareness via my social media platform, which had a nice mix of about 2,700 local and national and international 'friends', but to educate through the platform of I've always been the 'weaver' on Lumigrate, finding experts to add to our roster and then be able to call upon them for collaborating on topics I want to have included, typically here in the forums.  On this topic, I have, for the first time, ultimately had to become the primary expert, not only because of the 'blackout' and concerns providers have for speaking out publicly about this, but because I was the first to get 'into it', but I welcome the others collaborating in whatever regard, so that I can provide the best information possible here.

Also, I welcome the opportunity to work 1:1, privately or in groups, with those "awake and aware" about geoengineering (chemicals put into the atmosphere which are influenced by electromagnetics for reasons that are perhaps many and are being kept from those outside 'the system's insiders) and wanting to continue their education about it.  

As I've always signed off at Lumigrate: Live and learn. Learn and Live Better! Gratefully ~~ Mardy

A 2012 professionals' dinner discussion on the subject of fluoride and health. DDS, RN, OTR, DC, LE, retailers, marketing/PR, etc. included.  


This topic was under construction for a while -- and was significantly updated on 12/2013 with the additional information in comment, below, from Mercola's website, and the inclusion, above, about EMs, it was a matter of finding the right 'fit' and pieces. I hope this is now a fairly complete topic at Lumigrate and I will continue to give update in this area if further revisions are made.

12/17/13 added the blockquote in the EM area with : 

Will Thomas -- CELL PHONES OUT OF THE BOX: Radical Reflections On The Wireless Revolution (# of reads was at 1200+)


ADDING ON, March 26, 2014 -- 2,525 people had read this topic prior to today. I hope they all come back to read this additional information as I think it's just what 'the doctor ordered' for this topic at Lumigrate! 

I found a MOTHER LODE of information in the past week from Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD. Naturally, you'll always want to do your checking into experts to see what's out there about them, and you'll find the usual naysaying about Dr Klinghardt -- the usual fare for any provider who is outside the box. Remember, there are both 1) professionals hired to lessen professional advisors who are outside of the box or going against the convention and 2) people who don't have a clue how much it costs to operate a business in the medical domain that's not taking insurance monies. Granted, medical providers who stay in the confines of what insurance will allow also struggle today with the overhead involved, and those outside the box typically suggest things that they sell if people want to buy it from them. It's just something that people can pull out and be critical about. And then there are clearly a lot of people who come to hear him speak in a variety of places when you look at the YouTubes alone. 

This particular video I'm wanting people to know about at this point on Lumigrate in this thread, I want people to get the information so much that I've typed out an overview/transcription of (not word for word but you can read this and know everything that's in the video 'pretty much') is currently the featured video in the lower right corner of the landing page at . Presuming that might change as they continue using their website for new features, you can find their YouTube channel I hope -- I provide the title and fill lead-in info for YOUsers. But please, know I'm doing the work for the busy and scanning readers and I encourage going to all sources I provide links to from Lumigrate IF it's information that interests YOU, our YOUsers. 

Smart Meters and EMR: Health Crisis of Our Time

From the Creators of the Upcoming Feature Take Back Your Power

Founder, Sophia Health Institute
Founder, Klinghardt Academy
The video opens with Dr Klinghardt explaining that he received his medical degree training in West Germany, and as a young doctor had moved to the US because he loved it 'here' (he's being recorded in front of what appears to be the interior of his business, The Klinghardt Academy sign with website is partly visible on the wall. He passed the test (boards) in US since 1983, but goes back to Europe to teach there, and learn there, then come back here, so has  been like a "dual agent", taking things back and forth, he says with a sly and friendly gleam to his 'eye'/facial expression. 
He goes on to say that he has a practice in Seattle that specializes in the treatment of chronic illness, with other doctors. (I've looked, and he's brilliantly with a small army of naturopathic doctors and that makes sense from my background within a fledgling 'integrative medicine center' six years ago helping with the startup. The different types of doctors have different types of things the state and federal government and their boards, etc. allow, and for chronic illness as he's focusing on the naturopaths have the most leeway for the type of treatments his clinic provides.
Brilliant! I'm thinking of that old expression about 'German engineering" ........ and I'm so appreciative of his efforts to come to the US because I've known a psychotherapist from England who was attempting to immigrate when she was about Dr Klinghardt's age (60ish) and it was quite a process, as she explained to me, intending to weed out those who weren't really motivated to do so.
The average patient has seen 23 other physicians before they see the doctors at his clinic. It's a "late stage of the journey" they're on after they've failed or given up on other treatment modalities. 
So in that position of having these late stage patients, they were forced to look deeply into the causes of illness.  Illness is not a 'static thing' in terms of what causes them, he says. 
The foundational causes today are very different than years ago. He graduated in 1975 from medical school; nothing he learned then prepares him for what they see now in his medical practice.  He teaches a lot of doctors from various types of medical schools -- medical, osteopathy, naturopathy --  and what they teach in medical schools, to a large degree, is lagging behind the evolution of illness, so they don't teach on what they doctors mostly need to know currently.
(I found this to be very true in 1994-6 when I was in occupational therapy school at Colorado State University, which at the time was, as always, one of the top-ranked schools in the US and world. Fortunately they offered a half price to students to take something they taught as continuing education to OTRs, the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills, developed by Dr Ann Fisher (PhD in OT) and I have a feeling she had some German or engineer in her 'blood'. The fun part was, I was the exact same rater severity score as she was, which is confirming to a new therapist that you're seeing things accurately. And between my adoptive paternal grandparents and my biologic maternal grandparents, I've got a lot of German relatives and my father had a brilliant engineering mind and he studied at Purdue, University of Chicago, and UCLA and graduated in psychology then became part of the alleged atomic program though I often wonder if he had some duality to his work. Good secret keepers don't often reveal their biggest secrets so anything I had hoped to learn went to the grave, so to speak. But point being, I was a very different and better occupational therapist from just that one key additional course I took in assessing motor and process skills beyond what the college program taught.)  
Dr Klinghardt uses his education in medical school as an example, and says 'unfortunately that hasn't changed very much since then'.
There are two kinds of illnesses, the kind that have a name, the traditional illnesses. Fractures, appendicitis, diabetes, hypertension, etc.
Then there's something that's larger that doesn't really have a name for the illness. As he says to summarize it in this segment, to get it into two words you'd perhaps call it Zestless Life. The person has lost the joy and are living a half life. They've lost their sex drive or they don't dance anymore, sing anymore and have a low grade depression. 
Every patient they have at their clinic is in this category.
The main symptom is 'loss of zest' -- the excitement, vibrancy, the colors, the sensuality of life.  He visits a lot of colleagues in the world and sees the same picture (both US and Canada and Europe). 
It's not that they're suicidal, he specifies, however, I'd been hearing recently (early 2014) of massive uptick in suicides in the chronic illness population that identifies with the term 'fibromyalgia', and it had been up in 2013 as well. This is subjective, coming from one person 'tapped into' via Facebook the 'fibromyalgia community' there, or a segment of it. There were about 12 total in 2013, and in January 2014 there were 12 in the month! I recall having a conversation with a suicide prevention expert in 2010 about how surprising it was that the chronic pain/fibromyalgia community didn't seem to have a higher than average suicide rate. We'd talked about how it is known that people who suicide statistically have low substance P in the cerebrospinal fluid and it's a trait of people with diagnosed FM that they have high substance P, so it seemed that might be a factor. So it might be that Dr Klinghardt will become aware of a trend that's just started in the time frame 2012-14 possibly and this might be something he'll speak about in the future. I am tuning in as I find his information very helpful to follow. One thing I've noticed in all the videos I've watched so far is his immersion in that information overall and that which each person knows shifts and there's not an 'ego' about not having known something in the the past. That's a great example for doctors to have a peer demonstrating, in my opinion. 
So he goes on with describing his process figuring out "What is causing this strange state we're in, that we're observing worldwide." They distilled it down to a few things. 
1) Chronic infections occur in increasing numbers of people - the hospitals are doing a good job with acute stuff -- acute pneumonia or acute infection. But for chronic microplasma infections, chronic Epstein-Barr infections, chronic Lyme infection, chronic mold infection, and parasites, things like this, not. These chronic infections are not given their true place in the medical teaching, they're maybe mentioned as a sideline. These were rare when he graduated medical school and now it's an everyday occurrence for doctors to have these patients present -- but the providers have not be equipped to help the patients typically. 
So looking deeper, what has changed to cause these chronic infections to become so common in the last ten to fifteen years? What they discovered is very simple: The exposure to electromagnetic fields. 
So people who experience insomnia, muscle aches and pains, strange neurological symptoms, like tingling and numbness, with these vibration sensations in the body.
The number of children to be diagnosed autistic doubles every five years now. 
The only thing that parallels this rate when you look at data is the exposure to man-made EMFs.  EMFs largely in the high frequency range, but there are some exceptions with other ranges.  Mostly from cell phone radiation. 
Then there's the tetranetwork; smartmeters, they are the WORST invention they've followed in the last years, he says, "there are devastating consequences." 
There is a parallel between these technologies in our environment and  the exploding rates of these neurological diseases -  autism, Parkinsons, ALS, MS, learning disabilities, behavior problems in children..... 
The only thing that "fits" from an epidemiological perspective are the electronic waves, and fortunately we have good science now to prove it.  (He makes a point in another spot that I want to bring in here in case you don't read it or hear it later -- the research / studies can be designed in a way to create a desired outcome by those doing the study, so that has to be taken into account when looking at all the overall information and you want to focus your attention for the 'well done' studies where there wasn't a hidden agenda. 
And in my mind maybe everyone today has hidden agendas so you have to look at both camps of information and follow the money and think about who has what motivations, compare that to what you're trying to find out and go from there. To go further as a forewarning, I asked one leader on Facebook who focuses on one of the chronic illnesses that affects her personally if she'd heard of Dr Klinghardt and within moments I had a link shot back to me that was from a website that is designed to deteriorate the reputations of anyone stepping outside the box -- they capitalize on the word 'quack'. When I said 'well, anyone known at all who is doing truthful work against the systems will be on that website, that's actually a sign that they're well known and possibly as valid as they come in my opinion (and there are also providers on there who are real bunglers and leeches who follow around on something cutting edge by someone valid and try to siphon off of that.) 
The majority of studies show health effects/ biological damage from electromagnetics. There is a recent study published by the University of Athens, (Greece). The lead author is Adamantia Fragopopoulou, M.Sc, PhD.  
There are 143 proteins in the mammalian brain that are altered after exposure to a decked phone or cellular phone. 
Sleep disorders ....... to brain tumors, all of them related to the altered brain proteins.
This completely changes the human organism, permanently because the DNA in the cell is an instruction booklet on how to make proteins. And we have 120-200,000  different kinds of proteins inside the cells. The manufacturing the cell does -- of antibodies, neuropeptides, cholesterol -- that's all done with proteins. 
Even the physical structure of your body changes. They've seen a host of people who had normal body weight for 40 or 50 years and suddenly their body weight shot up, and when they looked at it, it was as soon as the cell phone tower was put up near their house. 
In their clinic's history of patients, they've seen cancer rates shoot up after cell phone towers came near a house.
He speaks of a coworker at the clinic who had a son who couldn't go to school because he couldn't tolerate the EMFs there, they'd put in wireless for computers was part of it but she lived around Seattle. So she moved to Portland and he couldn't tolerate that, so she moved to Ashland, which claims to be one of the greenest cities in the world. But he wasn't doing well there and when she Googled information about the area where she'd rented a home, where her son was literally going nuts, she found over 90 cell phone towers near enough to her home to be influencing things. So then she moved out in the country and decided on home schooling and the boy has been doing well ever since. 
So after seeing this happening in the past, they became meticulous in asking people who came to the clinic about their homes, and looking at the literature. He got certified in building biology which governs this in Europe, and he got into how to measure it in the house. 
What they found was the most important time in the day when we are most vulnerable to the damage is in the night time, when the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is active and the autonomic (ANS) is withdrawing -- that's when the damage is mostly done. 
So he moved very quickly to give a set of instructions to people:
We look at "Body voltage", but turning off the circuit breakers to the whole house at night. 
People have to get rid of their cordless phones because they are a devastating radiation and are broadcasting into the rooms when it's on. This was covered in the Greek study, above. He said they've told this to the parents of children with autism since 2007/8.  Go get a $25 corded phone and that solves it.
They get to measure the sleeping location with the instrument they use from Gigahertz-Solutions. He feels a reading over 5 microwatts/m2 is unaccepable for a sleeping location. 
There are "eddies" or turbulences where the reading is low... currents in the houses to be aware of, where it's higher.
Reducing the EMFs coming through the walls is achieved by applying a paint that has metal in it, you're basically making a Faraday cage of the room. It is a pitch black paint that is put over normal paint, then you can paint over it if you want, but it's grounded to the Earth.
Placing a fabric that is silver coated that reflects the incoming cell phone radiation back to the outside 
Every place we've looked at so far, that brings the radiation down to the level to where it's acceptable. 
Half his practice is practice is the treatment of autistic kids. There are two kinds, those that recover from autism and those that don't. Those who do recover, followed exactly these instructions. It's hardly done with the vitamins and etc. 
He says this with a great deal of certainty to it because he has a large following of people in Europe, and when they hear the information they run with it.  In America, it's different and it's due to obstacles that most American men had no more than one year of physics in school but they have strong opinions because if this would be true and dangerous the government would have done something. So you make your own opinions after watching this video, he suggests. (or read this overview written out for our YOUsers here) 
So they did a study: They took 10 autistic children and looked at the EMFs in the sleeping location of the mother when she was pregnant. They compared this to 10 mothers who had healthy children. 
Microwave exposure in sleeping location was elevated in the group of women whose children had autism compared to the group that had normal children. 
Looked at body voltage 
The exposure that the electric charge has that is built up in the body was more than 10x more in the mothers when they were sleeping with the child (unborn). 
This is the first thing we've been able to use as a way to predict if a mother is going to give birth to a child who would be later diagnosed as an autistic child. 
As you can imagine, he couldn't find a place to publish this study, due to the small sample size and the special interests that have found their way into the medical and peer reviewed journals. The communications industry has become the largest lobbying industry in politics, larger than BigPharma now. BigPharma used to be the most powerful arm bending the decision of all western governments, now it's communications industry. So they weren't surprised when they couldn't publish the data.
So it made them more aware that they needed preconception health care.  They have to protect the sleeping area of the mother. The EMFs are tweeking the epigenome and the genes of the 
predicting that the child will never reach their true potential genetically in life because of this exposure to EMFs.
If the fetus is exposed to microwave from cell phone radiation or from ambient man-made fields in the house.
It's not harmless to the adult brain, the damage to adults is somewhat protected .
So we have what he calls nighttime technologies. 
All the fuses are off, so that switches off everything, the alarm systems, the appliances, .... but it probably does not switch off the smart meter it depends on how it's wired. 
You need the protection from the incoming cell phone radiation. 
We do the earthing pad and reground / re-earth and look at where to redirect that.
Daytime technologies. Most people need the electric system on. 
They use the stetsa filters, which have been shown to affect things biologically. Stetsa filters reduce the dirty electricity, and he knows that Graham Stetsa has gotten a lot of pushback but it has been supported by other researchers. (He names one in Canada).
It is not allowed to have cordless phones in the house. You have the deck with the antennae and then the cordless handset. Two rooms over you have the little space station with the antennae. The field strength there is equivalent to if you had a Boeing jet engine next to you energetically. 
Smart meter is #1, cordless phone is #2, it's more than what comes in from the cellular towers.
It's absolutely destructive to the human health.
Wireless internet is electropollution and high frequency fields.
The high frequency devastating to the health is given off by the new compact fluorescent light bulbs are completely unacceptable. 
So they have to go back to incandescent bulbs which can be found on the Internet as 'heat bulbs' and more expensive now. Or they have to go to the more expensive LED lights. 
But these bulbs have mercury vapor in them and this ends up mobilizing toxins in the body that are then swishing around. The body stores mercury where it causes the least damage, with time, and the CF lights stir that up and it gets out into the hormone-producing glands in the body and it's devastating. 
So those three things are a good step for most people.
Go back to broadband, go back to cordless (there is one expensive type of cordless phone that is harmless). 
The smart meters are sold to us with the idea that the electric companies can feed back to us what rooms in our house are using excessively and give us suggestions to moderate our consumption so our house is more green and doesn't contribute to the use of electricity so much.  
But in fact what we're getting that shows how much electricity you use, and the electric company can tinker with the data they collect, and they can tell things about your use and see in the signature in the frequency pattern that is there and they sell that information to other businesses and advertisers. And it's a business and not at all what they're telling the consumers about telling them about their own energy usage. 
It sends a microwave impulse at up to 190,000 microwave pulses/ 
EPA set standards of what is acceptable and the EPA sets standards that are way too high for our health.  They measured things 600 times higher than EPA's limits. 
Then the smart meters are networked in areas so that some become hubs and have more activity associated with them. Whoever is near that meter then has more exposure. 
Here's what they've seen. One of his patients had a husband with Parkinson's disease who was doing okay for many years. Within weeks after getting a smart meter, he was no longer able to walk and six months later he died. The patient had Lyme disease and she had been doing well. After the smart meter, she feels like a vibration in her body, she cannot sleep at night, feels she is losing her mind. Has a beautiful home in a very exclusive area of Seattle she cannot live in. The electric company, he's tried to explain to about the patient's health. They don't respond to it. 
These are private companies that have the right to install this on your house, destroy your health and there's no accountability for it at all.
This is just one case. We had many cases of children who had recovered from their health problems (asthma, seizures, autism, etc.) for many years. The smart meter is installed and within six months 
Or, the regressive form of autism we'll see like it but in an 8 year old. Typically in the past you'd see that after the third or 4th, 5th vaccine around 18 months is when you'd see the child lose language and eye contact and get the symptoms. So now they're seeing children who were born well who were normal at eight years old, the child loses language similar to how smaller children do after vaccinations, then find out it's due to the smart meters being installed at the home. 
Electrosensitivity and electro allergy are two different things. Everyone is electrosensitive equally.  There are certain markers. 
Inflammatory markers and other labwork can be a tool.
TGF beta 1 goes way way up
MMP9 go way way up, an inflammatory marker
Copper level in the serum goes way up.
Hormones go way off
Neurotransmitters go way off
So there are lab tests we can do before / after the smart meter was installed. 
AND if you have a family where some are 'fine', if you look at the lab work, it shows the effects, they're just asymptomatic. People have different awareness, but everyone is affected. It's not just the 3% of electric sensitive we talk about.
This seems to be a tool to spy on people's homes for advertising purposes, we don't see any positive things that the consumers are getting, just the general information of consumption by day, no detail to actually be constructive to reduce your consumption, but it is destroying the health of a lot of people. Mostly, the children and the womb concentrates electric radiation multiple times over what is on the outside of the adult/mother's body, so the fetus and unborn children and it's devastating what is coming up on us. 
Solution. The legal level, this gets passed around on the Internet. There was one time where it was deinstalled but several failures. 
Shielding - Lead lining between the wall of the house and the smart meter to deflect it from the house. The electric company then might come out because they say they get bad readings from it, and remove it, so then a game of hide and seek goes on.
His friends in Germany created what he calls the German Method for $20. They bought a big ax and smashed the thing so nobody can prove who did it. As soon as it's re-installed the do it again and the golden rule there is that if it's done 3x there, they go back to the old system. 
They are trying, as physicians, to inform the electric companies, assuming the electric companies don't know this. 
Erratic blood pressure peaks are one of the first warning signs, and irregular heart rate - these are the warning signs before the nervous system goes completely off. So we are trying "The peaceful warrior way" first. 
As a conclusion: He states that about 80% of health problems that 'we are seeing now' are caused or contributed to by exposure to electric fields that were not studied, or the studies that were CORRECTLY done showed it was not safe. 
There are technologies out, the beautiful one was called fiber optics, which was clean and would have done everything the communication industry would need in western countries which has been made redundant by a technology by something that is devastating to human health. We had something good and replaced it with something far worse. 
We see this in the eastern world now, which are getting cell phone later than the west, and we're seeing them having health effects. Cancer rates going up, there was a study after cell phones came in, after five years it starts to go up and by 10 years it's about 4-fold.  This was confirmed by about four other studies. 
This was done in Germany. The German government asked the cell phone industry what they were going to do about that, so they studied it -- paid for by the German government and guess what?
the judge ruled the cell phone company had to pay for the study 
The cell phone industry then did studies -- 10 studies -- and guess how long they studied? Four years (since the previous studies show it doesn't go up until after the fourth year). 
Some of us live to 40 or maybe up to 80. 
It's a sad time in our history. This is the big issue of our time. He refers to his parents having World War II.
The toxicity issue from the 50s to the 90s, he was involved in the amalgam war to get the mercury fillings out of the teeth people. We were overall successful on that, but sneaking up on us was this telecommunications industry that uses methods that are driven by greed not intelligence. 
People can have their computer and their cell phone but it's not what we're doing currently. (in general)
If a smart meter has not been installed yet, what to do. How this typically happens is while you're out/gone, they come and put it on. You can Google the words "Smart Meter Lock" - You put a lock around the area where it would be installed. Send a registered letter to the utility company requesting they not install saying you request it not be installed because someone in the house is electrosensitivity to that range of microwave radiation and 
this has been successful. 
The individual differences of people being highly electrosensitive and others less sensitive is explained by the antenna function of the body which has to do with the mineral content and density, the electrolytes, the water content, and the body size -- larger people are more sensitive typically, funny enough, in his experience. 
So the strategies are:
1) primary strategy has been to detox them for heavy metals. Reduce the nickel, lead, cadmium, mercury ...  Metals that are in the fascia membrane, the bone marrow and connective tissue.  
This has been effective as a strategy.
2) The shielding in the body's nerves is the myelin sheath which gets affected by chronic infections, particularly Lyme disease.  When the immune system looks for the Lyme spirochetes then it sees the myelin and attacks it and it wears thin. So if you have symptoms, have yourself checked for chronic Lyme disease, as it's likely you are infected. First you treat the chronic infection but then ... 
3) Rebuild and repair the myelin with amino acid IVs, the natural insulation you have, which is a whole thing that goes beyond this video.
Also, a set of procedures they perform in their clinic uses ffungal products - the mushroom extracts have a unique property in protecting people from electric sensitivity. They do know that 
mushrooms thrive in electrically polluted environments, so what if you get extracts from them. Shitake, mitake, the well-known healing mushrooms have a unique place in increasing electrical field tolerance.

Two hours (in one hour increments) at OneRadioNetwork from Deitrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD to update what he'd been saying that I'd provided here is VERY informative and he speaks directly about the 'rights' that doctors are able to operate under right now --- they're not able to say what's going on but they're with tools to help with what's going on.  So he's cleverly 'veiling' things.  This is the link: 
The two hours have been overviewed at the link, as well, so YOUsers at Lumigrate can take the trip on the link and see what they've put there for people to look at.  There are things from things like titanium in the mouth for dental implants versus if it's part of joint replacement (as it's larger, etc.) and what other options are better... so head to toe ... well, they talk a lot about enemas and things to help with detoxification, helping the liver and etc.  And Lugal's solution on the belly for iodine.  I think he's not covering the toes enough. Kidding.  This is just packed with info, and they went overtime and pushed the other guest off for a while and there were hundred(s) of emails that they did not get too.  Promising to have Dr Klinghardt back in months, they went on from there.  And I have yet to see if they followed up with that but I would encourage everyone to see what they find by looking at OneRadioNetwork.  
This one's something I'd HIGHLY recommend to anyone.  
As of this writing/editing this in on the last day of April 2015, I have to thank the problems OneRadioNetwork had and the 'divine timing' rulers because I'd explored much of their cache of podcasts at the time they opted or needed to upgrade their website AND had problems.  Currently there are funny lines if you go to the link for the Klinghardt interview from 2014, for instance but the information's all there and buttons for listening or downloading and all that.  But for a while they were just 'not online'. And I had gotten into the habit of listening to podcasts so I turned to blogtalkradio and punched in some of the names of people or subjects that I'd covered from Patrick's work at OneRadioNetwork.  
I wanted to include this resource from my searching on Laura Magdelain Eisenhower. I very much liked what the host ... The Eco Chef ... had to say, her style, their way of conversing together. At the very end you hear a glitch occur and get to see how she handles it and she's a class act and I suspect authentically one of the 'real ones out there', which is what I'd prefer Lumigrate's YOUsers use for learning and growth.  
She uses the same wording of 'health and well-being' as in Lumigrate's logo, too.  And she says near the end that despite her professional branding's niche being about food and supplements and nutrition and water, etc., she feels that your spiritual, mental and soul connection with what's going on trumps the importance of nutrition.  
Laura Magdelene Eisenhower is someone whose interviews in the past were of great help to me when studying geoengineering but sometimes she made me anxious she'd be talking so fast to get things in that she wanted to cover as she covers a MASSIVE array of information in order to take the average person up the steps of the path she's traveled and learned in order to present what she believes to be what's going on in the world.
I will simply say that nothing she says in this interview is anything I'd not studied enough to feel that there is legitimacy to what she is saying.  And I currently feel it is in everyone's best interests to, at the VERY LEAST, be 'familiar' with this information.  
I am putting this on the geoengineering thread because she frequently refers to the heavy metals / chemtrails / 'look up at the sky we have more toxins now than ever', and I think what she presents in terms of how to deal with it is very good information. In light of the focus of my work so far in 2015 related to Steve Beddingfield's 'hillbilly laboratory' research in North Carolina related to cyanobacteria, algae, giant sulphur bacteria and it's endosymbiots, phosphates, acid rain, global warming and what he's found and believes is occurring (and his suggested treatment protocol available for those who wish, after becoming educated about why, what, who, where, when, etc.) is made available on Lumigrate.  Look for keywords such as his name, cyanobacteria, etc.  
Steve has stated in his Facebook group that the spraying being done of chemicals in the chemtrails (and other methods of geoengineering) is an attempt to address the bacteria which is, essentially, going 'off the chain', at in an unbelieavably high rate and through a mind-boggling process that seems something of science fiction but is more a case of truth being stranger than fiction.  
This is perhaps what Dr Klinghardt was referring to in the above-linked-to interviews where he states that 'doctors know a lot of things but we don't have freedom of speech we have commercial freedom of speech' (essentially).   Dr. Klinghardt did talk about chems in geoengineering, as I stated, above, and that it is the biggest story of his generation.  
I'd say that what Steve's findings and professings are about is the biggest story of all generations and is imperative for people to be learning about.  So that IF a person feels it is legitimate information, and they feel what he and his group helpers are relating is a treatment method to try for them, they may.  There is much hope, people have a lot of faith, and as I related here about the LME interview with TheEcoChef, they talk about that as trumping everything else! "The mutualistic life force inside us is geared to go forward at all times" as Steve said when I was interviewing him/ talking with him by phone, which I found very helpful.  
The stuff that's more 'out there', again, it's hard to wrap heads around but I think it is beneficial to hear from a legitimate source like this, in the way she gently and factually presents it, as simply a baseline.  Study it further if it's of interest to you.  She gives her website and collaborative website with a doctor of some sort at the very end of the interview.  She talks about lower consciousness mentalities (addictions, etc.) and says plainly "anyone can look up and see that we're being sprayed".  We're not here to take it all on but we all have a niche and what we're supposed to be active about.
And she talks about her using astrology and reading and interpreting that in her consultations with people.  It's about 'cleaning up one's life' not just about activism.  Honor one's boundaries. Don't take it on all at once.  Devote yourself to higher self. It's okay to make mistakes. We easily get lost or lead astray.  Set intentions, concentration on what you need to, address things with compassion and patience.  
"I've never ever doubted our future".  Spirit's way more powerful than all of this and we're all made of the inner blueprint.  Even the darkest and most evil -- they've been dealing with multigeneration abuses." (she speaks very practically about the secret societies, the 13 blood lines/families that run the world and those I call the monkeys and their monkeybusinesses AND the (secreted away) out of sight organ grinder.  Spirituality and astrology is something I have put one topic on in the spirituality forum after doing something about Christian thinking with health and Jewish (from wise women who were good writers who also had chronic pain and illness, back our first years on the Internet). 
The host said she's sure people will have to listen to this over and over due to the amount of information Laura presents, by the way.  Good reminder for YOUsers so I wanted to remind. Here's the link. 
I'm not such a fan of the information provided at this page to let people know what the podcast is about, I'm glad I was aware of how much I liked hearing Laura that I opted to go ahead despite this not really having much to go by to 'turn me on' and have me say 'this is how I'll spend the time of the average movie (and hour and 40 minutes, it is). So hopefully MY encouragement of going will help people take the step. At least start and then go from there. Much of it will be over the average person's head and sound 'crazy', but keep listening, as she talks about what she thinks of when people think that about what she's saying, and I think she speaks very well to how her health has improved since. 
"A wonderful show with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower! Laura is a Cosmic Mythologist, Global Alchemist and Clairvoyant Healing Practitioner and is also the great-grandaughter of Dwight David Eisenhower. She is on a profound mission to reveal our true origins connected with the 'Magdalene' and 'Gaia-Sophia' energies of love and wisdom. She brings attention to our hidden Ancient History and this Ascension period we are currently in, as our solar system is aligned with the Galactic plane, giving us the opportunity to expand into Higher Earth energies. "
That's accurate, but it's not really that representative overall of what was covered in this is much about what foods she's eaten, how she's handled her vices, and her progression over the years and much that is not 'woo woo' as they say on this show and many people call it. She says she's never felt so healthy in her life, and she's never been more exposed to toxins than before, and talks about the levels of being asleep to awake.  To being awake enough to be doing things but not really knowing what else to do. She was dealing with hidden secret shadow government forces which most people don't have.  A little awareness is better than none.  The physics are different when we have a different relationship with the things going on the planet.  "We can turn lead into gold", hence she calls herself a global alchemist. 
Finally The END -- This is essentially a distillation of what is now an almost two-year process unfolding for me of waking up about chemtrails on June 1, 2013, to today, the day before May Day 2015, which will expedite any YOUser / anyOne's process to learn this information.  It's a LOT of information, I know. I've said this requires people stop time spent on other things or lessening that time and energy used, and commit as if you're studying for a class you're taking.  This is truly your life and wellness level depending on it.  
But PLEASE GO VIEW to the sources I link to and look around these websites, there's a ton of GRATE information out there, a lot that's not, and I believe as time has gone on my filters were different for different things and I got more fine tuned for 'fine' and those who were legitimately looking to be solution people for the ever-increasing numbers of problems that would be good to solve.
Live and learn. Learn and live better!  ~ Mardy



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 13 hours ago.
More from Dr. Klinghardt. Pryoluria Topic Link FYI/FYEase

In case a person has resonated with the information from Dr Klinghardt, there is a topic from the first video I saw and added at Lumigrate. It is about something 11% of people in the US have, according to him and other providers who believe the condition is a reality. And it could be that people who have this type of condition or the related 'methylation disorders' are also those who are more affected by EMFs. I think when you look at the information you might see why I am suspecting that to be possible. Irregardless, it's good to remind people of the innovative information about the underlying reasons for illness (or wellness) that we promote at Lumigrate and to keep remembering that researchers of the conventional methods tend to look for one thing that causes and outcome and in reality, it's a combination of things and there are many, many items that go into that combination with each individual. 

Naturally, allopathic, conventional medicine lags a while behind and doesn't always agree and sometimes even wants to discredit and disbelieve they hadn't gotten something solved. Think of it as adversaries in some form of sport or drama. Rather than just caring that the people get well ASAP .... But the good aspect of it is that it allows for people to think it through, more monies to get set up for studies and eventually things might get proven or disproven OR there will just end up with two schools of thought at Lumigrate it's up to YOUsers to do their deciding about things.  Here's the link:

An excerpt, the symptoms:  

  • abdominal tenderness -it's hard for the mom to tell if the child is hurting but often they are
  • constipation
  • light/sound intolerance is a really big clue  -- do yourself that favor and test for HPU if you're an adult who has traveled with this in your life
  • hypoglycemia/ glucose intolerance -- that whole scheme --  look at HPU, most people are positive, and by doing the treatment it fixes the condition bypassing all the other things we know about it.
  • China doll look -- Pfifer (?) was close looking at this condition but missed the detox piece so messed it all up, and I get into this later. / The children will have this nice transparent look/poor tanning. I am a little mean sometimes, he says. "There ain't such a thing as Indigo Children -- we're trying to make it something sacred so we don't have to do anything about it." They become normally tanning children when you treat them. He used other strong words in this section, like 'we've really damaged these kids' (with the environmental toxins).
  • tremor/ shaking /spasms
  • environmental and food allergies -- joke -- has anyone ever seen a child with these? The most common denominator is this HPU condition, he says
  • autism/ most symptoms of ASD
  • poor breakfast appetite
  • cold hands or feet
  • eosinophilia
  • delayed or early puberty / sensitized hormone receptors
  • stress intolerance --- these kids you make the room dark, put one little light in and it's still freaking them out was example he gave.
  • emotional lability
  • explosive anger
  • anxiety / withdrawal
  • paranoia/ hallucinations
  • perceptual disorganization
  • nail spots
  • pessimism
  • knee and joint pain
  • depression
  • crime and delinquency
  • substance abuse
  • attention deficit / ADHD
  • amenorrhea/ irregular periods
  • B-6 responsive anemia
  • retention of toxic metals and environmental toxins
  • poor dream recall
  • acne
  • stretch marks (stripes)
  • coarse eyebrows (described other places as 'long, bushy, hanging into the eye area, etc.)



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 13 hours ago.
IT Professional's Symptoms and Remediation Story @ ElectricSense

A detailed personal account is provided by a middle aged man who works in IT, who figured out on his own that he had electrical sensitivity. He provides a lot of great information if you follow this link to ElectricSense dot com.  I want to point out that he's focusing on the electromagnetics aspect and refers to how some people are more affected than others. So why is that, then there are perhaps other things that a person can do to address why they had the symptoms beyond the 'band aid' (which is important! get the bleeding stopped first, in other words) of environmental adaptations in the home and work environments. But this was just an incredible amount of work he has done in going beyond just solving the problem for himself. So thank you for that, and I hope YOUsers who are wanting good sources of information on EMs will take the trip on the link:

... and as I often do, in order to give you the start of something so that you'll GO to the source site -- invest the time and energy if it looks as good to you as I say it looks to me, here's the starting portion: 

“My name is Steven Weller and I wrote this Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) case study that is included with this covering statement with the hope it may be of benefit to those who either find themselves in a similar position to me, or, maybe just interested in a getting a better understanding of what EHS is and the likely cause.

The study documents my personal journey towards self-diagnosis as being EHS, the ensuing questions it raised, along with information which might assist fellow sufferers to better cope with a condition which, until relatively recently, was unknown on our planet.

Initially, I wasn’t even aware that there was such a condition as EHS. It was purely by accident that I discovered that I was sensitive to certain radiofrequencies (RF). I have 25 years’ experience working in Information Technology. Radiofrequencies have been a significant part of the landscape for me for a number of years.

At the time I first made the connection between my symptoms and exposure to certain technology, it was a simply a matter of making a few minor adjustments, and I was able to manage my condition. Life continued as normal. The mandatory rollout of wireless smart meters in my neighbourhood unfortunately changed all this.

I was torpedoed onto a path which has involved me in spending countless fruitless hours seeking answers from the medical establishment and government agencies, innumerable amounts of time conducting my own research, followed by a quest to seek answers from the authorities who pronounce upon the safety of our RF standards. A high level of protection is offered I am told.

I have been sorely disappointed by their response. Unfortunately, Governments and the Industry appear to be focused only on the perceived benefits of these technologies (and money) without considering any potential long term health implications that they may bring.

We are bio-electrical systems. Our bodies do not incorporate elaborate shielding and we are not impervious or hardened against this form of radiation, which today can be billions or more times higher than what occurs naturally. Representatives of the industry and RF Standard bodies often assert that there is “no clear or conclusive” scientific evidence regarding the biological effects of low level or “non-thermal” RF exposures, a statement that has also been continually recycled for many years. But in actuality, a large body of scientific research documentation exists that shows RF exposures at low (non thermal) levels can produce adverse effects that have serious health implications.

Many countries around the world including Australia have adopted ICNIRP 1998 RF Guidelines. In a ICNIRP Statement released in 2002 which is obfuscated with a document title of “philosophy” clearly says on p 546 “Some guidelines may still not provide adequate protection for certain sensitive individuals nor for normal individuals exposed concomitantly to other agents….” that “Different groups in a population may have differences in their ability to tolerate a particular NIR exposure. For example, children, the elderly, and some chronically ill people might have a lower tolerance for one or more forms of NIR exposure than the rest of the population.” (NIR – Non Ionising Radiation)

The World Health Organisation also has the following to say about current ICNIRP RF “Guidelines”

“What guidelines cannot account for…

“…Guidelines are set for the average population and cannot directly address the requirements of a minority of potentially more sensitive people….” Source: emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index4.html

It is obvious in my eyes that there is no desire to uncover the truth because of the legal implications to governments and the industry around the world. It seems that we who are EHS are collateral damage in the name of progress.

It’s been a lonely and frustrating journey. Hopefully, this study might make the road a little easier for those that follow. Sadly, with rapidly escalating levels of electro-smog around the globe, I believe these numbers will undoubtedly be increasing.

In closing I would like to quote Dr Julian Hollis:

“Science is all about free investigation in order to discover facts, regardless of popular
‘consensus’. Theories are always open to and under review and data are re-examined; no matter how much ‘truth’ is valued; even ideologically protected. There is also a vital role to be played through constructive imagination…what would happen if? There is always a need to remain fearlessly open to new, unexpected, even unwelcome discoveries. Past history records over and over again unwelcome discoveries that have forced change: thus those scientists brave enough to challenge vested interests or systems of mass belief have usually been dismissed, sidelined; even brutalized” (‘Geology of Change’ class notes 10th February 2012 provided to me by an associate).

Whilst the above statements are in the context of the Earth Sciences, I would suggest the comments are perhaps even more relevant to the debate currently raging within the scientific community over evidence of adverse effects in the non-ionizing area of the electromagnetic spectrum.


A briefing on EHS for Health Professionals, Research Scientists, Government Officials and concerned members of the Public
Author: Steven Weller
Bachelor of Science, Monash University
11th April 2014


I felt compelled to write this personal case study because through my own personal experiences I have found that there is a serious lack of understanding of what Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), also commonly referred to as Electrosensitivity (ES), is and its cause. For some people EHS can be completely disabling and in some extreme situations can lead to hospitalisation due to aggravation of pre-existing medical condition(s), development of tachyarrhythmia, which at times can result in a loss of consciousness, and other acute effects on the neurological system.
The main problem being faced by people who are suffering from EHS is that they are

......... and that's where I'm going to cut it off here, so follow the link if you're wanting to read on. There is MUCH MORE which is of very high quality, in my opinion, to my knowledge. Gratefully! ~ Mardy

- See more at:


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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FAIM:Another source, off the beaten track, for EMF info

The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, based in Loveland, Colorado, has a whole little section on their website about WIFI/EMFs, here's one topic I thought I'd bring the link to for adding here... this is a MEDICAL PROVIDER infused website, so this Dr. Sinatra's piece gives some tips for supplementation, which is unique to the other topics I've provided, above. Perhaps you'll find MORE at this really interesting website! (my food allergies of the IgG type were found in Loveland by an outside the box MD, the first I went to in now a handfull over the years. It turned what was thought by convenetional medicine to be 'baffling MS-like symptoms around, to change my diet based on the findings. One tube of blood, under $1,000 (for several tests, the others were negative for parasites, for instance). Much to  in Loveland!

A highlight, so you can see why I recommend you go 'see the sites': 


The research indicates that wireless frequencies can disturb cellular communication, cause oxidative stress in the body, and even thicken the blood. Clearly, thorough research is needed to determine the people most at risk when exposed to EMF and RF fields. Until there is a precise scientific assessment, however, you can take the following steps to help protect yourself:

  • Limit cell phone use. Use your cell phone as little as possible and, when you do, use the speakerphone feature to keep it away from your head. If you don't need to hold it at all, just place it on a table. And don't carry it your pockets.
  • Toss your cordless phones. At home, go back to corded phones attached to a land line.
  • Supplement. Taking CoQ10 (100 to 200 mg), fish or squid oil (1 to 2 g), vitamin C (500 to 1,000 mg), and melatonin (.5 to 10 mg) daily can help protect you from oxidative damage and bolster your autonomic nervous system and your heart rate variability (HRV).
  • Ground yourself. Earthing (the practice of reconnecting with the Earth either by going barefoot outside or sitting or lying on special conductive devices) is a magnificent way to protect your body from the potential damage of electric fields. It upholds healthy HRV, reduces inflammation, and improves blood viscosity.
  • Refuse a smart meter. Check whether your electric company has installed, or is planning to install, smart meters. Then tell them firmly you don't want one. This is especially important if you suddenly develop arrhythmias or problems sleeping at night and your cardiologist can't determine the cause. The Environmental Medical Association strongly recommends removal of these meters from the homes of patients who may be harmed by the wireless emissions.

ANOTHER RESOURCE about this is a private guy, not an organization, Dave Stetzer, and this topic at Lumigrate that I added mid January 2015 is something I would encouarge you to look at and listen to the radio show interview with him.  They talk about smart meters and Dave's experience with his electric company who forced him to have one.  He talks about how he troubleshot the problem but also about health effects he has associated potentially with the meter when he's outside (where the meter's EMFs are not baffled by what he's done to shield or protect those in the building.  He has a different angle on grounding and Earthing and says throughout the interview that too many people don't have the basic science background in electronics and get mislead with advise and products to purchase.  I found him very believable becasue he was mostly suggesting we use tin foil to discharge and he isn't selling anything for that .. he sells other filters and meters and etc.  

I also have encountered recent information called the PEO solution which has to do with oils and it's very much going to not agree with the above advise about fish oil, which was so far out from what I've heard over and over that I just HAD to buy the book and study it (and then gave it to someone to look at so we can discuss).  So it's almost like anymore there's going to be someone saying the opposite about EVERYTHING! And we need to keep abreast of it.  I work to bring the more relevant looking information to Lumigrate for our uses to hopefully streamline their research time and efforts.  

You may read about Mr Stetzer and the interview at this



Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
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Lookout Mountain, Golden, Colorado (West of Denver). History WOW

I wanted to 'mirror' this information because the details in it are just staggering, and it's not a very long article -- so people can get a really good overview quickly about a REAL example of how a metropolitan area's antenna 'farm' can be totally out of control. And people didn't put a stop to it. You'll see that they mention the mainstream media reporting on things about the subject but -- omitting their contributions to the 'electrosmog' as some call it these days. More details about me are in other places on Lumigrate, but as I learned to 'peel the onion' about my health and look at the next layer and the history and factors that contributed to my not being 'well', things track back to infancy. There is a very long list of contributing factors in my case, I'll not belabor that here, but I wanted to point out that my health issues go all the way back to day 1. BUT I didn't initially see that, I'd learn about something, say mercury and vaccines, and think 'that's it', and then that was partly it. Then I'd learn about food sensitivities and think 'that was it too' and that was true but then there was something else. It feels like unraveling a sweater the way it just keeps going. Our "load theory" topic at Lumigrate, by Marc Spurlock, MD, is a great place to get more information on how to think about these things for you or someone you are the health advocate or helper for. 

When I went to read the complete essay at Colorado City Mountain News, the link no longer had this information at it, so if something were to happen to this VERY old website that I found thanks to a prolific Internet researcher and FB friend, Terrilee, who posted a fabulous summary she'd found about geoengineering, with links to about five supportive websites or YouTube videos to elaborate on what was in the summary, this gem of information is preserved here too. This is from a website, GreatDreams dot com, from the 1990s, here's the link to their thread about antennaes: (Funny "Coincidence", as you'll see I share here about my dreams as a child and wonder if subconsciously knew of the dangers of electromagnetics.) 

I was raised at 7,600 feet south and west of Lookout Mountain. Being born in 1960, we had a black and white console television and when you got up and walked over to change the channel to one of the other five available (if my memory serves), you also had to change a switch on the wall that was a three way switch and provided three different antennae signals. We were getting the 'bounce' from the canyon and different stations' signals were getting to us differently, but they all eminated from Lookout Mountain. When we went to Golden for groceries once a week, I'd marvel at the antennae's, and it was particularly interesting if we were ever there at night. 

The property my parents purchased about five years before I was born (so think about that my mother was then exposed starting at that point)(and my father, though he went into Denver for work so was gone 11 hours five days a week) was where two valleys came together and all the electricity for the area's homes, schools, and businesses ran through 'our' property.

The power pole by the barn was the T and lines went almost over the house, so close that if the poles supporting the wires fell in the direction of the house, the wires seemed they would be on top of us. This started to happen once when many days of rain and snow occurred in 1969, May, and wires broke on the 'main line' that ran up the valley to 'South Park'. (The Comedy Central show is about my elementary school and home town. And what was the elevation of that school? It was one that is being referred to possibly, in this essay excerpt, below, although in our case we were about 20 miles away, not as close as the schools they are referring to in this essay). Ironically, I remember having dreams of flying when I was a child, starting out outside the house and I would then be immediately tasked with flying through the two electricified wires suspended overhead; I wonder if there was something I was subconsciously aware of about the EMs and the dangers from those power lines. It's funny how when something is 'just there' from 'day 1' we tend to not 'notice' it as something that is unhealthy or 'not right'.

I personally was slow to study electromagnetics; the providers I steeped with at the integrative medicine center startup in 2008 never much seemed concerned about electromagnetics. I saw the second MD expert on Lumigrate referring to EMFs on Facebook and spoke with him in person about it in 2010 but some people are more sensitive than others and I was thinking I was somehow fortunate and wasn't one of the sensitive ones. It may be that I just was always steeping in EMs from 'day 1' (as in before birth too) and it's just like air to me. I hadn't known what I had not yet learned, as the saying goes. Not only what was coming from the usual thing in a house, but the overhead wires carrying electricity for 10s of thousands of people, as well as being in close proximity to Lookout Mountain, which we learn about below. 

Therefore, I thought this provided a very interesting history, even if you're not from Denver, or Colorado, or the United States for that matter. How this proliferated. And what a mess we have on our hands today because of people in the past not knowing how dangerous EMs are, and then in other cases knowing but not caring. Greed. And areas for improvement which will require citizens to be active in pushing buttons.  

 1999: Antenna Towers - Frequency Sickness


From: Colorado, City Mountain News - Essay by Carole Lamond
Read the complete essay here

This essay edited for space - please click on the link to read it in its entirety

Denver mass media did not report that the industrial proposal for historic Lookout Mountain would have tripled electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and radio frequency (RF) interference for 35,000 Greater Golden residents and businesses. The Jefferson County Commissioners denied the Denver TV station’s proposal of an 850-foot tower and 35,000 square foot industrial building for hundreds of devices, much more than“HDTV” transmitters.

The public was not informed that the 100 transmission devices operating on Lookout Mountain in 1980 grew to 1000 devices by 1996. The power output increased from two million watts in 1979 to 14 million watts by 1999.

Broadcasters omit the fact that 75% of TV is received by cable or satellite because over-the-air signals don’t “cover” all of Denver metro from any site in mountain terrain. Signals from Lookout are not received in the east shadow of the Table Mountains and southeast shadow of Green Mountain, the greater Evergreen-Conifer area; and don’t drop into the “Boulder Valley” without booster or translator devices.

The media did not report that RF signals on Lookout towers trespass into hundreds of homes, businesses and the public elementary school at higher altitudes on Lookout and Genesee mountains. Antennas, transmitters, and microwave dishes send RF signals from towers based at an altitude of 7200 feet directly into homes at 7300 to 7800 feet.

According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), there are only a “half dozen intense antenna tower sites in residential areas” nationwide. None, except Lookout, send signals directly into family homes at the same altitude as the transmitters. For 50 years, JeffCo and the FCC accepted industry’s claim that RF is sent from “above average terrain.”

developer purchased the land in 1906 in exchange for a pipeline right-of-way crossing Lookout from Squaw Mountain. The Lariat Trail, a 4.5-mile switchback road that rises 2,000 feet from Golden to Lookout, was built in 1914.

By 1948, there were 254 “improved properties” in Mt. Vernon Canyon. The first broadcast tower was erected east of Buffalo Bill’s Grave in 1953. There were five towers on Lookout supporting TV transmitters when all plats were zoned residential in 1956.

After Interstate-70 was constructed through Mt. Vernon Canyon in 1972, more RF devices were placed on more towers without due process. JeffCo ignored the proliferation, so antenna owners increased using convenient Lookout because they could.

Americans awaken to “environmental pollution”

During the 1950s, Americans were not aware of the dangers of tobacco, DDT, pesticides, asbestos, ionizing and nonionizing radiation, toxic chemical manufacturing, water and air pollution. Golden and Lookout residents assumed the close proximity of the towers would provide better television reception. Rocky Flats was built in the 1950s.

In 1971, Russian intelligence bombarded the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation to record conversations. The Embassy staff suffered from severe “radio frequency sickness”—chronic fatigue, sleeplessness, irritability, mental confusion, head and muscle aches, and serious life-threatening illness. A U.S. military investigation, Project Pandora, found that the staff had been bombarded with RF radiation measuring from 5 to 15 microwatts per centimeter squared (uW/cm2).

The most competent nonionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER) scientists are Russians who convinced their government to limit public exposure from 0.5 for pulsed signals to 5 uW/cm2 for other signals. American RF industry has always quietly stood in the shadow of the military preference for limited long-term biological effect research. The recommended “public” exposure limit in the United States was 1000 uW/cm2 until 1991 when it was reduced to 200. Citizens passing-by, 24-hour residents and 8-hour employees and are lumped together for the “public” standard.

Responding to citizen concerns, Congress funded comprehensive research and adopted regulations to control pollution from all toxic industries except RF broadcasting. American mass media reported all polluters except themselves.

Extreme RF proliferation during the 1980s

In spite of citizen opposition, additions on Lookout during the late 1970s and 1980s were:

  • KUSA Channel 9 tower for a weather radar device to sweep the residential community every 65 seconds with a potential of 1.55 billion watts, without a required JeffCo permit
  • PBS affiliate KRMA rented tower space(adjacent to historic Boettcher Mansion and the Lookout Mountain Nature Center) to KCFR and KUVO public radio without JeffCo public hearings. Cumulative radiation has exceeded the 200 uW/cm2 limit ever since
  • A half-acre tower site near Buffalo Bill’s Grave was rezoned to Planned Development
  • Hundreds of two-way and microwave devices were added without public due process

Multnomah County (Portland, Oregon) carefully evaluated health and safety studies and adopted an NIER limit of 200 uW/cm2, one-fifth of the national standard, in 1982.

Assuming that an alternative site would limit proliferation on Lookout, JeffCo approved a “consolidated” tower on Mt. Morrison at 8,000 altitude in 1988, against strong opposition from Genesee residents. The site is nearly 1000 feet higher than Lookout and is surrounded by JeffCo Open Space and Red Rocks Park. The new 380-foot tower was built adjacent to an existing (early 1960s) microwave relay for cable television and Denver police emergency system.

The 1986 EPA-FCC Investigation

Responding to citizens’ request, the Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Communications Commission conducted a one-week study of Lookout in September, 1986. The EPA report included warnings:

“The number of (broadcast) stations and their close proximity to one another and to residential areas make the Lookout antenna farms unusual… (causing) a complex electromagnetic environment…

During the 1980s, the Reagan administration gradually cut funding of environmental research related to health effects. Pressure from the RF industry ended EPA research of non-thermal (biological) effects of NIER by 1988. Most elected representatives were seduced by the RF industry slogan: “Health concerns are not an issue.” There has been no government funded, independent research of the long-term biological effects from exposure to low levels of radiation. Industry has always claimed that “harmful effects have not been proven.”

The 1996 Telecommunication Act

The wireless, broadcast and electronics industries developed the revolutionary legislation from 1988 to 1995. After donating millions to Congressional campaigns, especially to members of Commerce Committees, the Act was adopted in February, 1996. Congress gave $70 billion in free DTV spectrums to all broadcast TV stations, a sizeable benefit to American taxpayers. The FCC set a timeline for stations to add the digital transmission they had lobbied to receive. TV stations prepared to add a channel that can be divided into multiple channels with interactive capability for extraordinary future profits. Congress apparently does not consider $70 billion as “federal financing.” All “mandates” using federal funds require comprehensive environmental impact studies to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act and National Historic Preservation Act.

The TelCom Act prohibits local elected representatives from denying low-power, wireless antenna tower installations based on “environmental” effects. In October, 1997, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) petitioned the FCC to preempt local land use decisions for adding high-power, digital (DTV or HDTV) UHF television transmitters. CARE opposed this in a public comment letter.

You'll see they refer to Rocky Flats which is was a nuclear weapons facility. There is topic at Lumigrate about Living in the Shadow of Rocky Flats, a book that came out in recent years, written by a woman about my age who grew up living in between Rocky Flats and Lookout Mountain. She talks about the numerous people from the area who are ill, and that no study has ever been done on residents of the area and their illness rates (which she is aware of having occurred, but has it been studied based on health department information and we're just not aware of it?

They've studied the area I'm from, I've been told by someone who worked in environmental health research: to my knowledge I'm the only one who has ever been made aware of that from the area I am from, unless others heard it from me as I do try to talk about this because --- 'we're all messed up' (and that is what someone from the area said to me, when asking privately if others ever ask me and have 'noticed' the high rates of various illnesses among those who grew up or lived for a long time in the area.)  

Think about it as it applies to you. Take action. Many things we do not have control over and other things we do, work on addressing the things YOU have control over. Then keep active in the process to create change in things that you're able to contribute to change through activism of one form or another. The author of Living in the Shadows of Rocky Flats was asked if she thinks it's safe to live in the area. This is at the topic on Lumigrate, just Search for the keywords if you wish to go see the topic and get some really interesting history about the realities of having a government / contractor run nuclear weapons making facility in your midst. She essentially said 'well, I live in the South (where she is a professor at a University) -- I moved away.' But she also said in putting over a decade of work into the making and publicizing of the book, that she cares about her history and where she came from, and is being an activist about making people more aware. I hope I am doing similarly. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Grate EMF Info at (aware of geoengineering)

 Here's the link to the area of Lyme Symptoms dot com which has to do with EMFs. This is a website I recently was 'turned onto' by a person who has had chronic Lyme and wanted to be sure I knew about the resource they suggest to people. I'm glad he did, as this LOADED website from a woman who has recovered well, from Canada, was something NOT TO BE MISSED, and I'd so far, missed it!

In this forum on environmental wellness/illness, you will find a thorough topic about the various names of things that have to do with Lyme, Borrelia, biofilm, etc. There's a comment that has extensive information and overview about LymeSymptom dot com, it's founder/provider, and her recommendations. Perhaps take a look around that topic as well. If you're not feeling well and have concerns about it being due to chemtrails, or EMs, you'll want to for sure be well versed about Lyme / Borreliosis / Neuroborreliosis (whichever term you wish to pick, they mean the same ultimate thing).  

I even saw in one place where the website creator, Louise Jenner, was talking about chlorella and another natural detoxifier, the mention of 'chemtrails' and how people have grown up under them and it's rare to see someone who doesn't have heavy metals in them. (And is a consideration with some of the natural detoxifiers, per Louise Jenner's information at this dense, deep website.)


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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"Frequency" -- Spend the hour and a half to watch on YouTube

Resonance: Beings of Frequency is a documentary created in the last two years, out of Britain (posted 'official' version at YouTube is from 2013) that I found to be one of the best things I've seen yet so wanted to share about it on this thread and encourage people studying by using Lumigrate to spend the time to watch it. It is a fabulous documentary that I learned of from a group on Facebook that is really on the ball about geoengineering.

Many people in the area/state where this group is about (though they are open to outsiders geographically) have complaints with their wellness that sounds to me to be 'environmental illness' and ALL things should be considered and factored in. One complaint I have about people who are 'activists' about geoengineering is they focus on chemtrails and not the EMFs, OR they focus on the EMFs of geoengineering and not on what we're able to control in our homes and offices (and schools if enough people band together once educated to put pressure on about it).  

In recent years I have begun focusing more on EMFs, as long-time YOUsers of Lumigrate or my Facebook following would recall, perhaps. I think it is ultimately, the most important single thing in our daily lives that people must be aware of that is 'cutting edge' right now; foods and drinks (including water) and what is consumed in terms of a safe, healthy diet is always the foundation that can never be forgotten, and all the other things. But when it comes to things you can do RIGHT NOW, what you do related to what you put in your mouth or up to your head are really good starting places. Make changes every times you shop, do something different every day for your wellness and keep going -- the cumulative total adds up and you can reverse health impacts dramatically or stave off harmful effects and problems. 

What you'll see at YouTube at the link about the video: 

Published on Feb 5, 2013

Resonance is a sensational journey, which reveals 60 years of scientific research into the harm being caused to life by man made wireless frequencies. 

Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in.

By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.

Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronises our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of wellbeing. 

Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are filled with them too. Our cells communicate using electro magnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions, using frequency waves. Without them we couldn't exist for more than a second.

This delicate balance has taken billions of years to perfect. But over the last 25 years the harmony has been disturbed. and disturbed dramatically. 

Mankind has submerged itself in an ocean of artificial frequencies. They are all around us, filling the air and drowning out the earth's natural resonance. 

To the naked eye the planet appears to be the same. But at a cellular level it is undergoing the biggest change that life on earth has endured; the affects of which we are just starting to see and feel.

'Resonance' sensationally reveals how our reliance on a technology that is proving to be unsafe, could result in us paying the ultimate price...

check out our website at

Upon watching it, these are some highlights the video discusses

-- How these types of waves were discovered and labeled

--- The 1960s research on students who were studied when they spent extended time in a bunker

--  Bees and 'colony colapse'. 

-- single cell organisms and their ability to be 'tuned into' the natural frequency of the Earth, and how humans have also been tuned into the same frequency of the Earth and how these new technologies in the last years and decades (and centuries when you look back to electricity and wires, though I'm just adding that aspect in here for people to remember) are things that are new and affecting things pervasively. 

-- how mobile phones work, related to the microwaves and the cellular phone and tower.

-- masts (what we call antennae) are discussed and clusters of illness around them are discussed.

 -- cellular phones and their bases/masts and phones and how they work using microwaves

-- cancer rates and how these affect cancer and the timeline (7 years was mentioned)

-- studies about cellular phones on the head/brain, and looking at the differences of the skull's protection with children versus adults. 

-- the problem of developers of technologies not understanding cell biology, etc.  

-- WHO in 2011 reclassifying status of health effect rating of mobile phones. 

-- How research has been funded in what could be an unethical way that has resulted in findings that were inaccurate because of the studies not designed well. I like that they point out that researchers are aware that their house payment and food on the table for their families is affected in the future based on what results come from their research.

-- mobile phone use increases risk of brain tumor was found by more recent research, and the researchers showed why earlier research showed no effect. 

-- people haven't been using cell phones long enough for the true effect to be apparent.  It takes at least 10 years to see effects. The late 1990s is when the mobile phone industry really took off, so we are now seeing the effects really getting underway. 

-- what is provided by the cellular industry to the consumers that purchase items. "They tend to keep that research to themselves" is part of what is said. 

-- "ubiquitous exposure and ubiquitous reliance". 

-- melatonin being made in the pineal gland of the brain. It has a powerful antioxidant effect. It secretes only at night, and that is when the brain repairs the cells of our body -- melatonin comes out to do it's work.  We lose half a billioin cells during the day and at night through cell mitosis, the dividing of cells, the body replaces those cells. The body mops up the free radicals at night the body.  So melatonin is a natural anti-cancer agent. It is important for anti-aging, for sleep.  They have 12,000 studies collected by one researacher that is interviewed. 

-- reduced amounts of melatonin will lead to less immune system function, sleep disturbance, heart complications as it protects the heart. More prone to disease due to the immune system dysfunction. With breast cancer, a woman will have only 1/10th the amount of melatonin than a woman her age otherwise. 

-- people on night shifts and people who are blind have different cancer rates, and the lowered melatonin having adverse effects is found to be the cause. 

-- the pineal gland is light sensitive ... if there's light around then there's interference to the signals the brain gets to do the repairing. So the brain waits until it is dark. 

-- from the late 1970s, in the US, the Batel Institute studied this.  Maybe our brains can't distinguish between natural light like we see in the daytime and  and electric fields are being interpreted by the brain as light waves -- it does not know the differenc.  Light frequencies and man-made frequencies being indistinguishable are being backed up by a lot of research, they state. 

-- storks that nest near and far from 'radio masts', marine animals and ants and many things all point in the same direction about magnetic fields. 

-- magnetic fields in every stage of melatonin production are affected.  It is almost conclusive, per the interviewee shown. 

-- we have created in ourselves a perfect system of defense over millions of years to perfect this technique from the surroundings we've evolved in. And the change exponentially in recent decades has caused the biggest change at the cellular level that life has ever encountered.    The delicate balance has been upset, and the consequences of our bodies not producing the right amount of melatonin is key.  Childhood leukemia has increased by 2% for many years, and many other disorders. Cancer in the 1910s were half of what they are today. Autism. Exposure to electromagnetic fields, radio fields --- we're in an ocean of these waves now. 

-- It's hard if not impossible to turn the clock back on these technologies, but awareness in order to take precautions for health effects is important. 

-- autistic spectrum disorders. 

-- We don't have a 'control population' on this subject for research.  Smoking -- if everyone had smoked we may not have found smoking caused lung cancer.  We are losing the population of people who don't have exposure, even in those that don't own a cellular phone, they're exposed everywhere they go. 

-- How much is this affecting society? What are the costs? What are we going to do about the causes? 

-- We are a brilliant yet complex organism and we don't function by chance, we've adapted like everything else on the planet, into the environment we're in.  These make us what we are -- our cells of our body communicate, the DNA and how it reproduces, protons and electrons -- making all life magnetic.  We are, equipped with the cells that allow us to sense things we barely understand. We are beings of frequency, light, magnetism -- and to become this way has taken millions of years from the very first cell.  At the cellular level, the frequencies around us are as alien to our cells as they would be to our eyes if only we could see them.  Our children are born into a world that their bodies cannot understand. 

-- 4G technology was rolling out as the film was being made.  Wifi is in almost every home, school, business. Deck phone is in almost every home. Money talks, and the industry is about as likely to develop a conscience as the tobacco industry did.  If there is a change it is not going to come from them, it has to come from us. We have to open our eyes and see the problem.

-- funding for melatonin research with the organization that's the cell phone industry's collective for research states at the end they've not identified that as a priority at the moment.  Which is where the film ends... here's the link to watch :


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Dave Stetzer as a resource on a topic in molds forum, link:

 This link at Lumigrate will take you to the main thread created in 2014 about mold, which then gets into EMFs and this comment topic (the 2774th thing to be places on Lumigrate) is about Dave Stetzer, who has the Stetzer Electric Company and website AND developer of the Stetzer filters. He's a wealth of information and I found him to sound very grounded and honest.  Pun intended. This is EXTREMELY important stuff, and he was talking about the Earthing pads and why they're not doing what the makers and sellers say and how to simply do what you're trying to do with tin foil.  I mean, Occum's Razor sometimes, right? (The simpler when two options present equally).

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Deitrich Klinghardt, MD Addresses Aluminum, etc. from G-E, 2014

I just became aware of this interview (while searching what other goodies are on OneRadioNetwork), recorded in early March of 2014 .. it is in two hour-long 'podcasts' to listen to and they do some overviewing on their topic page of what's in their radio shows.  These are worth making the time to listen to all that is discussed as they cover a lot of major topics.  Dr Klinghardt does discuss the effects of the toxins and our bodies' abilities to detoxify and gives some advice on where to look on his websites for resources beyond what he has time to provide here.  You'll see I have a link to his website, below.

Dr Klinghardt has always seemed to me to be well aware of what the 'monkey-business' is about in the world, and to be very in acceptance of it as the way the world works.  Being from Germany, he said on this interview that Germans tend to think things are worse than they are, and Americans tend to seem to think things aren't as bad as they are and that affects activism about things, unfortunately. 

He also said with a slight amount of emotion detectable, I thought, that physicians don't have first amendment rights in the US, they have commercial rights only, and the problem is they're the only ones that know what's going on.  Well, they're not! A LOT of other people know what's going on and that's the problem for the Monkeys doing their Monkey-business! Facebook, for one, has connected people for so long now that there are VERY strong groups that have been uniting around the various topics and getting a LOT of information out to a group of people that were previously very much out of touch with reality.

I was one of them, though I was always halfway in reality about things, but I DID need to 'go down the rabbit hole' as it is called, which thankfully happened when I committed to thoroughly studying the geoengineering issue in 2012-2013 and into 2014.  I was 'digesting' and 'regrouping' mentally in 2014.  And now it's 2015.  I think I'm out the other side of the tunnel. The better and wiser for it, as well as that time marched on and I am also older. 

Note: I went on to listen to other interviews and somewhere along the line it appeared that the website was down and that was from a small device, so once getting to the computer today I was interested to see what occurred and there is some sort of holdup getting it to get past half loading to be going out to the address it appears.  I hope it's a temporary problem on their end and I'll be able to get back and finish up listening to what I was midway through, related to EMFs and a new book (following in the footsteps of Silent Spring, but about EMFs and using Silent Spring in the title, it sure got my attention!), as I was going to start a new topic just about EMFs that has nothing to do with geoengineering (and then route them to portions of this thread as well. 

Dr Klinghardt talks about the living conditions of the elite versus the common people always leading to longer lives (overall).  Once a year a tiger in captivity gets a parasite treatment and they live on average 30 years. In the wild they live on average to seven.  The goal is not to be parasite-free, but to have them under control, he emphasizes. 

The Sophia Health Institute's website has videos on how to work on the lymph system and the liver manipulation technique he  discusses in this interview.  The website link is: 

He talks about disorders from parasites that go from affecting a person to many other organisms if the person has the inclination to suicide out in the woods, so he says it is best to get people to have these things treated in terms of them spreading. I found that a very interesting angle he brought in, with suicide ... in the woods.  Things we often simply don't think of. 

 Tape worms in the brain that can cause seizures are part of what he talks about. How many illnesses these parasites are a contributing factor is significant.  Whales swims in the ocean and to assess how healthy or bad the environment is, biologists developed a direct, linear relationship to the more parasites in a whale to the environment.  

We are exposed every day to parasites, but the more toxic the environment the more likely it is to be able to grow.  The parasite load of a creature is a direct relationship to the toxic load in the system / environment the creature lives in. So if there is chronic liver issues, then what are the toxins in the environment. 

For heavy metals there were some tests (which he elaborates on), and these are indirect measurements that help figure it out.  Fat biopsies were done but these are not as available now. Even though the problem has grown and why this is the case you have to speculate on your own, he hints.  Diagnosing toxins with aphiresis which is like dialysis, a deep sea sponge is used and it's similar to dialysis; this concentrates the toxins out of what is returned to the person in the other arm.  Solvents and benzene derivatives. Glyphosate in high amounts.  

Aluminum by a factor of hundreds of times higher in our system than mercury or lead.  His focus has now shifted to aluminum.  It's fallout from the climate control program, barium and strontium, and aluminum compounds. It comes out in the rain and little pellets that we inhale and since it comes in from the lungs we have no defense mechanism for these particles .  The DNA is plastered with aluminum nanoparticles.  This is probably the main cause of inflammation -- it goes together with the electromagnetic exposure we have that makes us a living antennae.  Without passing judgment on it, we need to move forward. 

Parasites have the ability to absorb these metals, so parasites really are here as a survival mechanism for us, they're helping us extract these things from the body.  And we then prefer treatments that expel the whole parasite rather than killing it and dissolving it. Mopping up the released toxins has to be part of the treatment, which has been overlooked. A lot of his work has shifted to deal with aluminum.  

Organic silica is what he uses, and the leading thing is horsetail tea x 6 cups a day.  Biosil is a liposomal form of silica. Diamatacous earth as well.  Tincture of 2 pipettes of another item (I believe he said cilantro but listen and get the details) and combined with an ionic foot bath -- this turns on the kidney to filter toxic metals from the blood to put toxins in the tea. 

Toxin elimination protocol is first before going on a killing spree.  CD protocol has people expelling large amounts of parasites when using it 'in the rear end' as he likes to call it. CD is chlorine dioxide. There are reasons to not ingest it as autism expert of high recognition suggests.  

The effect on the food chain and drinking water is devastating; it's the biggest thing of our time he says. Far bigger issue than any of the other things people are aware of.  The weather patterns are all man-made, there is absolutely no question. Global warming is probably a catastrophic problem and so why are they not telling people about the program.  The solution is simple, the parasites are here because of the toxicity and so we have to eliminate the creatures that look like parasites and those bring a huge amount of toxic load out of the body. 

Then we need to detox and in a different way than before, silica and cilantro now, not the DMSA and etc as in the past with other metals such as mercury and lead. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Nanoparticles and Geoengineering (and Other Sources) at link

Off we're going to head you, it's my strong suggestion, to another comment at this link that I just created at Lumigrate upon hearing a July 2013 interview with a man in Canada who has made just a TON of health-related videos and is a layperson who has simply studied and learned and teaches others what he knows.  

I can tell some things that I know enough about on subjects he gets into where I'm not in agreement, and he seems a bit of a know it all instead of how some people will say 'I think that', and 'I believe I'm right about this'... He was being interviewed by a very enlightened man who he'd spoken with before who was saying "I've not seen any chemtrails in my area of Texas for a couple of years" and Tony responded as if this were a person that didn't know about chemtrails and what they'd look like.  He went on about other places in the US that are getting hammered with them, and perhaps didn't think that they used to go over Patrick's area but then started going over different areas.  

I knew of people in Texas who were trying to see what I was talking about in Colorado and they just did not seem to be seeing them and then... "I saw some" and then 'what about this photo", which was actually something very advanced with EMs that came NEXT to my area of CW Colorado, so there appeared to me there was an assembly line sequence of some sort where they go do different aspects in different areas and then another stage follows on the heels.  A 'rollout' of sorts.  Having said that, I think Tony may be one of the overall most knowledgeable people I've heard about what's REALLY affecting people's bodies and that includes brains, behaviors, cognition, skin, etc. 

I hope my process and bringing the best information I have at the time to YOUsers of Lumigrate is of value to your learning and helps you get 'grate' information studied and learned with as minimal overall effort as possible. It takes time no matter what, by steering to good information that I've found it will help others simplify the process. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Weaponizing Weather & Food a la Tony Pantalleresco on ORN

I wanted to add this in here because you can see where the 'focus is'.  Tony had mentioned chemtrails on previous interviews at OneRadioNetwork and so they apparently were going to make chemtrails the focus of this one because of response from their audience.  BUT you can see that Tony doesn't stay on chemtrails much and focuses on what to DO related to what you're able to control and 'do' with proactivity (which starts with education).  

To answer Patrick asking what chemtrails are about, Tony answers it is "an all out war against humanity." 

He notices the chemtrail activities and gets information from people too, there's been a change in the mix in terms of colors seen in the chemtrails. 

He credits Carnicom for presenting his findings a decade before.  

This is a means of thinning the population, he believes. 

43 components, 4 radioactivive chemicals, nanoparticles that are in the air and also getting into the food, and that's not getting regulated at all.  

Nanosilver versus colloidal silver is discussed. 

Nanoparticles do not come out of the body -- it rewires the brain, the cells, affects the lungs, it is cumulative and is a powerful conductor. Nano aluminum, nano cadmium. Titanium dioxide is in a lot of the food products today, and people aren't aware of it.  Skies are becoming super saturated with the stuff. 

Look up using search words starting with nano and learn about it he suggests. 

Patrick asks him about DMSO, EDTA and effectiveness of vitamin C to get this stuff out.  (He uses minerals with C and EDTA to help pull it into the system -- it's a matter of application).  They go into detail about what he was doing in this regard. C can break down some of the mineral content of the body as well, so that has to be considered. 

NAC with B1 and vitamin C has worked, per old research he cites.  People have been mislead by so much crap just to make sales that it's made consumers, and he talks about what he's seen work best from his personal experience.

Telemeres are discussed and interplay. 

Metals in the body end up building up and you're a conductor of electromagnetics that are things used in geoengineering (and he doesn't mention things that the consumers purchase such as cordless telephones, cellular phones, wifi, and also doesn't talk about any of the things I've provided here, above, about Stetzer filters and other information from Mr Stetzer or others about remediating EMFs. 

So more cellular degeneration results.

Drinking chlorinated water is one thing that adds in to 'take the toll'.

You have to read what's in the products you're buying for how it's manufactured, and he goes into a list of things to watch out for.  Many products have good products in their line and they'll also have a lot of crap too.  

Ascorbate is discussed and the way it works at a cellular level is discussed.  Anybody today who can seriously knock ascrobic acid is way off base in his opinion.  He talks about researchers long ago looking into B1, B3, b complex and minerals with ascorbic acid and having incredible results.  We don't need more research on vitamins.  Everyone's been distracted with "B.S. marketing" that ends up with a heavy duty investment in the toilet, he jokes.  

Niacin and niacinomide.  Folic acid, and then we got into knocking folic acid ..  

Soy and GMO has made the probiotic action in the gut neutralized is a lot of the problem for people today as they're compromised.  

Idiology is discussed in products that 'catch people' to buy the product and people don't read the labels.  Example is Ezekiel bread or other bread with a logo that is idiological.  

Look at the women since the 50s, we've taken out their uterus, cut off their breasts, shattered their thyroid.

Now on to men, they're doing their prostates.  He goes into the cascade of hormones starting at testosterone, which will lead to more estrogen, and that ends up with a mutation where you end up with cancer. If you're eating soy or soy-based foods or anything estrogenic or with xenoestrogen, this does not mix.  

IODINE is what he suggests for regulating estrogen conversion. 1-4 drops of Lugals is where he suggests people start.  Cruciferous vegetables for people who have already compromised the thyroid should be consumed once a week or once every other week.  Iodine in most soil samples in the northern US is stripped due to the 1956 nuclear test he said, which is part of the reason for the low iodine in foods now.  Put iodine into the soil if you're growing things.  We've had 60 years of soy-based foods in our diets by now so men are having estrogenic issues too, not just the women.

Soy isoflavone can affect you 20 to 30 years up the road, that's how dangerous it was.  It's only good for fertilizer, it should not have been made into products for people.  "They knew", the globalists knew that people would suffer from cancers 20 years later, he said.  Patrick calls the globalists 'Doug and Mel' apparently.  

In the 90s they were able to get soy tasting so that it would sell, and the 'yuppies' were their target market, making it sensationalized.    And in combination with things to have people think they shouldn't be eating meat. Now we have this 'crap' from soy, it shouldn't even be fed to animals --- red clover or soy -- it stops the reproductive organs in the sheep.  DES it was equated to.  Artificial flavor, natural flavor 90% of time is soy based or it's a rice, and even your vitamins.  Selenium chelate will say TBT (?) and that's soy. 

Or there will be talkign about oils used in things and it'll not be specific but give a bunch of oils they maybe used in that product.  They're extracting from a crap source so you'll get crap results.  Fermented soy / nano is asked about and he says 'anything that comes from soy I'd not waste my money on'.

AND THAT IS just what they talked about up until the first commercial break. 

herbs _______ and beadworks is his website (sorry, I didn't make out what they said).  I suggest you take a trip to listen to this and look over what they have at the One Radio Network page about the rest of what they have on this show.  

He goes on to talk about how to rebuild your heart or other health problems and how the marketing campaign against fat caused problems, how grains and sugar are the main problem for everyone.  Aspartame as an ant poison is something he uses as another example, and then how we went to Splenda which is causing problems as it's chlorinated sugar, and 'then you wonder why you're having a heart issue when you're taking all these poisons in the body'.  Hybrid and cross hybriding was another level of problem, then taking it again to more development and it destroys and disrupts the digestive system it affects the heart.  The grains and how they were modified and destroy the gut.  The digest system cells in the humans are doing same as a fly that he cites, so these poisons get into the heart, he alleges -- 'these are things they forgot to tell us'.  

The majority of us got caught up in the hampster wheel in the 1970s and we ate food from a box and the nutrition was all cogealed together from the microwave, and the cascade of how this damages the intestines and colon.  Then we got more genetics involved and etc.  It is interesting how we've 'devolved'.  

Then they went to questions. The questions are from people who had heard PREVIOUS shows and are asking about things that he'd not talked about on THIS SHOW, which is somewhat confusing as they launch into talking about taking turpentine as a therapy internally or on the skin.

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Rings, squares and other shapes in "chlouds" (chems in clouds)

This is a topic at one of DutchSince's websites about radar pulses, HAARP-like EMFs causing rings or scalar squares.  I will also suggest you find him on Facebook possibly -- he gets a lot of harrassment and threatens to not mess with FB anymore and have people just connect with his information on the Internet at his websites so he doesn't have to post multiple places, etc., but then he always seems to end up continuing on Facebook.  

I personally have found what he's come up with relative to Earth sciences fascinating and hope he is as independent and clean in terms of not being influenced by 'the monkeys' in any way as he claims.  

I have communicated with him (his actual name is Michael) personally in the spring of 2013 when I thought it seemed as though the geoengineering program was setting up a situation which could have had massive snowmelt in Colorado at the same time as they'd create massive deluges of rain or wet snow that would contribute and cause another disaster like we had in Colorado in the fall of 2013 (when the flood started on the Front Range on 9/11/13 BUT the setup for it started at the start of the month to the south and west in terms of what observers have pieced together, I was one observer and knew something was up on Labor Day).  

He was appreciative of the tip/ concern and turned his attention in our direction -- not long after there was a massive landslide on the Grand Mesa in CW Colorado that was a lot of monkeybusiness around it and raised suspicions and interest -- he jumped in and did NOT talk about anything relative to the EMs from geoengineering which is what I'd suspected might have been one factor at least, and he focused on what might have caused it from the petroleum industry's nearby gas wells and their processes for disposing of fluids and etc.  

You see, at first it was called a 'mudslide' and then after a while it was clear it was a landslide and it was officially changed to 'landslide' -- in the mean time, he'd run the ball on the mud theory and I was here -- it didn't make sense there'd be that much mud and it didn't look like mud to me from the drone's video that was available to view not too long after.  The take home message is that we don't have to come up with an answer to questions always, sometimes we have to just study the issues, come up with possible reasons for things to be awry, and go from there ... have our 'opinions' and state them as opinions and possibilities versus 'decided upon facts'.  

Geoengineering's being increasingly talked about in all ways, in all circles, from all media -- mainstream and independent, in person and social media Internet.  We're far into the disclosure process, in my opinion, it's just been done in a very clever way.  I joke and call it their 'passive aggressive' way of letting us know, including employing a LOT of people who don't say they have funding to be alleging to be NOT part of the 'system' and to allege to be independent but are actually telling us things they want us to start learning about and 'breaking it to us gently' so to speak.  

I hope my bringing these resources to the topic is of value to those who are finding and using Lumigrate -- our YOUsers! ~

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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New Book in 2014. Elana Freeland: Chems Need EMs, EMs Need Chems

 I don't know how I missed seeing this until now at One Radio Network, a source I've put a LOT of links to in the last few months, and sometimes transcribing portions or all of the interview.  Other times just providing the written overview they have at the One Radio Network website in order to encourage YOUsers to take the link and go LISTEN... I realize that often the information is complex and people need to review it and it helps many people to be able to see information, not just hear it.  

I think that Patrick Timpone does amazing work, and he's highly regarded -- the longer you listen to the people he interviews, or talk with some of them directly, it's clear. So here's a link and below it what they have at their website about this very interesting resource. I really liked that she stated that the chems are going to become not visible and she then mentioned cloaking, or something along those lines.  This is the area that I got the most interested in by about four months into studying geoengineering because we had a totally blue sky day all of the sudden -- lovely bluebird skies, nice dark blue -- once the sun angle was up.  But when the sun angle was low and at dusk and dawn you could see the massive, massive amounts of nanoparticles in the air and strange glowing and colors and just nothing that looked like a natural sky would have looked before.  Then the daytime would again have the perfect bluebird sky.  I maybe was not seeing the airplanes that could have been seen from the ground, you know the ordinary flights that criss cross the skies over Colorado going to and from the various parts of the United States.  

Maybe there was something wrong with my eyes.  I went out in the evening and after dark to see the flashing lights and again didn't see planes going over, yet they were showing on FlightRadar24.  That was the fall of 2012.  A very hard time for me, coming to terms with all of this.  When you see they talk about cognitive dissonance on this show, I understand why that occurs.  This is hard stuff, but it is important to learn, it is reality, and you'll feel more empowered when you KNOW what is going on and what you can do about it (and what you cannot).  Focus on what you can do .. you can maybe take a detoxifying epsom salt bath, you can work on your detoxification pathways, etc.  

You can change how do clean and do laundry and how often you do so and shower.  Perhaps there's something that can be added to the home's air circulation with heating or cooling -- perhaps it's better to have one form of cooling over another and that's different than in years past BEFORE this program began and started putting such massive amounts of chemicals into our air.  You can address other aspects that are 'loading you down' in body, mind, spirit.  You might work on your mental attitude about things, and strengthen your spiritual 'spine'.  And that's just the tip of an iceberg.


Elana Freeland

Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth

Elana FreelandWe are entering a Space Age, but not the kind President Kennedy originally envisioned. This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a “battlespace” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance.”

This book examines how chemtrails and ionispheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska services a full-spectrum dominance. This “Revolution in Military Affairs” needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth—from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control.

How sinister are these technologies? Are we being prepared for a “global village” lockdown? The recent release of NSA records have reminded Americans that “eyes in the sky” are tracking us as supercomputers record the phone calls, e-mails, internet posts, and even the brain frequencies of millions.

Elana M. Freeland’s startling book sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being “geo-engineered” to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.

A deconstruction of Bernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patent points to other covert agendas, such as a global Smart Grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a “Transhumanist” future that erases lines between human and machine, and Nanobiological hybrids armed with microprocessers that infest and harm human bodies.

Show Highlights:

-The California man made drought is about water rights says Elena Freeland

-Fukushima, Katrina, Sandy and Haiti were controlled demolitions says guest

-The Hegelian Dialectic in full swing

-Freeland says “Climate Change” is a coverup for weather modification

-Trans Humans being formed by bio technology inserted in the body

-Cognitive Dissonance – Why humanity doesn’t see this happening

-Who are the players behind this and what is their motive?

and more!!

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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