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health education
Teamwork as a Solution to 'Virtual Dilution'
Today's the day after Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 2010, which was the second annual. I'm so very thrilled to have been on facebook for the first one a year ago, or I'd have never known about it. I'm looking forward to seeing what other people think about this year compared to last, but generally I have a sense that facebook's powers to pull a LOT of people together and make it easy for us to connect also have a down side in that it's also been so very easy for many people to set up 'discussion boards' and fan pages and groups that we're 'virtually diluted'. I guess that's b read more »
- 1855 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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Reader's Digest Condensed Version of "The You Model" for Pain
If I were to have a half hour of time in a video to describe occupational therapy and chronic pain from my perspective, which is the Lumigrate 'You Model" basically, I'd do it in the following way: read more »
- 2017 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
- 1 comment
Tell Us About "The You Model" and YOU!
I'm playing a little game with myself today and hoping you can help me. What elements would you put into something in order to teach people what they might want or need to know about chronic pain and illness and the base concept of Lumigrate, which is the 'You Model' of the home page? You'll literally be helping formulate a big project which I'm working on the outline for right now. read more »
- 2174 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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Thanks for being interested in writing in the Forums at Lumigrate! If everyone grabs an oar and has some coordination in the rowing effort, the boat can glide along without much work by any one person AND it can be FUN. Fun, valid, progressive and streamlined is what I have in mind for Lumigrate, so I look forward to how YOU influence things! Naturally, one of the concerns I have is keeping things somewhat 'grouped up' so that people can find things. I'm going to put my best efforts here to how to get started and then ask the I.T. read more »
- 2698 reads
Fibro Awareness Day is in May and last year that fell about a month after Lumigrate launched. It was an exciting day for us because of facebook! It has been my observation that many people are out there looking for information and somehow missing the good resources that are on the Internet. People had spent tons of time online and hadn't heard of some of the basic information that could have really helped them. So I want to start providing solutions about that, and offer Lumigrate as a place for people "active" in the fibromyalgia community to come and read more »
Responding to Those Writing Recently
It's wonderful to see some very appropriate and thoughtFULL questions and deposits of experience made by our colleagues on Lumigrate's Forum area or Blogs. I'd like to be certainly people find the best resources: the blog post about Dr. Rollin's TV news segment about food allergies is good for Moira and others -- read more »
- 6139 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
Free Downloads versus Snippets
It's been a fast month for us at Lumigrate since the website went live! We appreciate everyone who has gone in and looked at our website, and we've gotten good feedback which allows us to know what we can do better.
Mostly, there has been some confusion about the 'free downloads' (of which there are three -- "Chronic Illness: Full Barrel Syndrome", for instance) versus the snippets we provide of ALL the videos. We've provided entire videos to download for free so people can get an idea of what our video seminars are like -- Full Barrel Syndrome allows anyone to explore the process of downloading a shorter seminar and the documentation for NO COST. It is a shorter seminar than any that are on Lumigrate for a charge -- generally the seminars are 45 minutes to an hour (some are longer and we split into two parts, such as 'Supplements and Disease Prevention)." We've provided free snippets of every video so people can get a better sense about what the video/presenter is about. read more »
- 2267 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
Mardy Ross, OTR and Founding Executive Director, Lumigrate
Mardy Ross, Executive Director
Lumigrate History
Mardy Ross created and founded Lumigrate in 2008, with launching onto the Internet on March 27, 2009. The 'cornerstone' of Lumigrate is the YOU! Model, created in 2007 with a collaborative colleague with military medicine in his background (a Ph.D. psychologist, savvy about chronic pain, chronic fatigue, chronic illness, and 'neuropsychology'. read more »
- 22083 reads