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Mardy, and all who come to participate in education at Lumigrate -
Here is a great little video from 2011 taking about six minutes of time to watch about thyroid disorders on ABC News' website of Good Morning America Health interview with Dr. Kent Holtorf. I thought it would be of benefit to mention here. read more »
- 3983 reads
Tired All the Time: Ever Heard of Adrenal Fatigue?
{Reminder .... using the "print" and "e-mail" functions at the bottom of this page allows YOU to be a Lumigrate health education liaison ... Thank YOU in advance and may we have many more with chronic wellness instead of illness in the future because of our teamwork!}Blog from Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 1:04 pm, by Mardy Ross read more »
As Lumigrate's Creative Director, it has been a pleasure talking to and learning from several of you out there who have Fibromyalgia. Looking back on when I first came to Lumigrate, I'm amazed at how much I've learned. Like so many of you, I spent years going to my doctor with symptoms and was never properly diagnosed (with hypothyroid). So many times we don't take control of our medical issues and we just trust that our doctors know what's best. read more »
- 2596 reads
Free Downloads versus Snippets
It's been a fast month for us at Lumigrate since the website went live! We appreciate everyone who has gone in and looked at our website, and we've gotten good feedback which allows us to know what we can do better.
Mostly, there has been some confusion about the 'free downloads' (of which there are three -- "Chronic Illness: Full Barrel Syndrome", for instance) versus the snippets we provide of ALL the videos. We've provided entire videos to download for free so people can get an idea of what our video seminars are like -- Full Barrel Syndrome allows anyone to explore the process of downloading a shorter seminar and the documentation for NO COST. It is a shorter seminar than any that are on Lumigrate for a charge -- generally the seminars are 45 minutes to an hour (some are longer and we split into two parts, such as 'Supplements and Disease Prevention)." We've provided free snippets of every video so people can get a better sense about what the video/presenter is about. read more »
- 2268 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
Hypothyroidism: Misunderstood, Misdiagnosed, Missed! by Dr. Scott Rollins
Mardy's Thoughts: Hypothyroidism has recently become a very popular topic. Oprah Winfrey discussed the frustrations of her diagnosis on her first show of 2009. By doing so, she brought attention to this under-diagnosed chronic health condition, and the difficulties she experienced when several physicians were unable to identify the issue. read more »
What do I get with my purchase?
Video Download
If you purchase a video download, you will receive a high-quality video of the seminar which can be played directly on your computer. The video is provided in three formats: MPEG-4 (.mp4 file), Apple QuickTime (.mov file), and Windows Media Player (.wmv file). If you do not have a program on your computer that automatically plays media files, you will need to download one of the following:
- VLC Media Player (will play media of all formats)
- Winamp
- Apple QuickTime
- Windows Media Player
You will also receive as part of your download a PDF file of the presentation slides, and various supporting documents such as checklists, recommendations, and guides. The supporting documents are typically about 25 pages of additional content. To view these documents you must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download it by clicking here.
If you order a DVD, you will receive a packet including the DVD disc, presentation slides, and related documents. The entire content is three-hole punched so you can place it in a binder and start your collection! It is our goal to have DVDs to you very rapidly, but they are a special order item so timelines vary.
- adrenal gland
- adrenalin
- cortisone
- estrogen
- Free T3
- Free T4
- Graves' disease
- hair loss
- Hashimoto's disease
- Hodgkin's lymphoma
- hormones
- hyperthyroid
- hypothalamus
- hypothyroid
- hypothyroidism
- iodine
- low thyroid
- metabolic syndrome
- metabolism
- pituitary gland
- Rollins
- Sheehan's syndrome
- T3
- T4
- thyroid
- thyroid releasing hormone
- thyroid stimulating hormone
- Video Seminars
- weight gain
- 26321 reads
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