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free videos
Free Downloads versus Snippets
It's been a fast month for us at Lumigrate since the website went live! We appreciate everyone who has gone in and looked at our website, and we've gotten good feedback which allows us to know what we can do better.
Mostly, there has been some confusion about the 'free downloads' (of which there are three -- "Chronic Illness: Full Barrel Syndrome", for instance) versus the snippets we provide of ALL the videos. We've provided entire videos to download for free so people can get an idea of what our video seminars are like -- Full Barrel Syndrome allows anyone to explore the process of downloading a shorter seminar and the documentation for NO COST. It is a shorter seminar than any that are on Lumigrate for a charge -- generally the seminars are 45 minutes to an hour (some are longer and we split into two parts, such as 'Supplements and Disease Prevention)." We've provided free snippets of every video so people can get a better sense about what the video/presenter is about. read more »
- 2267 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog