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heart health
Today is Valentine's Day , and thoughts go to love, hearts, and chocolate!! Last week on my regular blog I dedicated my post to my Dad, who I loved dearly (I was a true Daddy’s girl) and who passed away nearly 15 years ago from a heart attack. If I had only known then what I know now, we would have had many more years of hugs, jokes, and those supportive heart-to-heart talks. read more »
- 3164 reads
My life changed forever last weekend. Friday evening after my husband had pulled the transmission out of his friend's El Camino ( For you young folks that is a half car, half truck.) We went to our favorite public pier. read more »
- 1326 reads
My Heart's Open and Thanking ..... Lots of People!
This is the first Valentine's Day for Lumigrate! This time last year the web designer, Ron Shimshock, and I were probably communicating with each other even on Valentine's Day, as it was in the timeframe of when we had lots going on -- the credit card processing needed to be taken care of (which was something he set me up well with good information about how to do my part of, three suggested companies to pick from -- and I'm so very happy to have chosen 'Heartland Payment Systems' and have to say the woman who is my representative has not only been a pleasure to work with, but to also read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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Chocolate Almond Mousse read more »
From My Heart to Your Body / Mind / Spirit if YOU Spend Time and Energy Reading This
Since it's the Friday before Valentine's Day, I was already preparing yesterday to write about heart health here today, and was watching Dr. read more »
- 1288 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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Recorded Heart Health on Monday April 6
We're looking forward to having another seminar available in the very near future, and believe Scott Rollins' seminar we recorded yesterday will be a very helpful and popular video. The studio audience had questions about how to find good supplements, and we were pleased to guide them to Lumigrate's product section, where the providers offer such guidance. read more »
- 1447 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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