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I got onto Facebook and saw that last night someone had posted one of the big, colorful status' that shows up like a meme. "When I'm asked what cannabis oil did for (my beloved/child (daughter), I don't know where to begin. Those who remember, what did you notice improved?" The comments that followed:
Person A: It has improved soooo much!!! I would tell them that it has improved her quality of life immensely and helped mommy in seeing the great results! read more »
I've recently been asked what I know about gout, presumably because they have had symptoms. Fortunately, I'd recently watched / listened to several videos by an educator / nutritionist who had done a wonderful job about alkalinity / acidity / pH, and so I'd think to turn in her direction via the Internet and create a topic about gout here on Lumigrate. read more »
Mitochondria is the 'overlap', or one of the overlaps, between cancer and other disorders which mainstream, "organized medicine" has separated and segregated in their classifications. Most medical information / product / services consumers have come through mainstream medicine at some point, typically for their formative years and a large portion of their consumer experience. read more »
I was one of the first people Dr. John Cantanzaro added to his new group, which appears to have been created on May 3, 2016. As of my creating this topic on Memorial Day 2016, the end of May, there are 2,849 other people, or profiles I should say, in the group. I'm going to take this topic in a direction of revealing how I go about 'looking into someone'.
Naturally, there's their website. This is what is said at his: read more »
This is our primary topic at Lumigrate on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome / EDS, which will also then lead into covering POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (in other words POTS is "when you change position your blood pressure and heart rate go wiggy and cause a lot of symptoms, including a feeling of doom / anxiety syndrome") AND a bunch of other things, as EDS / Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is yet another one of 'overlapping conditions'. read more »
- 15739 reads
A recent conference in Washington state, put on by "The Kinghardt Academy", has now taken place and has a great overview topic by the Better Health Guy's website. I'm hoping everyone who has an interest in chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain that is from fibromyalgia, MS, ALS, Parkinsons, Lewy body disease, Alzheimers, and autism, etc. is aware of this conference having taken place and the information that is available which has come from it. read more »
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Marty Ross, MD is a Seattle, Washington (USA) physician focusing on treating Lyme disease and the related disorders. He is a very clear speaker, he anunciates well, and appears as mentally prepared for outlining what he is presenting, so it's 'seamless' to learn from his videos. read more »
- 11502 reads
Geoengineering went to the top of my list of concerns related to health and well-being, not only for people (myself included) but virtually every living thing on Earth, once I became aware mid-2013. Weather modification was one aspect of it that was certainly concerning. Effects on soils and what seeds will grow adds another level of concern, particularly for those of us who believe in non-GMO. I initially only knew the word 'chemtrail' and rapidly learned a whole new vocabulary in this rapidly evolving world of geoengineering. read more »
- 3260 reads
"Eat like a gorilla" Tana Amen advises, along with her well-known husband Dr Daniel Amen, on a PBS show about The Omni Diet. (PBS has tons of programs on their website, so you might look for it on your television program guide if you have television or online if you are more computer-based). read more »
My 3 Step, 3 Ingredient Tonic for GRATE Health and Joints
(chose organic when possible, or the best quality you can obtain)
1. In a food-safe 1 quart container (being aware about plastics which leach out toxins; glass is ideal if you can manage it, or mix a batch spread into smaller, more manageable containers: read more »
- 89334 reads