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Neurologic Impacts Possible from Geoengineering's Nanoparticles, Concerns from Neurosurgeon and Educator Russell Blaylock, MD
Geoengineering went to the top of my list of concerns related to health and well-being, not only for people (myself included) but virtually every living thing on Earth, once I became aware mid-2013. Weather modification was one aspect of it that was certainly concerning. Effects on soils and what seeds will grow adds another level of concern, particularly for those of us who believe in non-GMO. I initially only knew the word 'chemtrail' and rapidly learned a whole new vocabulary in this rapidly evolving world of geoengineering.
This was, ultimately, an issue that forced a 'growth spurt' for me professionally AND as a medical consumer/individual, because so few medical experts in the US were aware of it at the time. I have provided information since the first month that I was studying it, in order to get 'something' on Lumigrate. I have provided it for our YOUsers, and to our medical experts if they were wanting to learn about it, as well as to my personal medical providers.
My personal expectation is that if I'm going to be giving my time/energy/money to providers, if it's pertinent to my care, I expect them to learn about it to an overall extent that they can help me and their other patients. Ultimately, that IS what the Lumigrate YOU model 'is about' is the patients being able to have a profound influence on what the providers they collaborate with know and 'do', using their medical background.
The Lumigrate YOU! model
Turning to the Internet like never before (as there aren't any books out yet on health effects and geoengineering, that I am aware of, and it's not admitted to by those doing it so no published research from the normal funded research programs) and keying in search words that I'd never even heard of before, such as 'geoengineering', or 'chemtrails', in conjunction other words to find what I was wanting to learn about was like going into a foreign land. The options that resulted, I found, were fraught with what turns out to be a ton of illegitimate websites created to 'throw people off the trail' of this previously covert program. And then there would be one that I'd feel very comfortable with.
I remember learning of Dr Blaylock fairly early on in my learning about geoengineering, when still trying to piece together who was who, what was what, and who to trust. At the bottom of this topic, you will find a link or links to other topics about geoengineering at Lumigrate -- I've added onto the few that I started with and will do more 'guidance' to get people to seeing the few that I think are THE most pertinent.
Why was this doctor 'sticking his neck out', or was he part of the 'smoke and mirrors' that the program has elaborately created, and he's actually part of the plan? I held off covering him until now specifically because I created more generic information at first, but ultimately the neurological effects are a primary concern of mine. And massive numbers of people are going to be doing as I did, and turning to the Internet as they become aware of this diabolical program, and looking for information related to heath. And Dr Blaylock has simple become a 'staple' in the geoengineering-educated community. I believe he's a man to know about, to watch/listen to, and study, keeping in mind that there's a lot of working pieces that are now in motion related to disclosure and in the past related to covering up and trying to keep the masses of people from being aware and informed, which is shifting now, I believe.
I wanted to provide a topic about neurosurgeon Russel Blaylock, MD and his 'coming out' in the not too distant past and talking about the subject of geoengineering. Geoengineeing is literally 'in a vacuum' because of it's secret status within the military and overall government, not only in the United States, but all countries that have been participating. It has only recently started to be 'disclosed', that I was aware of, from mid 2013 and increasingly recently.
I also wanted to provide the information from a website that I am comfortable with directing you to related to Dr Blaylock and geoengineering. There are MANY Internet sites where information about Dr Blaylock appears related to geoengineering if you Search, and many of them are simply 'not my kind of website'. Collective Evolution is different, so that is who I have selected for this topic, you will see, below -- just a partial topic and link to encourage you to go to the website (where they have video embedded as a good overview).
Under that, I also provide the link to Dr Blaylock's website (which is very basic) and have brought from there his biographical information so it's right here and you don't have to make the trip with a link to view his credentials. There are also a couple of YouTube links to listen to/view if that is your preferred means of learning.
This is going to become less and less of a 'controversial' topic as the disclosure process continues, and it's entirely possible, considering the way that Dr Blaylock came out talking about geoengineering relatively recently, that he is also part of the planned 'rollout' of the disclosure to the public. The further you are from being an 'insider', the more difficult it is to ascertain what the motives are, what the 'politics' are, and who and what all is involved.
I've always approached the subject here and on social media, as well as personal conversations in the live world, by relating that we have enough evidence to know that it is going on, we know there has been a lot of propaganda, 'shills' and 'naysaying' being broadcast it in order to keep it from having more people finding out or 'embracing it'. Since the possible health effects are so substantial, it was important to cover this subject from as soon as I possibly could, here at Lumigrate for the YOUsers who seek this type of information.
Ultimately, I believe it's more important to keep all that "stuff" about motivations of who is involved and why, and study as much as you're inclined to do (I hope I provide good directions to go to make that easier and faster for YOU), but ultimately focus on WHAT YOU CAN DO for yourself and others you care about, particularly if you are responsible for them. (This extends beyond humans in my opinion, for any pet owners out there.) So far, mostly what I see Dr Blaylock speaking about is his concerns for the health effects from geoengineering, and helping to make people aware and concerned for health effects.
Then, ultimately, there are many things that 'outside the box' medicine has known how to do for these types of toxic exposures, and it's ultimately the type of information that Lumigrate has been covering since day 1 back in 2009, environmental medicine, functional medicine, and addressing it with an integrative medicine approach. It will be a matter of YOU, the YOUsers of all the bodies out there, as always, getting proactive about what they have control over. There is an overall tendency for people in the US (and beyond) to overlook the enormous amount of control they have over what affects their wellness. It's often things they've learned, as well, and simply have not implemented.
In other words, this issue initially seems like an overwhelming foreign topic when a person initially learns about it, but ultimately if you realize it's basically a ton more 'chems 'n' EMs' (electromagnetics) that we were aware of previously, which is a huge 'load' that burdens the body, and you study our topic at Lumigrate by Dr Marc Spurlock (MD) on "load theory" and the information we've presented over the years at Lumigrate, AND DO WHAT YOU decide resonates with you for your well-being, you might find that you have better wellness than before you learned of the program and made changes.
Note about "the disclosure" I referred to, above: The best example I have to share so far about disclosure is found if you Search on The Colbert Report's website for 'geoengineering', looking for a mid December 2013 interview with David Keith, PhD.
Neurosurgeon Voices Health Concerns Over Geoengineering and Chemtrails
Posted November 1, 2013, written by Arjun Walia at (see link, below, and go see it all!)
Chemtrails. When you hear the word you might instantly correlate it with ‘conspiracy theory,’ but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Just because a neurosurgeon speaks out about them does not constitute it as truth. We don’t base our evidence of somebody observing lines in the sky and instantly deeming them as harmful chemicals designed to increase the rate of human ailments as proof. Although there is much merit in observing a phenomenon and listening to your inner voice/intuition to see if something doesn’t seem right, there is also merit when it comes to factual evidence regarding the chemtrail phenomenon and that is why more people within the mainstream world are choosing to speak out. It’s clear that chemtrails are very different from contrails.
Not long ago, former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm said that “chemtrails are happening all over the world,” and now Neurosurgeon Russell L. Blaylock is getting involved. Obviously they wouldn’t be making such public statements if there wasn’t any evidence to back it up. These are two of many ‘credible’ people within the mainstream world that’ve come forward as of late.
Dr Blaylock has voiced his concerns about nanoaluminum, neurodegenerative and the neurodevelopment effects of chemtrails(9). This article outlines some of the evidence regarding chemtrails aimed to illustrate that there is a reality behind this ‘conspiracy’. It is definitely something the public should be made aware of.
My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum (9).
It’s called geoengineering (0)(4)(5)(6), which are methods developed for the purpose of weather modification. Geoengineering programs have been put in place by multiple universities around the world (1) and as a result the techniques used to to combat climate change are being called into question by many. Geoengineering projects are now being backed the CIA as well as NASA, which means most methods and techniques for geoengineering will remain classified (2)(3) under the department of defense for the sake of ‘national security.’
There are multiple patents with regards to geoengineering and climate manipulation, one technique called into question is weather modification via chemical seeding (7)(8). These techniques are said to reduce atmospheric warming using the presence of heat trapping gases in the atmosphere. Materials used for these methods are oxides of metals which have high emissivity, and low reflectivity’s. A major cause for concern is aluminum oxide.
If you’re new to the chemtrail phenomenon, or didn’t know that there is actual evidence behind it, below is a good place to start:
- See more at:
Dr. Blaylock has a YouTube channel, which I encourage you to seek out. Here's a sampling of a couple of items I would suggest you start with.
A great overview topic of geoengineering overall and related to the aluminum and concerns about that related to known effects from aluminum (and the interviewer also refers on a number of occasions to the vaccines which also have aluminum in them, which is of concern of many including the two having the conversation) from NaturalNews radio show, as described below. Curt Linderman says that 40% of his audience has an interest about autism, as he 'got into this' information because his son has autism symptoms/issues. There is an INCREDIBLE amount of easy to understand, pertinent information here and probably one of the best hours on the Internet that I've found to understand a lot of information about environmental health issues and nutrition causes and strategies for returning towards wellness. Please look over Dr
"The science is on my side, not on theirs" Dr Blaylock calmy says in the interview. It's irrefutable and the strategy of the 'distractors' (who he calmly says 'it's their job, they're paid by the government programs to do this'. One of the techniques the distractors use is to disparage you, and hope to make you seem to be another of the 'kooks out there' needing a 'tin foil hat'. SO dear readers/YOUsers of Lumigrate, if you ever hear anyone talking in that tone personally or online, or read it, remember to think about that. And then remember to just let people know about Dr Blaylock and Lumigrate (or my name if you cannot remember Lumigrate, which is a melding of the words for light/lumen and the word integrate (to bring together).
Dr Blaylock produces a monthly newsletter, you can access the website for that at (link is there to subscribe to the newsletter), and there are links to the many articles he has produced for journals. He mentions that his son runs the website for him. They're very technical articles, he forwarns, and that he publishes in reputable journals and cites hundreds of references typically. So 'they're there if you want to see the science', so to speak. He essentially said in this interview "I can basically bury anyone who debates this information, they typically don't know the information" (that is a paraphrasing summary of what he says near the end of this fascinating program.)
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts.
Russell Blaylock M.D·95 videos (there were 164, 881 views at the time of my bringing it here today, 1/14/14)
Linderman Unleashed Radio Show March 28th 2013 Broadcast. Curt Linderman speaks with Dr. Blaylock about the devastating health effects of the chemtrails and geoengineering programs which have been implemented in secret without public consent.
Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
The Internet is littered with stories of "chemtrails" and geoengineering to combat "global warming" and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have notice a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many dozens every day are littering the skies.
My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's disease and Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum.
Nanoparticles of aluminum are not only infinitely more inflammatory, they also easily penetrate the brain by a number of routes, including the blood and olfactory nerves (the smell nerves in the nose). Studies have shown that these particles pass along the olfactory neural tracts, which connect directly to the area of the brain that is not only most effected by Alzheimer's disease, but also the earliest affected in the course of the disease. It also has the highest level of brain aluminum in Alzheimer's cases.
The intranasal route of exposure makes spraying of massive amounts of nanoaluminum into the skies especially hazardous, as it will be inhaled by people of all ages, including babies and small children for many hours. We know that older people have the greatest reaction to this airborne aluminum. Because of the nanosizing of the aluminum particles being used, home filtering system will not remove the aluminum, thus prolonging exposure, even indoors.
In addition to inhaling nanoaluminum, such spraying will saturate the ground, water and vegetation with high levels of aluminum. Normally, aluminum is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, but nanoaluminum is absorbed in much higher amounts. This absorbed aluminum has been shown to be distributed to a number of organs and tissues including the brain and spinal cord. Inhaling this environmentally suspended nanoaluminum will also produce tremendous inflammatory reaction within the lungs, which will pose a significant hazard to children and adults with asthma and pulmonary diseases.
I pray that the pilots who are spraying this dangerous substance fully understand that they are destroying the life and health of their families as well. This is also true of our political officials. Once the soil, plants and water sources are heavily contaminated there will be no way to reverse the damage that has been done.
Steps need to be taken now to prevent an impending health disaster of enormous proportions if this project is not stopped immediately. Otherwise we will see an explosive increase in neurodegenerative diseases occurring in adults and the elderly in unprecedented rates as well as neurodevelopmental disorders in our children. We are already seeing a dramatic increase in these neurological disorders and it is occurring in younger people than ever before. - A rather off the beaten path radio show with Dr Blaylock as the guest of what I'd consider a moderate-sounding Libertarian/religious program (it's a radio program that the poster at YouTube added graphics to. It's difficult if not impossible to find really/trully 'independent'/ or neutral information on many of these subjects, but this is some of the less 'angry' and 'factually presented' information I've seen to explain 'the system' that is at hand which then helps people understand how the geoengineering program has come to be, again with Dr Blaylock as the guest. So on this one he delves past the medical aspects into the systems involved that have created the things that are discussed in the above YouTube.
Then if you watch the information that Collective Evolution sets up on this thread, plus look over their references list, etc (and their overall website, it's a good one, I think, to know of) that whole thread is, I belive, a good overview for YOUsers here, on this subject. Yes, this will take a few hours to get through what is set up here, but trust me, it's a lot faster than trying to wade through all the information out there if you out searching on your own (or at least that will be typical for most people, we 'streamline' it for YOU!).
(Again, there are other topics in the forum area here at Lumigrate, in this forum on Environmental Medicine/Wellness/Illness, as well as the political / activism forum.)
Also, another YouTube from a whole separate expert, Dane Wiggington of California, which 'is a staple' recently (as it was new in 2013, I believe) about geoengineering which gets passed around social media by most of the geoengineering activists and 'peer educators' in the public sector when doing 'outreach' and 'education' (independent of, and to support what is at CollectiveEvolution, above, has had at their website as another example of a website covering this information besides Lumigrate). I thought would be helpful to share with YOUsers. I'm not necessarily sold on the flaming arrow stuff at the end of this, by the way, but I do like the idea of people becoming educated and then telling the providers around them about it. (And I provided a topic on Lumigrate for patients in the fall of 2013 to be able to broach the subject with their providers easier, or consider if that would be wise or not -- it might not be depending on the open-mindedness and ability of the provider to take information from that patient/consumer and their relationship's basis.) - 2013 presentation by Dane Wiggington with an overall about geoengineering chemicals (he doesn't focus much on the electromagnetics aspect) and his concerns related to the overall environment and human health.
From: (and, naturally, please follow out to visit his website for more information. This is the About/biography (mid January 2014). (I have added some bolding and underlines for the ease of the YOUsers reading to pick out what I believe to be some of the most important things to highlight regarding Dr Blaylock's experiences and expertise.
Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. He attended the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his general surgical internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. During his residency he ran the neurology program for one year and did a fellowship in neurosurgery after his residency. For the past 25 years he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from both practices to devote full time to nutritional studies and research.
During his residency training he worked with the eminent neurosurgeon, Dr. Ludwig Kempe. Together they developed the transcallosal removal of intraventricular tumors, which is still used today. Dr. Blaylock presented their cases utilizing this technique to the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. They also developed the ventriculolymphatic shunt in the treatment of hydrocephalus. In addition, they conducted neuroanatomical studies together with the aim of developing improved approaches in vascular intracranial surgery.
He has continued a close personal friendship with Dr. Kempe over the ensuing years, who at age 91 continues to study neuroanatomy, ornithology and is an editor of a major journal on medieval studies. Of special note, Dr. Kempe climbed the Himalayan mountains at age 87, a testament of his robust health and enduring love of adventure.
It was during his residency that Dr. Blaylock did much of the primary work on intraventricular monitoring of craniocerebral trauma patients, which was reported in the scientific literature. He also worked closely with Dr. Peter Jannetta during Dr. Jennetta’s early research on vascular compression of the cranial nerves as a cause of trigeminal neuralgia and hemifacial spasm. Dr. Blaylock was one of the first neurosurgeons to utilize high-intensity nutritional supplementation in craniocerebral trauma patients, which met with great success.
Dr. Blaylock has written and illustrated three books. The first book was on the subject of excitotoxins (Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills) and how they are related to diseases of the nervous system. His second book, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, covers the common basis of all diseases, nutritional protection against diseases of aging, protection against heavy metal toxicity, the fluoride debate, pesticide and herbicide toxicity, excitotoxin update, the vaccine controversy, protection against heart attacks and strokes and contains a new chapter on omega-3 fats. This book has been newly revised as an oversized paperback. His third book, Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients, was released in April 2003 and discusses the ways to defeat cancer, enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments, and prevent complications associated with these treatments. In addition, he has written and illustrated three chapters in medical textbooks, written a booklet on nutritional protection against biological terrorism and written and illustrated a booklet on multiple sclerosis. He has written over 30 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals on a number of subjects.
Since the publication of his first book he has been a guest on numerous national and international syndicated radio programs and appeared on the 700 Club several times. He appeared on Nutritionally Living with Dr. Ward Bond. Presently, he is engaged in a monthly radio program discussing his book, Health and Nutrition Secrets on Raymond Francis’ program Beyond Health. The series will run for 12 months. He lectures widely to both lay and professional medical audiences on a variety of nutritional subjects.
Dr. Blaylock serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is on the editorial staff of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official journal of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He serves on the editorial board of the journal Fluoride, official journal of the International Society for Fluoride Research. He has a monthly nutrition newsletter, published by, The Blaylock Wellness Newsletter.
Dr. Blaylock serves as the medical consultant for the Fluoride Toxicity Research Collaborative. He was recently awarded the Integrity in Science award by the Westin Price Foundation. Presently, he is a visiting professor in the department of biological sciences at Belhaven College in Jackson, Mississippi.
At present, he is a member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, the American Nutraceutical Association, the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionist, American College of Nutrition, American Association for Health Freedom, National Health Federation, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. He was recently appointed as a member of the Scientific Advisory Panel of the Life-Extension Foundation.
Another topic at Lumigrate that goes into all the Chems 'n' EMs for providers and the consumers to be aware of related to health impacts is at this link (in the same forum as this topic, please look around in this forum for related information which might apply to you).
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.
"Charged particles" are something I think people using Lumigrate really should be aware of at the very least.
The first podcast of the two at this link has some very interesting information about what effects on the brain / behavior (mood)(and 'personality') can occur from solar events. It's just after minute 40 of the first hour of the two you'll find at the link here (below). Personality disorder, mood disorder he cites (keep in mind those are allopathic medicine's terms for things and 'labels' which help to communicate things but we might try to get away from thinking of the segmented and fractionated and get to thinking more whole / holistically) (but need 'search words' too!) .
He uses 'major depression' as an example and talks about how it not just being mood, it's a cognitive dissonance of sorts, and cites how the way a person with this condition will put sentences together differently and their view of the world will be 'skewed'. Treatments using magnetics brings things with a sense of 'focus', so then how charged particles coming from the sun can have an effect ... 'man, that's a powerful statement'.
Patrick asks for clarification if he's suggesting this will be changing the brain chemistry but not the physiology of the brain, and Mitch responds that it's a matter of what model you look at it through -- he thinks 'bio - psycho - social' and all are involved (which is body - mind - social (which is near to 'spirit') such as 'integrative' medicine model that I've always had be part of the presentation of health info at Lumigrate, as well as 'functional medicine', which is getting to the underlying reasons and treating there instead of symptom management.
He believes it will affect cells, there will be a shift in neurotransmitters, and then he mentions specifically the pineal gland. Patrick hops in to say in the last two years he'd had guests on the show that focused on the spiritual aspect and who profess that we're in control of a lot more than we think we are and we're in the process of changing our DNA with the way we think .. and feel... and ... ... it changes our physiological body. And this appeared to me to be where Mitch would be coming away from this conversation with new light shining on new things for him to be then taking forward from there.
I really enjoyed listening to Mitch Battros and think he is a very reasonable guy who talks about the independent researchers and educators such as him and Patrick of OneRadioNetwork and the indy astronomers who wouldn't be able to be kept quiet about things if they were seeing them. EarthChangesMedia dot com is his website.
And part two has some interesting history about 1859 having a solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) that knocked out telegraphs and he discusses how far behind we are in the infrastructure of our utilities, etc. It just really makes
In 1989 the Canadian power grid was knocked out for up to three weeks, around Toronto, New York, etc. Petroleum fuel generators are our only backup. Channeling power from various areas and black and brown outs would occur. In part 1 they were discussing how chemtrails of the geoengineering program is in part intended to create solar radiation mediation in areas of the world that would be getting hit by the solar events' effects.
Being around a supportive community is what he suggests when things occur, if they occur. It's like striking a match so there would be forest fires from a solar event. Satellites could be fried. The USAF and NOAA which is in charge of the space weather center, and they have the FAA keeping planes under 40,000 feet, they are working on contingency plans. What is not working very well he said, is if events cascade. Mitch said he's not seen any kind of plan to weather this kind of event.
Cellular phones, anything wireless depends on satellite, cable TV, any phones that aren't completely running on wires from point to point would be affected. The Internet is discussed and the hubs in Seattle, Atlanta, LA, and one or two others, that everything goes through, and it's hard wired.
An emailer asks how to protect themselves from CMEs.
My thoughts went to talking with a former coworker who said they noticed the skin on their arm getting hot when driving in the winter, with the window up. I'd noticed in 2011 or 2012 as well as in 2014 that in the SPRING I got very burned sitting on patios in much less time than I thought it would take to just have a 'little color' and get some good "Vitamin D machine" shine, as I call it.
Mitch used to work for FEMA, he suggests people go to www.earthmediachanges.comand you look for the link titled 'survival tips'. Mitch says he has on the list how to purify water, be sure to think about medications and there's a 5 point protocol that the Red Cross uses. Where are the HAM operators? Every neighborhood has one. That will be the link to communication. Have your packed food pulled together. FEMA, Red Cross, fire -- when a large even occurs the person you will have to depend on is your neighbor. There are disasters all over. We're in draught, triple digits temperatures where he lives. The PNW and volcanoes, California and earth quakes, snowstorms, tornadoes are examples.
Was there extreme solar activity related to the Haiti disaster. Google the date of the Haiti event and then solar activity, solar flare, etc. for that month to figure out if it was a factor.
How is the oil at the bottom of the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico affecting the weather due to affecting the temperature. Did it block the Gulf Stream? People thought it did but it did not per Mitch but contributed to some abnormal patterns. It could be holding the bubble of heat over the mid states at the time of this interview.
Patrick wanted to go back to Edgar Cayce and which is influencing which -- is the cosmos controlling / affecting our thought process, and does this affect free will. From the 4th world to the 5th world, Mitch thinks there's a biological component that will bring a heightened awareness using the brain, we'll be remembering things that we already knew genetically. We'd have dominion over events and our thoughts. Can our minds then affect the sun? This is prophecy, this is the cycle, this is what we know .. per Nostradumus ... a fulfilled prophecy is a failed prophecy. He thinks the events are going to occur -- what can we do to be prepared, to minimize repercussions, to have infrastructure to absorb it; how are we going to handle it?
How does the collective affect the other people is something Patrick asks. Mitch says he's asked this a lot and everything he's studied indicates it's the law of averages. If there were 1,000 people who were praying and meditating and 'whatever', that some believe that will have an effect and will change the world. 51% to 49-50% seeing things differently, the higher % will win out.
The law of influence -- a small group can affect masses. If someone had earthquake karma, for whatever spiritual reason, no matter where they go, something's going to happen. If you talk to a person and they had new insight and they ignored you or thought you were silly --- every person has their journey. "Fate is an option" Mitch said. Change your view and change your future, Patrick said. Mitch goes further and says that he likes to talk about disaster because he believes the earth changes are here to help direct us to make community. "Funny about you Americans, you tend to be at your best when things are at the worst" he quoted from Winston Churchill.
How did the ancients figure these things out (the Mayans, the Greeks were known for the first calculator for astronomy). If you lived on a campground and all you had was the sky to watch, and after generations you might have outlined a cycle if you recorded or remembered or passed along what you saw.
Mitch said he hasn't found something that would pass a peer review on if aliens had visited the Mayans, to have the knowledge they had. The other option is they were much older than we think, like maybe 50,000 years, and that would have given them the time to figure the cycles they were relating.
Mitch and the Mayan elders have a relationship allegedly. They're not public people. Around the 50's or 60s, they realized it would be best to not share their knowledge with the general public. Around the 1990s or so they collectively through a Mayan gathering / convergence, they made the decisions to disclose information after getting permission from their council. Mitch is humbled and feels lucky they have chosen him to share the information with and hopes they see he does it with as much integrity as he can. They understand the respect he has for them. It's a very delicate line he walks. If he goes too far one way, science community will say he's too woo-woo. If he goes the other way the Mayans will say he's a debunker (as he will state when something doesn't add up that they relate).
How accurate were their short-term predictions? He feels they're pretty accurate, just throwing a number out he says 85%. He believes it's going to be 100% but sometimes the timing doesn't fit. Example, a nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India has been predicted but they're not sure what the timeline will be. It's not directed at the US from Pakistan, it's between those two.
Predictions for the last 10 days of August (2011) -- one already happened. The US economy was going down, and we are not the center of the economic world. China and India are the two powers, and they believe India will end up being the world power. A strong insurgence of young people in China with not much tolerance of the government exists and that will be where China stumbles as they'd drifted from their spiritual groundedness. And in India their spiritual groundedness is going to allow India the advantage.
He'd dropped the cost to subscribe to his website to his cost, which is $25/year. Full access to articles --- they package what they think they're interested in and need to know and they get information directly from the source and all the amateur communities, which is very, very powerful information.
They talked about when is it going to rain in Texas. Patrick had lived there 30 years and never seen anything like what they were having. Mitch had just moved to Texas in the last year before the interview. It's still not as good as the dust bowl, the temperatures were up to 130 degrees there, and in Texas it was up to above 100. And no surprise, it was during a solar maximum, Mitch said. It wasn't every single year, Mitch said. 1936 was the worst of it and the drought didn't last the whole time but he'd have to look into it to remind himself. Mitch moved because of family there. Seattle is in a dangerous area which is where they lived before. Earthquake risk is about on par as Cali and Alaska, and the Cascadia zone (N Cali to Vancouver), he'd forsee the 9.0 and tsunami will occur and it could set off volcanoes. The magna tunnels connect.
They laughed about their decisions they've made after Patrick said he was perhaps like one of the animals who leaves long before an earthquake or other natural event. Patrick suggests having a little meeting of everyone around their neighborhoods so you knew the people and have a small plan at the least. He talks about all the variables when you're in places such as city and suburbs. A different karmic thing. Not to think of it with fear or anything, just to talk about it and do the planning and preparedness.
He said where he lives the utilities are right at the edge of having enough power for the air conditioning demands during the heat wave they're experiencing. Patrick's house is made out of straw bales with three layers of concrete and he relates how amazing it is for insulation. He doesn't have a/c as they were off the grid with solar power. The batteries died so they're not off grid now. In the country it's about 10 degrees cooler than in Austin he said, and they put water out for the birds in the draught and heat they were experiencing at the time of the interview.
"Okay you little pumpkins" he said as he was about to sign off. I like the way he takes things seriously and makes it clear how important things are but then he just continues on with such a pleasant tone. "I love you all very much" he says as well and "take care of yourself".
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
August 13, 2015 PosterGal, as I call her on Lumigrate, had this to say, and since it was very impactful and credited Dr Blaylock for her beginning to understand things differently, years ago -- and today she's a major contributor of synthesizing information she's studied, and leading people who have found out about her 'along for the ride'.
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!
This is very drafty, I've gone over it once, typing out the overview, beginning at just past the halfway point of the hour long interview (65 minutes, to be exact) at this link: The first half is very interesting, related to technologies used via the government / industrial complex such as major news networks in the mainstream, and political campaigns, to control people's minds. Adam Trombly jumps in with fluoride and electronic mind control in Nazi Germany years, and they go from there. At about the halfway point, they get into chemtrails, and then water, and tie it all together at the end. Apologies for the 'draftyness' if you're seeing this before I do the twice or thrice over and get it completed. I highly suggest getting a short time subscription to Gaia and watching this and going from there, if you're not already a subscriber.
They start talking about someone without mentioning the name and Regina Meredith then states or inquires to be sure, that he's talking about Russell Blaylock. He was, and I was glad, as I'd found Dr Blaylock a great resource to provide on Lumigrate in the past, back in 2013 when I started delving into chemtrails. Late, yes, but better than never! I'm reminded in this interview that Regina Meredith started in about 2000, seeing things changing in her newfound community home of Sedona, Arizona. I recall having moved to Grand Junciton in late 2003, almost exactly 13 years ago at the time I'm writing this today (December 16, 2016), and not being able to figure out the weather here like I could on the Front Range where I'd lived all my life. I was 'noticing' changes over the years, in the sunsets, in the winds, in the weather, and seeing what I thought were strange, lingering, contrails and thinking "I need to check into that", and not doing so until after a bombardment started during the daylight hours, daily for weeks and months, begining June 1, 2013.
My camera, was, thankfully, charged, right by the door, as I saw this coming around the back of my house where I'd been working on window cleaning, siding cleaning, and cleaning out the dryer vent exhaust area.
I love this photograph because I can today see the ripples from the EMFs and know this was 'chems and EMs' as I call it. But at the time I was still in the mindset of what I knew at that time, which was about 'condensation trails' and figuring this was some sort of chemical being sprayed, in a pattern like that converging as they were. (They'd later diverge and so from way above, images showed it like bow ties end to end, that was a phase it seemed, of how they went about it, and I think it was to make it obvious and help us be disclosed to in a subtle way.) Then I'd learn of the EM portion and look at this same photo and see something MORE than I had initially. Fascinating process, waking up to reality. .....
Back to Adam:
It's extremely important that scientists, male and female, develop courage ...... (to speak up about chemtrails aka geoengineering).
In point of fact, this is happening. .....
Nano aluminum silicate ...... it stays in suspension much longer than anyone anticipated, homework wasn't really done to research ..... to justify geoengineering and reflect sunlight into space ....
Fukushima, neutron storms are happening.... Patrick Flannigan measured a neutron storm over Costa Rica.
Adam was measuring things as he was flying over the northern part of the
we were in the neutron
Having survived cancer from 1974 exposure at a dairy farm in Broomfield, outside Rocky Flats, ......
Enlightened self interest from hard-won experience ..........
It's a bloody distraction from reality. We have to demand that the spraying of these chemicals stops. Now.
Regina Meredith talks about when she was in Marin County when Dennis Kusinich announced his candidacy and he would say that if he continued about chemtrails, as he'd initially put into legislation, it would take everything else he was tryign to accomplish down.
Some people are more sensitive than others, or they're getting more saturation than others
Take magnesium malate . The most effective way to deliver the malic acid to our bodies / brains is to couple it with magnesium. It bonds to the aluminum, it will come out via the kidneys and it's out of the body.
Humic acid is the most effective chelator of radioactive isotopes.
"It would be like me plugging a particular product." He goes on to say .... There's only one company we know of that makes sure there's no heavy metals in it, because they tend ..... shilajit ..... it's called different things in Nepal or Afghanistan. There's only one company doing batch testing of every batch. Pure Black is the brand, "I'm just going to say it". So this is for the body, the brain .... RM said.
We also have to know how easy it is to counteract the entrainment. Meditation is a basic foundation. Basic breath. (That harmonizes the brain, RM said). To feel with the breath, to teach children this from the time they begin to become articulate. . "Stop and Breathe, what are you feeling?" Ask anybody .... any of us .... none of us are immune .... I have to stop and breathe a lot. So without spending a dime, learning to stop and breathe and feel ... this causes an effect through the body. But first we have to understand we're being impacted. They're doing this to everyone, so everyone can do that. Drink good water.
Don't drink RO water, they say, but you should ,,,, add mag and cal back in, energize it , make it more alkaline ..... There are people in the rural areas who will say 'we don't have the money to do that'. Do you have the money for your kids to be sick chronically ---- what's it worth to you to get to the store and know why you're there. What do you call it when it's teenage kids now having these fugues of the brain, called senior moments, but it's not when it's in non seniors.
Hemi synche ..... he used a brainwave pattern he downloaded onto his iPad, just go to the app and search on brainwave, and this particular company he used but didn't name has a lot of products.
Heart Math -- what a great thing. Imagine having Heart Math competitions, where kids know how to cohere. In his teens he was 'seriously mental', they laugh, in Buddhism.... Judaism ..... the holy breath.
Mega Hydrate -- Patrick's product .... is extremely important, as he found a way ..... the cells will not stack and stick together,
He started using it in 1999 --- he finally detoxed from the first round of cancer treatment (which he referred to previously related to the dairy farm outside Broomfield, Colorado, where he got exposure in 1974). (I found this interesting because I have put a topic on Lumigrate about Rocky Flats, focusing on the book by a woman who worked there in the past, titled to do with 'in the shadow of Rocky Flats'... It's not been one of the more popularly read topics at Lumigrate, but I'm very glad I provided it nonetheless. For one thing, I learned a great deal by creating the topic, and that's always worthwhile. I also have a topic, also not with a lot of reads, about the antenna farm just southwest of that area, which back in the day was emitting tons of frequencies -- really it was run amok. Channel 9, which I believe was the ABC affiliate in those days, didn't even have a permit for their tower's gadgetry. I'd come upon some information mirrored off of an initial website which was no longer up so I mirrored the mirrored topic so it would be more assured to not disappear from what's out there for people to learn from).
He goes on to say .... We're all cranky, we're all forlorn, we're thinking that Donald Trump being elected was the worst thing that ever happened. BUT ..... The worst thing you can do is think that. He was a Democrat before he ran for President, we don't even know who he is. All we know is that people wanted him to be president, and it wasn't the ones who voted in the election (he laughs).
This was a slap in the face to the progressive movement, which is saying -- you didn't represent us -- Hillary Clinton was saying GMO was getting a bad rap ..... but really? Maybe some miracle will happen, and donald trump will, once he's read in,
Chemtrails, GMOs and fluoride -- Putin is against these things. (It's a very interesting turn of events.)
Regina Meredotj saus -- The gig is up, the Earth is heating up, we are, too, and we should be demanding change -- and it should happen with ourself.....
Adam then said ......... Before an Earthquake, people will have a flight / fight response. People in the past used to move around based on what they were feeling, and it's extremely important. Heart attacks, premature delivery of children, homocide -- before an eruption or an earthquake. Far afield from the primary site, he points out.
ELF of the Earth, shown on monitoring gadgets, show spikes and if you compare today to the past. There are so many more spikes showing today than when he was first seeing monitoring decades ago. People are feeling this....
People look at what's around them and attribute what they're feeling to that closest to them in view, so knowing of what's going on with the Earth and how it's affecting us is imperative to sorting out what's causing what.
We're living on a planet where things are unstable. Megalomaniacs are projecting things onto us for their own means, such as the topic of this interview overall. Make the choice to stay stable amidst it, and take those steps. Global meditation events. Take products to help the body, such as those they mentioned. .... breathing, water, synching the hemispheres of brain, the heart and brain, etc., such as discussed on this show....
If we can get over our previous belief systems, wow, we can change the world even now. But we have to do it.
I know we could go on for another 3, 4, 5, hours., Regina Meredith says as she ends the interview with Adam Trombly. I hope you take the interest in checking out who he is, who she is, Gaia TV, or the resources provided via the interview, I'm putting links, below (and Gaia's to this show is above). and here's the tab to get the overview about the company and their QA standards:
Here's the link to the topic I created about water, which essentially lines up with what Adam was stating in this interview about how to best get safe water to consume / use, which I'm always pleased to see congruence of experts I find to cover at Lumigrate :
For those interested in the topic I have at Lumigrate about Rocky Flats, environmental illness from exposures around the area of the plant, such as he believes was a factor in his 1974 cancer:
And lastly, the link to the topic I worked into the conversation here, about Lookout Mountain's antennae farm, which was / is outside Golden, Colorado .... there's such interplay, and 'load theory' addresses how these are compounding factors that take us from being well to not being well, and then unloading and doing as they've suggested in the interview, takes us back towards well again.
As Adam, said, above, when Regina Meredith took him off of his tale of his health woe's and he wanted to defend why he said what he had, I grew up outside this area. My parents didn't have fertility issues until they moved to the area. I was born about five years later, by some 'fate meant to be' and I acknowledge the boy they were expecting who perhaps detoxified my mother, before being miscarried. There's so much unwellness of varying types in those I lived around in my area of origin, it's staggering. And the irony is, most don't see it -- they're too unwell to be able to, is all I can figure. But I stood up, I had and have the courage, not as a scientist as Adam said, above, but as an educator, as a mainstream medical industry whistleblower in a way -- a minor way.
I'm working on this topic exactly ten years after I was lying in a hospital bed, groggy and foggy and confused, unable to talk because my brain was nauseous from the morphine they insisted on giving me, while nurses had opted to give a medication for stopping stomach motility as it was cheaper than the one that worked for making the brain not feel the nausea from the morphine.
When they figured out their mistake, about this time of day (late morning) and got the plan to fix the problem, and had me push them through doing the steps needed which they and only they could do, as I didn't have the ability to order the food, the right medications, etc., and they needed reminders and proding and correction when bringing me more morphine, not agreed upon non narcotic for pain, I'd get out of bed with renewed enthusiasm, and while pulling my hair back and putting on a little makeup after getting dressed, get a message downloaded into my brain from somewhere that translates into this: IF this could happen to you, as much as you know, in a hospital this good, in a city this good for health care, imagine what's happening to others...... many are going to be part of the solution, and you're going to be one of them."
And my FIRST NEW patient after that, in early January, was the one that would inspire the building's psychologist who had a neurology focus to twist my arm to cofound a live patient education group, which he abandoned participating in by the end of the year due to busy- ness at year's end as it's that point in the school year when they're flooded with families needing assistance. I'd continue with the education ball and create Lumigrate, the seeds were planted in 2007 and decision to act made in December, with all of 2008 being a development year where we recorded videos and produced them, then the website was completed finally in spring 2009.
And here we are! 10,000 people had viewed this thread at the time I added this comment on (or just over by a couple hundred). Thank YOU for being one of them.
Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~~ Mardy
Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!