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Fibromyalgia: Our Definition and Treatment Strategies at Renewed Vitality
You'll see on the home page that I have fibromyalgia, but I didn't include the details initially that for years before I had a diagnosis I was run up the flagpole of traditional medicine as though this might be MS. It was not, and food allergy testing after the neurologist didn't know what it was proved to be helpful, inexpensive and provide solutions. read more »
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"If you have any 'chronic symptom', you should be suspicious of delayed food allergies," was how Scott Rollins, MD, started off his weekly health segment on the local morning television news. read more »
5 Most Common Food Allergies Per Scott Rollins, MD -- On TV News or 1:1
Last night I attended a fun and informative open house within the IMC of W Colorado's Bellezza skin/aesthetics, and while I DID want to learn about the additional staff and new products and services, and the attendees were likely there for the goody bags, drawings, and discounts on products purchased at the even, I got a BONUS I went for -- time with Scott Rollins (MD, and Medical Director of Bellezza as well as the Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado (link below). read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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For some reason, I was extremely hypoglycemic as a teenager, and it seemed to improve as I got into my 20s. I was told it was 'prediabetic hypoglycemia' and that I'd likely be a diabetic when I was an adult. Well, I seemed to have less problems with dizziness when standing the older I got and thought that was just great. But I had a long glucose tolerance test done at about age 40 and my insulin was kicking in a bit slower than it should. Well, that scared me and at that time my thyroid was still not being tested correctly and I didn't know to ask the doctor to test read more »
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