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I have posted another topic in this Forum on GI/gut about how important Immuno Dophils and Immuno FOS are and why, related to essentially being your 'intestinal body guards'. I related how people often ask for my #1 overall tip for wellness, and that's is undeniably #1. (You can click the rightmost link above this window and see it in the list or the direct link is: read more »
The gastro-intestinal 'terrain' is critical for health as it is important for the body-wide detoxification process. We have found that using Immuno Dophilus and Immuno FOS to re-establish the gastro-intestinal “terrain” helps our patients by reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, and allowing for body-wide detoxification. read more »
- 3492 reads
"If you have any 'chronic symptom', you should be suspicious of delayed food allergies," was how Scott Rollins, MD, started off his weekly health segment on the local morning television news. read more »
5 Most Common Food Allergies Per Scott Rollins, MD -- On TV News or 1:1
Last night I attended a fun and informative open house within the IMC of W Colorado's Bellezza skin/aesthetics, and while I DID want to learn about the additional staff and new products and services, and the attendees were likely there for the goody bags, drawings, and discounts on products purchased at the even, I got a BONUS I went for -- time with Scott Rollins (MD, and Medical Director of Bellezza as well as the Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado (link below). read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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