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I belong to a lot of Facebook groups, and I'm selective and look for where the high level learners and doers are. Today, they were rapidly finding this a wonderful article in a group focused on the aspect of 'mold'. A really nice comment was how she loved her vagus nerve, and someone replied how just saying that was helping it. read more »
Many people finding this topic at about SIBO / small intestine bacteria overgrowth will be learning of it for the first time -- becoming 'aware', in other words. Others will have been 'aware' already, and have sought out via searching on the Internet -- doing research -- to become 'educated' about it. Some might be quite educated about it and are going back to the Internet to see what might be NEW. read more »
- 6880 reads
Going 'round the Internet, I saw via social media, is an article titled "Is Roundup the Cause of 'Gluten Intolerance'? read more »
- 3343 reads
How common is fibromyalgia (FM)? read more »
How common is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / CFS? read more »
The gastro-intestinal 'terrain' is critical for health as it is important for the body-wide detoxification process. We have found that using Immuno Dophilus and Immuno FOS to re-establish the gastro-intestinal “terrain” helps our patients by reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, and allowing for body-wide detoxification. read more »
- 3492 reads
I wanted to let people know about this video since I came across it on facebook..... CERTAINLY would love for whomever created it to Comment and let us know who they are and put links out to your site or sites! Thank you for such a nice gift -- good choice of music ... nice length, etc! ~~ Mardy
- 1243 reads
- 1 comment
This information about food allergies is also in the Food Allergies Forum but this is SO critical for anyone with fibromyalgia to know about I put the link to the blog post about what Dr. read more »
Mardy's note: This was originally a blog which had over 400 reads over two years in 2009/10. I have updated the body of the information again on 11/25/12 as it is still a wonderful resource for education, so it is current in terms of who gave the presentation and how to find them. The seminar I attended was during the time that these providers rented space, as I did the first year of Lumigrate, at the IMC of Western Colorado. read more »