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Connective Tissues of the Body and Fibromyalgia

This question came up recently after I became concerned when one of my long-ago patients who has fibromyalgia was MIA on the Internet, so I called to check in and hope everything was okay and it was a computer malfunction.  Nope, it was a hand malfunction -- seems she had injured her right wrist/hand/forearm in an interesting 'cumulative trauma' way.   read more »

Baseline Supplements for Healthy Adults Wanting to Stay That Way

I've been following with interest what I can see at Lumigrate about what people are tuning in to hear and read about, plus talking with Mardy related to what information we can provide that is of most help to people.  It seems there are two tracks of people when it comes to supplements -- those who are in overall good health and wanting to maintain that, and those who have specific health concerns who then benefit from additional items.
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Harvard Health Publication Slams Vitamins.

Mardy's Note on Feb 1, 2011: This exchange from late January 2011 between two different providers of highly regarded nutritional supplements distributed via the multilevel marketing model, if read through to my Comment about goals for Lumigrate about educating the public is likely an extremely powerful educational piece directly and indirectly about health care today, marketing models, information distribution, as well as the topic 'at hand', nutrition and supplementation thereof.  read more »

There is a Civil War in the US Today Related to Medicine

Every day I record several popular shows which I think carry good content and know are popular with the public, particularly in the US, and pick and chose which ones require or deserve time spent each day.  Today I really didn't have time, but I MADE TIME to watch Dr Oz because he had Dr Joseph Mercola on for a SECOND time.  I'd watched (and likely covered here at the first time, and also have spoken with an old friend who was in a weeklong course about Internet marketing with him and find him really fascinating.    read more »

Missed "How to Optimize Your Nutrition & Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms" (Live T 7/27/10)? Digital/link lingers!
Here is an example of what you'll receive in your email if you're registered with my website (we chose Mardy's since you hopefully know who she is!).  When you preregister (links and instructions, below), you'll receive an email that will provide the information for if you want to call in at the time of the seminar or listen from your computer, which is preferable.  But if you're unable to participate at that time, you can then use the link to listen to the recording as soon as you are able (see below). 
Specific Supplement recommendations for Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue

Hi everyone, my name is Marylee LaBaw and I'm an associate with USANA Health Sciences.   read more »

Mardy's Recap of Deirdre's March 24th Fibro / Mood and Mind by Looking at 10 Systems of the Body

I loved this teleseminar!  Holy guacamole does she download a LOT of amazing information.  I'm a fast typist and I couldn't keep up to make some notes, but I thought if I did a little summary recap of it, you might be inclined to take the time to learn here from Deirdre and follow the link to her website and get involved if it resonates for you.  It resonates for me, and I'm hearing many people saying the same thing.   read more »

Link to the Initial Submissions about Supplements and Fibromyalgia

Here's the link to the original Forum on Fibromyalgia here, which had many good contributions from people about supplements and fibromyalgia which you'll want to read most likely ... Since it was a popular thing, there is not this NEW additional forum just about supplements and medications and fibromyalgia......

Answered Prayers

Mardy has suggested that I post here several times, but life has been keeping me busy. 7 years ago when I found the answers I had been praying for, I was elated and felt called to pay it forward so I became a wellness consultant (and have expanded that to include certififed weight loss coach.) When you manage to recover from fibro, chronic fatigue, and depression without meds, it gives you a passion to share it with others. Over the years I have helped many people, but finances always seem to get in the way.  read more »

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