Answered Prayers

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DeeDee Shaw
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Frequently
Joined: Oct 5 2009
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User offline. Last seen 13 years 29 weeks ago.

Mardy has suggested that I post here several times, but life has been keeping me busy. 7 years ago when I found the answers I had been praying for, I was elated and felt called to pay it forward so I became a wellness consultant (and have expanded that to include certififed weight loss coach.) When you manage to recover from fibro, chronic fatigue, and depression without meds, it gives you a passion to share it with others. Over the years I have helped many people, but finances always seem to get in the way. Since insurances pay for drugs, it has been hard for people on a tight budget to make that leap.

This past fall I was introduced to something that has changed all that. I can now help people with just ONE supplement... and it is so nutritionally complete, that you only need one thing! It is inexpensive enough that it isn't difficult to carve it out of your grocery budget. There are things you look for in a nutritional product, and things to look for in a company.  Zija has both. The product is UK Organic certified, Kosher & Halal certified. It is never heated so it remains enzymatically alive, and is not denatured by processing. There is tons of science to validate its efficacy, and it is easy to share.  It is more nutrient dense than ANY other product on the market, and because it is a food, it is 100% bioavailable. It has all the vitamins, minerals, omega fats, and amino acids in it....and it comes from a tree that God made so it is in a perfect balance for maximum absorbability. Whether you have issues with fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, sleep deprivation, etc. you will find that supporting your body will all the missing nutritional link will make a HUGE difference.

Here is a little background on Moringa/Zija:

The miracle story of Moringa and Zija

The story begins with one man viewing a Discovery Channel documentary on a plant grown in far away lands. As he watched, his interest piqued when he observed people literally being sustained by consuming small amounts of this miracle plant. So he began asking the right questions and the answers arrived from the likes of scientists, biochemists, and pharmacologists the world over. The man asking the questions was Ken Brailsford, a super achiever in the nutritional supplement industry, the founder of Zija and the father of herbal encapsulation.

With two other hugely successful nutrition companies to his credit, he knew this plant was a true nutritional miracle. Mr. Brailsford immediately recognized the potential of the practically unknown Moringa plant. Fueled by the desire to share this miracle plant with the world, he dug deeper. He enlisted the research skills of medical professionals and found stacks of supporting research. The findings were overwhelming. And, with decades of research and studies, the Zija team knew that it was time for the world to learn about Moringa - the "Miracle Tree".


Moringa is a natural, nutritional powerhouse

While it's one of the newer discoveries to modern science, Moringa has been making strides in various societies for thousands of years. Moringa continues to amaze the scientific world with its amazing balance of antioxidants, minerals and amino acids.

Ancient Indian writings, dating as far back as 150 B.C., refer to the Moringa plant and its uses. Early Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians prized Moringa for its therapeutic properties and also used it to protect skin, make perfume, and purify water for drinking. Now this humble plant, often called "the Miracle Tree," is coming to the forefront through Zija, the Moringa company.


Nourishing the world

Dozens of humanitarian organizations now promote the use of Moringa in poverty-stricken areas to combat malnutrition and its adverse effects on the body. Groups such as Church World Service, Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization, National Science Foundation, and others are reintroducing the different health benefits of this fast-growing, drought-resistant plant to malnourished people in various underdeveloped areas. While conventional treatments for malnutrition normally take months, healthcare professionals have discovered that people taking Moringa show improvement within days. One of the more amazing things Moringa is being used for is to prevent childhood blindness, a condition that can develop from vitamin A and retinol deficiencies. Moringa contains sufficient amounts of these nutrients to eliminate this condition.


The word on Moringa is out

Biochemists, natural scientists, and healthcare workers are busy substantiating ancient claims of Moringa's effectiveness in treating more than 300 conditions. Their research has led to the documentation of its astonishing range of natural vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Many people taking Moringa have reported rapid improvements in skin, digestion, eyesight, mental clarity, and overall well-being, plus a reduction in symptoms associated with fatigue, arthritic-like conditions, and aging to name a few.


Zija is born

When Ken and his team learned biochemists were calling Moringa "the most nutrient-rich plant ever discovered", they took a closer look at its amazing goodness and created Zija, an astonishingly nutritious dietary supplement designed for full bioavailability by the body.

In addition to its wealth of vitamins and minerals, the Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid, and kaempferol. We call this compound Z-Atin, and it's found only in Zija. Z-Atin is the metabolic trigger for complete nutrient absorption and it guarantees that you get all the goodness of Moringa found in Zija.

Today, Mr. Brailsford's vision has been confirmed. Ongoing Moringa research has been validated with thousands of individual experiences in countries all over the world. Moringa could be the miracle food the world has been looking for and Zija is positioned to deliver this miracle plant to the world in a safe and efficacious product called Zija.

 When you are looking for a business, you look for particular markers too. Is it consumable? Is it effective? How stable is the company? How solid is the corporate foundation? Is it at the forefront of a trend? Does it have a good comp plan? Good training & support? Is it positioned for growth? Zija measures up on all counts. Whether you are looking for a product to help you overcome health challenges, or you are looking for a business to stand in the gap for you financially where JOBs fail... Zija is the answer!

Feel free to email me at or call me at  478-508-2678 if you have questions or would like to learn more.

Sharing Hope,

Dee Dee

vander230 (not verified)
Re: Answered Prayers

Yeah great site I am really looking for these type of sites as for the valuable information. I am looking for the same thing as for more information on the products.

Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Minimal
Joined: Mar 14 2011
Posts: 1
User offline. Last seen 13 years 52 weeks ago.
Re: Answered Prayers

Thanks for the reply and information provided about zija weightloss product. I am searching on different products which are directly reliable to body without any side effects mainly product related to weight loss.

zija weightloss

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