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Many people finding this topic at about SIBO / small intestine bacteria overgrowth will be learning of it for the first time -- becoming 'aware', in other words. Others will have been 'aware' already, and have sought out via searching on the Internet -- doing research -- to become 'educated' about it. Some might be quite educated about it and are going back to the Internet to see what might be NEW. read more »
- 6880 reads
For anyone who is finding this forum and this topic, I encourage you to find the 'gut' forum, as well as a forum in the chronic fatigue/pain section that has a forum title that includes Dr Spurlock's name, as he provided fabulous overview information on a number of topics, and then the overall way he looks at how chronic illness occurs, which is the "load theory" model. That's simply 'the' starting point for anyone, well or unwell. read more »
Do you get your 5 fruits AND 10 vegetables EACH day? C’mon! Be honest! I don’t personally know of anyone who does. Even if they really want to, they just don’t. read more »
- 1512 reads
I have posted another topic in this Forum on GI/gut about how important Immuno Dophils and Immuno FOS are and why, related to essentially being your 'intestinal body guards'. I related how people often ask for my #1 overall tip for wellness, and that's is undeniably #1. (You can click the rightmost link above this window and see it in the list or the direct link is: read more »
The gastro-intestinal 'terrain' is critical for health as it is important for the body-wide detoxification process. We have found that using Immuno Dophilus and Immuno FOS to re-establish the gastro-intestinal “terrain” helps our patients by reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, and allowing for body-wide detoxification. read more »
- 3492 reads
Remember People AND Safety this Summer! Integrative Health Concepts 4 Sure!
I happened to have Dr Oz on today and thought this was something worth bringing up before the Memorial Day weekend here in the US. He had lots of good information about drowning prevention and that is obviously an important topic -- don't forget your lifejackets and think about safey this weekend and every day. I encourage people to take CPR and First Aid courses AND do the simplest of things; always put on your seat belt. Our local area has a campaign now because last year everyone who died in car crashes did NOT have seat belts on. So that tells you how import read more »
- 1586 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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Mardy's note: This was originally a blog which had over 400 reads over two years in 2009/10. I have updated the body of the information again on 11/25/12 as it is still a wonderful resource for education, so it is current in terms of who gave the presentation and how to find them. The seminar I attended was during the time that these providers rented space, as I did the first year of Lumigrate, at the IMC of Western Colorado. read more »
Intestinal Health and Your Immune System -- Boost it for Fall and Flu Season!
I decided to reverse the order I was going to do new blogs and put my summary about intestinal health from an integrative medicine perspective up today because I just read an article in the August 17th Time magazine last night about influenza (those that know me know to tease me about my choice of bedtime reading). Last week I was kind of sidetracked with all the hoopla over President Obama coming to Grand Junction and wasn't keeping up with the other news and hadn't realized there is quite a lot of concern about the pattern in the past of influenza not really sweeping until sch read more »
- 6138 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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