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I wanted to provide a link for a wonderful piece about Vitamin D that Lumigrate's providers focused information on for the fall/winter 2011/12 cold and flu season. read more »
Mardy's Note: I am selecting this out and herding the providers' contributions for the 2011/12 influenza season/cold season to this Topic, so if you're looking for ONE stream that has the most about it, this is it, but there are other things from past years in this Forum if you click up on the link above on the right you'll then see the whole list of items/topics in this forum. To steamline YOUR info-seeking! ~~ Mardy read more »
- 3038 reads
This topic is also provided in another forum at Lumigrate, about overall lifestyle and whole / body, mind, spirit. Based on the number of reads over a period of time, I determined this to be the primary topic about it, which will be the only one that will get 'embellishments' and improvements, additional information, etc. Think of this as 'the mother ship' and the others as being out there to catch the attention of others looking elsewhere in the vast arena of the Internet universe. read more »
- 2838 reads
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Here is a link to the blog that I wrote that had MORE information from one of the physicians interviewed for The Denver Post article about H1N1 and alternative strategies. Enjoy and please Print, Give to your Doctor, Friends, Coworkers, HR departments, Schools, etc.... it's how others can learn about these things AND about Lumigrate. ~~ Thanks, we're all in this together!
Mardy read more »
- 2742 reads
This is the blog post from last Labor Day when the story ran in The Denver Post -- an interview I had initiated obtaining when I saw a need based on what the paper was covering about H1N1, which was seeming to me to be very biased towards immunizations, and I knew there was more that people could be doing to keep from getting sick or if they did catch a bug to not have it affect them so much. This links to the actual Denver Post online article, which is VERY entertaining about me drinking 'poison cocktails' as a kid and then if you want to see wht the online readers who wrote had to s read more »
- 1532 reads
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Mardy's note: This was originally a blog which had over 400 reads over two years in 2009/10. I have updated the body of the information again on 11/25/12 as it is still a wonderful resource for education, so it is current in terms of who gave the presentation and how to find them. The seminar I attended was during the time that these providers rented space, as I did the first year of Lumigrate, at the IMC of Western Colorado. read more »
I've sprinkled this topic around various areas of Lumigrate for more than one reason.
1) It's a really strong topic and particularly good information, which applies to almost everyone in 'the world', so I want to increase the odds of people seeing it.
2) For those who would be looking in the blog, or in the forum and section about illness and colds, flu, allergies, etc., as well as those who would be looking at the overall wellness, holistic, such as in this forum. read more »
There is a lot of awareness and scrutiny right now -- perhaps 'criticism' related to what the media is providing us with for information. I thought it would be interesting to add something here about our recent experience with The Denver Post doing a story about influenza. read more »
This was as popular blog post from the fall of 2009, so it's been transferred here for more to easily find it. ~~
Want to know what you can start doing NOW to have the best shot at being healthy this fall and winter? We have some things to get you started on.... read more »