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immune system
A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies
by Brownstein, D, R Ng, R Rowen, J-D Drummond, T Eason, H Brownstein and J Brownstein.
Published in 2020 (July) in Science, Public Health Policy & the Law 2:4-22. read more »
Yesterday was the first Friday in the month of November, and it was a really beautiful fall day at mid-day when I realized it was "First Friday". The town and city I've lived in or near since early December 2003 participate in the usual art-focused events on the "first Friday" of the month in order to get people out regularly and focusing on the arts. read more »
YOUsers of Lumigrate will hopefully benefit from this topic about essential oils and the resources I've selected to support those interested in essential oils. Essential oils are something I've 'respected' related to wellness for a very long time, and I'd had my antennae up about information sources since the 'dawn of time for Lumigrate', which was 2008 when we were creating the website within an innovative boutique medicine center. And I want to underscore the word 'respect' about essential oils right up front: These are potent potions. read more »
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I wanted to provide a link for a wonderful piece about Vitamin D that Lumigrate's providers focused information on for the fall/winter 2011/12 cold and flu season. read more »
Winter is Coming. Is Your Immune System Ready?
posted on on December 6, 2010 by Robin Thomas
Winter can be fun. Who doesn’t enjoy building a snow fort in the backyard? However, winter is also a time when many dangers loom large. Whether from the cold temperatures, the shorter days with less sunlight, or even the large family get-togethers, your immune system is more susceptible in this season than any other. read more »
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Here is a link that I clicked on and followed and am glad I did -- I have many friends who have an interest in breast cancer and I'm going to email them this link and ask them to come and listen when they have time as well to listen to this recorded call. read more »
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Dr. Mercola's emailed newsletter which was in my mailbox this morning caught my eye because the topic of what to do with your skin related to sun exposure has caused debate on our facebook pages when I have promoted going out in the SUN, or what I call 'The Vitamin D Machine'. I'm posting the link here for YOU to follow if you'd like to learn what he has to say, and I'll be letting Ann Garrity from Organic Divas know it is here, as well as our other aesthetics/skin experts in the Grate Group and ask them for their input on this VERY IMPORTANT topic. read more »
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Here is a link to the blog that I wrote that had MORE information from one of the physicians interviewed for The Denver Post article about H1N1 and alternative strategies. Enjoy and please Print, Give to your Doctor, Friends, Coworkers, HR departments, Schools, etc.... it's how others can learn about these things AND about Lumigrate. ~~ Thanks, we're all in this together!
Mardy read more »
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In 2009, I had just attended a seminar by Lumigrate's expert provider and naturopathic doctor Christopher Lepisto when I noted that The Denver Post had a focos on the upcoming H1N1 flu season, but reporting 'the status quo for mass media', which is about the flu vaccine. read more »
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Lumigrate Newsletter