Intestinal Health and Your Immune System -- Boost it for Fall and Flu Season! (Xfer of Blog to Here to be Seen Here)

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Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.

In 2009, I had just attended a seminar by Lumigrate's expert provider and naturopathic doctor Christopher Lepisto when I noted that The Denver Post had a focos on the upcoming H1N1 flu season, but reporting 'the status quo for mass media', which is about the flu vaccine. Knowing how many people in my community were going out of their way to attend a seminar about alternatives to the vaccine, I contacted their Western Slope reporter, Nancy Loftholm, and she and her editor were up for her pursuing a story about alternatives for the flu (prevention and if you get it.) That information can be found at the following link, and I encourage you to venture out to it at some point, perhaps after reading subsequent comments that I added on as time went on and new providers came to be the experts at Lumigrate.  

Link to the previous/first blog about flu I wrote on, which has a lot of information of value:

Link to The Denver Post article by Nancy Lofholf, Western Slope Bureau Staff Writer, per my suggestion:

This is a link to the topic that is in the wellness/overall lifestyle forum at Lumigrate, which is a good put-in point for following out to the article:  


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
A Website Suggestion for Products and Advise

I wanted to set up a suggestion here now that ITC Compounding and Natural Wellness Pharmacy is along for the ride with Lumigrate to provide information and offer a quality, economical resource for products which comes with Registered Pharmacists Gary King and Allan Jolly to ask questions of.  Gary is 'the thyroid guy' and Allan is the 'gut guy' there -- Allan has additional training to become a naturopathic doctor and has a forte related to health coming from what is in the gut.  They have products such as probiotics which contribute to overall health. 

There is much from him in the forum here at Lumigrater that's all about the gastro-intestinal system and gut, so please refer to that area intensively.

For people who have a sensitivity to fragrances, believe it or not, that has to do what's going on in the gut.  As you'll read if you follow the link to the blog I've set up above, essentially over half of our immune system has to do with the gut; experts say 60-70% has to do with the gut.  

So I thought I'd add this in case it helps YOU get your health better or keep it that way following a link and finding a website of quality products at good prices (with the ability to get assistance and ask questions of RPhs!)  Their website is and please let them know you found them here so they're inclined to keep giving us information in the forums to help our readers.  To your health!  ~~ Mardy 

Note: Allan Jolley has a new co-president at ITC, as long-time partner and visionary Gary King was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2012, and passed on 12/21/12.  (Search on Air Kisses for our tribute to him.)  The new co-president is Gary's wife, who has a great background for the business but is not a pharmacist, and naturopath, as Allan is. We're fortunate to have gotten some of the massive information in Gary's mind written down and here for people to learn from and utilize despite his not being available any long for consultations, as Allan is. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago.
A New Resource or More I Found Particularly GRATE in 2014

The wonderful thing about having YOUsers at Lumigrate is that in looking into specific information or areas, I end up unearthing providers I might not have ever heard of.  However, in the case of Dr. Shauana Young, that was not going to be the case -- I recently had someone in person tell me "You need to talk to my (extended family), they're going to a woman doctor (in SW Colorado) who specializes in this stuff (Lyme, fibromyalgia we were discussing)".  Turns out they were referring to Dr Young in Durango, once I spoke with one of the extended family members they connected me with (who goes from Denver).  

This is what is at her website -- her business in the past or present is found online at Assertive Wellness but when you go then you end up at drshaunayoung dot com.... 

Shauna Young is the Medical Director of the Assertive Wellness Center of Durango, CO, which first opened its doors in 2001. Since its humble beginnings, her center has now had the distinct pleasure of seeing many thousands of clients who have had the confidence to travel from every U.S. State and even several foreign countries based almost exclusively on referrals from other practitioners and clients who have been pleased with the consultation, products and help.

Shauna holds a B.S. in Natural Sciences and based on the merits of her research, theories and doctoral thesis on dietary connections to both the formation and reversal of Autism Spectrum Disorders, was awarded a PhD in Natural Sciences from the University of Natural Medicine in Santa Fe, NM. In 2008 Shauna was also knighted into the international Sovereign Medical Order of the Knights Hospitaller. She has been appointed to the faculty of the University of Natural Medicine in Santa Fe, NM and serves as the Chief Medical Advisor for the No Harm Foundation, a Colorado not-for-profit organization.

Shauna is an international lecturer on many aspects of natural medicine, nutrition, her Spectrum Balance® Dietary Protocol, Autism Spectrum Disorders and many other health related topics. She is author of her first published book, “If Naturopaths Are Quacks, Then I Guess I’m a Duck”, a both realistic and humorous look at life as a Naturopath practicing in the U.S. today, and she is currently working on her second book that will specifically highlight and chronicle her research and uniquely successful work with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

To present another option this 'season' and year from the outside the box MD court, I offer the 2013 Flu information at the website for Dietrich Klinghardt.  He's much more well-known in the US and Europe than Dr Young, and you'll also find that he's had a little longer career. He's recently said that the progress they make in knowing how to treat complex conditions goes in phases where there will be big new developments and advancements and then plateau for a while. Recently there was a big new surge onward and upward.  In the past he was doing things just as innovative and 'sticking his neck out' as today and perhaps ended up with some critics.  I therefore reviewed massive amounts of information about him and listened to everything listenable at his website and believe he, his website, his information is a GRATE 'fit' for our YOUsers at Lumigrate.  

Here's the flu treatment protocol / guidelines from 2013.  You'll see that the has the same opinion we do at Lumigrate related to the 'shot or not' (see another topic here in this forum).  Generally, each person has to decide for themselves what is best for them; on our vaccine topic (Search words would be vaccine plan, vaccine rights) but he does an innovative homeopathic-inspired approach which I'd not learned of previously.

And this is the beginning portion at their About Dr Klinghardt link at the website: 

Dr Klinghardt - Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD, is Founder of the Klinghardt Academy (USA), the American Academy of Neural Therapy, Medical Director of the Institute of Neurobiology, and lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute, located in Woodinville, Washington. He is also Founder and Chairman of the Institute for Neurobiology (Germany) and (Switzerland). Klinghardt Academy (USA) provides teachings to the English speaking world on biological interventions and Autonomic Response Testing assessment techniques.

Klinghardt has lectured at the universities of Illinois, Utah, Freiburg, Adelaide, Capital University (Washington DC) and others, and the medical schools of Geneva and Zurich. Between 1996-2005 he was Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Neurobiology at Capital University. He is regularly invited to teach workshops at the prestigious Medicine Week in Baden-Baden, Germany and the International Lyme and Associated Diseases (ILADS) conferences. Among his books is the groundbreaking Psychokinesiology A new Approach in Psychosomatic Medicine, on muscle feedback-guided psychotherapy. Many of his teachings, manuals, seminar DVD’s and clinical tools are available through his website


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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