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Hello forum members,
Mardy, thank you for asking me to post the link here as well as in the Top Picks About Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Forum to the full hour podcast on Naturopathic Medicine, CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome which I did with Cinda Crawford recently. To listen, click here
Cinda Crawford Interviews Dr. Christopher Lepisto on Naturopathic Medicine for CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome. read more »
Hello forum members,
Mardy, thank you for asking me to post the link here to the full hour podcast on Naturopathic Medicine, CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome which I did with Cinda Crawford recently. To listen, click here
Cinda Crawford Interviews Dr. Christopher Lepisto on Naturopathic Medicine for CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome. read more »
- 3138 reads
This short (12:15) podcast gives you a really great overview about what Dr. Deirdre Rawling's perspective is on her approach as a naturopath compared to that of 'traditional' western medicine, and will hopefully encourage you to listen to the longer teleseminar, both of which grew from my approaching these two techno savvy women who tele and podcast about collaborating with me and Lumigrate do something for 2010's International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day/Month (May and the 12th). read more »
- 2379 reads
"You Don't Look Sick" <eye roll>; "You Look Good"
I think since it's the first days back for people after a 3 day weekend with holiday and all the eating and enjoyment that came with, it's best we all just ease into the week and realize it's the last week of 2009 and maybe not expect too much from ourselves. What do you think? I know I thoroughly enjoyed the food for the last four days and having the opportunity to spend time with family. I've just been reviewing what few entries we've had in the Forum area at over the holiday -- was glad to see people were occupied! read more »
- 1452 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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