colon cancer

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Cancers: 95% of Most are from Environment! Change what you put in your mouth, on skin, use in your home


The Jig is Up, Cancer industry! Changing the toxins your body is exposed to is "the name of the NEW game"!

Below you'll find what I created and added to beginning in 2011, related to cancer.  read more »

Colon Cancer - Bacteria Caused! REALLY??


I found this GREAT article in the stream of our friends on facebook (who 'Share' interesting things they find).  I wanted to share it here as well, as many look to Lumigrate for progressive, valid information.   read more »

Colon Cancer - Bacteria Caused! (Blog Xfer from 2009)

I found this GREAT article in the stream of our friends on facebook (who 'Share' interesting things they find).  read more »

Colon Cancer - "Bacteria Caused" Evidence!

Mardy Ross's picture

I found this GREAT article in the stream of our friends on facebook (who 'Share' interesting things they find).  read more »

Some People ...

Mardy Ross's picture

One of the unique things about Lumigrate is that I've worked in the health care arena since the mid-90s and have also found my way through some health challenges since about the same time.   That combination changed the dynamic of how I treated patients (I understood where they were 'at'), and therefore it changed what I received from them as their therapist.  The concept you see on the home page of Lumigrate, which is about YOU (the medical consumer) having the central 'spot' in your healthcare team and getting the best palate of providers and support around you (including g  read more »

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