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I found this shared by a Facebook friend, who was crediting a mutual Facebook friend, who I have spoken with on the phone recently ..... I will just say you two are "g-Ems" on Facebook. My feed reminds me of going gold panning, and finding more or less 'nuggets', or walking along an area that has turquise that appears in the streets after a rain -- maybe back in the old days when there were more pieces and fewer people who had taken the interest in collecting the 'gems'. read more »
As Lumigrate YOUsers know, you're likely to find "GRATE" websites here that I've found in my traversing the frontiers I traverse in my work bringing progressive, valid information to Lumigrate, in order to STREAMLINE YOUsers' efforts and increase their odds of getting the best health-changing information. I've had to put on my detective hat AND take out my magnifying glass on this one, though, it ended up being a bit perplexing and a really GRATE example to take YOUsers through. read more »
A lot of great information is online in social media from studious, involved, caring people who want to share what they know. And then there's the other side of the coin -- shills or trolls, depending on if they're getting paid or not I suppose. Not that you know if they're paid or not, they just come across as bullies or contrary. read more »
Whether YOU are a person who has gone from a functional 'wellness' state to a functional 'illness' state and it's lasting long enought to be 'chronic', or you know of someone who has, today's "Reflections on "How to Be Sick" at Psychology Today (dot com) is something I highly recommend your reading. Toni Bernhard authored one of the best books out there about chronic illness and writes about her experience recently when the book was finally being made into an audio book. read more »
Safe Water is Great (SWIG) has it's 'Official' photograph now, taken this weekend by Ronda Hummel, with Dominic Jones lending a hand as well as being 'in the queue' to shoot the photos if all our schedules didn't come together and allow Ronda to 'capture the magical moment' as she did. Our schedules BARELY merged, but it all came together, as usual! read more »
- 2466 reads
Fibromyalgia and facebook KNOWLEDGE in 2011 at So Far
I had a day yesterday that made me think a lot. For starters, I worked all morning on statistics about health care trends and then met with the marketing/business development specialist who is helping me pull things together the way I want them to be but haven't mastered myself yet. She had a fascinating perspective on the Internet and alternative/complementary medicine, which I hope she'll get onto Lumigrate and write about at some point. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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Time heals pain, so I am now able to share a tragedy that occurred in our family. On April 26th, at 9:23 am - Pacific Standard time, my cousin's wife drove off the 4th floor of a parking garage of a gym in West Los Angeles, CA. read more »
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Why I Am Excited for YOU Today, TEAM Lumigrate!
I am excited for YOU today, if you are a person with an interest in learning about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome from an integrative medicine perspective like what Lumigrate provides. This afternoon and evening, three amazing providers from across the United States are going to get on the phone and have a conversation that will be recorded and then posted for us to listen to later whenever we want! (You'll be able to find the details here at Lumigrate in the Forums / Fibromyalgia / Awareness 2010 if you're wondering how to know what's available, and the link is read more »
- 1858 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
Just by following the link to read what I've written here, thanking everyone, as I am looking forward to what all I'll accomplish in my 50s with YOU, you can be doing something that will benefit everone in our next year of life. So something you can do on my birthday is come to Why? read more »
- 1394 reads
Watch your email. Do not open an email that says your passwords have been reset. They are phishing for sensative, private information such as your banking information.
These are coming to your personal email, not to your facebook messages. It reportedly will also attack your computer rendering it useless.
Be aware. Don't fall for this one.
- 2695 reads