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breast cancer
I titled this "A Unique View" but is it that unique? It actually was seeming to me to be 'connecting dots' and corroborating other things I'd learned in the last ten years from 'outside the box' providers. I'm very pleased to see that so many are seemingy seeing things in a consistent manner, and naturally, everyone can learn a little more from others that are in their same 'sandbox' of information and thinking, so to speak. read more »
Hello my dawlinks! It's your Yenta. My apologies for taking so long to write; three khevre (friends) have been struck with cancer and it's wounded me to the neshome (soul). One very young lady is now in remission, I'm glad to report but weakened from her treatment of poisons. read more »
- 5533 reads
Our "Amazing Alice" Asks for The Grate Group's Support re: Cancer AND to Continue Giving as a Teacher
Alice --- Amazing Alice, I called her -- passed in June of 2016. I've updated this blog topic on August 23, 2016 as well as ongoing this spring and summer and things were changing. Alice had become a writer on Lumigrate at my request, because she clearly had talent for writing. She wanted people to be inspired and to also learn what it can be like to have chronic pain and fatigue (fibromyalgia was what she had been diagnosed with). She wanted people to understand the spiritual aspects of things, as well. read more »
- 6581 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
“It’s time for Congress to overhaul the 1938 cosmetic regulations that are utterly failing to protect public health. read more »
The Jig is Up, Cancer industry! Changing the toxins your body is exposed to is "the name of the NEW game"!
Below you'll find what I created and added to beginning in 2011, related to cancer. read more »
- 2809 reads
This is a Conference Call I would like to invite the readers of these postings to sit in on. Please send an email with your contact information so I can give you the conference call numbers. My email is
A Story of a Breast Cancer Survivor’s Journey read more »
- 1486 reads
What Else Can I Do About Breast Cancer? Three Cancer Experts Weigh In.
1. Susan Silberstein, PhD. read more »
Here is a link that I clicked on and followed and am glad I did -- I have many friends who have an interest in breast cancer and I'm going to email them this link and ask them to come and listen when they have time as well to listen to this recorded call. read more »
- 1517 reads
Some People ...
One of the unique things about Lumigrate is that I've worked in the health care arena since the mid-90s and have also found my way through some health challenges since about the same time. That combination changed the dynamic of how I treated patients (I understood where they were 'at'), and therefore it changed what I received from them as their therapist. The concept you see on the home page of Lumigrate, which is about YOU (the medical consumer) having the central 'spot' in your healthcare team and getting the best palate of providers and support around you (including g read more »
- 1621 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
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