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Electromagnetics, the Adrenals and You (and Those You Are Responsible for - Including Pets and Livestock)

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have a negative impact on wellness. The EMF sources that are conventionally known and disclosed are many, and how much they emit varies.  We have been shocked in recent generations in the rise in chronic illnesses, but it was a very gradual rise over many generations.  Therefore, many people were not focusing on the cumulative causes. It was kind of like putting a frog in water and gradually raising the temperature -- we just didn't react, as a society (in the US, I am speaking about, but this applies 'beyond').  read more »

Going Grey -- A HOT Topic with More Magazine and with Me!

This was a blog I wrote on Memorial Day weekend 2010 which is about a topic that has come up over and over so I wanted to post it here as well.  I did a few modifications to it to make it more 'current' related to who and what of  read more »

Memory Loss and Nutrition

I wasn't quite sure which forum to place my latest article... but since we often think of memory loss when we think of aging- I though this would work Robin  read more »

Embrace The Rainbow…Live with Intention (Integrative Wellness Piece from Ilene Webster)

Embrace The Rainbow…Live with Intention. By my colleague Ms. Webster

(Mardy's note -- This piece embraces the aspects of integrative medicine so it appears in all the forums related to body, mind, spirit approach to wellness it discusses.)

   read more »

Learn what it takes to achieve optimal hormonal balance for both men and women.

"Juice Plus+ & Hormone Balance"  read more »

For Aimee Turning 40 -- It's the New 30, if 50 is the New 40! Grey Mardy says SO!

I LOVE THIS ... WHAT are the chances of THIS little 'coincidence'? Today, November 4, 2010, is Aimee Shannon's "Big 4 - Oh!", and so it's with GRATE honor that today is the day I can officially announce we have a compounding pharmacy which committed to becoming part of the GRATE things going on here at those are the kind of pharmacies that specialize in bioidentical hormones, which are part of the 'anti-aging' philosophy/movement.  Interesting 'coincidence', eh?   read more »

Better health through better nutrition

I am really looking forward to having this as an area for people to learn about how supplements can help with their health.  It's been a huge arena for me: I remember when an MD ushered me to the right form of magnesium for me, and it made a huge difference with the fibromyalgia symptoms I was having. But there are an overwhelming number of choices and it can be difficult and confusing to chose.  Scott Rollins' seminar is unbelievably helpful and I hope you can share what YOU know here.  read more »

Supplements and Disease Prevention by Dr. Scott Rollins

Mardy's Thoughts:  I remember the day when there were a handful of supplements on the market -- you took one a day and it provided the recommended daily allowance (RDA), and we marveled at better living through chemistry and we didn't think much more about it!  read more »


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