Electromagnetics, the Adrenals and You (and Those You Are Responsible for - Including Pets and Livestock)

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 13 hours ago.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have a negative impact on wellness. The EMF sources that are conventionally known and disclosed are many, and how much they emit varies.  We have been shocked in recent generations in the rise in chronic illnesses, but it was a very gradual rise over many generations.  Therefore, many people were not focusing on the cumulative causes. It was kind of like putting a frog in water and gradually raising the temperature -- we just didn't react, as a society (in the US, I am speaking about, but this applies 'beyond').

Now, people are 'waking up' in droves, and we can hope that individual proactivity will become the first line of defense for our families and individuals who have the ability to get on board.  And, for those already unwell, first offense, as well.  It's a long road to un-do the effects, and it's impossible to completely reverse some of the damages, possibly, but I maintain that if you do the best you can, you'll get out of it what you put into it, and be leading a better quality of life, and likely a longer life as well.  (As well as those you guardian and assist.)

One of the reasons EMFs got past people, myself included, is it was there when we were born. Let me share a bit from my experience, in the hopes that it will help readers connect dots or think about their own situations. You see, I spent a lot of time shining the proverbial light I had to look into things to explain "what happened to my" on the easier to 'see' things. On the more obvious, or more well known. 

Mercury, for example.  I could see those amalgam fillings in my teeth (fortunately only 4 smallish ones).

Vaccines: I could see that I'd had reaction to that when it affected my skin with the last one I had, in 2003 as I was going to be working in the winter with the elderly again.  (I was an OTR from 1997 - 2017). 

Foods -- I could see the fake look of the Frankenfoods being increasingy marketed.  I could see the bugs drop dead when we applied pesticides when I used to garden, before my mother took it organic in the mid 1970s. (I admittedly was not pleased with it, then, as it required a lot more work with our bodies, and more time and energy. Now, I wonder if that was one of the reasons I did as well as I did, compared to others with similar symptoms and disorders (and genetics) to mine.)

It took me a long time to see that my daily use of a blow dryer on my hair might be contributing to my health issues. I had heard subjective information from our local naturopathic doctor that the most common vocation in his patients was  hair stylist. But was that because they were in a profession where they exchange a lot of information between themselves and their clients, and among coworkers, simply by the nature of their work and places of work?  Was it the chemicals in the salon's air?  I knew I had to be selective where I went, as the fingernail technician's stations were often polluting it so much it as horrendous for me to be in. 

One person even said 'yes, and they're working around everyone's energy field all day and are operating within that energy.  (This was a family member of a hairstylist I knew who'd mentioned their beloved had a rare form of cancer occur that was treated successfully in the recent past before our re-meeting in life as paths cross with those from your 'home town'. from time to time. Their mother got into a progressive spiritual church when we were in high school, and influenced the girls (and their friends, as she shared openly when we'd hang out in their living room on weekends.)

I'd inquire into EMFs, but not think that I was particularly  'sensitive' and so 'nothing to worry about' and I got the Wifi, the cellular, then the smart phone and even a laptop. SEEING my left leg get a color to it that I 'noticed' in the shower which had a different type of light 'pinged' my awareness.  That was more likely from temperature and not EMFs, but again, it took something I could "see" to get me thinking about the invisible electromagnetics I steeped in at my home. 

And then in 2013 when I saw incomprehensible chemtrails coming from a dozen jets spraying on June 1 where I lived, and then realize in the photo I took that you could see the ripple effect of the EMFs and/or naturally occuring air movement rapidly smearing the chemicals around, I got serious about studying EMs. (And created a topic I will link to and say more about, below.)

Point being -- EVERY person is on a continuum, or spectrum, or palate, depending on how you want to visualize it.  The spectrum of 'awareness', 'educated', 'proactive'. On every single aspect there is about wellness, and what causes us to lose that natural state of being and become ill in some way or another.

Systems and people take time to change, and everyone's in charge of that schedule. Even parents cannot make the change for their children sometimes -- they'll sneak out and do something the parent wouldn't allow if they were present. Ultimately the child is in charge, and my opinion is the sooner you can give that responsibility to young people, the better it will be for them.

I credit my parents with having set me up to be more proactive than the average person, though it was not so much their conscious parenting that did that. Nonethless, I appreciate it today. So make today and this moment, along with each moment going forward, the opportunity to shape your reality. And simply be aware and present with that. Figure out the past if you need to, but don't spend all your energies there, work on TODAY. You'll get faster results. 

As for my history: There were power lines serving thousands of meters running in two directions off of a "T" spot on my parents' property in the mountains SW of Denver from long before they chose and purchased the property, which was five years before I was born. My mother spoke often about the delay in my being born, she'd had no problems conceiving her first child but then moved there and it was a very different situation.

But other things had changed, including her diet, as she was in England before and their income and stress situation was much lower. She never suspected nor talked about 'I wonder if those power lines had anything to do with it'.  

I used to have dreams as a child that I'd take off flying and I'd have to get through the power lines with my arms outstretches (as I was flying, not like a bird, they were like wings of a fixed wing aircraft). I now wonder if my intuition wasn't telling me they were dangerous and causing harm. This was after I'd finally be able to fall asleep -- I had adrenal fatigue symptoms as a young child that just progressively got worse as the days and years went on. 

I had an electric clock on the headboard of my bed --- why use those old fashioned ones that go tick, tick and don't help with falling asleep. It hummed, I remember the sound half a lifetime later.  I'd so hate the startling noise of the loud alarm that I'd begin dreading how tired I'd be the next day, and that would turn into worry. Yes, this at the time I was starting my education in the local public elementary school. I went to afternoon kindergarten because my natural time for waking up was about 8:30 a.m., and I'd be too tired to get up without first having something to drink in bed. I'd be given one of my old baby bottles with juice in it (as it was spill proof). My mother bred, trained, showed and raised golden retriever puppies professionally (brought from England), so it was much like how you'd get nutrition into a puppy, they had a big gadget for that in the kennel. (Which was the reason they purchased that particular property -- it was an ideal property for her/their business, but unfortunately that pole where the major power lines for an enormous area Td was just beyond it. So all the pregnant dogs were also getting a lot of EMFs, and they did end up having 'bad luck' with the number of puppies who had birth defects and had to be euthanized or kept by us and kept from reproducing and continuing 'bad genes' out into the canine world). 

I'm providing a website for a resource.  I found it researching, and do not know them personally or professionally.  Dr Lam's website is EXTREMELY good, and he has many other family members in various helpful roles for guiding people through the complexities of recovering from adrenal fatigue and complex, chronic illnesses that stem from it.

They offer not only national phone consultations, but international. They have videos, books, and a well presented program at the website in terms of how to get started and TONS of FREE information they are giving to people in order to help them.  Much of this can be done by DIY-ers if they're willing to put in the time, and they have the ability and energy and mental stamina for learning. And naturally, having sources who will do consultations remotely is something I prefer in sources that I refer our YOUsers to, so YOU have the help you need in accomplishing your wellness goals. 


(From the time of this thread being created, until 03Jan2020, the link provided from Lumigrate is below, but it was no longer at Dr. Lam's website when I edited this.  However, I've left it with this note for clarification purposes 

www.drlam.com/blog/electromagnetic-fields-emf-and-adrenal-fatigue-syndrome/4410/  )

As is my usual format, in order to ENCOURAGE you to take the trip from Lumigrate to a link I suggest, I provide a bit of example of what you'll find. This is what I selected from what's at the link, above: 


What causes EMF sensitivity?

People who suffer from this have coined many different terms for the condition, such as electromagnetic sensitivity, electro-sensitivity, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, EMF intolerance, and microwave sickness. The increasing usage of cell phones, computers, laptops, e-book readers, smart meters, WiFi, Bluetooth, cordless phones, cell towers, and a myriad of other electrical conveniences in our modern day living are increasing our exposure to electromagnetic fields—an area that is so rapidly advancing that mainstream scientific research has not been able to keep up in terms of the damage it can do to our cells and therefore our bodies in the long term.

To comprehend why our bodies react to EMF it is necessary to first understand that the body is made up of 70 trillion cells interacting, and in order for the cells to be optimizing our health they need the necessary building blocks of nutrition, detoxification to eliminate waste, and oxygen for the cells to convert into adenosine triphosphate (a source of energy). EMF sensitivity is essentially damaged cell membranes—where the cell walls are weakened and the ultimate consequence results in nutrients leaking out and toxins remaining. When the cell membranes are damaged it can lead to many biological problems, including Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. Cells communicate to each other via the use of their own electricity located within the cells. These signals however, are perturbed when external artificial EMF interferes with the communication.

The common symptoms that people complain of relating to EMF sensitivity range from: headaches, constant and long term fatigue, digestive disorders, sleep disturbance, muscle tightness, memory disorders, metallic taste in the mouth, anxiety, heart palpitations and muscle twitches—many of these symptoms are also typical for Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome sufferers.

EMF and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome is a neuro-endocrinologic condition where the body becomes weak under stress. Stress comes in many forms—emotional (anger, anxiety, finances, relationships), physical (pain, exertion, excessive exercise), inherited (genetic, prenatal) and environmental (EMFs, toxins, weather, allergens). We are concerned with the environmental stress to the body that is caused by EMFs.

Why is it that not all AFS sufferers who are exposed to EMF react to it negatively? One possible answer to this is that EMF exposure is only one of the many toxic burdens that the body carries. Therefore, individual reactions vary with EMF exposure depending on the individual person’s overall toxic load. Those with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome already have a weakened constitution and any further stress on the body, in this case, daily EMF exposure, can make the symptoms worse. In light of this understanding, EMF sensitivity can be a sign that your body is under a heavy toxic load, be it environmental, nutritional or emotional/mental. In advanced cases of AFS the probability of concurrent sensitivity to EMFs along with severe weakness is higher. Some sufferers, as a result, cannot physically function normally when near a cell phone, electrical equipment and/or household appliances. In extreme cases, one has to live far away from modern civilization, such as in a remote forest environment to avoid EMF exposure in order for symptoms like heart palpitations and anxiety to subside.

A great start to healing your body is to reduce your exposure to EMF, but also equally important, and more so in the long run, is understanding and addressing the toxins the body has accumulated and to consider the emotional and other triggers that have led the body to a downward spiral into a debilitating state of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. Therefore, efficient adrenal fatigue recovery would need to consider all sources of stress to the body, while simultaneously minimizing EMF exposure to assist in the recovery process, even if you do not initially feel the effects of EMF.



Here's the link to the afore-mentioned topic about electromagnetics (and the chemicals involved with them) used in geoengineering -- BUT due to the nature of the subject of geoengineering, I used sources about EMs that were 'conventional' -- none of the info at the topic is specific to that one aspect of what is surrounding us today here on Earth.  www.lumigrate.com/forum/introduction-navigating-towards-wellness-despite-geoengineerings-chems-n-ems-overview-provider

You'll find that I bring in information from Dr Deitrich Klinghardt, a Seattle, Washington MD who is originally from Germany. He says many of the same things that Dr Lam says, but he goes to the added step of having people shut off their breaker at night so there's no energy flowing in the wires of the home.  You'd have to be pretty 'motivated' to do that, and he says that the typical American parents of his patients takes three years to take the advise.  The specialty for him is autism / Lyme which are basically same thing, same treatment in this type of 'outside the box' medical field (which has significant and solid researchers I might add)(which I've also included at Lumigrate in topics and links, so keep looking around).  

So these parents ARE motivated, and they end up doing the other things -- diet, supplements and other things for treatments, etc., and eventually do the electromagnetic remediation after they see not as much result as they'd hoped to get for their time, energy and money seeking his advise. And I think these patients lead him to see how significant the EM aspect is, he does not say that but you can conclude that from listening to his presentation/ stories.  He states that he can now ascertain with reasonably good accuracy, what children will develop autism and not based upon information he gets about where they sleep and how much EMF exposure they have when sleeping.  So if we're talking PREVENTION, and things to TAKE SERIOUSLY and ACT UPON, I'd say EMFs is among the things at the top of 'the list'.  YOUsers of Lumigrate know who has the power about wellness -- it's YOU! If you're responsible for decision-making for others, then you have that responsibility. Take it and -- be well!  

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy      


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 13 hours ago.
Katie Singer and Electrical Silent Spring (book, website, etc.)

 Katie Singer is a talented speaker, writer, and clearly now, researcher.  At her website, I found a short video of her doing a presentation at a conference and watched it.  She began in a way that maybe got my attention more than most because we were born in the same year, 1960.  "I was born under bright hospital lights in 1960 ....." and she goes on to describe her mother being blotto from the intervention the hospital did and relates that to how things are overall with society today. 

Soon, as you'll see below, she was talking about the utterly important birds and bees, as you'll see below in the overview I provide from listening and typing up what's up at the interview on this internet radio show at OneRadioNetwork. 

Her new book is titled An Electrical Silent Spring

To get our attention about the health effects of what she does not call EMFs, but EMRs -- smart, as 'radiation' is a little more clear than 'frequency' --she uses the example of a situation at San Diego State's Political Science Dept, where 3 professors and 1 graduate student had all died in a short period of time from a rare form of brain cancer (glialblastoma).  The number is now up to almost 10 who have worked near or in the PS dept at San Diego State.

She details the symptoms the young man had, who had called his mother upon starting there with severe anxiety, which was unusual for him.  It then progressed after much time since he continued to be in that department extensively, 'living there' (I don't know if she meant in the way graduate students almost live at their offices due to the long hours or if they figured out to put people's housing nearby their offices), and then developing brain cancer.  

After his death the mother made her way to the computer and was researching and 'fell out of her chair' when she saw somethign about the cluster at SDS PS Dept, including one graduate student mentioned, which was her son.

(Can you imagine not knowing that people were aware and studying and writing about something that your loved one was just involved in and finding it on a Google search? It reminds me of the day I opened the newspaper about a decade ago, hundreds of miles away from my home town of origin, and reading the name of my first employer whose babies I took care of and watched them toddle, walk and run and play in the five years I provided extensive in-home child care services to this politically active family that lived across the road and up the road a bit, being the core example of a story about the costs of cancer treatment.) 

Karl Riley, author of Tracing EMFs in Buildings, Wiring, and Grounding is a source she suggests for further information about wiring and how to address issues in buildings. 

She goes back a couple million years to relate how the theory that's been proven about the bombardment of lightning, electric energy found in nature, which lead to an oxygenated atmosphere and the building blocks of life. All life on Earth is working via electro-chemical signals sourced in nature.  To eat, walk, think, electro-chemical signals are required all of the time. And the Earth has electromagnetic fields.  With wildlife, bees and birds have cryptochrome proteins ... genetically sensitive genes ... in their eyes which allows or assists  them to navigate.  

Radiofrequency radiation disrupt cryptochrome.  What we see with some colonies of birds is the bees are just missing -- they don't show up. The scientists she has found and support that they are unable to navigate and that is what is causing colony collapse.  There are also cryptochrome proteins in the human body and science has not figured out what their purpose is with humans but they think it has to do with the sleep cycle.  (My thought immediately was what about the pineal gland...).

She talks about the elevation of a person to a radiofrequency radiation source, distance, etc, making a difference.

This reminds me to interject here and suggest people go to the topic I created on another thread at Lumigrate that includes information on EMFs, where I had put a very old link about Lookout Mountain outside of Denver, Colorado which blasted people in the mountains surrounding it and mostly to the west at between 7 and 8 thousand feet elevation.  They mention a school that's obvious from there up a highway but not the school I went to and the community that was my 'homeland', where long ago many of us noticed 'we're all messed up somehow and in various ways --- what happened?'  People who grew up and moved away all had one child in the family they produced with spouses that had serious problems and died, same as the ones that barely were away for college and then returned and hung around to have their families right there where they'd grown up. Initially some seemed like their children were fine but then they'd get to a point in their young lives and they'd have significant problems.

Some of us didn't have children by choice; others of us couldn't have them. I realized once I understood more about my symptoms which started at birth and have been with me for 55 years now, that I would likely have been one like women I've known the last decade or so who reported fertility issues, miscarriages, etc. How heartbreaking.  Thankfully I didn't put myself through that but I also never had a pregnancy detox me either! 

And now it seems the rest of the US and other Western countries have caught up with what I saw in my community of origin, which it is interesting to note is the inspiration for the show "South Park", co-creator Trey Parker was a decade behind me in school.  

I learned in 2004 through a happenstance conversation that our area was studied by environmental medicine researchers who I later learned don't let anyone outside the medical community know what they find.  

Katie informs us that in the early 1990s the FCC took a plastic model of a man of about 200 pounds and filled his head with fluid and gave him a cell phone (of that era, different than today) and after a short period of exposure the fluid had not raised temperature more than two degrees so they deemed it safe.  

"Well, what ya want to do?" was her response to Patrick, the interviewer / head guy of OneRadioNetwork when he reacted to this information.... 

NONthermal effects have been studied around the world but not in the US. American telecom companies will not give their subscriber usage data to epidemiologists.  She then uses the example of the mother who requested a toxicology study of the SDState situation, and in the epidemiologists' report her said 'I don't see any unusual signal strength here"... it's perfectly legal though that is a controversy that what the FCC allows is enormous.  

The amount of radiation allowed for a cellular phone is greater than what can leak from a microwave oven.

Every classroom getting wifi, every student is getting an iPad, so what can reasonable parents do to protect their children?

Turn your wifi off at night when you sleep.  This will mean not having a phone when you sleep for some families.  Get a corded landline. And that means a phone that the only electricity comes through the one line that goes from the phone to the wall outlet where the service is provided.  

Ideal to get the wifi out during the day, but this is a starting point.

In 2014 1:42 boys now has autism diagnosed and reported into the statistics. This is a huge rise from 2012's statistics even.

Turn Wifi off at night for at least 12 hours. Don't let them near any cordless devices... distance of at least 8 feet. Turn electricity off to the breaker box to the child's room's electricity at night.  

Example of a nonverbal boy on a military base who screamed from 10 pm to 3 am. And with therapeutic grade fish oil being provided by the pediatrician with this protocol.

electronicsilentspring.com has the whole report. And anybody can try this experiment / protocol, you do not have to have a known diagnosis of autism in someone in the house to try this. Try it for two weeks she suggests.  

She also said that people with medical implants have been impacted by this.  8-10% of Americans have chosen to have these and are popular ones are pacemakers, insulin pumps, and deep brain stimulators. So hybrid vehicles such as Prius have signals that interfere with the medical devices.  The deep brain stimulators can shut off when the brakes are put on a moving Prius.  (Think about that one, folks!)

Dirty electricity is a term she does not use much because EEs and electricians get upset by the term, as they recognize we can have noise on a 60 hz wire, but to call it dirty confuses them.  It's best to explain to electricians that you're not an electrician.  Denise, a caller calls in, reporting she lives in a nursing home in Texas and is asking about how to protect yourself from 'constant wifi'.  Katie suggests to get a copy of the book or just say to the people in charge, or have them visit her website and she's in the position to educate the people the woman patient lives with.  

She knows people that have paid up to $20,000 to protect themselves with a metal wall to protect themselves from a cellular tower and they didn't know there was an antennae from another direction, so it bounced it back to them.  You'd need constant metering because things could be changing around you, even having a fluorescent light added somewhere.    Metal file cabinets, metal anything can make signals bounce around and direct it toward you and intensify it.  Get informed yourself, become a teacher, and say can we start with having it turned off at night from 10 pm to 6 am and that would be a good start that Katie has suggested to Denise as they hop to another commercial and let Denise get off the line. 


LessEMF.com is who Patrick suggests to contact related to meters, things for your walls .. he's really a smart guy and a go-to guy  BUT Katie pipes up and suggests something else.  Educate yourself, and she thinks her book is an excellent first step and she has an extensive solutions section.  And much of that is on her website (which is free).  Reduce your use of electronics.  Every mile when driving in a car your phone disconnects and reconnects to a new base station, and the phone goes to maximum power to get the signal.  So don't use electronics in a metal box.  

http://www.bioinitiative.org is a resource she suggests. This is what you'll find as a snippet from tabs such as 'do we know enough' and 'conclusions': 




Overall, these 1800 or so new studies report abnormal gene transcription (Section 5); genotoxicity and single-and double-strand DNA damage (Section 6); stress proteins because of the fractal RF-antenna like nature of DNA (Section 7); chromatin condensation and loss of DNA repair capacity in human stem cells (Sections 6 and 15); reduction in free-radical scavengers – particularly melatonin (Sections 5, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17); neurotoxicity in humans and animals (Section 9), carcinogenicity in humans (Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17); serious impacts on human and animal sperm morphology and function (Section 18); effects on offspring behavior (Section 18, 19 and 20); and effects on brain and cranial bone development in the offspring of animals that are exposed to cell phone radiation during pregnancy (Sections 5 and 18). This is only a snapshot of the evidence presented in the BioInitiative 2012 updated report.



There is a panel on the right of her website that has 'packets' for various topics.  Health effects is provided by  Erica Mallory-Blythe you'll see there, a one hour presentation given that Katie highly recommends.  

From her website, as you have to navigate a bit to find what she was asking people here to access:

Please listen to Dr. Erica Mallory-Blythe’s excellent talk, Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children given in the Fall of 2014. Dr. Mallory-Blythe is a British MD. She describes multiple studies that show how exposure to EMR affects children–along with ways we do not yet have a full picture.

Remember EVERY CELL of our body relies on electro-chemical signals to function.  

So it's cumulative and how old you are and how old you were when you got this or that type of exposure starting in your life (or ending).  

Nothing you wear or put on things has been effective in her opinion --- simply decreasing use is the only thing she suggests.  

A lot of people have had dental work that includes metal, and metal attracts radiation.  So this affects everyone depending upon how much metal they have in them. Detoxing is effective and is not easy she says.

On the hurricane on the east coast they did not reinstall landlines, which was a problem for people whose medical devices needed landlines.  Patrick found this very interesting. Landlines are more expensive for companies to install and maintain is where the telecom industry comes from.

What's next in her career, he asks.  She's looking at bigger and bigger pictures and looking at how wildlife is effected by human's use of wireless and electronic technology.  Patrick brings in the GMOs and diet in general and he brings up bats and she's not read any research about bats. He says they're not having a good time.

She thanks people who asked questions. Please pursue your research. We need a lot of researchers here.

Electronic medical records and the use of computers being used in the medical industry now is brought up because you can't have things turned off because the medical people who come in are needing the technology.

her personal website is http://www.katiesinger.com, and then again related to this project, http://www.electronicsilentspring.com/

What is at the topic at the link to this interview: 


Patrick Timpone


Katie Singer

Author of An Electronic Silent Spring

Society receives profound benefits from electronics. Unfortunately, many technologies (i.e. cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi and smart meters) emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that can harm human health and wildlife. Katie Singer’s An Electronic Silent Spring encourages recognition that EMR can harm.

Katie Singer is a gifted writer and has authored a new book, “An Electronic Silent Spring”. The book features fifty physicists, electrical engineers, biologists, MDs, medical implant patients, lawyers, policy makers, mothers and business people who speak about the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health and wildlife. This book is impeccably referenced and includes solutions for everyone from newcomers and longtime activists. It is published by Rudolph Steiner/Portal Books.

“An Electric Silent Spring illuminates how human-made electricity and wireless devices impact bee colonies, birds, cows and human cell structure. It describes actions we can each take to reduce and mitigate the harm caused by the electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile devices. This is an important and thoughtful book for every person concerned about the environment and human health.” -Kenny Ausubel, Co-CEO and Founder, Bioneers 

Show Highlights:

-Katie tells a story of a young man who started having panic attacks upon arrival at University. After years there, with many health problems, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor; his doctor said it came from cell phone use. Turns out there was a cancer cluster in that area of the campus

-Are all cell phone towers created equally? Signal strength and height of antenna make a difference

-Measuring magnetic fields with a cheap radio

-How the FCC determines that cell phones are safe

-What can reasonably be done to protect ourselves from EMFs?

-Some bad news about the Toyota Prius

-Why the worst thing you can do is use a cell phone in a car; Katie explains why

-There are places in the States that no longer offer land lines

and more!

Katie Singer

Visit Website


An Electronic Silent Spring

What is EMR?

 Society receives profound benefits from electronics. Unfortunately, many technologies (i.e. cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi and smart meters) emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that can harm human health and wildlife. Katie Singer’s An Electronic Silent Spring encourages recognition that EMR can harm. This site offers protective solutions for public health and our ecosystem.

Easy EMF Solutions You Can Start Today

Go to her site to see more. .... tons more.....  Mardy




I LOVE LOVE LOVE what her message was, as you can read above.... don't just turn to some guy that has answers and sells stuff.  Buy the book, go to her free website, GET EDUCATED,YOU do the work .....  be a researcher .... then BECOME A TEACHER, aka "activist".. and get those around you making changes about this.  It affects YOU and your HEALTH! Your life depents on it .. or your children, etc.  I hope she and I have made this very clear.

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 13 hours ago.
Schooling by Steve Beddingfield Group Re: Electricity, Protists

The Back-Story/History If YOU Wish to Read

(otherwise, skim down to the grey blockquote box)


Every year with Lumigrate, it seems I have another focus that comes up around the time of the solstice and new calendar year which is the core advancement of the content on Lumigrate overall.  While I work on many other topics and keep up and add to existing ones on other facets about mind, body, spirit well-being (and recovering from / reversing symptoms of being away from the wellness state), there is one thing that is the major 'new favorite thing' for me to present on Lumigrate each year.  

Example, one year it was The UltraMind Solution (fix your gut and your brain will follow), which was a book by Mark Hyman, MD, in which I wove supportive information from Wheat Belly.  Mid-year I was shocked to see massive chemtrails overhead in the skies on the evening of June 1, 2013 and I dove into that 'rabbit hole' which was life-changing.  Mid-year in 2012 I had been asked to get involved locally related to fluoride chemical additive at water treatment plants -- the great fluoride debate, so that became the focus for the later half of that year. But overall THE GUT was a focus going back to 2012 via a new invited expert, Allan Jolly, RPh, ND really driving that home to me in our in-person and by telephone conversations in addition to his writings posted in the forums at Lumigrate which you see today still (as of this writing), but Lumigrate's content of videos included a focus on the gut in our foundational year of 2008 when we were creating content and then getting a website created which launched spring of 2009 finally.  

I remember hearing at a seminar by local ND Christopher Lepisto, about the % of our immune system that was in our gut; it was 2008/2009.  And so it goes, and so it has gone.  Essentially Lumigrate launched with a focus of video seminars by people who all had a "D" after their names -- an MD, an ND, and two PhDs.  I wanted people finding the website to feel like they were in professional hands at Lumigrate, and to feel like we were real people, because we were and still are, just not associated at all together in any clinics -- everyone scattered to play in their own sandboxes essentially.  

While I was on Facebook since 2008 in order to market Lumigrate (and myself, which is actually more PR), I did as everyone does -- connected with those I thought were right to connect with.  I went around to groups and pages and would read what people were writing, and when I found articulate, grounded, non-angry people, I'd invite them to be my FB friend and let them know about Lumigrate.  It was a very innovative website and many people with fibromyalgia diagnosed were thrilled to know of it.  I asked some who were particularly well-versed and seeming to have expertise about how to be a person with a medical problem navigating the realities of the situation to register and write at the website.  I tried to orchestrate people to know of conversation threads and information that would be presented on Lumigrate so we could hold one really good conversation that would then be visible to anyone finding that thread.  

I then reached out to the existing or future professional experts I knew of to ask them to contribute on the threads.  Some were so unfamiliar with website forums, on two occasions with providers I'd worked in the allopathic / integrative medical buildings with, I made appointments to take 10 minutes of time and show them how to do it from over their shoulders at their very busy offices.  Where I knew they were struggling financially with the costs of modern day life, and they were somehow finding 'fumes' of time/energy to help get information out from their wise minds to help people, and naturally to help the people find their way to them as clients and patients/ consumers, foreseeable.  Eventually this proved futile -- they'd have another personal or professional life event occur and their time would go a different route so all that time I'd spent would yield very little results.  

And so I changed my strategy when the country got 'on fire' in December 2012 (which occurred with the we-now-know created 'monkey-business' story of Newtown / Sandy Hook Elementary.  I knew at that time it was the seminal moment.  So I started preparing the content on Lumigrate after that and only related to vaccine injury and vaccine right and overall education did I ask experts to register and write after that point.  

In 2014 I was connecting with a layer of people who had chronic illness identifying with the Lyme disease label and theory, and they were extremely knowledgeable and the Lyme community clearly was getting a LOT done with activism AND the mainstream media was clearly wanting to have the Lyme story reach the public that pays attention to mainstream.  It was in those circles that I saw a charming man named Steve Beddingfield talking with one of those 'movers and shakers', someone I'd also not seen before.  I put in friend requests to both of them and initially chatted with Steve for a while.  He invited me to join his group, Steve's Images, which had maybe 500 people in it at that time (late summer/early fall 2014).  He was sharing a lot of photos of things he put under his microscope and I was just kind of baffled by it all.  I had started on a new trajectory and project for my overall life in June and I was putting in my Facebook time but was focusing on the Lyme story since it was clearly heating up in mainstream and that would drive people to Google and other Search engines and Lumigrate needed to be positioned.  I also was continuing my work about EMFs, there was a topic I'd created about chems and EMs of geoengineering I created in 2013 and then this one in 2014 as you can see.  There was actually a turning point moment when one of my FB friends who has studied extensively about what causes chronic illness because they'd been very ill got into the EXACT conversation that I'm highlighting here, below -- he was saying 'you need to learn about the 'earthing' from another angle, but he said it to the MD who had been also providing a lot of content at Lumigrate in the layer of 2009-2012.  The MD was so offended by someone talking to him the way this well-studied layperson guy did, that he immediately unfriended me without holding a conversation.  This was a familiar 'shocked' feeling I've now had THREE TIMES with MDs who have been very close consultants to me for myself and/or others additionally.  What's WITH these doctors behaving like this.  Ugh.  

Well, as the saying goes about every door that closes leads to another one opening is so very true, and to look at it logically and not even with a spiritual angle to it, I basically had more time in my Facebook time to see what these really savvy non professionals had to say.  Some of them maybe have horses in the game (money to be made) or they have something in the works they're not revealing, that has been my sense from time to time.  But many are simply part of the growing army of people who have been ill and used their tools and abilities to find solutions and reverse symptoms, and they want to contribute to others in that process and help 'heal the world'.  

So I wanted to provide this comment thread added onto this topic in this forum so that people would become aware of the resource provided by Steve Beddingfield and his group.  I only reveal his name on anything on Lumigrate and I give credit where credit is due to them.  He and the et al. gals, as I call them, all seem totally sincere in they simply want this information to get out to people.  There's a problem in educating people on these topics as word spreads and I feel something I can do is to pick the highlight conversations and distill them and put them on Lumigrate as a resource for those in the group if they wish, or to others simply finding the topics on-line OR hearing about things directly from me in my work consulting with people. 

And so, with that setup, here's what happened in 'school' in the last week related to EMFs via the headmaster Steve Beddingfield (and one of his et al.'s plus another group member who has a particular take on EMFs and grounding which was actually similar to the MD FB friend and Lumigrate contributor I referred to, above.  You'll see in my information I provide from David Stetzer, developer of much about EMF remediation and testing, that we're cautioned and educated by him as to how the grounding products and information often is problematic.  By the way, you'll see in what I provide for him if you look for it (remember our Search bar for keywords) that he studied discharging people using a small piece of regular ol' aluminum foil... but please do your homework and decide what YOU think, same as you'll see there are a variety of opinions about what these people in Steve's group thought too. 

NOTE: Bolding is added by me to help YOUsers see what I think are the more pertinent things and I also edit to make it more readable if the writers didn't use best punctuation and etc..... 


Steve: Protists from inside us use electricity to capture spores, bacteria, plastids for filling up their empty interior. This tiny amount of powerful electricity is magnified heavily by our huge load of these protists.  If one does the protocol (Mardy's note, Steve's protocol, which is provided at Lumigrate for anyone who is interested), the EMF issue is resolved. Its the molecular level that must be considered, the formation of cells is influenced by tiny somatids and on up to larger protists. But cell formations with protists bring electricity into our bodies, which isn't supposed to be there. I agree that many sources of magnetic electrical energy influence them, but we can rid ourselves of the problem, the protists and their electrical membranes, when the bad plant material leaves our organs.

Member: "Steve, I definitely agree (formation of cells influenced by somatids, etc), and unnatural formations/protists welcoming ("bringing in") unnatural energy. Yet if our 'body electric' were in it's perfectly natural/normal state, these unnatural frequencies (and what they're deeming "NON-ionizing radiation"...which has been *proven* to shatter DNA) would still affect it/us adversely. These frequencies/EMF/Rs are also a problem with which to contend ...so I thinks we agree"

Steve: (MemberGal, name removed by Mardy), while I can appreciate the research, it's other sciences that intrigue me, glad you've learned it, and yes I can see your point. We need to talk more. What are your basic concerns? Not with electricity, but biology.

MemberGal: "Steve, you n' I could talk for months (years maybe) and not have shared all we've each learned (nor all the hypotheses, conjectures, theories & suppositions from the knowledge bank). My basic concerns? Oh dear, I guess they could be summed up foundationally as the continuing accidental/intentional genetic manipulation & mutation of all life forms on the planet, and the ensuing issues & symptoms thereof. Biology/energy - can't be separated. I'm just doing my best to learn more regarding the issues presented here, help someone with a massive fluke issues and post occasionally on the 'general stuff' when I've got something beneficial to add. Don't mind me unless I say something wrong - then please (do!) let me know.  "It's what we learn after we know it all that counts" (John Wooden)"

Steve: "LOL, and yes to your statement regarding life forms morphing, this is my big interest, for I have gone through quite a metamorphosis myself. This bacteria of choice (Mardy's note: cyanobacteria) can enter any matter that holds DNA, from rocks to skin to food and water -- all animal life. But there's so much it can do that we know little about, perhaps it could hold medicine, but not until its out of my body for a while.  If we could easily put in the body and easily remove it, then it could be modified to be medicine. Changes are usually uncomfortable but then when they are in place, they can be beneficial.  Sometimes .... most of the time."

MemberGal: For those with 'inquiring minds' (regarding EMF/Rs, the effects on DNA, formation of cellular stress proteins and much more)... http://www.bioinitiative.org/.../sec07_2012_Evidence_for...   

A video she suggests: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SqDCQaiF1M as a quickie example of how EMF/Rs affect iron uptake in cells, she says with the share. 

And she refers people to BioInitiative dot org with this: *Everyone* is adversely affected by EMF/R's...whether they can discern/feel it or not (or whether they have a burden of unwanted micro/macro critters n' pathogens) -- the smallest of cells to the largest of organs/systems *are* adversely affected.

Here is the most current/complete source of valid info (but there are hundreds of other studies & research that are more recent or haven't been included: http://www.bioinitiative.org/

WHAT IT COVERS: The science, public health, public policy and global response to the growing health issue of chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation in the daily life of billions of people around the world. Covers brain tumor risks from cell phones, damage to DNA and genes, effects on memory, learning, behavior, attention; sleep disruption and cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. Effects on sperm and miscarriage (fertility and reproduction), effects of wireless on the brain development of the fetus and infant, and effects of wireless classrooms on children and adolescents is addressed. Mechanisms for biological action and public health responses in other countries are discussed. Therapeutic use of very low intensity EMF and RFR are addressed. 

WHAT IS NEW: This update covers about 1800 new studies reporting bio-effects and adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields (power lines, electrical wiring, appliances and hand-held devices) – and wireless technologies (cell and cordless phones, cell towers, WI-FI, wireless laptops, wireless routers, baby monitors, surveillance systems, wireless utility meters (‘smart meters’), etc.

*The BioInitiative 2012 Report has been prepared by 29 authors from ten countries*, ten holding medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MsC, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three former presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and five full members of BEMS. One distinguished author is the Chair of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation. Another is a Senior Advisor to the European Environmental Agency. Full titles and affiliations of authors is in Section 25" http://www.bioinitiative.org/

And she routes people to earthing.com for products she believes are helpful with remediating EMFs, an adminGal, and one I have come to rely upon for the last half year almost for a lot of information clarification contributed what I would have to the thread --- and said this:

AdminGal: "Really investigate from only the best sources of information before installing any grounding equipment. According to Curtis Bennett ,grounding technique in general will actually draw more EMF toward your home and body as the rods, etc tap into the underground electrical grid even in rural areas. The electrical blankets merely bounce frequency around the room unless fully enveloping the area and all electrical devices and currents to the room are disabled by the circuit breaker at night." Link posted: http://thermoguy.com/dr-hildegarde-staninger-interviews.../

WiFi, wireless devices, Bluetooth technology, close proximity to cell phone towers, wearing cell phones on the body, and smart meters are the biggest contributors to poor health. With this link: http://study.com/.../kingdom-protista-definition...

I/Mardy would add to this that cordless phones have been cited as creating just as much problem as most bases and handsets are communicating at all times, the recommendations of the experts I have provided at Lumigrate on EMFs such as Deitrich Klinghardt, MD and Mr. David Stetzer have specified getting brands of cordless phones that only transmit when the phone is actively being used for conversation.  You'll still get the blast when using the phone or in the area but it won't be all times 24/7 as with a standard DECT phone.  

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy

Here's a link to the topic at Lumigrate that is in the environmental wellness/illness forum, which can get people routed very easily to the forum about activists, the Internet, Facebook groups, etc. where I put the topic about Steve, his images, his Facebook group and his protocol.  Or naturally just use the search bar.




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

This forum is provided to allow members of Lumigrate to share information and ideas. Any recommendations made by forum members regarding medical treatments, medications, or procedures are not endorsed by Lumigrate or practitioners who serve as Lumigrate's medical experts.

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