SWIG: Safe Water Is Great -- Our "Official" Statement

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Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Safe Water is Great (SWIG) is a group of citizens from the Grand Valley of western Colorado (USA) concerned with the health effects of drinking water obtained in our area, striving to have clean, safe drinking water for our residents, visitors, livestock, and pets. We are similarly concerned about the impacts of water treatment and distribution on the Earth/environment, and on topical application of fluoride to teeth, with our primary focus being the safety of water utilized by people for their or their animals/pets/livestock's consumption through ingestion (drinking) and applications to the skin such as showering and bathing.                                                                                                                                                                   

SWIG Founding Members Jim Kennedy (DDS), Mardy Ross (OTR), Kevin King, Jeff McCloskey (DC). Photography by Ronda Hummel, assisted by Dominic Jones.

Background: SWIG was founded in the summer of 2012 by three health care professionals and a water quality/treatment specialist, Kevin King. The providers are Dr. James (Jim) Kennedy, DDS/holistic dentist of DentoCranial Therapeutics, Dr. Jeff McCloskey of New Life Chiropractic, DC/chiropractor), and Mardy Ross, OTR/founder of Lumigrate, a health education business focusing on functional and integrative medicine using a collaborative care approach utilizing many disciplines of medicine, conventional and complementary. Doctors Kennedy and McCloskey joined other local and national health experts providing content at Lumigrate to reach the world-wide following in 2011 and early 2012, respectively. 

All of the SWIG founders live and have our businesses in Mesa County/Grand Junction and are proud to call this area 'home'. There are many components to safe drinking water, and the members of SWIG are appreciative of the very high quality water obtained by the entities in our area responsible for proving water to area consumers. 

Our concerns related to health care are centered on our geographic home, but extend beyond the boundaries of our own city or county which is how the providers came to collaborate on various wellness topics through Lumigrate.com, to reach out via the Internet, which has served thousands since it's start in 2009.  The SWIG group believes Lumigrate can serve to educate both the local and world-wide consumers about the important issue of safe water related to wellness.  

We were initially drawn together related to safe water/water quality for wellness over our mutual concerns for the lack of education surrounding the long-standing practice in many communities of fluoride being added to the water at treatment plants.  Our area is served by four water entities for household use: Ute Water, the City of Grand Junction, the City of Clifton, and the Town of Palisade. Recently, Palisade has stopped adding fluoride and there was some debate and they maintained their cessation.  

"The Great Flouride Debate" has been going on for a long time in the United States, and it is probably safe to say that it may never be universally agreed upon overall in the United States or locally. In the US and Canada, the Flouride Action Network reports major progress at eliminating fluoride in water supplies: In the past year, they confirmed at least 40 communities have ended fluoridation for more than 2 million residents, including major urban areas such as: Pinellas County, Florida (pop. 700,000) Albuquerque, New Mexico (pop. 500,000), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada (pop. 140,000), College Station, Texas (pop. 100,000), Fairbanks, Alaska (pop. 80,000).

Our call to action:

Locally, Palisade Public Works Director Frank Watt was reported in the Grand Junction Sentinel in May of this year* to make the following statement, creating debate in Palisade and "calling us" to meet and form SWIG.

“My job is to make safe, clean drinking water for the town, and the addition of fluoride does not make the water safer or cleaner.”  

“Let’s say it’s better for your oral health ... There are a lot of other nutritional deficiencies out there for which I’m not adding anything to the water. An informed public can make decisions on their own health.”

Our intentions with SWIG related to fluoride are simple:

To provide streamlined, valid information and education through a variety of opportunities and means, so the public can be informed related to fluoride in general related to dental/tooth health, both from our vantage point and the conventional point of view.  We will concentrate on fluoride being added at water treatment plants, but there is information included related to the topical application 'debate' as well, for those who wish to also decide for themselves which toothpaste to purchase and use. Information about the risks of professional application of fluoride to teeth is included in our materials here at Lumigrate, but we defer consumers to consult with their dental providers about that aspect of their medical care and encourage all involved to research and make an informed decision about that aspect of their medical care, looking at the consumer's overall wellness and their individual situation. 

We are taking this approach because there is an overwhelming amount of information to sift through on the topic which, to the average person, is extremely difficult to ascertain what sources are valid and not.  We are, therefore, proving the 'distilled version' of our research which we believe to be the most valid, in a streamlined way, in this area of Lumigrate.com, as we do many other topics we educate the public about. The more we met and discussed, the more we were challenged ourselves with the vast amount of information in just this one 'little' area about health! 

So if you are seeking more information and education, please look for the topics created by our medical experts by Searching at Lumigrate on 'fluoride', navigating with the link at the top of this article, or following the link at the bottom of this article for the section "Supplementing What You Eat and Drink", which contains all our materials about fluoride and health, water and health, and the 'story' of SWIG. 

Our concern surround fluoride's impact is on the health of the thyroid gland in particular, and we believe there is convincing evidence to consider which indicates fluoride in water being ingested for the past half century in many areas has contributed to the obesity epidemic which impacts the health of many millions of people in the United States and beyond.  

Additionally, the form of fluoride added to water at treatment plants is not the same form which is normally found in water, and the education we provide at Lumigrate presents this in more detail for those who wish to read and investigate further. Other information we provide and believe is valid and worth considering is about fluoride's effects on long-term bone and tooth structure and those effects on overall health and well-being and associated direct and indirect costs.

We also plan to survey the opinion of people in the area as well as those reached through Lumigrate.com outside our geographic area, and provide the people we reach with educational support if they wish to become more informed.  We forsee this being an ongoing process and as we have acknowledged, above, there won't be total agreement, but we hope procedures will yield to what makes the most sense for our community currently. 

Individually and as a group, we are providing numerous sources related to fluoride, including those which we don't personally subscribe to with our personal opinions, and we believe people will help extend the reach by printing or otherwise sharing and circulating the information with people they know who might be interested in learning more and potentially changing their health and that of their community members by having the discussions and working together to also further education and create change if the community members are in agreement.

Our experience educating patients and the public over our decades of professional experience as medical proivders has resulted in people often shifting their opinions about supplemental water fluoridation. They also often change their opinions about fluoride in toothpaste: There is an increasing market share of fluoride-free toothpaste, and the boxes essentially state "since many people want the choice to not have fluoride, we provide that option".  On the brands' box for the fluoridated option, a warning related to keeping it out of the reach of children under the age of 8 is required because fluoride is a toxin.  You will find details of this if you review our topics here and the links we provide for further, quality, investigation.  

We believe those who wish to continue the practice of ingesting fluoride can do so through individual decision and action, just like anything else which a person has an appreciation for related to health and wellness. Individuals who wish to supplement fluoride internally/systemically can opt to take pills and drops which are inexpensive and are of a superior, pharmaceutical quality compared to the form that is massively fed into the water treatment plants. 

It is important to note more accurate dosing would be achieved by individuals taking fluoride pills or drops, as the dose of fluoride a person is consuming if it is part of their water supply is dependent upon how much liquid they drink using water which has been fluoridated. Many people 'don't like water' and drink other prepared and purchased beverages they purchase outside the home. Other people believe in drinking copious amounts of water -- so you can see how relatively few people would, today, be getting the amount of fluoride that has been considered beneficial in the past when the plants in question started adding it to water. It simply makes no sense to provide a supplement in something which people vary so greatly in quantity consumed! 

It is indisputable that Americans' consumption of liquids, water included, has shifted drastically since the initiation of fluoride supplementation into the public's water supplies was initated, going back to studies and "thinking" of the 1940's. We have included an overview of the history of this aspect in our resources at Lumigrate as well. This thinking was, in our opinion, a strategy which no longer applies and can simply be stopped

Many people filter their water through reverse osmosis devices which utilize resources of time, energy and money in order to remove fluoride. Simple and inexpensive carbon filters will remove the chlorine molecules, which also have different negative effects on the body in our opinion, but chlorine, is clearly necessary in our opinion for water to remain safe from bacteria from plant to tap in the long pipes which also can be breached and allow contaminants into the water.  

Carbon filters are ineffective on the fluoride molecules, unfortunately, and thus it is very costly for people who do not wish to consume the fluoride added to water. Some people choose to purchase and install reverse osmosis systems for their homes, and others haul bottles to and from stores which sell water put through reverse osmosis, while others have bottled water delivered to their home. All of these result in high costs per household.

In today's challenging financial times, a line item which can easily be eliminated from treatment plant budgets is the expense of adding a chemical at the treatment plants to 100% of the water, when only 0.5% of the it is consumed. This is a point worth considering even for those who believe this form of fluoride is beneficial to wellness and health.

Our primary concern related to health and wellness with fluoride supplementation is that it competes with iodine in the body, and iodine is absolutely critical for thyroid, ovarian, hormonal health, and for its role in preventing cancer (through normal cellular apoptosis). 

Lastly, in the United States, we do not perform other mass-medication using our water supply as the delivery system, fluoride is a unique situataion which has it's origination in the 1940's.

In summary, considering

  • the substantial concern over fluoridation by increasing numbers of people due to the documented toxicity of sodium fluorosilicate, the form currently added to Grand Junction’s water supply which is different from the fluoride found naturally in safe, quality water
  • the disability of having dose tied to the amount of water with flouride added consumed, and inability to control individual dose despite varying individual factors such as age, health, etc.,
  • many members of the community do not wish to ingest and "systemically" be supplemented nutritionally with this form of fluoride or fluoride of any kind besides what naturally occurs in water, and are forced to purchase expensive filters, bottled water either at the store or delivered to their homes and businesses, which are then disposed of or recycled, or transporting bottles to and from reverse osmosis machines in stores, tallying about a gallon per household consumer per day. 
  • These filters and bottles are often difficult to manipulate for smaller or less strong individuals, many of whom have become educated in order to benefit their wellness/illness situation, and it contributes to hand, wrist, and arm injuries as well as the overall body and spine as many people try to manipulate 5 gallon bottles which weigh over 35#.  There are ways to compensate which are more costly and time-consuming, and most people are not aware and educated about those strategies and become injured and risk their personal safety. 
  • only 0.5% of the treated water treated is being ingested by people; approximately 99.5% of water utilized by consumers ‘goes down the drain’ to the waste-water treatment facilities after use for toileting, showering, and washing of dishes and clothes, or is used to water landscaping and gardens.
  • and for the other reasons mentioned in the research cited or linked-to in our accompanying consolidated education, which we link to below, ..... 

.... please join us in focusing on the goal of restoring clean, safe water to ALL resident of the Grand Valley, and leave the medication up to the individuals, physicians and dentists under a restored policy of freedom of choice as to what we put into our bodies. 

In health,

SWIG Founding Members ~~ Jim Kennedy, D.D.S, Kevin King, Jeff McCloskey D.C., Mardy Ross, O.T.R.

Relevant Links

* Source: GJ Sentinel: http://www.gjsentinel.com/news/articles/palisade-water-without-fluoride (Note: Subscription required to utilize this website but they have free short-term subscriptions).

Articles related to fluoride at Lumigrate.com by James Kennedy, DDS and Jeff McCloskey, DC where we route you to our 'top picks' for further education, along with other regionally and nationally recognized health experts, as well as my topic about water and wellness in general:www.lumigrate.com/forums/preventive-medicine-concepts/nutrition/supplementing-what-you-eat-and-drink

Our #1 TOP Pick to link out from Dr Kennedy and Dr McCloskey's articles is for Gary Null's website information about fluoride with our suggestion to pay special attention to the first six pages which covers the history of how water fluoridation came about as an outgrowth of businesses during the industrial revolution seeking to minimize responsibility for fluoride toxicity.  It should be an eye-opener to anyone who researches this for themselves.


Note from Mardy: At the above link, related to "The SWIG Story" so far, we have covered the founding members coming together in May of 2012 and discussing their concerns and knowledge about fluoride's effects on various aspects of the body and "health", meeting in person and creating a name/acronym and mission statement, then moving forward to educate and reach people both through the Internet platform of Lumigrate.com and our various social media tools.

In the next week we will follow the 'dress rehearsal for "SWIG and Discuss over Dinner", as we move forward to responding to the interest of local people concerned about health and water safety and quality by creating desired opportunities for in-person discussions and presentations.  

You can see the entire information by Searching at Lumigrate.com on "SWIG". We hope that the "story" and educational materials we provide through Lumigrate can help any other concerned individuals in communities beyond our direct reach to learn and similarly create community-based groups to promote awareness and increase the health safety and quality of drinking water.

Thank you for joining us, learning, and if you do so, helping spread the word.  ~~ Mardy   


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Dr Jim Kennedy DDS's picture
Dr Jim Kennedy DDS
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Frequently
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Re: SWIG: Safe Water Is Great -- Our "Official" Statement
Good job Mardy, on compiling all this information. It states very well the purpose of formimg SWIG and what we plan to accomplish.

Dr Kennedy moved to Grand Junction in 2003 with his wife, Liz, a registered nurse.  Previously, he had practices in Detroit and Denver.  He has limited his dental practice to the treatment of TMJ dysfunction, dental orthopedics and orthodontics, and the fabrication of dental appliances for snoring and sleep apnea.  Office phone: 970/242-1900; Website: www.dentocranial.net

His pieces on Lumigrate can be found in the forum related to things of the head in the section related to chronic pain, fatigue and fibromyalgia at http://www.lumigrate.com/forums/health-issuesdis-eases/head/.... Please also refer to The Cranial Academy for providers in your area who have similar treatment approaches at: http://www.cranialacademy.com/

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Thank you, Dr Kennedy/Jim .... Jeff McCloskey SetUp4Success!

I appreciate that, thanks! As you know, we're making time to be involved with this effort on top of all the other things we have going on in life. To give credit where it is due, beyond the initial dinner discussions we all contributed to learning and forming our opinions in order to go forward educating others, I was greatlly aided by another communication prepared by Dr Jeff McCloskey (DC) which I just 'put the spin on' for the purposes and application here at Lumigrate.  

Collaboration.  Synergy.  Teamwork.  Many hands, light work.  This has been a really outstanding group to work with, and I appreciate what each person 'brings to the table' each time we get around a table, and how SWIG is 'moving forward'.  Onward and upward! 

Live and Learn.  Learn and Live Better! (as I always say when signing off) ~~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Dr Jeff McCloskey DC's picture
Dr Jeff McCloskey DC
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Frequently
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An Integrator or an Instigator, THAT is the question. Thanks!

Great job! Thank you, Mardy, for all your efforts in coordinating our project.

As you said, the four of us have each brought different ideas and skills, and the whole is definitely greater than the sum of the parts.

As far as our written documents, I also was really more of a "integrator" of everyone's ideas than a "writer".  

I am looking forward to a future of greater awareness and community involvement on the question of "what do we want in our water?"


I appreciate the opportunity being part of the "Grate Groove of the Grand Valley" provides. Being part of the forums here at Lumigrate.com helps educate and reach out about chiropractic approaches to health care, in my case. I'm finding that eading and commenting on other pieces, and vice-versa, creates a "virtual educational and networking/connecting tool" for our region and 'beyond' -- as far as the Internet reaches! I hope people in other areas search to find similar providers nearby as well. I enjoy doing face-to-face public presentations about health topics in Grand Junction/Valley, Colorado, USA area as part of my outreach as well. Please follow the link below to our website and call or contact us with any questions. If you don't see an upcoming seminar, call us, it might not be added to the website yet. We also offer a free pain relief test to anyone interested. This free test is an easy way for you to know if you are suffering from meningeal compression. You can learn more at http://healthinstituteco.com/

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 2032
User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Update through 2014 for Fluoride Activists Anywhere / Colorado

Thanks to a Grand Junction activist for tagging my name onto a conversation thread with a Facebook / FB friend who lives in Illinois who stated they'd never done any kind of activism and they wanted input / support / suggestions from their FB friends.  

So I'm adding on this comment today in order to set the Grand Junction up-and-coming 'star' activist (if I'm guessing correctly) up to provide information that she and her FB friend can look at together, as well as anyone else AS THIS THREAD HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT, and the other topics in this forum about SWIG and fluoride (topics on how we got started, how we did the name, how we did the photograph, how we did the dinners to get people around the table learning back in 2012 when this was relatively un-known by most people, even health-oriented/concerned that just hadn't learned yet about fluoride).  

I frequently dedicate a day of work to someone and today it is to this Grand Junction activist.  Thank you for so many reminders, including that there's some history from 2014 to add on here! 

In Grand Junction there is a group started by young activists who are open and welcoming to others joining them.  The two peas in a pod that are at the center of the group have been friends since they were in elementary school and they had a group of friends that collected and stuck together even after graduation and with some going to university, others not.  I call the group the 'young rabel rousers' because they so far have kicked the can around a bit to see what names work and don't for the group and have not yet found THE name for their group.  

I was connected to them after they reached out to Jeff McCloskey, above, not because of his being on Lumigrate, they were not aware of Lumigrate -- apparently they'd not Searched on our city and 'fluoride' in a way that they found the information I provided here. But Jeff is leadership (and became president) of the county's patriot group, hence they contacted him, and he contacted me JUST in time for me to make it to a meeting with the city attorney that one of the YRRs had initiated.  

I wanted them to know what SWIG had done in 2012, so it was efficient that I could download what was of value to the city attorney and to the YRR leader.  Then there was much more to relate so I went to one of their meetings.  Then as a class project he presented in paper and orally with a slide show format and video in it and etc, about fluoride.  

I then connected him with Jim Kennedy and we met for a short time so they in-person knew each other, and Dr Kennedy agreed to help with technical mentoring.  I also connected YRRs to a resource about presentations who would be a good one to pass things past after a kinder, gentler audience got ahold of them speaking about the subject.  We found in 2012 that you have to practice on people who are going to be kind to you first in asking questions and get your answers and information 'down pat' before you start presenting to increasingly difficult audiences.  This can be a real mud slinging thing because of the monkeybusiness, as I call it, with the system wanting to keep things status quo and the techniques they use to get at people who are going to stand up against them.  This is difficult, I'll be honest, because so few people today have brains that can process at that level for that kind of public discussion AND be successful at the 'debate'.  

It's not an 'experience thing', it's a biochemical brain 'thing', in my opinion (and to some extent many of us were NOT politically active and now are waking up and wanting to be so we don't have that 'stage experience' so to speak.) I was heckled mildly and thankfully responded well and nipped it in the bud at my Berkeley presentation (which ended up never being produced and why that is has me a bit questioning if that was another example of things being buried and intentionally not funded by The System in order to keep information from getting out. I finally really learned this occurs, and FREQUENTLY, through my study about the fluoride story. The level of corruption has never been so high, everyone says that today, including me!

At the time I presented in Berkeley at the chronic pain conference (which had a sponsor from BigMedicine equipment), I had not been told about 'shills' or 'paid trolls' and one, I believe, came to the conference. He was being disruptive in a sly way, talking to people with chronic pain and telling them he was a chiropractor and then showing them on the wall at the side of the seating area what he does with people hands-on! Then for my presentation he sat down as I told him I wouldn't allow him in the area doing that as I walked to the podium, and then he asked me what fibromyalgia was.  I just said that Dr Teitelbaum was the keynote that evening and he'd thoroughtly explain it, it's basically a problem with the nervous system going awry that causes pain and fatigue symptoms AND went back to my presentation. 

My notebook was also stolen that was on the table display area they'd given me since I'd paid my way there (and back), which had all the powerpoints for all the videos on Lumigrate and what appeared to be DVDs but they were just the covers not the actual DVDs. And it was in the time I was not at the table and was presenting. The heckler had left just after my presentation (it was a small conference).  So I suspect it was he who took it and later I came to realize that was perhaps a paid troll I'd just thought was a chiropractor who was a heckler and without manners or common sense in not touching people with chronic pain without having them sign a waiver.  Yes, I had a long way to come in terms of learning the way the world works in terms of being 'outside the box' hoping to educate people about what's in the box and why outside the box has some real solutions they might want to look at.  

So I have tried to use this hard-won experience to mentor in what ways I can, these young rabel rousers and anyone who wants to do the heavy lifting on this activism locally or at a distance.  But I let them do the heavy lifting at this point in my life. Other middle aged activists have shared the same thing -- we don't feel like we can do the higher priorities of taking care of ourselves, our homes, our families and then have the energy to do the activism like we did when younger.  

The young rabel rousers, in 2014,  decided that for our city's way of doing things it was best to see if they could get someone elected to City Council so Clint announced just after New Years that he was running. The election is in April.  They naturally can use support ... time, energy, money are resources for campaigns, same as for a person each day, or any system such as a family or business.  And they can be an inspiration and people can learn from what they encounter.  I will update this information as I become aware of new developments. 

I've met a lot of people along the way who have said they want to be involved about fluoride, and the problem is many younger people don't so much do Facebook ... but there is a Facebook page about fluoride in (our city name).  Many people haven't even thought to search Facebook, when I talk with them, so I suggest ANYONE do that and join whatever groups you find.  

However, my FB contact from Durango who I met due to geoengineering concerns is where I have gotten a lot to add to the story about flouride, so thank you Luke! In short order (under a month) in the fall of 2014, fluoride went from being added as 'forever' to being stopped due to an activist.  Between Grand Junction and Durango (which is in the far SW corner of Colorado) is an area where three towns get their water from one plant.  In 2014 there was a story in Natural News that Mike Adams, the self-appointed 'health ranger' had apparently gotten fluoride chemical analyzed to see what is in it -- the stuff like would be purchased today by any plant.  

In a nutshell what I heard was that the plant in the US that used to provide the chemical was damaged in a weather-related event and not rebuilt and so once all the supplies on hand prior to that were used up, the only fluoride in the world to purchase is coming from China. And so that was what was analyzed and had heavy metal contaminants in it.  

Someone in the area between here and there where Luke is took that info to the organization that supplies water to three towns and cities in that area and WITHING ONE MONTH they'd made the decision AND stopped feeding fluoride at the plant, did the press release, announced it to the consumers and etc.  This is an area that had activism in years past, because Dr Kennedy (holistic DDS who was in SWIG and created content you'll see in this forum as well as others (about TMJ and sleep apnea) had mentioned driving down there to speak at something another activist had organized -- prior to when we started meeting in May of 2012.  So sometimes it takes a little while for things to go from the first activist scratching the surface of a topic to another one 'hitting it in'.  But we're all in this together, we're all important and have something to do with each change that occurs. 

Here's what Luke provided to the Durango newspaper about the situation north of him/south of me. This is the link he provided on August 13, 2014 to an article on the website of his local paper asking for FB friends to also comment.  Rather than my doing that step, as I'm not in Durango, I looked over what he had provided and found something that had been put out from another source that was incorrect and he'd re-used that information, so he got that updated and resumbitted. I happened to know the status of Aspen, Colorado's fluoride situation. 




I'm excited for the Code of Ethics, and I expect water fluoridation to be a high priority topic for the Board of Ethics to address. Let's look to the board members of the P7 Water Authority for the ethical approach to water fluoridation.

Adam Turner, Manager of Project 7 Water Authority, stated, “We can no longer obtain sodium silicofluoride that is manufactured in the USA, with the only supplier being China. We are not comfortable with the long-term quality control of the product we would be adding.”

John Harris, Public Works Director for the City of Montrose, who also sits on the P7 board, said, “I’m not willing to take a risk on a Chinese-based project.”

Their concern is justified: “We now have irrefutable scientific proof that the sodium fluoride used in U.S. water supplies is contaminated with toxic elements, heavy metals and other elements which have radioactive isotopes... The presence of these elements in water fluoridation chemicals cannot be refuted by any informed person, as the evidence is easily confirmed by any competent laboratory running ICP-MS instrumentation.” – “Fluoride used in U.S. water supplies found contaminated with lead, tungsten, strontium, aluminum and uranium”, Natural News, July 29, 2014

Expressing concern with poor/non-existent quality assurance and quality control issues with Chinese manufactured products, the P7 Water Authority unanimously voted to cease fluoridating the water effective July 31, 2014.

Let Durango be as wise.

sources: http://www.thewatchmedia.com/uncompahgre-tap-water-no-longer-fluoridated/ andhttp://www.naturalnews.com/046227_fluoride_heavy_metals_contamination_lab_test_results.html
 The "Sodium Fluoride Coarse", Material #68222, added to Durango's water is sourced from Hunan Heaven Materials Development Co., Ltd. in Changsha, Hunan, China.

source: "Certificate of Analysis", dated March 4, 2014, provided by Dave Ferguson, Water Treatment Superintendent, Utilities Department, City of Durango

I've been privately messaged via fb for further evidence of P7 ceasing fluoridation.


Also, Lisa DelPiccolo, CMC, City Clerk, City of Montrose, emailed me, "...fluoridation has been discontinued in the Project 7 water supply that serves the City of Montrose and surrounding area. A press release was issued today:

Change to Public Drinking Water Treatment Process

Montrose, CO - On July 31, 2014, the Project 7 Water Authority (P7) stopped supplementing fluoride in treated drinking water. The City of Montrose distributes P7 treated drinking water within its water district and wishes to inform customers of this change in the water treatment process..."



PROGRESS HELPS FUEL US ALL! How to deal with the frustrations of activism --- Pep talk time.

Activists can get frustrated because the process is much like growing food.  You have land that's had whatever growing on it for a long time (ie the person and their belief systems, habits, knowledge).  An activist comes along and wants to grow something to eat on the land.  They have to first scratch the surface, then deeper and deeper, and then dig in and sometimes add something to the soil.  

Sometimes time has to pass a bit if you, say, sprinkle manure on it .. everything has to 'break down'.  Then you can plant a seed.  And water it.  Make sure there are no weeds competing (in this analogy that would be like speaking to someone who has an agenda to misinform or is misinformed and doesn't realize it BUT they have some connection that people think they're credible .. their family member is in the industry promoting whatever information, etc.).  

And so you might be dealing with scratching the surface -- you might be the person that for the FIRST TIME tells someone about fluroide's 'other side of the story'.  I've had people so disbelieve me they were actually disrespectful, but it's because I'm 'bursting their bubble', or threatening that .... 'my government wouldn't be doing something that's not good for me, my dentist wouldn't have been telling me misinformation' -- this has occurred with people I know well and for years!  

I find it much easier to talk with people who you don't have as much or any history with in terms of health promotion concepts. Getting close to someone or being close to someone makes it an added layer related to boundaries, people creating their realities, etc. Which is sometimes what the person is needing to work on / learn. The more you love or feel responsible for someone, the harder it is to see them making decisions differently than you would make.  And that pushes your mind/behavioral and spiritual growth.  So be appreciative of it. 

So if you're an activist getting frustrated with not seeing results from your actions, consider changing your approach or just letting things sit for a while and then trying the same people again after more time has passed.  In Grand Junction so much education went on from 2012 to 2014 on social media and otherwise that it's a MUCH easier ballgame today with fluoride information.   

Think of it as a long process and we've been raised and trained to get instant gratification, moreso the younger generations that had public education when they went to everyone getting awards for everything in the short run not so much focused on the log run.  The reality is that the number of people who are well enough in body, mind and spirit for sustained activism is making it so there are not a lot of people to share the work.  

Hence, progress is slower than expected.  But have faith (spiritual aspect) in whatever you believe in, and you'll likely see that shifting a lot as well.  I trusted that things would come about when and with whom was supposed to be involved, and I was VERY frustrated when Newtown happened and so many things seemed to instantly fall apart that were the groundwork I'd been working on.  But I shifted to my spiritual belief system and went on. And I'm seeing that I was right.  But that's my reality with my perceptions. Yours will be your own.

When I asked Luke to be in a group about some topic of concern to us mutually, he was on a spiritual 'bent' at the time and interested in that at the time.  Others were taking breaks from Facebook and then came back online and were refreshed and renewed and figured Facebook wasn't what they'd been scared about from the information going around. (On other subjects I've been into heavily in 2013 and 2014 (and early 2015). 

The importance of doing your homework

I really suggest if you're a serious activist starting out, taking the time to look over the resources I provide at Lumigrate that my expert colleagues have also put a lot of time into; we did it so others in our footsteps would have QUALITY information to provide and to learn from. I have updated it from 2012 as well if I saw really relevant information.  Naturally other online information will be good too, but this is kind of 'turn key' with what was working in 2012 with SWIG. 

LEARN SOCIAL MEDIA and if you're naturally good at it, you'd be the ideal person to 'do' the social media aspect.  Someone taught me that you are on social media what you were in school.  And I've found that to be some of the best simple (and free) advise I ever had about Facebook.  Here's a link to the podast I created in 2011 utilzing the local (award-winning) business incubator center director and emerging media specialist talking about Facebook / Social media for forwarding information causes.  The example we used was health information in general -- which fluoride certainly is.  It's an enjoyable listen and I think people will learn from it.  (That's why I created it, after all! LOL)  www.lumigrate.com/forum/facebook-and-social-media-fun-marketing-locally-worldwide

AND MAINLY: it's a whole new era with the only fluoride additive being produced by China, which is what I had heard from reliable sources and read, etc.  Whether anyone considers Natural News totally 'clean' in terms of who's behind their information is on an individual basis.  I would guess that any organization buying fluoride would take info presented by a person that is citing Natural News and then validate it with their own study of the chemical additive they have or would be purchasing.  

At any rate, a large section of Central to SouthWestern Colorado today is not having to mess with getting the added chemical out of their drinking water because of the contaminants that are allegedly found now in the only product that can be purchased.  It totally changes the way the process needs to go, compared to it's the US-made product that was just the fluoride chemical and not the contaminants.

(I even wonder if this is a way that the industries can get out of the fluoride thing 'diplomatically' without anyone ever having to go more into information about the harmful effects of it with the research that came out in recent years.  That is how mercury was being solved was worldwide connections about the environmental aspects and NOT the health aspects in the US were going to be what was going to take down mercury in the dental industry without them having to admit fault.)  

I believe Jeff McCloskey had stated on a thread about the young rabel rousers running for office that he's on the bandwagon for the term fluoride-choice, rather than pro or con / anti.  I'd say the same for myself and we tried to make the content here reflect that. I did the same about vaccines --- do your homework, decide what you think, make a vaccine plan, stick to the plan or revise it with consideration, etc.  

Another important element: Considering how many people are now in the money-making of gadgets or products to get fluoride out of the water being consuming it or using it on vegetables, etc., they're going to be having less of a sales-angle if the fluoride is not added anymore.  

Hence you might see activists who get active about fluoride to raise awareness in areas that add fluoride, but then don't actually get active as activists doing something to get the real work done with the organizations to get them to stop.  In Grand Junction I didn't initially see that and then I'll caution people with their Facebook groups because if someone has started a FB group who is selling a product that addresses fluoride, that's maybe not the best investment in time to be utilizing their group on Facebook if you're going to actually be going after having it removed.  Get to REALLY know those you're getting involved with, because at first they might not reveal all their plans and reasons for doing what they're doing. That takes time to come to the surface.  And then go from there. 

I hope this was a thorough enough and also succinct enough overview to update anyone reading with what I know about this aspect of wellness and the change we're creating today, together.  There are a LOT of aspects and so I put the time into the topics at Lumigrate and some on Facebook and then live, so I again underscore that if you are an activist and take the hours to read what we have at Lumigrate, you're going to be getting a LOT of experience related that would take longer for me to related it verbally.  

I did that with the local rabel rousers and it it was approximately 20 hours of time talking on my part and each of their parts.  Had they read the information I'd suggested it would have been a couple of hours of their time, then maybe one hour or two for discussion. But not everyone likes to read, or does best reading, or has the attention for that kind of time and project.  And today a new activist getting involved in this said to me "you already told me this story" and I thought "I know, so why has my way of dealing with people changed".  I realized that I've found that people increasingly don't retain the information that they hear and so you don't know if they're going forward having 'heard you'; in one of the latest meetings with the rabel rousers I found Dr Kennedy telling them things I'd said in the very beginning that sounded like new information to them.  They're overwhelmed with texts, messages, .. information overload.. and that actually is making progress happen differently than before we were all 'connected' with technologies.

Again, progress is slow, but there IS PROGRESS! Thanks for being on the path to health and well-being with me and Lumigrate on this one! 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! ~ Mardy (and drink better water!) 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

Mardy Ross's picture
Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago.
Dr Brand in NYC has excellent info re: fluoride in water, cookin

 I recently learned of Dr Brand, a Manhattan, NY dentist who has gone to the 'right side' with holistic and integrative dentistry.  After having Lyme disease take her health down, she 'got over Lyme' but then wasn't yet well until she did other things related to detoxification and energy medicine, which she then incorporated into her dentistry practice.  She authored a published a book that sells for only $5 in paper, less electronically, about health recovery and it's apparently made very simple.  Then she recently co-authored a second book with her daughter who I presume is who has done the outgoing message if you call her number and get the voicemail, as I heard them BOTH on the interview at OneRadioNetwork.  

This is one of the BEST articles I have seen (and it's very new) about fluoride in the water and at the bottom are links to fluoride and cooking and other things.  I suggest you go. And I hope this additional comment 'bumps' this topic to the top of the list in this forum and we keep the NEW information going and reinforcing what so many of us want. Get the fluoride out of the water.  But do your continuing education about what is the best way to be consuing and using water on our bodies, it's getting more complicated all the time the more we learn. And I bring it to YOUsers as soon as I can.  Find my topics about cyanobacteria, algae, keywords such as that to Search on at our or any search bar. 


As I frequently do in order to show YOUsers what's at a website I want them to FURTHER explore for all kinds of topics, I'm going to transfer her what is at the link related to water, there are two other really great topics so far they suggest for fluoride information seekers and tons of other great stuff. So please take a trip on the link and go see what it's about! 


A Fluoride Anniversary


It has been 70 years since the United States first started adding fluoride to the municipal water supplies. Many legal battles to remove this toxin from our drinking water are in progress, but still this noxious chemical endures as a staple in our daily diet. 
Most   developed nations in the world have rejected fluoridation, including  97% of western Europe. The United States, which fluoridates more than 70% of its water supplies, is an exception to this rule. According to the British Fluoridation Society, there are more people drinking artificially fluoridated water in the United States than all other countries combined. That last bit of information can really make you think. 
So, after 7 decades of fluoridation, what are the statistics? 
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “as a result [of water fluoridation], dental caries declined precipitously during the second half of the 20th century.”  And they have all the statistics to back this up. 
Percentage Fluoridated Water vs. Number of Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth  
GO TO THE LINK THERE IS A GREAT GRAPHIC --- SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control (1999)
What the CDC failed to mention is that tooth decay rates have “precipitously declined” in all western countries, regardless of whether the country ever fluoridated its water or not. And since most (70%) western countries do not fluoridate their water, and yet their tooth decay rates have declined at the same rate as the U.S. and other fluoridated countries, then the fluoridation variable cannot be the determining cause. 
This fact can also be quickly demonstrated by examining the World Health Organization’s (WHO) data on tooth decay trends in each country.  The following graph compare the tooth decay trends in western countries with, and without, water fluoridation.
As you can see, the number of decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) has continually declined in the last 40 years regardless of water fluoridation.
As I have written before in my previous posting on The Flaws of Fluoride, studies have shown there is no benefit from ingesting fluoride. Topically, on the teeth, fluoride can help harden the enamel preventing decay. But so can other techniques that are more biocompatible to the body.  (See Oil Pulling post.)   
Fluoride is not  an essential nutrient. This means that no human disease – including tooth decay – will result from a “deficiency” of fluoride. But the harmful effects of over fluoridating are many, as previously pointed out in The Flaws of Fluoride.  
Moving forward, one has to continue to take extra precautions in removing this useless poison from our drinking water.  I know I will. 

If you like this post, you may also like: The Flaws of Fluoride 

                                                                 Cooking with Fluoride?





Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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Water to Go, Grand Junction, Colorado (North Avenue E of WalMart

When you walk into Water to Go in Grand Junction, Colorado, you see a nice assortment of health products, some related to water and others not.  And then you see palates of water with labels on them for area businesses who are using them to give to customers.

You also see various plastic water bottles for various brands which have numbers written on them; this is the TDS, or total dissolved solids. TDS is something I've learned was what a person shopping about water quality should ask companies to produce, and evidence of the test, if it's not posted on their website.  The EPA allows up to 500 parts per million pounds of water, which breaks down to 500 pounds of 'stuff' in the water that could be removed per 125,000 gallons. Their water is 1-2 parts per million pounds or 1 or 2 pounds per 125,000 gallons. 

I'm so glad that I was Mardy PopIns-ing for someone who had purchased, a while back, several three gallon containers, a stand and a crockery dispenser for water so that I could encounter Tom Guido, owner of Water To Go on North Avenue for the past 14 years.  His brain is good at multitasking, and he was so kind and pleasant to everyone. I'm really glad I got to see his store and hear his story. 

He happened into the business opportunity when it was in it's first year, shopping for a part for a water filter and at a time the founder had encountered some issues (orthopedic problems) preventing continuation of 'doing' the business. He was managing a local ski area at the time, which was being bought and he'd have been out of a job, so he sold his condominium and bought the business. And went from being part of frozen water being used for recreation to liquid water being used for it's primary purpose with human function. His clear desire for people to be educated in the way he leaped in to education with me, is admirable, and infectious! I would imagine his business is succeeding today because of it .... as well as the overall increase in people being aware about water quality. 

I had known of Water To Go for a long time, but didn't really know where they were located.  I'd initially encountered another company that delivered reverse osmosis water when I moved to the area 11 years ago, but had preferred 'artesian' with minerals.  I would prefer to drink what was the closest thing to what our bodies are used to drinking was my thinking. So I ended up getting a Colorado-based company to deliver to my home and business over the years when I had space I was in charge of.

And since I shop at grocery stores and natural food grocery stores which have reverse osmosis water for between a quarter and 41 cents per gallon, that's what I've done also.  It's become part of my life to be thinking about having safe water to consume, same as many people are thinkin' ahead about if their beer fridge is stocked.  

If anyone is thinking about the added cost of water that is safe to consume, let me encourage you to think about it in terms of what other things cost.  I got 12 gallons of water today for less than a bottle of wine, or about what many people spend when they stop at a coffee shop or to pick up a six pack of beer.

I was amazed to see the flow of people who came in to quickly get their bottles refilled.  Tom seemed to know many of them, and casual, friendly short conversations ensued. A conversation about Dominos, as in the chain that is known for it's pizza delivery and carry out, ensued with one woman who came in with another gal; Tom related what he knew about the businesses changing what they're providing to be more full service and dine in. 

He was similarly knowledgeable about water, which he was eager and excited to talk with me about. I'm going to go back and continue the conversation, because it was so busy with the constant stream of customers.  Most had a few smaller bottles, one man had about five of the larger, five-gallon bottles.  Many had pre-paid cards that were easily checked off.

And Tom then pushed the carts filled with water out the door if the customer wanted.  I preferred to carry mine in two batches, I've rather gotten to liking the arm exercise.  I have a five gallon container for my water transportation, but I only fill it with three gallons as it's good exercise without my overdoing it.  He was talking about how many deliveries he and his employee had today, it totaled over 50, perhaps because of the holiday yesterday.  

I had the opportunity to ask a couple of customers what got them going there.  Awareness about water quality was the key. One buys ice there ($1/bag) because it and the water are 'the best tasting' she knew of.  A man had been made aware about water quality due to a multi level marketing company he is part of which used to sell a device inexpensively that would remediate tap water problems, but they stopped with that product and he wanted to continue consuming safe water. 

I noticed a machine on the outside of the building which can be used as well; it reminded me of what had been outside a liquor store before roadwork and competition in the area drove the closure; it was easiest and faster than hauling bottles into a store and taking up your cart instead of groceries. I was sad to see that unit not end up somewhere else.  

The water that is provided inside has quite a process it goes through, and he explained it very well to me.  I was curious about if he sold any ozonation devices, as I've had several people in the area interested in purchasing the ones that are used in the 2015 focused-upon protocol for reversing health symptoms (or maintaining ideal wellness).  Water high in oxygen because it's been ozonated can leach plastic's toxins increasingly.  When one ozonates water, it has to be in only glass or stainless steel, not plastic. One waits for the ozone to dissipate before putting it in anything but those types of containers.  

The answer on that from Tom was that EPA sets a limit on the amount of O2 they can have in water, which is 2.0.  With 'the protocol' people are using distilled or reverse osmosis water and then ozonating it. They call that pure water once it has the added oxygen out of it.  Before that, when it's high in ozone, it's called oxygen water by some, and people are drinking that first thing in the morning (or other times) because of it being an empty stomach and not having to contend with what kind of supplements or foods would be interplaying with the oxygen in the gut.  Antioxidants will be affected by oxygen.  Minerals will oxidize. This is very important. 

There's a lot to having 'ideal' water; getting water 'safe' is made very easy and affordable for those who go to Water to Go; added bonus if you're there when Tom is. There's a lot to learn about water, it would seem initially it's an easy subject but there's a lot to work through to become proficient about it.  

One thing that I'd been told by the sales reps at one of the larger companies that I got water from in the past was they filtered their "artesian" water in order to get the right mix they wanted.  It made no sense to me about size of things and filters that have to catch things bigger than a certain size but not smaller that they can select out some of the smaller undesirable things but leave in some of the larger but desirable minerals or chemicals.  I guess that is a common issue, Tom was 'right there' with a response and education about that. 

The person I was helping as Mardy PopIns had wanted minerals in water, per what they'd learned from those influencing them, who they trusted.  They'd purchased some sort of filter contraption that would select certain things out, allegedly.  Not wanting to store (for emergencies) water that was without minerals, they had filled the bottles with the filtered tap water, which is from Ute Water (I checked on that to be sure I knew who was providing water where). Two of the four bottles grew a lot of algae eventually. 

Tom said that years back, Ute water started adding ammonia. He said it was four years ago, but this information he related was what Dr Lepisto had heard in 2008/2009 and related at a seminar I attended and 'helped put on'.  This mixes with the chlorine and changed the bubbling out ability of standing water for ridding it of chlorine, which people who cared about their health or fish or whatever had done previously (if they were not concerned with other things in the water, and that would include fluoride being added).

I was so pleased to see someone who was so educated, knowledgeable, and clearly wanting to relate and eduate.  THE RIPPLE EFFECT is something I like thinking about and talking about but it's even more fun when it's WATER we're talking about the ripple effect reaching. 

I hope he's also willing to learn what I've learned in the last year about cyanobacteria and algae in the water, from my cutting edge far outside the box resource I've included this year at Lumigrate, Steve Beddingfield. I look forward to furthering the conversation. 

Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better, Mardy




Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
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August 4, 2015 Article from Dr. Mercola as Gov. Reducing Now

 I highly suggest taking the link to RealFarmacy dot com and reading what Dr. Mercola provided there about the US government now recognizing the amounts they set previously causing damage and now reducing the recommended amounts. It's a short but thorough overview of the overall and reinforced many of the key points, such as it's a medication being administered without an ability to dose as it is tied to the amount of water consumed. 


It's good to see the activism of people, including people learning and doing differently in combination with those more 'pushing buttons at city hall', adding up to change in the right direction on this issue (in my opinion).

Live and learn. Learn and live better! ~ Mardy


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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Mardy Ross
Title: LumiGRATE Poster - Top of the Totem Pole
Joined: Feb 16 2009
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Jim Marrs' How Safe is Drinking Water? A Trillion $ Conspiracy
Jim Marrs recently passed.  This is something from the link, below, which is a frustratingly difficult version to read of Jim Marrs' book The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy.  I'm going to trust that people finding the snippet from this to encourage purchasing a copy of the book -- the old fashioned, easy to read, paper copy (unless you really love electronic books)(I don't). 
It was the fluoride issue and providing it on this thread in the past which took me from being where I was (thinking it was an honest mistake that something so harmful was in our water) to believe more .... like Dr Kennedy, above, Dr, McClusky, above, and Jim Marrs, below.  And at that point I purchased Jim Marrs' book about occulted history -- hidden from view history.  What a great use of the word occulted. 
RIP Mr Marrs.  I truly had it on my bucket list to make it to something someday and meet you in person.  In the mean time, I hope I'm giving tribute appropriately AND truly hoping the people finding Lumigrate might learn of you from this, or be encouraged to purchase your work and support your legacy (and family in your absence). 


Controversy over the addition of the chemical sodium fluoride to municipal drinking water supplies has raged since the early 1950s. It was a time when Nazi scientists were being settled within the United States under the
auspices of Project Paperclip.
The Reader’s Digest Oxford Complete Wordfinder defines fluoride merely as “any binary compound of fluorine.”
But fluorine was defined as a “poisonous pale yellow gaseous element of the halogen group.”
Charles Eliot Perkins, a prominent U.S. industrial chemist, was sent by the U.S. government to help reconstruct the I. G. Farben chemical plants in Germany at the end of the war. In 1954, he wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, stating that he had learned that the Nazi regime had used sodium fluoride as a means of “mass control.”
“I want to make this very definite and very positive,” Perkins wrote. “The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth.... The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty. Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of
fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of brain tissue, and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him....
.....I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years’ research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of ‘fluorine.’...Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically.”
Most people do not realize that fluoride is a key ingredient in Prozac and many other psychotropic drugs. Prozac, whose scientific name is fluoxetine, is 94 percent fluoride. Though fluoride purportedly prevents tooth decay, it only has been shown to affect decay in children under twelve.
Today, two-thirds of all municipal water and most bottled water in the United States contain sodium fluoride. Fluoride is a poisonous waste product of aluminum manufacture that accumulates in the human body. The use of aluminum cookware has been strongly linked to Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys a person’s memory and ability to learn, reason, and make judgments.
A Christian Science Monitor survey in 1954 showed that seventy-nine of the eighty-one Nobel Prize winners in chemistry, medicine, and physiology refused to endorse water fluoridation. Nevertheless, every U.S. Public

Health Service surgeon general since the 1950s has supported putting this rat poison ingredient into America’s water supply. 

The experts cannot decide where the truth lies in the fluoride controversy. Virginia dental surgeon and nutritionist Dr. Ted Spencer wrote, “A few years ago, I was asked by the head of our local health department to conduct a review of existing journal research on the toxicity of fluoride with emphasis on its cancer causing potential.

I went to the National Medical Library and produced for him some 40 articles on the toxicity of fluoride. When we reviewed them, there was some discrepancy in whether or not fluoride was mutagenic...half of the articles said that it was and half said that it was not. But it cannot be both ways.... We wondered what was wrong.”
Spencer discovered that fluoride has been banned in European nations such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark,
Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, France, and the Netherlands. It is especially interesting to note that West
Germany banned the use of fluorides in 1971, a time when it was still heavily occupied by Allied soldiers.
“Apparently they could no longer silence the German scientists who had proved that fluoridation is a deadly threat to the population,” wrote Eustace Mullins, a former Library of Congress staffer and World War II veteran who wrote numerous books on conspiracy topics including medicine, finance, and politics.
Despite Europe’s bans, America continues to pursue fluoridating all water supplies and ignoring studies like
those of Dr. Dean Burk, the chief chemist emeritus of the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Burk stated, “In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.” Dr. Perry Cohn of the New Jersey Department of Health discovered a correlation between osteosarcoma—a principal childhood cancer— and fluoridation.
After creating a 2005 survey in seven New Jersey counties, Cohn found the incidence of osteosarcoma in boys under the age of ten was 4.6 times higher in fluoridated areas than in nonfluoridated areas. The incidence of cancer was 3.5 times higher in the ten to nineteen age group and over twice as high in the twenty to
forty-nine age group.
Studies indicate that every major city using fluoridated water has experienced an increase in the rates of cancer. “Not a fair trade for good looking teeth,” commented Dr. Spencer, adding, “All allopathically-trained dentists are very familiar with the ADA [American Dental Association] and other ‘authoritative’ positions on fluoride. They rarely mention its toxic potential or the few studies revealing increased tooth decay after fluoride use.”
Spencer also referred to studies that suggest fluoride causes unscheduled DNA synthesis, sister chromatid
exchanges, and mutagenic effects on cells. “These terms may not bother some people at all, but they mean that there will be an increase in cancer after the ingestion of fluoride," Spencer wrote.
Although each person must decide for themselves the dangers of fluoride, Spencer did point to
several studies with convoluted titles that conjure images of grotesque science experiments: “Sodium Fluoride-induced Chromosome Aberrations in Different Stages of the Cell Cycle,” “Chronic Administration of Aluminum Fluoride or Sodium Fluoride to Rats in Drinking Water: Alterations in Neuronal and Cerebrovascular Integrity,” and “Toxin- Induced Blood Vessel Inclusions Caused by the Chronic Administration of Aluminum and Sodium Fluoride and Their Implications in Dementia.”
Given the massive amounts of money being paid by thepharmaceutical corporations to the corporate mass media, it is highly doubtful that many Americans will learn of the results of these studies any time soon. The entire history of fluoride in America is one of deceit and conspiracy.
In 1946, a Wall Street attorney and former counsel to the Aluminum Company of America (now known by the acronym Alcoa) named Oscar Ewing was appointed by President Truman to head the Federal Security Agency.
Ewing became in charge of not only the U.S. Public Health Service but also the Social Security Administration and the Office of Education.
Congressman A. L. Miller, a physician turned Republican politician, accused Ewing of being placed in a
highly paid position by Alcoa, a Rockefeller syndicate, to promote fluoridation. Miller stated, “The chief supporter of the fluoridation of water is the U.S. Public Health Service. This is part of Mr. Ewing’s Federal Security Agency. Mr. Ewing is one of the highly paid lawyers for the Aluminum Company of America.”
Other opponents were less kind. Leaflets handed out in New York City boldly stated, “Rockefeller agents order
fluoride-(rat-) poisoning of nation’s water. Water fluoridation is the most important aspect of the cold war that is being waged on us—chemically—from within, by the Rockefeller-Soviet axis. It serves to blunt the intelligence of a people in a manner that no other dope can. Also, it is genocidal in two manners: it causes chemical castration and it causes cancer, thus killing off older folks.  ....
...This committee [Ewing’s study of fluoride] did no research or investigation on the poisonous effects of water
fluoridation. They accepted the falsified data published by the U.S.P.H.S. [U.S. Public Health Service] on the order of boss Oscar Ewing, who had been ‘rewarded’ with $750,000 by fluoride waste producer, Aluminum Co.”
Suspiciously, it was also reported that Ewing told fellow senators not to drink fluoridated water.


PLEASE LOOK FOR JIM MARRS' BOOKS WHEREVER YOU OBTAIN BOOKS, and consider purchasing The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, or another if it seems to be more 'where you are at' right now with learning on these fronts. 


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lumigrate and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at Lumigrate.com as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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