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Taking the printing presses and cash registers by storm most recently is Grain Brain by David Perlmutter. I'd first become aware of it on Facebook, but saw the cover displayed at the impulse aisle/waiting area where the lines form at the ever-popular Natural Grocers (formerly Vitamin Cottage). read more »
Going 'round the Internet, I saw via social media, is an article titled "Is Roundup the Cause of 'Gluten Intolerance'? read more »
- 3343 reads
Lifestyle has so much to do with wellness. Activities you do. What you eat and drink. Everything you are doing is affecting YOU (being body, mind and spirit). read more »
I initially created this topic about healing the mind and body on Martin Luther King Holiday, which is in January when there typically are people 'resolving' to make changes, often about the aspect of wellness that has to do with what we eat and drink, or 'diet'. read more »
- 11169 reads
Again, we know there are many people who do not have access to watching this important show today by Dr. Oz who can benefit from the information so we watched it and have partially transcribed and then highlighted the details of The Hidden Epidemic: When Bloating is a Sign of Something Toxic. read more »
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I established two areas for starters here in the Nutrition area of the Forums on and now have modified things a bit so am hoping to catch people where they are looking. Please know there is a general 'Nutrition' area for everyone no matter if they have food allergies or eat a particular way, and it has all kinds of recipes from people, and mostly from before they became aware of food allergies and changed how they were eating OR they did modifications to make them healthier if they knew those concepts already. They were very popular in the fall of 2009. That read more »
Celiac Disease: "IBS, IBS, IBS .... it's BS!" (Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Dr. Oz Today)
Again, we know there are many people who do not have access to watching this important show today by Dr. Oz who can benefit from the information so we watched it and have partially transcribed and then highlighted the details of The Hidden Epidemic: When Bloating is a Sign of Something Toxic. read more »
- 9688 reads
- Mardy Ross's blog
I'm establishing two areas about food allergies for now, this one and "Food Allergy Cooking - Recipes" (so please deposit recipes in THAT area). This is intended as a place for those of us who have found our way to learning about food allergies to talk about it. How did we figure it out? How do we deal with it? And then if we have a recipe, say 'I'll put that recipe for air cake over there in the "Food Allergy Cooking - Recipes" section here at (Grins). read more »
- 1328 reads
I'm establishing two areas for starters here in the Nutrition area of the Forums on
This one is for Recipes and Cooking tips, etc. The other is "Food Allergies - Our Experiences", which is a place for all of us to record (or others to read) how we found out about our food allergies, our processing of that, and what we've learned. How do we cope? What happens when we aren't coping? Etc.... The more you contribute, the better it is for ALL! read more »
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