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My Christmas Message for 2011 - Tradition! Framily! Acceptance and Growth.
Last week, I made a trip over the snowy, Colorado Rocky Mountains to visit people before Christmas. Half to visit friends and fun, and the other half to visit friendly colleagues and have some fun while meeting about various mutual interests. I got to thinking that I visited with Catholics, Protestants and Jews on my trip. I am GRATEful for my father's having insisted on the atheistic approach, although my mother and grandmother slipped in some of their Christian beliefs here and there. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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What factors make some topics so hard to discuss? Do you get frustrated when you try to make improvements and you just get resistance to any new ideas? Are you tired of starting a conversation and having it turn into a fight?
What can make for tough conversations? Talking to your elderly parents or spouse about needing more help in the home? Talking about long term financial needs with your siblings when one parent has medical issues? Starting to discuss what will happen when aging parents are not safe at home? read more »
I received my newsletter from Foods for Fibromyalgia / Deirdre Rawlings the other night in my email and wanted to at least post up what it says in order to encourage you to join her website and receive this directly. They keep continuing to evolve into a wonderfully diverse and helpful tool, covering body, mind and spirit, I believe. I asked "Dr Dee" if people can obtain these from the website if they are finding it in the future, and she responded "A new visitor can obtain a FREE copy of my newsletter under the Newsletter archives section -- under FREE stuff! read more »
Today I wanted to write about families' understanding of fibromyalgia based on my recent experience. This year my parents will celebrate 50 years of marriage. What an amazing accomplishment and I know it hasn't been easy. The "kids" talked about how to honor this and decided to all go to a cabin in a beautiful area of Ohio for a few days to just enjoy each other. Well, this past week we did this and wow, what a beautiful time we had. read more »
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Reflections on Easters Past and Present -- and Earth, Quakes and All!
As I sat down to write here, I was alerted to the news as there was a significant earthquake in the Baja peninsula near where the US/California border is with Mexico. For the magnitude and depth that has now been updated, it's surprising there appears to be limited serious implications for life and limb. Many covering the news were off for Easter celebrations, causing the news channels to be a bit struggling for coverage I heard one report. read more »
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- Mardy Ross's blog
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This area is inspired by the suggestions and requests of people today using ... some of which I have not had the pleasure of personally meeting yet and ONE which I have the the pleasure of saying was one of my former patients prior to her moving away. At the time this real-world person was working with me, Dr. read more »
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